Landscaping the yard of a private house with coniferous plants. Conifers in landscape design, or how to create an evergreen garden? Coniferous rock garden design

Today, coniferous trees are increasingly used by owners of summer cottages and country houses For . This happens because this type The plant tolerates different climatic conditions well and is also unpretentious to different types of soil. Conifers can decorate any area; they look great either as a single specimen or as part of groups of trees or bushes. In addition, this species is resistant to most diseases that often affect garden trees.

The role of coniferous crops and their scope of application in landscape design

Conifers have a number of positive qualities, thanks to which they play a significant role in the improvement of the site. Here are just some of the advantages of this type:

  • They are able to fill the surrounding space oxygen and phytoncides.
  • Defend territory from the wind.
  • Capable of effectively absorb noise, become barrier to dust.
  • Create special microclimate around the cottage.
  • Fill the air aroma of pine needles and moisturize it.

Conifers have a wide variety of species and forms. This versatility makes it possible to use them to create landscape compositions of the most different styles. Moreover, the size of the personal territory in this case will not become a problem. After all, there is decorative varieties coniferous trees that are no more than 4 meters in height. This distinguishes them from their wild relatives, which in nature can reach an impressive height of several tens of meters.

When planting coniferous plants in the garden area, you need to follow the recommendations of experts; this will allow the trees to fit harmoniously into the garden landscape. Now many site owners hire gardeners for such work. However, you can do this yourself and save money. Here some tips for planting coniferous trees from landscape design professionals.

What should you keep in mind before boarding?

Planting conifers on a site, like many other things, begins with the preparatory process. This is very important point, which should be taken seriously. After all, it will depend on preparation health and appearance plants.

If you notice that there is stagnation of water in some place of the site, there is no need to plant a tree there. Remember, each conifer variety presents special soil requirements. This is why you need to get as much information as possible before purchasing. about a specific breed.

It is best to plant plants on the site between the end of April and the beginning of May(from approximately April 20 to May 10). The fact is that during this period the young seedling has not yet had time to enter the active growth phase. That's why young plant It will be much easier to tolerate the transplant and will quickly get used to the new soil.

It is known that conifers are rather picky trees and shrubs, but this does not mean that they do not require care. In the hot season, young seedlings coniferous species must be hidden from the bright sun. IN winter period non-frost-resistant varieties need to be covered to prevent them from freezing.

Seedlings for planting can be purchased as with open and closed root system. If boarding starts at spring time, you need to pay attention to the presence of fresh (white) shoots. If they exist, the tree is completely ready for planting.

Coniferous mixborders

Today, to create a beautiful landscape in a personal garden, so-called ones are often used. This is a special version of a flower garden in which various plants are used. main idea such a composition is to create a compact and at the same time combining different shapes design.

That is why in mixborders do not use tall coniferous trees (arborvita, pine, tall spruce). Most often, when creating such a composition, they plant: dwarf and spherical spruce trees, creeping spruce trees, yew trees, and mountain pines.

Here, for variety, you can plant:

  • short,
  • dwarf spirea, etc.

From flowers in mixborders they use bulbous plants. The combination of such species allows you to create not only an aesthetically beautiful sight, it also makes it possible to strengthen the territory in agrotechnical terms.

To create a mixborder you need to perform a number of necessary actions:

  1. So, first of all, you need to decide where the composition will be planted.
  2. Another mandatory requirement is to develop a project and create a drawing of the future mixborder. This will allow the site owners to calculate future costs and purchase the necessary seedlings.
  3. When the above activities have been completed, you can begin to work. It is better to start planting in late April. Typically this work takes from several days to a week.

Concerning mixborder cost, then a lot depends on what the owners want to get in the end. Here approximate cost medium coniferous mixborder:

  • Fir - 1 pc. (3000-5000 rubles).
  • Medium juniper - 2 pieces (1000-3000 rubles).
  • Winged beresket - 3 pieces (850-1000 rubles).
  • Mountain mugus pine - 1 piece (5000-25000).
  • White dogwood - 2 pieces (from 210 rubles).

A complex multi-level composition, difficult to implement without the participation of a professional landscape designer.

What is better to combine conifers with?

When creating a landscape design for a backyard area, it can be used big number coniferous species. For example:

  • Juniper.
  • Cypress.
  • Pine.
  • Cedar.

As mentioned above, these species themselves are quite unpretentious. However, during the planting process, you need to carefully look at what plants are in the neighborhood. The thing is that there are certain types of trees and bushes that, next to conifers, do not produce best experience. For example, such plants include birch and bird cherry. Here are some rules that will make plants in your garden feel much more comfortable:

  1. When planting it is necessary to take into account climate of the area(Cypress will not grow if it is too cold).
  2. Most coniferous species cannot grow if they are nearby larch.
  3. Thuja will not look good near the spruce.
  4. If there are a lot of conifers in a given area, there is no need to plant them nearby. In other words You should not plant pine near cedar or fir.

Coniferous species in the garden can go well with, some deciduous and also with flowers. For example, a conifer decorated and located on the shore will look just great.

Examples (schemes) of planting

In this article we will present several popular schemes for planting coniferous trees in personal gardens. These are the simplest, but win-win compositions, following them it is impossible to make serious mistakes.

Scheme 1.

Grenadiers are not a species, but rather an unofficial group, which includes the tallest conifers, captivating with their majesty. They look best when the area is large enough to allow the entire tree and its crown to be seen.

Despite their size, grenadiers are also planted in summer cottages with a small territory. Long trunks, in this case, create a background for short plants. Particularly popular among gardeners are: Hoopsie spruce (Latin: Picea pungens Hoopsii), cedar pine (Latin: Pinus cembra), thuja Brabant (Latin: Thuja occidentalis Brabant), single color fir(lat. Abies concolor).

Young seedlings also have excellent decorative properties and are attracted by the “fluffiness” of the needles. In addition, as long as you have access to the tops of the trees, they can be decorated for the New Year holidays. That is why it is worth paying attention to varieties that grow slowly and acquire impressive sizes only by the age of thirty.

There are also a few tall varieties conifers, suitable for a small garden. As an example, we can consider the Watereri pine (lat. Pinus sylvestris Watereri). It has very beautiful needles of an unusual bluish color. In thirty years, the tree reaches its average size - up to 3 m in height and width. The lower trunk of the tree is not exposed, therefore it is used by designers as part of the composition for lower conifers.

Many species of western thuja are cataloged as 2-3 meters tall due to their slow growth, but at the age of 10 years they can reach four meters in height. A striking example is the Smaragd variety (lat. Thuja occidentalis Smaragd).

If preliminary calculations failed, and the tree is too bulky for the site, or for the place in which it is planted, the growth of the selected specimen can be restrained. Twice a year the tree is trimmed, and the tops of pines (less often fir trees) are pinched. As a result, the trees become well-groomed and beautiful view. But keep in mind that if the haircut or pinching procedure has already been carried out, then it is not recommended to skip them. Plants will not develop properly and become ugly.

Read our material on how to avoid mistakes when planting conifers.

Coniferous garden of medium-sized trees and shrubs

Medium-sized conifers amaze with their diversity. The medium group includes: thuja occidentalis, which is formed by pruning, spruce and pine of small sizes, junipers of all types.

Medium conifers are the most popular among gardeners, as they look incredibly attractive and can satisfy the most demanding tastes of designers; in addition, they are very well suited for small areas.

When composing compositions and mixed living fences, less popular types of fir (whole-leaved, Caucasian), pea cypress (lat. Chamaecyparis pisifera) and Canadian hemlock (lat. Tsuga canadensis), which are also classified as medium-sized coniferous crops. Most often they are used as the basis for the design of a garden consisting of many flower beds with cereals and heather to support its decorative effect in cold period.

You can read about growing fir in your summer cottage in our material.

Often used in design globular thujas Globosa (lat. Thuja occidentalis Globosa). They are planted in a symmetrical order around front door private house, or next to the path leading to it. This technique has long become a European classic and is used regularly.

In Poland, they practice planting mountain pine near fences and fences. Different heights of fences make it possible to choose among varieties of different sizes and different growth rates (Pumilio, Mugus, Gnome, Pug). Gardeners who prefer blue conifers are recommended to include the Glauca Globosa spruce variety in their plantings.

You will probably be interested in information on how to properly plant a spruce on your site.

Dwarf conifers and their use

Dwarf varieties have become widespread among conifer fans. They surprise small in size and at the same time retain all the characteristics of the species. Such crops are a real boon for owners of small plots, as it becomes possible to collect coniferous miniatures and combine them into even more original compositions.

Mini-forms look great on the surface of a rock garden, rock slide or waterfall. Often used in design: Little Gem spruce (lat. Little Gem), balsam fir Piccolo (lat. Abies balsamea Piccolo), pine Nisbett Gem (lat. Nisbet`s Gem). There are so many types that you can repeat them coniferous garden in miniature.

Decorative coniferous rugs and lawns

Among the conifers there are many creeping forms. Varieties of horizontal and common juniper grow 1-4 cm from the ground level: Welsh Prince, Golden Carpet and Blue Chip; Depressa Aurea, Green Carpet. These specimens look good on walls with supports and small slides.

But not all types of juniper are creeping: Old Gold (lat. Old Gold), scaly Blue Carpet (lat. Blue Carpet), cross-paired microbiota (lat. Microbiota decussata) - grow up to 150 centimeters. The shoots have a splayed and raised appearance on the sides. At the same time, Glauka juniper (Latin Glauca), as well as the medium variety Mint Julep (Latin media Mint Julep) are the same in height, but wider and more spreading in shape.

Read our article about how to grow Blue Carpet scaly juniper on your property.

The use of creeping coniferous crops is possible together with tall or medium-growing ones. Junipers are also grown in independent flowerbeds - as an alternative to a lawn.

Some types creeping junipers and microbiota successfully replace ground cover plants. Alone or in a group planting, they look very good. It is worth considering that such rugs grow in width very quickly, so they need a lot of space. In addition, walking on “coniferous lawns” is prohibited.

As decoration small area orchard can be supplemented with a prickly mat, but harvesting, as well as removing litter, will make it much more difficult. Grow such conifers next to berry bushes not recommended as they will interfere with development.

Creeping forms of conifers make better wide borders. With the help of spiky mats, you can cover up flaws in the paving of the path, or successfully complement a decorative lawn. When planting borders, you should remember about free space for plant development. To make the lawn more dense, in early spring After the snow has melted, the ends of the stems should be pinched or trimmed.

Conifers have unusual varieties of creeping forms, which are highly valued by designers for their amazing decorative qualities. These include: common spruce of the Formanek variety (lat. Picea abies Formanek), Hillside Cripper pine (lat. Pinus sylvestris Hillside Creeper), mountain Jacobsen pine (lat. Pinus mugo Jakobsen), Canadian hemlock variety Prostrate (lat. Tsuga canadensis Cole" s Prostrate).

Colors of conifers and their use in zoning

As you know, coniferous crops are colored not only green. Among them you can find specimens with needles of variegated shades with yellow or whitish inclusions, needles with a golden and silvery-gray tint. The range of colors is not very large, but it makes it possible to create compositions that can easily replace floral ones.

Coniferous green plants in general concept design elements perform a separating role and do not allow other colors to mix. And the needles with shades are designed to diversify color scheme.

For example, the blue needles of the scaly juniper Blue Carpet will complement the steel color of the silver oleaginus (lat. Elaeagnus commutata). And to emphasize the muted shades of the selected crops, experts recommend growing traditional conifers nearby, for example, mountain Mugus pines (lat. Pinus mugo mughus).

You may find useful information on how to grow juniper in open ground.

Excessive passion for colorful coniferous crops may lead to explosive mixture, which does not stand out in summer period, but looks "artificial" at other times of the year. That's why, landscape designers It is recommended to choose a place for planting conifers in the fall - when you can see the variegated variety of foliage colors, or in early spring, so that it is easier to imagine the future composition as one whole, when other plants do not interfere.

Bottom line

When choosing conifers, you should not imagine color changes depending on the season. The only exceptions may be some varieties or species. Separately, we consider larch, which sheds its needles in the winter. For example, in the summer, the European larch variety Repens has a light green color, and in the fall and spring it turns into a “monster”, with beige-brown needles and long bare shoots swaying in the wind.

A park on an estate or a flowerbed near a private house will look advantageous if it contains evergreen plantings. This fact has been known since ancient times, which is why most people use conifers in landscape design summer cottage. They provide the opportunity to give a space a rich and stately look. And they look original all year round. And regardless of whether there is a single tree or a full-fledged composition.

Conifers in landscape design: problem of choice

  • The size of a coniferous plant that it will have after 10-20 years. That's why common spruce It is best planted along main paths or to create a hedge around the site. The western thuja "Golden Globe" allows you to get a low fence. A low border, the height of which will not exceed 50 cm, will be made from western spruce of the Danika variety.
  • Growth rate of conifers. This fact turns out to be important in the flowerbed. Because plants with different growth rates will quickly greatly change the appearance of the entire composition.
  • Pine needle color. It depends on the variety and breed, and also, sometimes, on the planting location. For example, a Lawson cypress will have a blue tint in bright sun, but will fade in the shade. In addition, one plant can have needles of different shades. For example, the Korean fir "Silberblock" is silver-green, and the green needles of the Nootkan cypress "Variegata" have yellow spots. Moreover, it is recommended to plant such multi-colored conifers separately on the site. Then their shades will not merge and get lost against the background of other plants.
  • The compatibility of different types of conifers. Firs will not get along next to pine or cedar. Spruce will not allow thuja to develop, so they are not combined in one composition of conifers. And larch will not allow any other coniferous plant near it.

Coniferous flowerbed: possible options

1. Compact for a small area

It will require only coniferous species, for example, you can take a coastal juniper and supplement it with one western thuja and several mountain pines. In such a coniferous composition, the thuja should be placed in the center, and the rest of the plants around it. The undeniable advantage of the flower bed is its maximum compactness.

1. Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup
2. Juniper medium Old Gold
3. Mountain Pine Mops
4. Coastal juniper Shlager

2. Large coniferous flowerbed for a spacious cottage

Its place is near a wall or fence. Its design includes juniper, thuja and pine. The furthest row of the coniferous composition should be a row of common juniper. It is recommended to plant a row in front of it western thuja, on both edges of which a medium juniper can be placed.

The center of the coniferous flower bed should be a mountain pine tree on a trunk. In addition to it, it is recommended to plant medium barberry in several places, alternating it with scaly juniper. The front part of the composition is supposed to be created from horizontal juniper and 2 to 3 types of it are used for this.

1. Common juniper Suecica
2. Common juniper Horstman
3. Thuja occidentalis Rheingold
4. Mountain pine Mops on a trunk
5. Juniper medium Mint Julep
6. Blue Star juniper
7. Thuja occidentalis Danica
8. Juniper horizontalis Wiltonii

3. Horizontal coniferous compositions on the site

It is used if conifers in landscape design are used to decorate a large area with flat surface. The only plant that makes it up is juniper. You just need to take several different types. To prevent the flowerbed from looking boring and monotonous, it is recommended to supplement the composition with large and small stones. They allow you to break up the green mass.

1. Juniperus virginiana Gray Owl molded
2. Juniper horizontal Andorra Compact
3. Juniper horizontal Prince of Wales

4. Two-tier in separate flower beds

The farthest one should contain the plant that will be the tallest when mature. For example, mountain pine. You can add horizontal and rock molded juniper to its company.

The front part of the flowerbed can be decorated with two types of juniper: recumbent and scaly.

1. Rock juniper Blue Arrow
2. Juniper rock Skyrocket molded
3. Juniper scaly Meyeri molded
4. Mountain Pine Mops
5. Juniper horizontal Blue Chip
6. Juniper recumbent Nana

5. Flowerbed for an area with uneven terrain

It successfully masks the shortcomings of the territory, but requires sufficient space. Oriental thuja should be planted in the center of the coniferous flower bed; it can be replaced with mountain pine. Background fill Western thujas, and place at the edges horizontal juniper. The latter can be replaced by Cossack. It is recommended to make the edges of the flowerbed asymmetrical: plant Japanese larch on one side, and Thunberg barberry on the other. The final step is to plant a medium-sized juniper around the larch tree.

1. Thuja occidentalis Smaragd
2. Japanese larch Stiff Weeper
3. Barberry Thunberg Red Chief
4. Thuja orientalis Aurea Nana
5. Mountain Pine Mops
6. Juniper medium Old Gold
7. Cossack juniper Blaue Donau
8. Juniper horizontal Prince of Wales
9. Juniper horizontal Blue Chip

6. Coniferous composition in a forest style

In landscape design it is used to reproduce a natural look wildlife. To create this coniferous flowerbed you will need to plant from left to right: lilac, low-growing mountain pine and Canadian spruce. Fill the space between them different types juniper and barberry. This will allow you to get a natural and artistic coniferous composition.

1. Rocky juniper Skyrocket
2. Norway spruce Inversa
3. Lilac Meyeri on a trunk
4. Juniper medium Old Gold
5. Canadian spruce Echiniformis
6. Mountain Pine Mops
7. Thunberg's Barberry Bonanza Gold

Rules for arranging a flower bed of conifers in landscape design

  1. Create a project - what your conifer flowerbed will be like. At this point, it is necessary to take into account such points as the amount of sunlight, free space(it should be enough for the full development of each plant), soil characteristics, topography of the site, structure of the house, area of ​​the site.
  2. Select coniferous tree species.
  3. Create a coniferous composition.
  4. Prepare the soil. To do this, limit the area of ​​the future flower bed. Then you need to remove the top layer of soil and mix it with sand and peat. It is recommended to take the same amount of sand and one part of peat for every two parts of soil. If possible, add two more pieces of leaf soil.
  5. Decorate the boundaries of the coniferous composition; in landscape design, fences made of brick, wood or stones can act as boundaries. Mark the territory of each plant with pegs and dig holes for them. The depth of each should be about 50 cm.
  6. Plant coniferous plants. Cover the bottom of each hole with pebbles or sand. The height of this layer should not be less than 15 cm. Add fertilizer, preferably compost. It will require 3-5 kg ​​per one square meter. You can buy vermicompost, but you just need to choose the one with the lowest nitrogen content. Since applying nitrogen fertilizers to conifers is contraindicated. Place the seedling in the center in a coma of earth. Fill with the prepared mixture. Tamp well and water. Add another layer of soil, which must be well leveled.
  7. Cover the plantings with mulch. You can use cones, pieces of bark, and sawdust. Sometimes ground cover plants play the role of mulch.
  8. Water the coniferous flower bed generously in the autumn. Especially if there is little rain. Coniferous plants need to accumulate a lot of moisture before a long winter.
  9. Regularly feed the plantings, but this must be done before the growth of conifers begins.

Conifers in the landscape design of a summer cottage: advantages

These plants can withstand any vagaries of nature. They are not afraid of frost and heat, prolonged rain or its absence, of course, when they have already taken root in a new place.

Coniferous compositions are distinguished by the fact that they are not susceptible to various diseases. On the contrary, they create a special microclimate that can reduce the number of insects. Phytoncides secreted by coniferous plants prevent the development of viruses and bacteria.

Climate in a limited area country house becomes soft. The air is filled with oxygen. It reduces the number of dust particles. Trees create a barrier to noise and wind.

First of all, conifers are known for can easily protect your area from dust, noise, wind, and glances of passers-by. They prefer to plant these evergreen trees because they release useful substances into the air - it is thanks to phytoncides that one can breathe so easily and freely in a pine grove. People living near such a forest will get sick less often, constantly being in a good mood. Many summer residents recommend planting coniferous trees along the edge of the site.

The first advantage of such planting is that evergreens will strengthen the soil. The second plus is that the shadow from the plants will not fall on your house. Thujas look beautiful in the middle of a plot, which do not grow very tall, and are in harmony with many other plants, thanks to which it will be possible to create unusual design.

Coniferous trees in landscape design: what to choose?

Despite the fairly unpretentiousness of such plants, they sometimes cannot stand being next to each other. That is why you should know which plants can be planted nearby so as not to harm them:

  • There is no need to plant conifers on the site if bird cherry and birch trees already grow there, since these plants negatively affect the growth of evergreens.
  • Pines and cedars do not coexist well with spruces and firs.
  • Spruce and thuja do not like each other.
  • Larch develops well in those gardens where there are no conifers at all.

In addition to the compatibility of plants, they must be selected in accordance with the local climate.

For example, cypress trees have been very popular over the past few years, but these trees cannot tolerate harsh winters at all, so they will only have to be planted in a greenhouse or a specially created greenhouse. I am glad that trees and bushes, which do not lose their beauty throughout the year, will look ideal both in group plantings and individually (varieties such as “Gnome” and “Little Giant” are suitable).

If you have tools (garden shears, a hacksaw) and the appropriate knowledge, you can create unusual evergreens, making it even more original. And all thanks to the fact that the needles of these plants practically do not require adjustment - pruning of trees in this case can be carried out literally every few seasons.

Planting and care: what needs to be taken into account?

When choosing a time for planting, it is better to focus on the end of summer or beginning of autumn. If you missed these deadlines, then it is best to plant plants in early spring - as soon as the snow melts and the ground thaws a little. Thujas, cypresses and other varieties prefer turf soil mixed with sand. The hole should be approximately 80 cm deep - everything will depend on the size of the root part, since there should be enough space in the trench for the root system to shrink. At the bottom we place a layer of compost mixed with fertile soil. The earthen ball on the roots of the plant must be moistened generously with water, and only after that can planting be carried out.

Make sure that the roots do not come out of the ground. After this, we water the new garden resident generously. If you decide to plant several trees nearby, leave a distance of at least 1.5 m between the holes. For the first few years, plants should be watered and fed with mineral fertilizers. Young plants are very susceptible to sunlight, and therefore it is advisable to cover them using a dark film. True, here it is worth making sure that they do not overheat under the material, for which conifers can be sprayed with water from a sprayer.

The soil around the tree also requires constant care: it must be loosened with a hoe, adding fertilizers and fertilizing. For the winter, fragile young bushes must be covered, and it is advisable to carry out work in November. Spruce spruce branches and straw are best suited as covering materials. In order to look impressive in landscape design, fitting into the overall natural interior, you need to take care of them, having thought in advance where it is better to plant the trees, because these evergreens can get sick from transplanting.