Love horoscope for February of the year Gemini. Work and business sphere. Financial forecast for every day

The horoscope for February 2017 predicts very great luck. You can finally catch Fortune by the tail, and your long-standing plans will be fully realized. One important nuance– at the end of this winter you will have to give up many habits. For luck to knock on your door, you must stop doing everything and always rely on your loved ones. Don’t forget, Fortune loves only those who are not afraid to take risks and are responsible for everything that happens in their lives. That’s why it’s so important for you to become more confident, independent and brave, and everything else, as they say, will “float” into your hands.

In the field personal relationships and Gemini will experience a lot of feelings in February bright emotions. In fact, frosty February will turn into a hot July for you, and this moment will be especially clearly manifested in the lives of those Geminis who have tied the knot for quite some time. At the end of this winter, you and your regular partner will find a joint hobby (go on an entertaining trip, start family business or start another event during which you will have to spend many hours in each other’s company). These hours spent just the two of you will bring your couple closer together. Geminis, who do not yet have a permanent soulmate, will give up trying to build love in February, but love itself will persistently knock on your door. A person you meet in a not very romantic place will declare from the first minutes of communication that he now does not intend to let you go even for one minute.

As for the work area, February 2017 will be a very productive period for this aspect of Gemini’s life. If you work at one of the enterprises, a rapid career, which you have been dreaming about for several years. True, before this happens, you will have to work pretty hard. You will be entrusted with a very complex and energy-intensive project, which you will be forced to complete without the support of your colleagues. Fortunately, you have enough diligence and internal strength to bring this task to its logical conclusion and thereby come close to the very top of the career Olympus. Gemini businessmen will also experience dizzying success in February, which will be accompanied by an increase in your usual income and numerous intangible benefits. You will finally gain high social status and prestige, and many will begin to call you nothing less than a real business shark.

The great success that Gemini will gain in February will have a very positive impact on the health of representatives of this sign. True, in the absence of major problems, you will still have some reasons to worry! Late winter puts you at greater risk of unexpected injuries, falls, or bruises. For this reason, move with extreme caution slippery road, be extremely careful at the skating rink, and also do not forget about the safety rules when working with household appliances (this is important, since you risk getting injured or bruised even without leaving your home).

February 2017 will start very unoptimistically for Gemini. However, in order for them to maintain their usual life and close relationships, in the first half of the month it is better for Gemini to behave as carefully and restrained as possible. Particular attention should be focused on your family and loved ones.

However, don't be disappointed. Already in the second half of February, all difficulties and obstacles will gradually begin to alternate with good luck, and even some pleasant surprises. It could be anything: promotion wages, meeting with long-awaited friends, an unexpected trip that you have been dreaming about for a long time.

Since the month promises a lot of new and unexpected things, Gemini should cast aside all their doubts and make decisions immediately, without putting it off until tomorrow.

This month may be decisive in some unresolved cases of 2016. Therefore, you need to carefully consider financial matters and of course, don’t forget about your health.

It's time to realize yourself, help good people, as well as engage in self-improvement. Moreover, the curiosity and boundless temperament of Gemini will help in all beginnings.

Family life and personal relationships of Gemini in February 2017

It is best for Geminis to lead a measured lifestyle in February. Don’t put too much emphasis on your career, but try to devote yourself more to your loved ones. This applies to your significant other, parents, and grandparents. It should be noted that this care will not only bring peace of mind, but will also help in new endeavors.

In addition, new acquaintances await Gemini in February, and you should not beware of them. Taking advantage of these acquaintances, Geminis will feel supported in their business, and some will find good friends who will accompany them through life.

To help personal life Gemini will receive:

  1. Sense of humor, romance.
  2. Pleasant surprises.
  3. The ability to understand and listen to your interlocutor.

It is also worth paying attention to relationships at work. You should not engage in arguments and squabbles; it is best to listen to others and their opinions.

It is worth noting that it is Gemini’s desire for harmony with himself that will lead to very positive results that promise enormous prospects and opportunities.

As for Gemini, who is still looking for their mate, then we should rejoice. Astrologers say that for this zodiac sign, the stars predict pleasant acquaintances, which can subsequently lead to a very serious relationship.

Geminis are very active, easy to communicate, know how to avoid conflicts, and if they are already involved, they easily get out of them. All these qualities can contribute to an increase in wages for some, and for some a jump in salary career ladder.

However, don't relax too much. This month it is very important for Gemini to take a careful and very balanced approach to their financial expenses. It is best not to make large purchases this month, especially thoughtless ones. In addition, transfer all financial investments in business development to the next month.

It is best to put all your savings on a deposit, then your financial capabilities will gradually increase.

Leadership qualities and knowledge of their business can lead Gemini to pleasant financial bonuses at the end of the month. The main thing is not to impose your point of view, but to try to listen to all sides.

To strengthen your position in your career, it is best to try to avoid unnecessary irritability and treat your work colleagues with understanding.

It should be noted that this month you should refrain from loans and various debts, as some problems may arise with the return.

Just devote yourself entirely to your work and family and then this month will turn out to be very favorable.

Gemini health in February 2017

This month, Gemini may experience worsening colds and chronic diseases. In addition, back diseases cannot be ruled out. If your work involves physical activity, then it’s best to take a few days off and get some rest.

Geminis are characterized by constant movement, the desire to do as much as possible at work and in household chores, so most often they suffer from constant overwork and lack of sleep. Therefore, you need to try in every possible way to properly organize your time in order to avoid constant overexertion, which can lead to unwanted diseases.

Proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, regular walks fresh air, playing sports will become faithful companions of your health.

Concentrate on yourself, try to pay more attention to matters that require attention. Limit yourself from unnecessary stress and excitement. Then, without a doubt, we can say that no disease will overcome you.

The last month of winter looks promising in matters of the heart. Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of passion, are in a favorable position for Gemini. Moreover, Mars and Venus are in harmonious combination with Mercury, the ruler of the sign Gemini and with Saturn in the partner sector. In February 2017, you can expect pleasant events, victories on the love front and, by and large, the blossoming of love. And very important fact- your attractiveness to the opposite sex will increase. The time is also suitable for analyzing the pros and cons of relationships, drawing conclusions and forming your own philosophy of love.

The peculiarities of the month are such that the circumstances of your personal life will be positively affected by participation in social activities and public events, the assistance of friends. In February 2017, friends may captivate you with something unusual or invite you to go on an adventure together. Perhaps they will introduce you to someone special, it will begin new story love. Close relationships established at this time have every chance of developing into a stable and long-term relationship.

The lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 illuminates the Gemini house of communications. A busy time awaits you, there will be a lot of contacts and communication, and there will be excellent opportunities for love. The influence of the unpredictable Uranus, which brings surprises, is manifested. Most likely, there will be unexpected meetings and unplanned events. You can hope that they will surprise you in a good way. In addition, Jupiter in the house of love will add to your self-confidence and optimism.

Gemini career and financial horoscope for February 2017

February 2017 awakens hopes and encourages you to make plans for the future. You have every chance to succeed at work and in business. The period is especially favorable for concluding agreements, cooperation, and participation in teamwork. All this will bring success and money.

Gemini's house of friendship and social connections has many planets - Venus, Mars and Uranus are located here. These planets have the support of wise Saturn and fast Mercury, which portends good luck. This month your strength is in the team. You will easily attract supporters and friends whose main qualities will be intelligence, originality and dynamism. Maybe you will even allow them to drag you into some kind of adventure. However, it would be a good idea to first assess the risks. The stars advise participating only in what is beyond doubt.

On February 18, 2017, the Sun moves into your career house, the subsequent period will be a productive time. You have more determination and initiative, which is important for promoting your interests and increasing your authority. You can make useful connections among influential people.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 will take place in the Gemini career house. Its influence stimulates transformation in career and business. Solar eclipses- harbingers of change, and many of you will decide on something new in the business sphere. Consider your future career plans in advance and develop a strategy for their implementation to direct changes in the direction you want.

As for finances, profit can come not only through work. You can count on cash receipts from third-party sources, not the same as usual.


In the first half of the month you are in good shape, but the period is turbulent and stressful. To relax, allow yourself more rest. The time is good for medical examinations, visits to doctors and initiation of treatment.

The second half of the month is a potentially risky period, because at this time Mars, which rules the Gemini house of health, forms a negative aspect with Pluto. Injuries and accidents cannot be ruled out. Avoid dangerous situations and use caution when performing physical work.

Seek support from friends! It is much easier for you to achieve your goals with their help than on your own.

In February, Geminis are definitely lucky in many areas of life. Perhaps this sign can be called the lucky one of the month. Gemini should take advantage of the fact that they caught a wave of luck; this is a unique chance.

In the professional sphere, projects are expected to be successfully executed and completed on time. The bosses will remain rather hardworking Geminis, some will give bonuses to their employees. Colleagues who work together with them will also benefit from Gemini's luck in February - there will be enough encouragement for everyone. The representative of this sign is especially generous with gifts and emotions in February. In the middle of the month, a large and slightly complex project is expected, which Gemini will handle brilliantly. By the end of the month there will be some lull in the professional sphere, at this time you can relax, if possible, then take a day off and devote a week to yourself and your whims.

Finances are quite stable in February. At that time cash flow will be plentiful. Receipts from completely unexpected sources are possible. Someone will pay off an old debt or an unexpected win will happen. Although, the stars do not recommend Gemini to specifically place large bets and play gambling. You should also use your luck wisely. The middle of the month will bring complete financial satisfaction. At the end of the month, it makes sense to make a small contribution to the future, put aside a certain amount of money, or make a large and useful purchase. In February, representatives of this sign will be able to pay off debts or cover a fairly large part of the current debt, which will significantly ease their situation.

IN love affairs February Gemini will be real lucky. The stars were positioned in such a way that the magnetism of the already attractive Gemini increased significantly. This sign will begin to shoot to kill, winning hearts. Light flirting and non-binding meetings can develop into a whirlwind romance with a serious continuation. It is also likely that a chance meeting will become fateful. Geminis are ready for a serious romance, it is this inner mood, plus the special arrangement of the stars that will play their part.

Ringed Geminis will also begin to exude their charm on representatives of the opposite sex, which, most likely, can lead to a new love triangle. Other halves should be alert, but not put pressure on the freedom-loving Gemini.

The stars advise sticking to light diet, this will significantly improve your well-being and add sparkle to your eyes.

Favorable days: 1, 4, 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 20, 22, 28.

Unfavorable days: 3, 5, 10, 11, 17, 21, 23, 26.

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Inga Polonskaya.

People born under the sign of Gemini are approaching a fairly important stage in their lives, and for many, February 2017 can really be fateful. During this time, it is important to take special care of those you care about. But also about own desires We shouldn’t forget either, because with all our altruism, it is our individual aspirations that shape us as individuals, and this is important. Saturn, the main heavenly patron and protector of Gemini, will be stronger than ever this month. Venus and Jupiter, which usually do not have affection for representatives of this zodiac sign any warm feelings will now be at least neutral. As a maximum, Gemini will be able to boast of comprehensive support for all possible celestial objects. This, of course, does not mean that everything will be decided without you. You will also have to work, and, as already noted, the sphere of personal relationships should come to the fore, and not the work area. Those who are more sociable will definitely win; those who are more introverted will have to try twice as hard. On the other hand, this is not a difficulty, just a nuance that will have to be taken into account to achieve the maximum productive result. However, Mercury’s position this month will not be so successful, so under no circumstances take unnecessary risks, do not enter into agreements that you are not sure of, and do not trust people you don’t know well, especially if they are openly “thirsty” for your attention.

If we dwell in more detail on the work area, then it must be said that in February 2017, Gemini will be able to achieve any results, and much here will depend on the restrictions that they impose on themselves. If you fundamentally cannot conflict with people and are frankly afraid of moving up the career ladder by “displacing” other participants in this “race,” then you probably will not be able to achieve such results. Because in addition to the opportunities that you will now have, you also need desire, and to no lesser extent. Patron of this annual cycle, Fire Rooster, are more inclined to help those who are self-confident, purposeful and clearly know what they want. February in this sense will be the most significant, indicative month. Now, if you work for yourself, it's time to decide where and how your business will move in the future. Because you have many opportunities, but there is only one “blue bird”, as usual, that is, you will have to analyze and evaluate. If you work for someone else, then there will be fewer problems - just do what they tell you. Initiatives are welcome, but remember that in the struggle for a place in the sun, not all means are good, and no one has yet canceled morality. Mercury will act here as a “supervisor” and any “crime of the law” will entail a permanent decline in your status and, as a result, a decrease in profits.

The “love front” will delight Gemini not with new opportunities, but with dashing (there’s no other way to say it) twists of fate. In February 2017, family representatives of this zodiac sign will face a serious choice. No, it is unlikely that this choice will concern the breakup of the current family and the emergence of a new one. Rather, we will talk about, say, moving, because this may not be the case for all your household members positive thing. Work, study - all these areas will have to be taken into account and in this regard you will have a lot of headaches, especially if you are the head of the family. On the other hand, even if, as it may seem, the final decision is not yours, you still need to take an active part in the discussion, because we are talking about your destiny, no less. In terms of specifically personal relationships, single Geminis can count on the fact that this month they will have a chance, even more than one, to change the status quo. We are not necessarily talking about making new acquaintances; it is quite likely that you will suddenly “appreciate” someone from those with whom you have been going together for a long time. And there is no need to be afraid of this, sometimes we skip the most successful options - the most obvious ones. As the classic said, you can’t see face to face! Just beware of actions dictated by passion. Under no circumstances let your instincts take over, otherwise you will not have the most successful ending.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for February 2017 for the zodiac sign Gemini, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Gemini sign: Personal horoscopes for the Gemini sign: