How to write a memo for a salary increase? How to properly ask for a salary increase

Most employees believe that discussing a topic related to a salary increase or promotion is indecent or humiliating. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

If an employee is very calm, patient, efficient and also silent, this is usually more and more loaded with work, and there is no talk of a salary increase. That is why you need to be decisive and act; there is nothing to be shy about, because you should be most interested in this. The main thing is to ask for an increase wages need to be done correctly and competently. A beggar and a person who makes a personal request are not the same thing; there are certain differences between them. Beggars seek pity, but people of another category do it with dignity, because they value their work and know how much it costs.

Before you start talking about your salary, you need to correctly assess your market value. Everything in this world exists in market conditions, and each work is a certain product.

There are three parameters by which you can determine the value of an employee:

  1. How significant are the tasks that he performs at the enterprise;
  2. How large is the volume of his real and potential knowledge and abilities;
  3. What is the market price for the services of a professional of the same profile and level.

These main factors need to be clearly comprehended and realized, only after that can you objectively assess your strengths and yourself. As a result, you can confidently discuss the issue of salary with your superiors. Before you go to his office, write down on paper all your services to the company for the entire time you worked here. Pay special attention to your latest achievements.

An employee who achieves significant success at work may ultimately receive some kind of material incentives, but all this directly depends on certain factors.

Only an employee who:

  1. always offers to help other employees, while sacrificing his time;
  2. is very responsible for his reputation and for the company in which he works as a whole;
  3. sets specific goals and achieves them in a timely manner;
  4. always focuses on the successful completion of the task and takes his responsibilities with all seriousness;
  5. constantly improves himself and his knowledge;
  6. cares about his image business man, because it has great importance on the way to success;
  7. strives to meet all the requirements of the boss and the team in which he works.

You need to raise a conversation with your boss about this topic at the right time. Make sure that the boss does not have a lot of work and visitors. Best in the second half of the day. If he is in a bad mood, then don’t even think about bringing up this topic. During this period, all business of the enterprise should be successful. And the day you receive your salary is not suitable for this either. It is best if the atmosphere is informal, for example, at a corporate party, but so that you are alone. You can even say this jokingly.

Start the conversation without tension and seriousness, this is not a disaster. Do not focus your speech on the fact that this salary does not satisfy you. It’s also not worth going too far in the form of blackmail. Present yourself and your achievements, ask what you need to do to move higher career ladder and thereby earn a salary increase.

Then move on to the second point, give arguments that match the boss’s words. Give an example that another company pays a different salary for such work. List your merits, work experience, what else you can give to the company and move on to the amount of the bonus. Watch the boss’s reaction; if no comments are made, then voice the time after which you would like to receive a salary increase.

So, if it happened general increase salaries, it is appropriate to enter only the percentage or coefficient by which payments need to be indexed. The date of payments according to the new rules will be the date of drawing up the order to increase the salary. If, after the date of issuance of the order, the employer pays employees their remuneration at the old tariffs, justifying this by the fact that the order was issued in the middle of the month and will only take effect from the next month - this is an illegal action and the employee can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate. Also, all documents drawn up during the salary increase process must be signed by both parties (employer and subordinates). This will be the evidence base for resolving possible labor conflicts.

Salary increase - how to justify it, how to formalize it

Common mistakes in statements

  • Destination. The most common mistake when drawing up a memo for a salary increase is incorrect identification of the addressee. Even if the employee believes that the amount on the payroll is not comparable to the efforts he spent and achieved results, then he needs to correctly build a route for considering his request.
  • Not within the manager's competence. It would not be entirely correct to demand additional payment from your immediate superior if resolving these issues is not within his competence.
    But at the same time, you shouldn’t “jump over your head” and write a complaint to the general director. The surest way is to draw the attention of the head of your department to the financial discrepancy and invite him to petition higher management for its review.
  • Argumentation.

How to write a memo for a salary increase?

You will need

  • - notification;
  • - order form T-5;
  • - additional agreement;
  • - notification to the accounting department.

Instruction 1 According to Labor Code In the Russian Federation, inflation and rising prices for retail goods can serve as justification for increasing wages. In this case, it is enough to indicate that wages have been increased in accordance with Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 2 If an employee graduated from a higher educational institution, took retraining or retraining courses, and gained extensive experience working in his specialty, then this can be written in the justification. 3 If wages are increased in accordance with Article 134 for all employees of your enterprise, then you are obliged to issue an order, issuing it for each employee separately.

Justification for increasing wages example


Increasing employee earnings is painstaking work for the HR department. Each such procedure significantly increases the organization’s document flow. The reasons for the salary increase are recorded in Art. 129 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on this article, you can increase wages in the following ways:
  • increase in tariff rate;
  • an increase in the base salary (as specified in the employment contract).

In addition, rates and interest rates may also increase. compensation payments, additional payments, allowances and other additional funds. Full list of additional material resources presented in Art. 129 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Also in Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer can independently increase the amount of payments to subordinates (including allowances and additional payments) on his own initiative.

How to justify a salary increase

Operating companies, guided only by their own benefit, without worthy competition, set speculative prices. Despite the various measures taken by the Russian government to control them, and the death of agricultural crops in a number of areas due to the abnormal drought of 2010, citizens were forced to feel rising prices. 4. It is easy to explain the increase in prices by the activities of ordinary speculators.

Having formed trading networks, they dictate prices and are not going to lower them, as required by typical economic laws. Unscrupulous businessmen are expecting further inflation shocks and are planning inflated revenues. An agricultural producer in such a situation is faced with obvious infringement of his interests from trade. Unreasonable and unmotivated trade markups lead to an unfair division of revenue between the manufacturer, processor and seller.

How to talk to your boss about a salary increase

Sign the agreement and give it to the employee to sign. 4. Issue an order to change the staffing table. Here, indicate the reason that led to these actions: indicate what exactly is subject to change; indicate the effective date of the order. Based on the order, change the staffing table. 5.


Make changes to the employee’s personal card and add information to the personal file. If an employee’s job responsibilities have changed due to a change in salary (say, they have become larger), draw up job description and give it for signature. A job that a person likes, but is poorly paid, deprives him of a number of advantages compared to the one where the wages are considered high.

On the contrary, the high salary that a worker receives at a job he doesn’t like gives him physical autonomy, but makes him miserable.

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For example, ask for a one-time incentive if you can demonstrate that you have saved a certain amount of money for the company over the past year, or ask for a salary increase if you are currently working on a program aimed at saving a certain amount of money for the company in the past year. future. Getting a one-time incentive certainly won't hurt, but a salary increase is usually more attractive from a long-term perspective, as it means an increase in base compensation. Preparation Take the time to prepare to advertise your achievements. Build up arguments in favor of your own financial incentives.
Preparation involves the following.

  • Making a list of your responsibilities. About your participation in some important types management may not know the activities.

We do not increase salaries for all employees

The rise in prices for products and services in the current conditions is partly explained by the monopolization of markets in certain industries and dependence on imports. Operating companies, guided only by their own benefit, without decent competition, set speculative prices. Despite various measures taken Russian government to control them, and the loss of agricultural crops in a number of areas due to the abnormal drought of 2010 made citizens feel rising prices. 4


It is easy to explain the increase in prices by the activities of ordinary speculators. Having formed trading networks, they dictate prices and are not going to lower them, as required by normal economic laws. Unscrupulous businessmen expect further inflation shocks and plan inflated profits. An agricultural producer in such a situation faces a clear infringement of his interests from trade.

On the other hand, if you exceeded expectations, be sure to highlight this fact.

  • Provide a brief written rationale for the salary increase or one-time incentive. The document must be no more than one page in length. Focus on your positive contributions to the business, not on the number of hours you work or the list of your job responsibilities.

    Pay special attention to correct spelling and style. Lack of literacy can cause people to not take you seriously.

Presentation When presenting your request, be clear about the amount of raise or incentive requested and how management expects you to value your value. Show your confidence and be concise. You can send a written justification to your manager in advance to allow time for consideration.
The applicant himself needs to justify his ability to perform advanced functions (attach a document on advanced training, receipt scientific degree or specialized education at a university, a patent for an invention or a certificate of training in the specified field) Long and conscientious work in the company Obviously not a very strong argument, since valuable employees, as a rule, receive promotions and salary increases from their superiors on a regular basis. If a long-term employee does not receive the attention of management, then perhaps the lack of penalties is evidence of normal discipline, and not the value of personal achievements.

Such a list can be useful if you are asking for a salary increase or promotion.

  • Collecting information about achievements. A list of responsibilities may be of interest only in certain cases. Think about your achievements, their positive consequences and significance. It is not easy to remember all the events of the past year, so it is useful to keep a journal of achievements and update it regularly. The ability to demonstrate a measurable contribution to the company will make your argument more convincing.
  • Balance your responsibilities and achievements with the company's goals. If it turns out that you have not met any of management's expectations, try to correct the situation to remove possible blocking factors.

How to write a memo for a salary increase?

When analyzing, you should also evaluate the quality of maintaining payroll records for bonuses and services. financial assistance, payment of one-time remunerations, as well as other documentation related to remuneration. The results of the analysis of such indicators allow us to conclude that the employer’s costs for labor, the quality of the working life of personnel and the efficiency of their use, the rationality of constructing wage systems, the optimal distribution of newly created value between labor and capital, the wage intensity of manufactured products, and the effectiveness of the mechanism for regulating wages. Constant analysis of labor costs maintains high competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise, creates conditions for personnel development, and therefore, of course, should be carried out by the relevant services of the enterprise or organization.


Excellence high paying job Often people are faced with a choice between a position that pays well but is unsatisfying and a job that they like but is poorly paid. Undoubtedly, the physical comfort that high wages provide has many advantages. A person who receives a high salary feels more free and independent from life circumstances.


He is more likely to improve the data that surrounds him. Let's say, people with high incomes need to solve an urgent problem. housing problem easier than for those whose wages allow them to spend only a subsistence minimum. In pursuit of physical security, people tend to fall into workaholism.

It turns out that a person becomes dependent on a job that promises financial autonomy.

How to justify a salary increase

In general, the process takes place in several stages:

  1. Showing initiative. The employee himself may hint about a desire to qualitatively improve his financial situation, or the head of his department will decide to improve the situation.
  2. Actually drawing up a memo and sending it to a higher-ranking manager or functionary who has the right to make such decisions.
  3. Registration of an internal message in the journals of incoming correspondence or sending it by mail.
  4. Reviewing the proposal and preparing a response.
  5. Consent is usually expressed in the form of an order to increase wages and change the staffing table.

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It is desirable that the author’s position be supported by actual results or references to legislative and local acts. Here are just the most popular: Reason for the salary increase Justification for the salary increase in the memo Inflation or other unfavorable financial processes nationwide An attempt to simply write “look at the prices” in an appeal is evidence of incompetence and a superficial approach to document preparation. It is better to refer to official data from RosStat or conduct a mini-research and provide your list of products whose prices have risen sharply recently.
Indirectly, this right is confirmed by Art. 135 TK.

We do not increase salaries for all employees

Ensure that those making key incentive decisions are aware of you and your activities. Send progress reports to management, provide positive feedback on your work, organize presentations and generally do not go into the shadows.

  • Take advantage of every opportunity. Taking initiative and demonstrating your need to the company can not only help you earn rewards, but also improve your career prospects.

    Remember that managers make incentive decisions primarily based on assessing an employee's long-term potential.

  • Set measurable goals to have an objective basis for receiving a raise or bonus. If you don't have measurable goals, start setting them now.

Online magazine for an accountant Online magazine for an accountant Sample memo about a salary increase What should a memo about a salary increase look like and under what conditions is it drawn up and given effect? About this - in our review + a sample of this document. Our civil investigation Our civil investigation We are in Bulgaria! Civil investigation of crimes, scams and deceptions in public life and economics, materials on trials. Ask for a salary increase! Correct arguments Ask for a salary increase! Correct arguments MaxNina » March 30, 2011, 1:53 pm All managers without exception do not like to talk about this topic.

Justification for increasing wages example


If the justification for an increase in wages needs to be issued under Article No. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with rising prices, the order is issued for the entire employee separately. The document indicates the reason that wages have been increased due to inflation and the indexation percentage. For this reason, an increase in the monetary table of contents may not be formalized by notifying the employee, but may be carried out unilaterally and everyone should be made aware of this fact.


In all cases, an order of the unified form T-5 is issued. The order specifies from what day of the month and year the salary will increase, the employee’s full name, position, and the number of the structural unit. If, at the same time as the monetary table of contents increases, the position or job responsibilities change, this is also indicated in the order.

Justification for increasing wages example

It is quite easy to justify rising prices in an era of global financial collapse and serious changes in the economies of many countries. Instructions 1. Please note that any weak or progressing economy is subject to both external and internal influences. Even without experiencing serious pressure from global economic collapses, it is not able to fully provide a decent life for its citizens. It is worth noting that Russia’s economic growth is disproportionately dependent on the volume of exports of energy resources and raw materials, which is a disadvantage of the Russian economy. But a country is not only an economy, but also a politics, a real the legislative framework And executive branch. 2.

Justification for salary increase sample


The Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Mechanical Engineers Trade Union of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 approved Recommendations on the procedure for developing, negotiating and concluding collective agreements in the primary trade union organizations of Rosprofmash “Collective negotiations”, which, in particular, contains an approximate list of information requested from the employer during collective negotiations. When carrying out the analysis, the appropriate information base is used. It includes forms of statistical and financial statements, approved standards for the formation of funds for wages, including cost elements, market wage rates for key positions, other planning and reporting documents.

The analysis involves the use staffing tables, provisions on remuneration, bonuses and social benefits, one-time remuneration, etc.
OFFICIAL NOTE During the period of work as a mechanic from 03/12/2013 to the present, I. A. Ivanov has proven himself to be a responsible and efficient worker, possessing all the skills necessary to work in this position. Last year Ivanov I.A. completed advanced training courses and improved his professional level, mastered the job additional equipment. He is currently the only employee with the skills and qualifications required to operate the newly upgraded WPC production line. In the team, Ivanov I.A. is respected by colleagues and management. In communication he is characterized as a reserved, tactful person, always ready to help. He has no complaints about his work; based on the results of the inspection carried out in July of this year, no violations were identified.

You will need

  • -notification,
  • -additional agreement,
  • -order No. T-5,
  • -entering information into a personal card and, if necessary, into a work book.


To increase salaries It was justified that it was necessary to draw up a number of documents that would regulate any changes in, and also to notify the employee in advance by notifying the employee against signature. If except salaries it is planned to change the position or its name, you must additionally take into account the instructions on this matter in No. 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Reason for increase salaries good reasons or inflation may serve. Relevant facts can be used to indicate the reason. This could be: advanced training, obtaining a diploma from a higher education institution educational institution, obtaining additional relevant new or performing other functional responsibilities, extensive work experience and accumulated experience. If the justification for the increase salaries must be issued under Article No. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with prices, the order is issued for each employee separately. The document indicates the reason that it has been increased due to inflation and the indexation percentage. Promotion payment for this reason can be done not by notifying the employee, but unilaterally and making everyone aware of this fact.

In all cases, an order of the unified form T-5 is issued. The order indicates from what date and year the increase should be made salaries, full name of the employee, position, number of the structural unit. If, simultaneously with an increase in salary, the position or job responsibilities change, this is also indicated in the order.

A notification is submitted to the accounting department about the accrual of the changed salaries.

If the increase salaries demanded by the employee, then you need to present compelling and reasoned arguments to the employer. Reason for increase salaries can serve as: long experience at a given enterprise, level of professional preparedness and personal merit, increased prices for consumer goods, advanced training or obtaining a diploma.

In all cases asking for a raise salaries You need to contact the head of the structural unit or immediate supervisor.

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  • how to justify a salary increase

Sooner or later, the question of a salary increase must be raised with an employee who is valuable to the company. Its outcome largely depends on how competently the employee selects arguments and time for discussing such important issue.

You will need

  • - knowledge of the labor market situation in your industry;
  • - arguments in favor of your effectiveness for the company and your ability to increase it with an increase in salary;
  • - a good relationship with the boss and it's a good time to talk.


An important key to a planned conversation is a well-chosen time for this. The boss should be in a good mood; it is advisable that your conversation is not interrupted by colleagues, distracting you or the boss with urgent matters.

The ideal time for this is the afternoon: the morning routine has already been cleared, and you have already eaten and are happy with life.

It’s even better if the day before you managed to successfully complete and cope with the difficult task assigned to you. Merits tend to be quickly forgotten, so seize the moment.

Good source An argument in your favor can come from studying the market realities in your industry. Even if you are not going to leave, it would not be superfluous to respond to several vacancies for a specialist of your level, and visit, if invited somewhere.

If during reconnaissance in force you receive an offer with better conditions, it will serve as an additional argument in the conversation and a reserve airfield in case of an unsuccessful ending.

During the conversation, try not to refer to personal circumstances: no one cares about them except you. If you mention them, then in the very last place, especially if the boss is already in the know.

Focus on what benefits you are already bringing to the company, how much more effectively you can be when you achieve what you want, and don’t forget to refer to the market situation.

If you provide value and your arguments are not based on empty space, the likelihood of a mutually acceptable solution is very high.

Video on the topic

Many employers stimulate the work of employees by increasing wages. In some cases this is simply not necessary. For example, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of remuneration cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum, which increases from year to year. When raising your salary, you need to fill out all the documents correctly.


In the case when wages rise by , this is formalized like another change in conditions employment contract. You need to obtain consent from the employee himself, and then, based on this, an order (instruction) to increase payment to this employee.

After this, based on the order, draw up an additional agreement to the contract, in which you indicate the amount of wages. This document must be signed by the head of the organization and the employee himself.

In the case when wages are raised for all employees at the same time, it is advisable to draw up a “Regulation on Remuneration”. Include in it the possibility of wage indexation. Employees must sign this document upon admission. In this case, additional agreements to the contract are not required. All you need to do is draw up an order to increase wages, which must be approved by the manager.

Helpful advice

Remember that when increasing wages, you cannot be guided by personal preferences. For example, if you increase the salary of the deputy chief accountant, then leaving the same payment to the chief accountant is inappropriate.


  • how to apply for a salary increase

Promotion prices, especially for food, medicine and housing costs, hit the pockets of Russian citizens. Justify the increase prices in the era of global financial crises and serious changes in the economies of many countries, it is quite easy.


Please note that any weak or developing condition is subject to both external and internal influences. Even without experiencing serious pressure from global economic crises, it is not able to fully provide a decent life for its citizens. It is worth noting the excessive dependence of Russia's economic growth on the volume of exports of energy resources and raw materials, which is a disadvantage of the Russian economy. But a country is not only an economy, but also politics, a real legislative framework and executive power.

Think about what the experts at the Institute of National Economic Forecasting Russian Academy Sciences (INP RAS) believed that in 2011 the world prices Oil prices will increase, ensuring economic growth and reducing inflation. With a predicted level of 7.8%, it actually dropped to 6.1%. In the context of the impending second wave of the global crisis, it is generally difficult to predict, although OPEC expects certain levels prices for “black gold” until 2035. Despite all the criticism and information addressed to the country's leadership, one should trust and count on the common sense, economic and legal experience of state leaders.

Height prices on products and services in the current conditions is partly explained by the monopolization of markets in certain industries and dependence on imports. Operating companies, guided only by their own benefit, without decent competition, establish speculative prices s. Despite various measures taken by the Russian government to control them, and the loss of agricultural harvests in a number of areas due to the abnormal drought of 2010, citizens felt an increase in prices.

It's easy to explain the increase prices activities of ordinary speculators. Having formed trading networks, they dictate prices s and are not going to lower them, as required by normal economic laws. Unscrupulous businessmen expect further inflation shocks and plan inflated profits. An agricultural producer in such a situation faces a clear infringement of his interests from trade. Unfounded and unmotivated trading on prices ki lead to an unfair distribution of profits between the producer, processor and seller. Thus, all arising costs are compensated by an increase prices s on products and are easily passed on to the consumer. First of all, this situation arises around fuel, food and medicine.

Video on the topic

In progress labor relations with employees, some employers increase salaries. This is done, for example, when receiving a discharge, higher education or simply to improve productivity. One way or another, these actions must be formalized correctly.


Promotion salary is a change in one of the terms of the employment contract. Therefore, first of all, two months before the fact, notify the employee about further actions - send a written notice to him. In the document, indicate the reason for the increase, the effective date and the amount of salary. On this document, the employee must put the date of signing and his signature, which will mean his agreement with the above information.

Draw up an order for a salary increase. Unified form there is no administrative document for this, so develop it yourself and approve it accounting policy. Be sure to indicate in the order the reason for the increase in wages (for example, in connection with an increase in grade), the name of the employee’s position and his full name, as well as the amount of the salary and the date the order comes into force. Sign the administrative document, date it and give it to the employee for review.

For example, it is easier for people with high incomes to solve the pressing housing problem than for those whose wages allow them to spend only a subsistence minimum. In pursuit of material security, people tend to fall into workaholism. It turns out that a person becomes dependent on a job that promises financial independence. Thus, a job that brings in little income makes you earn and save longer. cash than a high-income job.

Thus, a person becomes dependent on a highly paid job, because he does not dare to change it to a type of activity that would bring him moral satisfaction, but would be paid less. He is afraid of changes, because otherwise, he will have to give up his usual way of life and satisfy all his needs. However, your favorite job in this case will require less stress and dedication than a position that, in addition to earning money, does not bring satisfaction and benefit.

The benefits of a job you love

Psychologists have proven that a job in which a person forces himself to work increases the risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders and heart diseases. This is explained by the fact that the internal disagreement and contradictions that his activity causes triggers mechanisms of destruction in the body. The employee’s internal protest against his duties forces him to be in constant stress, and as a result, causes depression.

In favor of a low-paid position that brings moral satisfaction to a person, a number of advantages should be noted. By doing what you love, a person receives pleasure and joy. Favorite work helps to realize talents and abilities, maintain mental health, and it makes achievements and success easier for a person.

Sometimes a step forward begins with a kick in the ass.

You are 30, 35, or maybe even 40 years old. You work in a company for your meager salary and don’t understand why your successful friends have already upgraded their iPhone 7 to iPhone X. Why is it they, and not you, who travel with their families to Cyprus, the Maldives and the UAE. Why have they already paid off their loans on a Honda Accord, VW Passat or even a Mercedes Benz ML350. You see how your colleagues go to the boss with an impudent face and demand another increase in wages, leave with a smile on their faces and go to the nearest pub to sign up.

Why THEY and not YOU?

It was you who studied best at school and did it to them test papers, helped me pore over my diploma. What about the guy you invited to join your company from the Horns and Hooves private enterprise, and a year later he outpaced you? Why, before the next annual work report, do they ask you to “cook up a list of outstanding achievements,” although their main success was that they did not lose the achievements of their predecessors?

And you are such a modest guy, the smartest, most efficient and irreplaceable (damn, why is it that you are always squeaking out on vacation for one week, while these dunces rest for two weeks twice a year, not taking into account Christmas and May holidays?), so, you’re the best and you don’t get anything...

I'll tell you why this happens.

For almost 10 years now I have been working in large corporations, observing hundreds and even thousands of careers - both successful and failed. Just five years ago I was getting 100 a day from guys like you, conducting up to 10 interviews and evaluating, evaluating, evaluating. I assessed to understand who to hire for the company and who not. Who can achieve something and who cannot.

So below you will see seven simple ways receive a salary increase. Start with the first one, follow all the recommendations and move on to the next one. No need to jump between tips. Keep it in order. So let's get started.

No. 1. Ask!

Do you know why you get so little? Because 95% of bosses don't care that your wife blows your mind every time you get paid.

When she didn't have enough money for a dress. When you took her to relax as a savage, and not to a resort. Because to raise your salary, he needs to talk to his boss, justify why you need to raise your salary, talk about all your successes and achievements (do you think he remembers everything?). It’s much easier to say: Max (your colleague) came up and said that if I don’t raise his salary, he’ll go to a competitor. Or maybe your boss is saving the department budget so that he can ask for a raise for himself later.

What to do: your main task is to plant in your boss’s head the idea that you want to earn more. That you are not satisfied with your level of income. What do you want to know, what should you do to increase your salary?

How to do it: you should prepare a conversation (if you're brave) or a letter (if you're only brave enough to write to your boss once a week).

The main message of your conversation (or letter): what should or can I do to earn 30% more?

Exactly. The boss doesn't care what you've done so far. He is not interested in how much your colleagues earn or how much they pay in the market. He is only interested in what you can offer in the future in exchange for a salary increase.

Secrets: I'll share one secret with you. Any boss values ​​employees who can solve the boss's problems. The boss doesn't like problems more than anything. They always try to blame any problems on their subordinates. If a subordinate fails, it is he who is to blame, not the boss. Therefore, think right away what problems of the boss you are ready to solve in exchange for an increase in salary. This is, of course, about work - don't think you have to be your boss's slave.

How to build your conversation (letter)

  1. State right away what you want to talk about.
  2. Explain why you want to earn more (the only thing your boss can care about is your life circumstances, so tell me about mortgage loan and the increased dollar exchange rate, that you and your wife are planning to have a third child, or that you now need a car that you will take out on credit).
  3. Ask under what circumstances and conditions you can earn more.
  4. Offer options for expanding your responsibilities or increasing work efficiency.
  5. Remember past successes as evidence of your ability to do better.
  6. Tell me the amount you are aiming for.
  7. Ask what you need to do to return to this conversation once you have met the conditions on your part.

An example of your dialogue (I’m giving only your phrases, but it’s obvious that your boss’s answers will be in between):

Hello, Ivan Ivanovich. I want to talk to you about my salary. My wife and I are planning a third child, so the issue of my income is very relevant to me now. I would like to discuss with you under what circumstances I can earn more? For example, I can take on more clients or be responsible not only for sales, but also for marketing. Remember how successfully I was able to introduce a new shampoo to the market when all the marketers were busy with new pads? I would like to earn $2,000 per month and am willing to put in the effort. After I have completed all the requirements, how can we return to our conversation?

After the conversation, be sure to write down all your agreements and review them every week.

My experience shows that:

In 50% of cases, just one conversation with a request for an increase is enough to increase your salary.

It really works, especially if you are a really cool and valuable employee.

Bosses are afraid of such conversations. People who say they want to earn more make them afraid of getting fired. And no one wants to look for a new employee to take your place, tinker with him, teach him, adapt him and risk getting a pig in a poke.

#2: Educate yourself!

You know, there is such a phrase: “If you do the same thing tomorrow as you do today, you will have the same thing that you have today.” If you want different results, do something different. And for this - study.

See how it works. Every company has such a concept as a salary range. People in the same positions can receive salaries that differ by 25–75%. That is, you can receive $1,000, and your colleague - $1,500, performing similar functions (we are not taking bonuses into account yet). This happens for many reasons:

  1. You came when everyone was getting $1,000, and then the market grew, and new employees were already being recruited for $1,500.
  2. When you were hired, your knowledge and experience were valued at $1,000, while your colleagues were valued at $1,500.
  3. Your company has a formal or informal system for assessing the professionalism of employees, based on the results of which wages are revised (this kind of thing is increasingly beginning to be implemented in large Western and domestic companies).
  4. Someone rated your colleague’s level of professionalism higher and initiated a salary increase (your boss, your boss’s boss, the boss of another department, the HR director).

In general, there is a direct relationship between your “coolness” as a specialist and your wages. Accordingly, the cooler you become, the higher your price.

What to do: you don’t need to immediately sign up for all sorts of courses, buy a library of professional literature, or enroll in a mini-MBA (you still have to grow and grow to get a full MBA). First, you need to determine what professional and personal knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities (let’s call them competencies for convenience) are really in demand in your company and people are willing to pay more to “upgrade” them. Once you understand this, all that will be required of you is to look for ways to improve these competencies and improve them.

How to do it: you need allies here. Talk with your boss, with a representative of the HR department, with agency recruiters, colleagues in the market, read magazines that are relevant to you, go to conferences. Once you identify the eight most in-demand competencies for your position, create a plan for their development and develop them.

Secrets: There are people who call themselves coaches. Like Buddhist monks, they guard the secret of a powerful coaching tool called balance wheel. But I'll tell you about him.

Take a sheet of A4 paper. Draw a circle. Draw it into eight sectors. It will turn out like this:

Each sector is one competency. Now rate each competency on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means it is not developed at all, and 10 means it is developed at the maximum level.

After the assessment, next to each competency, put a number that is equal to the difference between 10 and your score. For example, you have the competency “negotiation”, to which you gave 6 points. From 10 you subtract 6 and get 4. Then you work with this number.

Now choose three competencies that are more important than all others. Multiply the points received in them by 3. And three more competencies, which are in second place in importance. There, multiply the points by 2.

You will receive six new numbers. Choose three of them from maximum score. It is these competencies that you must develop in yourself.

If you have done this exercise, then this is already 50% success. It's just a matter of development.

Do you know why 90% of people don’t engage in self-development? They think it's expensive and they don't have time for it. I want to dispel these two myths.

Myth 1. Self-development is expensive

Complete nonsense.

In our modern world There are already so many different ones where you can get valuable information by spending only $100. Do not think or expect that after the first such event you will become a Guru. Don't think the pros know 10 times more than you. All that distinguishes the pros from you is that they went to two or three events, grasped the key idea and began to use it in their work.

Be sure to ask your HRs if they are willing to pay for all or part of your training. Find the most best book on a topic that interests you (ask others for advice, which is better, read reviews) and read it.

Myth 2. It takes a lot of time to learn

And you don’t even have enough to work.

Do you know Stephen Covey's book? Here's what he writes:

Imagine that, while walking through the forest, you see a man furiously cutting down a tree.

- What are you doing? - you ask.

- Don’t you see? - follows the answer. - I'm sawing a tree.

“You look very tired,” you sympathize. - How long have you been sawing?

“More than five hours,” the man answers. - I can barely stand on my feet! Hard work.

“So why don’t you take a break for a few minutes and sharpen your saw?” - you advise. - Things would probably have gone much faster.

- I don’t have time to sharpen the saw! - the man declares. - I'm too busy.

And don’t lie to yourself that you don’t even have 20 minutes a day for... Or that you can’t find three hours a month to watch a webinar. Or that you can’t set aside one day every six months to attend a training. What, really not? Well then, plan your next vacation so that it starts on the day of the training, and you will rest not for seven days, but for six.

#3: Expand!

So, let's imagine that you have already told your boss that you want to earn money more money. You even agreed on the circumstances under which this was possible, and you began to “sharpen the saw.” It's time to take the next step - expand.

My boss once told me:

Responsibility is not something that is given to you. Responsibility is something that you take yourself and do not discuss with anyone.

So, your time has come to expand your area of ​​responsibility.

What to do: look at what you are agreeing on with your boss now. Which of these does he least want to agree on (remember, you wrote him five letters on the topic of agreeing on new terms of work with a client, but he never responded?). Start with small things. Take responsibility for making decisions.

How to do: First, tell yourself: “Now I am beginning to take responsibility.” As soon as you make up your mind, start taking action. My secrets will help you.

Secrets: I will give you a simple scheme for increasing your responsibility. Imagine that you have the same situation that repeats every month. Let this be an agreement on working conditions with the client.

Now you write like this:

Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I ask you to agree on the terms of work with the client “Romashka”.

Now let's add a little responsibility:

« Dear Gennady Ivanovich, for this client I want to agree on the following conditions. Do you agree?"(You see, the pronoun “I” appears.)

A little more month later:

« Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I am agreeing on the following conditions for this client. Do you have any objections?"(Here you no longer express a desire, but declare an action.)

Next month:

« Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I agreed on the following conditions for this client. If you have any comments, please let me know so I can make corrections." (Here you have already announced the event, but you leave the boss the right to change something.)

If this stage was successful, then you move on to the final version. If not, and the boss told you: “Who gave you the right to agree on the terms?” - tell him about your readiness to take responsibility for agreeing on the conditions, and he has the right to be informed in the form of your reports.

So, the final stage:

« Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I am sending you a report on the agreed terms for clients, I am ready to discuss them if necessary».

Remember: the more responsibility you take, the greater your value to the company. But I want to warn you: do not fall into the trap where a new responsibility will require more time from you than you are able to devote to it. In this case, get ready to ask for additional resources (the ability to delegate some of the work to other employees, while retaining responsibility for the result).

No. 4. Perform!

Companies are divided into two types:

  • in some you work for a salary, and you do not and cannot have any bonuses;
  • in others, in addition to the bet, you have the opportunity to receive a bonus.

If you work in a company of the first type, skip this point immediately.

And if you are lucky enough to work in a company where there is even a small chance of a bonus, then you simply must achieve it.

Awards there are different types, here are some of them:

  • monthly bonus for meeting targets;
  • percentage of sales;
  • fee for work done;
  • premium for processing;
  • Outstanding Achievement Award;
  • quarterly bonus;
  • bonus based on the results of the assessment for the year.

What to do: so, your task number 1 is to understand what types of bonuses are available in your company. Start by talking to your colleagues and finding out what they know. Then ask your boss or HR person a question.

How to do: listen to what your colleagues say about salaries and bonuses.

In my many years of experience, employees always talk about their salaries and discuss them among themselves. No matter how strict the company's rules are, everyone still knows each other's salaries and incomes. And if you don’t yet know about the income of your colleagues, then everything is ahead of you. Go to the pub with your colleagues and have a heart-to-heart talk. Tell them that you really don’t have enough money and are thinking about how to earn more. How to achieve a prize... Ask their advice - a Pandora's box will open in front of you. If you're lucky, take the boss with you.

Secrets: even if your position does not provide bonuses, your boss always has the opportunity to write a memo to his boss and get a bonus for you. Therefore, do not think that there are no bonuses at all. Think about the circumstances under which you could receive it.

No. 5. Combine!

Sometimes The best way Earning more means finding an opportunity to combine your main job with something else. And here is a list of possible combinations. Even if you don’t find an option for yourself, you will understand in what direction you can and should think.

  1. Combining two positions in one company. I see this quite often. Of course, no one will pay you two full rates, but you can easily get an additional payment of 30%.
  2. Combination of two positions for shift workers. If you work in shifts - two after two or three after three and so on, most likely your manager will give you the opportunity to work additional shifts for a colleague who has fallen ill or gone on vacation.
  3. Network marketing. Although I personally don’t share all the joys network business, however, there are many examples where a person makes good money doing Avon, Amway, Oriflame and other businesses. The only thing is that you must have two success factors: the gift of selling and a huge number of friends and acquaintances whom you are able to convince.
  4. Conducting training events. If you are a cool pro, then there are probably people who are willing to pay you for training. I know several people who conduct trainings. But usually they do not engage in sales themselves, but cooperate with companies that find them clients. Think about whether there are companies around you that are ready to sell your trainings. There is also a second category of people: they are passionate about some topic, for example, Vedic culture or makeup artistry, and conduct mini-trainings for their friends on this topic.
  5. The second way to make money from developing other people is to get a coaching certificate. A coach is a person who, using a certain technique, helps other people achieve their goals. Typically, a coach is a professional in a certain area in which he specializes: finance, career, health, and so on. Successful coaches charge between $100 and $200 for their coaching sessions for 60 to 90 minutes.
  6. Intermediary services. I know people who make money by helping people make purchases in foreign stores. This is especially true for children's things. They collect orders from their friends, place an order in a foreign store and deliver to their city.
  7. Deposit. This is probably the most obvious way to earn extra money, but it requires effort to start saving 5-10% of your income. You can’t do this without the help of inspiring books. I recommend reading Bodo Schaefer.
  8. Production of handmade goods. I have friends who bake professional cakes with different figures, there are those who make women’s jewelry, beautiful cards or notepads. Here you have to invest your labor, but if it turns out well, then over time you can earn good money.
  9. Providing services to others. Manicures and massages will probably be the most popular here. But there are also less popular ones: assistance in choosing a wardrobe, providing quality services in the purchase of a used car (search for a seller, inspection of cars, inspection at a service station, bidding). Think about how you could make money.

What to do: It's up to you to choose, there are a great many ways.

How to do: make your list of ideas on how you could make money. Enter ideas into it - from the quite obvious to the craziest. Let your list be as large as possible. Give it a whole week, reviewing it every night and adding a few new lines. And then choose one or two things and start doing them.

Secrets: If you are not sure which of the invented options is better, try to evaluate each of the options according to the following criteria on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the highest score:

  • this can, over the next five years, generate income commensurate with my salary;
  • this activity gives me pleasure;
  • it will utilize my talents.

Evaluate each option according to three criteria, add up the points and choose the option that scored the most points.

No. 6. Grow!

This is one of the most difficult, but also the most effective way earn more.

My experience is that the difference between the lowest paid and the most highly paid position in an average company is 100! This means that if a cleaning lady makes $200 a month, then a CEO makes $20,000 (without bonuses).

Additionally, there are about 13 job levels in the average company. That is, from a cleaner to a director, there are approximately 13 positions.

It is believed that career in humans it can occur on average once every three years.

On average, an employee’s salary increases by 40% upon promotion (usually 20% immediately upon promotion and another 20% after 6–12 months).

Thus, over a 20-year professional career, even from the lowest position and a salary of $200, you can grow to a salary of $2,000 (provided that the increase was 40% every three years, for a total of seven increases).

And if you start with $1,000, then up to $10,000. Not bad, right? But there are people who grow faster than others. For example, if you receive career growth every two years, then the income growth will no longer be 10 times higher, as in the example, but 29 times!

It is considered very easy. In 20 years you will have 10 promotions. Each by 40%. So, you need to calculate 1.4 to the power of 10.

Feel the difference:

Position growth every * years Total amount of growth in position (20 divided by the number in the first column) Income growth over 20 years by * times Income in 20 years if you start with $500
2 10 29 14 500
3 7 11 5 500
4 5 5 2 500
5 4 4 2 000

Do you now realize the importance of your career growth?

Great, start growing!

What to do: I give step by step instructions.

Step 1. First, determine what you love to do most in life. If you have seriously decided to think about a career for the next 20 years, then you need to choose something worthwhile, because you will devote a very large part of your life to this business.

Step 2. Draw your career ladder for 20 years. We decided that ideally you should have up to 10 promotions. Don't waste your time on trifles, aim for the position of CEO. Believe me, in 20 years any person who is purposefully engaged in his development is capable of becoming general director. This means you need to draw your path from your current position to CEO.

Here is an example of a telecom company with more than 5,000 employees:

  1. Sales Specialist ↓
  2. Senior Sales Specialist ↓
  3. Leading Sales Specialist ↓
  4. Sales Manager ↓
  5. Head of Sales Group ↓
  6. Head of Sales Department ↓
  7. Head of Sales Department ↓
  8. Head of Sales Directorate ↓
  9. Commercial Director ↓
  10. General Director ★

Step 3. Now forget about your career ladder and focus solely on the next position (in my example, senior sales specialist). Ask yourself, and then your boss, a question: what do you need to know, do, be able to do in order to be promoted? Focus on this question, finding the answer, and putting action into action in the next two years.

Step 4. Repeat the third step each time after the next increase.

Step 5. Hire yourself a coach who will help you in your growth to insure your success.

How to do: remember, your career growth has several criteria for success:

  • Goal setting - you should set a clear goal for yourself every time, for example, to become a senior sales specialist by 01/01/2017.
  • Learning - no need to indulge yourself with illusions. Without training, you will not have constant growth. Therefore, plan your training (how exactly - I already wrote above).
  • Expanding your responsibility is the only way you will grow. No one will come to you and give you a little more responsibility (and career growth is essentially an increase in responsibility). They will always look to see if you take on a little more responsibility than others or not. You already know how to take on more responsibility.
  • High level of performance - you have to work a little more efficiently than others, these are the people who get promoted.
  • Good relationship with management - I'm not talking about the need to be a suck-up, no. What we are talking about here is that you must be able to communicate well with your manager and the heads of other departments. Nobody wants to promote people who are unable to build relationships with their colleagues. And your leaders today are your colleagues tomorrow.

Secrets: go to the zoo, look at the wolves. I'm serious! Watch them and you will notice one feature that no one else has. This feature is that wolves are always on the move! Always real. They never stand or sit, they are constantly moving. Hence the saying:

The wolf's legs feed him.

Wolves know that to survive they must move. In winter and summer, in rain and heat... You must become the same wolf.

You must always move. Moving means acting, taking the initiative, developing, communicating a lot with colleagues and other company employees, generating ideas at meetings, speaking publicly. You must always perform more actions than all your colleagues. This is the only way you will get ahead of them.

No. 7. Go away!

So, let’s imagine that you followed all my recommendations from the text above for two or three years and did not get any results.

But let's not lie to ourselves. When I write “done,” it means that you did even more than I wrote.

Even so, here is the test you must pass:

Count how many times you answered “yes”? If you haven't scored 16 points, it's too early for you to think about leaving. You know, people are used to blaming others. If your salary doesn’t grow, it’s always easier to blame your manager. But if you haven’t done all 16 actions to increase it, then the problem is only you.

But if you diligently completed all 16 points and your salary has not changed, run. Run away from these scoundrels!

But, as my friends, career coaches and consultants, like to say, finding a job is all about . So let's talk a little more about this.

What to do: There are several things you should do to find a job. This is a checklist that you must complete 100% ↓

How to do: job search is a creative process that requires a lot of energy and Have a good mood. I advise you to combine it with something especially pleasant for you. Start going to the gym while looking for a job or going fishing every weekend. Or maybe finally take a driving course. Do you drive? Then off to extreme driving. For English and speed reading courses.

Buy it for yourself good vitamins and drink every day, improve your diet and sleep. Your life should be like that of a bride before her wedding. You need to get yourself married or marry good employer, and he must like you.

Secrets: I will share with you the last secret of a careerist, and you will understand why ordinary people work in bad jobs.

I'll start with a small one statistics from the life of a recruiter.

In order to choose for yourself a good place To work, we need to get at least three real proposals.

To receive each of these offers, we will need to go through a minimum of five interviews. So that's 15 interviews for three offers.

Before the interview, the recruiter will conduct a short telephone interview with us. Typically, recruiters call more candidates than they want to invite for an interview. Let's assume that only one out of three calls will result in a real interview for us. This means that for 15 interviews we will need 45 telephone interviews.

But they don’t always call. In reality, only one out of 10, or even out of 30 resumes sent results in a phone call. Let's take an average of 20 submitted resumes for one call. And for 45 calls, you need to send as many as 900 such resumes.

Now let's think: if we want to find a job in three months (90 days), then how many resumes should we send per day? Exactly - 10 resumes per day!

How does it usually happen? One to five resumes per week. Well, even five a week - for 900 resumes you will need 180 weeks...

Now do you understand why people usually don’t find a normal job? They barely find at least one real job offer (and often they receive this offer after they have greatly lowered their standards after a series of failures).


Submit from 10 to 50 resumes per week.

It doesn’t matter whether there are so many suitable vacancies. Just understand that your goal is to find from all available sites from 10 to 50 vacancies that are most interesting, and send your resume there.

Uninteresting vacancies will give you experience in passing interviews (and in 30% of them you may actually be offered a more interesting position), and interesting ones will give you a potential job offer.

Well, that’s the end of my story about finding a job. This is only a small part of what I would like to convey, and someday I will write a book about careers and job searches, but for now I suggest keeping in touch through my