Decorative climbing honeysuckle care. Decorative climbing honeysuckle: types, description and care Types and varieties

In the spring, gardeners are faced with the task of how to decorate the area, what to plant, to add beauty and charm to the garden. An amazing decorative climbing honeysuckle comes to the rescue. It can quickly grow on the site and decorate a wall, fence, gazebo or arch. Expert advice will help you figure out how to properly grow, protect from diseases and propagate this beautiful plant.

The shrub is used as decorative decoration. This plant can add a unique charm to the garden, create coziness and fill the space with aroma. The area will fill up bright colors, if you plant different types of honeysuckle.

The plant is loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness, beauty and fragrance. The stems of the plant rise up and obediently wrap around the supports, so it is ideal for vertical gardening.

Climbing honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) is a climbing shrub. The species of the genus Honeysuckle belongs to the Honeysuckle Family.

Carl Linnaeus, the famous botanist, gave the name to this species of shrub - Lonicera. In memory of German scientist Adam Lonitzer, living in the 15th century. The description of the plant first appeared in the works of Stepan Krasheninnikov, a famous Russian explorer of the 18th century. Honeysuckle has spread throughout Russia since the beginning of the 20th century.

Types of decorative climbing honeysuckle

There are many species of this plant in nature. The following are popular:

  1. The most common honeysuckle is Honeysuckle. From mid-May it is strewn with flowers, and by the end of summer it wears beads of bright berries. Frost-resistant. Up to 6 meters in height.
  2. Honeysuckle Curly has flowers of white, purple and Pink colour. Flowers of the “Serotina” variety are crimson in color. The fruits are poisonous.
  3. Brown's honeysuckle does not tolerate frost well. It has flowers of the original carrot color, and the “Dropmore Scarlet” variety is orange. The height of the bush is 5 meters.
  4. Tatarian honeysuckle is the hardiest species. Flowers are white and pink. The varieties “Amold red”, “Morgen Orange”, “Elegant” have red flowers. They are bred throughout the Middle Volga, Kazakhstan, from Siberia to Altai.
  5. Honeysuckle Korolkova is different abundant flowering lilac and pink shade. Unpretentious, loves the sun.
  6. Gerald's honeysuckle is frost-resistant, does not shed its leaves in the winter, the flowers are yellow in color and fragrant.
  7. Type of honeysuckle - Hecrota. Abundant yellow-pink blooms. The height of the bush is up to 4 meters. Blooms for a long time.
  8. Maaka honeysuckle is frost-resistant. Large white flowers, pleasant aroma. Bushes up to 3-4 meters in height.
  9. Honeysuckle Serotina blooms all summer. The aroma is delicate, like the aroma of linden. The flowers are burgundy-brownish, moth-shaped.
  10. Japanese honeysuckle. It is distinguished by the originality of its foliage. The leaves are light green with yellow veins. Afraid of frost.
  11. True honeysuckle grows in the forests and groves of Russia. Or wolfberries. Distinguished by flowers white and red berries.
  12. Georgian Honeysuckle and Caucasian Honeysuckle are known in the Caucasus. The flowers are purple. The fruits are red and black.
  13. Evergreen honeysuckle is the most frost-resistant species. All summer the vines are strewn with flowers of a crimson shade on the outside and yellow on the outside. inside flower.

Description of Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

Gardeners are most fond of the decorative climbing honeysuckle Honeysuckle.


  1. Honeysuckle Honeysuckle (decorative inedible vine). Lonicera Caprifolium tolerates heat and cold. It blooms from the second half of May and exudes an extraordinary aroma throughout the month. Honeysuckle is called Honeysuckle fragrant vine. The height of the plant reaches 4-5 meters. The branches are strewn with flowers. The flowers are complex, unusual and change color as they bloom.
  2. The name "Caprifol" means "goat leaf". The appearance of the flower resembles the horns of a goat and originally grew in an area where goats roamed.
  3. The shoots are bare and green. During the season they grow 1-2 meters. The life expectancy of a shrub with good care is 50 years. Old shoots with dense bark. The branches have suction cups that are attached to the trellis or wall. The leaves of the vine are dense, medium-sized, green. Oval or oblong. The leaves on the shoot grow together at the base.
  4. The color of the flowers ranges from light pink to burgundy. Yellowish, white inside, dark, purple outside. The shape is unusual. The stamens are long, protrude far, collected in bunches, located at the base of fused leaves.
  5. In flowering time May to July - they emit a pleasant aroma. It intensifies in the evening.
    The fruits are orange-red, small, round. 6-7 mm in diameter, bitter, inedible.
  6. The stalks are short, the berries are glued to the leaves. Bright berries look beautiful against the background of green leaves. This adds charm and sophistication to the garden. Grows preferably in sunny and warm places. Tolerates light shade and city conditions well.
  7. The place should be protected from drafts if possible. Loves to climb onto a wall with trellises on it.
  8. Honeysuckle tolerates frost and drought, and is undemanding to watering. Feels great on different soils. Tolerates acidic and salty soil. Does not lose its attractiveness on rocky ground.
  9. All types of climbing ornamental honeysuckle decorate the garden from spring to autumn. They give the site mystery and privacy. Climbing vines are used in landscape design for decorating a playground, decorating a gazebo, fencing from neighbors, decorating a barn or an unpresentable wall. Often used to decorate pillars.
  10. Also, honeysuckle is used to decorate the entrances of offices, shops, and clinics located on the ground floors.

Planting decorative honeysuckle

The best time for planting is April, May. In spring the plant wakes up. You can also plant in the fall. The soil must be free of weeds before planting. The soil should be rich in nutrients. Soil reaction preferably PH 5.5-6.5. If the soil is acidified, add lime. Before planting, add 200 grams of lime per 1 m2 to the soil.

Buy honeysuckle seedlings at plastic containers with fertilizers. In this case, the root system is not damaged and will take root well. Bare root seedlings are planted in the fall or in early spring when the plant is dormant.

To plant you need:

  1. Two or three days before planting, dig holes at a distance of 2.5-3 meters.
  2. Place drainage in the form of expanded clay, crushed stone or other.
  3. Add fertile soil. For 2 buckets of compost - 50 grams of superphosphate and 1 kilogram of ash. For sandy soil add clay.
  4. Water generously.
  5. Place the seedling in the center, on a small hill.
  6. Cover with soil, do not deepen the root collar.
  7. Water and add soil.
  8. The ground around the seedling is mulched.

Water frequently and cover with dry grass for the winter.


Honeysuckle does not require special care. Every spring it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers and pour over the ash solution. In hot weather, it is advisable to water abundantly, loosen and cover root system mulch.

Adult plants are fed with humus in the spring. In summer they add mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion. It is best to do this before mid-July. It is best to prune and shape the bush in the spring. When there are no living buds yet.

To ensure that honeysuckle does not suffer from aphids, insects and larvae, tree trunk circle sprinkle with superphosphate, ash or lime. For the winter, spray with a 5% urea solution. For prophylaxis, use the drug Bitoxibacillin or Lepocid. With the onset of cold weather, it is better to protect the vine from freezing.

Honeysuckle propagation

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • rhizome division;

For cuttings, it is necessary to prepare a sand-peat mixture. The branches are cut into cuttings with three internodes. You can hold it in Kornevin’s solution or simply dip it in the powder. After this, the cuttings are buried in the prepared mixture. The twigs take root. In spring, cuttings are planted in the ground.

To plant seeds, you need to take seeds from the second year. Sow in spring. Remove the seeds from the fruit, wash, dry, and stratify. After this, they are sown for seedlings. Ready grown seedlings are transplanted in the summer to permanent place residence.

An easy way to propagate Honeysuckle is by layering. To do this, a branch of a growing vine is buried in the ground and fixed in several places with staples. A small cut is first made on the branch. Roots grow at the site of the incision. After this, the branch is separated and transplanted to another place.

In the fall, the rhizomes of the plant are divided. The root is dug up and divided into parts. Parts of the roots are dug in and covered. In spring, young shoots grow.


In order for the Honeysuckle vine to have a decent appearance, it is necessary to arrange a support. The support can be wooden, metal, strong mesh or twine. The shoots spread out and create an oasis of color. When the shoot has grown, it is shortened.

Cut off the top. After this, young side branches grow. Caprifoli has one peculiarity. The stems of honeysuckle are attached to the surface by their roots and weave around the support counterclockwise. Pruning gives the bush shape and rejuvenates the plant.

Diseases and pests

In the summer, in the heat, Honeysuckle is under attack spider mite. In this case, the leaves of the vine curl into tubes. The plant is susceptible to damage powdery mildew and aphids. To protect the plant from pests, the bushes are treated with fungicides. The gardener chooses the product independently or with the help of a specialist. Advice can also be found on the Internet. It is preferable to do the processing in advance.

If the soil is sandy or simply depleted, then organic humus from composted manure is added under the roots of the climbing honeysuckle. Compost made from food waste is also suitable. Organic matter promotes the growth of soil bacteria and improves soil structure.

It turns out to be a perpetual organic engine, which is maintained by worms. You can forget about expensive imported fertilizers. There is no need to fertilize plants with nitrates, which destroy the human body. Organic waste makes excellent fertilizer. In Europe, waste has been sorted and used for its intended purpose for a long time.

Brown's Dropmore Scarlet honeysuckle blooms from June to September, often returning to bloom in the fall. During flowering, the weakly climbing shoots are strewn with clusters of tubular orange flowers.

After flowering, red berries are formed on the shoots of honeysuckle, so this hybrid variety has a second name - red honeysuckle. You can order Brown Dropmore Scarlet honeysuckle seedlings for vertical compositions. In the first year, the plants give slight growth, and subsequently the vines quickly weave support to a height of 2 to 4 meters, some specimens can reach 5 meters.

Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet: planting

Unpretentious honeysuckle tolerates transplanting from containers to open ground from spring to autumn, but best time for planting the plant - late autumn. In this case, a distance between bushes of up to 2 meters is immediately provided.

Size landing pit- 25x25x30 cm. A layer of broken brick, gravel or pebbles is laid on the bottom - 7 cm.

The prepared pit is filled with a soil mixture composed in the following proportions:

  1. Sod land - 3 hours.
  2. Humus soil - 1 hour.
  3. Sand - 1 hour.
  4. Manure - 5 kg.
  5. Superphosphate - 80 g.
  6. Potassium salts - 50 g.

Pruning honeysuckle

During 5-7 years of life, honeysuckle bushes do not need pruning; during these years, only the removal of dried and damaged shoots is performed. Further, anti-aging pruning is performed every autumn after the end of leaf fall or in early autumn. Sometimes it is necessary to perform radical pruning of old plants, while cutting out the shoots on the stump.

Every gardener knows about the beauty of honeysuckle bushes and the benefits of certain varieties of berries. This shrub on the site can not only provide an addition to the first aid kit, but also decorate the garden. In addition, with the help of such a berry crop you can get rid of the most serious illnesses, including from anemia and scurvy. And when various diseases of cardio-vascular system These berries will be simply irreplaceable. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how honeysuckle is planted on personal plot. And also about what care this shrub needs.

Edible honeysuckle is rich in natural vitamins necessary for the human body. And its decorative forms (Kaprifol, Brown, Tatar, Japanese) can be considered almost universal. You should definitely pay attention to this type of culture if you want to decorate an arch, the walls of a gazebo, a fence with climbing beautiful flowering vines or create a “living” hedge.

Moreover, this plant is not capricious. And therefore, it is simply necessary to plant such a crop in the garden, especially since the process of growing it is not difficult.

Honeysuckle bushes grow to medium size. As a rule, they reach a height of 15.-1.8 meters. The plant itself is a representative of cross-pollinated plants. And therefore, planting several varieties at once in one area is considered an ideal option.

There are more than 150 varieties of honeysuckle. They all differ in shape, reproduction options and height of adult bushes. Some varieties are especially valued in decorative floriculture. Typically, these types of honeysuckle are easy to grow. And most importantly, they bloom profusely, maintaining their decorative effect for a long period, and are also able to fill the garden with an unforgettable pleasant aroma. Often, these are shrubs that have a liana-like shape (climbing honeysuckle).


We can find honeysuckle in almost any garden. There is not only edible honeysuckle, but also bushes on which poisonous fruits grow.

Not so long ago, Tatar honeysuckle (“Wolf berries”) was popular, which can still be found in parks, gardens and wild plantings. Such shrubs have a dense, erect crown and bloom from May to June. The berries are poisonous and have a bright red color. Typically, the fruits of such a crop grow in pairs, and sometimes even grow together. Planting such berry bushes pursues purely decorative purposes. Moreover, they need minimal care - they can easily tolerate both frost and dry weather. And pruning for this form of shrubs is not necessary and can be done at will.

Decorative honeysuckle Honeysuckle, which has a vine-like shape, has become widespread in landscape design. If you need to decorate a gazebo, arch or braid a nondescript fence, then this variety of honeysuckle bushes will fit perfectly into the overall background and will fully satisfy the wishes of the gardener. Reaching 5-6 meters in length, the shrub vines grow quite quickly. The lashes of young honeysuckle are light green in color. During the flowering period, the adult stems of the Honeysuckle variety are richly decorated with inflorescences, which, although they do not bloom for a long period, delight with their beauty.

Honeysuckle is also known as honeysuckle. Due to the delicate aroma of the inflorescences, they are actively used in the perfume industry.

Both Tatar honeysuckle and this form belong to ornamental shrubs. This means that its fruits, which appear on the vines towards the end of summer, are not edible. Planting this plant does not require special knowledge of agricultural technology. He will need basic care, including procedures such as:

  • regular watering;
  • garter;
  • pruning

Therefore, this shrub form is very popular among novice gardeners.

Among hybrids, special attention deserves decorative variety- Brown. Planting it in the garden is done to decorate the area. This type of honeysuckle grows rather slowly, the vines curl weakly, and the inflorescences of the Brown bush resemble fuchsia flowers in shape. It is better to plant this form of crop in sunny places, in areas with fertile soil. Brown's honeysuckle, unlike most varieties, is not frost-resistant. Therefore, plant care must necessarily include additional measures to remove the stems from the support and wrap them with dry leaves for the winter. Pruning of this variety of shrubs can also be carried out at will to maintain the decorative appearance of the vines.

Climbing honeysuckle is known and loved by many gardeners due to its decorative properties. Its inflorescences are not only beautiful, but also have a pleasant aroma, which will decorate the area throughout the entire summer season. The berries, which make climbing honeysuckle more spectacular, appear in early autumn. Like the honeysuckle variety, the height of the bushes of this honeysuckle variety can reach 5 meters. Therefore, they also need pruning.

How and when to plant

Edible honeysuckle, like the decorative forms of this culture, is not capricious. However, it has its own characteristics in cultivation. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the agricultural technology of such plants in advance in order to properly care for them.

Planting honeysuckle bushes can be carried out in autumn and spring periods. With the latter option it is better to produce planting work quite early. This is due to the fact that honeysuckle forms buds much earlier than most other crops.

  • The site should be selected and prepared in advance. It's better to choose sunny place where there are no drafts. Honeysuckle will not grow on swampy soils. On clayey soils without good drainage The results of cultivation will also not please you.
  • The planting hole should be 50x50 cm in size and 70 cm deep. As a drainage layer, the bottom of the pit can be lined with coarse sand, gravel, and brick fragments. It’s worth pouring 50 grams on top. lime and a little earth.
  • When starting planting, it is worth considering that the root collar of the seedling should be located at the same level as the ground surface. When immersed in a hole, the roots of the plant should be carefully straightened to prevent the formation of air pockets.

    The seedlings will need special care after planting. It consists of abundant watering of the roots. Also, the plants will need pruning.

    As a rule, each branch is pruned by 40-50 cm.

After 2-3 days of planting, it is recommended to mulch. To do this, you can use peat or humus, laying the material around the trunks of shrubs.

As for the features of planting varietal varieties, special requirements No. Basically, both climbing decorative forms (Honeysuckle, Late, Brown, Curly) and non-poisonous varieties (Edible Honeysuckle) have a root system that grows underground up to 70-90 cm around the main stem.

How to care for plants

Edible honeysuckle, like other varieties of this crop (Caprifol, Brown, Tatar), is not considered “picky”. Often, plants require minimal care. With the right site selected, maintaining and growing shrubs will require watering and fertilizing. Water honeysuckle on hot days, as the plant is quite drought-resistant. As for fertilizing, complex fertilizers are suitable for all representatives of this crop.

For some forms, additional care includes preparing the bushes for wintering. Liana-like varieties will need pruning. It should be carried out in the second year after planting. This procedure will stimulate branching.

Spring pruning is carried out to remove dead branches. For old shrubs, such events are carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation.

In general, honeysuckle will be a real find for the gardener, capable of transforming the site and the buildings on it.

Honeysuckle - reaching almost 6 meters in height. Its lashes allow you to create stunning vertical. With their help, you can decorate trellises and arches; lashes also allow you to disguise old walls, cover etc. Curly is very unpretentious, different rapid growth and abundant flowering, during which it exudes a stable nice smell. It blooms until late autumn, pleasing the eye with its bright red fruits.

Did you know? The plant can live in one place for more than twenty years.

This variety is a hybrid, which was obtained from crossing the “evergreen” and “American” species. The height of this variety is 4 meters.
The leaves are elliptical in shape, wide, but with a sharp edge, reaching a length of 10 centimeters. The bicolor flowers cluster into buds that are creamy white on the inside and pink-orange on the outside. Many tubular flowers form large inflorescences that emit a unique aroma.

The flowering period lasts from June to September, sometimes it can continue into October, but with less intensity. Despite the fact that this flowering lasts longer than others, the hybrid does not bear fruit.

This variety does not shed its leaves in autumn, unlike other liana-like ones. Distinctive feature- slightly curled leaves that remain green even at -25 °C. They last all winter and fall off only with the onset of spring. At this time, young foliage begins to actively replace old leaves, and the plant itself puts out many new shoots.

Thanks to such amazing properties, it can decorate any structure that will be decorated with green foliage. all year round. At the very beginning of flowering, the plant blooms yellow or white flowers, which after some time acquire an orange-yellow hue. Flowering is a special period that is eagerly awaited by both experienced gardeners, and beginners alike. Immediately after Gerald's honeysuckle begins to bloom, a pronounced aroma spreads throughout the area, which is similar to the aroma.

Did you know? Known to many" wolfberry" also refers to the described plant.

The height of which is 5-6 meters, has oblong blunt leaves up to 10 centimeters in length. They are bright green above, bluish below. The upper pair of leaves grow together.

Thälmann's honeysuckle can be recognized by its flower - it is two-lipped and forms an inflorescence consisting of two whorls. Flowering is very abundant, occurs in June and lasts 12 days. The fruits are orange-yellow in color.