Soap candles. Life experience. Soap candle.

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Make your own candle!





    Wear gloves before starting the experiment.

    Conduct the experiment on a tray.

Remove gloves before lighting a candle.

  • General safety rules
  • Do not allow chemicals to come into contact with your eyes or mouth.
  • Keep people away from the experiment site without protective glasses, as well as small children and animals.
  • Keep the experimental kit out of the reach of children under 12 years of age.
  • Wash or clean all equipment and fixtures after use.
  • Ensure that all reagent containers are tightly closed and stored properly after use.
  • Make sure all disposable containers are disposed of correctly.
  • Use only the equipment and reagents provided in the kit or recommended by current instructions.

If you have used a food container or glassware for experiments, throw it away immediately. They are no longer suitable for storing food.

  • First aid information
  • If reagents come into contact with your eyes, rinse thoroughly with water, keeping the eye open if necessary. Contact your doctor immediately. If swallowed, rinse mouth with water and drink a little clean water
  • . Do not induce vomiting. Contact your doctor immediately.
  • If reagents are inhaled, remove the victim to fresh air.
  • In case of skin contact or burns, flush the affected area with plenty of water for 10 minutes or longer.
  • If in doubt, consult a doctor immediately. Take the chemical reagent and its container with you.
  • In case of injury, always seek medical attention.
  • Improper use of chemicals can cause injury and damage to health. Carry out only the experiments specified in the instructions. This set
  • Experiences are intended only for children 12 years of age and older. Children's abilities vary significantly even within. Therefore, parents conducting experiments with their children should use their own discretion to decide which experiments are appropriate and safe for their children.
  • Parents should discuss safety rules with their child or children before experimenting. Particular attention should be paid to the safe handling of acids, alkalis and flammable liquids.
  • Before starting experiments, clear the experiment site of objects that may interfere with you. Avoid storing food near the test site. The testing area should be well ventilated and close to a tap or other water source. To conduct experiments, you will need a stable table.
  • Substances in disposable packaging must be used completely or disposed of after one experiment, i.e. after opening the package.

Other experiments

Step-by-step instruction

    Take the usual laundry soap(a medium-sized bar weighs about 200 g). Toilet soap is also suitable for the experiment. However, the fewer additives and fragrances in the soap you use, the better. Make notches on a piece of soap, dividing it into 6-8 equal parts. Grind about 30 grams of soap (one part) with a knife or grater.

    Pour soap shavings into a beaker up to the 75 mark. If you don't have enough soap shavings, grind a little more.

    Pour water into the glass up to the “75” mark. It is better to use warm water.

    Now you need to get the soap to dissolve in water. As a result, you will get a homogeneous thick soap mass. To do this, place a glass with soap shavings and water on a heated water bath. Mix the soap using a plastic stick.

    It is easy to make a water bath from a deep plate or small saucepan. To do this, just place them on a heat-resistant surface and pour boiling water over them so that when you put a glass of soap in the container, the water level outside is slightly below the “75” mark.

    If the water bath has cooled down and the soap has not yet dissolved, remove the beaker from the bath (only hold it by the top part, which was not immersed in water!). Carefully drain the cooled water from the bath and pour in fresh boiling water.

    You will need 30-40 minutes for the soap to completely dissolve.

    Attention! Take precautions when working with boiling water.

    Once the soap has dissolved, wipe the plastic stick with a paper towel, which will be useful in the next steps.

    Take the plastic cup from the starter kit. Pour the contents of a jar of anhydrous water into it. citric acid C6H8O7 (10 g).

    Fill the glass with citric acid halfway with water.

    Stir the contents of the glass with a plastic stick for 1-2 minutes until the citric acid is completely dissolved.

    Pour out the contents plastic cup into a glass beaker with dissolved soap.

    Stir the mixture for 2-3 minutes using a plastic stick.

    Leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Then carefully drain the water from the glass. If the mixture does not separate, wait another 10–15 minutes, then drain the water.

    Use a plastic skewer to drain the contents of the glass onto paper towels. Leave the workpiece to dry for 1 day.

    Make sure the workpiece is dry. First treat the wick with the resulting substance: do not apply a large number of mixture onto the wick. Fill the candle mold with the resulting substance, inserting the wick as shown in the picture. Compact the substance in the mold.

    Attention! Remove protective gloves before lighting a candle.

    Light the candle.

Expected Result

By isolating stearic acid from soap, you have a homemade candle.


Dispose of experiment waste with household waste.

What happened

What is soap and what does it consist of?

Soap is a well-known solid or liquid detergent. What does it consist of and why does it help cleanse the skin of dirt? No matter how strange it may sound, soap is a mixture of quite complex molecules. One such molecule contains the already well-known positively charged sodium ion Na + (potassium K + in the case of liquid soap) and a large negatively charged organic fragment (anion).

These anions are structured almost like tadpoles: at one end they have a negative charge, and the rest is a long chain of carbon atoms (15-20 atoms), a kind of tail. When soap is dissolved in water, the charged tips of these anions are easily immersed in water and take on the same “water coat” as, for example, some Cl - .

But the long tail of the molecule feels very uncomfortable in the water and tries to slip out of it. It turns out that most of the dirt is structured in much the same way as this tail, and therefore is so difficult to wash off with water. When dirt gets into soap solution, like reaches out to like: the anions from the soap turn their tail towards small pieces of dirt, and leave the charged “head” in the water. Thanks to this mediation, dirt is washed off much better with a soap solution than with ordinary water.

Molecules similar to those described above, along with the familiar copper sulfate CuSO 4 or ammonium chloride NH 4 Cl, are called salts by chemists. Salts usually easily disintegrate in solution into positively and negatively charged fragments:

NH 4 Cl → NH 4 + + Cl -

CuSO 4 → Cu 2+ + SO 4 2-

NaCl → Na + + Cl -

It's funny how ordinary salt, the very substance that we are used to calling salt (and not some copper sulfate!) is sodium chloride NaCl, which also belongs to the class of salts. It's not easy not to get confused!

And the complex molecules that make up soap are called salts fatty acids. But more on that a little later.

What is stearin?

In our case, stearin is the base for the candle. If you replace sodium ions Na + with protons H + , then a mixture of those very complex organic molecules from the previous question will turn into... stearin is a mixture of so-called fatty acids! They are arranged as follows: at the end of the molecule of such an acid there is a group of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms, which, in fact, makes it an acid. And the rest of the molecule is a long chain of carbon atoms, similar to a tail. By changing just one atom in each of the large molecules, we got two very different substances: one is capable of washing away dirt, and the second, after a little processing, turned into a candle!

Why do we use citric acid?

Soap is salts of fatty acids, and the candle should consist of stearin, that is, of these acids themselves. This means that to create a candle we need to act on the soap solution with some kind of acid. In this case, the following reaction occurs: citric acid takes Na + from fatty acid salts and gives them H + in return, converting their fatty acids (in other words, into stearin). It dissolves very poorly in water and forms a thick sticky mass. After the stearin is dried, you can make a candle out of it.

Why is it important to dissolve the soap before adding citric acid?

In order for citric acid to turn into salt, and salts of fatty acids into these acids themselves, it is necessary that nothing prevents them from reaching each other. If the soap is poorly dissolved, then part of it in large pieces will not be able to come into contact with citric acid and will remain unchanged. After all, stearin forms on the surface of such pieces. And it is insoluble in water and isolates the remaining soap, stopping the reaction. This is why it is so important to dissolve all the soap before adding the citric acid solution.

By the way, the heating and stirring carried out in the experiment are precisely necessary to ensure that the soap dissolves in water faster.

Stearin(French stearine, from Greek stear - fat) - organic product obtained from fats. It consists of stearic acid with an admixture of palmitic, oleic and other saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Used in soap making, paper, rubber, textile industries, and for making candles. A mixture of kerosene and stearin is used as a lubricant during molding work. As a component it is part of wax used in the foundry industry.

Try making your own stearin candle using a bar of laundry soap.

Use a knife to cut about half a piece of laundry soap and place it in a clean tin can or in an old saucepan. Pour enough water to cover the soap shavings and place the mixture in a water bath. Stir the contents of the saucepan from time to time with a wooden stick so that the soap dissolves in the water as quickly as possible.

When this happens, remove the vessel from the heat and pour vinegar into it. Under the action of acid, a thick white mass will separate from the solution and float to the surface. This is stearin - a translucent mixture of several substances, mainly stearic C17H35COOH and palmitic C15H31COOH acids.

Exact composition It is impossible to name, it is different and depends on the substances that went into making the soap.

As you know, candles are made from stearin. Or rather, they did it before, because now candles are mostly not stearic, but paraffin - paraffin obtained from oil is cheaper and more accessible. But since we have stearin at our disposal, let’s make a candle out of it.

When the jar has cooled completely, scrape the stearin from the surface with a spoon and transfer it to clean dishes. Rinse the stearin two or three times with water and wrap it in a clean white rag or filter paper to absorb excess moisture.

When the stearin is completely dry, let's start making the candle. The simplest technique is probably this: dip a thick twisted thread, for example from a kerosene wick, into slightly heated molten stearin several times, each time allowing the stearin to harden on the wick. Do this until the candle grows to a sufficient thickness on the wick. This good way, although somewhat tedious; in any case, in ancient times candles were often prepared this way.

There is an even simpler way: immediately coat the wick with stearin heated until soft (you can even just prepare it, not yet cooled down). True, in this case the wick will be less saturated with the fusible mass, and the candle will not turn out very good, although it will burn.

For beautiful shaped candles, the manufacturing methods are not easy. First of all, you need to make a mold - wooden, plaster, metal. In this case, it is advisable to first soak the wick with one or two layers of stearin; it is then secured in the mold so that it runs exactly down the middle. It is advisable that the wick be slightly stretched. And after that, hot stearin is poured into the mold.

In this way you can make candles from paraffin, i.e. from store-bought candles, melting them and giving them the shape you like.

You can do exactly the opposite - make soap from a stearin candle:

Making soap from stearin

You cannot make soap from a paraffin candle. Only a stearin candle is suitable; natural beeswax will also work.

Heat a certain amount of stearin in a water bath, hot enough, but not brought to a boil. When the stearin is completely melted, add a concentrated solution of washing (soda ash) to it. The resulting white viscous mass is soap. Keep it in a water bath for a few more minutes, and then pour the still hot mass into some form.

Soap was obtained, but we do not know how pure the substances that were part of the candle were, so this soap is for last resort, or for washing.

Vintage stearin candles - how to make

Production of stearin candles without the use of presses and other expensive machines

Heat 10-12% of good lard in clean boiled water. When it melts, turn off the fire and let the lard stand until a thin film forms on the surface. Then add 2% soda solution 30° Baume and stir until the mass acquires the consistency of cold process soap. Light the fire again and bring the mixture to the boiling point. When boiled, the soap decomposes again and a precipitate is formed in the form of flakes, containing impurities contained in the lard. If you let the lard sit for some time, it becomes transparent and almost colorless. In this state, it can be successfully used for lubricating machines, but for making candles it requires further processing, since it still contains traces of soap. It is placed in a copper cauldron and cleaned with acidified water 1-2% B. As long as the lard contains traces of soap, foam appears on the surface and does not dissolve.

Acidified water is added until the foam completely disappears. But it is better to make a test to be sure that the soap has decomposed. For this purpose, take a small amount of liquid from the bottom of the boiler and make a test using litmus paper. If it does not turn red, then boiling should continue with further addition of acidified water. If the litmus paper turns red, then the lard is allowed to settle, after which the acidic water is drained and the fat is boiled again with fresh water.

Then olein and stearin are separated as follows: take a boiler with a double bottom, which is placed at a distance of 10 cm from the real bottom of the boiler. The double bottom is equipped with holes 1.25 cm in diameter, and there is a tap between the bottoms.

Place equal parts of lard and boiling water into the cauldron and cover the cauldron with a lid to prevent too much cooling. The mass is allowed to stand for two or three days, depending on the quantity, until a thermometer immersed in the top layer of lard shows a temperature of 22-25°C. Then the tap opens and first water flows out from the lower room, then olein, while the crystallized stearin remains on the double bottom and is ready for molding candles from it. This is done in the same way as making tallow candles, but at a higher temperature. The mass, which looks like milk, must be stirred all the time.

Soap as a laxative is considered an effective alternative to pharmaceutical medicines and drugs that have side effects. However, this method of relieving constipation can be addictive.


There is a lot of discussion about the use of soap candles both among doctors and among patients: the issues of the benefits and harms of this method are being resolved. However, its effectiveness has been proven in practice more than once, due to which this product is considered the most accessible assistant when constipation occurs.

Will laundry soap really help with constipation?

Soap began to be used in the fight against constipation back in Soviet years when there are few laxatives in pharmacies. At that time, the “soap” method was considered safe and universal, but modern doctors constantly dispute this statement. To prevent soap from harming the body, it is worth understanding exactly how it acts when it gets into the anus.

In case of constipation, a bar of soap can effectively soften stool, which will ensure rapid bowel movement. Soap is used as the main ingredient for the preparation of enemas to cleanse the intestines and laxative rectal suppositories.

The effect of a soap bar on the body is similar to the result of the action of well-known suspensions that are used rectally. Due to the direct contact of soap with the mucous membrane, only natural varieties are used to facilitate the process of defecation.

Laundry soap for constipation in an adult will give the most quick effect. And baby products act gently, slowly stimulating the intestinal system. Tar soap and is completely prohibited for use. It acts too actively on intestinal receptors and can provoke serious inflammation in the intestines.

You should not make candles from moisturizing soap cream. Despite the fact that this product provides skin hydration, it takes away moisture from the mucous membrane, which can cause cracks in the anus. In addition, such a mass contains a large list of additives that cause fat imbalance.

Making a candle from soap

You need to immediately find out which soap is best for constipation in a baby or an adult. Many people believe that there is nothing better than laundry soap. But it is characterized by the highest alkalinity, which is so harmful to the intestines. Therefore, for a child, it is best to choose a mild baby soap that will not harm the delicate skin of newborns.

Having decided on the choice of soap, you need to cut off a small part from it, shape it in the form of a candle and smooth the edges under a stream of water. Piece diameter for infant should be like two match heads.

The child is placed on his side and a suppository is carefully inserted. After about 10 minutes, the baby should poop.

Folk recipe

To reduce the negative effect of alkali on the intestinal mucosa, you can make soap yourself at home. You will need:

  • Crushed dark soap – 50 grams;
  • Olive oil or Vaseline oil – 10 grams;
  • Small baking dish;
  • Water – 100 grams.

All ingredients need to be mixed and steamed for about two hours. To prevent the liquid from boiling away, cover the mixture with a lid. Then the mixture must be poured into a mold and placed in the refrigerator so that the soap hardens. When it has completely hardened, you can make candles from the soap composition.

Attention! Homemade soap has a milder effect, does not lead to irritation of the rectum, and the passage of feces occurs no later than 30 minutes after the introduction of a piece of soap. The ingredients of pure natural soap have a stimulating effect on peristalsis, and thanks to the oil, hardened fecal particles soften.

Help a child

You cannot use any soap product during constipation due to inflammation in the rectum. This can lead to exacerbation of the disease and bleeding.

It is worth keeping in mind that soap is not a medicine, but only an irritant that provokes the release of the intestines. If the body is not able to independently remove food from the body, it is not necessary to suppress natural functions digestive system. In this case, you need to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist to solve the root of the problem, and not just the symptom in the form of constipation.

As practice has shown, using soap too often during constipation is not best idea. Many patients too often resort to this method of dealing with problematic stool, which causes irreversible consequences. Besides, soap has long been supplanted wide choice available rectal suppositories. Even when you urgently need to empty your intestines, it is better to use safer and gentler folk recipes.

What complications can there be?

If constipation occurs once over a long period, then soap can be used to relieve the condition, but you need to be sure that the condition is not associated with a specific serious illness. And when constipation occurs frequently, you should definitely talk to a doctor, undergo an examination, and understand what the cause of the pathology is.


It must be remembered that frequent use of the method with soap candles causes irritation and damage to the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of cracks and ulcers.

Alkali, which constantly attacks the intestine from the inside, simply corrodes its walls. After frequent use of soap, tenesmus develops - a false urge to defecate, accompanied by pain, even if there is no feces in the rectum.

When and how often can it be used?

The “soap” method is used for constipation. But for the following diseases it should be used in combination with soothing herbs and oils:

  • Indigestion, dyspepsia;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Ulcerative diseases;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.

The frequency of use should not exceed 1 time every 2 months.

The resulting suppository must be carefully inserted into the anal passage. You don't have to push it deep. The procedure is not accompanied by painful feelings, since at body temperature the soap melts in the intestine and lubricates its walls to make feces easier to pass out. The relief effect, depending on the duration of constipation, occurs after 20 minutes.

Important! For elderly patients, this method is not recommended for hard stools without the permission of a doctor.

Are there any risks?

It is not without reason that medicine takes the side of medicinal methods of combating frequent constipation in infants, in adult patients, during pregnancy and lactation. Doctors explain this by saying that the soap contains alkaline substances that corrode and irritate the sensitive walls of the intestines.

Much safer and healthier are natural oil candles, which are sold in pharmacies. In addition, constant use of soap candles can lead to addiction. The intestines will no longer cope with their task on their own.

This manipulation a couple of decades ago was one of the most common means of helping with stool retention. Nowadays, enema is used much less frequently for children with constipation, since other alternative means have been created - medications.

However, in exceptional cases, a cleansing enema is still used. It is important to carefully prepare for it and take into account all the nuances of this important event.

Causes of constipation in children

Depending on the age and characteristics of the children's diet, they are used various criteria constipation So, for breastfed infants, the norm may be stool every 2-4 days, so mother’s milk is digested so efficiently.

And for bottle-fed children of the same age, daily bowel movements are important, just like for a child preschool age. So, if defecation occurs less frequently than once every three days, and at the same time the child defecates with with great difficulty, it is believed that he is constipated.

Often, the consistency of the stool is so hard that the act of defecation brings suffering to the baby. Next time he tries to delay this moment as far as possible, and the vicious circle closes.

All the time that the child endures, afraid to pass a big one, liquid from the stool is absorbed into the intestinal walls. Hardened feces again cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, and further urges are again ignored. In addition to psychological ones, there are other causes of constipation:

  • the diet of a nursing mother contains foods that cause constipation in the baby;
  • the formula is not suitable for a formula-fed infant or complementary foods are introduced that do not correspond to digestive capabilities;
  • the preschooler does not want to tear himself away from a game or an interesting activity;
  • the child drinks little;
  • children's diet is not balanced, it is dominated by meat products, sweets, baked goods;
  • the baby underwent a course of antibiotic treatment and dysbacteriosis occurred;
  • the child cannot relax in a public toilet (at school, in kindergarten);
  • the child suffered from an illness accompanied by high temperature or diarrhea, and, as a result, dehydration occurred.

Very rarely, constipation occurs as a result of the desire of a child under overprotection to control at least something in his own life.

What can you do before the enema?

If constipation in children does not cause significant discomfort and there is no need to take urgent measures to eliminate it, you can try to do without an enema.

For example, constipation due to dysbiosis can be gently eliminated with prebiotics and probiotics carefully selected by a doctor.

The restored intestinal microflora normalizes the process of defecation without the use of an enema.
If the cause of constipation is in the baby’s incorrectly composed diet, you need to stimulate bowel movements by introducing additional vegetables, fruits and juices.

Normalization leads to excellent results drinking regime or the use of Lactulose, a prebiotic with a laxative effect. Careful selection of formulas for artificial feeding and review of the diet of the nursing mother helps relieve constipation in infants.

If such measures are ineffective, the pediatrician may recommend special suppositories. Glycerin suppositories are suitable as first aid. If you cannot purchase children's candles, you can use candles for adults, divided into four parts.

Typically, the effect of this treatment for constipation occurs after a quarter of an hour. Microlax microenemas are no less effective. Their active substance which occupy a small volume, which is especially convenient for their use in infants.

Indications and contraindications for using an enema

The inability to independently perform an act of defecation, the discomfort endured by the baby, crying, complaints of abdominal pain in combination with stool retention give grounds for using an enema.

This remedy should not be used regularly. An enema for constipation in children is given when alternative measures have already been exhausted, and the effect has still not occurred. Possible consequences regular use of enema:

  1. the intestines become “lazy”, its peristalsis weakens;
  2. beneficial microflora, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are responsible for normalizing digestion, are washed away;
  3. imbalance;
  4. microflora leads to decreased immunity.

If an enema is given without consulting a doctor, there is a risk of missing it dangerous diseases and conditions, aggravate an already difficult situation. Absolute contraindications for enema:

  • painful procedure;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • suspicion of appendicitis, peritonitis.

An enema is given to children with constipation if the parents are fully confident that there are no contraindications. In addition to constipation, it is also used in preparation for a diagnostic examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Compositions for enema and fluid norms

This procedure is done using boiled water slightly warmer room temperature. Cold liquid provokes intestinal spasms, very warm water will be actively absorbed through the intestinal walls, carrying with it toxins from the feces.

The optimal water temperature is +26+30? C. An enema will be more effective if you add glycerin to the water (1-2 tsp per liter of water), or make it with chamomile decoction. You can use a soap solution from a small piece of baby soap.

Too small a volume of water to introduce into the baby's intestines will not have any effect; too much liquid can cause pain to the baby. The table will help you calculate the correct volume of liquid:

  • newborn – 25 ml
  • 1-2 months — 30-40 ml
  • 2-4 months - 60 ml
  • 6-9 months - 75-100 ml
  • 9-12 months — 120-170 ml
  • 1-2 years - 200-250 ml
  • 2-5 years – 300 ml
  • 6-10 years - 400-500 ml

To carry out the manipulation, you need to prepare a small soft rubber bulb, which must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature. The plastic tip can damage the baby's delicate tissues; it is better if it is rubber.

How to give an enema to a baby

To give an enema, cover the surface of the changing table or bed with oilcloth and a diaper. The baby needs to be placed on his back, his legs raised up. It is better if someone helps carry out this procedure and holds the child.

The air is released from the bulb and the enema liquid is taken into it. After this, lightly squeeze the pear so that excess air comes out of it, and only liquid remains.

The tip is lubricated with Vaseline and very carefully inserted into the anus 3-4 cm towards the navel, and then along the spine.

Liquid should not be suddenly released from the pear into the intestines. This is done with careful small pushes until the rubber bulb is completely empty. The compressed bulb is removed from the anus; if it is released ahead of time, all the liquid from the intestines will be absorbed back into the syringe. The child’s buttocks are squeezed for several minutes; on average, after 5-15 minutes, you can see the effect of using the enema.

This video will tell you how to give an enema to a baby:

Enema for children aged one year and older

The technique for carrying out this procedure is practically no different from an enema for infants.

Children under three years of age should not use bulbs with a plastic tip. It is more convenient for older children to do an enema when they lie on their side, with their knees slightly bent.

The surface on which the child lies is covered with disposable oilcloth. After the enema, it is better to squeeze the buttocks for 5-10 minutes, preventing the liquid from the rectum from pouring back too quickly.

An enema for a child is an exceptional measure. It is used as a last resort if other measures have had no effect. This manipulation requires careful preparation. It is necessary to take into account the volume of the enema, the temperature of the liquid, and carry out the procedure with maximum caution.

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How to take a stool test?

Stool analysis has a medical name - coprogram. This study is effective method identifying various disorders in the functioning of the pancreas, stomach, liver, gallbladder, small and large intestines.

The coprogram will help to find out the cause of:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • unpleasant belching;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pain in the abdominal area.

How to prepare for a stool test?

The preparatory stage is no less important than the actual collection of feces. Therefore, many people wonder how to take a stool test and how to properly prepare for this procedure.

  1. First, it is worth noting that before collecting feces, it is necessary to urinate and perform hygiene procedures for the genitals using soap. Then you need to thoroughly dry the perineum with a towel. This will prevent urine and water from getting into your stool, which can cause inaccurate results.
  2. Many people neglect this advice, believing that feces themselves are sewage, and microorganisms that get into them on the surface of the genitals and skin cannot in any way affect the result obtained. This is fundamentally wrong. After all, not only these microorganisms, but also particles can get into the feces chemical substances present on clothing and underwear. For example, particles washing powder, through which underwear was washed.
  3. To collect stool you will need a dry, clean container. For example, it could be a pot or a vessel. But not everyone has a “duck” or a pot in their house. Therefore, many people collect feces directly from the toilet, if its design, of course, allows this to be done. It must be said right away that the toilet is not a perfectly clean place, so collecting feces in this way is undesirable.
  4. There is an alternative to collecting stool directly from the toilet. For these purposes, many use cling film, which is pulled onto the toilet seat. After defecation, feces are collected in a prepared container.
  5. Collect feces only in an airtight container with a tight-fitting lid. This container must be made of glass or plastic. In terms of quantity, about 5 g of stool (a full teaspoon) must be collected for analysis.

Rules for submitting a coprogram

Many people mistakenly believe that compliance with the conditions and rules for conducting a particular study concerns only medical personnel. But not everyone takes into account that this also applies to patients. When taking any test, certain requirements must be followed. For example, medications should be taken only according to the schedule, blood from a finger and vein should be donated on an empty stomach, and injection procedures should be carried out in sanitary conditions. The effectiveness of research and procedures depends on compliance with these rules.

As for submitting stool for research, such rules also exist for this procedure. They must be strictly observed. So, you should consider in detail how to properly take a stool test in order to get the most accurate results.

Rule #1

It is recommended to submit stool to the laboratory no later than 5-6 hours after collection. This is the optimal time period. If this period is exceeded, the microbiological composition of stool may change, which will affect the results of the analysis. That is, the fresher the stool submitted to the laboratory, the more accurate the results will be.
The difficulty may lie in the fact that almost all laboratories accept tests exclusively in the morning and only at certain days weeks. Some people are used to going to the toilet in the evenings, and small children cannot be forced to sit on the potty before breakfast with any tricks. How to be?
If such situations arise, it is recommended to try to endure it once without defecating in the evening, so that in the morning you have the opportunity to collect a fresh portion of feces. If you can’t bear it, then you should take the latest portion from the evening stool and take it to the laboratory in the morning.

Rule #2

Stool intended for analysis must be formed naturally. That is, feces must pass through the intestines in a certain time, during which it is formed properly. The use of laxatives and enemas to collect stool for examination is unacceptable. After all, the period of stay of feces in the intestines will be significantly reduced, which will prevent its natural formation and, accordingly, obtaining accurate results of coprogram.

In addition, an enema can be given no later than 3 days before collecting stool for analysis. You can take laxatives no later than two days before the test.

As an example, we can cite a situation where a specialist, during a stool examination, may find food residues in its composition that have not been completely digested. These can be starches, fats and much more. Based on these signs, the specialist will identify the presence of pancreatitis in the patient. And if the test had been taken with the patient using laxatives, it would not have been possible to identify this disease during the test.

Rule #3

During menstruation, women should avoid submitting stool for testing. If there is an urgent need to do this, you need to use a tampon. This will prevent blood from getting into the stool.

Rule #4

For at least two days before submitting stool for analysis, it is necessary to refrain from conducting X-ray examinations of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • irrigoscopy;
  • barium passage.

The fact is that during these procedures a radiopaque substance such as barium sulfate is used. And it can not only discolor feces, but also significantly change its composition.

Rule #5

Also, three days before collecting stool for examination, it is not recommended to take medications that affect peristalsis, composition and color of stool. These drugs include:

  • bismuth;
  • Activated carbon;
  • polycarpine;
  • rectal suppositories.

Rule #6

It is recommended to follow a healthy diet for 3-4 days before collecting stool for testing. You should not abuse foods that contribute to constipation, diarrhea, and the formation of gas. Also, you should not eat foods that can change the color of stool, such as beets.

1. If feces are submitted for research, the purpose of which is to detect pathogens in it intestinal infection, it must be collected not just in a clean and dry container, but in a specially prepared sterile container (container).
2. If you donate stool to detect the presence of “hidden” blood in its composition, you should not eat foods rich in iron for 3 days before the test. First of all, this applies to meat products and offal:

  • rabbit, chicken, turkey;
  • hearts;
  • liver;
  • language;
  • lungs;
  • ears;
  • lamb, pork, veal;
  • brains;
  • ventricles.

3. If stool needs to be tested to detect worm eggs, it should be taken in slightly larger quantities than for other types of research. In addition, feces must be taken from different places, and not from a single block.
4. On the day before collecting stool for analysis, it is better to refrain from brushing your teeth.
By adhering to the “simple” rules described above, you can safely donate feces for testing. laboratory research, which will allow you to get accurate results.

Then they mentioned the special structure of its molecule: a “head” and a long “tail”, and the “head” tends towards the water, and the “tail”, on the contrary, repels from the water...

Let's take a closer look at the hydrophobic “tail” - a long hydrocarbon chain. These types of connections are very common and extremely important for industry. They are an indispensable component of many fats, oils, lubricants and other beneficial substances. We will now obtain one of them - the so-called stearin, using laundry soap as a basis.

Using a knife, cut out half a piece of laundry soap and place it in a clean tin can (or in a used saucepan). Pour enough water to cover the soap shavings and place the mixture in a water bath. Stir the contents of the saucepan from time to time with a wooden stick so that the soap dissolves in the water as quickly as possible. When this finally happens, remove the vessel from the heat (of course, do not bare hand) and pour vinegar into it. Under the action of acid, a thick white mass will separate from the solution and float to the surface. This is stearin - a translucent mixture of several substances, mainly stearic C 17 H 35 COONa and palmitic C 15 H 31 COONa acids. It is impossible to say the exact composition; it depends on the substances that went into making the soap.

From stearin, as is known from fiction, making candles. Or rather, they did it before, because now candles are mostly not stearic, but paraffin - paraffin obtained from oil is cheaper and more accessible. But, since we have stearin at our disposal, we will make a candle from it. This, by the way, is a fun activity in itself!

When the jar has cooled completely, scoop the stearin from the surface with a spoon and transfer it to a clean container. Rinse the stearin two or three times with water and wrap it in a clean white rag or filter paper to absorb excess moisture. When the stearin is completely dry, let's start making the candle.

Here is perhaps the simplest technique: dip a thick twisted thread, for example, from a kerosene stove wick, repeatedly into slightly heated molten stearin, each time allowing the stearin to harden on the wick. Do this until the candle grows to a sufficient thickness on the wick. This is a good method, although somewhat tedious; in any case, in ancient times candles were often prepared this way.

There is a simpler way: immediately coat the wick with stearin heated until softened (you can even just prepare it, not yet cooled down). But in this case, the wick will be less saturated with the fusible mass and the candle will not turn out very good, although it will burn.

For beautiful, shaped candles, the manufacturing methods are not easy. And first of all, you need to make a mold - wooden, plaster, metal. In this case, it is advisable to first soak the wick with one or two layers of stearin; it is then secured in the mold so that it runs exactly down the middle. It is advisable that the wick be slightly stretched. And after that, hot stearin is poured into the mold.

By the way, in this way you can make candles from paraffin, i.e., actually, from purchased candles, melting them and giving them the shape that you like. However, we warn you - you will have to tinker...

Having received a candle from soap, we will conduct the experiment in the opposite direction: we will prepare soap from a candle. But not from paraffin soap; soap cannot be made from it at all, because paraffin molecules do not have “heads.” But if you are sure that the candle is stearic, then you can safely make laundry soap from it. Natural beeswax is also suitable.

Heat several pieces of stearin candle in a water bath, hot enough, but not brought to a boil. When the stearin is completely melted, add a concentrated solution of washing (soda ash) to it. The resulting white viscous mass is soap. Keep it in a water bath for a few more minutes, and then, putting on a mitt or wrapping your hand in a towel so as not to get burned, pour the still hot mass into some form - at least Matchbox. When the soap has hardened, remove it from the box.

Making sure that it is soap and that it cleans is not difficult. Just please don’t use it to wash your hands - we don’t know how pure the substances that made up the candle were.

O. Holguin. "Experiments without explosions"
M., "Chemistry", 1986