VGU rating lists. We tell and show VSU applicants how to enter one of the best universities in the country. Faculty of Computer Science

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VSU Admissions Committee

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Latest reviews from VSU

Valeria Korzhova 10:51 09/20/2018

How can you treat students like this!? The audience is filled with a whole stream (8 groups!), the lecture lasts without the legally established 5-minute break, but that’s nothing. The classroom is stuffy and it is impossible to write continuously in such a classroom! In addition to students, teachers also complain about this, but there is no action on their own. I will write every time it gets stuffy! I hasten to say from the student’s words that this factor affects performance, not to mention the schedule with which...

Lidia Anisimova 16:37 02.10.2016

Good day to all!

I am writing a review because I no longer have the strength to endure this chaos! *VGU* only sounds serious, but in reality it’s no good. I studied at VSU for 4 years. Where to go? You need to get an education. But these 4 years, I can openly say, I *sat my pants*. Not in the sense that I didn’t do anything (I graduated with honors), but because they didn’t teach us anything. The teachers were late for lectures, and if they arrived on time, they started the couple off with some gossip and that...

general information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education"Voronezh State University»

VSU branches

VSU colleges


No. 01752 valid indefinitely from 11/10/2015


No. 01551 valid from 09.12.2015

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for VSU

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)5 6 7 7 7 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study68.05 66.99 67.09 66.59 64.94 69.69
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget73.32 70.99 71.10 69.74 70.64 74.02
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis64.21 63.85 64.10 63.75 60.75 67.09
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled46 47.49 46.89 48.83 46.29 47.87
Number of students17135 17515 17810 16845 18384 18877
Full-time department13730 13897 14144 12898 13981 13926
Part-time department571 621 837 1180 1177 1327
Extramural2834 2997 2829 2767 3226 3624
All data

Voronezh State University is the largest university in the Black Earth Region, a cultural and research center of Russia, which includes 18 faculties, 3 branches (Borisoglebsk, Liski, Stary Oskol), 16 research laboratories, 10 educational, research and production centers, Zonal science Library, containing more than 3 million storage units. Active at VSU educational programs higher vocational education cover 24 enlarged groups of areas and specialties of training: mathematics and mechanics; computer and information sciences; physics and astronomy; chemistry; geosciences; biological sciences; Informatics and Computer Science; electronics, radio engineering and communication systems; photonics, instrumentation, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies; nuclear energy and technology; pharmacy; psychological sciences; economics and Management; sociology and social work; jurisprudence; political science and regional studies; facilities mass media and information and library science; service and tourism; education and pedagogical sciences; linguistics and literary criticism; history and archaeology; philosophy, ethics and religious studies; art history; cultural studies and sociocultural projects. Over the 97 years of its existence, the university has trained over 120 thousand specialists. Voronezh State University is one of the leading classical universities in Russia. Among the 1646 university teachers there are 277 doctors of science, professors, 856 candidates of science, associate professors. In our country and abroad, the university reserve “Galichya Mountain” is widely known - the only reserve in Europe owned by a university, one of the unique natural areas of Central Russia; a library that stores rare books in its collection, including those dating from the 16th century. copies. The university also includes 11 museums. Currently, research work at the university is carried out by more than 1,400 teachers, more than 100 researchers. Scientific research at the university is carried out in 28 main scientific areas, among which several areas relate to the field of nanosystems, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. Currently, the university is implementing 19 such projects: 10 – Erasmus+, 5 – Tempus, 1 – Erasmus Mundus, 3 projects within the framework of FP7. The university also participates in DAAD programs. Every year, Voronezh State University organizes more than 60 international, Russian, regional and city scientific conferences and seminars. University staff are actively involved innovation activities. The developments of university scientists regularly receive awards at exhibitions at various levels. The University provides postgraduate education within the framework of postgraduate studies, doctoral studies and the Institute of Additional Professional Education. Voronezh State University sees itself as: - a modern, competitive university in the European Center of Russia, meeting international standards of educational quality; - among all-Russian leaders in fundamental and applied research in the field of natural sciences and humanities , preserving and developing the best traditions of Russian higher education;, 13 percent of whose population are students; - in all key indicators of the structure and activities of universities, VSU is not inferior (it is in the top four), and in some (the number of foreign students, the number of publications of the Higher Attestation Commission, the number of publications in international base Web of Knowledge data) significantly exceeds existing federal universities. Voronezh State University will contribute in every possible way to the prosperity of Russia, socio-economic and cultural development Central Black Earth region and Voronezh region, strengthening innovative sectors of the domestic economy, implementing the requirements and tasks generated by the “knowledge economy”.

Technical Secretary of the VSU Admissions Committee in 2018

What does the Ministry of Education require?

One of the main reasons why the ratings are so unclear is the lack of clear government requirements. The main document for university admissions committees is order Ministry of Education. There is little and vague information about the ranking of applicants.

Everything is spelled out in Chapter V of the document. Let's explain in simple words what is required from the university:

  • A representative of the university should talk about the structure of the rating.
  • The university is obliged to publish the results of the competition in advance known dates. In 2018, the results of the first wave will be on August 3, the second - on August 8.
  • The ranking must be published on the official website of the university in the public domain.
  • The ranking must indicate which quotas the applicant is applying for. He may have benefits (be a target student, an Olympiad winner, an orphan, a person with a disability, a contract soldier) or qualify in a general competition for a budget or paid place.
  • The rating must be updated daily.
  • The university must indicate whether you are admitted with your scores. Here is the wording from the order, it is important:“In the lists of persons who submitted documents, for each applicant (with the exception of persons applicants without entrance examinations) information about whether he/she is entering training on the basis of Unified State Exam results and (or) based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the organization independently (clause 51).”

The university should not require an original certificate from the applicant. Each university decides independently whether to separate applicants with copies and originals of documents into different ratings.

What's in reality

The main drawback. The rating of applicants takes into account all applicants: both with the original certificate and with a copy. According to the rules, an applicant can take copies of documents to 5 universities for 3 specialties in each - a maximum of 15 faculties. As a result, the rating is “inflated” by copies and does not give a real picture.

Recommended lists.If you do not bring the original to the university for a particular specialty, you will not be able to be enrolled. If the university does not have good rating, which answers the question of whether you are admitted or not, it will issue lists of “recommended for admission.” Such paper does not guarantee you anything.

To attract more applicants with originals, the university includes in the list more people than real places in the faculty. Such paper is issued 1-2 times during the entire admissions campaign, although it must be updated daily.

The best option.It is most convenient if the website has a separate list of applicants with originals or is sorted by the type of documents submitted. If such a rating is updated once a day, then you will be able to know whether you are applying or not.

If you have not yet brought the original to the university, then count the people with the originals and compare with the number budget places by faculty. This way the chance of admission will be clear.

Applicant Petrov brought documents for 3 specialties and indicated them in order of priority: physics, astronomy, mechanical engineering. Along with the application, he leaves the original certificate. He doesn't have enough points to enroll in physics. Above Petrov in the ranking are people with higher scores, but with copies of their certificates. Technically, he is defined according to his second priority, astronomy. In reality: if Petrov does not change anything, and people with copies do not bring the original, he will enroll in physics.

The rating in this case does not reflect the real picture. Petrov will be ranked according to his second priority, but will be admitted to the first. This is because the rating takes into account both applicants with copies of certificates and originals.

Why is it so difficult?After all, universities should try to make the website as convenient as possible for applicants. Yes and no.

Why not: due to the demographic gap, many universities do not attract students. And those who are recruiting want to teach the smartest guys. Opaque ratings allow faculties to manipulate applicants and force them to leave the originals. Remember, the words of people from the admissions committee are not a guarantee of admission.

Sometimes bad listings are the fault of developers who do their work in bad faith.

Why yes: it is physically impossible to endlessly communicate with all applicants and parents. The university posts a rating and thinks it is good. But in the end, due to a misunderstanding, the applicant takes the documents and takes them to a weak university, where he will definitely enroll.

Each university chooses its own methods of fighting for applicants. Someone is campaigning for strong teachers, a good reputation and employment of graduates. Someone is manipulating the ratings. There are also those who use both tactics.

What else might you encounter?Each university has its own information systems, and therefore the ratings will differ. It happens that the university doesn’t bother at all and uploads a Word file. This is even more difficult to figure out.

What to do

  1. Figure it out.Most likely, it will take you more than one hour to understand how the site works. Be strong and call admissions committee university Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand something.
  2. Look for lists with originals.This list is the most transparent and makes it clear whether you are applying or not. Only the applicant who brings the original can be admitted to the university. If there is such a list on the university website, check it daily. The situation can change very quickly.
  3. Don't forget about the waves.Not everyone is enrolled at once. First, an order will be issued to enroll applicants with benefits. Then 80% of the budget places will be filled through a general competition. This is called the first wave. After this, you can take the original certificate to the university for another 3 days. Then the remaining 20% ​​of applicants are enrolled in the second wave.
  4. Rely only on yourself.The worst situation is if you remain in the second wave at the bottom of the rankings. At any moment, a person with high scores and originality can come and oust you. The university may not call you. Therefore, call the university yourself and find out how many originals were brought today for the specialties that are indicated in your application.
  5. Don't be gullible.The commission is interested in not letting you go to another university. Universities hold on to applicants with high scores. And if there is a shortage at the university, then they will hold on to any applicant who brought the original.

Do not forget that they must give you the original immediately upon your request. Demand it and don't believe in excuses.