3d wallpaper for the room. Stereoscopic wallpaper: types, design ideas, volumetric photo wallpaper in the interior, gluing. Preparing walls for gluing

3D wallpaper for the living room will allow you to create an interesting design that will be the envy of all guests and even members of the household. If you want to show your artistic talent on the walls of the living room, you should buy wallpaper with photos at the most attractive price in Moscow.

Beautiful 3D wallpaper for the living room TM KLV

They appeared in our lives relatively recently, but during their first “coming” the popularity of this finishing material quickly faded away. And this happened not because of any shortcomings in the wall covering (which it simply does not have), but because of improper use in the interior. Then they wanted to pave the entire space, which led to the expected result: the same scenes on all the walls quickly became boring, the room itself quickly became like a cramped box and data Decoration Materials quickly changed to regular ones.

Today, 3D photo wallpaper for the hall, which also contains not a simple drawing, but a realistic photo, is experiencing a rebirth. IN currently they are not used throughout the entire room at once - of course, unless they want to create an “Alice in Wonderland” effect. Now the area of ​​​​use of such wall coverings is the creation of bright and memorable accents. With the help of a three-dimensional effect, which is achieved through the use of certain technologies, it is possible to achieve the effect of expanding space, turning an ordinary living room into a real work of interior art.

Choosing the right 3D wallpaper for the living room

3D photo wallpaper for the living room can be used to completely decorate the room, but with one condition: there should not be too many voluminous and overly noticeable elements! Full use It is used when it is necessary to visually correct any defect in the room. For example, if the living room has low ceilings, you can choose an active vertical in the drawing - it will seem to raise the height of the room. Or, an easier way: stick finishing materials with a three-dimensional effect onto the ceiling itself. Clouds or a starry night will look good.

Also, 3D in a room with a photo is possible when you need to visually expand, lengthen or enlarge the room. But in this case, still use them on one wall. The motive may be large. For example, the endless sea, the boundless expanses of a field, or simply the horizon line passing in the distance, correctly placed on the wall will make the room visually larger. A motif with an element actively receding into the distance will lengthen the room: straight tree trunks, stairs or even a whole mirrored corridor, depicted on the wall.

At the same time, we must remember that if you use 3D photo wallpaper for the hall incorrectly, you can achieve the opposite effect. So, for example, if your problem is low ceilings, one thing to remember Golden Rule: the higher, the lighter. Light shades should be placed exclusively at the top, while dark shades, no matter how beautiful they may be, are best avoided altogether, or placed as low as possible. If you neglect this rule, you will end up with the ceiling literally “falling” on your head - it was low, but now it will seem that it has become even lower.

When choosing 3D wallpaper for the living room, you should make sure that they are not too dark and gloomy if we are talking about a small room. Dark 3D wallpaper in the living room will hide the space and make the room visually smaller, while light ones will help expand it. Properly chosen premises, purchased taking into account all the disadvantages and advantages of the room, on the contrary, will decorate the living room and make it cozy and warm. And they will help you earn a lot of admiring reviews about your design talent.

3D wallpaper for walls creates a three-dimensional effect in the room, resulting in a stylish and unusual design. Realistic images make the interior unforgettable and exceptional.

What is 3D wallpaper?

A large-format drawing that was modeled on a computer and applied to a paper, vinyl or non-woven roll base. With the help of certain particles that reflect light, the impression of a three-dimensional image is created.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all other varieties, 3D photo wallpaper for walls has its pros and cons.

Types of volumetric wallpaper

There are main types of wallpaper for walls with a 3D effect.


Seamless fabrics standard size, with a pattern that does not require complex joining. Most often these are geometric or abstract patterns.


Decorative paintings or individual parts of the image. They are placed on the wall as an independent element, sometimes framed along the contour.


They make it possible to create incredibly realistic scenes. Panoramic wallpaper, the length of which can reach several tens of meters, is glued to several walls at once or along the entire perimeter of the room.


Represent electronic system consisting of LEDs. The control panel allows you to change color, select brightness or composition.


At daylight, look like regular wallpaper for walls with a 3D effect, and at night they transform significantly and begin to emit flowing soft light. Fluorescent lamps will help give the canvases a special realism.

The photo shows a bedroom and fluorescent photo wallpaper with a 3D effect on the wall.


A three-dimensional drawing that gains volume thanks to the peculiarities of human vision. Stereoscopic wallpapers are characterized by realistic and high-quality images.

Design options

They allow you to transform the interior and make it unique in your own way.


Elements of floristry are quite relevant and in demand when decorating premises in different styles. Such an abundance of floral scenes with rosebuds, orchids, sakura, field daisies, simple dandelions, luxurious peonies, delicate tulips or beautiful water lilies with a watercolor effect can captivate everyone and create the most unique design.

The photo shows the interior of the living room and 3D photo wallpaper with flowers on the wall.

Photo wallpaper expanding space

Will be especially appropriate in small rooms. Properly selected models of photo wallpapers that expand the space will add lightness and volume to the room and are ideal for the chosen interior design.

Under the brick

Give the interior unusual look and create in it a light and cozy atmosphere. This is especially possible when using wallpaper with brickwork in light colors.


Images of night cities, various buildings, streets and famous places, will become an elegant and original solution, creating the effect of presence and the illusion of space in the room.

The photo shows a room with a wall decorated with 3D photo wallpaper of a city at night.


Such 3D photo wallpaper for walls will make the ambience of the entire room unique. The high-quality image looks very realistic and resembles a real forest, sea, mountains, waterfall or an entire underwater world.


Animal images will harmoniously complement the design of any room, regardless of its style. Canvases with a rhinoceros are suitable for lovers of African motifs, and 3D wallpaper with horses will emphasize the atmosphere of drive and energy in the interior and will make a lasting impression.

The photo shows a living room and a wall with 3D photo wallpaper with a rhinoceros.


The cubic effect that 3D wallpaper with geometric patterns creates is visible only in large rooms, at a certain distance. Quite often there are images of squares, rectangles, volumetric cubes, balls floating in the air and many others.


They can transform a room in the most amazing way. Favorite car brands, vintage cars and sports cars will create dynamics and become bright and unique decor the entire interior.

The photo shows a living room with a wall decorated with 3D photo wallpaper of a car.


Creative abstract canvases that create optical effects are suitable for those who want to create a truly original design.

View from the window

This image is suitable for small rooms. 3D wallpaper with a view from the window will give the room a unique landscape and will become simple, but at the same time brilliant idea interior design.


The theme of space is quite an interesting and popular motif. The images of endless outer space are breathtaking and awe-inspiring with their mystery, coolness and frightening beauty.

The photo shows a teenager's room and a wall with 3D space photo wallpaper.

With perspective

Wallpaper for walls with this artistic device, like linear or vertical perspective, allow you to create the feeling of a receding object. They will become a real highlight of the interior, expand the space and change its geometry.

The photo shows a dining room and 3D photo wallpaper with a perspective on the wall.

Black and white

They give the room expressiveness and unusualness. Such an original design will emphasize excellent taste and fit well into the interior of any room.


Naturalistic drawings in different styles They look impressive and are in perfect harmony with stucco molding and the rest of the interior design.

Young woman

This image is not suitable for every interior. Such canvases look best in rooms in a modern, loft or hi-tech style. They will emphasize original taste and become a real art object.

Room decoration ideas

To decorate each room, you need to take into account not only the features of the room, but also carefully select the theme.


Living room or hall

For a small living room you can choose 3D photo wallpaper in light colors with a perspective image. For larger rooms choose dark colors and unusual three-dimensional drawings. The main thing is that the canvases are combined with the general theme of the interior of the room.

Corridor and hallway

Wallpaper with a 3D effect will bring a unique, original and unusual atmosphere to the interior of the hallway. They will make this small room very original and pleasing to the eye from an aesthetic point of view.


Floral prints or natural images are often chosen. For small bathroom, drawings that visually expand the room are suitable.


Thanks to its moisture resistance, photo wallpapers are perfect for decorating a bathroom and will give it a special uniqueness, while bright subject images will make it cozy and modern.

The photo shows a bathroom and 3D photo wallpaper depicting a tunnel.

Shape and location

The original placement of 3D wall wallpaper will allow you to transform the room without much effort.


They allow you to realize non-standard ideas, effectively transform the interior and help in the ergonomic organization of space.

On the entire wall

This arrangement on the wall will expand the boundaries of the room and create a creative atmosphere in the room.


More neutral and calm three-dimensional images are suitable. Wallpaper that imitates wood, bamboo, brick or stone will look great.

Behind the TV

It is desirable that the design on the 3D wallpaper is not too bright and catchy and does not distract attention from television viewing, but at the same time complements general form walls behind the TV.


A decorative panel with a 3D pattern will become an interesting and stylish accent in the room.

Photos in various styles

3D photo wallpaper is a fairly universal material for wall decoration and is suitable for almost any room style.

High tech

Abstract elements, robots and unusual shapes modern technologies, diversify the interior and fill the space.


In this style, 3D canvases depicting cities, streets, bridges or abandoned buildings will look interesting.

The photo shows a loft-style dining room and 3D photo wallpaper with the Brooklyn Bridge.

Selection rules

There are several rules for choosing wisely:

  • For small-sized narrow rooms you should choose calm and unobtrusive landscapes with perspective that will visually expand the space.
  • The pattern on the 3D wallpaper should fit harmoniously into the interior and not stand out from the general design premises.
  • It is desirable that the background decoration of the walls matches the photo wallpaper and emphasizes the design.
  • It is better to purchase 3D wallpaper for walls in specialized stores from reputable manufacturers.

How to glue voluminous wallpaper?

Pasting walls with 3D canvases coincides with general algorithm gluing photo wallpaper, but requires more care and precision. It would be better to entrust this process to professionals.

Photo gallery

3D wallpaper for walls with beautiful three-dimensional images will give amazing emotions and the illusion of complete immersion in space. They can relax or, on the contrary, tone, and also relieve fatigue and tension.

Nowadays, 3D photo wallpapers are often used in interior design. Now we can see such images everywhere, although ten years ago the concept of three-dimensional drawings remained far beyond our imagination.

Photo wallpaper 3d are distinguished by their volume, close to reality. They are characterized by an optical illusion, which allows the image to be implanted into the surrounding reality. Instead of standard wall design, you can choose wallpaper in 3D format from our catalog or send us your version of a three-dimensional image in good quality.

At the request of the client our professional designers will be able to create 3D wallpaper for walls from scratch. They will select a background and put on it any three-dimensional image with animals, landscapes, flowers, famous reproductions, abstractions, etc.

Selecting an original 3d wallpaper theme

It is quite understandable that to decorate rooms it is necessary individual approach. This means that a specific plot is chosen for each room. For example, images with the underwater world or sea portholes in which exotic fish and schools of dolphins swim are ideal for decorating a bathroom. Show all your Creative skills by gluing similar photo wallpapers on the wall. 3D photos will help you create an imitation of reality, striking in its similarity to realistic images.

3D photo wallpapers are perfect for a child's room. The KLV online store offers wide choose photo wallpaper for interiors for various purposes. Just imagine that thanks to such 3D wallpaper Your baby will be in the present fairy tale kingdom, full of mysteries and fascinating stories.

As for the bedroom, then 3d photo wallpaper in the interior will look incredibly beautiful, emphasizing the aesthetics and original design of the room. The subject of the images should promote relaxation and sleep. It could be an azure sea or a colorful mountain landscape.

3D wallpapers are ideal for spacious rooms where certain laws of space are respected. Due to this, the visual effect is enhanced.

How do photo wallpapers with a 3D effect change a room?

3D wallpaper with photos glued to the wall can significantly change the room. So, for example, if the bedroom cannot boast large sizes- data wall coverings are able to correct this situation. In order to visually expand the room, you should give preference to options with perspective: the horizon, sunset or dawn over the sea, the image of an endless field. It’s enough just to imagine how such 3d wallpapers look to understand: this perfect option For small room, and also has a low price.

For the kitchen, you can inexpensively buy 3D photo wallpaper in our online store with an image of a window into a marvelous garden or a wonderful city landscape. This design technique will create the illusion large space and everyone who sees such a design will certainly have the impression that he is really looking out the window and practically inhaling the aroma of amazing and unusual flowers. This option is especially suitable for city dwellers who are far from nature.

How to buy 3D photo wallpaper without leaving home?

How much do 3d photo wallpapers cost? The price for them is completely no different from other photo wallpapers, because it depends not on the image, but on the texture and type of printing you choose. So, it is up to you to choose a more original image for your home.

How to buy 3d photo wallpaper? Moscow and Belgorod - in these cities you can purchase products directly in our office. Wallpaper is delivered to other regions of Russia using a delivery service convenient for you. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, products are delivered free of charge.

We are always ready to help you create unique design in three-dimensional embodiment - call us right now.

With the advent of 3D images, the world has changed. 3D wallpaper is a special material that is interesting, pleasant, and comfortable to work with. Designers immediately took note of this method of decoration. It also appealed to young people, housewives, businessmen, office workers, store and factory workers.

It's a bold, bold approach. Presence effect – distinctive feature. Photos of 3D wallpaper invite you to a world where everything is possible.

Practicality and reliability

This type of wallpaper is a solid base, a special type digital image, modern, latest technology, which is easy to use. You can safely study the catalog of 3D wallpaper, buy and start repairing. Functionality, practicality, and beauty motivate the purchase.

They are made from environmentally friendly safe materials, are distinguished by reliability. Their surface is covered special composition, which protects the image from fading and distortion. They are wallpaper that can be washed with absolutely any detergent.

Manufacturers have made every effort to protect the surface. The wallpaper will last for many years and will not spoil your impression. The composition used to treat the surface is also fireproof.

This wallpaper is easy to stick to the wall with your own hands. The glue required is the same as for standard vinyl. Professional builders have already mastered this material and effective gluing techniques. They will help you create the perfect decor if required.

They often prefer to entrust the work to people who have the skill. The tenderness and delicacy of this type of building materials cannot be ignored.

It is necessary to take into account two points when deciding to buy 3D wallpaper and decorate the available area with their help: you need to treat the surface well, it must be absolutely flat, carefully adjust the pattern, and achieve an absolute match.

It is important to correctly calculate your strengths, calculate your budget, analyze how much material you won’t mind accidentally ruining, and the time you have left. It should be taken into account that you cannot cope with this task alone - at least four people need to act together at the same time.

Friends and relatives do not always agree to help. It’s easier to spend a little more money on repairs, hire professional builders, make a gift for yourself, a surprise for loved ones.

In any case, the efforts and expenses will pay off. Modern 3D wallpaper is a paradise for the receptors, a special challenge. Its pace and degree can be controlled at your own discretion.

Types of wallpaper with presence effect

There are several options for this wallpaper. They will help create a panorama or slightly update the design of the room without changing its style too much. These wallpapers can play not only the role of the first violin in the orchestra, but also the role of the second violin, which, of course, is valuable.

They are versatile and extravagant at the same time. One partition decorated with them will completely change the impression of the room.

Available for sale:

  • standard - with the image of abstraction, ornament, geometric shapes of different densities;
  • fluorescent - in the dark their faint glow becomes noticeable;
  • single - sheets of a predetermined size with a pattern that are suitable for decoration small area walls;
  • panoramic – cover the entire surface, create volume, perspective, multidimensionality;
  • LED 3D wallpaper – LED technology harmoniously combines with digital images.

Premises where it is appropriate to use them

This wallpaper expands the space just as well as a wall of mirrors. Columns, tunnels, non-existent rooms may appear. With their help, any wall will disappear. It is advisable to strive to maintain a balance between the ideal optical illusion, parallel world, a different reality and a feeling of comfort and safety.

On the other hand, you can take risks. This is a matter of personal taste. In which direction the interior design with 3D wallpaper will be transformed is decided by the person who chooses its type and pattern.

They are suitable for decoration living rooms and office premises, with a large area and a small one. Living room, hallway, bedroom, children's room, kitchen, bathroom - their use is relevant everywhere. The bathroom and toilet are usually decorated with tiles.

But this wallpaper can withstand moisture. So if the ventilation works well and a curtain protects from steam, you can decorate the bathroom with them. For example, almost every person has thought about a European-style bathroom with a window. With 3d wallpapers it's easy to make your dreams come true.

Cute drawings in the nursery will help the baby develop his imagination, be more active and cheerful. They will relieve the fear of the dark, improve your mood, and entice you to explore the world. They will help adults change stereotypes and develop new habits.

Teenagers will love these wallpapers and will help them gain confidence. With their help, you can begin to perceive the world as it is and eliminate self-deception. Sometimes adults also lack confidence. Knowing that there is actually no door, it is still difficult to be surprised and surprise, to play, to flirt.

In public places

3D wallpaper for walls with a neutral theme pattern is ideal for decoration non-residential premises– office, reception area, office, staff room, cafe, bar, restaurant, shop and others. This newest invention, which will very likely become a classic one day. This design will help increase the flow of visitors and reduce the number of conflicts.

Brightness and attractiveness are an obvious advantage. The ideal theme, a win-win option, are images of flowers and art objects. Every person loves them. They harmoniously combine with ethno-style, hi-tech, minimalism and other trends.

Today and tomorrow

Finding the right 3D wallpaper is both easy and difficult at the same time. If you make a mistake, instead of a place to relax and relieve psychological stress, you will create a kingdom of frightening deception.

The easiest way to understand their concept is to start from the elements, choosing wind, water, fire, earth as a guide. The elements are dangerous. They were tamed, overcoming fear, risking their lives.

There is no longer any point in dreaming about a fireplace in the living room. For what? Only because of the heat, the dynamics of fire, can one want to build it. It's easier to buy 3D wallpaper with his image. The same applies to the fountain. With their help you can feel what galaxies, the Universe, the Minotaur’s labyrinth, the jungle, the sea, the desert are like.

If you want to change the decor after a while, do not deny yourself this. The need for beauty, harmony, pleasure from design must be satisfied.

Use more than just walls

3D floors can also help create a surreal, magnificent design in a room or in an apartment or house. This technology is worthy of attention if you choose 3d wallpaper. It applies independently.

The advantages are practicality, functionality, reliability. Disadvantages: relatively high cost. And yet beauty is worthy of generosity.

Combination of wallpaper and floor - a good choice. In the era of astronautics, nanotechnology, brilliant discoveries, great changes, such a design couldn’t come at a better time. Every person can afford it. He is beyond competition because of his uniqueness. Every person will probably want to decorate at least one room like this. There is no reason to deny yourself this.

Risk buying or forgetting?

This type of wallpaper and flooring can claim the status of absolute creativity and be its symbol. As you know, for many years scientists believed that the ability to be creative lies at the basis of evolution, but only humans demonstrate it.

Recently the opposite was proven. It was found that animals are also capable of thinking and acting in this way. But this does not mean that they can develop just as quickly and compete with the king of nature.

Civilization, art, science and industry develop when the mind creates something new, something that could not be imagined before.

These wallpapers and floors, 3D technology, are a real creative breakthrough. Their appearance is a revolution in the history of design. They will be popular for many years. Although it may seem that they are just beautiful, nothing more.

This is a misleading impression. With their help, magic, thriller, action becomes closer. The room will turn into paradise or a room of fear, laughter, fantasies, goals, plans, cognitive dissonance.

Photo of 3D wallpaper

Modern wallpaper for the living room can be very different. One of the brightest and unusual options wall decorations are so-called 3D canvases - images that create a three-dimensional effect. This happens due to certain particles that reflect light.

It seems as if the image on the wall is three-dimensional. Water drops look as if they were alive, and flowers look as if they were natural. This new product creates a stylish and unusual design.

With the discovery of technology, designers went further and began to create images that have great depth. A tunnel or landscape with perspective in 3D technique creates the impression that a deep space has opened up in the picture. The specifics of such wallpaper must be taken into account. A three-dimensional painting on the wall visually increases the space, as if the room continues somewhere far away - into a forest or into the urban landscape of any country in the world. Paris or London, the tunnel of monastery dungeons is always nearby, you just need to take a couple of steps.

Benefits of use

It is very easy to update the interior - you don’t have to do complex, difficult and expensive repairs. The main thing is to choose a place in order to create a visual accent. This should be a section of wall large enough to allow the placement of a large-scale canvas. Stereoscopic wallpaper will become an accent, so near them should be the most important elements rooms - sofa corner or TV.

With 3D wallpaper it is easy to make repairs at short intervals. If you are tired of a painting, you can replace it with another without changing the furniture, floors or wall color. All you have to do is want a new story on the wall, and the living room looks completely different, in a new style, as if it has gone through a long and expensive renovation.

In fact redecorating living room can be easily done with your own hands. Paste stylish wallpaper on the wall is much easier than lining the living room with stone or using other methods of interior decoration.

If the room is in good condition, you don't have to renovate the entire space. It is enough to move the furniture away from the wall on which the wallpaper will be glued and carry out the necessary work.

3D wallpaper is suitable for any living room. They will look original in a private house, a city apartment, in a very small room or a spacious foyer. Naturally, for different rooms There are certain rules for choosing colors. They must be adhered to so as not to create too dark or too light a space in the room.

You should also pay attention to the placement of the canvas on the wall. A 3D painting is a very important part of the interior, attracting the eye, so it should be given the main place. It is imperative to think about which part of the living room needs to be visually expanded.

If photo wallpaper with a 3D effect is placed somewhere to the side, the space of the room may appear distorted or turn into a long corridor.

If the owner of the living room has simple-shaped furniture and a restrained interior design at his disposal, then creating an original living room is very simple. Such canvases are a colossal accent. There is no need to change the design of the walls, floors and ceilings. It is only important that the repair looks good. The only condition is that you should not match them with colorful furniture and carpets.

With modern computer technologies You can process any photograph and subject, even photographs of ancient Greek sculptures. Thus, having simple-shaped furniture, with 3D wallpaper you can easily turn the living room into a Greek hall or ranch, a coffee house or garden, a part of Paris or gothic cathedral. The choice of plot is up to the owner. And all this is done with small financial costs, minimal time to update the room and a minimum of mess typical for renovation work.

Modern 3D wallpaper is absolutely safe, non-toxic, easy to clean due to the coating applied on top, and does not fade or deteriorate over time if treated with care. This is a great opportunity to update the living room and give it a unique look that will delight the owners for a long time.


3D wallpapers are made using roll based. First, a photograph is loaded into a computer, then processed in a special program, selecting colors and effects, and printed. You can process any image, even a photo of your beloved girl. It all depends on the client's choice.

Taking into account technology, designers have developed several types of wallpaper that you need to get acquainted with before choosing a canvas:

  • Standard wallpaper– with patterns and geometric images that continue the traditions of classic paper wallpaper, that's why they have this name.

  • Single wallpaper- These are images of small fragments of objects or nature. At small sizes a single story can be framed and hung on the wall like a painting.

  • Panoramic wallpaper reveal their plots in the title. These are large canvases with many details, depicting large fragments of natural or city landscapes. Such large-sized coverings significantly influence the interior of the room, setting the style of the interior with their very presence. They are placed on one or more walls.

You need to choose a place very carefully so that visual expansion space did not distort the room.

  • Fluorescent wallpaper contain luminous particles, so in the dark they have an interesting illumination effect. Their images create a room design in a fantastic style.

  • LED wallpaper - This the whole system, which consists of the image itself and special lighting fixtures. They come with a remote control. At the owner's request, the image can be modified using light. This is the most expensive of all 3D wallpapers.

There are also matte and shiny 3D wallpapers, with and without laminate. The highest quality canvases are made on fabrics - viscose or silk.

3D wallpaper scenes

There are trends in 3D wallpaper images that are traditionally chosen by clients to decorate their living rooms. This is due to the desire to get one or another effect in the room. Of course, at the request of the customer, you can choose an unusual plot, but first, it’s worth taking a closer look at what has already been tested more than once in interiors.

To decorate living rooms, they traditionally choose:

Nature images:

  • snow-capped mountains;
  • gardens and natural landscapes;
  • waterfalls;
  • ocean shore;
  • beautiful flowers.


  • cityscapes;
  • ancient castles and art galleries.

Other motives:

  • images of space.

Before you embark on a long search for a subject suitable for your living room, you should first go through existing photographs. Perhaps they will be the ones who will respond to the customer’s desire to create the desired image.

Selection and placement in the interior

When choosing a plot, size and color scheme, it is necessary to focus on the purpose of the room. Light wallpaper They allow you to visually increase the space, so they are suitable for small living rooms. Dark ones make a room smaller, so they can be used in large rooms.

Panoramic wallpaper expands and gives additional volume, so it is suitable for small living rooms, but can also be used in large ones to create unusual effects.

Abstract images are more suitable for modern style. Realistic paintings gravitate more toward the classics. Large images They are more suitable for large spaces, where they can fit freely and have a surrounding background in the form of the rest of the interior. In a small room they will overwhelm the entire living room and seem out of place. Small and fractional drawings will be lost in a large room, but will fit perfectly into a small living room.

You can also play with the living room space. If there are several zones in it, for example, a sofa corner for relaxation and a table for eating, you can use different 3D wallpapers in different parts rooms. For the guest area you can choose city scenes or abstract drawings to awaken the human psyche. In the recreation area there are landscapes or the ocean, and in the dining area there is a plot with flowers or fruits. However, in this case need to choose carefully color scheme so that the two canvases do not argue with each other.