Hyaluronic acid use at home. Indications and methods of using hyaluronic acid for the face. Hyaluronic acid - reviews

We all know very well about the properties of moisturizing the skin. But it is not always possible to buy high-quality acid. If you want to learn how to make your own hyaluronic acid gel from powder, read our article.

Features of acid

This product is used in many industries; beauty salons, as well as cosmetic centers and clinics offer a varied selection using it. Many people call hyaluronic acid (HA) a substitute, but it is not a complete replacement. Cosmetics and procedures with hyaluron, unlike injections, create only a superficial effect.

Therefore, you should not expect radical changes or skin tightening.

Hyaluronic acid has good skin moisturizing ability

When purchasing a product, you should check the certificate, because Low-quality fakes are very common.
You can name various cosmetic products containing hyaluron, these are gels, shampoos, hair balms.

The peculiarities of the product's action are that it does not penetrate inside, but only forms a thin film on the surface, which prevents moisture from evaporating and the skin receives additional hydration.

The use of cosmetic gel from HA makes it possible to:
increase the ability of cells to regenerate;
provide skin hydration for a long period;
visually reduce wrinkles (facial or shallow);
and skin tone;
create a protective biobarrier.

To use hyaluron, cosmetics based on it (creams, gels) are most often used. The drug can be in the form of sodium hyaluronate, powder, ampoules.

There is one caveat regarding the use of acid at home: observe the dosage and do not overdo it.

Acid powder

Using hyaluronic acid gel in powder form is very convenient, it takes up little space, is cheap, and stores well.

Hyaluronic acid does not always have the form of a gel; manufacturers do this by mixing the powder with distilled water.

Using hyaluronic acid gel concentrate in powder form is very convenient, it takes up little space, is cheap, and stores well.

We will talk about the features of diluting HA below.

Let's look at what you need to pay attention to when purchasing a product.

GC is available in two types:

1. High molecular weight - has an effect only on the surface of the skin, and the effect will be instantaneous, which will provide the effect of smoothing out facial wrinkles.

2. Low molecular weight – gets into the deep layers of the skin, i.e. the effect occurs from the inside, which provides a longer-lasting effect from using the product, but without achieving a quick effect.

Only with the simultaneous use of these two types of HA will it give a 100% result, because the action will be directed in two directions at once, both from the inside and the outside.

Hyaluronic acid gel from powder: dilution rules

In the photo: the process of adding hyaluronic acid to distilled water

If the exact dosage is not indicated in the recipe, you should take exactly half the amount of low molecular weight and high molecular weight HA.

To prepare the cream, hyaluronic acid 1%, 1.5% and 2% is used. If you only have a high-molecular powder, the solution should be made at 1%, because a higher concentration of the resulting gel will be too dense, will not be able to be completely absorbed and the skin will remain sticky.

If you only bought low molecular weight powder, do 2%, but no more.

Important! You cannot make cosmetic gel from hyaluronic acid with more than 2%.

After the first use of the activator gel, you will be able to adjust its composition and thickness. If the skin remains sticky and the gel is not absorbed, you can add a little distilled water and shake the container thoroughly.

For a better understanding, let us present a scheme for diluting the powder to obtain a gel:

Table of the ratio of water and HA for preparing a gel of the required concentration

In the photo: preparing hyaluronic acid gel

Now let’s look in more detail at how to make a gel from HA powder:

1. Prepare the required amount of distilled water and pour it into the container.

2. Very carefully pour the powder into the water and rub thoroughly with a plastic spoon.

3. Initially, the gel will look more like lumps of powder floating on the surface of the water. Grind for 10-15 minutes until a uniform composition is obtained.

4. Pour the resulting gel into a glass jar with a lid so that the water does not evaporate, and refrigerate. It will be ready in a day.

Before using the gel, the jar should be shaken well so that the liquid is mixed with the gel again and the composition becomes homogeneous.

To use the resulting hyaluronic acid activator gel for the preparation of serum or cream, a preservative must be added to it. The preservative is added only to the gel, which has already been infused for a day, and its amount should not exceed 1% of the amount of the gel.

Let's look at an example: you got 50 ml of gel, you used 30 ml in a day, and you still have 20 ml left. These 20 ml can be used to prepare hyaluronic acid gel cream. To do this, add 0.2 g of, for example, Sharomix or Optichen, to the product, i.e. preservatives that you have in stock.

Please note that it is easier to dilute the powder in cold liquid, so place the required amount of distilled water in the freezer for 5-7 minutes before use.

If you still have questions after reading the article, you can additionally watch the video explanation for it.

Shelf life of HA

You can buy hyaluronic acid gel ready-made, but you definitely need to pay attention to the date of its production.

Is it possible to somehow understand that hyaluronic acid has already deteriorated?

1. It will cease to be jelly-like and become like ordinary water.

2. Odor may appear in case of bacterial contamination. This will also be a signal that the product has already expired.

Be sure to remember that when using low molecular weight HA, when diluted at 1.5-2%, it will be less jelly-like when compared with a high molecular weight composition diluted in a proportion of 1%.

Hyaluronic acid is a well-known remedy for maintaining youth. This biological gel can be used in different ways. Some people take it orally, make injections, but masks and creams with hyaluronic acid deserve special attention.

A woman with perfectly smooth, fresh skin always looks amazing. To improve your appearance, it is enough to know how to use hyaluronic acid. It effectively rejuvenates not only in injections, but also in masks and homemade creams. What is this mysterious miracle substance and how to use it correctly?

Do you know that...

Hyaluronic acid is the most important component of human skin. It plays the role of a filling substance, while elastin and collagen act as a scaffold. Together they form the extracellular matrix. Hyaluronic acid is present not only in the skin, but also in cartilage and saliva. It is produced by special cells - fibroblasts, which form the basis of connective tissue. The body of an average-sized adult contains approximately 10 g of hyaluronic acid. About half of its composition is updated every day.

This substance is responsible for the accumulation and storage of moisture, regeneration, and migration of epidermal cells. One hyaluronic acid molecule can bind and hold up to 500 water molecules. It prevents overheating of the body, maintains elasticity and health of the skin. However, over time, fibroblasts begin to produce less and less acid. Usually its quantity decreases sharply after 30 years. As a result, the skin condition worsens, blemishes appear, and the face becomes covered with a network of wrinkles.

Valuable discovery

Despite the fact that the use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetology began relatively recently, it was discovered back in 1934. Karl Meyer and a number of other scientists have identified hyaluronate in the umbilical cord, joint fluid and... cockscombs. However, the use of hyaluronic acid for medical purposes is the merit of Dr. Balazs, who successfully tested it in veterinary practice. He convinced the executives of Pharmacia AB to start producing hyaluronate. Hyaluronic acid was used to treat arthritis, it was included in lenses, and it became one of the most popular components in surgical ophthalmology.

As for cosmetology, it began to be used here only at the end of the last century. Hyaluronic acid has made a real splash. Soon it took one of the leading positions in the niche of anti-aging products and, importantly, remains there to this day. Today hyaluronic acid is available to all women. Anyone has the opportunity to purchase a miracle cure at a regular pharmacy. And although the use of hyaluronic acid as masks is not as effective as its subcutaneous administration, hyaluronic acid-based creams significantly improve the condition of the skin.

The effect of hyaluronic acid on facial skin

There are a lot of rumors and gossip around this product. Some use it to treat hair, others use hyaluronic acid to enlarge lips, perform facial contouring, and fight acne. Are products with hyaluronic acid really so good that they get rid of all your troubles? This is partly true.

By binding to water molecules, hyaluronic acid forms a biological gel. If you introduce it in a sufficiently high concentration under the skin, you can thereby correct the shape of the face, effectively smooth out wrinkles, etc. Hyaluronic acid is also valued for another equally valuable property - it increases the activity of beneficial substances introduced along with it. But is it worth using hyaluronic acid externally on the face? Undoubtedly yes. If you know how to use this cream correctly, then after a course of procedures you will notice:

  • smoothness of the skin;
  • elasticity;
  • facial tightening;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • improvement of skin structure;
  • even tone;
  • absence of rashes and peeling;
  • disappearance of bags under the eyes.

In addition, creams with hyaluronic acid create an invisible barrier on the skin that effectively protects against UV radiation and other external irritants. And if you apply a nourishing mask next, its components will have a stronger and longer effect on the skin.

How to use hyaluronic acid at home?

Not everyone can afford expensive salon treatments. However, no one canceled the desire to look fresh and stunning. Therefore, there are two options left - buy a ready-made cream with hyaluronic acid or prepare it yourself. In the first case, there is a high risk of running into a fake. For hyaluronic acid to bring real benefits, you should choose products from trusted cosmetic companies. Or you can try making this cream at home.

To prepare it yourself, you will need the hyaluronic acid itself (powder, in ampoules or a bottle) and, if desired, other useful ingredients. By the way, there are even tablets with hyaluronic acid, which, as the manufacturer promises, improve the appearance of the skin from the inside. However, today we will focus on creams and masks.

So, what do you need to know about the at-home procedure?

  • The room where the procedure will be performed must be fairly dry (the bathroom is not suitable). If there is excess air humidity, the cream with hyaluronic acid will quickly thicken and lose its plasticity.
  • Apply the product only to a clean, slightly damp face.
  • The cream is distributed with massage movements. Don't forget about the area around the eyes, décolleté, and neck.
  • You can wash your face no earlier than 15 minutes later.
  • For maximum effect, hyaluronic acid should be used on the face in courses of 10-15 procedures.

If you want to improve your skin condition, don't forget to eat right. Enrich your diet with foods that contain hyaluronic acid - spinach, wild rice, broccoli, soy, peanuts.


The simplest option for a cream with hyaluronic acid is to dilute the concentrated product with water. It is well suited for beginners who do not yet have experience in creating cosmetics at home. It is worth mentioning that only high-quality water can be used - mineral, distilled or, in extreme cases, boiled.

The cream is prepared in the following way.

  • Pour 30 ml of water into a clean jar or bottle.
  • Add hyaluronic acid powder (at the tip of the knife).
  • If the hyaluronic acid is in ampoules, then add 5 drops.
  • Stir thoroughly and leave for 40 minutes.

After the specified time, the powder will completely dissolve and will resemble a liquid gel. It can be applied to certain areas or to the entire face. At first, you may feel like there is a film on your face, but pretty soon the cream will be absorbed without any residue. For greater effectiveness, you need to apply a nourishing mask over the hyaluronic cream. The already prepared product should be stored at sub-zero temperatures, in the freezer. To avoid freezing and thawing the product used several times, it should be divided into portions (regular syringes work well).

Pour the acid diluted with purified water into a spray bottle. Carry the product with you in your purse and refresh your face if necessary. This spray moisturizes the skin well when working at the computer, in a room with air conditioning, or on vacation. It can also be used to protect hair.

Preparing a mask from powder

Those who have already gotten their hands on preparing hyaluronic acid cream at home can try more complex recipes. To increase the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid, mix it with suitable products.

  • Beat 3 chicken whites, add 1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal, 3 g of hyaluronic acid powder. Mix the ingredients well, wait 30 minutes and then apply the mask to your face. After 10 minutes, using a sponge, rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Mix 30 g of nicotinic acid (powder) and 1 g of hyaluronic acid, dilute with 200 ml of still mineral water. After an hour, apply the product to your face. There is no need to wash your face afterwards.
  • In a plastic bowl, mix 2 g of hyaluronic acid, 30 g of zinc oxide, 60 g of quinine and 40 g of glycerin. Then dilute the mixture with clean water (until it thickens), apply it to your face for 10 minutes, and rinse with warm water.

Preparation of a mask from hyaluronic acid in ampoules

Liquid hyaluronic acid can be mixed with carrot juice, egg yolk, honey, and kefir.

Make a mask using one of the following recipes.

  • Mix five drops of concentrated hyaluronic acid with 30 ml of warm homemade kefir or yogurt. Cover the face, neck, and décolleté area with a thick layer. After half an hour, wash with cool water and apply nourishing cream.
  • Grate a small carrot, squeeze the juice into a glass, add one yolk, a tablespoon of high-fat cream and 4 drops of hyaluronic acid. Stir, apply to problem areas, after 20 minutes remove the mask with a sponge soaked in olive or other vegetable oil.
  • Heat honey (a tablespoon) in a water bath to 38 degrees, add the same amount of homemade fat cottage cheese, mix, add 3 drops of hyaluronic acid. Distribute evenly over face and rinse after 20 minutes.
  • Peel the grapefruit, finely chop a quarter, add the yolk and 4 drops of hyaluronic acid. Apply to damp face for 10 minutes.

Be careful! If you use hyaluronic acid cream too often, you risk reducing the production of your own hyaluronic acid. In addition, this remedy should not be used by those who have large areas of inflammation on their face, herpes, viral warts, or rosacea. It is recommended to refrain from procedures for a while after peeling and resurfacing of the skin.

Is it possible to prepare hyaluronic acid yourself?

If for some reason you were unable to purchase hyaluronic acid in a pharmacy or online, you can try making it yourself. For this you will need rooster combs or eggshells.

So, how to prepare hyaluronic acid for the face at home?

  • Pour 500 ml of boiling water over five fresh chicken scallops and place over medium heat. After 20 minutes, remove the combs and pass the broth through cheesecloth. Next, you need to continue to cook the product over low heat for about an hour (necessarily without a lid). At the end, you will get a liquid that is maximally saturated with the component you need.
  • The shells of chicken eggs need to be thoroughly washed, the inner film removed, dried and finely crushed. Then pour 5 tablespoons of powder into a liter of cold water and simmer on low heat under the lid. You need to cook the shells for 12 hours, periodically adding water. After the specified time, the broth should be filtered.

Homemade hyaluronic acid can cause an allergic reaction. It is a product of animal origin, so it should be tested on the crook of your elbow before use.

Hyaluronic acid can preserve the beauty and youth of a woman’s face. At the dermal level, it reduces the production of free radicals, improves the structure of the intracellular matrix, thereby starting the process of self-correction of the skin. Even when used externally, products such as the well-known Hyaluron complex work wonders - smooth out wrinkles, get rid of rashes, sagging, bags under the eyes. As a rule, after using a cream with hyaluronic acid for a week, women notice a significant improvement in their facial skin. And a fresh, radiant beauty and health appearance is all a woman needs!

By secret

Face younger in just 11 days!

Even at 40 you can look 21 if you put it on your face at night...

How to use hyaluronic acid for the face at home, as well as indications for use, injections with hyaluronic acid, face masks, reviews.

Recently, products based on hyaluronic acid have become increasingly popular in cosmetology. With the help of injections or masks made from this substance, you can effectively rejuvenate the skin, give it a natural color, and eliminate many defects.
This article will discuss what hyaluronic acid is, what its functions are and how this component is used in beauty salons and at home.

What is hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found in the human body that maintains water balance in the skin. It is reproduced by joints and skin tissues. In addition, this component performs the following functions in cells:

  • normalization of the level of hydration without disruption of the gas exchange process;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • healing of wounds without the formation of scars;
  • restoration of the skin cell renewal process;
  • formation of a protective layer on the face;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • cleansing of dead cells;
  • increasing the elasticity and firmness of the dermis;
  • improvement and evenness of complexion;
  • moisturizing the skin.

With age, the production of this component in the body decreases, which is why wrinkles appear and the skin begins to age. However, the substance is obtained through artificial synthesis and can be purchased at a beauty salon or pharmacy. To rejuvenate the skin, low- or high-molecular hyaluronic acid can be used.

Indications for use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid is used as masks and injections. The substance is often used to eliminate wrinkles, in order to rejuvenate the skin during age-related changes in the skin.

The main indications for use of the substance are:

  • dryness and sagging skin;
  • blurred facial contours;
  • sagging skin;
  • skin defects;
  • age-related changes on the face;
  • presence of pigmentation.

Hyaluronic acid is also great for treating pimples, blackheads, and closed comedones. The effectiveness of drugs based on the substance has been proven to get rid of scars, vascular networks and age spots.

The product is recommended for use on stretch marks, fat deposits and cellulite. The substance is used in injections to smooth the skin, even out folds in the skin and correct facial contours.

Injections with hyaluronic acid

Recently, products based on hyaluronate in the form of injections have become popular. Their introduction under the skin helps to increase tissue, as a result of which wrinkles disappear.

The following groups of drugs are made based on hyaluronic acid:

  1. Biological agents– new generation products. They do not have a direct rejuvenating effect, but they help provide the skin cells with everything they need for this.
  2. Redermalizants and biorevitalizants. Promote the production of the substance through cell restoration.
  3. Filers. Used to correct wrinkles and smooth out deep folds. The effectiveness of their use lasts for six months.
  4. Meso cocktails. Other useful components are added to hyaluronic acid to consolidate the effect.

These drugs are used in cosmetology using the following techniques:

  1. Biorevitalization. Injections can be administered to different depths of the skin - this is determined by the cosmetologist depending on many factors. With this procedure, skin hydration is quickly normalized.
  2. Mesotherapy. With this method, the drug is injected shallowly under the skin in problem areas. This method allows you to get rid of various defects (pigment spots, scars, vascular network).
  3. Contour plastic. A gel based on hyaluronic acid is injected subcutaneously at a shallow depth into the area that requires correction. In this way, wrinkles on the face are eliminated. You can also enlarge your lips this way.
  4. Bioreinforcement. The injections are made using a special technique. The effectiveness of this method resembles skin tightening.
  5. Bioreparation. This method rejuvenates the skin. It is a type of biorevitalization.

Thus, injections can be done on any part of the face, in the arms, décolleté and other areas of the body.

Filler uvederm Ultra 3 for contouring, contains hyaluronic acid gel

Effective drugs that contain the substance are:

  • Fermatron;
  • Juvederm;
  • Suplazin;
  • Ostenil;
  • Belotero;
  • Restylane;
  • Reneal Meso;
  • Anti-Age;
  • Sinokrom;
  • Princesses;
  • Teosial;
  • Sujiderm;
  • IAL-system.

Some of these solutions can be purchased from pharmaceutical establishments. However, most are provided by professional cosmetologists in salons.

The effectiveness of use is observed for up to four months, although there are also long-acting drugs, the results of which can be visible for up to one and a half to two years.

Homemade face masks

At home, you can make masks with hyaluronic acid in its pure form or with the addition of other useful components.

To prepare a classic mask, you need to purchase sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronic acid powder. The product in an amount of two grams is thoroughly mixed with 30 milliliters of boiled but warm water and left to swell for one hour.

Before applying the mask, you need to cleanse the skin of your face with a wash and scrub. The product can be applied only to problem areas or over all surfaces of the facial skin. There is no need to wash off this mask.

Common masks that can be made at home are:

  1. From egg whites. Beat the whites of three eggs and pour a spoonful of lemon juice into it. Oatmeal flour, chopped lemon zest and 3 grams of hyaluronic acid are also added. Remove the mask using a warm compress.
  2. With nicotinic acid. Mix nicotine powder with hyaluronic acid in a ratio of 30:1, dilute with water and wait until the product thickens. The mask is applied to the skin until it dries completely.
  3. Kefir. To prepare, mix 40 grams of kefir with 5 drops of hyaluronic acid in solution.

You can make your own mask with glycerin. It will require the following ingredients:

  • 45 grams of glycerin;
  • 60 grams of quinine;
  • 30 grams of zinc oxide;
  • 2 grams of hyaluronic acid powder.

These components are diluted with water. Apply to the skin after the product has swollen.
The substance in the form of a solution in a volume of a few drops can be added to a mask of carrots, full-fat cottage cheese or egg yolk with grapefruit.


Since the substance is biologically active, it can lead to exacerbations of certain diseases. Therefore, it is important to determine in advance whether there are contraindications to the use of injections or masks.

There are the following restrictions on the use of hyaluronic acid:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases of bacterial and viral origin;
  • diseases associated with blood clotting disorders;
  • the presence of extensive inflammatory foci on the skin of the face;
  • viral warts;
  • postoperative period;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • on the face.

If a woman has recently had skin peeling or deep peeling done, she is also not recommended to use the substance for cosmetic purposes for one month. It is not advisable to use the product in very hot weather outside.

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding are also contraindications for procedures using hyaluronic acid.

Like elastin and collagen, hyaluronic acid is an important component of the human body. Together they form the extracellular matrix that supports the skin. Collagen and elastin fibers form its framework, and hyaluronic acid plays the role of a filling substance. It attracts and binds a large number of water molecules, forming a kind of biological gel. Thanks to its viscous consistency, it fills the space between collagen and elastin, giving the skin surface smoothness, elasticity and softness.

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Until approximately 25 years of age, the human body produces enough hyaluronic acid. In subsequent years of life, its amount steadily decreases. Starting from the age of 30, any skin needs external sources of hyaluronic acid. You can arrange its supply in several ways.

The most effective of them is. During the procedure, pinpoint subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid are performed. With their help, the inner layers of the skin are saturated with the active substance and begin to intensively rejuvenate. This method is suitable for those who are not opposed to professional care, since injections are performed only in beauty salons and cosmetology clinics.

A home alternative to biorevitalization can be skin care using cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid concentrate. However, this is not an equivalent replacement. Cosmetics have only a superficial effect. Of course, caring for the stratum corneum is also a very important task, but you should not expect a radical rejuvenation effect from it.

Using concentrated hyaluronic acid at home provides:

  • intensive hydration over a long period of time,
  • increasing the regenerative capacity of cells,
  • visual reduction in the depth of small wrinkles,
  • creation of a protective bio-barrier,
  • improvement and evenness of complexion.

Powdered hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate (its sodium salt) are well suited for home use. You can purchase any of them in online stores specializing in the sale of components for home cosmetics. Sometimes they are sold in regular retail pharmacies.

Recipe for an aqueous solution of hyaluronic acid

To 30 ml of warm boiled, distilled or mineral water, add hyaluronic acid powder on the tip of a knife. Stir and leave to swell. The powder will completely dissolve within 20-60 minutes. If necessary, knead the remaining lumps with a stick. The finished solution has a homogeneous viscous consistency.

The moisturizing solution is enough for several uses. To prevent it from losing its beneficial properties, store it frozen. It is most convenient to freeze it in portions in syringes.

This recipe is simple, but not the only one of its kind. It is more suitable for beginners who are not well versed in creating cosmetics at home. Those who have become proficient in this matter can create solutions, creams, gels, and tonics of the concentration that suits their needs:

  1. 0.005-0.1% Maintaining the overall tone of the skin, moisturizing and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. 0.1-1% Used to create day creams with a UV filter.
  3. 0.1-5% This concentration is most often found in medicinal cosmetics. It activates regeneration processes, provides an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the formation of keloid scars.
  4. 0.5-2% High concentration, most typical for fast-acting professional cosmetics. Moisturizes, restores, reduces wrinkles, protects against UV rays.
  5. 0.001-0.5% Suitable for the scalp. Provides scalp care and has a good effect on hair growth rate and appearance. Helps in the fight against dry dandruff.

Cosmetic stores sell ready-made monogels with hyaluronic acid (packed in ampoules, bottles with a pipette neck). If you are not comfortable breeding it yourself, then by purchasing them, you will save yourself from many difficulties.

Using an aqueous solution at home:

The solution is applied to cleansed skin: either spotwise (nasolabial folds, area around the eyes, forehead) or over the entire face. At first it feels like a gel film, but then it is completely absorbed. You need to apply a cream or mask on top of it.

The use of hyaluronic acid helps increase moisture in the stratum corneum by absorbing it from the air. This moisturizing effect lasts for a very long time, since its molecules not only attract water, but also prevent moisture from evaporating from the surface of the skin.

During the cold season, under no circumstances apply hyaluronic acid to your face shortly before going outside. At lower temperatures, the water it attracted into the skin will “freeze” right into it. This will lead to irritation and peeling.

When using hyaluronic acid, the skin becomes smoother and softer. It is reliably protected from UV radiation and external contamination. The nutrients contained in the cream or mask applied on top of hyaluronic acid are able to remain active longer, nourishing and restoring epidermal cells.

An aqueous solution and other products with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid are best used in courses. This will help maintain youthful skin by activating metabolic processes in it. For example, you can apply hyaluronic acid under day or night cream for 10-15 days. Or use it under a mask 1-2 times a week.

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Hello, in this article we will tell you about the features of using and applying hyaluronic acid for the face. Hyaluronic acid has found widespread use due to its high efficiency, which has made this product popular and in demand.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid has long established itself as an effective cosmetic product that is used to improve skin condition. The human body independently produces hyaluronic acid, and this process continues continuously, slowing down only over the years. This can be observed in the form of wrinkles and decreased skin turgor. As a rule, this occurs after reaching 25 years of age.

According to its chemical composition, hyaluronic acid belongs to polysaccharides having chains of different masses and lengths. The length of such a chain has a direct impact on the properties of hyaluronic acid.

Types of hyaluronic acid

  • Low molecular weight By its composition, hyaluronic acid has a rejuvenating and restorative effect. In addition, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, as well as burns and ulcers.
  • Medium molecular the structure of the acid makes it possible to actively stimulate cell growth, their reproduction and renewal process, as well as limit the movement of molecules outside the intercellular space. These properties have found application in the treatment of joints and diseases of the organs of vision.
  • High molecular weight hyaluronic acid helps retain water molecules in the deep layers of the skin, thereby promoting their saturation and hydration, and also activates metabolic processes. It is used for therapeutic and restorative purposes in surgery and ophthalmology.

It is high-molecular hyaluronic acid that is contained in injections for injections, which are offered by beauty salons as an anti-aging procedure.

By production method:

  • from animal products- for this purpose, the combs of roosters, the vitreous body of the eyes of cattle, and intra-articular fluid are used. During the production process, high temperatures are used, leading to partial destruction of hyaluronic acid and its high-molecular structures. The consumer quality is significantly influenced by the degree of purification of the acid from traces of animal proteins. Savings during production lead to the fact that ultimately the product will have a high risk of developing allergic reactions.
  • artificially synthesized— during the biochemical synthesis of a substance obtained by growing microorganisms, synthetic hyaluronic acid is obtained. It is characterized by a high degree of purification, with all the properties of natural hyaluronic acid.

Effect of hyaluronic acid

As noted, our body reproduces this acid constantly. Its main task is to retain water molecules in order to maintain water balance. Our skin is actively nourished and nourished from the inside. Thanks to this, in our youth we are not bothered by problems with wrinkles or lack of elasticity of the facial skin.

However, over the years, the production of this beneficial substance slows down, and sagging and wrinkles appear. Various products based on hyaluronic acid will help stop the aging process, as well as provide the skin and inner layers of the dermis with optimal hydration: injections, creams, masks.

Products based on hyaluronic acid provide additional microcirculation, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, nourishing it and retaining water molecules. Also, medium molecular hyaluronic acid promotes rapid healing of skin damage by activating cell growth and division.

High molecular weight agents have an anti-inflammatory effect because their effect is directed to the upper layers of the skin. In addition, lifting with hyaluronic acid has a more pronounced result.

Some manufacturers offer combination skin care products. That is, those that contain all three types of hyaluronic acid, which helps achieve the greatest effect.

Cosmetic products with hyaluronic acid

A wide selection of various cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid will allow you to choose the most suitable and optimal option for yourself.

Product Peculiarities Advantages
The effect of the cream is achieved only with regular use, because... skin needs constant hydration. The effect of hyaluronic acid in creams is aimed at the upper layers of the epidermis and does not have cumulative properties. Suitable for all skin types.
It has practically no contraindications.
Long-term regular care.
High concentration of active substance. Facial serum with hyaluronic acid is used in courses lasting up to two weeks, no more than once, once every 3 months. Pronounced results after several applications. Filler principle: fills and smoothes out fine wrinkles.
Injections Injections are made directly into problem areas. In addition, with their help you can not only get rid of wrinkles, but also adjust the shape, contour, and volume. Therefore, injections are also given to other parts of the body (lips, chest, buttocks)The drug is administered in courses, one course per year is enough. The durability of the effect and its severity will depend on age, skin condition and other individual factors.
Capsules The drug is taken orally. It is recommended to use the course as a dietary supplement. The average course is 2 months.Wide spectrum of action:
prevention of age-related changes: restoring and maintaining water balance, improving skin condition, increasing its elasticity, reducing dryness and tightness;
prevention of musculoskeletal diseases;
treatment of inflammatory processes;
improvement of the condition of the intra-articular capsule.

Salon treatments

Beauty salons and cosmetology clinics provide a variety of procedures using preparations with hyaluronic acid. An experienced cosmetologist will help you decide on the choice of a particular rejuvenation or correction procedure, depending on your individual characteristics.

Procedure Peculiarities Cost of procedures
Mesotherapy The procedure involves a course of several injections, which are injected into problem areas of the skin, creating a cumulative effect. The result depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. On average: from 6 to 12 months.800 - 15,000 rub.
Biorevitalization Unlike mesatherapy, this procedure gives a pronounced effect after the first injection.
The procedure is aimed at achieving both immediate and long-term results. That is, immediately after the injection, the disappearance of wrinkles will become noticeable within 1-2 weeks. And then, the effect becomes less pronounced externally, as it begins to act in the deep layers of the skin, stimulating the production of its own hyaluronic acid.
9,000 - 11,000 rub.
Bioreparation The drug used for injection differs in that it contains not only hyaluronic acid, but also various vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. 1 injection is enough. Reduces visible defects, activates regenerative processes and stimulates healing.5 000 — 22 000
Bioreinforcement The purpose of this procedure is non-surgical correction of the cheekbone line, facial contours, and reduction of bags under the eyes. It is carried out using fillers with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.from 10,000 rub.
With this procedure, you can not only increase the volume of your lips, but also create a clearer contour. The effect lasts from 6 months to 1.5 years.from 8,000 rub.

There are a number of general contraindications for carrying out this or that procedure:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • violation of blood clotting, as well as during the period of taking drugs that affect clotting;
  • inflammatory processes, skin damage, scars and moles at the injection site;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • cosmetic procedures performed on the eve of chemical peeling, photorejuvenation, laser resurfacing and other procedures associated with injury to the upper layers of the epidermis. It should be remembered that after these cosmetic measures, it will take at least one month to recover.

Also, procedures are not performed for persons under the age of majority.

How to use hyaluronic acid at home

Hyaluronic acid is a product that can be used at home. The need to include this miraculous remedy in a home complex of cosmetic skin care procedures arises after - this is the time when the independent reproduction of hyaluronic acid decreases and the skin begins to fade.

Not only salon procedures, but also the use of cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid can help prevent premature aging. At first, you can limit yourself to using products such as face cream, day and night, or gel. At the age of 35-40, it is recommended to start using serum - it contains an increased concentration of the active substance and penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.

The use of products based on hyaluronic acid should be of a course nature: otherwise, its independent production is reduced due to regular supply from the outside. Thus, you can get the opposite effect - instead of rejuvenation, you can accelerate the aging process.

  • Masks - 1-2 times a week, 10-15 times, break 2 weeks.
  • Creams can be used on a regular basis.
  • Serum for 14 days, 1 course is recommended to be repeated once every 3 months.

Folk remedies for the face based on hyaluronic acid

Today, hyaluronic acid is completely available for use at home. It is usually sold in pharmacies in the form of powder or drops.

When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to what type of hyaluronic acid is in the composition: animal or artificial origin, low- or high molecular weight. Usually, if the manufacturer does not indicate what type of acid structure is in the composition, then most likely it is high molecular weight. It is also possible to combine them - this gives a more pronounced and lasting effect.

In addition to ready-made cosmetics containing this substance, you can make them yourself in the form of a cream or face mask. Hyaluronate powder is available for sale in pharmacy chains and cosmetic stores.

Homemade face cream recipe with hyaluronic acid

To prepare the cream, you need to mix 0.3 g of hyaluronate powder with distilled water until a jelly-like structure is obtained. The resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator overnight. Then add 8-10 g of the mixture to the cream; any neutral product, for example, baby cream, will do for this. This mixture is stored exclusively in the refrigerator to preserve its beneficial properties. Apply to cleansed face and neck skin in the morning and evening.

Hyaluronic acid can also be used in its pure form. In this case, the resulting drug is applied pointwise to problem areas: the eyebrow folds. After the product is absorbed, apply the usual cream.

Face masks with hyaluronic acid

A safe and effective remedy for home use are masks with hyaluronic acid and other components.

Mask Ingredients Preparation Effect
Mask with lifting effect2 g hyaluronic acid powder;
20 g blue clay;
20 g bodyagi;
distilled water.
Pour the powder with water until it reaches a creamy consistency, place in the refrigerator overnight, and mix with the remaining ingredients. Apply to cleansed facial skin, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse and moisturize the skin with cream.Moisturizes and tightens facial skin, increases its elasticity and firmness.
Mask with yolk5 drops of hyaluronic acid;
15 drops of retinol;
1 medium sized egg yolk;
small banana.
Mash the banana with a fork to make a puree, add the remaining ingredients and mix. Apply to clean skin for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin.Nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restores the natural protective layer of the epidermis
Collagen mask5 drops of retinol;
10 drops of hyaluronic acid;
20 g gelatin;
green tea.
Gelatin is diluted with warm green tea until completely dissolved, then hyaluronic acid and retinol are added. Apply to face and leave until dry, carefully remove film and apply caring cream.Action based on the filler principle: filling and smoothing out wrinkles. Recommended for women over 35 years old.

Contraindications for use

Hyaluronic acid is considered safe for use for cosmetic purposes in the absence of contraindications. Before starting a course of injections using this substance, you must consult your doctor and cosmetologist. The main cases of unwanted injections were described above.

Creams and masks are safer in this regard, since they contain a lower concentration of the active substance and do not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis (compared to injections).

If you are prone to allergic reactions, then when purchasing, be sure to pay attention to what type of hyaluronic acid is present in the composition - animal origin or artificial. It is recommended to give priority to the latter.

In addition, the use of products based on hyaluronic acid is contraindicated for various skin diseases. So, it is not recommended for:

  • psoriasis;
  • vitiligo;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • erysipelas of the epidermis;
  • chronic urticaria;
  • injuries, cuts where the cream or mask was applied.