Choosing fire protection for wooden products

Before processing wooden house any type, the question arises: Which antiseptic for wood is better to choose? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Each manufacturer praises its product, and the price is determined by the “promotion of the brand.” Real reviews about the compositions can be read on numerous forums. Manufacturers' websites do not always provide reliable information. In this article, we analyzed the most popular antiseptics, which received the highest rankings among user reviews, and identified the best among each type.

User reviews highlight, first of all, inexpensive but effective timber houses for construction: Vllti, Senezh, Neomid, Tikkurila, Sodolin. But in each group there are means that are effective in one or another area of ​​wood protection. Universal antiseptics are not as effective, so it is better to use targeted ones.

Fungus protection

The fungus settles on wood in a humid environment and quickly covers all the lower links and floor joists with spores. User reviews indicate the effectiveness of two products in such cases: PAF-LST antiseptic paste, manufacturer St. Petersburg, and Homeenpoisto1 from Tikkuril. Their price starts from 110 rubles/l.

There are also a lot of reviews about the effectiveness “ old-fashioned methods” using copper sulfate and engine oil waste. You can fumigate a room with sulfur, but this method is not safe, since sulfur dioxide can kill a person, the choice is always up to the owner.

Bioprotection of wood in a humid environment (ground, precipitation)

The most positive reviews in these conditions are about antiseptics from the Moscow manufacturer Senezh: Ultra, Bio. Neomid 440 and Valtti Aquacolor performed well.

These products are deeply impregnated and are capable of creating an impermeable layer in the tree after the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber and other lumber. protective layer. The antiseptic should be applied to a dried and cleaned surface in 2-3 layers. Before each subsequent one, the previous one is allowed to dry for up to 7 hours. Complete drying of the product occurs after 12 hours. Consumption from 1 l per 10 m2.

Antiseptics are produced for humid environment in containers from 0.5 to 50 l. The price starts from 70 rubles.

Antiseptic for lumber with natural moisture

Manufacturers use similar products. They usually deep penetration with a non-washable structure. Penetrating into new raw materials, they slightly change its color to light greenish. According to reviews the best choice means: Finesta, BS-13, Senezh Trans, Senezh Eurotrans, Neomid 460. Which one is better is difficult to judge.

Coatings are mainly purchased by manufacturers in bulk. Produced in containers from 10 to 200 liters. Price for 10 liters - from 250 rubles.

Protection of unbarked wood

Unbarked wood is round wood with the bark still intact. This is purchased directly from sawmills and is cheaper than finished logs. It is easy to store such material in a dry and ventilated area. But not everyone can afford such warehouses. For preservation, deep-impregnated antiseptics are used, but not all are suitable. According to the review rating, the most economical and accessible remedy Neomid 420. Antiseptic costs from 100 rubles.

There are many more folk antiseptics, when the log is soaked in various oils or lubricated with bleach and quicklime. But if the question arises: which antiseptic for wood is better, you still need to use a specialized product.

Primer-type antiseptics

Such primers are used for application under paint, varnish, etc. They are not particularly liked to be used, since their penetration is too small and their service life is not longer. Moreover, if you leave a primed surface without a finishing coat for more than 7 days outside the house, it will simply be washed away by precipitation.

Among the primers, the most positive reviews about Pinotex Base, Pinotex Wood Primer, Valtti Pohjuste, Valtti Aquabase. Users praise the smooth application, quick drying and good adhesion to wood. The varnish and paints on such a primer will not begin to peel off after 1-2 years, and the choice of product line is wide. The price of primer antiseptics starts from 110 rubles.

Bioprotective tinted antiseptic

Using a tinted antiseptic, you can achieve an even color of the walls. They are used as an alternative to tinted varnish, for example, for the construction of a house made of profiled timber . Which one is better depends on the skills and abilities of the master. But when applying varnish it is difficult to achieve an even layer; the result is a “camouflage” of color. This effect can be avoided by using a tinted antiseptic and covering it with a transparent varnish.

Of course, almost any antiseptic can be tinted, but Pinotex Classic proved to be the best. By tinting you can achieve more than 50 shades. The coating costs from 150 rubles/l.

Bioprotective antiseptic with UV filter

Ultraviolet rays cause more damage to wood. In addition, paint on walls without UV protection quickly fades and loses a number of its properties. According to reviews, very few inexpensive and effective antiseptics have been developed for ultraviolet radiation. Among the most effective are Neomid Bio Color and Pinotex Ultra.

These compositions are also good because they can be tinted to add decor to the walls. And in addition to the sun, the compositions protect wood from microorganisms. The products cost from 170 rubles/l, but with them you no longer need to apply an additional bioantiseptic.

Antiseptics for terraces, gazebos and open areas

Next to any private wooden house, many courtyard buildings are built. Typically, the same type of material is used for a wooden house, so the buildings fit harmoniously into the site. Such buildings also need treatment.

For processing, specialized compounds are used that are resistant to leaching and can withstand temperature changes. The most good feedback about Pinotex Natural and Pinotex Terrace Oil. Their price starts from 350 rubles, but their quality and durability put them at the top of the rating.

Antiseptic for painted and old wood

Similar ones are used for houses that are already painted. Of course, it is ineffective, since it does not penetrate deep into the wood, but only creates protective film. Reviews say that if possible, it is better to rent old paint and only then process the wood.

But if there is no money and time for painstaking work, then you can use the following compositions? Valtti Techno or Homeenpoisto 1. The compositions will temporarily save the old building, but the treatment will need to be carried out every year. They cost from 110 rubles/l.

Wood bleaching

If the treatment is not carried out on time, the tree will quickly turn blue. They can save the situation special means. They are applied with a brush to a specific damaged area and after 1-2 hours the wood brightens and returns to its original color. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. Neomid 500 and Senezh Neo are considered the most effective in this regard. Their price starts from 170 rubles/l.

How does fire bioprotection for wood work?

What is wood fire protection and how does it work? Fire protection - common name for wood processing products of various compositions and operating principles, which help protect it from rapid fire, as well as damage from rot, fungi and insects.

Science today can do a lot, but, unfortunately, not everything. A means that completely protects wood from fire has not yet been invented. Treatment with fire-bioprotection only makes it more difficult to ignite and prevents harmful microorganisms from actively developing. Such products contain two main components - a fire retardant and an antiseptic.

Fire is the main enemy wooden buildings, therefore, fire bioprotection manufacturers focus their main efforts on the effectiveness of fire retardants - substances that impede the combustion process. In addition to fire retardants, the protective composition usually includes an antiseptic that protects wooden structures from rot, mold, and insects. Today, there are formulations on sale that contain only fire retardants or only antiseptics, and there is a combined fire-bioprotection that includes both components.

There are several types of fire protection in Moscow; they may differ:

  • based on the principle of fire protection;
  • by method of application;
  • by breeding method;
  • according to the degree of effectiveness of fire protection;
  • by consumption per sq.m.;
  • by penetration depth;
  • by coloring ability.

Classification of fire-bioprotective compounds

Types based on the principle of fire protection

The action of a fire-bioprotective composition can be based on any of three fundamental physical processes:

  • melting of substances included in fire retardants, such as silicon salt, phosphorus or boric acid, with the formation of a non-flammable protective substance;
  • decomposition of substances, accompanied by the release of gas (ammonia, sulfur dioxide), which displaces oxygen, which, in turn, complicates combustion;
  • swelling of the protective shell, leading to the fact that the contact of fire with the wooden surface becomes minimal (organophosphorus compounds).

Types of fire protection by method of application

Depending on how fire protection is applied to wood, there are:

  • impregnating compositions - act from the inside;
  • coating compositions - form a protective layer on the surface (pastes, varnishes, enamels, putties).

The main difference between them lies in the aesthetic qualities of the processed structures. Impregnating compounds do not change the smell and wood grain after application (sometimes even emphasize), that is, the wood retains its natural look. Coverings, on the contrary, greatly deteriorate the appearance of the tree and differ unpleasant smell, therefore they are used for processing wooden load-bearing structures, which will then be hidden under the finishing.

Classification of fire protection according to dilution method

Fire-retardant compounds are divided into: water-soluble and organic-soluble. Water-soluble protection - compositions for the dissolution of which a water solution is used. They, in turn, are divided into two categories:

  • saline;
  • non-salt.

Salt fire protection is low in cost. And this is perhaps its only advantage. But there are quite a few disadvantages:

  • increased consumption and low degree of protection;
  • After applying the salt composition to the wood, cover the structure paint and varnish it won't work anymore;
  • such fire-bioprotection is valid for no more than five years;
  • in case of overdose and non-compliance with recommendations, whitish stains appear on wooden surfaces.

In addition, the salt composition is easily washed out with water, and when high humidity its effectiveness decreases significantly, so such materials are used exclusively for interior works.

Non-salt fire protection is made on the basis of compounds of boric, carbonic or phosphoric acids and has the following advantages:

  • long period of action, which according to the “bio” parameter is 20 years, and according to the “fire” parameter - 15 years;
  • versatility of use - can be used both indoors and for outdoor protection wooden structures
  • structures treated with such compounds can be coated with varnish or paint;
  • non-toxic, safe for humans and animals.

The main disadvantage is the higher price of this type of fire protection. Although quality, practicality and long-lasting effect in this case completely compensate for the extra costs.

Organosoluble compositions are produced on the basis of solvents. After applying the composition, a durable, thin film is formed on wooden surfaces, which perfectly repels liquids and also effectively increases the thermal stability of lumber. The main disadvantage of such compositions is the toxicity of some of the components included in their composition, therefore their use inside buildings is strictly not recommended. In addition, some organosoluble remedies are “narrow profile”.

Efficiency of fire and bioprotection

Fire protection is also divided into several types according to the degree of effectiveness. When purchasing fire-bioprotective compounds, you should pay attention to the protective effectiveness group indicated on the product label. There are two of them - 1 and 2. Index 2 indicates that after treatment with this composition, wooden structures become difficult to ignite. If the task is to give wood the properties of fire resistance (the maximum possible resistance to open flame), then fire bioprotection from the warehouse should be purchased marked “1”.

It should be noted that the number of layers can change the degree of protection. For example, by applying 6 layers of a weaker composition of group 2, you can obtain a level of resistance of group 1. And vice versa, after applying just one layer of protection of the 1st group, you will get a 2nd level of fire resistance.

Penetration depth, flow rate

Composition consumption per sq.m is important economic indicator, which you should pay special attention to when purchasing. You should look not only at the cost for a specific packaging, but also estimate the required amount in terms of per square meter of processed area. For example, inexpensive salt compositions consumption is 2-3 times higher than relatively expensive non-salt products - as a result, the apparent savings are reduced to zero.

Based on the depth of absorption, there are two categories of fire protection:

  • capillary (surface) compositions - penetrate into the fibers no deeper than 6 mm;
  • deep penetration compounds are capable of saturating wood to 12 mm or more.

It is more profitable to use surface fire-bioprotection, since it can be easily applied to structures with any available painting tool (brush, roller, spray gun). Such compositions do not create internal stresses in wood, which means the strength of the material does not decrease. Deep penetration protection (in most cases salt type) requires application special equipment, therefore this type of fire protection is rarely purchased wholesale and retail.

Some features of using fire bioprotection

In order for the composition to protect the wood to the maximum after application, the surfaces before treatment should be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, various stains of paint or oil.

Fire protection should be applied to structures only after they have been finishing by planing or sanding, the moisture content of the wood should not exceed 30 percent.

It is necessary to coat surfaces with the composition at a positive temperature, since in frosty weather water freezes in the capillaries of wood, which prevents the penetration of fire and bioprotection.

Also, work should not be carried out in high humidity or in the rain.

Purchase of fire protection

What should you pay attention to when purchasing fire protection? In this case, it is very important that such a criterion as the cost of fire bioprotection should not play a role when choosing a composition main role. The main points that the consumer should pay attention to are:

  • specifics of application according to the certificate available from the seller (external or internal work, possible toxicity);
  • product consumption per square meter;
  • depth of impregnation;
  • application technique;
  • fire safety group;
  • duration of fire bioprotection;
  • the ability of the composition (and how much) to change the shade of wood.

Currently available for sale big choice fire and biological protection products from both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Practice shows that Russian compositions They are absolutely no worse, and their prices are significantly lower. Regardless of which composition you choose, you should understand and correctly decipher the letter code on the packaging.

  • “B” - the composition contains boric acid, which increases its fire retardant properties;
  • “D” - with direct fire, a film is formed on the surface of the wood, slowing down the combustion process;
  • "M" - fire bioprotection includes copper sulfate, protecting structures not only from fire, but also from mold and mildew;
  • "C" - the product contains calcium-enriched soda, which is considered one of best defenses from fire;
  • “F” - the composition includes sodium fluoride (a toxic substance), which protects the tree from fungus and insects - when working, you should use a respirator and thick rubber gloves;
  • “X” is a fairly poisonous compound used against wood borers and bark beetles;
  • "HA" - the composition emits a gas that envelops the fire and contributes to its extinction.

It should be understood that each fire protection means is characterized by a different specialization, and their effectiveness in relation to various problems is not the same. Drugs can be especially effective either in the “fire” or in the “bio” direction. Practice shows that it is best to use complex processing so that the products complement each other organically.

Briefly about what fire bioprotection is
7 simple rules things you need to know when choosing
TOP 5 manufacturers of fire-bioprotective compositions for wood: 1. “Senezh-preparations”, 2. “EXPERTECOLOGY-NEOHIM”, 3. “NORTH”, 4. “Rogneda”, 5. “Descartes”
About reviews

Wood with all its advantages when used as raw material for building materials It has a couple of serious drawbacks: it burns well and is just as easily attacked by insects and fungus. It is not surprising that owners of private houses are interested in finding compounds that improve the fire-retardant properties of wood. We will try to help with the choice and present in one place recommendations and reviews on the use of certain compounds, as well as answer questions main question: how to choose the best fire protection for wood?

What is fire protection for wood?

There are about five hundred fires in Russia alone every day, millions of rubles are spent on eliminating the consequences. Just think: wooden house It burns out in about half an hour! And it’s good if the damage is measured only in money. Is it worth explaining why wood processing special compounds give so much great importance. Usually two are combined in one product useful qualities: protection from fire, as well as damage from microorganisms and insects - fire retardants and antiseptics in one bottle!

A small educational program. Fire retardants are substances that serve to prevent fire and subsequent combustion of wood and other combustible materials. Without going into the mechanism of their operation, we will stipulate that they can act in different ways: 1) when heated, they release carbon dioxide, thereby forming a non-flammable “cushion” covering a layer of wood; 2) when heated, form a fireproof swelling layer on the surface of the treated material; 3) at the processing stage, the fire-bioprotection solution clogs the pores of the top layer of wood, and, being a non-flammable component, literally reduces the percentage of combustible composition in the surface layer of the material. Antiseptics are substances that work against microbes, rot, mold, etc., and even against insects, for which wood is a tasty morsel. It so happened that to optimize the process and process the same critical structures, it is quite possible to use a 2 in 1 solution. This is what led to the wide popularity of fire-bioprotective compounds for wood.

7 simple rules you need to know when choosing

There are no miracles. The tree will catch fire sooner or later – it’s a matter of time. But sometimes the minutes count, on which someone’s life depends. The facts are that those not treated with flame retardants wooden buildings burn faster than processed ones.
1 or 2 group. There are three groups in total, but only the first two are important for protection; in short, then: group 2 - retardation of flammability, group 1 - retardation of flammability and combustion. Those. The first group allows you to take fire protection seriously and provide the highest possible protection.
The price is determined by consumption. The problem is that the packaging and concentrations of solutions can vary significantly, hence the difference in the consumption of the composition for treating 1 square meter. meters of surface. Don’t be lazy and figure out how much it will cost you to achieve the first or second group of protection when treated with one or another composition - don’t just compare the cost of the packages.
Specific properties. When choosing fire protection for wood processing, it is necessary to consider whether the structure will subsequently be exposed to moisture or change temperature conditions, will it be hidden from view finishing materials or it is planned to apply decorative layers over the processed parts. Because they are resistant to external influences compositions come with dyes (to control work) and transparent - depend on the working conditions.
Everything is subject to time. The effectiveness of protection decreases over time. The usual period is up to 5-20 years, after which it is necessary to carry out treatment again. But the gap can be seriously shortened if the operating conditions of the structure are violated: exposure to moisture, freezing of structures, etc. Here it is necessary to make a small digression and explain the validity period of the protective properties of the “chemistry” we are considering. You need to understand that under normal operating conditions of the treated sample (in a dry place, protected from precipitation), flame retardants of the same nature will be equally effective. And often the average coating life declared by the seller is just another attempt to increase the cost of their products.
About the composition. Usually they write vaguely: “an aqueous solution of the target components”, “fire retardant salts, biocidal additives”, etc. It is simply not possible to find out what exactly is inside a jar, canister or bag by studying the label. As a rule, nothing innovative, so we recommend watching the video at the end of this chapter.
Manufacturers. There are many of them and they have a hard time due to great competition. Hence the abundance of products of different packaging, with different names and other marketing tricks. From our experience, we can say that fire bioprotection is being prepared by everyone today. Therefore, it is better to trust trusted manufacturers, and at the first doubt, ask for a certificate of conformity.

As promised, we invite you to watch an educational video, especially relevant in difficult times of crisis. It presents one of the fire protection options for wood, which contains boric acid and sodium carbonate. A liter of such impregnation will cost about 10 rubles, and its effectiveness will be no worse than the ready-made solutions sold.

This is one of the most popular options for homemade mixtures. If desired, you can find other solutions on specialized forums, for example, based on potassium carbonate (potash), etc. The essence remains the same.

TOP 5 manufacturers of fire-bioprotective compounds for wood

What have we done? We took the 5 most popular companies involved in the production of paints and varnishes and looked at the compositions they offered with the ones we were interested in protective properties. Two goals were pursued: to clearly show the difference in characteristics between individual brands and to calculate the unit cost of processing one square meter, for example, wooden wall. For the calculation, we took the cost based on the most popular packaging with a weight close to the minimum possible.

1. Senezh (“Senezh-preparations”)

Under the SENEZH trademark, a whole line of wood protection compounds is produced in Russia. Regarding our topic, the manufacturer offers two products to increase resistance to fire and fungal and bacterial attack: SENEZH OGNEBIO and OGNEBIO PROF. Let's try to figure out what changes are typical for impregnation with the prefix “prof” in the name. For convenience, we summarize all comparison parameters in a small table.

Technical characteristics of protective compounds Comparison criterion/Product name SENEZH OGNEBIO SENEZH OGNEBIO PROF
Purposefor protection against fire, flame spreadfor protection against combustion, ignition, flame spread
for protection against rot, mold, blue stains and wood-boring insects
Average fire protection period3 years5 years
Average biosecurity period20 years
no (transparent composition)yes (colored composition)
Consumption, g/sq. meter600 (II gr.)600 (I gr.) or 300 (II gr.)
Packaging, kg5, 10, 65, 70 5, 25, 75, 80
Approximate price*from 700 rub. for 10 kgfrom 620 rub. for 5 kg

* – indicated for comparison with other products

We calculate the cost of processing one square meter: when using OGNEBIO - 42 rubles. (II gr.), choosing OGNEBIO PROF – 74.7 rub. (I gr.), 37.3 rub. (II gr.).

Note that it is not without reason that we put these impregnations in first place. Protective materials from this manufacturer are in greatest demand in the Russian Federation.


Products manufactured under the NEOMID trademark appeared on Russian market more than 10 years ago. During this time, its popularity has reached unprecedented heights, and therefore fire-bioprotective compounds for wood from this manufacturer are in great demand in the CIS. At the time of writing, the company’s catalog included 4 products for protecting wooden structures from fire and biological influence. Their characteristics are summarized in the table below.

Basic specifications fire-bioprotective compounds NEOMID Comparison criterion/Product name NEOMID 450 (impregnation) NEOMID 450-1 (impregnation) NEOMID 001 SuperProff (impregnation) NEOMID 040 Professional (paint)
Purposeto protect wooden structures from ignition and flame spreadProvides protection against ignition, burning and flame propagation
bioprotection: against mold, rot, insect damage
Average fire protection periodup to 7 years
Average biosecurity periodup to 10 years
Fire retardant efficiency groupIII or III
Surface treatment controlNoRed colorNomatte finish, tinted
Consumption, g/sq. meter400 250 (I gr.) or 150 (II gr.)600 (I gr.) or 500 (II gr.)250
Packaging, kg5, 10, 20, 30, 200 5, 10, 30, 200 1, 5, 30 25, 60, 150
Approximate price*340 rub. for 5 kg.660 rub. for 5 kg.1030 rub. for 5 kg6000 rub. for 25 kg.

* – indicated approximately for comparison with other products

We calculate: when processing a square with NEOMID 450 - 27.2 rubles. (II gr.); NEOMID 450-1 – 33 rub. (I gr.), 19, rub. (II gr.); NEOMID 001 SuperProff – 123.6 rub. (I gr.), 103 rub. (II gr.); NEOMID 040 Professional – 60 rub. (I gr.).

In the video below you can see a short advertising review from the manufacturer of the fire retardant-antiseptic Neomid 450. A little about what the composition is, how it works and how to apply it. The houses will subsequently be set on fire and the effectiveness of using a fire-retardant composition will be demonstrated. Please note that the camera is temporarily taken away from the “right” house, but we are very suspicious and believe that at that moment someone helped it go out. See for yourself!

In general, be that as it may, NEOMID products have all the necessary certificates, which guarantees them high quality. The choice is up to the buyer, since there is plenty to choose from.

3. Pirilax (“NORTH”)

Izhevsk manufacturer NPO NORT offers 6 options of fire-retardant impregnations (four from the Pirilax group + a couple of others) for both interior and exterior work. The company sells its products with the branded prefix “biopyrene”. Let's look at the main technical characteristics of these compounds.

Fire and bioprotective impregnations Pirilax Comparison criterion/Product name Pirilax (for external and internal work) OZON-007 (for internal work) MIG-09 (for internal work)Lux Classic Terma Prime
Purposefrom fire and flame spread, from mold and insectsfrom fire, mold and insectsfrom fire and flame spread in the attic and on rafter systems, from mold and insects
for harsh operating conditionsfor baths and saunasfor normal operating conditionsfor processing attic spaces and rafter systems
Average fire protection periodoutside: up to 5 years; inside: up to 16 yearsoutside: up to 5 years; inside: up to 16 years; inside baths: up to 6 yearsoutside: up to 2 years; inside: up to 5 years5-30 years indoors depending on conditionsinside unheated premises: up to 12 years
Average biosecurity periodoutside: up to 10 years; inside: up to 25 yearsoutside: up to 7.5 years; inside: up to 20 yearsoutside: up to 7.5 years; inside: up to 20 years; inside baths: up to 6 yearsoutside: up to 2 years; inside: up to 7 yearsnot specified
Fire retardant efficiency groupI or IIIII or II
Surface treatment controlTints with amber colorNoNono, but with high consumption it can turn yellow
Consumption, g/sq. meter280 (I gr.) or 180 (II gr.)200 concentrate: 103 (I gr.) or 69 (II gr.)dry concentrate: 100 (I gr.) or 50 (II gr.)
Packaging, kg1, 3.3, 10.5, 24, 50 1.1, 3.5, 11, 24, 50 1.1, 3.5, 11, 26, 50 1, 3.2, 10, 22, 46 5, 16, 48, 65 25
Approximate price*387 rub. for 1 kg338 rub. for 1.1 kg290 rub. for 1.1 kg251 rub. for 1 kg1320 rub. for 5 kg1750 rub. for 25 kg

* – for comparison only

We calculate: when treating 1 m2 of wood with Lux, the costs will be 108.4 rubles. (I gr.) and 69.6 rub. (II gr.); Classic – 86.7 rub. (I gr.) and 55.4 (II gr.); Terma – 74.4 rub. (I gr.) and 47.5 rub. (II gr.); Prime – 50.2 rub. (II gr.); OZONE-007 – 27.2 rub. (I gr.) and 18.2 (II gr.); MIG-09 – 7 rub. (I gr.) and 3.5 rub. (II gr.).

The range of products of the North company is quite large, but the price for it can hardly be called affordable. This applies to ready-made Pirilax formulations. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a video review and comparison of Russian fire-bioprotective compounds, among which one of the solutions discussed above also appears. Despite some flaws in the purity of the experiments, the video turned out to be quite educational.

4. Woodmaster, Pyrex (“Rogneda”)

"NPP Rogneda" is another large Russian manufacturer paint coatings, in the assortment of which there was a place for fire-bioprotective compounds for wood. There are three branches to choose from: Woodmaster, Pirex and Ecodom. Let's look at their capabilities in two tables below.

Fire-retardant compounds Woodmaster (Rogneda) Comparison criterion/Product name WOODMASTERCORD KSD PHENILAX
Purposetransforms wood into a highly flammable material with protection against biological damagetransforms wood into a highly flammable material with two-level protection against biological damage, can be used to impregnate fabricstransforms wood into a fire-resistant material, provides bioprotection under normal operating conditions
Average fire protection periodup to 2 years5 years3 years (I gr.), 4 years (II gr.)
Average biosecurity periodup to 4 years
Fire retardant efficiency groupIII or II
Surface treatment controlno (transparent composition)yes (colored composition)
Consumption, g/sq. meter600 (II gr.)600 (I gr.) or 300 (II gr.)500 (I gr.) or 300 (II gr.)
Packaging, kg5, 10, 65, 70 5, 25, 75, 80 6, 11, 25, 75, 220
Approximate price*from 320 rub. for 5 kgfrom 390 rub. for 5 kgfrom 460 rub. for 6 kg

We calculate: treating one square meter with KORD will cost 38.4 rubles. (II gr.), KSD – 46.8 rub. (I gr.) and 23.4 rub. (II gr.), PHENYLAX – 38.3 rub. (I gr.) and 23 rub. (II gr.).

Comparison of technical characteristics of protective compounds from Rogneda Comparison criterion/Product name PIREX ECOHOUSEFireBioPROF DECOR OGNEBIO OGNEBIOPROF
Purposeafter impregnation, the wood becomes fire-resistant with bioprotection3 in 1 varnish: makes wood flame retardant, provides bioprotection, forms a decorative layerafter processing, the material becomes flame-retardant and protected from biodestructiontransfers to the category of fire-resistant + bioprotection
Average fire protection periodup to 10 yearsup to 10 years (inside), up to 6 years (outside)2 years4 years
Average biosecurity period4 years5 years
Fire retardant efficiency groupI and IIII
Surface treatment controlpink to dark goldenno (transparent)crimson coloring
Consumption, g/sq. meter280 (I gr.) or 180 (II gr.)250 (II gr.)450 (II gr.)500 (I gr.) or 300 (II gr.)
Packaging, kg12, 25 0.8, 3, 10 5, 10, 20, 65
Approximate price*from 4250 rub. for 12 kgfrom 555 rub. for 0.8 kgfrom 220 rub. for 5 kgfrom 280 rub. for 5 kg

We continue to count: for a square of wood treated with PIREX FireBioPROF, you will have to pay 99.2 rubles. (I gr.) or 63.7 rub. (II gr.), PIREX DECOR – 173.4 rub. (II gr.), ECOD HOUSE OGNEBIO – 19.8 rubles. (II gr.), ECOHOUSE OGNEBIOPROF – 28 rub. (I gr.) or 16.8 rub. (II gr.).

The video below shows short review line of fire retardants from Wood Master.

5. Olympus (Descartes)

As another popular manufacturer of paints and varnishes, let us cite as an example the products of JSC Descartes. It was not by chance that we chose it - the company has been developing and manufacturing protective and decorative compounds for wood and stone since 1992. At the time of writing, the company’s product range included only two types of fire-bioprotective compounds produced under the Olymp brand: Fire-bioprotection group 1 and Fire-bioprotection group 2. The main properties are clear from the name. But let's take a closer look at the technical characteristics of this product.

We calculate: with the indicated values, processing one square meter with the composition of 1 group will cost 40 rubles, 2 groups - 17.6 rubles. As in most other cases, the difference in price to achieve the first and second efficiency groups is approximately twofold.

About reviews

As for reviews about the use of compositions for wood treatment, only a small number of buyers who decided to experimentally verify the effectiveness of the use of impregnations can objectively evaluate the fire-bioprotective properties. For example, we bought the composition, applied it to the board and threw it into the fire, watching further development events. In most cases, all of the above types of fire protection met expectations. The main thing here is to buy material produced by a company that is well-known, and also not to run into a fake - buy in branded stores or large construction markets. Therefore, we will not once again advertise individual products here, especially since no one pays us for this.


In conclusion, I would like to wish that the composition you choose protects the wood from biological effects, and you would never have to find out how effectively it resists fire. Take care of yourself!

Heating device in a private house

In winter, the house should be warm - one of important conditions For permanent residence V country cottage. Another question is what kind of heating system will it be? There are many options, which makes the final choice not the most convenient. We decided to help you and tried to look at the main examples of heating systems successfully used in private homes.

What do you need to know about country houses made of timber?

You are at the stage of choosing building materials for country house? Be sure to consider using timber! This material is distinguished by its ease of use, aesthetic appearance, and high environmental properties. It is affordable and, most importantly, you can assemble the log house yourself. Just look at the photo - this could be your dacha!

Design options for internal stairs

Stairs in a house can be a significant design element of interior design. We offer you over ten staircase design options: from simple to complex. Some of the ideas are suitable for implementation in small two-level apartments and country houses, others will be more appropriate in spacious cottages. Choose!

1.1 Antiseptic and fire protection for wood "Sigma D" with specialized additives "PYRO-STOP" developed by technologists from Sigma Color and Sigma Plus designed to protect wood from fire, stops the progress of fire when a fire occurs (arson of a wooden structure)

1.2 The product is a solution of acidic compounds with specialized additives "PYRO-STOP" and specially developed bioprotective wood additive "Living House +" for private and civil housing construction, does not form a film (wood “breathes”), provides a surface fire-retardant layer resistant to washing away by precipitation and long-term protection of wood, and also has an aesthetic appearance after application. The structure of the tree appears.

1.3 The product protects wood from biological destruction caused by various types wood-staining, mold fungi and wood-boring beetles, destroys pest larvae. Removes existing biological damage to the tree and prevents the emergence of new ones.

1.4 Used for fire - bioprotection of external wooden surfaces (walls, parts of the roof, fresh log houses, etc.) and internal wooden surfaces premises (walls, ceilings, rafter systems, attics, attics, basements, etc.).

1.5. Antiseptic and fire retardant for wood of the “Golden Style” series does not dry on the surface in 20 minutes. when exposed to heat and does not freeze at sub-zero temperatures, but absolutely everything goes into the wood.

1.7. Does not cause allergies. A voluntary test of fire-bioprotective impregnation was carried out for the presence of harmful substances and the influence of the composition on human health.

1.8. The composition is certified.


2.1 The surface to be treated must be free of dust and dirt.

2.2 The surface should not have been previously treated with impregnating, paint and other compounds. If it is necessary to apply “Sigma D” to another composition, you need to do a “test paint” to check for compatibility.

2.3 For better absorption of the composition, the wood moisture content should not exceed 25% - 30%. Application on damper wood is allowed to prevent darkening of the wood during atmospheric drying of lumber and wooden log houses on shrinkage.

2.4 Due to the fact that the composition is corrosive, storage containers and application equipment must be made of plastic or stainless steel. After application, the equipment must be thoroughly washed and dried.


3.1 The product is ready for use and cannot be diluted.

3.3 The product is applied to the wood with a brush, spraying or dipping.

3.4 During processing and drying, the product tints the wood to a rich amber color. On pine and spruce wood it shows the structure of the wood due to the reaction of the composition to the resins contained in the wood. The veins of wood with a high resin content become darker and more pronounced. Finish coatings can be applied.


- for wood antiseptic not less than 100 g/m² (in one layer). Depending on the degree of damage to the surface, the composition is applied in 1-2 layers.

- for transferring wood to 1 group of fire-retardant efficiency according to GOST R 53292 - 2009 (weight loss less than 9%), the product is applied in an amount of at least 450 g/m². (not planed wood)

- to transfer wood to group 2 fire-retardant efficiency according to GOST R 53292 - 2009 (weight loss less than 25%), the product is applied in an amount of at least 200 g/m². (not planed wood)

- for bioprotection of wooden log houses during aging up to 150 g/m².

- for bioprotection of wooden log houses during assembly the joints of the logs are impregnated in 3 layers under a brush with total consumption up to 450 g/m². There is no need to wait for the composition to dry completely.

- profiled timber impregnated with a total consumption of 350 g/m².

- lining, planed boards, polished wooden surfaces impregnated with a consumption of no more than 200 g/m². A finishing coating can be applied.

-hidden cavities with a consumption of 450 g/m².

-ends of logs, beams and boards are most susceptible to biological damage and are soaked under the brush in 3 passes with intermediate drying for 60 minutes. The impregnation depth is 3 – 7 cm. After applying the antiseptic to the ends of the beams and logs, it is necessary to apply a finishing coating.

3.6 Depending on the density of the wood, the composition is applied one or several times, the drying time between layers at normal temperature and humidity is 60 minutes, at negative temperatures the drying time between layers increases to 3.5 hours.

3.7 Treated wood can be coated with any paints, varnishes and other compounds that do not contain calcite, chalk, lime, cement 15 days after application of the product or apply finishing coat"Sigma Oil-wax" for interior and exterior work, 25 color solutions or similar formulations from another manufacturer.


4.1 The product belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007). Cumulative action does not possess. It has a mild irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract and damaged areas of the skin.

4.2 When working with the product, you must use personal protective equipment.

4.3 The premises in which work is carried out must be provided with ventilation and/or be well ventilated.

4.4 Upon completion of work with the product, you must wash your hands and face with soap. Eating in the workplace is not permitted.

4.5 Fire-bioprotective agent for wood is fire- and explosion-proof. During storage and operation it does not emit harmful substances.


5.1 The fire-retardant agent is transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the cargo transportation rules in force for this type of transport.

5.2 The product is stored in tightly closed polyethylene containers at a temperature environment from minus 50º C to plus 50º C.

5.3 At a temperature of - 25º C it partially crystallizes, after defrosting it retains its properties.

5.5. Shelf life: 5 years. Does not precipitate.

Fire protection of timber and structures made from them is absolutely necessary today in order to guarantee their safety and human safety. Fire protection of timber and structures made from them is one of the main types of fire protection work that many companies carry out today.

Fire protection for wood

In building codes and regulations (SNiP), GOSTs, standard and others regulatory documents It is indicated that in order to increase fire resistance, it is necessary to carry out fire protection of timber, because it helps to reduce the boundaries of the movement of fire through lumber. Fire retardants form a foamy carbon layer. Such a layer can be called a heat-insulating screen; it increases the period of heating of timber to the decomposition temperature.

According to GOST 16363, fire retardants according to their productivity are divided into:

  • substances of group I. They transform ordinary timber into difficult-to-burn materials
  • substances of group II. They transform ordinary timber into flame retardant
  • substances of group III. These products do not guarantee fire protection for wooden structures.

Experts check the quality of fire prevention treatment according to appearance, when paints and coatings were used. The applied material should cover the treated surface in an even layer.

If surface impregnation was used, then the craftsman evaluates the quality of processing by the flammability of the chips. For this purpose, surfaces that are treated with a fire retardant composition sharp knife remove chips up to 1 mm thick. There should be no combustion as a result of igniting the chips.

Fire retardant composition for wood

Rules for applying fire retardants:

  • Do not coat wet timber with such compounds (humidity up to 20%)
  • It would be incorrect to coat surfaces that have already been painted with fire retardants.

Processing price wooden materials from fire depends on which method is used. Craftsmen use different impregnations, paints, and sprinkles. For maximum protection of lumber, it is worth using deep pressure impregnation products. However, this method can only be carried out at an enterprise. We can say that the most productive solution that even a novice craftsman can handle is surface impregnations and paints that make timber non-flammable.

Experts divide all protective drugs into: active and passive. Active drugs directly affect the combustion process (similar to a fire extinguisher), while passive drugs are used as preventive drugs. Perhaps one of the most important is constructive fire protection of timber, which is laid at the construction stage. In this case, the structures are lined with thermal insulation, plaster is applied to the surface using shotcrete, and they are mounted heat reflective screens, is growing cross section construction nodes.

The most popular types of processing wooden structures can be called:

  • fire protection of attic (roof) compartments and the roof itself
  • protection of parts along escape routes
  • fire protection of boards and floorings
  • scaffolding protection
  • fire protection for wooden pallets and temporary structures.

The most common means of fire protection today are divided into:

  • impregnation against fire. ABOUT fireproof wood impregnation is carried out by treating timber with a special fire retardant solution on water based. The advantage of this method is the low price of the solution itself, as well as the fairly high efficiency of bio-protection (no mold or fungi). This type of impregnation is characterized by a fairly long period of operation. Among the disadvantages: the appearance of traces of salt and the inability to use after the previous application of varnishes or paints
  • fire retardant varnish treatment. This method is used to process wood boards, chipboard, fibreboard, etc. This method is often used for processing parquet board. These funds are quite expensive. Possible varnish drips
  • fire protection with paints. In this case, no special skills are required. For work, it is fashionable to use a brush or roller. The only downside is the paint color. It is white and difficult to paint. At the same time, this paint is different high efficiency, it resists the action of open fire.

The best fire protection for wood

Let's look at the 5 most popular companies that produce paints and varnishes to protect wood from fire:

Senezh (“Senezh-preparations”). The company sells two fire resistance products: SENEZH OGNEBIO and OGNEBIO PROF. The second remedy is almost twice as expensive as the first, but it also creates higher protection.

Neomid (“EXPERTECOLOGY-NEOCHIM”). These tools are presented in construction stores over 10 years. NEOMID products have all the documents that are responsible for the high quality of the drugs

Pirilax (“NORTH”). The Izhevsk company NPO NORT produces six different fire-bioprotective impregnations (Pirilax+). They are suitable for interior and exterior work. The range is quite wide, but the price is higher than previous drugs

Woodmaster, Pyrex (“Rogneda”). NPP Rogneda is a large domestic manufacturer of paints and varnishes. The company produces three products: Woodmaster, Pirex and Ecodom

Olympus (Descartes). This company has been producing protective and decorative preparations for wood and stone since 1992. The company produces products: Fire-bioprotection group 1 and Fire-bioprotection group 2.

When choosing a product, you need to take a closer look at the products from popular companies, purchase them in specialized stores or large construction markets.

Wood processing by fire

Yakisugi or "cedar simmering" is a Japanese technique for finishing wood using fire. This procedure makes it possible to reveal the structure of the raw material and provide it with protection from fire, rot and beetles. The service life of the resulting material increases to 80 years. Advantages of material processed in this way:

  • fire protection
  • protection against rot
  • protection against bugs and microorganisms
  • ease of the process
  • does not change the appearance and shade over time
  • service life is about 80 years.

Today for this procedure they use gas burner. To obtain the required result, resinous timber varieties are folded into a triangle, after which they are fired for 7-10 minutes. The duration of firing is directly related to the durability of the raw material and is determined by the type of timber, its moisture content, and thickness. Next, you need to extinguish the surface, clean the ash using iron brushes and rinse with water. After this, the wood Japanese technology ready.

Japanese specialists use coniferous varieties for firing because they contain a lot of resin. Cedar is considered the most valuable. As surprising as it may sound, charred wood burns very poorly. You can additionally impregnate the material with special oils, which will make the raw material even stronger and more durable.

Due to the fact that the supply of wood on our planet is limited, today the issue of increasing its durability and resistance to various influences is extremely relevant. And, of course, the most evil enemy wood is fire. It is worth noting that preparations for protecting wood from fire cannot fully protect lumber, but they enable timber to better and longer resist the destructive effects of flame.