Bedspread for a corner sofa with a bar. Bedspread for a corner sofa: photos with new designs. Made from sheep's wool

Correctly selected corner sofa- this is excellent functionality and the most successful way to emphasize the interior design of a room. However, the joy of a purchase can quickly turn into disappointment due to a stain on the upholstery. Agree that removing it is not so easy. To prevent such an incident from happening, it is wiser to buy a blanket for a corner sofa in an online store. And by purchasing several options, you can not only change them according to your mood, but also save significantly - the delivery price will be charged once. You can replace them during washing or cover the sofa with a more expensive one when a special event is expected in the house. In any case, this purchase will always delight you and decorate your home interior.

Useful and beautiful things will not only protect the surface, but will also bring new charm to a room of any size.

Buy new furniture not always possible, especially if the one in the house is convenient and loved by all family members. But the upholstery becomes scuffed and dirty, and it doesn’t look presentable. Replacing it is expensive and the cape is difficult to find. Not everyone can sew on their own. Therefore, if the goal is to update inexpensively and quickly general form, then it is better to take ready-made bedspread covers for a corner sofa. The choice is huge, and the benefits are undeniable, since we solve several problems at once:

Protection against stains and mechanical damage

A comfortable and warm surface, if the sofa upholstery is made of leather or other dense cold material

Transforming space, creating any color scheme - for curtains, new wallpaper, or simply adding something new to the usual design.

And most importantly, you can always remove it and wash it at home, in a regular washing machine or even with your hands.

How to choose rationally, correctly and quickly. need to make the size of the backrest.

2. decide on the desired texture (cotton textiles, silk, velvet, velor, microfiber, satin, plush, faux fur).

3. look at the photos in the catalog and visually transfer the version of the bedspread you like onto the corner sofa into the interior of your room

We have universal models for left and right turning angles.

After this, you can safely place an order. If there are any questions or doubts about making the right choice, you can always consult and get help from our specialist.

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How to sew a bedspread for a corner sofa so as not to make a mistake with the pattern, cutting out the lining and filling? What tips should you use when choosing the type of tailoring for yourself?

Choosing - patchwork or quilted?

Sewing a bedspread for a bed or sofa is not a tricky task, especially if you use it as a cape. The pattern is simple and understandable to everyone - it looks like a rectangle the size of the bed. All that remains to be done is to carefully cut the fabric and overcast the edges well.

If the sofa is corner, sewing a blanket becomes difficult. It is also difficult to sew a patchwork quilt, although special techniques for cutting and stitching the pieces make this task easier.

The most difficult thing to do is sewing a quilt. The presence of a lining and padding polyester filler makes it possible to do a high-quality job only by a highly qualified seamstress with extensive experience.

If you have no experience in sewing, it is best to practice. Test work can be carried out on a small, baby blanket. It will take less time and fabric, and you will be able to clearly assess the scope of work that will require sewing a larger product.


If you order a blanket to be sewn in a studio, do not think that there will be no defects. Sewing a quilt is a very complex process. Even if it seems that there is nothing difficult about stitching fabric with diamonds, this is not so. It is precisely because of the difficulties in working that such a blanket will cost you dearly. Although no one forbids you to sew it yourself!

The dimensions of the bedspread must match the sofa or bed. Each square or diamond should be perfect, each fold of the frill should be well, and most importantly, evenly matched to the edge of the fabric, as can be seen in the photo.

When sewing fabric, you must not make mistakes, as puncture marks may remain on the fabric. When crossing one line of threads with another, you must ensure that the fabric does not stretch behind the thread and does not form overlapping folds.


When the decision to sew a blanket with your own hands is made, there is confidence in the quality of the work and the availability of expensive beautiful fabric- you can start! Here are some recommendations on how to sew a cover for a corner sofa:

  • The first thing you need is to correctly take measurements of the sofa or bed;
  • If your bedspread has a frill, it would be best to calculate the height so that it does not touch the floor. Lying edges, as a rule, quickly become dirty and lose their elegant appearance, and also make the bed visually lower;
  • The smaller the diamonds or squares, the more the fabric will decrease in size. Moreover, the fabric is reduced in all directions and it is for these purposes that 3-5 cm are added to the patterns. Even if you add more, or the fabric does not shrink as much as expected, you can always trim off the excess.

Filling and lining

In the process of "quilting" the blanket, each diamond or square will take up more fabric than its own size, so the size of the padding polyester bottom fabric should be larger. Do not forget that it will always be possible to cut off excess, and it would be better to do this with an already quilted blanket.

The same applies to the outer fabric - it will shrink when quilting. Each layer of the blanket must take into account this feature and contain allowances. IN finished form you will need to make the final markings and leave allowances for processing the edges.

To ensure that the edges, insulation and lining do not move relative to each other, you need to sew them along the perimeter with a straight stitch, as shown in the video.

Pattern and basting

Before quilting the fabric with your own hands, draw on paper a pattern of patterns of diamonds or squares, the same as you want to see on the product. The easiest to implement is a pattern of ordinary intersecting straight lines forming squares:

  • Using mathematical calculations, draw up a pattern of patterns so that symmetry and proportionality are maintained on all sides of the blanket. Next, transfer everything to the fabric, as shown in the photo. Some craftsmen use template patterns to check the accuracy of the designs transferred to the fabric;
  • If the fabric for your blanket is light in color, then you won’t be able to mark the pattern with chalk, and you won’t be able to draw it with a pencil either, so you can only baste it by hand. Sew the future pattern with thread along the entire perimeter of the blanket; a sewing machine will sew along its contours. Of course, double work will be done, but for a good result, this is the most reliable way;

  • Manually sweeping such a large surface is difficult, but in this case it is completely worth the effort. It will be much easier and faster to work with the machine, and the fabric will not shrink much;
  • Using a special sewing machine, you can sew a blanket without shrinking, without even basting it, as you can see in the photo. But, when there is no such machine, it is unlikely that even a couple of seams will be done well;
  • The size of the squares and diamonds determines the speed of work and its accuracy. The larger the pattern components, the easier it is to sew;
  • An unconventional way to sew a no-sew quilt is to sew on the wrong side. In this case, the finishing stitch does not pass along the front side and the bottom fabric is hemmed evenly along the entire seam;
  • There may be marks left on the fabric from the teeth of the rack, and while sewing stitches it is necessary to stretch the fabric. In general, this method is not suitable if you have never sewn like this before. Without practice, it may turn out that the patterns will turn out to be disproportionate and asymmetrical.


To make the bedspread look elegant around the edges, it is better to sew a frill; with its help, the cut and overlaid edges are well hidden, giving the product a finished look.

When choosing a color for the frill, consider the color of the fabric. If you decide to make the frill with falling folds, you need to calculate the size of the required fabric for the frill, taking into account the depth of each fold and the number of them.

Usually, the remaining fabric from the bedspread is used for the frill. In this case, it is important to monitor the location of each piece, paying attention to the color so that, in the end, different areas did not look, as it were, as separate inserts, but took on the appearance of a single composition. You need to sew the pieces inside the fold so that the seams are not visible.


Bedspreads for children are especially bright and beautiful. They can contain various drawings, landscapes, animals and cartoon characters, which will create a joyful mood and comfort in the children's room. In addition to the bedspread, you can sew it yourself decorative pillows- Very important element for children's. You can come up with pillows of the most unusual shapes and sizes, the main thing is that they are combined with the bedspread, forming a set.

Let's sum it up

Since sewing a baby blanket is easier, you should start sewing with it for the first time. This will give you the opportunity to evaluate your strengths and clearly see possible disadvantages and take them into account when sewing a large blanket.

A correctly selected corner sofa is excellent functionality and the best way to highlight the interior design of a room. However, the joy of a purchase can quickly turn into disappointment due to a stain on the upholstery. Agree that removing it is not so easy. To prevent such an incident from happening, it is wiser to buy a blanket for a corner sofa in an online store. And by purchasing several options, you can not only change them according to your mood, but also save significantly - the delivery price will be charged once. You can replace them during washing or cover the sofa with a more expensive one when a special event is expected in the house. In any case, this purchase will always delight you and decorate your home interior.

Useful and beautiful things will not only protect the surface, but will also bring new charm to a room of any size.

Buying new furniture is not always possible, especially if the one in the house is comfortable and loved by all family members. But the upholstery becomes scuffed and dirty, and it doesn’t look presentable. Replacing it is expensive and the cape is difficult to find. Not everyone can sew on their own. Therefore, if the goal is to inexpensively and quickly update the overall look, then it is better to take ready-made bedspread covers for a corner sofa. The choice is huge, and the benefits are undeniable, since we solve several problems at once:

Protection against stains and mechanical damage

A comfortable and warm surface, if the sofa upholstery is made of leather or other dense cold material

Transforming space, creating any color scheme - for curtains, new wallpaper, or simply adding something new to the usual design.

And most importantly, you can always remove it and wash it at home, in a regular washing machine or even by hand.

How to choose rationally, correctly and quickly. need to make the size of the backrest.

2. decide on the desired texture (cotton textiles, silk, velvet, velor, microfiber, satin, plush, faux fur).

3. look at the photos in the catalog and visually transfer the version of the bedspread you like onto the corner sofa into the interior of your room

We have universal models for left and right turning angles.

After this, you can safely place an order. If you have any questions or doubts about the right choice, you can always consult and get help from our specialist.

Sewing a blanket for a sofa with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing is to do correct measurements and choose the one that suits general interior textile.

How to sew a blanket for a sofa with your own hands?

Here are some tips to help you sew a bedspread.

  1. The amount of fabric should be slightly larger than the size of the sofa, since a margin of about ten centimeters is needed on each side.
  2. Choose a fabric that does not slip, or use a lining. Otherwise, the blanket will often fall off the sofa.
  3. Decide in advance where the blanket will be placed - only on the seat of the sofa, on the seat and back, and maybe also on the armrests, if any.
  4. Better use a sewing machine. This way, the process itself will take less time, and the seams will be more neat and reliable.
  5. To add thickness to the bedspread, make a layer of insulation (for example, batting).
  6. Decorate the bedspread with frills or stitches.

Simple bedspread

To make a simple bedspread (like the one in the picture below), you will need:

  • large piece of fabric required size(you can use a canvas with a bright print);
  • wide ribbon;
  • tailor's scissors;
  • needles and pins;
  • threads to match the fabric.

Here are instructions: how to sew a simple bedspread.

  1. Take your piece of fabric and ribbon.
  2. Carefully pin the tape to the material so that it covers it on both sides. It is also necessary to wrap a small piece of the edge of the tape (a few millimeters) inside the fold so that it does not crumble during use.
  3. Once you have the tape properly basted around the entire perimeter of the fabric, move on to stitching.
  4. Place the fabric and ribbon under the sewing machine foot, right side up.
  5. Sew the fabric around the entire perimeter.

A simple DIY blanket for the sofa!

The tape can be replaced with a second layer of fabric, preferably fleece. Then the new flap should be a little bigger size than the first one. The sewing pattern changes slightly.

  1. Place one piece of fabric on top of the other so that the top one is in the center of the bottom one, that is, the latter should look out from all sides.
  2. Fold the free edges of the bottom layer up and inward.
  3. Baste and then stitch the fabric.

All is ready.

Patchwork bedspread

Patchwork is quite popular modern style in decor, implying the connection of several shreds with different colors and pattern into one whole.

A patchwork style bedspread will not only useful thing in the house, but also as part of interior decoration.

In order to sew such a wonderful thing, you will need not one piece of fabric, but several different square scraps. Typically, a set of five to ten pieces is used for sewing.

So, the order of work.

  1. Imagine what your blanket should look like as a result. Just above is a pattern diagram. Bedspread in specific example, as you can see, consists of six patches laid out in a certain order, which form a diamond pattern.
  2. For ease of sewing, place the scraps in front of you according to color in a stack, which you place in the order of stitching.
  3. Start focusing on sewing machine between each other shreds from 1 to 6 in the established order.
  4. Complete the row following the pattern.
  5. Sew all rows separately.
  6. Now you can start sewing them together. Don’t forget to check their order and compliance with the pattern.
  7. Since the cover has big size, then it will be more convenient to stitch first one half of it, and then the second. Then sew everything together.
  8. Thus, top part you already have it ready.
  9. Take a large, single piece of fabric that is slightly larger than the stitched top layer of the bedspread.
  10. You can use an additional layer of insulation.
  11. Sew together the top patchwork layer and the bottom layer, as in the case of a simple bedspread.

The patchwork blanket is ready. It will look approximately the same as in the photo.

Quilted pattern on the bedspread

The bedspread can be decorated quilted pattern. Additional materials this is not required, and the result will be simply amazing.

Before sewing it on the sofa (photo above), you need to sketch a pattern (for example, a rhombus). To do this, follow these steps:

  1. On a piece of paper, make a sketch of the bedspread with the intended pattern to scale.
  2. Draw the desired life-size pattern on the back of the fabric with chalk. Check to see if it fits well over the entire bedspread. If yes, then you can start the final stitch.

To do this, baste a pattern on the front side of the bedspread. Start making the pattern from the edge, not from the middle. It is better to use large squares and diamonds rather than small ones.

Once you have basted the pattern all over the blanket, start stitching on sewing machine. You certainly can’t do without her in this matter. Make stitches carefully on the front side of the blanket along the pre-marked lines.

Finally, remove the thread that you outlined the pattern.

Frill on the bedspread

A frill is another idea for decorating a bedspread on a sofa (photo below).

The order of work for its implementation will be as follows.

  1. Take fabric of the required width. You can use either a new piece or scraps left over from sewing the bedspread.
  2. Hem the entire fabric on one side length to prevent fraying.
  3. Fold the piece into a light accordion shape and start stitching it.

At the same time, if you want the frill to be visible, then place it on top, having first tucked its edge inward. You can do either one or two lines. If you want to hide the frill, then attach it to the bedspread with reverse side.

Bedspread for a corner sofa

Sewing a bedspread for a corner sofa is a little more difficult than for a regular one. Here you will need to take additional measurements and add several details.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Take measurements from two parts of the sofa.
  2. Sew the bedspreads first on one part of it, and then on the other.
  3. When both halves are ready, sew them together on the reverse side, slightly at an angle.

The bedspread is ready. Now you can decorate it, for example, with a frill.

How to add some zest to a standard room interior? Place it in a convenient and beautiful furniture, and install it in a dull corner beautiful sofa. But over time, the factory upholstery can become dirty, and so that the item can delight with its unique sophistication for a long time, it is usually decorated with rugs. He is able to instantly add elegance to the interior, decorate it with warm colors and create cozy atmosphere in the living space. You might also be interested in information about what they look like


Blankets are soft, most often fleecy textile products, and in former times they were made only from wool fibers. You could cover yourself with it if the room was cool and damp, take it with you on the road and keep warm under it at night.

But today the textile industry rarely uses natural materials for the manufacture of warm and versatile blankets, more and more often on the shelves you can find blankets made from modern synthetic materials, which significantly reduce the final cost of the product.

The design of the corner sofa has an unusual, broken geometric shape, and choosing a protective warm blanket for it that completely covers the entire factory upholstery is very difficult.

But manufacturers found a way out of this difficult situation, and launched the production of so-called Euromodels, with elastic bands. What are they good for? The elastic band will help give the blanket the required form , with its help the product will tightly fit the furniture, it will not wrinkle or bulge. And this is what a blanket looks like camel hair

and you can see how good it looks

In the video - a blanket on a corner sofa: On the market you can find big variety

  • of the models offered, ideally suited to the interior of your room and style, blankets are usually found:
  • Made from faux fur.
  • Natural wool.
  • Viscose products.
  • Made from microfiber or velor (read that).

Made from jacquard fabrics with a beautiful weave of threads.

You may also be interested in information about what they are and what they look like.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of fabric?

  • Faux fur products are usually made of acrylic, it has the following characteristics:
  • High wear resistance. WITH good performance
  • thermoregulation.
  • Anti-allergenic qualities.

Ease of use and maintenance.

  • For woolen blankets, raw materials from natural camel wool are used; they are relatively expensive, since there is a shortage of raw materials for their production. But they have undeniable positive qualities:
  • Unique hygroscopicity and hypoallergenicity, with good air permeability.

In the video - a blanket on a corner sofa: natural products the most diverse color range– after all, wool can be dyed beautifully in any color.

Viscose products are made from natural cellulose, so they:

  • Gentle to the touch and does not accumulate static electricity.
  • They do not lose their original color over time.
  • Lightweight and durable.
  • Hygroscopic.

Products made from this material are affordable for many segments of the population, but they are very susceptible to creases, and when wet, the fibers can quickly break, so it should be handled with care.

Jacquard blankets are distinguished by the variety of materials used for their manufacture - they are made of cotton, linen, wool or synthetic fabrics.

But they all differ in large pattern details.

Cashmere blankets are made from natural goat hair fibers, so their cost is relatively high. But the products can last for many years, they are distinguished by their tenderness and softness, they retain heat perfectly, but their care requires only hand washing. A synthetic, wrinkle-resistant material made from polymer threads (polyester, also

synthetic material

). Microfiber consists of very fine fibers, which provides the blanket with extreme softness.

But you can see what a blanket with 4 sleeves for two looks like and how it should be used Made from sheep's wool This is an excellent choice, especially for humid and damp climates - it can always warm and at the same time decorate this important element home interior.

. In addition, it also has a therapeutic effect on humans, because it has long been known that premature babies were raised just at

sheep wool

But to prevent it from pricking, you should choose products made from high-quality material. Models Design feature corner

upholstered furniture

Due to the curvature of the shape, individual parts can be arranged in different ways in the interior, so a complete blanket is not very suitable in this case. Alternatively, you can separately purchase covers for each part: pillows, detachable element and the sofa itself. Options from

Chinese manufacturers

– Sofa decks: