When is it cheaper to go to Turkey? When is the best time to buy a new car? Buying a car at a dealership: when is it more profitable and cheaper?

Everyone knows about seasonal sales of goods, and many buyers prefer to shop by following certain savings rules: do not buy things during the period of highest demand for them. Usually this approach is applied to clothes and shoes, but this is not surprising, because sometimes you just need to update your wardrobe due to a change of season or for some other reason.

In the example with clothes, everything is clear - figuring out when to “hunt” for discounts on winter jackets or summer swimsuits is not difficult. But sometimes it can be difficult to determine when it is better to buy a car or an apartment. And in order to make such expensive purchases profitably for your budget, you should familiarize yourself with the advice of experts. We'll talk about them next.

When is the best time to buy a car?

Experts say that the greatest demand for cars is observed in spring and autumn. So, if you want to save money on buying a car, go to a car dealership in December about 2 weeks before the New Year holidays or immediately after them in January. During this period, there is stagnation in the automobile market (and in the market as a whole), so taking advantage of this situation to benefit your wallet is a very smart decision.

There is also another option bargain purchase car. And it consists in purchasing the model remaining from last year at a good discount. Since in the coming year such modifications become 1 year older, the price because of this decreases due to objective factors. But it is important to understand that this price reduction rule does not work with the most popular and sought-after car brands. And for drivers who prefer cars budget class, discounts are not provided as readily as for lovers of expensive cars.

When you buy a car at a car dealership, you should immediately buy “shoes” for your faithful friend. Car sellers receive winter goods already in August, but since it is not yet the season, prices are also winter tires not high yet. And if we talk about summer tires, then it is better to buy them in June, when everyone has already changed their shoes and the demand for them has subsided - at such a time the prices for summer tires are also not high.

When is the best time to buy a bike?

Buying bikes also has its own rules that you need to consider if you want to save money. The main thing here is to wait for the right moment, because a bicycle is a seasonal mode of transport. And good promotions and discounts on bicycles are usually observed at the end of summer and before the new year. The best months to buy a two-wheeled friend are considered to be the autumn months - September and October. In December, there are no longer many bicycle models in stores, so you may not be able to buy what you want.

When is it profitable to buy an apartment?

Our citizens most often buy real estate in spring and autumn, however best time The best time to buy a home is summer and the New Year holidays. So, if you are interested in when is the best time to buy an apartment, then feel free to choose the summer months and the winter months after. holidays. After all, it is at this time that consumer activity in the real estate market decreases and the demand for housing falls. Therefore, in a given period of time you can find the most profitable offer on buying a house.

By taking advantage of this opportunity, you can find suitable option at the best price. Since there are not many buyers on the secondary market at this moment, you will be able to view those apartments that interest you without haste. And sellers, in turn, due to the fall in demand for housing, will be more willing to lower the price.

In addition, developers often offer good discounts on apartments and hold promotions in the summer. And all because construction is actively going on in the summer and the availability of apartments increases faster. When August arrives, home prices begin to rise again. From this period, buying an apartment becomes unprofitable.

But on country houses And summer cottage plots these rules do not apply because summer is the peak season for the sale of such buildings. Therefore, to save money, it is better to buy Vacation home or a dacha in the fall in October or November. At this time, those sellers who did not manage to sell their property in the summer will be much more accommodating and will be able to reduce the price.

How to save money on buying an apartment

If the main criterion when choosing an apartment is price, then you can consider some other ways to buy housing cheaper.

  • Look at offers for apartment sales in not very prestigious areas, on the outskirts. If the area has room for growth in the future, then this real estate investment would be a very good deal.
  • Conduct a detailed inspection of the selected property. The more carefully you study the property (you need to look into the farthest corners, check the functionality of the bathtub, toilet), the condition of the house, the infrastructure of the area, the more arguments you will have when bargaining with the seller.
  • Apartments on the first and top floors are always cheaper.

When is the best time to buy air conditioners and heaters?

It is profitable to buy air conditioners in winter, and heaters in summer. But in practice, people most often do the opposite. When they come very coldy, heaters and fan heaters are sold out in a matter of days, and in the summer heat the same purchasing activity is observed with air conditioners. You understand that with such high demand, sellers often inflate the price, increasing their profits. So try to buy such devices at the right time, when the demand for them is low and the price is appropriate.

When is it profitable to buy furniture?

Not everyone knows that furniture should also be purchased at certain times of the year. The fact is that when the warm season approaches, people begin to actively renovate their apartments. And after the renovation in the fall, when all the construction and renovation work completed, it is better not to buy furniture, since during this period there is an increased demand on the furniture market. The most profitable time to purchase furniture is the beginning of summer, spring or winter during the sales season.

When is it profitable to buy household and digital appliances?

Fridge, washing machine, stove and large household appliances It's better to buy after the New Year holidays. In the summer, the demand for such goods is very high, because people buy equipment for their dachas, and in early autumn - for renovated apartments. Experts advise buying computers in the summer.

The price of digital equipment changes much more often because new models appear on the market. Therefore, the advice is very simple: do not buy new models immediately after release. It’s better to wait a while to buy, because new models lose value after 6-12 months.

Budget camera models are most profitable to buy after summer holidays and holidays, around the beginning of autumn. The maximum demand for televisions is observed in autumn and early winter. The rest of the time, demand falls, so this is the best time to buy.

Buying an apartment is a responsible and difficult decision for every person. Therefore, all offers are carefully studied in advance, on the basis of which the ideal housing can be selected. Additionally, it is taken into account when it is better to buy an apartment, since real estate prices depend on the time of year and the economic situation on the market. With a competent approach to choosing housing, you can count on a profitable purchase.

Determining the maximum budget

Initially, you should decide how much money is allocated for this purchase. It depends on what price range you can choose an apartment. The available funds additionally influence the area where the housing is located, its square footage, the material used to build the house, and other important factors.

Within the framework of this issue, it is decided whether exclusively own funds will be used for the purchase or credit money will be attracted, for which a mortgage is issued or consumer loan. You can take advantage of various housing programs or military mortgage loans.

Taking into account the economic situation

When is the best time to buy an apartment? To do this, the economic situation in the real estate market is studied. If the demand for housing is set at a low level, then developers different ways They try to attract buyers by offering them housing at affordable prices.

If demand is considered high, then prices will be inflated, so in this situation it is considered optimal to wait until the next economic cycle begins, which will save a significant amount of money.

What time of year?

You need to decide what time of year is best to buy an apartment. Each season has its own nuances and characteristics, so you should study the specifics of each time of year.

The real estate market is seasonal, so the number of offers depends on this factor. Experienced realtors do not advise making a purchase at the beginning of the year, since usually high demand sets in at the end of autumn, so by winter there are no worthy offers left on the market. Each season has its own advantages and characteristics.


The nuances of buying an apartment

The beginning of any year is considered a “low season” for realtors, since many citizens prefer to make purchases in December. IN new year holidays Many people go on vacation or do not want to spend time inspecting and purchasing housing. Sales increase towards the end of February. Therefore, at this time there are many offers on the market at fairly low prices. But at the same time, you may encounter unsuitable offers due to the fact that after the fall there are not very attractive options left.

The activity of developers and buyers is increasing. Real estate prices are increasing, and the rise in prices continues until the end of May. More and more interesting offers are appearing on the market, so you can choose the right property. Its cost will be inflated.

Summer is considered a not very active season for buying real estate. People prefer to go on vacation, visit dachas or country houses. There remains a lot of supply on the market, but low demand is established. This time is considered optimal to choose a great option for purchase at a decent price.

It is considered the most active season for selling and buying apartments. This leads to an increase in prices, but they usually remain at the same level until the end of the year. There are many offers from developers, and before the New Year, many companies offer unique discounts and unusual offers.

Thus, when answering the question of when is it better to buy an apartment - in winter or summer, you should take into account the advantages of purchasing housing in each season. It is much easier to choose an interesting offer in warm time year, but after the New Year, real estate prices are at their lowest levels. The buyer should be guided by his preferences and capabilities, so if there is not a lot of money, then it is advisable to make a purchase in the winter. Having chosen what time is best to buy an apartment, you can then decide what features it should have.

Number of storeys

When choosing housing, many people think about which floor is better to buy an apartment on. Each option has its own characteristics, but people often refuse to purchase properties located on the lowest or highest floor. Features of choosing this option include the following:

  • the first floor is considered a walk-through floor, so homeowners are forced to constantly deal with dust, dirt, noise from front door, and often thieves pay attention to such housing, so you have to install bars or roller shutters on the windows, which entails additional expenses;
  • the advantages of apartments located below include the absence of the need to waste energy on climbing if the elevator stops working, as well as the inability to flood neighbors;
  • on the ground floor, real estate usually has a low cost, so if you wisely decide when is the best time to buy an apartment, you can get housing at an affordable price;
  • apartments under a roof are also considered not very attractive, since they can be flooded, but the advantages of such a purchase include the fact that the neighbors above will never make noise;
  • The higher the house is located, the quieter it will be, and the windows will also offer beautiful views, but if the elevator breaks down, you will have to struggle to climb to a considerable height.

Thus, each option has its own pros and cons, so floors from the third to sixth are considered preferable.

Selecting an area

Additionally, you should decide in which area it is better to buy an apartment. For this, various factors are taken into account:

  • infrastructure development;
  • forecast for the construction of various important facilities;
  • the number of houses already commissioned in the area;
  • proximity to the city center;
  • availability of public transport stops.

In remote areas, you can choose housing at an affordable price, but you will have to spend a lot of time commuting to work, waking up quite early, and the costs of constant travel also increase.

New building or resale?

If funds are limited, it is recommended to wait and purchase an apartment in a building under construction. This will save you a significant amount of money. In this case you will receive clean apartment, in which no one had lived before. It can even come with finishing from the developer.

Which new buildings are better to buy an apartment in? To avoid being deceived construction companies, it is advisable to focus on proven, long-established and responsible developers. Also, complex development is usually accompanied by the construction of numerous useful structures. Such as schools, hospitals, shopping centers or other facilities.

If you choose an apartment on the secondary market, you can quickly complete the transaction, since you do not have to wait for the completion of construction. Risks associated with possible bankruptcy of the developer are prevented. But it is important to carefully check the property to ensure the legal purity of the transaction.

Estimation of the year the house was built

When choosing housing, you should decide which year the apartment is best to buy. Objects built between 2000 and 2015 are considered a good option. They usually have a landscaped local area and are equipped with interesting playgrounds for children or sports. They have new communications and often have improved layouts. Their cost is not considered too low, but you can still enjoy many of their advantages.

Apartments in old houses built in the 60s or 70s are affordable, but they are small in size, have awkward layouts and lack sufficient off-street parking.

Choosing a home

You need to decide which house is better to buy an apartment in. Each option has its own characteristics:

  • housing in panel houses has a short service life, quickly loses its attractiveness and has poor sound insulation;
  • brick buildings, even after 15 years of service, have a beautiful view, and it is also quite easy to sell an apartment in such a house;
  • Monolithic buildings have good sound insulation properties and also have a long service life.

Most buyers prefer to purchase apartments in brick houses, since they are considered the most reliable and warm.

What additional things should you pay attention to when purchasing?

You should decide not only when is the best time to buy an apartment, but also what other factors are taken into account during this process. These include the following:

  • the seller of the home is assessed, since he must be a solvent developer or a reliable private owner, and the legal purity of the transaction and the efficiency of obtaining the apartment for use depend on this;
  • the apartment itself is inspected, since if it is located in a new building, then it must have all the necessary communications, as well as finishing if necessary, and if housing is purchased on the secondary market, then it must be in good condition, with working engineering networks and other important functions;
  • future neighbors are being studied, since it is desirable to focus on intelligent, calm and peaceful people living nearby who will not create problems at night.

Thus, when purchasing an apartment, it is advisable to take into account numerous important factors, such as the time of year, the material of construction of the house, the number of floors, the area where the building is located and other parameters. This will allow you to choose housing that is ideal for the buyer and has an optimal price.

The residential real estate market is quite dynamic - housing prices, the number of offers and demand for apartments depend on many factors. If you are a buyer who needs to know when is the best time to buy an apartment, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some of the peculiarities of supply and demand for residential real estate. We'll talk about them.

In fact, experts say that there are always good deals on the market, and if you want, you can find inexpensive apartment, meeting the buyer's requirements, at any time of the year. But the seasonality factor still takes place. Let's try to analyze it.


According to real estate market experts, a buyer can always find a good deal. But impartial statistics show that the cost of housing is greatly influenced by the time of year. Let's try to figure out when it is more profitable to buy an apartment in winter or summer.

Definitely, the most profitable time to purchase an apartment is winter, namely January. At this time, a huge number of offers accumulate on the real estate market, but there are clearly not enough buyers. Therefore, sellers are forced to reduce the price of the apartment in order to attract potential buyers.

This fact is due to the fact that almost half of January is holidays and weekends. At this time, people spend time on vacation abroad, celebrate Christmas and New Year holidays with their families. Banks are closed, limiting the number of customers to those who have cash and do not plan to use the funds mortgage loan. So few people are involved in buying real estate.

So you can take advantage of the situation and find quite cheap options. Thus, if you want to buy an apartment as cheaply as possible, do it in January.

Buyer demand for residential real estate also falls in May, which accordingly forces sellers to make significant discounts. This is explained by the fact that May is the start of summer holidays, final exams, and preparation for entrance exams. Adults with children at this time are concerned with completely different problems, and buying an apartment fades into the background. So here is another answer to the question: when is it more profitable to buy an apartment in St. Petersburg - in May - June.

But in the fall, the peak of consumer demand for residential real estate increases sharply. People who have had a rest in the summer begin to actively search for an apartment to buy and purchase housing for their student children who have gone to study in another city. Therefore, the number of profitable offers is rapidly decreasing, and the number of buyers is increasing. Of course, sellers immediately raise prices. Thus, it is unlikely that it will be profitable to purchase real estate in the fall.

Regardless of the time of year, decide how much money you are willing to spend on purchasing an apartment and how long you can wait. If your budget is limited, but time is of the essence, you can wait for “your apartment” - sooner or later, profitable offers will appear.

Advice: if you looked at the apartment, you liked it, you have all the documentation and you are convinced of the seller’s honesty - do not delay the conclusion. While you are thinking, the “delicious” option will go to another, faster and more savvy buyer. Remember, truly profitable offers do not stagnate for a long time - your thoughts can lead to the fact that there are several buyers for the apartment, and the seller will increase the price, realizing that the demand for his housing is great.

When is it more profitable to buy an apartment in a new building? The sooner, the better. If you are not ready to take risks and participate in shared construction, try immediately after the delivery of the house. The fewer unsold apartments remain, the higher the developer will raise prices for them. Especially it concerns construction companies with an excellent reputation and many years of experience.

Holidays in Thailand can be unforgettable and enjoyable thanks to the opportunity to save on tickets. For those who are looking for when it is profitable to go to Thailand, this will provide an opportunity to rent housing best quality or spend the money you save on entertainment and excursions. At the same time, be sure to take into account: when is it cheaper to fly to Thailand?

If you look into the question “when is it cheaper to fly to Thailand on vacation,” saving on tickets allows you to raise money for another trip. To do this, you can use some tricks.

  1. First of all, you need to figure out when the cheapest trips to Thailand are. It is more profitable financially to buy tickets early in the morning or at night. There are usually more available at this time and may be cheaper.
  2. To find out when tickets to Thailand are cheaper, study the online calendar low prices and select a date (if there is a time to choose). When are the cheapest tickets to Thailand? It will be cheaper to fly on weekdays than on weekends.
  3. Those who are interested in how to go on vacation to Thailand cheaper should know that the earlier you book a ticket, the cheaper it will be. You can book it 2 months in advance.
  4. If time is not limited, use low-cost airlines or fly with transfers.

When can you buy cheap tickets to Thailand?

When is the best time to fly to Thailand? To get to Thailand from Russia, you can use the following methods.

Direct flights

You can take a direct flight to Thailand from Russia:

  • From Saint-Petersburg. If you take a direct flight from this city, you can pay up to 70 thousand rubles for the flight alone. For those who are looking for the cheapest option to go to Thailand on vacation, this is not the most profitable option.
  • A direct flight will take you from Moscow to Bangkok in 9 hours. Tickets – from 30 thousand rubles. You can use airlines: Thai Airways, Aeroflot.
  • From Novosibirsk and Vladivostok you can fly by S7. Cost – 27-29 thousand rubles.
  • How and when to fly cheaply to Thailand from Irkutsk? S7 airline will fly from Irkutsk for 22 thousand.

Those planning a trip from Kazan, Khabarovsk or Yekaterinburg should note that there is no direct flight from these airports.

When purchasing any ticket, take into account seasonality and when is it cheaper to buy a trip to Thailand.

Flights with transfers

You will have to pay about 25 thousand rubles for flights with transfers if you fly from Moscow or St. Petersburg.

A flight from Yekaterinburg (with connections in Novosibirsk or Irkutsk) will cost 29 thousand.

Tickets from Khabarovsk via Irkutsk will cost from 25 thousand rubles.

Last Minute Tours to Thailand

No matter how surprising it may seem, a comprehensive tourist package can be somewhat cheaper than flying on your own and buying a ticket. You can save more than 30% if you take advantage of last-minute travel packages. Thus, the average trip can cost a tourist from 60 thousand rubles. If this is a last minute trip, then it can cost up to 40 thousand rubles. The “hottest” offers during the period when it is cheaper to vacation in Thailand can be found for 30 thousand.

You can find such advantageous offers when it is most profitable to go to Thailand on the Travelata and Level Travel services. More than 130 tour operators post their offers here.

We are flying to Thailand through a third country

Those who are looking for information on when the cheapest flights to Thailand are should know this method. Traveling through a third country is another method to travel inexpensively and save money for those looking for the cheapest time to travel to Thailand. To do this, you need to take care of a ticket to Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong - any city in South-East Asia with the presence of an airport. You can depart from it on any low-cost airline flight. Tickets for them will cost only up to 50 dollars.

This option is not only a way to save money at a time when it is cheapest to travel to Thailand, but also to see the life of another Asian country.

Fly to Thailand for free

No matter how fabulous the offer of a free trip may seem, it really exists and not only during the period when it is cheapest to vacation in Thailand. To do this you need to have credit cards Tinkoff Bank or other companies and participate in the miles accumulation program, after accumulation, take advantage of the opportunity for a free flight. In addition, you can get discounts of up to 10% on hotels and free insurance.

Hello, dear blog readers website. Today we will try to find out when is the best time to buy a car, In terms of, when is the best time to buy a car? And . Plus we'll see when is the best time to buy new car , A When is the best time to buy a used car?, depending on what kind of car you decide to purchase.

Let's start with the fact that regardless of the season, you should buy a car only in conditions natural daylight, that is during the day. You should not drive the car at night or at dusk, and the car should not be covered with a layer of snow or mud. Only with normal daylight, only on a clean car, the differences in paint shades on different elements of the car body are clearly visible. Therefore, if you do not want to become the owner of a freshly painted damaged car, inspect the car only in clean condition And only in daylight.

When buying a used car, there is a fairly high risk that you will come across a damaged, and then restored and repainted car, so it is recommended to inspect the car as carefully as possible and only in daylight.

Concerning buying a new car at a car dealership, then the same rule applies here: you need to inspect the car with passion, only in daylight and exclusively in its pure form. All this will significantly reduce your chances of buying a damaged and repainted car.

When is the best time to buy a car?

Now let's talk about the time of year: when is it cheaper to buy a car?? One thing can be said for sure - The best time to buy a car is in winter, before the New Year and immediately after it. During this period, buyer activity is at its lowest, people hibernate, and therefore their interest in cars is greatly reduced. If this is not about you, then you can successfully take advantage of the winter decrease in demand and buy a car at a good price.

Year of issue– this is important factor, strongly reducing the price of a car, no matter how excellent the condition it is in. It is believed that with the onset of the New Year, all cars become a year older and this applies to both used and new cars. Therefore, every seller strives to sell a car before the end of the outgoing year, before the product loses value.

But here it comes New Year and there is a lull in the new car market. If you are not embarrassed by the prospect of purchasing "last year's" car, then you can safely go to a car dealership and count on decent discount.

Last year's car may be unprofitable just for you in case of immediate sale(within 1-2 years), since the car will be considered one year older. It will be possible to explain the situation to a specific sober buyer by showing the purchase and sale agreement, but the interest of buyers in the secondary market will be initially underestimated. Conversely, this option will be for you very profitable, if you sell the car, you plan not earlier than in 3-5 years.

Also, the disadvantage of buying last year's car can be considered a more limited choice, because... You'll have to choose from what's left from the New Year's sale.

When is the best time to buy a new car?

When is the best time to buy a new car at a dealership? As in any trade organization, the management of the car dealership plans its sales. There is a specific monthly, quarterly and annual plan, and in order to receive the bonus, each salesperson must fulfill his or her part of the plan.

New car sales much decline at the beginning of the year, when all the cars suddenly become “last year’s”. Car dealerships are trying to compensate for this decrease in buyer activity with enhanced “New Year’s sales,” inviting buyers in every possible way and promising them fabulous discounts. Take a look at the sales statistics of the leading models Russian market in 2016 and 2017:

It should be noted that Each car dealership salesperson has certain powers to provide discounts, and the highest discount can be obtained by discussing the purchase directly with the director of the car dealership.

The possible size of the discount greatly depends on price segment auto: for example, for premium cars, you can always get a discount and only its size is discussed, but for the most budget cars, on the contrary, discounts are provided extremely rarely.

So, if you want save money when buying a new car- be sure to visit the car dealership at the end of the month/quarter/year, and then you are practically guaranteed a good discount. The discount can be as follows: in kind(5-10% or more), and in the form of a set of good winter tires for alloy wheels or other additional equipment.

Don’t forget, too, that when buying a new car at a car dealership, you should still check it, especially if the car was stored in an open parking lot or brought to you on order. Be vigilant, do your research, and go to the dealership with confidence.

But what about used cars? When is the best time to buy a used car??

When is the best time to buy a used car?

Most car owners try to sell their car in the spring and summer, when the weather is good, and therefore the activity of buyers of used cars is the highest. Buying a used car in the warm season The good thing is that the car can be inspected in comfortable conditions and without haste. But in good weather and the demand for used cars is highest, and therefore, it is not always possible to get a discount from the seller.

Another thing autumn and especially winter. Not every buyer will agree to inspect and choose a car in rainy, slushy or frosty weather. Buyers of used cars are inactive in such conditions, which is why the seller is simply forced to reduce the price. Most It’s profitable to buy a used car on a frosty winter day, preferably before the holidays. Remember: the seller is not just selling a car, most likely he is selling it to buy a new one, and he wants to do it before the holidays. By the way, buying a used car on a frosty winter day has one more small advantage: having agreed with the seller so that he does not start the car until you arrive, you can watch the cold start of the frozen engine, and if this start is successful, then this in itself is a sign of good engine condition.

So, if you are not afraid of the cold, if you know well, and at the same time you also know how to bargain, then winter And autumn opens up great opportunities for you buying a good car at a fairly low price.

So, to summarize, When is the best time to buy a car??

New car It's best to buy directly before New Year, and even more profitable - in January-February. Here you need to decide for yourself whether it is important for you that after the new year you buy a car from the previous year. Used car, also, it is most profitable to buy exactly in winter, moreover, the price, as well as demand, directly depend on the weather - the colder the winter, the lower the demand and the cheaper you can buy a used car. In spring and summer, the demand for used cars increases noticeably, which usually leads to a slight increase in prices.

Dear friends, current and future car owners! Now you know when is the best time to buy a car and I I wish you to choose the best moment to buy, and get a decent discount. Happy car shopping!