What kind of pot is needed for dracaena? Pest control. Possibility of combining replanting with pruning

Dracaena is neither rare, nor capricious, nor difficult to grow, and for this, in addition to its beautiful appearance, it has earned the love of flower growers all over the world, in our country in particular. Sticking to simple recommendations care, you can quickly and without much difficulty grow a beautiful, large and healthy plant, which will become a green decoration for an apartment, office or any other room. This material is dedicated to which pot this beauty will feel better in, what recommendations are available regarding its size, material in general, and in which pot to plant the dracaena.

A properly selected pot is the basis for healthy growth of the root system, and, accordingly, the plant as a whole. There are plants that need cramped pots, and there are those that love space and are characterized by intense and rapid root growth. Dracaena is somewhere in the middle, its roots grow moderately and therefore the pot should contain them completely and provide 2-3 centimeters of space for their further growth. If such space is not left, the plant will begin to dry out, wither and, in the end, will leave only a dry trunk and a pleasant memory. It is also not good to leave too much space, because this leads to stagnation of water, which, in turn, causes the plant to rot. It is extremely difficult to save a dracaena that has begun to rot, so it is better not to allow this to happen.

Another way to protect the plant from stagnation of water is to select a pot made of a specific material. The main requirement for a pot is the presence of a good drainage system, which would ensure the leakage of excess water. Ceramics can cope with this perfectly, it absorbs and removes water, but this is not typical for plastic, so a plastic pot must have a sufficient number of holes in the bottom, placed on a plate or tray, and a layer of drainage, for example expanded clay, is poured onto its bottom. In this case, both a ceramic and a plastic pot are equally suitable for dracaena, especially when you consider that the beautiful decorated ceramic pots that plant owners love so much are covered with glaze, which makes all their “breathing” properties disappear, so you can Feel free to stick to budget plastic pots.

Considering the huge species diversity dracaenas, often their owners have a desire to grow two dracaenas in one pot, especially since some of the representatives of the species do not at all look like their “sisters”, but rather like bamboo or something similar. To be fair, it is worth noting that this is a good idea, but it needs to be taken with responsibility and seriousness. Shouldn't be planted young plant to an adult, since a large one will not leave enough space and nutrients For small growth, accordingly, he will lag behind in development. Secondly, you should choose varieties whose root systems grow at approximately the same pace, so that one root does not suppress the other, which will inevitably lead to the death of the “slower” plant.

And, of course, it is important that the plants visually complement each other beautifully and do not lead to deformation and curvature of the crown, the occurrence of asymmetry or other defects in appearance. A pot for two plants is selected according to the same principle as for one, taking into account the above recommendations.

For many housewives, transplanting dracaena at home raises many questions, and rightfully so. The result depends on the quality of the selected soil, compliance with replanting requirements, and compliance with restoration procedures: how quickly the plant will take root and how it will grow and develop in the future.

The root system of dracaena has its own characteristics. It grows quickly, completely filling the pot. In crowded conditions, dracaena develops poorly and growth stops. To create favorable conditions for life, it is necessary to regularly replant the flower.

There is no need to rush into moving a plant just brought from the store into a beautiful, spacious pot. If you do not want to do any harm, then replanting the dracaena after purchase should occur in the spring months: March and April will be the ideal time. During this period, the flower begins the active growth phase: it produces fresh foliage, increasing its growth by several centimeters.

There are cases when a dracaena plant requires an emergency transplant:

  1. The condition of the soil in which it was in the flower shop is of unsatisfactory quality or the pot is hopelessly small. Wait 2-3 weeks for the indoor flower to adapt to the conditions of your home. Then move it to favorable soil.
  2. Illness and threat of death. In this case, you also shouldn’t wait for spring. Start replanting immediately. Use special soil and fertilizers to be sure to save the flower.

Plants up to 5 years old are replanted annually. Replanting large dracaena - once every 3 years.

How to prepare the soil and pot

Don’t be lazy about replanting dracaena; the relocation process is simple and does not require much time. As a result, you will get a healthy, fresh plant that will delight you with new green leaves.

For the process to be successful, follow following rules soil and pot preparation:

  1. Soil selection.

Flower shops and hardware stores offer a wide range of soils for different types plants. The best option will be the acquisition of land suitable for dracaena for replanting.

If this is not possible, use the following recipe: mix peat, humus, charcoal and deciduous soil in equal parts. The resulting soil is perfect; it contains all the necessary substances.

If the land is not chosen correctly, at best growth and development indoor flower will slow down, in the worst case, the dracaena will die due to a lack of nutrients.

  1. Choosing a pot.

A pot for a young dracaena, no more than 40 cm high, should have a diameter of 20 cm. Every year, increase the size of the pot by 3-5 cm. 2 fingers should fit from the walls to the root system.

Buy containers from natural materials: clay and ceramics. Plastic pots do not allow air to pass through, which leads to stagnation of liquid and rotting of the root system.

  1. Drainage.

To remove excess moisture, be sure to place expanded clay, broken brick, crushed stone, gravel or shards from a ceramic pot on the bottom of the pot. If there is no drainage, liquid accumulates in the cavity of the pot, the root system becomes moldy and rots, and the plant dies.

Prepare everything you need for transplantation in advance, this will make the process faster and less hassle.

Transfer rules

During the process, use clean tools and soft, settled water. room temperature. Rinse the pots thoroughly with laundry soap, pour boiling water over the walls. This will help get rid of harmful microorganisms and reduce the likelihood of illness after transplantation.

A few days before moving, stop watering, this will make it easier to remove the plant from the pot. Carefully remove the flower, holding it by the stem. Inspect carefully root system. If you find rotten or dried roots, trim them with scissors or pruning shears. The dracaena palm quickly grows its root system, do not be afraid to remove excess, cut off everything that causes you doubt.

Place the material chosen for drainage at the bottom of the container. Fill a third of the pot with soil and compact it by hand, forming a small mound. A mound inside the pot will prevent water from accumulating in the central part of the trunk, which will prevent rotting.

Place the dracaena on top, carefully straighten the roots and cover with soil mixture. The top layer of soil does not need to be compacted so as not to impede the access of oxygen to the roots.

Dracaena care

Dracaena after transplantation requires special care, because the flower is weakened. Care, like transplantation, is simple and does not require much time. Use the following tips:

  • Loosen the soil regularly. Light, airy soil allows oxygen to pass through well, which promotes healing of the root system. Be careful not to damage the roots close to the surface layer.
  • Remove the pot from direct sunlight. Choose a place with diffused light, so the sun will not burn the leaves. Also avoid drafts and extremely low temperatures.
  • Observe temperature regime. Ideal conditions the temperature will be +25º C and air humidity 65-70%.
  • Watering dracaena after transplanting. Water the flower for the first time after transplantation after 2-3 days (provided that the soil has dried well). Make sure that the soil does not dry out. Regularly moisten the leaves with a spray bottle to keep them fresh, juicy and clean.
  • Feeding. Use Zircon, Epin and other bioregulators that promote recovery and rapid growth.

Tap water is hard and contains substances harmful to plants. chemical substances. For watering, use rain or snow liquid. If you can’t get enough water, dissolve Activated carbon in settled tap water: 1 tablet per 2 liters of liquid.

Proper timely care will help the flower recover as soon as possible, and it will delight you with its beauty again.

Basic mistakes

As a rule, dracaena care and transplantation do not cause difficulties and proceed without complications, but there are exceptions. The main mistakes are:

  • The pot is not the right size. A pot that is too small will not allow it to grow and develop; too large will cause acidification of the soil, and eventually the flower will begin to poison itself.
  • Abundant watering. Excessive soil moisture leads to soil mold, root rot and plant death.
  • Rinsing the roots under running water. When replanting, do not wash the roots under the tap or try to remove old soil stuck inside. This procedure will severely damage the plant and most likely lead to its death. Carefully shake off what falls off easily and feel free to plant the flower in new soil.

During the first weeks after transplantation, treat the flower carefully and with care. Do not rush to water it if it wilts or if you have any doubts about its health; first try to determine the cause of the disease.

Before transplanting, prepare everything you need, think about what and how you will do. In this case, the process will be quick and simple, and as a result you will get a green, healthy plant.

For many gardeners, dracaena is one of their favorites. indoor plants. It is so beautiful and effective that it will help decorate any environment, both at home and in the office.

When to replant dracaena?

It must be remembered: in order for the dracaena to always please its owner, it needs a timely transplant. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in when to replant dracaena. As with most indoor plants, the best time to replant dracaena is spring. In March and April, dracaena best tolerates changing the pot, recovers faster and tolerates stress more easily after transplantation. Young plants should be replanted every year; older plants can be replanted less frequently, but always in the spring.

It is believed that in emergency cases, dracaena can be replanted in the fall, when the plant is preparing for winter rest. An “emergency” case refers to the risk of drying out or wilting due to the pot being too small, as well as the purchase of a new plant. After purchasing dracaena, replanting should occur within two weeks, regardless of the time of year. The fact is that plants in stores are placed in small pots, in unsuitable soil, richly saturated with fertilizers for rapid growth. Oversaturation of the soil and an unsuitable pot can cause the death of dracaena.

Of course, replanting dracaena in the fall is stressful for the plant, to which it will react by falling leaves or turning yellow. It is advised not to disturb any indoor flowers, including dracaena, unnecessarily in the fall, since at this time the process of preparation for wintering is underway and unnecessary stress deplete the plant.

To transplant dracaena in the fall, you need to choose a more gentle method - “transshipment”. This operation must be performed carefully, without destroying the earthen lump. In fact, the plant, together with the lump, is literally transferred from the old pot to the new one. The root system is not cleaned or washed away. The plant is simply removed from one pot and “rolled” into another. A pot for dracaena should be chosen in accordance with the characteristics of the plant’s root system.

Which pot should I transplant my dracaena into?

The growth and health of the plant depends on which pot the dracaena is transplanted into. Since dracaena has long roots and does not grow in width, large wide pots are not suitable for this plant. The main thing is to provide the roots with room to grow deeper. You need to choose a pot that is stable, tall and not very wide. He should be a little large sizes than the previous one, with a difference of 2-3 cm in diameter. For example, a pot with a diameter of 15 cm is ideal for a plant 40 cm high.

How to replant dracaena?

Soil is very important for dracaena, so the soil must be special, or, in extreme cases, universal. Also, we must not forget about drainage.

Be sure to add a layer of drainage to the bottom of the pot. Don't make it too big, 1.5 cm will be enough.

Lay out a layer of soil to slightly cover the drainage.

The plant is taken out along with the earthen lump from the previous pot and carefully cleaned. The root collar (the place where the root meets the stem) goes deep into the soil. Add soil little by little so that it does not form clumps.

The main thing is not to clean the roots of the plant too much from the soil. Dracaena generally does not like such “cleaning” and even favors annual replanting using the transshipment method, that is, together with the previous earthen lump. It is worth clearing the old soil if the plant “overwintered” after purchase in unsuitable soil, and is now transferred to a special composition.

After transplantation, the plant is watered.

Don’t forget about feeding and using nutritional mixtures and fertilizers. These procedures will help the development of the root system, and will also help the plant to take root well in the new pot.

Many people grow various plants at home, and dracaena is very popular. It resembles a palm tree in appearance; it is not for nothing that it is called a false palm tree. The tree reaches two meters in height. And this is in apartment conditions. In special greenhouses it can reach 10 meters.

This plant needs proper care, and, of course, it is better to take into account the advice of experts on choosing a pot for dracaena.

How to choose?

For any flower the choice is very important the right pot. If the container is not suitable, the plant will be uncomfortable to the point that it may wither over time. Let's look at how to choose the right container.

  • At the bottom, the trunk of the plant is bare, and it cannot be covered with soil. A crown forms at the top with long narrow leaves that hang down. The trunks can be curved and braided; in young shrubs they are very flexible. Considering that the tree grows quite large, the pot for dracaena should be deep, at least 60 cm.

At first, while the small seedling takes root, it can be placed in a shallower container, but over time, as it grows, it will still have to be transplanted into a deeper pot. To get this design, when the trunks are intertwined, two or three dracaenas are planted in a pot.

  • Choosing a pot for two dracaenas is not difficult. Under natural conditions, they grow quite close to each other, and a couple of plants can be planted in one pot.

  • If cared for correctly, they can delight you with the flowers that exude pleasant aroma and come in white, pink, and yellow. But dracaena blooms once every two to three years and only mature tree, which is at least five years old.
  • There are several varieties of dracaena from which you can create compositions. For several dracaenas, it is optimal to choose a square pot. Its size should be such that several plants can coexist. For example, you can place fragrant dracaena and “Marginata” in one container. The first leaves are monochromatic and variegated, while the second has a red tint at the edges.
  • When choosing a pot, you need to remember that the dracaena root develops in length, while its branches on the sides are insignificant. In order for the plant to develop correctly, it needs to choose a narrow and long vessel.
  • For small tree, the height of which does not exceed 50 cm, a container diameter of no more than 20 cm is suitable. As the tree grows, the diameter of the pot should be increased, but within two to three centimeters. Wider pots can have a detrimental effect on the development of the plant.
  • Small containers can destroy the plant, since the root will not be straightened as expected and will not develop correctly.

Before placing the seedling in a pot, drainage holes must be made there.

Which material is better?

Many people, when choosing pots for a plant, think first of all about how they should be harmoniously combined in color and design with the surrounding environment. At the same time, they do not forget about the convenience of plants. Both are correct. Moreover, in stores now you can find such a variety of different pots that it’s even difficult to make a choice.

As for dracaena, it feels good in any pot, be it ceramic or plastic. The main thing is that all requirements regarding the height and width of the pot are met. But there are, of course, some points that need to be taken into account when choosing a container in which the plant will live and develop.

Ceramic pots always look very beautiful and go with many styles. But When purchasing, it is extremely important to pay attention to the presence of drainage holes. They are absolutely necessary, otherwise the excess moisture will have nowhere to go. This may cause various diseases until the death of the plant. If these holes are not there, you will have to make them yourself.. And this is very difficult, given that ceramic dishes are quite fragile. In addition, any pot needs a tray so that excess water flows into it, and then you can pour it out.

Plastic pots usually they always have such pallets and holes that are already ready or marked: just lightly press with a sharp object and a hole will form. Therefore, it is very convenient to buy just such pots.

Where to place it?

The choice of pot also depends on where it will be placed. If the dracaena is already mature and transplanted into a large container, most likely it is placed on the floor. Then you can choose a ceramic pot and rest assured that it will not fall or break.

If the pots will be placed on stands, you need to make sure that they are firmly placed and there is no risk of them falling. This is especially true in those apartments where small children live and animals live. And the point is not only that the pot may break and the plant may be damaged, but also that the safety of all family members, especially children, depends on it.

Indoor dracaena is unpretentious to the conditions of detention and when good care can live for several decades. One of the conditions for her successful growth and development is timely replanting, since over time the roots grow and they become cramped in the flowerpot and lack nutrients. To carry out this process correctly, damaging the root system of the bush as little as possible, several rules must be followed.

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    Dracaena in nature and at home

    Outwardly, unpretentious in care, dracaena resembles a palm tree, although it belongs to a completely different species. Just like a palm tree, it has a slender bare trunk and a cap of leaves on the top. Under natural conditions, dracaenas can live for several hundred years and grow to a height of over 20 meters.

    When grown at home, its size will be much more modest. The dragon tree, and especially Dracaena marginalata, which is most often bred at home, develops well in partial shade and is often used for landscaping office premises.

    The stem of an adult Dracaena marginalata becomes woody over time. Only at the top there remain long narrow leaves, gracefully hanging down. Unlike the usual dracaena, which has green leaves, dracaena marginata is bicolor with red-green leaves or tricolor, when the plates are decorated with red-yellow-green stripes. These varieties are called Bicolor and Tricolor, respectively.

    When is it necessary to replant a plant?

    Under normal conditions, the need to replant a bush occurs every two years. But even in this case, if the plant develops normally and there is no reason for concern, you can wait a while with the transplant. After all, this procedure inevitably causes stress in the dracaena, no matter how carefully it is carried out.

    The best time to transplant dracaena is in the spring, when its active growth period begins. But in critical circumstances, the procedure can be carried out in the fall and at other times of the year.

    It is necessary to replant dracaena only in the following cases:

    Choosing the right pot

    The newly purchased dracaena must be transplanted into a suitable pot. Immediately after purchase, the plant is placed in a plastic pot with transport soil, which is unsuitable for further growth and good development. Therefore, it needs to be transplanted into a more suitable pot.

    When choosing a new container, you should take into account that the length of dracaena roots increases by an average of 2 cm per year, so the diameter new pot should be 2–3 cm larger than the previous one. There should not be too much stock, as this can cause moisture retention and rotting of the root system. Several drainage holes must be made at the bottom.

    If a pot is purchased for an adult dracaena, then the choice should be made in favor of tall and narrow models, since the roots of the dracaena have practically no lateral branches and grow only in depth. The material from which the pot is made can be anything, as this does not affect the development of the plant in any way.

    Before filling the pot with soil, it must be thoroughly rinsed. soap solution and rinse with clean water.

    How to prepare the soil?

    In addition to a suitable pot, dracaena needs carefully prepared soil, since it is this that serves as the source of nutrients for the plant. The bush will grow well in any type of soil, but ideal option will become soil for palm trees and ficuses, which already contains all the necessary additives and microelements.

    If it is impossible to purchase a ready-made soil mixture, you can prepare the substrate yourself. To do this, mix 2 parts of turf and leaf soil and 1 part of compost and peat. To make the soil lighter, you can additionally add vermiculite and crushed birch charcoal. As a mandatory drainage layer, expanded clay, pieces of broken brick or pebbles are placed on the bottom of the pot.

    Procedure for transplanting dracaena

    Three days before the scheduled transplant date indoor palm tree stop watering. During this time, the soil dries out, and the task of removing the bush from the pot is greatly simplified.

    You need to step by step replant the dracaena as follows:

    1. 1. The pot is tilted upside down and, carefully patting its surface, the flower is removed along with the earthen lump.
    2. 2. The root system is inspected for damage. If there are any, remove them with pruning shears and powder the cut areas with crushed charcoal to prevent rotting.
    3. 3. Spray the root system with water from a spray bottle.
    4. 4. The drainage layer placed on the bottom of the pot is sprinkled on top with a small amount of prepared soil.
    5. 5. Place the dracaena in the pot and fill the horse system with the remaining soil, paying special attention to ensuring that there are no voids left between the roots.
    6. 6. The soil around the stem is compacted and watered.

    How to care for the plant after transplantation?

    In the first days after transplantation, the plant will feel unwell. Its leaves droop, and the old ones fall off altogether. This is due to the fact that the dracaena has not yet taken root in the new soil. The rooting process takes two weeks, after which all signs of the disease disappear.

    In order for the plant to quickly recover after transplantation, the pot is placed in a warm place where there is no direct sunlight. If the transplantation was carried out in autumn or winter, then the dracaena should be moved closer to heating devices, but it is necessary to monitor air humidity and the absence of drafts.

    Watering is done 2-3 times a week with water at room temperature. Water for irrigation must be left to stand for 24 hours. Additionally, you can wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge or spray it with a spray bottle.