Plants that provide oxygen. Which plants produce the most oxygen? Flowers that release oxygen at night

A bedroom is a place where a person relaxes after an active day. Everything here should contribute to deep and restful sleep, including indoor flowers. Their choice should be treated with special attention, since some types can cause poor health. Let's figure out what flowers you can keep in the bedroom.

When a person falls asleep, his breathing becomes deep, so the air in the room should be especially clean. In addition to saturating the air with oxygen some plants are able to increase humidity and also have disinfecting properties. These are the best ones to choose. Plants that purify the air are odorless or emit a faint soothing aroma, beautiful, but dim. They provide positive influence on health and emotions.

Should not be present in the bedroom poisonous plants and flowers that have a heavy, cloying odor because they cause headaches and insomnia.

Majority indoor species At night, carbon dioxide is released instead of oxygen, so where a person sleeps, there should be few of them. It is best to choose plants that do not take away oxygen at night, but give it away.

Usually little goes into the rest room sunlight, so you need to choose shade-tolerant ones that don’t require special care plants.

Rules for choosing colors

Choosing houseplants For the bedroom you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to study all the information about the plant, namely releases or absorbs oxygen at night, whether it causes allergies, rules for caring for it.
  2. Exotic, unfamiliar and having a strong odor There should be no flowers in this room.
  3. You need to choose slow growing plants so that their energy does not destroy the calm atmosphere in the bedroom.
  4. Must not be dying, diseased and neglected plants. It is believed that exceptionally beautiful and healthy flowers enhance the positive energy of the home.
  5. According to Feng Shui, there should not be any in the bedroom plants with needles. The owners of the bedroom will be just as prickly and impregnable.
  6. Preference should be given to plants enhancing the feeling of love and mutual understanding. According to Feng Shui, these include flowers that are red in color.

Plants chosen according to these rules will create a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom.

The most popular flowers for the bedroom

Here are 10 types of indoor flowers that have a beneficial effect on the human body and are most often chosen for the bedroom:

Removes hazardous chemicals including formaldehyde, destroys harmful electromagnetic radiation, humidifies the air, kills germs and other microorganisms.

You can enhance the cleansing properties of chlorophytum. To do this in flower pots you need to add activated carbon.

Produces oxygen regardless of the time of day. Clears the air from harmful substances entering the room through an open window. is able to humidify the air, neutralizes allergens. It has a positive effect on the human psyche and ensures restful and healthy sleep.

Produces oxygen at night. Removes electricity from the room. Eliminates toxic substances such as formaldehyde. is a medicinal representative. The washed leaves can be applied to the wound. Aloe juice is used for colds and headaches.

At night it releases oxygen and has the ability to calm. helps to get out of depression.

Removes germs and harmful substances. The aroma helps get rid of depression. It will be useful for people of age, as well as for illnesses.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Has disinfecting properties, removes volatile substances from the air chemical substances and carbon monoxide. releases negative ions that have a positive effect on the body. Eliminates headaches, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system. Removes nervous tension. Helps with insomnia. Repels insects.

Geranium can cause allergies.

Always releases oxygen. Stabilizes blood pressure, improves immunity, relieves headaches, and helps eliminate breathing problems. neutralizes formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene.

Has bactericidal properties. Removes diphtheria and tuberculosis bacilli, streptococci and staphylococci. Its aroma has positive action on the psyche, relieves fatigue and tension, improves sleep.


It has pleasant aroma. Reduces anxiety, slows heart rate, promotes restful sleep, especially for babies.


The small white flowers emit a sweet scent that has a relaxing effect. ensures restful sleep.

Plants that should not be kept in the bedroom

Not all indoor flowers are suitable for placement in the bedroom. Among them:

  1. . At night it takes up a lot of oxygen. Sucks energy out of a person.
  2. . Emits at night carbon dioxide. The aroma causes headaches and insomnia.
  3. . It takes away strength and causes insomnia.

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As a rule, people grow indoor plants to decorate their home, making it more comfortable and attractive. Indeed, lush bright greenery and colorful flowers are best elements for decorating any house or apartment. Plus, plants carry a great charge of positive energy and aesthetic pleasure.

And yet, most flower lovers do not even imagine that many house plants are a real oxygen bomb, not only releasing the most valuable oxygen, so necessary for all living beings, but also destroying toxins and other harmful substances. Everyone knows that with a sufficient amount of oxygen in the air, a person becomes less susceptible to negativity, his level of anxiety decreases, nervousness disappears, sleep and well-being improve.

Back in 1989, NASA scientists, as part of one of the programs to study plants in space, determined that they have a unique ability to effectively purify the air and at the same time fill it with oxygen.

With the onset of darkness, with a lack of sunlight for the photosynthesis process, most flowers begin to actively release oxygen.

Biologists have identified 10 plants that, thanks to this remarkable property, can provide people with health, a resilient nervous system and sound sleep.

Aloe vera or agave

Aloe is one of the oldest plants on the planet and from time immemorial has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

“Aloe vera” or “Aloe vera” belongs to flowering plants of the xanthorrhoeae family and has about 500 different species, most of which are succulents, that is, they have special reservoirs and mechanisms inside to retain valuable moisture.

Individual representatives of this species can reach 10 meters in height, but the majority of plants have small size. Their characteristic feature are thick sword-shaped leaves that serve to accumulate water, which are equipped with sharp spines along the edges.

In addition to the exceptional healing properties of this unique plant, scientists have proven that aloe releases a significant amount of oxygen at night. In addition, it perfectly filters the air, removing toxins and other contaminants.

At the same time, aloe has natural endurance and is absolutely easy to care for, and its leaves can be used to treat various diseases, including skin diseases.

Aloe vera contains a large number of vitamins (groups A, C, E, B1, B2, B12), macro and microelements, resinous substances and enzymes, thanks to which it effectively heals wounds, cuts and burns.

This plant is a truly magical flower, which can also be easily grown at home.

· Sansevieria

Sansevieria has many unpleasant names, including “ pike tail", "mother-in-law's tongue", "snake skin", "wolf tail". Nevertheless, this flower is very common and, despite such unfriendly names, is very popular among indoor plant lovers.

Sansevieria is an evergreen perennial and has an original dark green color of erect leaves, the pattern of which can contain both vertical and transverse stripes. In this case, the height of individual leaves can reach one meter.

Few people know, but Sansevieria is considered one of the most powerful natural air purifiers, being at the same time a very unpretentious plant with powerful immunity, and therefore does not require special care.

In addition, it can strengthen immune system people, so it is recommended to place it even in a room where small children sleep.

Among the natural diversity, it is very difficult to find a plant with a richer set of signs, mysteries, superstitions and prejudices.

The orchid is one of the oldest flowers on earth, since it appeared on the planet back in the late Cretaceous period, but it is also considered a symbol of chastity, charm, peace and unity.

Among other things, this flower has high aesthetic qualities and can become a real decoration for any room.

Biologists have proven that these beautiful flowers are ideal plants for the bedroom because they emit a large number of oxygen, thus providing residents with healthy and sound sleep.

Among other things, the orchid has the ability to purify the air from harmful xylene, which is usually contained in various artificial dyes, now often used in the production of household goods.

For an orchid to feel great indoors, it is enough to follow the basic rules of caring for the plant. She only needs enough light and moisture. At the same time, excessive persistence and fuss around the flower can only harm it.

IN indoor floriculture geranium is a very popular plant. They love it for its unpretentiousness, beauty and ease of care, especially since there are countless varieties and varieties of these flowers.

Geranium is an annual or perennial, reaching 50 centimeters in height, while it has bright, rich green leaves and colorful flowers collected in inflorescences.

It is noteworthy that geranium leaves have a pleasant aroma of lemon and mint.

The plant contains a large number of flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, as well as unique macro and microelements.

In ancient times, geranium was believed to have miraculous properties and a large number of beliefs and legends are associated with it. This wonderful flower actually has a unique ability to purify the air, resists harmful bacteria and perfectly removes unpleasant odors.

In addition, due to the high content of essential oils, geranium calms the human nervous system, having a beneficial effect on it, improves well-being and strengthens sleep.

Chlorophytum is a perennial herbaceous shrub with greenish, light or cream stripes on narrow leaves that hang down to form cute little bushes. At the same time, it does not require any care at all, feels great and reproduces well in an apartment, periodically producing numerous shoots.

As it turned out, chlorophytum perfectly purifies the air from carbon monoxide ( carbon monoxide) and other harmful impurities, therefore it is ideal place for kitchen. In addition, due to its spreading nature, the plant has a fairly large leaf area, so it releases a large volume of oxygen.

For normal existence, chlorophytum requires nitrogen oxides and formaldehydes, which it receives from the air. Scientists were able to establish that this plant is also capable of absorbing acetone, benzene, ammonia, nitrogen, while releasing phytoncides that kill up to 80% of pathogens.


This plant belongs to the genus of the Araceae family and its name comes from Greek word « skindapsos", which literally translates as "ivy-like tree." And indeed it is a beautiful climbing vine with shiny heart-shaped leaves.

IN natural environment habitat, scindapsus grows twining around trees and has the ability to rise to a height of up to 15 (!) meters.

It is noteworthy that residents of Florida and Sri Lanka are fighting this plant, and consider it a dangerous and ubiquitous weed that interferes with normal life in the region.

Being in room conditions scindapsus does not bloom, but due to its rich greenery and unpretentiousness it is often used as decorative decoration for landscaping both indoors and outdoors.

Typically, gardeners grow a variety of scidapsus (Epipremnum aureus), which has blotches on bright green leaves. yellow spots or stripes.

Scindapsus also belongs to filter plants, since it has the ability to perfectly purify indoor air containing formaldehyde and benzene vapors. Therefore, it is recommended to place it in places where synthetic Decoration Materials or modern furniture, made using harmful wood chipboards.

However, scindapsus should be placed away from small children and pets, as the plant contains toxic substances that can cause diarrhea.

This popular subtropical plant is an evergreen tree and is an indispensable component of such an art direction as bonsai.

Ficus Benjamin fits perfectly into any interior, is very easy to care for and allows you to easily shape its appearance.

There is a centuries-old belief that ficus has magical properties, and among its leaves live souls of the dead. Ancient people believed that this plant promotes enlightenment and the acquisition of wisdom, relieves unnecessary anxieties and worries, provides support during failures, and even helps women get pregnant (this belief still exists today, so families dreaming of having children should place ficus in the bedroom) .

And yet, the greatest benefit that ficus brings is the purification and improvement of indoor air composition, since it is a powerful source of oxygen. Ficus has the ability to absorb toxic substances, particularly formaldehyde, which can cause nausea and severe headaches in people. It also neutralizes the effects of many other toxins and harmful substances, such as benzene and phenol.

In addition, ficus has a positive effect on the emotional sphere of human life, calming the nervous system, relieving stress and giving a feeling of confidence in the future.

Ficus Benjamin is also widely known for its healing properties. For example, an infusion of leaves helps in the treatment of radiculitis, arthritis and osteochondrosis. The leaves of the plant are used to prevent diabetes and asthma, and are considered an effective anti-cancer agent.

When growing ficus, you should remember that this plant does not tolerate drafts and low temperatures. For example, for broad-leaved plants, a temperature of +18°C is critical, but small-leaved plants can grow normally at +10°C.

Ficus loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Among other names of this plant, “leaf tree”, “friend of the tree”, “Monstera deliciosa” and others are often found.

This evergreen plant belongs to the Araceae family and, according to botanists, has up to 900 different species, although disputes between scientists on this matter have been going on for more than 150 years. The fact is that in the classification of philodendrons at the moment there is complete confusion associated with the constant transfer of one species to another and vice versa. And while botanists break their spears, proving that they are right, philodendron, thanks to its unpretentiousness and rapid growth successfully popularized and is increasingly found in apartments and ladies as a houseplant. Apparently it’s not for nothing that the name “philodendron” translated from ancient Greek means “I love a tree.”

However, the main value of philodendron is its ability to purify indoor air from formaldehyde, absorbing up to 76% of this toxin.

This plant, like Aloe Vera, is a succulent plant. Its beautiful, dense, jagged foliage has a rich, green color. Wherein lower leaves, as a rule, a more purple or bluish hue.

Scientists have proven that Kalanchoe fills the air with oxygen around the clock, and its smell helps fight stress, depression and improves sleep.

In addition, this plant has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and bactericidal effects. It is used to heal wounds, treat burns, ulcers and boils. This all became possible thanks to a variety of useful substances, enzymes, flavonoids, as well as plant acids, natural stimulants and a large number macro and micro elements found in the plant.

For this reason, Kalanchoe is often grown not only as an ornamental, but also as a medicinal plant.

Nephrolepis belongs to the fern family and usually grows in tropical and subtropical countries with humid climates, where the plant can reach three meters in height.

In total, there are about 30 species of this representative of ferns.

Nephrolepis also has powerful antibacterial activity and is therefore often used to purify indoor air. It helps remove germs and toxic substances, in particular fights formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. In addition, it has the ability to accumulate heavy metal salts in its root system, which is why nephrolepis is often called a “natural filter.”

Usually at home, nephrolepis looks chic and lush bush, the branches of which descend downwards, thanks to which the plant has a very attractive decorative appearance.

Recently, the problem of atmospheric pollution with carbon dioxide and methane, leading to the greenhouse effect - increased average temperature atmosphere of the earth. In this regard, I thought about how we can influence the situation on our own now, and decided to find out which plants produce more oxygen than others. I have listed the collected data below, but first I would like to talk about why this problem is really important.

The greatest harm to the atmosphere is caused by the world's current attitude to the electric power industry, namely the massive combustion of hydrocarbons to convert heat into electricity, as a result of which colossal amounts of CO 2 are released into the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, most people, due to insufficient awareness of climate processes, simply do not understand how dangerous an increase in average annual atmospheric temperatures is. The consequences of the phenomenon are truly catastrophic:

  1. The melting of glaciers, which provide a huge supply of solid water, leads to rising sea levels, which in turn leads to flooding coastal zones throughout the world, and entire cities can be destroyed by floods. Already today, some regions are faced with this problem. Cities founded by coastlines Before emissions begin to rise sharply, they are now forced to deal with flooding and destruction.
  2. Rising sea levels will also affect important ocean currents. For example, the warm Gulf Stream risks being significantly affected by the melting of ice in Greenland, which will lead to dramatic climate change in the European part of Eurasia.
  3. As the temperature increases, the evaporation and concentration of water vapor also increases, which speeds up the process, starting it in a vicious circle.
  4. Activity increases and the composition of air masses changes, which ultimately manifests itself in an increase in the number of thunderstorms and hurricanes that destroy settlements, infrastructure and forests. If the rise in temperatures does not slow down, the number of dangerous disasters will only increase every year.

Which plants produce more oxygen?

Not many people know the fact that the most effective in terms of processing light energy into chemical bonds with the release of oxygen are not plants at all. and cyanobacteria, also often referred to in the literature as oxyphotobacteria, blue-green algae, cyanoprokaryotes or even cyanea. In the latter case, it is important not to confuse them with jellyfish called by the same name.

According to various scientific data, cyanobacteria perform from 20 to 40% of all photosynthesis on earth.

However, despite their lower efficiency, plants play a huge role as “the lungs of the planet.”

In general, the efficiency of oxygen release can be assessed offhand by the growth rate. The higher it is, the faster the plant releases oxygen. But do not forget that the plant spends part of its energy on root growth, so the growth rate of the visible above-ground part is only an indirect, incomplete indicator.

The most effective is sugar cane. Its oxygen release efficiency ideal conditions reaches 8%. Under favorable natural conditions, growth is about 7%.

Next in efficiency with a significant lag behind sugar cane There are productive agricultural crops - their efficiency of photosynthesis ranges from 1% to 2%.

The rest of the plants that do not produce a harvest close the list with the least short-term effectiveness, but not in importance. Their figures range from 0.01% to 2%, but due to their widespread distribution and independent growth without human care, they make a huge contribution to the conversion of greenhouse CO 2 accumulated in the atmosphere into oxygen necessary for breathing.

Incredible facts

Many people purchase indoor plants as a means of decorating and beautifying their home.

But home flowers are a real oxygen bomb.

Like any Living being, plants live because they breathe.

During the day, the plant's carbon dioxide emissions decrease due to photosynthesis. But at night, plants do not have enough sunlight to carry out photosynthesis, and instead the release of carbon dioxide increases.

Few people know that some plants release oxygen even at night. The abundance of oxygen has a calming effect on the human body, reducing anxiety, nervousness and fighting insomnia.

Plants that release oxygen at night

© nenovbrothers

Aloe vera, without exaggeration, can be called a unique plant that should be in every home.

In addition to the fact that almost any skin and health problem can be cured thanks to its juice, it is reliably known that this plant also releases a lot of oxygen at night.

In addition, aloe vera is also an extremely hardy plant and does not require frequent watering or special care. The plant is absolutely unpretentious and reproduces very easily.

Therefore, you can sprinkle pots of aloe vera throughout your house to extract maximum benefit from this plant

2. Sansevieria (Mother-in-law's tongue)

© serezniy / Getty Images

Do you think this flower name sounds somehow ominous and unkind?

Calm down, you are in absolutely no danger. On the contrary, the mother-in-law's tongue plant is definitely the plant that you need to have at home.

It is rightfully considered one of the best natural air purifiers imaginable, and like aloe vera, this plant is also very low maintenance, long lasting and does not require any special care.

3. Neem (Azadirachta indica)

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Neem or Indian Azadirachta can be called, without exaggeration, synonymous with purity.

The benefits of this plant have long been documented by specialists on the Indian continent.

Neem not only purifies the air, but also acts as a natural pesticide, creating a barrier between you and pesky flies and mosquitoes. In fact, neem goes further than just killing pests, it absorbs them and also prevents the spread of new bugs by preventing them from laying larvae.

Growing this plant, unlike previous plants, requires a lot of work and patience. The room where the plant is kept should have plenty of sunlight, and it is also recommended to use high-quality soil.

4. Tulsi (Small basil)

© teresinagoiafoto

While there are many benefits of eating the leaves of the basil plant, one must also note the great benefits of the aroma it imparts.

Tulsi leaves emit a very characteristic odor that has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. By inhaling its aroma, we reduce anxiety and nervousness. In other words, Tulasi heals and restores our nerve cells.

When it's time to relax after a tiring day at work, this plant can be a real panacea and just the medicine that the doctor prescribes to treat nerves.

Useful house plants

5. Orchid

© anytka

The orchid is undoubtedly one of the most desirable flowers and a real decoration for any home.

The aesthetic qualities of this flower can hardly be overestimated. However, if you think that an orchid is beautiful solely for its appearance, then you are very mistaken.

It has been proven that these beautiful flowers They release a lot of oxygen at night, making them ideal bedroom plants. So be sure to place a couple of pots of orchids near where you sleep.

This way you will ensure yourself and your loved ones a healthy and sound sleep.

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In addition, they also remove xylene from the air, a harmful pollutant found in various dyes. In other words, thanks to the orchid, your home will be cleaner, fresher, and it will be easier to breathe deeply.

And even if you're an inexperienced gardener, don't worry. pretty orchid unpretentious plant, not requiring great care. It is enough to follow the basic rules for their care so that she will delight you with her beautiful flowers.

In fact, too much care for orchids and a lot of fuss around this plant can simply kill it. Just make sure it gets enough sunlight and water it properly, and the orchid will do the rest.

© Vitalij Sova

Bring some sunshine into your life - get these bright orange flowers in your room.

These undeniably beautiful flowers simultaneously purify the air and also save us from many diseases. The benefits of orange gerberas are as follows: they cure colds and also prevent cancer.

It is important to note that this flower absorbs a toxic substance such as benzene. Gerbera promotes sound and quality sleep; it absorbs carbon dioxide exhaled by a person and releases oxygen instead.

When planting gerberas, it is worth considering some rules, because they are not very easy to replant and propagate.

© Kira Yan

The myths surrounding this plant claim that the souls of the dead live among its leaves. But seriously, the benefits of ficus are obvious.

Apart from being a powerful source of oxygen, the leaves of this plant are also used to treat diabetes, prevent constipation and treat asthma. Perhaps that is why at one time Buddha meditated under this tree.

8. Cactus Rozhdestvennik (Decembrist)

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Forget about Christmas tree decorations. The Christmas cactus is just what you need this holiday season.

This unique flower blooms only in December, but its succulent leaves provide health benefits throughout the year. The cactus releases oxygen even at night, promoting healthy and sound sleep.

It grows well in dark rooms, making it an ideal addition to your bedroom.

© yuliiamazurkevych

Surely, many have noticed that plants of the palm family are universal plants that are present in doctors’ offices, as well as emergency departments.

This plant perfectly cleanses the air of harmful impurities and gases, and also moisturizes it, filling it with useful microelements.

Therefore, it will also be useful to have plants of the palm family in your bedroom. They will effectively remove impurities and help improve sleep.

Despite the fact that these plants are natives of tropical forests, they prefer rooms with minimum quantity sunlight. The palm tree requires careful care, however, its benefits cannot be overestimated.

© franky242

This flower, in addition to having extraordinary beauty and attractiveness, is also distinguished by rare beneficial properties.

In order for Kalanchoe to grow and bloom well, the presence of water and an abundance of bright sunlight are very important.

It is worth remembering that this plant fills the air with oxygen both day and night. It is also reliably known that the smell of Kalanchoe effectively fights depression, bad mood and sleep problems.

Some time ago there was a debate about whether to place plants in the bedroom. This is due to the fact that at night almost all plants change their life cycle. During the day, during photosynthesis, oxygen is produced and carbon dioxide is absorbed. At night the reverse process occurs.

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Plants for the bedroom should produce oxygen around the clock! At night, like all living things, most plants take in oxygen. The fact that plants absorb oxygen at night is the basis for the debate that flowers have no place in the bedroom.

Plants for the bedroom serve several functions

Under straight sunlight the process of photosynthesis occurs. During the night, without sunlight, photosynthesis stops and carbon dioxide levels rise. This does not mean that carbon dioxide emissions will choke you. The risk of anxiety and insomnia increases.

Some plant species release oxygen even at night without exposure to direct sunlight. The presence of such indoor flowers in the bedroom will provide more oxygen necessary for a good sleep.

  • Plants for the bedroom carry a functional load:
  • During daylight hours absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen
  • The best indoor flowers for the bedroom are those that release oxygen at night.
  • Work like air filters, absorbing harmful volatile substances
  • Flowers in the bedroom should be odorless
  • Plants must be safe for people and pets
  • There should not be many indoor flowers
  • House plants fit organically into the interior

Advice: taking indoor flowers out of the bedroom at night and returning them to their place in the morning is somewhat tedious in practice. In fact, flowers do not take up much oxygen, so there is no reason to panic.

The Best Plants for the Bedroom Release Oxygen Day and Night

However, many people do not place house plants in the bedroom. To stop worrying, there should be flowers in the bedroom that release oxygen, both day and night. For example, Sansevieria or “mother-in-law’s tongue” works around the clock.

  • Sansevieria
  • Christmas cactus
  • Orchids
  • areca palm

Five useful plants for the bedroom

Aloe vera is unpretentious

Easy to care for. The main thing is to follow the watering regime. The plant is hardly watered in winter, and in summer as the soil dries out. Aloe produces oxygen even at night. The plant has healing properties and actively absorbs the pollutant formaldehyde from the air.

Tropical areca palm grows quickly

The palm tree releases oxygen at night and effectively absorbs different kinds harmful volatile compounds. The areca palm is a natural air humidifier. The disadvantage of palm trees is their size. Some species reach 1.5-2 meters in height. Palm tree simply does not fit in a small bedroom.

Christmas cactus, "Decembrist" or Schlumberger cactus

We are talking about the same plant. At proper care cactus blooms for Christmas. Succulent leaves release oxygen throughout the night. The cactus prefers shaded windows and does not like bright light.

Sansevieria is unpretentious and hardy

In everyday life you will hear the evil nickname “mother-in-law’s tongue.” Sansevieria, also known as “pike tail,” does not deserve such a nickname. This is one of the best plants for indoor air purification. In addition to releasing oxygen at night, Sansevieria actively absorbs harmful volatile compounds. The plant is extremely unpretentious and does not need constant attention.

Beautiful orchids are complex and whimsical creatures.

They release oxygen at night and are ideal for the bedroom. It's nice to surround yourself with such beauty. You need to know how to care for orchids. During the day, orchids need plenty of sunlight. The downside is toxicity to pets and whimsicality.

Bedroom, this is not a winter garden

Walking in the forest, you don’t think or worry about the amount of oxygen in the air. Many animals live in the forest. No one has ever heard of a battle between animals and trees for oxygen. In general there is no reason to worry about this. There is some danger if you place hundreds of flowers in the bedroom, but, as a rule, such an idea never occurred to anyone. For every 10 m2, 3-4 plants are recommended.

They will survive even if you forget about them.

They absorb toxins and release oxygen.

This home first aid kit. Aloe vera is easy to grow at home. Healing gel is always at hand.