DIY wall decor - original ideas for interior decoration. DIY wall decor (61 photos): transforming your home Wall decor in the apartment

Walls are not only the main part of the building, separating rooms from each other, but also an excellent platform for manifestation creative approach to the organization of the interior. They have always been something special for humans, which has been known since prehistoric times. Gradually, wall decoration became more and more aesthetically pleasing, as can be seen in ancient frescoes and mosaics, which were used in the construction of temples and decoration of noble houses.

Over the course of many centuries, human habitation has changed its structure many times. appearance and functionality. Gradually, the creation of comfort and beauty became a priority in its arrangement. This remains important today – for original decoration premises are chosen various materials and techniques that allow you to turn your home into a real work of art!

Techniques used

Most of the techniques used by designers today were known many years ago. They have changed somewhat, but the essence remains the same. In general, the following types of finishes can be distinguished:

  • graphic arts– display of paintings created with interior coloring agents on a pre-prepared vertical panel;
  • fresco– textured image on wet finishing material;
  • mosaic– gluing small elements to the surface that make up a single artistic canvas;
  • use of ready-made decorative items , which are mounted on the wall for greater aesthetics.

This is not the entire list of techniques used to create original housing. But these are the ones that are most widespread.

It is also important to note that for the above techniques you will need the following materials:

  • putty– lies on the surface to level it for any type of decoration, and is also used for;
  • paints and varnishes – required for almost all design work to create a background or illustration fragments;
  • wallpaper– they themselves are intended for decoration, but a separate type of them is glued for painting;
  • ceramic tile – produced for self-finishing or becomes part of a mosaic.

Artistic solutions

Graphic arts. It is, strictly speaking, a drawing. If you decide to use it, you will need the following materials:

  1. Putty.
  2. Dyes.
  3. Sample.
  4. Pencil.
  5. Brush, roller or spray.
  6. Copy paper or a projector will come in handy.

Advice! To begin with, it is important to prepare the groundwork. It must be well plastered and sanded.

Various techniques are used to apply images. The most common and convenient application is considered to be made from paper, cardboard, plastic, plywood, etc. With its help, a small monochromatic report is created, but if several details are displayed, you can create an excellent original composition.

Advice! To apply the silhouette, the stencil is applied tightly to the wall in the place where the fragment should be and painted over. Then another template is substituted, and if the composition consists of identical reports, the cliche is simply rearranged to another place and the procedure is repeated.

Advice! The paint is applied with a brush, roller, spray or using graffiti spray cans.

The second method of creating a drawing is to draw lines with a pencil and color them with a brush and paint. Of course, in this case you will need artistic talent. We recommend using some tricks. If you are not fluent in pencil, but want to create a composition yourself, choose a simpler sketch.

Important! The outlines can also be re-shot at the planned location using carbon paper. But keep in mind that it often leaves traces that will need to be painted over.

There is another interesting way to translate lines. But you will need a projector for it. Connect your device to your PC and select any picture. Design it in the designated place and outline the silhouette. Next you will need a brush and paints different colors to color the art.

Textured finish

To decorate a wall using this method, you will need the wallpaper itself, as well as special glue and a brush or roller.

Important! Wallpaper differs not only in the applied image, but also in its composition.

Another wide known material tiles are considered. We have already mentioned them above, but they also look great as an independent piece of decoration. As a rule, tiles are installed in the kitchen or bathroom. If you wish, you can purchase a set, the individual squares of which depict parts of the picture. Folding them into in the right order, you receive . To attach the tiles you will need a spatula, glue and the tile itself. Don't forget to buy a grout mesh to remove excess adhesive after drying.

Small fragments of the composition can also be decorative items. They are mounted on a pre-prepared vertical panel, which serves as a background. For this purpose, the following items are used:

  1. Panel.
  2. Children's drawings.

Even the most beautiful interior sooner or later begins to become boring. There is no need to sound the alarm about this. And even more so, you shouldn’t feverishly monitor new design projects with an eye to the future redevelopment of your property. There is also a much more constructive and sensible approach: pull yourself together and think about what can be changed in the visual appearance of the room without resorting to radical measures. And it’s even better to create a beautiful and unusual decoration with these very hands, which, for example, can be hung on the wall. Very often, even the smallest detail can radically change the perception of an entire room - and this is already clearly visible even in the photo. Do-it-yourself wall decor is generally a fascinating activity that allows you not only to enhance the expressiveness of the room, but also to make it truly unique and original. Our focus today is on the most interesting ideas that may well serve as a starting point for your creative impulse.

Compositions from paintings and photographs

  • no handmade skills required;
  • original design;
  • appeal to aesthetic feelings and pleasant memories.

It is difficult to come up with a simpler and at the same time more complex way to decorate walls with your own hands, but without scissors, glue and appliqué skills. Simple - because absolutely nothing is required except your imagination. Difficult - because you need to skillfully adapt this fantasy to your own feelings and emotions. One of the advantages of this method is versatility . And in fact, such decor fits perfectly into a completely standard classic interior, and living according to its crazy design laws, the avant-garde.

The photo shows vivid examples of just such wall decor - anyone can make such compositions with their own hands.

You can also make original frames for photos yourself.

Expressive fabrics

  • excellent “accompaniment” of furniture in the room;
  • skillful management of color ensemble.

A special case is abstract fabric canvases, for the production of which you will need not only to create a composition, but also, in fact, to embroider the corresponding pattern. You can choose any fabric that suits you - the end result will always be great if you put your heart and soul into what you do. True, despite all this, do not forget that such paintings, unlike compositions from photographs or paintings, are not universal, and therefore you should take care in advance to fit them into the interior.

The best option- selection of fabric texture and pattern for the trim next to it standing furniture. By doing this you will not only emphasize the harmonious design of the room, but also unobtrusively highlight the corresponding colors and textures.
Look how well this decor fits onto the wall in the photo below.

Paper flowers - amazing imitation

  • some applications will take a lot of time;
  • very beautiful and voluminous effect;
  • create a festive mood.

Unfortunately, many housewives resort to such elegant decorations only during festive events. But often a person needs such nourishment with healthy emotions every day. There are countless different drawings and templates “walking” on the Internet, with the help of which you can create real masterpieces. Take your child to help you - children love appliques and will be happy to join in cutting out paper templates. Even more similar examples You can look in the article: “Do-it-yourself volumetric paper flowers: popular patterns and templates.”

All you need to create this decor with your own hands:

  1. colored paper;
  2. scissors;
  3. glue;
  4. stapler

Have you already decided which paper flowers you will cut out first? If you are in thought, then here are a couple of photos where such homemade wall decor looks no worse than another one-day trinket from IKEA.

Interesting paper applique options

  • elementary performance;
  • simplicity and grace;
  • possibility of regular interior renovation.

Not just flowers - you can also use paper to make other, no less interesting applications for decoration with references to animals and flora. So, one of the most favorite stories among children is butterflies on the wall. Decorated in a children's room, they will definitely be able to please your child with positive emotions.

However, not only in the nursery: butterflies fit organically into any interior. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

  1. Garlands;
  2. balloons;
  3. chests, etc.

Greens and plant elements

  • fashion trend for the 2017/18 season;
  • perfectly combined with proper lighting and natural materials.

Surely you have already heard that wood and stone in modern interior- this is one of the latest fashion trends. Feel free to make changes to the information - now there are also greens. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you have real wood in the room or you are content with its imitation, all the same, plants in vases carefully placed on the wall allow you to saturate the atmosphere to the limit with infectious spontaneity and warmth. You may ask, what is the difference between plants in vases and DIY wall decor? Everything is very simple: you need to create a beautiful composition from flowers, and for this you will need to think very seriously about their successful placement. And at the same time, think about what flowerpots you should choose. After all, compromise with your own taste preferences and being content with a replicated store version is bad manners.

For those who have everything in order with useful space, it will be interesting to look at such methods of wall decoration. Indeed, the photos turned out to be very expressive - and once again let’s note the contribution that the lighting organized in the room makes to the perception of a particular decor.

Art painting - why not?

  • Requires at least basic drawing skills;
  • is not universal;
  • it is necessary to prepare a wall for creative exercises.

A DIY wall decor option that will definitely appeal to all those who are used to expressing their inner world not only verbally, but also through brush and watercolor. To do this, you don’t need to be Picasso or even Shishkin, but it definitely won’t be superfluous to have at least a minimal understanding of drawing techniques. We recommend that you calculate your strengths wisely and do not immediately try to implement a fresco with a large number of details and characters on a wall of incredible complexity. It's best to start with something small, but... simple element. And then, as they say, the cards will fall.
If your imagination decides to play hide and seek with you, then use ready-made images and DIY decor solutions and simply transfer the finished fragment to the wall.

But what about those who are not doing so well with painting techniques, but really want to make a beautiful and interesting decor on the wall yourself? Below we have an option with original ideas for you too.

Stencils and stickers - a resourceful solution for any occasion

  • do not require any knowledge, skills, or abilities;
  • large selection of images and compositions;
  • ideal for a modern minimalist style.

Do it yourself volumetric flower and not everyone can hang it on the wall as decor. But it’s easy to use ready-made stencil templates and use them to depict an interesting idea. As well as using vinyl stickers to create an impressive composition on the wall surface.

The most interesting thing is that you can choose options that will perfectly help reflect the functional nature of a particular room:

  • cups in the kitchen;
  • bubbles in the bathroom;
  • children's toys or animals in the nursery, etc.

The very process of choosing these wall decorations evokes pleasant emotions. Of course, it is impossible to call every case of their use a 100% original idea, but in many photos you can see a truly impressive and unusual result. Everything is logical: people put their whole soul into such wall decor, and do not just mechanically work with their hands, performing prescribed manipulations.

A selection of photos with other cool ideas

The best part comes later. It would be possible to characterize our final point this way - but we cannot. For obvious reasons: all our material consists of very tasty and interesting ideas, which you can quite successfully import into your interior. Below we provide many photos with examples of decorating walls with your own hands, which for some reason do not fit into the points already discussed.


After such an impressive amount of visual information on how to decorate walls with your own hands, it’s time to take a closer look at your walls. You can look for original ideas for decorating walls with your own hands not only in photos - it is quite possible that right now an interesting plot is being born in your head, which has every chance of becoming a real highlight of your interior when brought to life. Perhaps you decorate your walls in some other way than the above? In this case, be sure to share your creative experience, or even better, attach an image, because even the most coherent speech cannot replace the beauty and charm of a laconic photo fragment.

There are countless ideas on how you can beautifully decorate your walls without spending a lot of money and effort. We have collected 68 photos for you with great wall decor ideas.

Honeycomb pattern for wall decoration

Small wooden sticks allow you to create interesting patterns, be it squares, trapezoids or, as in the photo above, honeycombs. The multi-colored background of individual honeycombs makes the wall a completely independent accessory that decorates the interior of the room, and depending on the chosen color scheme, it can create a completely different mood in the room. In general, the hexagon is a very interesting shape, and below you will find several more ideas for decorating walls with hexagons.

Wall vases

Decorative vases or miniature plant pots will allow you to create beautiful floral arrangements directly on the wall. Instead of vases, you can use ordinary ones glass jars, juice bottles or jam jars, which can be covered or painted if you so desire. A bunch of step-by-step projects, including instructions for making such wall vases, can be found in our article “8 DIY wall decor ideas.”

Pyramids on the wall

Such pyramids have an absolutely crazy price-to-effect ratio. You will only have to spend money on colored cardboard and glue, but this decoration looks simply stunning! But it will take a lot of time to assemble this origami. We found a video for you that tells you how you can do all this. It’s in English, but if anything, the video itself gives a clear idea of in the necessary order actions.

Ceiling rosettes as wall decoration

Simple but effective wall decor idea

Bright squares for wall decor

An ideal option for those who are making repairs and don’t really want to think about the problem of leveling the walls. Bright squares, complemented by three-dimensional figures, will hide any surface imperfections. Not to mention the mood of eternal summer that such decoration brings with it.

Write positive thoughts directly on the wall

Decorate the walls not only with paintings, but also with other objects

Ideas with leftover wallpaper for wall decoration

Wall decor ideas made from wood cuts

Wood cuts for decoration can be purchased at construction stores, or you can simply collect branches from the nearest forest to cut them later. There are countless ideas for decorating walls with saw cuts! Create pictures from them or stick them on the walls, forming unusual compositions; play with the size and thickness of the cuts; cover them with paint or varnish.

Wall decor idea with wooden planks

Do you have wooden planks left over from renovations or craft projects? Connect them overlapping, leaving a small hole in the middle. You can insert fresh or artificial flowers, branches and other decorations into the hole. Another example of simple but beautiful decor.

Wall decor - 100 original ideas

Any decoration is the final and most enjoyable stage of any renovation. If we talk about the decor of the walls in the rooms of the home, then this process has a beneficial effect not only on the image of the interior, but also Creative skills owners. The easiest way to make your design dreams come true is with the help of decorative elements.

Even a small change in the design of the walls of a room leads to a colossal change in the image of the interior. But for this you often need very little. If you have some handemade skills, free time and a great desire to transform the design of a particular room in your apartment, then this selection of original, practical, creative and easy-to-implement ideas is for you.

If your goal is a unique design

Since ancient times, people have been decorating the walls of their homes. If you can call the walls of the cave in which the first cave paintings were found. Nowadays, it is not necessary to have high artistic qualities or handicraft skills in order to decorate your home in an original, stylish and aesthetic way. At our service not only various materials and devices that simplify the production of decorative elements, but also the experience of generations accumulated over many years of the very concept of decorating your home.

Of course, any handmade item increases the level of uniqueness of the interior. This is the easiest way to create something that is not just creative, but unique design one or another room. But wall decor can perform more than just interior decoration functions. By using different colors and invoice solutions for decorating walls, you can hide any imperfections in the finishing and even design features, you can divert attention from unsuccessful design functional area and highlight the main segment of the room.

With the help of wall decor, it is easy to delay the completion of repairs - cosmetic or global. Not to mention the fact that refreshing the decor of a room, giving it a new touch of character, creating a color or texture accent - all this is easy to do with the help of wall decor, which will not require you to spend a lot of money.

And if you perform any decorative works together with household members, then in addition beautiful interior You can get an excellent opportunity for bonding, spending time together between parents and children.

Paintings, posters and more

One of the oldest and at the same time effective ways decorating walls - using paintings, various panels, framed posters and more. Modern designers invite even those who are far from fine or decorative arts to try themselves in the field of decorating their own homes. Use ready-made frames for pictures or photos that are sold in the store (or make your own version if you have carpentry skills) in combination with available materials - twigs, twigs, paper or material blanks. Give the composition the desired feel color scheme The easiest way is to use acrylic paints.

Cutlery and various kitchen accessories, which are no longer used in workflows, can be used to compose original compositions. You can decorate your kitchen, dining room, veranda with transformed household items country house and even a living room decorated in country or shabby chic style.

Everyone wants to see their home stylish, original and beautiful. The hall is the center of any apartment and country house, often serving as a living room for receiving guests. To simply decorate the wall in the living room with your own hands, you can hang pictures, plates, and clocks on it. But these are all the little things that are intended for the final decoration of the interior. There are many more ways to decorate the walls in the hall.

Three general rules for decorating walls

First and foremost, the wall decor should be in harmony with the style chosen for the living room. Even if “fusion” or “eclecticism” is chosen, the harmony of all components should not be forgotten.

Second - large decorative elements draws attention to itself. But an excess of them will visually reduce the space of the room, while a few small ones will only expand it. Large “spots” are preferable to use for zoning.

Third - “strips”, “strips” should be used with caution. They don’t fit “art deco” at all. Vertical ones raise the ceiling, and horizontal ones, on the contrary, push the walls apart. To minimize these effects, it is necessary to select non-contrasting colors for adjacent stripes and make their boundaries somewhat blurred, flowing from one to another. And to enhance it, on the contrary, you need a contrast in relation to each other or a strict limitation of their number on the wall.

Niches, built-in shelves and stands for wall decoration in the living room

For modern design all kinds of wall niches are already a common practice. Previously, they were more used as places to place various figurines, books, vases, and photographs. Today these are completely independent and complete stylistic solutions. Each style has its own niches: arched, rectangular, stepped and many others.

And in combination with lighting and flow onto the ceiling, they allow you to transform the room, giving it exclusivity and originality. This is also an effective and simple way to zone a living room.

There are two methods color design niches in the wall of the hall: contrasting and close to the shade of the main surface. It is recommended to paint them in a more light tone than the rest of the wall. Otherwise, the recess will turn into an unsightly black hole in the middle of the room. If you are still planning a dark solution, then it is best to choose bed colors (lilac, peach). This will smooth out the contrast a little, and the niche will attract a little less attention, while remaining a kind of dominant feature in the room.

Decorative painting is an affordable, simple and exotic way to decorate a wall in a living room

Fancy ornaments, a branch of barberry or lilac, landscapes, individual images in the center of the wall and drawings over its entire area - paints, imagination and the ability to hold a brush allow you to realize everything with your own hands. Originality, originality and uniqueness in design will be guaranteed.

A more simplified option for those who do not have painting skills is to decorate walls using stencils and interior stickers. With your own hands you can create complete artistic compositions in floral, abstract, geometric and ethnic themes.

For those who want to stand out, more exotic ways of decorating the walls in the hall with paints are more suitable - painting with luminescent luminescent dyes or creating three-dimensional paintings.

Monochrome images made from the same paint in different shades look good on the wall.

Decorative stucco moldings and moldings on the walls in the living room

The decoration of walls with stucco elements is a typical feature of “retro”, “empire”, “renaissance”. And moldings will find a place in almost any style. You can create entire wall bas-reliefs and decorate interior elements (mirrors, lamps, door and window openings). Suitable for this finished goods from plaster or plastic and made independently from dry gypsum mixture.

For plain walls ideal option there will be stucco textured panels and elements of various shapes. They can be painted in more bright colors, making accents on the wall.

Imitation of brick and stone masonry - freshness and originality or an attempt to return to the roots

There are many finishing materials to imitate brick: plaster for decoration, ceramic tile, plastic or wallpaper. You can always choose the most convenient one for self-decoration brick-like walls. It will look like ordinary clinker, but will not clutter up the room.

It is also possible to completely “brick” the entire surface of the wall and highlight its individual sections (from the floor to the middle, around windows or doors, outlining columns). Decorative brickwork Suitable for “loft”, “high-tech”, “country”. In some situations it will refresh and complement the interior, and in others it will become the main theme of wall decoration.

Another variation of brick decor is a rocky layer of decorative stone. This design guarantees the living room sophistication and style, and it will also slightly soften the severity of the lines in the hall.

LED lighting in the decoration of the hall walls

LED strips and Spotlights- This is an undeniable novelty in decor, which has a wide palette of colors in all shades of the rainbow. The compactness and invisibility of the lighting equipment itself allows it to be built into the most difficult places, outline various shapes, highlight equipment on the wall or niches in it.

Professional designers love this decorative element. It makes it easy to fill a room with soft lighting, highlight any area in the room with brighter light, and create a directional glow that will visually expand the walls or raise the ceiling.

DIY decorative fireplace against the wall - affordable luxury in the living room

We are not talking about inviting a professional stove maker and building a massive fireplace. It is enough to choose its electric model, since the choice is now extensive. And then put it against the wall and create a single decor, organically fit it into general style hall Many people call the fireplace the “heart” of the home. Decorating a wall in the hall in this way is easy, and as a result, a unique atmosphere of comfort and family well-being will be ensured.

All of the above allows you to decorate the walls in the hall in the most different styles. You can use one of these methods, but it is best to combine several. You just need to look at the photo various options, turn on your imagination and begin to independently implement your ideas in your own living room.

Video “Wall decoration, master class”

Many things in the house can be decorated with your own hands, without having any special skills or tools. Everything was limited only by the presence of taste. But if we are talking about decorating the walls with your own hands, then in some cases you will at least need artistic ability and a brush.

Stencils for wall decor

A stencil is a plate (cardboard, paper, piece of wood, plank... whatever) with a design cut out on it. We all remember how in ancient times, when there were no computers yet, and a typewriter was a luxury, we drew letters on paper through a plastic stencil. So, this technology can also be used to decorate walls with your own hands.

You can make it yourself. To do this, you can use a sheet of thick cardboard. You need to draw a design on it, for example, a butterfly or a flower, and then cut it out using a stationery knife. After this, you should attach the stencil to the wall and apply paint.

After removing the stencil, you will get an excellent design that can be repeated on the wall as many times as you like.

If you use a stencil to decorate the walls, it is better to paint with a spray rather than with a brush. A brush can apply paint under the stencil, which will ruin the entire design. And the spray will put good layer paints exactly where you need them. And it's faster.

DIY wall decor - butterflies

No. These are not the stencil butterflies described above. However, the stencil will also be useful to us here. But we will talk about vinyl stickers.

The easiest option is to buy the necessary vinyl stickers in the relevant store. But then your butterflies will be unoriginal and completely ordinary. More exciting process will create them yourself.

To do this, buy a sheet of self-adhesive vinyl, which is sold in hardware stores or in the office supply department. Make a stencil with a cut out butterfly. It would be nice to make several of them, and for the butterflies to be of different sizes.

Apply the stencils to the vinyl, mark and cut out. Then apply a thin coat on the wall marking line, on which your butterflies will stick. For example, in the shape of a circle or a spiral. And glue them.

The most important! Shoot protective film from butterflies only in its center, and let the wings remain under the film and not stick to the wall. This will create a voluminous effect. And thus, the wings of your butterflies will flutter from the weakest draft in the room.

DIY wall decor in the form of voluminous butterflies will look good in. But you can experiment in other rooms and with other figures.

DIY drapery

Have you ever tried to glue fabric to the walls instead of wallpaper? There is also such a method - it is called wall drapery. And you can do it yourself. In this case, the walls are soft and pleasant to the touch.

One of the advantages of wall drapery is that you do not have to pre-treat the wall, remove unevenness and smooth out cracks. The fabric will lie flat on the wall and hide all its imperfections.

There are several ways to attach fabric to the wall:

  • Glue. For this purpose, glue is applied only at the bottom, near the floor and at the top, near the ceiling. It is also necessary to do this at corners and at door and window openings.
  • Reiki. They are attached in the same places where they are smeared with glue. Attach using a powerful stapler.
  • Velcro. This the newest way attaching fabric to the wall. One half of the Velcro is attached to the wall, the second - to the fabric. Everything is in the same places - above and below. And it sticks. This is convenient because the fabric can then be easily removed, washed and hung back.

The main advantage of draping walls with your own hands against the background regular wallpaper– this is the presence of only one single seam. It must be placed in the most invisible place in the room, or decorated with something and hidden.

This DIY wall decor will look good. It will give this room a calming coziness.

Frescoes, drawings, paintings

And now, this is exactly the option when you will need excellent artistic skills to decorate the walls with your own hands. We will talk about paintings.

First of all, you need to remember the frescoes. Entire picture scenes are depicted on the walls. This wall decor pleasantly enhances the interior design. But you will have to put a lot of work into a real fresco.

It is best to choose a place for a fresco in the kitchen or loggia, but not in the place where it stands kitchen stove. Heat can ruin the paint.

Another type of drawing on the wall is 3D graphics, which have gained fashion in recent times. Many have seen on TV drawings on asphalt, which when viewed from a certain angle acquire volume. So, the same image can be applied on the wall. This will add an unusual and unique effect to the interior design of any room.

When applying 3D graphics to the wall, remember that some particularly deep images can negatively affect the mood and psychological condition. In addition, some designs can visually make a room appear larger or smaller. And also, they have their volumetric effect only under right angle vision. It is better that the place from which you should look at the 3D drawing on the wall is the entrance to the room, bed or seating area.

Painting walls with an abstract pattern on a light background with dark colors.

Other DIY wall decor options

In addition to what is described, you can use other methods to decorate walls with your own hands. For example, using plaster you can create a great pattern. Or simplify the task and cut out a pattern from foam plastic, paint it and glue it to the wall. This will create a volumetric effect that retains its volume from any angle of view.

We should not forget about decorative tiles, which can, for example, only partially cover a wall. Or, if it is multi-colored, depict some kind of design.

If you apply putty to the wall, then until it dries, you can create a pattern on it, like using a knife through butter. When the putty dries, the drawing will be indestructible and will remain on the wall for a long time.

And also, do not forget about the different types of wallpaper. You can use it well in DIY wall decor. Overlay on the wall decorative tiles different colors of hexagonal shape. Painting on the walls in the form of trees and birds fluttering between them.