Is it possible to replant thujas in the fall? When to transplant thuja to another place. The features of this process are discussed below

Thuja - evergreen ornamental plant, widely used for decoration garden plots. Thuja is being replanted, usually, in autumn, in September-October. Can I have her replant in spring, but only before the beginning of the growing season - in March, April. Otherwise she will get sick.

An ideal place to plant thuja

The tree must be fully illuminated by the sun. It grows poorly in the shade and may thin out and change the color of the needles. Thuja does not tolerate drafts well, so the place should be protected from cold winds.

Planting hole adult thuja prepared in 15-20 days, but if the tree needs to be transplanted from place to place within the garden plot, the hole can be dug on the day of transplantation. Dig it 1 by 1 meter in size and 50 centimeters deep. Planting material consisting of soil mixed with peat and sand is placed at the bottom of the pit. The planting material is left in the hole until the thuja is planted.

We transplant an adult thuja carefully

They dig up the thuja carefully so as not to damage the root system, moving 30 centimeters away from the trunk. The soil from the root system is not shaken off, if the distance between the growth site and the planting site is not large, the thuja is transferred along with the soil to a new hole, placed in it, first the hole moistened generously with water.

Bury the thuja root system with fertile soil, periodically compacting it down to the level of the root collar. Under no circumstances should it be covered with soil. After planting, the thuja is watered.

If the thuja needs to be transported over a long distance, then excess soil is carefully shaken off the root system and burlap is placed over it. Having delivered the tree to the planting site, the burlap is not removed from the roots, but planted with it. After some time, the burlap will decompose in the ground, providing the thuja with additional nutrients.

Transplant adult thuja you need at least 1 month before the start of cold weather to root system managed to strengthen. After planting, the tree needs to be watered once a week and the crown moistened. There is no need to be upset if the tree crown turns yellow after replanting. This is a natural phenomenon: the tree must recover from the disease. Next year the tree will be healthy and the needles will be lush green.

Before the onset of cold weather, the root system of the tree must be covered with a layer of humus or sawdust, but this covering layer should not touch the tree trunk. Thuja branches need to be tied with twine to prevent them from being broken by snow.

Various varieties of thuja decorate garden plots, park areas and city streets. A decorative plant loved by many gardeners. all year round. Green pine needles are full of beneficial essential oils. If the area is regularly rained, then the area will always be heard pleasant aroma needles Thujas look great in single plantings, hedges, group green compositions, and flower beds.

Thuja hedge in the yard

Everyone knows that planting thujas is carried out in early spring or autumn. Eat general rule, Whereby best time for planting evergreens - spring. At this time, conifers from containers, as well as seedlings with an open root system, take root well in open ground. Not many people know that thujas can be planted in the summer, following certain rules.

Rules for planting thujas in summer

Thuja Smaragd seedlings for sale

There are some features that will help the plant take root more easily in a new place if it is planted during the hot season.

  1. Thujas must have a closed root system. Typically, such seedlings can be purchased at a nursery, where they are grown in containers, pots or special bags. If it has grown like this for long enough, then there is a greater chance that when planted in the summer in open ground it will take root better.
  2. You need to choose the right time to plant the thuja. After purchasing the seedling in a container, it is better to keep it in the shade for some time. You can plant thuja on a cloudy, or even better, rainy day. If, according to forecasts, such days are not expected, then this can be done in the evening, when the bright rays of the sun will not harm the young plant.
  3. If the survival period of thujas takes place in the summer months, then at first they need not just be watered, but filled well. To ensure that the seedlings take root well in a new place, you can add heteroauxin or root to the water for irrigation.
  4. It’s good if you don’t forget to spray young seedlings. Grateful thujas will preserve green color needles without turning yellow. To reduce the level of stress during transplantation, anti-stress drugs such as Epin, HB-101, and zircon can be used for spraying. It is better to spray thuja in the morning.
  5. The soil around the planted thuja needs to be mulched. This procedure is necessary to preserve moisture. Thus, the root system receives additional protection from overheating. For mulching, you can take sawdust or ready-made coconut fiber circles.
  6. If a well-lit place is chosen for planting thuja, then during the first two to three weeks the young plant should be shaded on the south side. You can make a screen or canopy from thick paper, plywood, or branches. Under no circumstances should plastic bags be used for this purpose.

Place for planting thuja

Whenever you decide to plant thuja on your site, in spring, summer or autumn, you need to choose the right place for it. This coniferous plant loves areas well protected from the wind. Although thuja is photophilous, it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. They dehydrate the plant, causing the needles to become dull and yellow. The plant will lose its decorative effect even in full shade.

Thuja is a fairly unpretentious plant in terms of soil composition. But if you choose a place in a moist, well-drained area, the lush crown will always be bright green. If planting thuja is carried out in spring or autumn, then it is enough to follow these rules. But in summer period For better survival of plants, it is better to take a special soil mixture for conifers.

If you plant thuja in spring or autumn, you can take seedlings with both closed and open root systems. During summer planting Plants from containers will take root better. The size of the planting hole depends on the volume of the root with a lump of earth. If the soil is wet and heavy, then a drainage layer at least 20 centimeters thick must be laid at the bottom of the hole. Broken brick, gravel, and expanded clay are suitable for this purpose. Then a layer of soil is poured. You can take regular land, but it’s better if it’s special composition for conifers, purchased in a store, or a self-prepared mixture of turf soil, peat and sand.

Another important rule– the root collar should be flush with the soil surface. Thuja is planted in this way to avoid rotting or drying out.

Caring for thuja after planting

During the first month after planting, the thuja should be watered once a week, pouring a bucket of water under each plant. If the summer is dry, then it makes sense to increase the amount of watering. It is also necessary to spray the plants morning hours. This is especially true for thujas planted in spring and summer.

After planting the thuja, the root circle must be mulched. If the plant is planted in spring or summer, then this is necessary for better preservation moisture, as well as to protect the roots from overheating. If you plant thuja in the fall, then this procedure is necessary to protect the root system from the cold. Sawdust, leaves, grass, and ready-made coconut fiber circles can be used as mulch.

In the first years after planting for the winter, the branches need to be tied together with rope or twine so that they do not break under the weight of snow. Although thujas are frost-resistant, young plants can be protected from winter frosts. Spruce branches or light covering material are suitable for this purpose. Lightproof materials can harm the plant, because thuja is an evergreen plant, which means that the process of photosynthesis occurs all year round.

Proper care involves removing weeds and loosening the soil. This is especially important if you plant thuja in spring or summer. But it should be remembered that the roots are located close to the surface of the earth, so you need to loosen them carefully and shallowly.

You can start trimming thuja only from 3-4 years of age, and form garden figures or shape the hedge - after reaching the required height.

Regardless of the time of planting, thujas take root equally well if all the rules are followed. Plant them in spring, summer, autumn. Choose the right location and love your plants. And they will delight you with their beauty and lush green needles

Thuja is one of the most spectacular plants decorating the garden. An evergreen tree or shrub fits well into any landscape. At the same time, the culture has strong immunity, does not require special conditions for growth, and is frost-resistant. Caring for the plant is simple. But despite this, there is one procedure that requires special attention from the gardener. This means transplanting thuja to another place in the summer. It is important for a summer resident to carefully approach the event, working out in theory the questions of how to transplant an adult thuja and when is the best time to do this.


Thuja is a representative of the evergreens coniferous crops from the Cypress family. Another name for it is the tree of life. The culture is dioecious. Maybe both a bush and tall tree, stretching towards the sky to a height of 50-70 m. At the same time, the trunk sometimes reaches a diameter of about 5 m. Such thujas can be found on the North American continent and in Asia.

Additional Information. Thuja is a long-liver. It has been growing in the garden for over a hundred years.

Popularity life tree due to positive characteristics, among which:

  • Frost resistance. The plant grows without problems in the central part of Russia, the Urals, and Siberia.
  • Grown as home plant, and gardening.
  • It grows without problems in areas where the air is polluted. If the dacha is located near the highway, the thuja will take this calmly. It grows well in polluted cities.
  • Easy to trim. The plant makes beautiful hedges or green shapes.
  • Thuja, like another representative of the Cypress juniper, purifies the air and has a pleasant forest coniferous aroma.
  • Unlike juniper, the tree of life has scaly needles that are soft and not prickly.
  • When autumn comes, miniature elongated cones appear on the thuja. At first their color is light green, then light brown. At the same time, dark cornflower blue or reddish colored cones appear on the juniper.

Note! Another close relative thuja - cypress. Plants can again be distinguished by their fruits. Cypress has round cones of light green color with brown veins. Cypress lives in subtropical zones, and thuja grows even in areas with a frosty climate.

Features of cultivation

Spring and autumn are suitable for planting thuja seedlings. The place for the plant needs to be open, but with shading during the midday hours. Direct sunlight will damage the needles. It is important to plant the crop where there are no strong winds or drafts. The soil selected is nutritious, loose, with a sufficient content of peat and sand.

On a note! Shrub care includes weekly abundant watering with sprinkling. The root system of the life tree is located close to the soil surface. Loosening must be done with a hoe. Pruning is indicated only for mature shrubs that are 3-4 years old.

Culture transplantation

Replanting a thuja is a forced process. Usually the need for it arises if the plant cannot develop well in the bed allocated for it. For example, the selected area is too sunny, as a result the thuja dries out. Another reason why replanting is necessary is a change of gardener. The shrub is bought and moved to a new permanent place in another garden. In this case, the question “when is the best time to replant thujas?” will be relevant. Agronomists claim that the procedure is possible at any time of the year. Spring and autumn seasons are most preferable due to moist soil. But also summer time(for example, August) is the answer to the question “when to transplant the thuja to another place?”

Thuja transplant

Step by step guide

  1. Planting takes place in a bright place without drafts.
  2. 20-25 days before transplanting the thuja, a planting hole is dug. Its depth should be about a meter, the diameter should be about the same.
  3. The soil is mixed with peat, compost, and ash.
  4. The summer day when planting is organized should not be hot or rainy. It is best to work on the plant in the evening.
  5. The root system is removed from the container and transferred to the prepared hole. It is not recommended to straighten the roots. They are too delicate; any damage to them will be perceived negatively by the culture.
  6. The root collar should be level with the edges of the planting hole.
  7. Once the landing is complete, trunk circle compacted, watered and mulched.
  8. It is not recommended to fertilize the plant in the first year. The only thing that can be added to a transplanted plant is a growth stimulator.

Important! Thuja in a new place may die if one is not taken into account important nuance. We are talking about the orientation of the tree to the cardinal points. That is, it is important to place the crown, which faces south, in the direction of the south when replanting. For convenience, summer residents hang ribbons on the needles indicating how the thuja grew in the old place relative to the main directions (north, south, west, east).

Care after transplant

Important! The main thing that a gardener needs to do after replanting is to organize constant watering once every 2-3 days. This way the culture will take root faster. The crop should also be protected from direct sunlight. For this purpose, an improvised tent covered with gauze is built.

New shrubs are not pruned for the first few years, but they are carefully prepared for winter. The tree trunk circle must be covered with fallen leaves and peat. Spruce and pine branches are suitable. The crown is wrapped in burlap. Feeding with compounds for coniferous species is carried out 1-2 times a year in spring and summer.

Transplanting from a pot into the ground

When can thujas be transplanted to another place if the plants were previously in containers? It is recommended to perform the procedure in the spring, after the snow has melted. It’s good if the gardener catches the moment when you can replant the thuja, just before the sap begins to flow.

  • The planting pit is prepared in the fall. The soil should consist of peat, humus, turf soil, and sand.

Note! The right process Transplanting thuja from a pot into open ground should be prompt. Do not leave the root ball on fresh air long time. It is moved from the pot directly into the ground.

  • It is allowed to add superphosphate to the soil. But the soil with phosphorus fertilizer should not touch the roots of the crop.
  • Drainage is laid at the bottom of the planting hole. Coarse sand and broken bricks will do.
  • When transplanting a plant from a container, shake the pot a little to remove bottom part culture along with the whole earth. Thus, the root system is placed in a hole on the site.
  • Afterwards, the bed is moistened abundantly.

Transplanting thuja from a pot into the ground

Diseases and pests

Thuja has a strong immune system and rarely gets sick. She can catch the disease if the care plan is violated. For example, the soil is constantly waterlogged, or the bush is weakened due to lack of sprinkling and fertilizing. This applies to both garden plant, and home . Possible diseases include:

  • Brown shoots;
  • Rust;
  • Late blight;
  • Schutte.

On a note! You can try to fight brown shoots and rust with Bordeaux mixture, Fundazol, and HOM. Late blight cannot be treated. The crop is removed and the soil is disinfected. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture and a solution with Topsin will help rid plants of chute.

Harmful insects that spoil shrubs:

  • Thuja aphid;
  • Mite;
  • Leaf roller.

Pests will disappear if you use insecticides: Fufanon, Karate, Bi-58, Decis, Karbofos.

Transplanting a thuja to another place in the summer requires the gardener to careful preparation and accuracy. Afterwards it is installed behind the plant proper care in the form of frequent watering, sun protection, etc.

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant that gardeners love very much, landscape designers and gardeners. It can decorate any garden plot; it is used to create a hedge. In addition, thuja releases aromatic essential oils.

This tree is quite unpretentious, however, if it needs to be replanted, then some caution should be taken. It is recommended to do this in the fall, in September-October, so that it has time to take root in a new place and prepare for winter. With the onset of spring, the plant begins to actively grow.

Features of autumn thuja transplant

Subtleties of landing

To understand how to replant a plant in the fall, need to know certain subtleties plantings during this period:

Ideal landing spot

Thuja is considered a light-loving plant, so you need to choose a place where the plant will feel comfortable. It will also grow in a shady area, but it will be sparse and will lose all its decorative appeal and splendor. Thuja does not tolerate drafts well, so the place should be well protected from strong and cold winds.

Plant the plant in an open area alone or together with other conifers, in the middle of a flower bed with annuals or in the center of the lawn. It will fit harmoniously everywhere and will not spoil the aesthetic presentation.

Although thuja unpretentious regarding soil, it is still better to choose well-fertilized fertile soil. However, she will also be satisfied with:

  • turfy, sandy soil;
  • loam.

If the soil is too heavy, drainage should be provided when planting so that moisture does not stagnate on the roots for too long.

How to transplant thuja correctly?

Landing the pit is prepared two weeks before transplantation. Its size is 1x1 m, and the depth should not be more than 50 cm. The bottom of the pit is filled with planting material, consisting of earth mixed with peat and sand.

Digging up the plant should be done very carefully so that the root system is not damaged, retreating 30 cm from the trunk. The soil cannot be shaken off from the roots, but is transferred along with the plant to a new hole. If the root system is well developed, but superficial, then the roots without feeding may die in a short time. If the tree was brought from afar, then it is not advisable to remove the burlap with which the roots are tied, but to plant it in a hole directly with it. Such material decays in about two years.

Before replanting thuja, the pit is watered generously. As planting soil, use a mixture of sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1:2:1 with the addition of pine litter and humus, which are mixed in equal proportions. Additionally, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added. It is necessary to ensure that this fertilizer does not get on the root itself.

When replanting thuja, you should not deepen the root collar too much, but you also should not leave it too high. Finally, the soil around the trunk is compacted, after which the plant is watered. When replanting thuja in the fall, be sure to cover the tree trunk area with compost or wood chips, avoiding direct contact with the trunk.

All next month after transplanting, water the thuja once a week and irrigate its crown. For the winter, the plant should be covered and the branches tied with twine so that they cannot break under the weight of the snow.

In the first winter after transplantation, the plant is covered with burlap, protecting it from sunburn and cold weather. Fabric materials must be used, because coverings such as:

  • synthetics;
  • polymer.

The burlap should not be pulled too tightly, there must be air circulation, otherwise the thuja may be damaged during the thaw from damping off. So that the plant can survive the winter well, it is fertilized with special substances.

The root system of the tree is insulated with leaves, which are sprinkled with earth on top. Fallen leaves can not only retain heat well, but also retain moisture, and if it begins to rot, the composition of the soil improves and is enriched with minerals.

Thus, transplanting thuja in the autumn does not present any difficulties. Taking into account all the subtleties and nuances, you can be sure that the plant will take root well and will easily endure the first winter, and in the summer it will delight the eye with its decorative appeal and splendor.

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant. Today it can be seen both in group and individual plantings on summer cottages or in parks. The plant is quite unpretentious and frost-resistant. In addition, it is possible to transplant the thuja to a new place in the fall, and in some cases this procedure is even necessary.

Thuja is a perennial tree from the cypress family, reaching 10-30 m in height and having a narrow crown. The leaves of the plant are scale-like and arranged in pairs. At the ends of the branches there are small oval-shaped cones.

There are two types of wood:

  • short;
  • tall.

Thuja can withstand very coldy and drought, it is quite unpretentious in care. The plant tolerates formative pruning and replanting well and can grow in almost any soil. It looks very beautiful. Apparently, this is why thujas began to be used in decorative plantings and grow at home.

Features of transplantation

Thujas are transplanted for several reasons, the main one being moving young plant from temporary to permanent place. Often, seedlings are planted in a temporary area not far from each other, and when they reach five years of age they are transplanted to new ones. permanent places.

Another reason is to move the tree to a new location with natural environment habitat or from another area. In addition, a forced transplant should sometimes be carried out if the original location is not suitable for the growth and development of thuja.

Time and place

The tree can be replanted in autumn or spring (March, April). Gardeners do not have a common opinion about when it is better to replant thujas, in spring or autumn, since each season has its own advantages and disadvantages. When transplanting thuja in the fall, there is a risk of early frosts, and when carrying out the procedure in the spring, heat may begin. When deciding when it is better to replant thuja - in spring or autumn, you should take into account climatic features region. In the northern regions, transfer better in spring, and in the south - in the fall.

When you can replant thuja in the fall depends on natural conditions and weather forecast. In northern and western latitudes, it is better to do this in the first half of September; in southern latitudes, the procedure can be postponed until the second half of September. In any case, it should be taken into account that the transplanted tree must have time to grow stronger and take root before the onset of winter. When choosing a place for thuja Several determining factors should be taken into account:

  1. Illumination of the area. The place must be open. In shade and partial shade, a tree may lose its decorative qualities. In this case, it is advisable that during the hottest time of the day, direct sunlight does not fall on the plant, as this can lead to dehydration and yellowing of the foliage.
  2. Thujas do not like drafts, so this factor should be taken into account when choosing a site. It is also advisable that the tree is protected from northern winds.


Thuja is able to grow on clay and sandy loam soil. If possible, then it is better for the plant to choose a place with turf soil rich in microelements. Close occurrence groundwater on the site is not a problem for growing crops, and in some cases it will even be beneficial.

Carrying out the procedure

Before you start planting thuja in a new place, you must complete 2 preparatory stage- dig up a tree from the old site and prepare landing hole.

The hole should be prepared 15-20 days before transplantation; its dimensions are determined by the volume of the plant’s root system; usually a diameter of about 0.7-1 m and the same depth is sufficient. If the area has dense, heavy soil, it is advisable to place a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole. In addition, it is necessary to add part of the prepared mixture to the hole, consisting of ordinary garden soil, potassium-phosphorus mineral fertilizers, a small amount of peat, river sand, humus and crushed wood ash.

If you are preparing for a transplant mature tree, That piercing should be completed within 10-12 months. Thanks to this, the plant will have time to sprout new root shoots in the area allocated for it, and even a large thuja can be removed along with a clod of soil. It is better to get the plant out with a garden fork, and for transportation you can use a wheelbarrow or cart. If you plan to move over a long distance, it is recommended to wrap the roots together with a ball of earth in a cloth and tie them with a rope. Thanks to this transfer, it will not be damaged or crumble.

When the plant and the hole are ready, the thuja should be carefully placed in the hole, trying not to disturb the natural position of the roots. After this, the hole must be filled to the brim with soil, which should then be compacted. Next, you should water the transplanted plant abundantly. The required volume of water is determined visually - watering should be stopped when moisture stops being absorbed into the soil. You can also additionally spray the tree with a spray bottle.

Care and preparation for winter

In the first 2 years after transplantation, thuja needs more careful care. She needs regular watering, especially on hot days. Before the roots take root, the tree should be watered at least twice a week. Best used for this purpose rainwater. If it is not there, then regular settled water will do. tap water. In addition to watering, to prevent drying out and cracking of the soil, experts advise loosening and mulching the tree trunk circle with coconut substrate or sawdust.

If the weather is hot and clear after transplantation, thujas (especially young ones) should be shaded on the south side for 2-3 days. In the first 2 weeks, it is recommended to add preparations during watering that stimulate the growth of root shoots. Starting next spring, you need to start fertilizing. In March you should make nitrogen fertilizers, and in June and July - potassium.

The main pest of the crop is the thuja aphid, which can cause significant damage. To protect the plant from it, it is necessary to carry out preventative treatments in November, March, June and August. To prevent the appearance of thuja aphids and other insects, Karbofos is suitable.

The main pruning of the plant should be done in the spring. All damaged and dry branches must be removed. Decorative pruning of shoots that are too long can be done throughout the year. The most important point is to prepare the transplanted thuja for winter.