Types and varieties of decorative perennial daffodil. Types and varieties of decorative perennial daffodil Narcissus barrett browning

As soon as breeders do not name the varieties they have bred - both by the names of objects and natural phenomena, and the names of relatives and prominent people, and simply sonorous phrases! It's always interesting to know whether this is a random choice or certain flower does it really evoke a specific character for the flower growers who created it?

Many of the tens of thousands of varieties of daffodils are named famous people, including the Barrett Browning daffodil » from the small-crowned group. The famous Dutch breeder J.W.A.Lefeber registered this variety in 1945, immediately after the end of the Second World War, and work on its creation went on for many years. The result is an elegant, discreet variety early date flowering. The perianth lobes are elliptical, white, slightly yellowish when blooming. The flower is small, about 8 cm in diameter. The crown is cup-shaped, light orange, corrugated, with a darker orange border. Crown diameter 2 cm, height 1 cm. The variety is suitable for group plantings, for forcing into winter time. Reaches a height of 40-45 cm, reproduces well. How did this modest flower remind Lefebre of the talented English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning?

Elizabeth was born in the century before last, in 1806, into the family of a planter from the West Indies. Her family had its own secret. Whether this is true or not, there were dark-skinned people in their family (which could well have been, on plantations everything is possible), so the head of the family, Mr. Barrett, did his best to prevent the matrimonial intentions of his children. And there were a lot of children in the family; Lizy had two sisters and eight brothers. She lost her mother early, was a homely, sickly, serious child, she read and composed a lot herself. Poems, poems, articles, first literary success, and at the same time illness, nervous breakdowns, difficult treatment. When Elizabeth was about thirty years old, her family moved to London. Her life was spent almost in captivity, she spent whole days in a dark, stuffy bedroom, chained to the couch. Rare walks with her sister in a wheelchair, rare visits from friends, rare letters... In her words, “she lived like a bird in a cage.”

This went on for several years. And finally, the sleeping beauty woke up. A handsome prince appeared, an energetic young man who was able to encourage her not only to marry against her father’s will, but also to run away from home and secretly leave the family. Think for yourself, was it easy for a girl from a decent family, in prim England, in the strict nineteenth century, to decide on this? But it was impossible to resist the pressure of the young (he was six years younger than her) talented poet Robert Browning. It all started with correspondence, then the first meeting took place, which changed everything. From somewhere came the strength, the desire to move, to act. At forty she started new life, got married, moved from gloomy England with her husband to sun-drenched Italy, three years later gave birth to a baby, and at the same time did not give up her literary activity. The amazing love of two talented poets was reflected in poems and letters (their correspondence was published in two volumes). She remained forever in Italy, in the English Cemetery in Florence, he outlived her by more than twenty years and was buried in Westminster Abbey in London, but it seems that their feelings are alive now, in their poems.

Elizabeth Barrett-Browning. If you love

I love you so much? I love you beyond measure.

To the depths of the soul, to all its heights,

To transcendental sensual beauties,

To the depths of existence, to the ideal sphere.

To the needs of everyday life, to the very first,

Like the sun and a candle, simple worries,

I love as truth is the root of all freedoms,

And, like a prayer, a heart of pure faith.

I love with all my tart passion

Unfulfilled hopes, with all the childish thirst;

I love with the love of all my saints,

Those who left me, and with every sigh.

And death will come, I believe, and from there

I will love you even more.

Robert Browning. Kiss

All the breath of a blooming summer is one bee -

The wonders and wealth of the world are just diamonds -

Pearl heart - radiance and shadows of waves -

Truth is brighter than a diamond, sincerity is purer than pearls -

All this together and much more

In your kiss, woman.

Robert Browning. Confession

Do you think I'm tired of my life

And I see it as a valley of wasted tears?

To me the deathbed looks like a pedestal

And I am on the tombstone above the coffin in which I lay down.

You think I can’t reach the edge of the table

Pharmacy bottles wrapped in labels?

But it doesn't matter - I'm out of my corner

Attics and attics are clearly visible.

And there, under one of the highest roofs,

In the open frame, slightly in the back of the window

I see a woman and her gaze is open.

And, Lord, have mercy, how beautiful she is!

And I forget the pharmacy milestones,

I close my eyes and hear my pulse dancing.

And I silently think that how sweet it is to live

And feel the incomparable taste of love with the palate!

Perhaps it was precisely so that we remember these two talented poets that the breeder named his variety that way? And how interesting it would be to collect on your site at least a small number of varieties of trees, shrubs, flowers bearing the names famous people. In this case, you can show guests not only beautiful plants, but also talk about outstanding figures from different eras, because a gardener should not be interested only in plants and land, but be a well-rounded personality.

The Narcissus varieties stand out in particular. They were bred as a result of quite a long hybridization followed by selection.

So, in 1961, 9312 of their species, varieties, and varieties were registered in the International Directory of Daffodils. All of them are divided into 11 groups under common name Hybrid daffodils.

Let's consider representatives of each group of Narcissists:

  • Group 1. Tubular;
  • Group 2. Large-crowned;
  • Group 3. Small-crowned;
  • Group 4. Terry;
  • Group 5. Truandrusaceae;
  • Group 6. Cyclomenoids;
  • Group 7. Jonquilliaceae;
  • Group 7. Tatset;
  • Group 9. Poetic;
  • Group 10. All cultivated species.
  • Group 11. Others.

Each group has subgroups that differ in the color of the flower tube or crown, or perianth lobes.

  • Perianth lobes, tube and flower crown - yellow color;
  • Perianth lobes – white, crowns and tubes – yellow, orange, pink;
  • Perianth lobes, tubes, crowns are white;
  • The perianth lobes are yellow, the tube and crown are white.

Of particular importance are the Tubular, Large-crowned, Small-crowned, and Terry daffodils. Let us next consider the most popular types of daffodils belonging to the above groups

Group 1 – Tubular

Daffodils of this group have solitary flowers, the height of the flower tube is either equal to the length of the perianth lobes or longer than them. From this group, the following varieties, discussed below, stand out.

Narcissus All Glory – plant height 43 cm, flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter. The flowers have a pleasant but weak aroma. The perianth lobes are white, round; the flower tube is bright yellow, 4 cm high, 2.5 cm in diameter with a wavy edge. The plant blooms in early May and blooms for 11-19 days.

Narcissus Atlas – plant height 27 cm, flower diameter 9 cm. The perianth segments are intense yellow, oval. The flower tube is straight, its height is 4 cm, its diameter is 3.5 cm. The edge of the tube is strongly wavy. The plant blooms in early May and blooms for 10-16 days.

Narcissus Beersheba – plant height is 36 cm, the flowers are large, the diameter of which is 10 cm. The perianth lobes are white, with a slightly creamy tint. The flower tube is narrow, its height is 4.5 cm, it has a wide bell, the diameter of which is 3.2 cm. The tube is white with a cream tint, wavy along the edge. The plant blooms at the end of April and blooms for about 2 weeks. For the winter, the plant must be covered with dry leaves. It is used for forcing and for arranging bouquets.

Narcissus Covent Garden – plant height 40 cm, flower diameter – 9 cm. Perianth lobes lemon-yellow, lanceolate. The tube of the flower is yellow with a wavy edge. The plant blooms in early May, flowering lasts 6-17 days.

Narcissus Eskimo – plant height 30 cm, flower diameter – 9 cm, flowers have strong, pleasant aroma. The perianth lobes are white, with a cream tint; the tube of the flower is light brown. The plant blooms at the end of April for 11-14 days.

Narcissus Golden Harvest – plant height is 40 cm, the flowers are large, the diameter of which is 10.5 cm. The perianth lobes are canary yellow. The flower tube is long, up to 5 cm high, corrugated; has a wide bell, the diameter of which is 5 cm. The tube is conure-yellow in color with wavy edges. The plant blooms at the end of April and blooms for 12-20 days. The plant must be covered with dry leaves for the winter. Used for early forcing and for obtaining early bouquets of cut flowers grown in open ground.

Narcissus Mound Hood – plant height is 30 cm, the flowers are large, the diameter of which is 10.5 cm. Perianth lobes light cream color. The flower tube is wide, its height is 4 cm, its diameter is 4.5 cm. When the plant blooms, the tube acquires a more intense cream or yellow color. The plant blooms from the end of April, for 10 days. For the winter, the plant needs additional shelter, a layer of peat chips and dry, fallen leaves. Used to decorate bouquets of flowers grown in open ground.

Group 2 – Large-crowned

In this group of Narcissus, the crown is quite large, but slightly shorter than the perianth lobes, but more than a third of their length. The most popular varieties of daffodils stand out in the group; we will consider them below.

Narcissus Agaphon – plant height is up to 35 cm, the flowers are large, have a diameter of 9 cm. The perianth lobes are somewhat elongated, light lemon-yellow in color. The crown, the height of which is 4.5 cm, is dark-colored yellow and wavy. The plant begins to bloom in mid-April and blooms for 11-21 days.

Narcissus Cupid (Amor) – plant height is 45 cm, the flowers are large, the diameter of which is 11 cm. The perianth lobes are white, round-ovate. The crown is yellow in color and has an orange, wavy edge. The plant blooms in early May and blooms for 13-17 days.

Narcissus Carlton – the height of the plant reaches 40 cm, the flowers are large, the diameter of which is 10 cm, fragrant. The perianth lobes are lemon yellow. The crown, 3 cm high and 4 cm in diameter, is dark yellow with slightly wavy edges. The plant blooms at the end of April for 15-18 days. For the winter, the plant must be covered with dry leaves. Plant this Narcissus in large areas and groups. They are also used for decorating bouquets and for forcing.

Narcissus Sempre Avanti – plant height is 35 cm, the flowers are large, the diameter of which is 10 cm. The perianth lobes are light cream in color, light yellow at the base. The crown, the height of which is 2-2.5 cm, diameter - 3.5 cm, is bell-shaped. Narcissus blooms from the end of April and blooms for 10-12 days. For the winter it is necessary to cover with a small layer of peat chips and dry leaves. They are used in the design of large floral arrays and groups, as well as for bouquets and for forcing.

Group 3 – Fine-crown

In this group of Narcissus, the crown of the flower is about 1/3 the length of the perianth segments or somewhat shorter. This group includes the following most popular varieties of Narcissus.

Narcissus Arguros – plant height is 45 cm, flowers have a diameter of 8.5 cm. The perianth lobes are white, in the middle on the outer side of which there is a green stripe. The crown is greenish in color, its height is 0.6 cm, diameter is 1.7 cm. The edge of the crown orange color. The plant blooms in May and blooms for 11-14 days.

Narcissus Barrett Browning – plant height is 43 cm, flowers have a diameter of 8 cm. The perianth lobes are round and white. The crown of the flower is corrugated, dark orange. The plant blooms in April-May for 6-16 days.

Narcissus Flower record – plant height is 30-35 cm, the flowers are large, the diameter of which is about 9 cm, and have a pleasant aroma. The perianth lobes are light cream in color. The crown of the flower, whose height is 1.2 cm, diameter - 3 cm, is yellow, has a narrow orange border along the edge. The plant blooms at the end of April for 12-14 days. For the winter it is necessary to cover with a small layer of peat chips and dry leaves. Used for decoration landscape plantings, for arranging bouquets and forcing.

Group 4 – Terry

This group includes Daffodils with large, densely doubled, fragrant flowers and perianth lobes from 6 to 26 pieces. We will consider the most common varieties below.

Narcissus Golden Castle – plant height is 39 cm, the flowers are large, have a diameter of 9 cm. The perianth lobes, the number of which is about 26 pieces, are light yellow. The plant blooms in April and blooms for 9-17 days.

Narcissus Golden Ducat – plant height 39 cm, large flowers, 8.5 cm in diameter, fragrant. The perianth lobes are 24 pieces, broadly lanceolate, lemon-yellow in color. The outer perianth lobes have a green spot along the back. Blooms in April for 8-17 days.

Narcissus Mary Copeland – plant height is 40 cm, flowers have a diameter of 8 cm. The perianth segments are white, with a cream tint, round-oval, and have carrot-orange outgrowths. The plant blooms in April-May for a month.

Narcissus Pencrebar – plant height is 20 cm, the flowers are fragrant, their diameter is 5 cm.

Narcissus Snowball – plant height is 43 cm, flowers, 8 cm in diameter, have a strong, pleasant aroma. In the center of the flower there is a rosette consisting of small lobes of a white crown. Perianth lobes, 6 pieces, white. The plant blooms in May, for 9-14 days.

Narcissus Inglescomb – plant height is 40 cm, the flowers are densely double, have up to 40 lemon-yellow petals, the diameter of the petals is up to 8 cm. The plant blooms at the end of April for 12 days. Recommended for decorating bouquets.

Group 5 – Triandrusaceae

In this group of Narcissus, drooping flowers are observed, located on the peduncle in the amount of 2-6 pieces. The perianth lobes are slightly curved backwards. Next, we will consider the most popular varieties of this group.

Narcissus Stoke – plant height is 35 cm, flowers have a diameter of 7 cm. The perianth lobes are light lemon-yellow in color, rather narrow, pitted at the edges. The crown is also light lemon yellow. The plant blooms in April for 11-27 days.

Narcissus Hawera – plant height 30 cm, flowers are light lemon-yellow, collected in the amount of 4-6 pieces per inflorescence. The plant blooms in April.

Narcissus Silver Chimes – plant height 35 cm, perianth elegant, pure white. The crown is pale yellow. The inflorescence consists of 4-6 flowers. The plant blooms in April.

Group 6 – Cyclamenoides

Daffodils of this group are early flowering. Their perianth lobes are quite strongly bent back. The most common varieties are discussed below.

Narcissus Baby Doll – plant height is 20 cm, flowers, 6 cm in diameter, have a pleasant aroma. The perianth segments are bright yellow, somewhat elongated. The tube is also bright yellow, the edge of which is strongly wavy. Narcissus blooms in April, for 9-15 days.

Narcissus February Gold – plant height is 30 cm, the flowers are drooping, have a diameter of 7 cm and a strong pleasant aroma. The perianth lobes are elongated and yellow; the crown is also yellow, notched along the edge. Narcissus blooms in April for 16-19 days.

Narcissus Garden Princess – plant height is 40 cm, flowers, 7 cm in diameter, have a strong, fragrant aroma. The perianth lobes are yellow, strongly bent towards the peduncle. The crown is also yellow, somewhat wavy at the edges. Narcissus blooms in April and blooms for 8-17 days.

Narcissus Jenny – plant height 40 cm, fragrant flowers, diameter 8 cm. Perianth lobes pale cream color, narrowly lanceolate. The crown is cream-colored, wavy at the edges. The plant blooms in April, for 13-19 days.

Group 7 – Jonquils

This group includes Daffodils with small, very fragrant flowers, which are located on a peduncle from 2 to 6 pieces. The most common varieties are those described below.

Narcissus Golden Smile – plant height 31 cm, flowers with a strong aroma, have a diameter of 10 cm. The perianth lobes are bright yellow, the flower tube is also bright yellow with wavy edges. The plant blooms at the end of April, for 14-20 days.

Narcissus Suzy – plant height is 42 cm, flowers, 6 cm in diameter, have a pleasant, strong aroma. The perianth lobes are light yellow, rounded. The crown of the flower has a slightly wavy edge and is light orange in color. The plant blooms in May, for 13-20 days.

Narcissus Sweetness – plant height is 36 cm, flowers have a diameter of 6 cm and a strong, fragrant aroma. The perianth lobes and crown are lemon yellow. The plant blooms in May, for 9-17 days.

Group 8 – Tacet

This group includes Daffodils, which have medium-sized, fragrant, yellow or white flowers. There are 3-5 or more flowers on the peduncle. Next we describe the most popular varieties.

Narcissus Martha Washington – plant height 29 cm, flowers are white, 5-6 cm in diameter. The crown is dark yellow, has a dark orange edge. The plant blooms in May, for 9-13 days.

Narcissus Horace – the flower is white, the crown is dark yellow, has a dark red border, blooms in May.

Narcissus Innocence – perianth pure white. The crown is canary yellow. Blooms in May.

Group 9 – Poetic

In this group there are single flowers milky white. The crown is small, flat, bright. Let's look at the most famous varieties.

Narcissus Milan – plant height 50 cm, flowers are fragrant, white, diameter 9 cm. The crown is lemon yellow. Blooms in April for 10-14 days.

Narcissus Red Rim – the perianth is white, the crown is yellow with a wide red border. Blooms in April.

Group 10 - All cultivated species

It includes all types of Narcissus that are grown in cultivation, as well as their natural hybrids.

Group 11 – Other

For example, group Narcissus Split (Split) , in which the coroneal lobes are divided. The most famous of the other types of Narcissus are described below.

Narcissus Baccarat (Baccaratt) – plant height is 42 cm, flowers, whose diameter is 9 cm, have a strong aroma. The perianth lobes are light creamy yellow, oval. The crown lobes are dark canary yellow, separated. The length of the crown lobes is 3.5 cm, width is 6.5 cm. The plant blooms at the end of April, 7-16 days.

Narcissus Canasta – plant height is 38 cm, the flowers are large, their diameter is 11 cm, very fragrant. The perianth lobes are white and round. The crowns are white, split, 9.5 cm in diameter, pressed against the perianth lobes. The plant blooms in April.

Article No. 1953256

Daffodils- one of the most common bulbous plants in our gardens. They are beautiful and unpretentious, have a wide variety of shades and shapes, and go well with other spring flowers: tulips, crocuses and hyacinths. Daffodils grow well in both open and slightly shaded areas, protected from strong winds. Daffodils are best suited to light sandy loam soil rich in humus with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The soil should be loose, breathable, and well-drained, since stagnation of water leads to poor growth and soaking of the bulbs. Best time landings in middle lane Russia - from mid-August to mid-September, in the south - in October. The area for planting daffodils is processed in advance: the soil is dug up, river sand and humus. The bulbs are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other to a depth of 12-15 cm. For the winter, the plantings are covered with a 15 cm layer of dry leaves or straw. In the spring, after the snow melts, the shelter is removed. From the moment of emergence of seedlings, systematic loosening of the soil is carried out. If there is a lack of moisture (if there is no rain), watering is necessary throughout the growing season. Fertilizing is carried out the first time in the spring, at seedlings, the second (nitrogen and potassium) - during budding, and the third (phosphorus and potassium) - during flowering. After flowering, the ovaries are removed. After the first frost, daffodils are covered with dry leaves (15 cm), straw, and spruce branches. Daffodils can grow in one place for many years, gradually turning into “wild” flowers. As the flowering shoots decrease, the bulbs are dug up and replanted. Harvesting and dividing the bulbs is usually carried out after 2-3 years. From mid-August, after the leaves die, the bulbs are dug up, dried and stored until the next planting at a temperature of +16..+18 C.