Destruction of stumps. How to remove a stump from an old tree on a property

The appearance of stumps on garden plot associated with the periodic renewal of fruit trees, their natural death and clearing of the construction site. The presence of tree frames reduces the aesthetics of the garden area, complicates free movement and makes it impossible to erect new buildings. To return the space to its proper appearance and usability, you need to get rid of the stumps. Only in rare cases can they be left, adapted for a table or an artistically designed flower bed.

There are several ways

The process of stump removal does not always involve the use of special equipment and the involvement of specialists. It is quite possible to do it yourself, using only available tools and materials.

There are two approaches to destroying stumps - chemical and physical. Chemical methods(without uprooting) are based on the treatment of wood residues with reagents leading to their accelerated destruction or complete burnout during combustion. Physical methods (usual manual uprooting) involve the use of classic work tools - a shovel, a saw and an ax.

Removal using saltpeter - chemical burning

This approach is universal for destroying stumps in most garden areas and adjacent areas. The essence of the method is to burn wood residues soaked in saltpeter, a strong oxidizing agent. A stump remover (potassium or sodium nitrate) allows not only the above-ground part of the cut tree to burn out, but also the deep roots.

The principle of preparation for removal is as follows:

  • Several holes are drilled in the wood using the thickest drills possible. The process takes place in late summer or early autumn;
  • potassium or sodium nitrate is poured into the resulting perforation to the top, which should then be poured with water to intensify the impregnation of the wood;
  • the top of the holes is closed with pre-cut wooden plugs or wrapped plastic film, tightly tied along a tree trunk.

The prepared stump remains in this state until next summer. During this time, the entire root system is saturated with saltpeter and dries out. A fire is built around the stump, which must be maintained until the frame is completely destroyed. If the top cut of the stump is located flush with the ground, additional recesses can be drilled into it for pouring gasoline or kerosene. The combustible mixture is ignited, initiating the procedure of combustion and smoldering of the hemp throughout the entire volume. After complete burnout, the place where the stump was located is dug up and covered with earth.

How to quickly remove a stump without uprooting it using saltpeter, watch the video:

For one stump left from fruit tree medium size (up to 15 cm in diameter), about 2 kg of saltpeter is consumed. Its quantity affects primarily not the completeness, but the rate of wood burning. To achieve maximum destruction of the stump, including the roots, you should wait until the tree completely dries out after winter and spring rains.

For reference, in order for 1 kg of saltpeter to fit into a stump, you need to make twenty holes with a diameter of 1 cm, five holes with a diameter of 2 cm, or two holes with a diameter of 3 cm (depth - 30 cm). The thicker the drill, the faster the work will go.

Advantages of the method:

  • minimum physical effort to prepare;
  • almost complete removal of residues, with the exception of the deepest roots;
  • ease of implementation;
  • lack of green shoots from the remains of roots in the future.


  • During impregnation, the soil is saturated with nitrate. She happens to be good fertilizer, however harmful in large quantities for tuber and fruit crops;
  • long wait between preparing the stump and destroying it;
  • the need to purchase, store and transport chemicals.

The process of burning a stump under the influence of nitrate:

This method should be used with caution in peaty areas to avoid peat fire. Tree roots can go to considerable depths, becoming saturated with saltpeter to the very tips. Slow smoldering of root wood, which occurs with limited air flow, often initiates prolonged burning of peat deposits.

Decomposition by urea

Preparation of a stump using this method is completely identical to the use of nitrate - the stump is perforated with drills of maximum diameter, and carbamide (urea) is poured into the resulting holes. The top of the holes is filled with water, after which the stump is tightly wrapped with a polymer film. After 1-2 years, the woody debris completely rots, and in its place is a fertile layer of soil.

Do not confuse urea and ammonium nitrate with each other. . This is absolutely different connections– urea is relatively harmless, while ammonium nitrate is quite explosive and toxic.

Advantages of the method:

  • minimum physical work;
  • the soil is not contaminated with nitrates;
  • The stump is completely removed. This makes the site suitable for development, setting up flower beds and planting with any garden and vegetable crops.


  • Very long term stump destruction;
  • the need to purchase additional materials;
  • high consumption of chemicals to remove several stumps.

For reference, to place 1 kg of urea in a stump, you will have to make about thirty holes with a diameter of 1 cm, eight holes with a diameter of 2 cm, or four holes with a diameter of 3 cm (30 cm deep). The consumption of urea for removing a medium-sized stump is selected in the same way as when laying nitrate.

Precautions when working with chemicals:

When using any fertilizers, it is recommended to use protective equipment. Suitable for working with saltpeter old clothes and hand gloves. When working with urea, you do not need to use such precautions, but spread the chemical over the entire area and take it with bare hands It's also not worth it.

It is advisable not to plant plants whose fruits or tubers will be eaten around the stumps being removed. It should also be taken into account that high concentrations saltpeter can “burn out” plantings at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the stump, so take care in advance about replanting the plants that you want to preserve.

Uprooting a stump with your own hands

You can quickly remove a stump using a tractor, excavator or uprooter ( hand cutter). Bringing large equipment can be inconvenient or even impossible due to the presence of fences, plants and equipped paths on the site. Buying a manual uprooter or hiring a specialist with his own tool is a very expensive undertaking just to remove one stump. To save money and effort, you need to attract one or two assistants and stick to general rules work.

Preparation for the procedure: Before removing a stump, it must be cleared of the surrounding soil. To do this, you can go two ways:

  1. excavate about half a meter of the nearest space using a small bayonet shovel. To prevent the soil from rolling back, it is thrown to the side with a shovel tool;
  2. dig a hole with a diameter and depth of about 1 and 0.5 m at a distance of 1-2 m from the stump, equipping it with a drain (gutter) from the remains of the tree. Then the soil around the stump is washed away with a stream of water from a hose. The greater its pressure, the faster access to the upper root system will open.

Removing the frame using a winch: To get a stump out of the ground, you can tie it along the trunk and roots with a metal cable pulled through a winch. The cable should extend to the winch from the place of the cut, thereby providing leverage for overturning the stump. The winch is mounted on a firmly fixed pole or other tree.

Mechanical removal: If it is impossible to use a winch, the tree frame can be removed by chopping or sawing off its roots. The specific method depends on the degree of openness of the roots and the availability of access to them with an ax or saw. If it is not possible to expose the root, you can cut it right in the ground using a pick - a metal scrap or a thin pipe with an ax welded at one end. Windshield wipers often use a similar tool to remove ice from asphalt.

After cutting off the side branches, a central pillar usually remains, which is difficult to approach. It is already turning from side to side and partially rotating around its axis. You can break it with a deep vertical root by active turns and tilts in different directions.

Relatively easy way uprooting a stump without the use of special equipment:

Pros and cons of self-uprooting


  • minimal monetary and financial costs;
  • high speed of work (per day you can destroy the remains of two or three large trees).


  • significant labor intensity of the process;
  • in some cases it is impossible to approach the stump and dig a hole of suitable size (due to nearby paths or flower beds);
  • lateral and vertical roots remain in the place of the stump, which can interfere with construction;
  • the need to attract additional assistants.

To remove a small dry stump (no more than 10 cm in diameter), you can break it with a long crowbar using brute force. First, the stump is split in the middle by blows, and then the resulting fragments are loosened with a crowbar, like a lever, breaking off 10-15 cm below ground level.

Precautions you should not forget

While working with a winch, the stump being removed may suddenly jump out of the ground and fly several meters in the air. Because of this, you should move away from the possible flight path of the tree and remember that a broken rope or cable can also cause serious injury.

Safety elements when cutting roots:

  • when using an ice pick, you must place your feet wide so as not to accidentally hit them through a layer of crumbled earth;
  • You cannot come close to a person with an ax or chop down a tree stump together. Follow the rule - one chops, the other rests;
  • When working with an ax, you should stand on your legs widely spaced so as not to be injured by the tip bouncing off a hard root.

What should you consider when choosing a removal method?

There are several criteria by which you can determine the optimal approach.

  1. The mechanized method involving large special equipment is suitable for clearing a building site and requires free space and access routes. The method is suitable for removal large number stumps
  2. The chemical method is suitable for subsequent construction and renovation of the garden, if you have time to wait 1-2 years. Urea is ideally suited for obtaining a fertile area and has a minimum of negative effects, while saltpeter in high concentrations has a “scalding” effect on plants.
  3. Manual removal is used in most situations where a suitable sized hole can be dug around the stump. The method requires significant physical effort and minimal financial investment.

An area cleared of stumps can be used much more effectively than an area with uncollected tree trunks. Stumps prevent you from fully realizing the beautiful landscape composition, with the exception of rare design solutions. In addition to excellent functionality, well maintained area always pleasing to the eye and safe for recreation and use economic activity. By spending a few days clearing the area of ​​stumps, you can simplify harvesting and caring for your home area for many years to come.

Often, when developing a new territory or when purchasing a summer cottage, we are burdened with the stumps of trees that were once cut down. AND how to remove a stump on a property becomes our problem. Even in a garden grown with your own hands, sooner or later you have to face a situation when you need to remove an old, diseased or damaged tree, and, accordingly, the stump after it. Do it yourself or invite specialists - the choice is yours. In any case, you can’t escape uprooting, and before deciding how to remove the stump, you need to understand some nuances:

  1. The first thing we focus on is this is how much it costs to remove a tree stump, and according to the information received, the final decision is made.
  2. The second important fact arising from the first point will be dimensions of the object to be removed. The larger the stump you get, the harder it will be to uproot it, and therefore it is not always possible to rely only on your own strength; you have to involve special equipment or specialists.
  3. How to properly remove a stump is also an important point. For each specific case, you must choose desired method removal. For example, if you are planning to level a construction site, it is better for you to remove stumps using a tractor, but when you need to remove a stump in the cramped conditions of a built-up area, you will have to come up with something else. If you expect to remove the stump yourself, but do not have incredible strength, then you should consider chemical method destruction and so on.
  4. Timing of the operation. The method of removing the stump that will need to be used may also depend on how long you are willing to wait for the result. If you are ready to wait a year, then you can give preference to chemistry. And when the future garden needs to be rejuvenated this spring, you can look for faster options.
  5. How to remove a tree stump at your dacha with the help of specialists? You call a company employee to the site or clarify the cost and method over the phone. As a rule, in such organizations they will always be happy to tell you how and what to do and will try to explain to you as fully as possible what’s what.

"Arborist" - a company with many years of experience, whose specialists can solve any problem related to a remaining stump, bush or unnecessary tree. For company employees, the question of how to remove a tree stump, bush or tree itself is not a problem. Many small nuances during work can qualitatively affect the result, so when making a decision it is advisable to consult directly with professionals.

How to remove stumps in a garden plot?

The whole variety of methods “how to easily remove a large stump” can be divided into three large categories according to how the work is done:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • manual ways to remove tree stump.

Each of them has both pros and cons of use, which again depends on the situation of use, terrain, scale of the process, dimensions of the object and site, the degree of damage to the wood, and so on. But let’s start the description with the simplest one, where no special physical expenditures are required on the part of the event participants.

"Arborist" will help solve problems with the disposal of logging waste, which we will quickly remove from the site where the work was carried out. We will remove the garbage even if the main tree removal work was not carried out by us. Our company is engaged in purchasing firewood of various tree species, all we need to do is simply

The stump left from a cut down tree greatly spoils the appearance of the summer cottage. Sometimes a stump can be somehow decorated, decorated under a flower bed, or made one of the elements of decorating the site. Create the impression that the stump is located on the site on purpose, fulfills decorative function not difficult. But in most cases, they still want to get rid of stumps. A thick growth often comes from the stump, which is incredibly difficult to fight with your hands and on our own. How to remove both the stump and the growth from its root system on the site, how to do this as quickly as possible and with less effort? Anyone who has encountered this problem knows how much effort this requires. and how long does this scourge poison the joy of gardening?

There are several methods for removing a stump

Method one - chemical

You will need saltpeter. Saltpeter must be diluted in water. This solution is necessary long time pour a little into the stump. First, hollow out a hole or drill holes so that the liquid accumulates inside the stump and does not flow down it to the ground.

When the stump is well saturated with saltpeter and completely dry, it will need to be set on fire. This method is very effective. In this case, the stump completely burns out, even the underground part of the stump burns out along with the shoots.

If the site is located on peat deposits, then this method should NEVER be used. Peat can catch fire!

In such an area, ordinary coarse (commercial) salt can be used to remove the stump. You need to cover the stump with salt and wait a while. Salt will turn wood into dust. You can buy industrial salt in construction stores.

Use salt in summer cottages with extreme caution. Plants near a stump covered with salt may die.

It is advisable to destroy a stump with salt only to clear a site for construction country house or outbuildings.

The second method is mechanical.

Exist special machines to destroy stumps. The easiest way is to buy from hardware store such a car. With its help, you can literally chop a stump into chips in ten minutes. This car costs a lot of money. It is not economically feasible to buy it to destroy one or two stumps. You can ask for a car like this for a while in some garden society. There are often commercial gardeners there with whom you can negotiate.

Method three is uprooting the stump.

Around the stump at a distance of one and a half meters you need to dig up the ground. Run a stream of water from a hose there. Wait until the ground is washed away by water until roots appear. Using a sharp saw, make two deep cuts in the center of the stump, almost to the ground, and cut out a piece about ten centimeters wide. Then, using a crowbar, rock the stump, trying to uproot it from the ground.

It will not be easy to uproot a large stump from an old tree this way. Often the roots spread over a large area. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of time to uproot.

Some companies perform stump destruction work. For a certain fee, a team of workers will uproot and remove the stump from your summer cottage. Perhaps this is a good way to get rid of old stumps if you have a lot of them or have one, but a very solid one.

The fourth method is to remove the above-ground part of the stump and fight the growth.

Preventing the growth of new shoots. You will need ammonium sulfate. The stump needs to be cut down as close to the ground as possible. Drill several holes in the stump and pour ammonium sulfate into them. Seal the holes with something (clay, plasticine). If you have an electric (or gas) saw and drill, then this method is the easiest for you.

The shoots, which will certainly grow and annoy you after the death of the main tree, cease to appear on the surface after such an operation. The entire root system dies, which is what is required when removing old trees from the site.

Ennoble old garden much more difficult than breaking a new one in a vacant lot. Those who received such a plot know this firsthand. Sometimes it takes more than one year to fight stumps and overgrowth. All stump removal methods are good if they do not endanger surrounding soil and do not risk causing a fire that you cannot handle on your own.

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Destruction of stumps on the site- this is something that any owner faces sooner or later country house or dachas. If you think that this problem will not affect you, you are at least mistaken. Why do we need a suburban area? Everyone will answer this question differently: for some, it’s an opportunity to take a break from the fast pace of life in a modern metropolis, for others, it’s an end in itself to please relatives with a self-grown harvest, and still others successfully combine the solitude of country life with the opportunity to dig in the ground. Absolutely everyone wants to achieve comfort and harmony in their area. To do this, you need to properly care for it; this is the only way it will reciprocate: please you with greenery and bear fruit.

Destruction of tree stumps occurs when the unnecessary plant has already been cut down, felled, and the waste is disposed of or sawn into firewood. That’s when the question arises: what to do with the remaining stump, which doesn’t seem to be much of a nuisance, but at the same time, the opportunity to plant something else in its place looks more tempting. In such a situation it will be important choose the right method, which will help you solve the problem efficiently, save time and money or even enjoy the process. After all, everything that is not done should happen for the good and with minimal costs. Any work should, first of all, bring pleasure, and if this work is done for oneself, then it is a doubly pleasant event. It’s another matter when the work on destroying unnecessary stumps is carried out by an organization specializing in the removal of green spaces. Here it is important to choose the right specialist who will carry out the process efficiently and within the stated time frame.

"Arborist" has been specializing in problems when necessary for many years destruction of tree stumps(old or interfering). Our specialists are ready to select a method for eliminating the residue especially for you. former tree and carry out deletion. We approach each individually specific situation, and our methods are always agreed upon in advance with the customer so as not to waste each other’s precious time. What also sets us apart is that we love the work we do. Call us and you won't regret it!

Methods for destroying stumps

In order to understand which method of destruction to choose, it is enough to understand how it happens, how much time it takes, Money and physical effort. Once you set your priorities, you will immediately and easily accept the right decision. Our task is to facilitate your choice to one degree or another.

First of all, according to the methods of implementation, we can distinguish:

  • chemical destruction of stumps,
  • manual removal of stumps,
  • mechanized removal using tools and using special equipment.

Chemical destruction of stumps

There are a number of drugs that can be used to easily get rid of the problem of the remaining stump. But in the chemical method, like a coin, there are two sides. One is that the method is quite cheap and does not require any physical effort on the part of the person who will carry out the removal. It is enough to carry it out correctly preparatory stage works and everything is in the bag. This is where the second side of the process is shown, namely - stump destruction time. At first it’s a little scary, because this figure is from six months to one and a half years. There is something to think about. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that with such destruction, any stumps are removed more efficiently, along with the most extensive root system that can be found in a plant. In addition, no harm is caused to the rest of the greenery growing on the site; lawns, beds and soil remain untouched. If you stick to the dosage, it is impossible to harm the soil and other plant roots. Let's look at the types of chemical removal:

  • Destruction of stumps with saltpeter - the most common method, a description of which can be found in any specialized literature. Sodium and potassium nitrate are used. The essence of the method is to introduce as much of the drug into the wood as possible. On next year When the entire stump is saturated with the substance down to the very last root, a fire is lit on it and all the wood burns out completely, even those roots that are deep in the ground. As you know, when heated, saltpeter releases oxygen, which contributes to the complete burning of the stump. Technically, the whole process looks like this: several are drilled into the stump deep holes(noticeably right down to the ground), into which the drug is then poured. The number of holes should be approximately 3:1, i.e. On a stump with a diameter of 30 cm, about 10 holes need to be drilled. Then, covered with saltpeter and filled with water, they are sealed and left for the winter. It is advisable to carry out the process at the end of summer or beginning of autumn; it should not be delayed until the onset of cold weather, since the time of destruction of the stump will also increase. After six months to a year, this stump destroyer will thoroughly saturate the wood and root system it turns into dust, which easily burns without leaving any traces. The only limitation for this method of destruction is the impossibility of carrying it out on peat soils. This could lead to large-scale underground fires, which would be extremely difficult to stop. In other cases, on sandy or clay soils nothing will stop you from using this data simple method destruction.
  • Urea (or ammonium nitrate)- another drug for destroying stumps, allowing you to remove everything without leaving a residue and even without setting it on fire. Under the influence of this substance, wood undergoes increased self-decomposition to the state of rot. As a result, the stump can be pulled out with a shovel, without any effort or uprooting. In fact, urea itself is a good nitrogen fertilizer, so you don’t have to dig up the stump, just cover it with soil after applying the drug, and after a couple of years you can plant beds or plant a flowerbed in this place. The stump will rot in the ground along with the rhizome and turn the soil into a fertile area for future plantings. Urea is added in the same way as ordinary saltpeter, then watered and sealed.
  • Destruction of stumps with salt- works the same as the previous methods, but instead of saltpeter, regular coarse saltpeter is used salt. It would seem that what an ordinary pack of salt sold in any store can do, but no, it can. It, like urea, is poured into holes in the stump and filled with water, then sealed and wait for the result. This process may take a little longer, it takes about one and a half to two years, but this method is cheaper and will not harm the soil or other plants on the site. It is difficult to overdo it with the salt concentration, but still be careful when dosing, since it will not be possible to immediately plant other plants on excessively salty soil; you will have to wait another year or two. Just like saltpeter, salt can corrode the wood of a stump into dust, which is then set on fire and the stump burns to the ground.
  • Destruction of stumps with Roundup is a systemic herbicide that makes it easy to get rid of weeds, unnecessary shoots or roots. This is the most common herbicide in the world practice of plant protection products; its main active component is glyphosate. The method of action of the drug on weeds is somewhat different from the destruction of dead tree roots, i.e. stump The drug should be applied in hot sunny weather, with air humidity not exceeding 50%. If it rains after the procedure, it will wash the substance into the ground and the work will need to be done again. For better effect you need to process a freshly cut stump, then the process of cell death will occur much faster. “Roundup” is completely devoid of soil activity, therefore it is harmless for the further growth of any crops, it does not accumulate in the soil, and is also able to fight well against woody shoots that can grow from the roots of a stump that was not removed in time.
  • You can also use any stump killing herbicide(“Tornado”, “Glisol”, “Alaz”, “Zero” and others). To destroy a stump of large or medium diameter, the drug is applied to its outer edges, because inner part it has been dead for a long time (if the stump is not freshly cut). When the stump is small (about 10 cm in diameter), the herbicide is applied to the entire cut. It is also possible to apply drugs directly into the soil. To do this, a solution for destroying stumps is sprayed over the surface of the earth, and the remainder is generously watered onto the roots of the stump. As a result, they die off and no longer adhere so tightly to the ground, so the stump can be easily removed after a certain time. This method is quite effective when you need to destroy a large number of stumps and even trees. You don’t have to wait years to completely eliminate unnecessary wood.
  • Another method, similar in technology to previous methods, is colonization of the stump with mycelium (disputes) some edible mushroom. This is not exactly a chemical for destroying stumps, but the process is almost the same. As a result of their vital activity, planted mushrooms destroy the wood and rhizomes, as if “erasing” the stump from the area completely. The destruction process will take much longer, about four years, but you will always receive fresh mushrooms.

Manual destruction of roots and stumps

This is probably the most old method, which our ancestors successfully used long before we were born. However, it would be wrong not to pay attention to him. Although this process is very labor intensive, it has one distinctive feature- it costs practically nothing. To implement it, it is enough to have several simple tools available at any summer cottage, these are: a shovel, an ax, a hacksaw, a rope and an extra pair strong hands. With this method of destruction, you do not need to have any special skills, it is enough to be able to dig, and each of us has this skill.

There are two options in this method:

  • Mechanical method when the destruction of old stumps occurs through conventional digging. To do this, use a shovel to dig it up from all sides, and the roots that appear from the ground are chopped off with an ax or sawed through with a hacksaw (whichever is more powerful). The stump dug up in this way remains to be pulled out of the ground. Here a hand winch with a cable attached to it or an ordinary rope comes to the rescue, but then you will need to attract several more physically strong participants. If the tree was small, then after cutting off the large roots it may be enough to swing it from side to side and knock it on its side. When the stump is large enough, they tie it with a rope or attach a winch cable and pull it. Sometimes the stump comes out of the ground with a loud bang, it’s like uncorking a bottle of champagne, which can completely complete a difficult process.
  • Using Stump Removal Liquid(ordinary water), you can get rid of it by washing away the soil. This method works well on sandy or loamy soils. A trench about half a cube is dug around the stump with a shovel. Then, using water pressure from a hose, the soil around the stump is washed away, and the exposed roots are cut off. With this method, the rhizome of the stump is pulled out of the ground more easily, as the soil becomes more pliable. But this method is applicable only in the area where it is possible to supply water with the required pressure.

Mechanized removal - destruction of stumps without uprooting

This method speaks for itself. For changing manual method heavy artillery has arrived - special equipment that significantly facilitates the work of any specialist. No one obliges you to buy it, otherwise the destruction of one stump on personal plot will cost you more than the most expensive removal method. For mechanized destruction, organizations specializing in this type of work are involved.

You can remove the annoying stump using excavator or tractors, but this method can hardly be afforded in a fenced area with flower beds and a planted lawn. Such large equipment simply cannot get close to it. In this situation, a hand-held power tool, popularly called - stump crusher. In this mechanism, all the work is done stump cutter, which cuts wood to a depth of 30 cm below ground level, turning the stump into ordinary sawdust. It simply dissolves, and sawdust mixed with soil becomes an excellent fertilizer for future dacha needs.

"Arborist" will happily perform stump removal using any removal method you choose. We have a set of high-quality and time-tested tools, and our specialists have great experience in resolving these types of issues.

"Arborist" will help you get rid of firewood of various tree species (fruit or ordinary) stored on your site. If they bother you, we will buy them from you for good price and we will remove you from the territory. We can also remove all logging debris from your site and wood waste, remaining after cutting or crowning trees.

Destruction of stumps video

Becoming the proud owner suburban area, a person may suddenly encounter a number of unforeseen problems. And the most common one on the list is how to get rid of stumps without uprooting. The same question will eventually arise for a long-time gardener: trees have a habit of dying, leaving behind stumps of varying sizes.

The fastest and easiest way to clear a site is with the use of heavy equipment. Tractors and bulldozers can cope with the task literally in one day, even if the stump contamination is large. However, hiring equipment is not cheap. In addition, it requires free access and room to maneuver when uprooting. And if the stumps on the site are located in the depths of the garden, then the bulldozer will destroy half of your plantings while it is uprooting them. So this method is only suitable for initial stages development of the site and only with a massive “population” of it with stumps.

Manual site clearing is cheap and accessible to anyone, does not require space and is possible even in hard to reach places. However, uprooting is not only a labor-intensive process, but also physically difficult. And it will take up a lot of time needed for other purposes. So it’s better to study the available methods of how to get rid of stumps without uprooting, choose among them the most optimal one, from your point of view, and apply it without a doubt. Moreover, there are several options for dealing with the scourge.

How to get rid of stumps without uprooting: mechanical method

The most reliable is the complete removal of wood residues. Firstly, the plot becomes suitable for any use - even plant a vegetable garden, or even put up a gazebo. Secondly, you are insured against attempts at revival: there will definitely be no regrowth. Crushing stumps with improvised means is ineffective, and in terms of the severity of the work it is no different from uprooting. Therefore, it is better to carry out work with special grinders. They break the stump into sawdust without spoiling the surrounding landscape at all. Such equipment is very expensive, it is better to rent it, since stumps do not have to be removed every day and the equipment is not needed on the farm all the time.

Cheap, but long and not environmentally friendly

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to resort to crushing, you can use a chemical method for removing stumps. The most primitive option is to cover the “rotten tooth” with ordinary salt and wrap it in polyethylene. Not the best good decision Problems. Okay, that’s a long time, all chemical options take time. It’s bad that for many years the land will become unsuitable for growing anything.

Complete destruction

Removing stumps with saltpeter, sodium or potassium would be more environmentally friendly. Firstly, you won’t have to wait two years for the wood to fall apart. Secondly, the roots are also removed. The technique is simple and accessible: holes are drilled in the stump with a drill. The more there are and the deeper they are, the faster it will work. Saltpeter is poured into the holes and filled with water. To prevent all this from leaking out and being washed out, the holes are closed with plugs - wooden plugs, wax, plastic plugs. The top of the stump is watered generously with water.

Manipulations are carried out in the fall: in the spring, the sap flow goes up, so that the roots are not saturated with nitrate. The next year, the plugs are removed, kerosene or gasoline (or even liquid for starting a fire) is poured inside and the stump is set on fire. Everything burns out, including the underground part.

The method is not universal, since it is not always possible to get rid of stumps without uprooting them. If a peatland area is cleared, there is a high probability of an underground fire starting. And in a densely planted garden, the risk of neighboring trees catching fire is quite high.

Fireproof way

In cases where the previous method is not applicable, the approach changes. Nitre is also used, but this time ammonium nitrate, that is, urea. It is advisable for her to hollow out a recess in the center of the stump as large as possible. A chemical is injected into it, and the stump is wrapped as thoroughly as possible. On the plus side, there is no need for burning; the stump will turn into dust on its own. The downside is that the process will take a very long time. With a large cut - up to three years. In addition, after the stump collapses, the soil will not be suitable for all plants for some time.

Mushroom extermination

How to get rid of stumps without uprooting using another method? Those who take good care of the land on their site will prefer the natural method. Yes, it is even longer. But the soil will be enriched in the process nutrients, and you will receive a nice additional bonus. All you need is to buy oyster mushroom mycelium in a special store or collect honey mushroom “seedlings” in the nearest forest. In the stump intended for destruction, holes are drilled into which mushroom “threads” are placed. To prevent them from drying out, the holes are covered with damp moss. Planting is carried out exclusively on a cloudy and cool day. In 4-5 years, the mushrooms will “eat” the stump, and all this time you will have delicious snacks on your table.

We speed up the natural process

A stump overgrown with mushrooms may not always serve as a decoration for your garden. If you want to preserve the soil on the site, but not spoil it appearance, you can go the following way.

A trench is dug around the stump - it will facilitate further work. Next, using an ordinary chainsaw, the rest of the tree is cut down so that the cut is five centimeters below ground level. The buried stump is covered with earth, but not ordinary earth, but forest earth, taken from under deciduous trees. It contains large quantities of special microorganisms that accelerate the decay of wood. If there is no forest near your dacha (or it is coniferous), use leaf humus from what you probably have. It should be mixed with a couple of glasses of concentrated nitrogen fertilizer and spread it over the cut. The top is covered with ordinary garden soil.

It will be even more elegant to destroy the stump if you plan to plant a tree in its place. The beginning is similar: the height of the stump decreases to the maximum, at least level with the bud. The middle is hollowed out and filled with fertilizers mixed with soil. And a young seedling is planted in this “pot”. As it grows, it will destroy both the stump and its root system.

Stump as an element of landscape design

Before looking for a way to get rid of stumps without uprooting, evaluate whether this is really necessary. If the place is not suitable for all plants or is not used at all, the stump can be left. It will make an unusual and harmonious flowerpot for annuals.

This idea is especially good if it’s time for the earth under the stump to rest: the flowers will gradually destroy the wood, and the earth will become saturated useful elements. You can also make a custom bird feeder. And if a stump has settled on the site of the planned gazebo, then it may well become a support for a garden table.