How to pick things up with your eyes. How to move objects with your mind: the basics of concentration and telekinesis

Many of us have heard about people who can, at a distance, without any trickery, bend, move, suspend forks, spoons and other objects in the air, as well as turn the compass needle, change the clock, disperse clouds, extinguish the flame of a candle, and perform other similar miracles with inanimate matter. However, with a live one too. For example, one Western researcher learned to influence the slipper ciliates observed under a microscope with his thoughts. By an effort of will and thought, it turns out that one can also act on the growth of plants, the development of pathogenic fungi, the metabolic process in a living organism, the treatment of wounds... There are also such examples.

This parapsychological phenomenon was given the name telekinesis (literally “movement carried out at a distance”, and the hypothetical energy that allows this to be done is psi energy, bioenergy. It is believed that a psi operator can arouse telekinetic abilities in other people - those who are next to him.

One of the most amazing phenomena was the Russian woman Ninel Kulagina. For a long time, only a select few knew about her; some venerable academicians testified to her extraordinary gift. But they kept quiet about this, because it was believed that since there is no official laboratory studying paraphysical phenomena, there is no need to talk about it yet. But in 1988, when during the period of perestroika the Soviet media had the opportunity to cover “anomalous” topics, a multimillion-dollar television audience was able to become convinced that telekinesis is a reality.

Kulagina took the wedding ring off her finger and placed it on coffee table, scattered matches nearby, then moved her palm over these objects without touching them. The ring started moving and, together with the matches, moved to the edge of the table... Scientists could not explain this amazing effect and invited him to their laboratories for scientific experiments.

The professors discovered that Kulagina had other unique abilities. In particular, determine colors and read printed texts with any open part of the body, create an acidic environment in liquids and change them chemical composition, increase the electrical conductivity of air, relieve pain during inflammatory processes, treat vascular diseases, heal wounds... Once she was able to move a glass decanter weighing 380 grams. It is curious that during telekinesis experiments, some “thin shiny dotted lines”, similar to beads, sometimes appeared between Kulagina’s fingers and the objects that she non-contactly set in motion through the efforts of her body. Acoustic vibrations (crackling) near her hands and “condensed” electromagnetic fields were also detected. Kulagina’s unique set of abilities, confirmed in 25 scientific laboratories, was called the “K” phenomenon. It still hasn't been completely solved...

It has been noticed that telekinesis, like other parapsychological abilities, sometimes appears as a result of injuries, illnesses, stress, electric shocks... This confirms the idea of hidden reserves human body, especially the brain. Many people assume that each of us is endowed with similar talents, we just need to create the conditions for their manifestation. It is no coincidence that entire sets of special exercises have been invented to develop these abilities.

For example, to learn telekinesis, it is recommended to “conjure” according to a certain pattern - until fatigue appears - with a spiral-shaped paper cone or a glass saucer filled with water in which a needle floats. It is believed that each such training is a step towards mastering extrasensory perception or influence. They say that Kulagina exercised continuously, frantically, until headaches and the urge to vomit appeared... By the way, there is the concept of a “second wind”, according to which a person at a certain moment seems to be exhausted, loses strength, but then suddenly switches to a backup source of energy, manifested in parapsychological phenomena such as telekinesis.

IN last years Telekinesis is being studied most diligently by employees at Princeton University (USA) under the leadership of Dr. Robert Jahn, who heads the laboratory of anomalous research. They were able to prove: a person can influence material objects with his psyche. Thousands of experiments were carried out here using strictly verified methods, in which hundreds of people - men and women - took part. of different ages and professions. One of the groups was faced with the task of mentally influencing the oscillation of a pendulum placed under a transparent plastic cap. Five operators managed to do this at any time of the day at a considerable distance, the rest - only in isolated cases.

Electronic random number generators were also used in the experiments. It was necessary to influence the readings of these instruments with the power of thought, to guess the numbers. The result exceeded all expectations: the law of chance was violated - the intended numbers appeared more often than others! In other words, the will of man made certain changes. Interestingly, in cases where couples (spouses, friends, lovers) who knew each other well participated in the experiments, the effectiveness was four times higher than in experiments with singles. It was also noticed: male participants in these experiments for some reason turned out to be more successful than women.

All this allowed Robert Jahn in an interview with the British newspaper "Daily Telegraph" to say: "We believe that we have found irrefutable evidence of the reality of this mysterious phenomenon. Psychokinetic effects manifested themselves to one degree or another in all subjects. Therefore, we think that we are talking about qualities that are inherent in almost all people."

In short, thought can influence physical bodies. And this fact, together with others, may well force a change in the scientific picture of the world. The same Jan developed the concept of quantum mechanical interaction of consciousness with physical systems. Other scientists have found that the power of the mind can influence a variety of devices and liquid media. These are ultra-precise chronometers, lasers, electrical circuits, generators of electromagnetic radiation, emulsions, colloidal solutions, water...

Telekinesis is the ability to influence objects with just one thought. In parapsychology, this phenomenon is also called “psychokinesis”. With its help, you can move an object over a long distance, hang it or make it float in the air, etc.

Despite the fact that telekinesis has not yet been scientifically proven, there are people with such abilities in the world. Mass manifestations of psychokinesis were observed in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. At that time, a huge amount was carried out and eyewitnesses claim that they observed with their own eyes the phenomena of materialization and disappearance of objects, levitation and telekinesis. All this was shown by mediums who found access to the subtle spiritual world.

As a rule, people who have well-developed psychokinesis have psychokinesis. Therefore, when some have to think about how to learn telekinesis, others have been given this gift from birth. However, this does not mean that this ability cannot be learned. Can. You just have to put in a lot of effort and patience to achieve results.

So, if you are interested in the question of how to learn telekinesis, then this article is for you. Next, we will look at ways of concentration and training through which you can develop this unique ability.

Do you need it?

But before you start studying, decide for yourself main question: "Why do you need telekinetic powers?" If you just want to show off to others or impress them with your abilities, think about whether such a game is worth the candle.

Are you serious about what you are going to do? After all, if you are looking for a way to learn telekinesis quickly, you will be disappointed. This cannot be done. It will take you months, even years, to master this technique. Everything will depend on how much effort you put into achieving your goal. In addition, it is necessary to remember that nothing in this world is given for free. And in the process of telekinesis, a person spends a huge amount of his psychic energy. Do you want to just waste it pointlessly? And this is fraught: you can simply

However, if you are truly serious about developing your supernatural abilities and are willing to put in the effort to improve yourself, then go ahead!

How to develop telekinesis abilities

To awaken the abilities of telekinesis, you need to start with spiritual growth. Here we need to take an example from yogis who choose the path spiritual development, due to which they have many paranormal abilities. For example, there are known cases of levitation, reading thoughts, foreseeing the future, as well as the ability to move objects with the power of thought alone.

Yogis devote their entire lives to this. Therefore, anyone who is looking for ways to master telekinesis should start with their own spiritual development. You also need to have strong energy, good vitality and excellent health. After all, practicing telekinesis will require large energy expenditures. You can do yoga, meditation or other spiritual practices. You need to learn to fully own your physical and spiritual body.

Preparing for telekinesis. Exercises

In order to develop telekinesis, you need to prepare yourself for it. Here are some exercises to help you do this. They must be completed within a month, no less.

1. Daily concentration. You should always start there. To begin, find a point where you will focus your attention. To make the task easier, you can draw it on a mirror or glass. Then do not move your eyes away from the point for five minutes. Imagine light coming from your eyes and “touching” this point. Remember that your body is in a relaxed position. You should be comfortable and nothing should distract you. Over time, increase the concentration time to fifteen minutes.

2. Make it more difficult. Still do not take your eyes off the point, but at the same time try to rotate your head in a circle in different directions. The main thing is not to take your eyes off the point. Do this exercise for fifteen minutes.

3. Directly in front of you, draw two dots - one at the top, the other at the bottom. Now concentrate and begin to slowly move your gaze from the top to the bottom and vice versa. Don't look away. At the same time, you will feel as if you are using the power of thought to draw an invisible line from the top to the bottom and vice versa. There may even be a feeling that your gaze is “falling” into the object on which the dots are depicted. If you learn to do this easily and naturally, then later it will be easy for you to move objects using your

How to learn telekinesis at home

Let us repeat once again that it will not be possible to truly master such a subtle and complex technique quickly. So get ready to work hard. You will have to do exercises daily and train your willpower and concentration.

Perhaps the training will take months, maybe years. Therefore, if everything doesn’t work out for you, don’t despair. Sooner or later you will cope with everything and learn to control your energy.

Energy storage exercise

The first way to learn telekinesis is to develop the ability to concentrate your energy in one place. To do this, open your palms and hold them opposite each other. Then imagine that energy flows throughout your body. Unite all your energy in the solar plexus and direct it into your open palms.

Be sure to mentally accompany this entire process. Imagine how your energy flows through your veins, how it gathers in chest, and then slowly flows over the shoulders, arms, wrists and accumulates in the palms.

Do all this several times. If you do this exercise every day, over time you will feel that your energy has increased significantly.

Glass exercise

The next way to learn telekinesis is to train with a glass. For this exercise you need to buy plastic cup. You can, of course, use glass. But this can be traumatic. In addition, a plastic glass is much easier to influence.

So, sit on the floor and place the glass sideways on a chair with flat surface. Now, using the actions from the previous exercise, concentrate all your energy in your palms. Then concentrate on the cup and, without touching it with your hands, act as if you were rolling it in different directions. Remember, you move the cup only through willpower. No hands. To enhance the effect, you can mentally imagine how the wind is blowing from your hands and shaking the glass.

This exercise must be performed for ten minutes. But don't rush into results. They may appear no earlier than a week later. After the first results with a glass, you can begin exercises with heavier objects.

Exercise with a match

For this workout you will need a regular match and a ribbon. Tie a ribbon to the match and hang it up. Your goal is to use the power of thought to make the match turn around its axis.

You do everything exactly the same as in the previous exercise. Just be sure to train in a quiet, calm and windless room in order to soberly assess your results. You need to exercise for ten minutes every day.

Telekinesis technique on water

For this exercise it is not at all necessary to go to a pond. You can make do with improvised means. Take a deep bowl or pan and fill it with water. Throw a match into it. The purpose of this exercise is to move a match through the water with the power of thought. You can move it in any direction as you please. Focus all your energy on a match and imagine, for example, that an invisible hand is moving it through the water. Just remember that you cannot touch either the match itself or the bowl or water. Do this exercise for at least ten minutes as well.

Now you know several simple techniques on how to learn telekinesis. So don't delay and start training right now. Good luck!

Many of us have heard about telekinesis, but everyone knows that such abilities can be developed by anyone. We will analyze in detail how to move objects with the power of thought and what is needed for this.

You can't move your thoughts

The essence of telekinesis is that it cannot be done with the power of thought. You must understand the fact that it is impossible to do this, there are unreal things in the world, but you can still change something in it. The first thing you need to start with is to realize that moving objects with the help of thoughts is simply impossible, but you need to believe in your soul that you can do it.

How to move objects with your mind, emptiness

In order to develop the ability to move objects with the help, you need to start with the movement of emptiness. For example, you have some free time and you are ready to spend it on training. Sit in comfortable armchair and stare into the void for a long time. It only takes a few hours to see the emptiness. Essentially, emptiness is the uncertainty around us. Imagine how emptiness envelops you and moves in space.


The next step is working with your hands. To do this, you need to raise your hand at eye level, relax and realize that your hand is doing all your things. Make a fist, concentrating all your actions, do similar actions with other parts of the body. Next, strain your muscles one at a time.


How to move objects with the power of thought using ordinary objects? The most simple thing for training and developing the power of thought - a pen. In a well-lit room, place a pen in front of you and look at it for a long time, study, examine every millimeter, keeping everything in memory. When you get tired of this, start acting, making the impossible possible, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your strength.

After several training sessions, the pen can only move 1 mm; it is almost impossible to do this the first time. Show your imagination, imagine that you are moving the pen. Such training will take quite a lot of time, after which you can move on to more significant movement of the pen. Set a setting for yourself; if someone does it, then I can do it too.

I want to teach anyone who really wants to move objects with their gaze, that is, telekinesis. I tried to present everything in a language accessible to the untrained reader, and practically did not use terminology specific to this topic.

Since childhood I have been trying to understand the mystery of telekinesis. I have read many books on this topic, but unfortunately the authors of most of them were charlatans.

How to move objects with the power of thought?

Fans of science fiction, the unknown side of the world, the other world, UFOs and other things - you have all heard about telekinesis and, unlike those who just like to read about hobbits before bed, you dream and live with the idea of ​​mastering telekinesis. We will tell you how to move objects with the power of thought. but we do not guarantee that you will succeed.

The essence of telekinesis is not to believe that you can think and move the remote control to your hands.

How to learn to move objects with your eyes

According to researchers, almost every person is able to move objects with just one thought. Telekinesis can be learned without even having the slightest ability. It’s just that such abilities are inherent in a person from birth. The main thing is faith. Once you believe in your abilities, you will be able to achieve the desired result. You can develop this ability in yourself. At first, of course, it may not work out, but you shouldn’t give up right away.

How to learn to move objects with your eyes?

At all times, people have been attracted to supernatural phenomena. Mastery of magic and the ability to use paranormal abilities become a goal for some enthusiastic individuals. Spectacular telekinesis is one of the magic practices that beginners want to learn.

Don't expect quick results, it will take a long time to train, be prepared for this. Don’t be discouraged if at first you are haunted by failures, persistently achieve your goal.

How to learn to pick things up with your eyes? (1 of 2)

First you need to learn to control your consciousness. The practice of mastering the method of controlling your consciousness involves several stages. Only after going through all these stages can you learn to truly control your consciousness.

One of the stages of managing your consciousness is the skill of relaxation and the ability to stop internal dialogue. If a person reaches a state of relaxation, then he completely relaxes and suspends his mental activity.

How to learn telekinesis

Just a few decades ago, people could only be amazed and dream about how simply unusual people could move objects. They were considered magicians and wizards, they were feared and respected. Many dreamed of learning telekinesis on their own, negotiated with suppliers, purchased special literature, read, trained, but... nothing came of it. It turns out that some fifty years ago all printed literature in this direction was published by enterprising people who were ready to earn their first capital, literally out of thin air.

How to learn telekinesis?

Telekinesis (or psychokinesis) - in parapsychology, refers to a person’s ability to influence objects with the power of thought: move them, lift them into the air, etc. Telekinesis is possessed by people with developed psychic abilities. Mass manifestations of telekinesis could be observed during numerous spiritualistic seances that took place in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Eyewitnesses to the sessions observed the phenomena of levitation, materialization and dematerialization of objects.

How to move objects with your mind?

Moving things with your mind? Sounds strange, doesn't it? You might think that a person who moves an object with his thought does not belong to our world. However, to believe it or not is everyone’s personal privilege.

It is the power of thought that influences things, thereby making them move. You must make efforts in the right direction to complete this task. How to transport certain elements with thoughts? Transporting objects requires a lot of concentration.

Is it possible and how to learn telekinesis? How to master telekinesis quickly

Telekinesis is the ability to influence objects with just one thought. In parapsychology, this phenomenon is also called “psychokinesis”. With its help, you can move an object over a long distance, hang it or make it float in the air, etc.

Despite the fact that telekinesis has not yet been scientifically proven, there are people with such abilities in the world. Massive manifestations of psychokinesis were observed in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

Many of us are familiar with such an unusual and interesting word “telekinesis”, but not everyone knows what it is and how to handle it. Those who are familiar with this concept often ask the question: “How to learn telekinesis?”

In this article we will try not only to define this concept, but also explain how to learn how to do things that will surprise everyone around you.


In parapsychology, telekinesis is usually understood as a person’s ability to influence various objects using the power of thought. By impact we mean moving, moving, being lifted into the air, being displaced, and so on.

This term was first used by the Russian researcher A.N. Aksakov. And its synonym “psychokinesis” was introduced by the American J. Ryan a little later, in 1934. Each of these concepts was described by other words, including remote influence, power of thought, remote influence by thought, conscious intention, and others.

At the very beginning of the study of this phenomenon, the concepts were considered synonymous, but over time, a separation occurred. Psychokinesis - quite general concept, which unites any phenomena, macro- and micro, that imply an impact on matter.

History of telekinesis

Those researchers who believed that telekinesis is real believe that this phenomenon has been known since ancient times, and the first mentions date back to the world-famous Bible. In particular, something similar is said in the Acts of the Apostles. A little later, many began to believe that elements of psychokinesis in various manifestations were present when casting curses, inducing damage, predicting the weather and pronouncing magic words.

In the second half of the 19th century, spiritualistic seances, during which dematerialization and levitation were carried out, became especially popular. During the same period, people who could manage metal objects, they bent them with the force of their gaze, and so on.

As for levitation, this is a slightly different phenomenon and is characterized by hovering without visible support, with the exception of flight when repelled by air, as happens in insects and birds, this is the ability to overcome gravity without any additional devices.

In 1603, a case of flights was documented in history after the prayer of a Capuchin monk from Italian family. Then it was considered God's gift. However, already during the Renaissance, when the witch hunt began, such people were considered possessed by a demon.