Low temperature in a child. Symptoms and methods of prevention. Why does a child have a low body temperature and what to do about it? Body temperature 36 degrees in a child

Children often develop fever at different ages. But sometimes a low temperature in a child causes no less worry in mothers, since the condition sometimes has no other symptoms. Hypothermia is often a warning sign of severe illness, but sometimes a drop in temperature is only a temporary and insignificant characteristic.

Before the baby’s health deteriorates, it is better to try to determine the causes of the low temperature immediately.

  • Virus. The temperature drops as a result of infection entering the body and persists for up to 4 days. The baby is drowsy and lethargic, and cold sweat periodically appears on the body.
  • Weakened immunity. After a recent cold, vaccinations are normal. Medications for high fever also weaken the immune system.
  • Lack of thermoregulation. Here, temperature is not a cause for concern since transient hypothermia lasts only a few hours.
  • Poisoning. In some cases, intoxication leads to unusual body reactions, including a cold body, chills and trembling.
  • Medicines for the common cold. An overdose of drops that constrict blood vessels can lead a child not only to hypothermia, but also to fainting.
  • Chronic diseases. A change in temperature for a long time for no apparent reason usually indicates problems with the respiratory tract, disease of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, and signals low hemoglobin levels. The condition is accompanied by additional symptoms - sweat and cooling of the extremities.
  • Hypothermia. The body will react by lowering the temperature to a child’s long stay outside in cold weather without a hat, or simply wearing clothes that are not appropriate for the weather. The same thing happens when the baby gets wet or has been in cool water for more than an hour in the summer.
  • Avitaminosis. The lack of biologically active substances in the body leads to a prolonged drop in temperature. Teenagers who are on a diet most often suffer from this condition.
  • Congenital pathology. Chronic hypothermia does not occur often, but sometimes babies have a temperature of around 35.5 degrees from birth. But the child feels well. In premature babies, impaired thermoregulation is completely normal.
  • Psychological factors. Stress and anxiety have a serious impact on the physiological system, so they can also cause a drop in temperature.

How to determine

A child’s low body temperature makes itself felt through the general condition of the baby. Observe it and make sure the thermometer readings are correct.

  • Deviation of temperature from the norm often leads to a bad mood in children.
  • Hypothermia is also associated with lethargy and lethargy.
  • Appetite is very low and often absent altogether.
  • The child has a headache.
  • The baby is overly irritable.
  • Finally, children often feel sleepy.

Just in case, it’s worth purchasing two thermometers at once to eliminate errors in the device’s readings and avoid unnecessary worries.


There are no drugs that restore normal temperature in a child. However, there are a number of tips that you can follow to ease your baby’s condition. To do this you should do the following:

  • warm the child with your warmth. Lie down next to him and allow him to sleep with you until his condition stabilizes. This method is most effective in the case of infant hypothermia;
  • in case of hypothermia on the street, the child must be changed into dry clothes, wrapped in a blanket and given more warm liquid;
  • if hypothermia is caused by a psychological condition, it is necessary to monitor the normalization of the child’s sleep and restrictions on mental and physical activity;
  • for a child with a fever caused by a drop in blood pressure, allow some dark chocolate with strong tea;
  • It’s easy to protect your body from cold by wearing clothes appropriate for the season and keeping your feet warm. Don't delay your winter walks;
  • hardening and physical activity strengthen the body and reduce the likelihood of temperature fluctuations;
  • In order to strengthen the immune system and fight infection, it is worth including more fruits and vitamins in the diet; the diet should be balanced and rich in essential microelements.

Let's sum it up

  • When determining the causes of low temperature in children, pay attention to their psycho-emotional state and external signs.
  • Hypothermia is a harmless and even common occurrence in infants and older children, in the absence of other symptoms and exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  • Any medications should be given to the child according to the instructions and after consultation with a specialist. A decrease in temperature is a common side effect of many strong medications.
  • Typically, the temperature becomes low in babies due to previous infection and weak immunity and in case of hypothermia.
  • The easiest way to normalize the condition of children with low temperatures is to warm them up. The warmth of your mother and a thick blanket combined with plenty of fluids is enough.
  • Excellent thermoregulation in a child is a consequence not only of restoration of health, but also of prevention. Sports and proper nutrition are the best helpers in maintaining a stable temperature of 36.6 degrees.
  • Do not check your child's temperature while sleeping or immediately after sleep. In such a case, the thermometer readings cannot be considered objective.
  • Symptoms such as cold sweat, lack of appetite, pain, vomiting and nausea should alert any mother and she should immediately call a doctor.
  • There is no need to rub a small child a lot in the hope of a quick cure. Excessive “physical” methods of influencing the body, according to experts, can do more harm than good.
  • When dressing your child in warm clothes, do not wrap him up additionally. Do not keep a child with enhancements under the covers for a long time. It is much more effective to bring the condition back to normal by returning the child to normal play activities.

All parents have plenty of knowledge about the baby’s body temperature being higher than normal. If the readings on the thermometer are one or two degrees higher than normal, it becomes immediately clear that the baby is most likely sick. Then, depending on the further condition of the baby, we begin treatment. What to do when the mercury column, on the contrary, shows much less than normal? For example, 36.0? What could be causing this drop in temperature?

Medicine has a name for this phenomenon – hypothermia. Normally, it occurs only in premature babies, since the heat exchange system in the body of such babies has not yet matured and it is quite difficult for them to adapt to sudden temperature changes outside the mother’s tummy. To alleviate the condition of a premature baby with hyperthermia, he needs to be placed on his mother’s breast and constantly warmed with warmth. With her warmth and colostrum, the mother will help the baby adapt to the outside world faster. If the baby is born much earlier than expected or with an extremely low weight, he will be placed in a special chamber with the temperature constantly maintained at the required level.

It happens that hypothermia is observed in older children, 2-3 years old. A decrease in temperature is manifested mainly by a lethargic and apathetic state, and a complete lack of appetite. How to act in this case and what are the reasons for what is happening?

What to do if a child has a low body temperature?

Children this age may experience a drop in temperature for up to a week after a recent illness, such as a respiratory illness. According to pediatricians, this may be a side effect from the use of anaferon during illness. This drug is prescribed to children in the early stages of the disease. It provides great assistance to the body in the fight against disease. If you observe a decrease in a child’s temperature, then dress him warmly and help him during this period. But don't overdo it! You should not wrap your child too warmly. Be sure to make sure your child's feet are warm. If it’s cold outside at the moment, then cancel walks for a while or make them as short as possible. To activate your baby's defenses, add more fruits and vegetables to his diet.

Do not rub your baby's body at low temperatures under any circumstances, as this may worsen the condition. Constantly warm him with your warmth. Until the baby's body temperature returns to normal, take him to sleep in your bed. Be sure to show your child to the pediatrician (call him at home), maybe he will consider it necessary to conduct some tests or tests.

If the temperature drops without obvious reasons, then the baby’s immunity may have decreased. In this case, in addition to consulting a pediatrician, you need. He will help you plan a number of activities to improve the child’s immunity, prescribe the necessary medications and vitamins.

When a child has an elevated temperature (more than 37°C), parents quite logically sound the alarm and rush to find out the reasons that caused it. Temperature conditions from 36°C to 37°C are perceived as quite normal. But when the mercury drops below 36°C, a feeling of fear is again born in worried parents: is a child’s low temperature normal? Should I panic or take my baby to the doctor because of this? You need to start dealing with these issues by finding out the causes of this pathology - all further actions will depend on them.

With a low temperature, it is important not to start treatment at random, but to figure out what causes it - often you just need to adjust your sleep and rest patterns

Nothing can happen to the body just like that: everything is a consequence of some internal processes in the body. A variety of factors can cause a low temperature in a child. Some of them will be harmless and completely normal, not requiring intervention from parents or doctors. Others will pose a danger and even a threat to children's health, requiring appropriate action. Therefore, observing a child’s temperature below 36°C day after day, analyze his condition in recent months and draw the appropriate conclusions as to why his temperature is so low. Doctors name the following among the possible causes.

  • Congenital pathology

Congenital hypothermia (low temperature) is rare in children. However, this may be the norm if such a low temperature (34.9–35.9°C) is observed from birth and does not in any way affect the general condition of the baby (if he still has a good appetite, good sleep, positive motor activity). In this case, there is no need to sound the alarm.

  • Antipyretic drugs

Hypothermia can be caused by recent (hours to days) use of antipyretic medications. This is a consequence of a weakened body after an infectious disease (pneumonia, influenza, acute respiratory infection), when the mechanism for maintaining the temperature regime in the child’s body is not developed as it should. In this case, medical help is also unnecessary, since the baby’s condition will normalize itself after a few days.

Never check the temperature of a sleeping or just woken up baby, as it will not be able to reflect the objective state of his body and most often is very low.

  • Nasal drops

Often, a low temperature in a child is dictated by an overdose of vasoconstrictor drugs. Nasal drops that seem completely harmless to us can cause not just a sharp drop in temperature, but even a semi-fainting state. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to carefully read the instructions for medications of this type, especially when using them for children. The child’s condition may deteriorate so sharply that an ambulance will need to be called.

  • Viral disease

A viral disease may be the cause of a low temperature in a child. In this case, there is no preliminary increase. The low temperature lasts for 3-4 days and is accompanied by increased fatigue of the baby, lethargy, and drowsiness. In this case, treatment by a doctor is mandatory.

  • Internal diseases

If this pathology occurs in adolescents during puberty (12–17 years), and this has never happened before, then a low body temperature may indicate the development of some kind of internal serious disease. You will need to undergo a medical examination by an endocrinologist and therapist. Most often, the temperature drops when the thyroid gland is disrupted or the level of glucose in the blood decreases (the onset of diabetes mellitus). A timely visit to a doctor will help, if not prevent an impending disease, then at least ease its course and avoid consequences.

  • Overwork

In school-age children, the cause of a low temperature can often be simple fatigue. Think about whether your student is too busy with studies and clubs, whether he has time to relax, whether he sits at the computer or TV for hours, and whether he gets enough sleep. Regular worries, excessive stress (physical and mental), stressful situations, constant lack of sleep do not pass without leaving a mark on a small organism. In such cases, it will “signal” this with a low temperature.

In any of the cases described above, low body temperature in a child requires clarification of the reasons that lead to such an unusual condition. If the provoking factor is serious enough and poses a threat to the baby’s health, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Once the cause is eliminated, body temperature will also be restored. While parents know how to alleviate the condition of their sick child during a fever, not many people know how to behave at a low temperature.

If a child has a low temperature, you need to dress him warmly and keep his clothes and room away from moisture.

If the baby has a low body temperature from birth and is not accompanied by any accompanying symptoms, the child does not need help: this is his usual (that is, normal) condition. If it is a consequence of some disease and is characterized by headache, drowsiness and lethargy, the child needs help before he is seen by a doctor. This will help him endure this painful phenomenon much easier. A child in this state needs warmth, even if he says that he is not cold. Warm him up by any means necessary.

  1. Don’t panic yourself, no matter how low the temperature the thermometer shows, and don’t show your worries to your baby.
  2. In such cases, it will always be useful to have a second thermometer in the house. It often happens that just one thermometer becomes unusable and shows incorrect results. Buy an electronic device that gives more accurate readings.
  3. Dress your baby warmly.
  4. In the room where it is located, you need to close the windows and make sure that the temperature in the room does not fall below 20°C.
  5. Bed, clothes, shoes - everything should be dry.
  6. Wrap your baby in a blanket. Apply a warm heating pad to your feet.
  7. Give him hot tea.
  8. As soon as the child's temperature returns to normal, unwrap him and let him lead a normal play life.
  9. Make sure your child gets 8–9 hours of sleep on such days.
  10. Increase his diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries.
  11. Go for walks with him more often (after dressing him warmly).
  12. Limit the time he spends on the computer (tablet, laptop, phone).
  13. Free him from mental and physical stress as much as possible.
  14. Monitor your baby carefully: if a drop in temperature is accompanied by other symptoms of an unhealthy condition (dizziness, pain, nausea, cold sweat, lethargy, irritability, general malaise, weakness, etc.), you should urgently show him to a doctor.

With low body temperatures in children of different ages, parents should be on alert and know when to sound the alarm and when to just wait it out. The future health of the baby may depend on timely measures taken, so not a single detail should be missed here.

When a baby has a fever, we understand that something is going wrong in the child’s body. We are looking for the cause, fighting the disease,... A high temperature appears to us as a red flashing inscription: "".

Low temperature - is it worth sounding the alarm?

So, is it good for a child to have a low temperature? A sign that the danger has passed and the baby is healthy? This is what we will talk about now.

Numbers on a thermometer. Normal or hypothermia?

Low body temperature (or hypothermia, as doctors call it) is a rather relative concept. And not at all because the doctors could not finally agree among themselves. Simply, the physiological norm of body temperature is different for a newborn child and an adult, for the state of people during sleep or wakefulness, and even for a man and a woman.

The baby’s body reacts sensitively to everything that happens: low temperature can be caused by many factors.

The notorious 36.6˚С is not at all the only and unshakable requirement for the temperature of a healthy person. Fluctuations of plus or minus 1˚C occur in our body constantly throughout the day, and are not even noticed by us. But there are still boundaries beyond which it becomes dangerous. So:

  • The thermometer mark of 27˚C is critical. At this temperature the body falls into a coma.
  • The thermometer reading of 29˚C also does not bode well. This is the borderline of fainting.
  • Starting from 33˚С, the situation becomes less dangerous. These values ​​most likely indicate general hypothermia of the body.

But, basically, these numbers can be seen on the thermometer in some extreme situations. And in “peacetime” the thermometer readings are unlikely to fall below 35 degrees.

What exactly is hypothermia?

If with hyperthermia (increased body temperature) everything is quite clear - the body mobilizes all its strength to fight infection or inflammation, then hypothermia is a kind of “white flag” in unequal conditions.

During this period, your little “frog” will be characterized by lethargy and drowsiness.

By lowering the temperature, our body goes into hibernation mode, trying to minimize losses. With hypothermia, all metabolic processes slow down and the organs' need for oxygen decreases.

Doesn't remind you of anything? Yes, yes, a frog is in suspended animation, a bear is in hibernation. The body saves resources for self-preservation.

What can cause a drop in temperature?

I remember how my mother, making the last control measurements of the “microclimate” in her armpit after an illness, stated with relief: “Thirty-six exactly. Everything is fine. Just a loss of strength."

Mommy should find out the reason for the baby’s temperature fluctuations!

In this case, after the heat has passed, the baby’s body temperature can actually fluctuate between 35-36˚C. If this happens within a day or two, and then the thermometer readings return to normal values, there is nothing to worry about. The child’s body gradually rehabilitates its ability to thermoregulate.

What else could be the cause of low temperature?

In newborns and infants:

In a newly born child, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are still in their infancy. A small individual is entirely dependent on the surrounding, often unfavorable, environment.

“Acclimatization” in a child does not occur immediately, and the low temperature is proof of this.

If the baby was also born premature, the situation with his heat exchange becomes even more complicated. The tiny body expected to use its mother’s reserves rather than its own for a few more weeks.

Gradually he will learn.

In children after one year:

When the ability to regulate one’s body temperature is relatively well established, jumps in the mercury column can already signal a particular problem in the child’s body. The most common cause of hypothermia in one-year-old toddlers is hypothermia.

If the baby is cold, then warm pajamas with a blanket will quickly correct the situation.

In what cases may medical attention be required?

In most cases, hypothermia can be managed on your own. If the baby is hypothermic, we make sure that his underwear is dry, dress him warmly, give him a hot drink, and the situation returns to normal.

But if lethargy, tearfulness, and refusal to eat are added to the symptoms of chills, a consultation with a local pediatrician is necessary.

If you doubt the correctness of your treatment, call your doctor.

Likewise, in cases of chronic decrease in temperature over several weeks, we must undergo examination by both “our” doctor and an endocrinologist.

Located in the range from 36 to 37 ° C, body temperature can vary within 0.6 ° C above or below these limits for different children. Any further changes in temperature range may result in fever or hypothermia. Children's body temperature fluctuates with their activity level, nutrient intake and various other conditions. Your child suffers from a fever when the body temperature is more than 37.5 °C. If the body temperature drops below 35°C, the condition is known as hypothermia.

Low temperature in a newborn and infant up to one year is a fairly common occurrence. This happens because babies have a small body mass relative to its surface area, which leads to increased heat loss in cold conditions. Children have limited glycogen stores to support increased heat production in response to cold. Very young children do not have the ability to increase heat production through shivering. Young children do not have the ability to recognize and avoid hazardous environmental conditions.

Normal body temperature is a reflection of the delicate balance between heat production and heat loss. Many chemical reactions necessary for human survival occur only in certain temperature ranges. The human brain has a number of ways to maintain vital temperature. When these mechanisms fail, heat loss occurs faster than heat production, resulting in hypothermia.

Primary hypothermia is caused by exposure to cold. With this type, there is no disease that causes a violation of temperature regulation.

Sometimes body temperature control is impaired by illness. In this case, body temperature can decrease in almost any environment. This condition is called secondary hypothermia. In secondary hypothermia, the influencing factor disrupts the thermal balancing mechanisms of the body.

There are three types of hypothermia, depending on the degree of decrease in body temperature.

These ranges may vary slightly, but they provide a guideline for determining and assessing a child's level of hypothermia.

  1. Mild hypothermia. The child's body temperature drops slightly and ranges from 32 to 35 ºC.
  2. Moderate hypothermia. The child's body temperature ranges from 28 to 32 ºC.
  3. Severe hypothermia. Body temperature drops below 28 ºC. Some experts highlight body temperature<20 ºC в качестве глубокой гипотермии.

Physiological changes in the body with stages of hypothermia

The degree of hypothermia corresponds to the body’s physiological reactions to cold:

  • In mild hypothermia, the body tries to fight heat loss by shivering, vasoconstriction, and increased metabolism.
  • Moderate hypothermia covers a narrow range in which these compensatory mechanisms begin to become exhausted and stop working. Changes include respiratory failure, decreased metabolism, circulatory failure and instability, vasodilation, decreased circulating blood volume, and altered mental status.
  • In severe hypothermia, the metabolic machinery that underlies the body's functioning is suppressed or stopped by cold. Metabolism slows by about 6% for every 1ºC drop in body temperature, so at 28ºC the basal metabolic rate is about half normal. At this temperature, all body functions begin to weaken, including the function of the central nervous system.

  1. Cold environment. Since the child's immunity is very weak, minor changes in the environment can lead to a decrease in body temperature. Low body temperature in turn creates ideal conditions for viral and bacterial attacks, which can further reduce the temperature. A vicious circle is formed.
  2. Infections. Infants have low natural immunity. Therefore, it is very easy for them to contract infections even from the most minor exposures. And sometimes infections can lead to low body temperature in infants. Most of these diseases are caused by bacteria in the lungs, blood, urinary system and cerebrospinal fluid. Premature babies or toddlers born to mothers who lack prenatal care are at increased risk of infection.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals. In children, especially infants, symptoms are more severe. Thus, the baby's temperature drops every time they are hungry. However, a sustained drop in temperature is never a good sign as it may indicate a deficiency of iodine, iron and other essential nutrients. Malnutrition itself can lead to low body temperature, as low fat and muscle mass slow down metabolism. Sometimes the cause of malnutrition is not so obvious and may be caused by psychological factors. Malnutrition also occurs when a child has difficulty eating due to conditions such as severe heart disease, oral and maxillofacial malformations, digestive problems, enzyme deficiencies, and malabsorption due to cystic fibrosis.
  4. Neurological problems. Regulating body temperature is actually a very complex process in which skin thermoreceptors, nerve fibers, and the hypothalamus, located in the brain and which is the center of thermoregulation, take part. Improper functioning of any of these links can affect the body's temperature regulation. Head trauma or tumors in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland can cause disturbances in thermoregulation.
  5. Metabolic and endocrine diseases. The adrenal glands, thyroid gland and pituitary gland are of utmost importance in regulating body temperature, and any pathology in them can negatively affect this function, as well as the general condition of the child. Improper functioning of any of these glands affects metabolism, meaning that not only body temperature is affected, but also growth rate.

Moreover, sugar plays a very important role in maintaining body temperature. Thus, there must be optimal breakdown and metabolism of sugars. This is why diabetics have problems with their thermoregulatory system.

Different levels of hypothermia cause different symptoms.

Mild hypothermia:

  • refusal to eat;
  • the child is cold to the touch;
  • redness of the skin or slight pallor;
  • weakening of the voice when crying, which can be caused by decreased energy and oxygen supply in young children;
  • cardiac arrhythmias, irregular heart rate;
  • lethargy due to low energy levels;
  • episodes of lack of breathing are possible;
  • dizziness and trembling;
  • shortness of breath due to decreased oxygen supply;
  • narrowing of peripheral vessels due to contractions of the muscle layers of their walls. This can be caused by many reasons, including decreased oxygen supply and decreased temperature both inside and outside the body. This is a reflex mechanism that helps retain heat.

This reaction is associated with physiological mechanisms designed to maintain body temperature. It should be noted that infants generally retain heat with intense peripheral vasoconstriction, have a limited ability to shiver, and are less able to maintain body heat than older children.

Moderate hypothermia:

  • mental function may deteriorate. Slurred speech, clumsy movements, and poor thinking may be taken as signs of poisoning, making it difficult to identify hypothermia.
  • agitation and irritability give way to confusion and lethargy as body temperature continues to drop.
  • As hypothermia progresses, shivering stops and heart rate and blood pressure become variable and then decrease.

Deep hypothermia:

  • manifestations become less obvious as trembling and pallor give way to muscle stiffness and redness of the skin.
  • bradycardia and hypotension progress until the pulse disappears.
  • stupor gives way to coma with fixed and dilated pupils.

Thus, severe or profound hypothermia can be fatal.


In many children, hypothermia is diagnosed by history and physical examination. Particularly relevant is the patient’s body temperature.

A number of blood tests will be performed as hypothermia can affect almost every organ system in the body. An ECG (electrocardiogram) will be performed to evaluate the activity of the heart.

Children with abnormal pulmonary symptoms (eg, shortness of breath, cough, wheezing), a history of chest trauma, or severe or moderate-severe hypothermia require a chest scan for signs of bronchopneumonia, trauma, or pulmonary edema.

What to do when a child has a low temperature?

If your child has mild hypothermia, do the following:

  • remove any wet clothing from your child if you are at home;
  • use a room heater and warm the room to 25 °C or more;
  • if the child is more than 6 months old, give him a warm drink;
  • swaddle the newborn in a warm blanket;
  • To minimize metabolic rate, keep your baby or newborn in a neutral thermal environment;
  • use hot packs, heating pads.

Moderate and profound hypothermia requires specialist supervision.

The first priority is to carefully monitor breathing and pulse and initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation if necessary.

If the child is unconscious and has difficulty breathing, call an ambulance.

The second priority in helping a child with a low temperature is keeping warm. The methods of action are the same as for mild hypothermia.

The task of parents is to help the child control heat loss.

Follow these tips:

  1. Body temperature control. Measure your child's body temperature before and after bathing and while the air conditioner is running. Almost always, if you feel cold, your baby will feel the same.
  2. Skin to skin contact. Experts encourage frequent skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn. As soon as the baby is born, doctors place it on the mother's chest. This not only helps strengthen the connections that started back, but also significantly reduces heat loss due to evaporation.
  3. Check the water temperature before swimming. Some children do not like to bathe, while others enjoy it. Bathing is not a subject of debate, but you need to know when and how to bathe your baby. Newborns usually do not need to bathe. All they need is a warm water bath and a soft washcloth. As for the temperature of the water, it is better that it is warm rather than , but it should not be too hot. Otherwise, your child may be harmed.

Be sure to wrap your baby immediately after bathing. Bathe your child in the bath for no more than 5 minutes.

When should you see a doctor?

When a child's temperature drops below 32˚C or is severely hypothermic, medical attention should be provided immediately. Because any temperature below this level is life-threatening and can lead to organ failure and other problems. Additionally, thermometers at this low level are usually not accurate and may give incorrect readings. Therefore, in hospitals, special low-temperature thermometers are used to measure accurate temperature.

If a child who usually has a normal temperature experiences a sudden drop in temperature, he should be seen by a doctor immediately.

If the condition worsens even when preventive measures are taken, you should also contact a specialist immediately.