Rose Alexander Harkness. Alexandra - Princesse de Luxembourg is an aristocratic rose created by Kordes for a princess. Description of appearance and characteristic features

Rose - amazing flower, which, without a doubt, many gardeners would like to grow on their site. There are a great many varieties of this flower, and sometimes it can be very difficult to choose which one to plant on your site. In this article we will tell you about a beautiful rose called Princess Alexandra.

The full name of this variety is Princess Alexandra of Kent, English name– Princess Alexandra of Kent. This is a shrub variety that was bred in the UK not so long ago - just ten years ago. As you might guess, it was named after a certain Princess Alexandra of Kent, who was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II of England. Despite the fact that Princess Alexandra was bred in distant England, she was able to win the hearts of flower growers around the world.

Although the universal love for this variety is absolutely not surprising. The bushes of these roses grow quite large - up to a meter in height and a little more than half a meter in width. Their leaves are dark green and huge pink flowers stand out very clearly against their background. Roses are up to 12 cm in diameter, their petals are painted in a delicate mother-of-pearl color. There are both single flowers and several rosettes collected in inflorescences. In addition, the flowers have an extraordinary aroma with characteristic tea notes, to which lemon and blackcurrant notes are later added.

The Princess Alexandra rose blooms profusely; under favorable conditions, the bush is literally strewn with roses. That is why many gardeners choose this variety to decorate their flower garden.

Planting a variety

Before you start planting, you need to decide on the place where your beauty will grow. The most favorable situation will be on a hill, where groundwater do not come close to the surface, and the plant itself will be reliably sheltered from the cold wind. In addition, these roses prefer a moderate climate - sunlight they need it, but there shouldn’t be too much of it. It is better to choose a place for planting in such a way that during the hottest hours of the day the plant is shaded from the sun, but in the morning and evening it will gladly receive sunbathing. It is important to choose a place right away, since it will have an extremely negative impact on this rose.

These flowers prefer slightly acidic, saturated soil. nutrients, waterproof and breathable. Best choice will become black soil or loamy soil. If the soil is not very fertile, fertilizers and additives can be used (depending on the soil type).

The hole should be at least 70 cm deep, it is recommended to put a drainage layer on the bottom, sprinkle fertilizer (humus or compost) on top and cover it with earth (this way you will saturate the soil, but the roots will not get a chemical burn). Next, a seedling is placed in the hole, its roots are straightened, covered with earth and compacted. After this, water the rose bush.

Bush care

Caring for this rose is not much different from caring for other roses, so let’s take a closer look at its main elements.

Watering. This variety is quite drought-resistant, so there is no need for frequent watering. However, in summer you need to slightly increase the frequency of watering, since in the heat the soil will dry out faster. After watering in mandatory it is necessary to loosen the soil, since the crust that forms after the procedure prevents the supply of oxygen to the roots of the plant.

Feeding. They are usually applied after watering in liquid form. Required in different seasons different types fertilizing IN spring period please the rosette with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (this will speed up its growth and help the formation of young shoots). In summer and autumn, it is recommended to use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers so that the plant gains energy after flowering and before wintering.

Trimming. The first pruning is carried out in the spring, cutting the shoots to 2-3 buds. This greatly facilitates the process of proper crown formation. IN summer time this procedure is carried out in order to remove all wilted flowers and damaged shoots from the bush. In autumn, remove all dried and excess branches. Pruning is also carried out in order to protect the bush from the attacks of various diseases, since with a large density there is a high risk of fungal diseases. But timely pruning will help prevent this.

And finally: be sure to trim with sterile instruments!

Shelter for the winter. With the arrival of cold weather, make sure that the rose survives the winter frosts. The shoots are covered with earth, spruce branches are placed on the laid shoots, and a frame is installed on top, additionally covered with lutrasil. This way your plants will receive Fresh air, and at the same time they will be reliably protected from the cold.

Reproduction by cuttings

The optimal flowering option for this variety is cuttings. Cuttings are obtained from mature bushes as soon as the first wave of flowering has passed. The branches are cut, kept for a day in a special root growth stimulator, and then rooted in the ground. All qualities of the variety will be preserved with this method of propagation.

Video “Roses: planting, pruning, propagation”

From this video you will learn about planting a rose, its pruning and propagation.

The rose "Princess Alexandra of Kent" came from David Austin's nursery, which means that this variety, as befits such a name, combines the charm of old English forms and bright modern colors. Our summer residents fell in love with it not only for its beauty, but its cold resistance and resistance to many diseases make caring for the plant easier.

The variety, named after the cousin of the British Queen, was created only in 2007, but it has already won the hearts of rose lovers on both sides of the ocean. It belongs to the re-blooming scrubs; the bush grows up to 90 cm high and 60 cm wide. Against the background of dark green foliage, large (12 cm in diameter) double cup-shaped flowers of pink pearlescent color stand out clearly; they are single or collected in small inflorescences, under the weight of which the branches bend slightly. The color is unusually pleasant, warm, more saturated towards the center, and the outer petals are slightly lighter. These flowers have an equally amazing smell: the traditional tea aroma as the bud blooms acquires distinct lemon notes, and then blackcurrant notes.

Enough in summer compact bush sometimes it’s simply strewn with flowers. Large bright flowers, consisting of large quantity petals (about 100) never look sloppy, classic shape antique English roses makes itself felt. The bush looks great from all sides, a small group of 3 plants looks good; roses of this variety are often planted in the foreground of complex multi-tiered flower beds.

Video “Roses of Austin”

From the video you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about these roses.

Landing place

English roses prefer a temperate climate, they like the sun, but not when it strongly burns the delicate petals.

The place for “Princess Alexandra” needs to be chosen open, perhaps slightly elevated, to eliminate the possibility of stagnation of water and cold air. It’s good if the sun illuminates the rose from the very morning and evening, but at the hottest time of the day it would be better if it fell into light shade.

The place should be well ventilated, but the bush should not be in a draft. This rose, like all David Austin varieties, does not like transplants, so it is advisable to choose the right place.

The soil

The soil needs to be nutritious, slightly acidified, breathable, and not retaining excess water; black soil or loam is perfect if it is improved with fertilizers and peat is added.
It is important that groundwater does not rise closer to the surface than 1 - 1.5 m. It is advisable to regulate the acidity - add peat to alkaline soil, and lime or at least wood ash to too acidic soil.


A hole for the rose is prepared deep, at least 70 cm, a drainage layer is placed at the bottom to avoid stagnation of water, then compost or humus is placed, and a pile of loose garden soil is poured on top. The bush is placed so that the straightened roots are placed on the slopes of the earthen hill, and the root collar goes 3 cm underground.
This ensures that there are no shoots growing below the grafting point (although varieties from David Austin are famous for not producing wild shoots), and saves the vulnerable grafting site from cold and heat. The roots are carefully covered with loose soil, compacted around the bush and watered. Experts advise dipping the roots into a clay mash before planting.

Roses from this nursery are always grafted onto a proprietary rootstock; they form a strong root system, the length of the main root can reach one and a half meters, so the bushes do not like transplanting.

After planting, young bushes take a long time to get used to a new place, they do not need to be allowed to bloom for the first year, only in August you can leave one bud at a time and let the seeds ripen, this will make the plant stronger and prepare it for the dormant period.


In the summer, sanitary pruning is carried out, damaged leaves and shoots are removed, and fading flowers are cut off. In the fall, excess shoots are removed, and the main formative pruning is carried out in the spring, when living buds are already visible.
Remove frozen shoots or tops of branches, shorten all others by a third to form a beautiful bush.

With the arrival of cold weather, the bush is covered.
The shoots are covered with earth to a height of 10 cm, spruce branches are placed under the bush and on the laid shoots, and a frame is arranged on top, covered with lutrasil and film, so as to leave the possibility of ventilation. In spring, the cover is removed gradually.


"Princess" reproduces well by cuttings. Branches for cuttings are cut after the first wave of flowering and rooted in the ground. Own-rooted plants retain all the characteristics of the variety.

Video “Care and reproduction”

From the video you will learn how to properly care for and propagate roses.

Bright buboes roses Sasha (Sasha) They bloom with lush buds of a scarlet hue, bringing a whirlwind of emotions into the garden. Small but very charming buds captivate with their abundance and rare shape.

On the stem roses Sasha a lush brush of coral-colored buds with many pointed petals, up to 40 pcs., is formed. The buds are cup-shaped and miniature in size, so the diameter when dissolved reaches only 4-6 cm, the aroma is soft. Gives contrast to the bright buds of dark green leaves. Distinctive feature this rose is enclosed in almost continuous flowering throughout the season.

Bush height roses Sasha reaches 70 cm. The bush is spreading, wide, it is recommended to plant at a distance of 50-60 cm. It is in a group planting that this rose looks best, although its effectiveness is guaranteed even when planted alone. Combination of contrasting colors with rose Sasha emphasizes the splendor of the bush.

Root system of rose seedlingSasha (Sasha) To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, so your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy rose seedlingsSasha (Sasha) You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

In this article we will talk about a rose dedicated to the Princess of Luxembourg. It was in honor of Alexandra, or rather on her 18th birthday, that in 2009 the Kordes company presented to the world a variety of modern spray roses called Alexandra - Princesse de Luxembourg (Alexandra Princess of Luxembourg). Although it was introduced into culture 9 years earlier (2000) under other synonymous names - KO 00 / 1379-12 or KORjuknei. For all its qualities, this rose deserves to have such a name. And it is actively used in the design of a variety of areas.

Characteristics of rose Alexandra – Princesse de Luxembourg

Modern bush rose Alexandra - Princesse de Luxembourg (Alexandra Princess of Luxembourg) demonstrates nostalgic romantic flowers, painted a somewhat coolish (aristocratic) pale pink color. The petals are collected in a cup-shaped rosette and there are so many of them (at least 70-80) that this makes the center of the flower seem more saturated in color. With age, the outer petals actually become lighter - almost white, but with a light and soft pink tint. The flower size is large - on average 10 cm in diameter. The flowers are collected in racemes - 3-7 flowers in one, but there are also “singles”. Rose blooms the tides, but also between them can appear single flowers. Rose flowers last a long time in water, so it can not only be planted to decorate the area, but also cut into bouquets. I think it's a great wedding rose. Aroma– sweetish, pink, medium intensity.

Unlike Antique roses (flowers of this type), the modern spray rose Alexandra - Princesse de Luxembourg is a little delicate - its shoots flexible, delicate, requiring support during flowering due to heavy flowers. The height of such branches ranges from 0.7 m to 1.5 m. They do not break under the weight, but lie on the ground and get dirty. Leaves roses are dark green in color, dense and shiny. Of course, the advantages of this variety of roses include the ability to grow quickly. It is enough to plant 2-3 plants per 1 m² to get a large flowering ball in 2 years during flowering. Because of this same flexibility, this variety of roses is spreading.

Alexandra – Princesse de Luxembourg – rose, from the group of Modern spray roses with excellent performance for planting in areas with temperate and even cold climates. It resists disease and cold. Kordes tries to develop these qualities in all its garden roses, as do all other rose breeders.

Caring for rose Alexandra – Princesse de Luxembourg

To plant from any group, not just Modern garden roses, rose Alexandra - Princesse de Luxembourg choose sunny or semi-shaded areas (the sun's rays should fall on the rose for at least 3-4 hours) with good drainage. The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic, well fertilized. IN winter time there should be no drafts in the place where roses grow.

With the beginning of the growing season, the rose Alexandra - Princesse de Luxembourg (Alexander Princess of Luxembourg) for the first time feed nitrogen fertilizers or rotted manure, compost. Then it needs to be fertilized once every 2-3 weeks with complex and vitamin fertilizers. At the end of September - beginning of October, feeding is completely stopped so that the rose fully ripens and enters winter normally. It is necessary to fertilize.

Water The rose needs 10 liters of water per plant as the top layer dries. In hot weather in the evening it is necessary to spray with warm, settled water. It is necessary to water under the base of the bush in portions. It is advisable to do this also in the evening. Watering can be combined with fertilizing.

Trimming Bush roses are carried out all the time: in winter - to form a bush, in spring - to remove shoots that have not overwintered, in summer - to correct and stimulate flowering. More details about correct pruning Read about modern bush roses in “Pruning roses” or “Correct pruning of roses”. In cold climates it is better to cover it.

Use of rose Alexandra – Princesse de Luxembourg

The Alexandra - Princesse de Luxembourg variety of roses can be grown in a wide variety of flower plantings: mixborders in the background, high borders and borders, hedges, tapeworms, curtains, etc. For neighbors, choose plants with rich colors to highlight the tenderness of this variety of roses. Styles in the design of plots can also be very diverse: from Gothic to super modern.