The fulcrum is to create strength in yourself from scratch. Find a point of support within yourself. Psychological Quotes and Sayings

There are times when things in life don't go the way you wanted. This is a period of change. Not very pleasant events are happening around you that negatively affect your life. It seems that your luck has turned away from you: you have quarrels with your loved one every day, everything is falling apart at work, your health is starting to fail, and you feel like you are falling into depression.

This all looks like the end of the world, but it is absolutely not. This is a sign from above that you are doing something wrong, and fate is making its own adjustments. You need to stop and think about what is happening in your life.

Fate presents you with such moments for a reason; it gives you a chance to change everything that prevents you from developing and growing upward. You have completely forgotten what you wanted, what you dream about, and most likely, you live realizing the goals of others.


That's how it all happened to me. For a very long time I could not let go of the past, which I thought could be returned and everything could be fixed. I finally wanted to quit the unloved routine work, from which there was no pleasure, and resolve the matters that had accumulated for a long time. At one point I realized what I wanted from life - to find favorite hobby, which would bring joy and great income, go on a trip, relax.

As soon as I made the decision to change everything, fear and doubt suddenly appeared inside me that nothing might work out. And that day I fell very hard and broke my leg. After the hospital, I didn’t want to go home; I couldn’t walk for a while, and I was scared. Everything around me began to irritate me and I lost interest in life. I didn’t invite anyone to visit so that they wouldn’t see me so helpless and start feeling sorry for me. Something broke inside me, and I became a hostage to my fear.


And then one day I finally overcame myself and decided to go outside and look at the world. I walked on crutches very slowly and looked around. An elderly woman was moving towards me married couple. Grandmother and grandfather walked with chopsticks and both smiled at me. They stopped opposite and the grandfather said: “Such a young guy and with crutches. Now I need a wand, but you don’t. You must get better."

And then it dawned on me. When I quit my job and left the sad past alone, which did not allow me to develop, but at the same time I was afraid of changes, I lost my foothold in life. At that moment my fate changed. After all, it was easier for me when others solved problems for me, and not myself.

The fulcrum in life is self-confidence. Despite what life throws at you, you need to hope and believe only in your own strength. You need to learn to listen to yourself and be able to stop when necessary.

I found my footing – it’s me!

If you take a closer look at the activity of people in this world, you will find that most of them, without knowing it, are in constant search for support. But in reality, people almost never find it, because there can be no genuine internal support in the outside world. Peter Zorin

When we internally focus on objective reality, our happiness begins to depend on the external world. And then the outside world is forced to continue to provide us with supports: material, emotional, financial, physical, related to relationships. If suddenly there is a failure and the supply stops, we are experiencing a deep crisis. Peter Zorin

People who do not have internal support sometimes assume that it can be found in another person. Unexpected behavior loved one then it is regarded as the collapse of all supports. An attempt to compensate in this way for the lack of one’s own internal support has never been successful for anyone.

If you are tired of straining, you have lost faith in yourself, what you want no longer seems so alluring - all these actions were not connected with internal support.

To achieve maturity, a person needs to overcome his desire to receive support from the outside world and find new sources of support within himself.

Maturity or mental health is the ability to move away from relying on the environment and from regulating oneself environment to self-reliance and self-regulation. Frederick Perls

The main condition for both self-reliance and self-regulation is a state of balance. The condition for achieving this balance is awareness of your needs, distinguishing between the main and the secondary.

The ability to rely on yourself grows and grows stronger around the time you gain the ability to do what you consider necessary. Do it regardless of what your environment thinks about it. You yourself should have a feeling of the importance of what you are doing.

Growing up, or maturity, occurs when a person mobilizes his strengths and abilities to overcome depression, anxiety, disappointment, despair and fear that arise due to the lack of support from others.

A situation in which a person cannot take advantage of the support of others and rely on himself is called a dead end. Maturity is about taking risks to get out of a dead end.

The search for culprits or the desire to manipulate deprive a person of a foothold. Accepting your responsibility opens up a sea of ​​opportunity, freedom and choice.

A fulcrum within ourselves makes us realize that the source of happiness, stability, and reliability is within us, giving us the strength to meet different situations calmly, with wisdom and courage.

Self-reliance is love guided by inner wisdom, and it does not depend on results obtained from the outside. It is not driven by fear, not based on titles, points of view, property, money, specific person or some external activities. Davidji

The most powerful support in the world is love, the strongest support in life is inner rod. Juliana Wilson

People who have true internal support, self-sufficient. They don't need anyone to support them, prove them right, or comfort them. One of the very important features Such people are characterized by their inner honesty before themselves. Peter Zorin

Any external changes begin within us, with a change in the focus of our perception. Once we find ourselves and believe in ourselves, many of our problems that seemed insoluble will go away. A person who wants to become a channel of universal power must learn to accept himself and rely on himself.

When a person finds a foothold in himself, the mental stereotypes of the environment cease to play a decisive role for him. He does not accept the opinions of other people as unquestionable authority. He does not grovel before customs and traditions. He does not accept the sense of duty imposed on him. Without even feeling the need to go into conflict with people, he will be internally free from their conventions. For this reason, a person who trusts himself is difficult to seduce or intimidate. It does not lend itself well to pressure or manipulation.

Such a person trusts himself, and not his opinions and views - and therefore it will not be difficult for him to change his point of view when the need arises. He values ​​truth more than a specific formulation of truth.

Cultivating will, courage, justice and honesty changes a person’s relationship with the outside world and leads to the maturation of the individual. There are also feedbacks, which, when cultivating the above four external manifestations of the inner spirit, open the human heart and thereby reveal its spirit.

When a fulcrum is found, a person feels the desire to act, realize his abilities, set goals, go towards them, and develop. And when a person thinks and acts, he simply does not have time for the suffering inherent in the state of external support.

The goal of a person relying on himself is the desire for self-realization of his destiny on Earth. He chose for himself a path that has no end, on which his aspirations for endless perfection will be satisfied. The external world for him, in which all other people live, will simultaneously serve him as a school, in which all events that occur will serve as lessons for him on his path to endless perfection, and at the same time, external reality will be the basis of his physical existence in the future. Earth. Peter Zorin

And only the heart can tell each person whether he really needs to go where he is going, and it may turn out that, even if the rest of the population of the Earth needs to go there, he is the only one whose Path should lie in a different direction. And this direction is the direction of harmonizing one’s being. Enmerkar

When we rely on ourselves for everything, we believe that we are the divine self-expression of the universe and that our words, thoughts and actions reflect the divine. Davidji

A fulcrum is a state in which nothing influences us, and we ourselves know how to return ourselves to a state in which we influence the situation in the right way, harmoniously manifesting ourselves.

Be a lamp for yourself
Be your own support
Stick to your own truth
as the only light. Erich Fromm

Find a point of support within yourself. Growing up and maturity of the individual. Psychological Quotes and statements.

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“God forbid you live in the Age of Change” (Chinese wisdom).

A crisis, disturbing news on TV, growing tension in the world... A difficult period when it is easy to lose stability. Increased stress leads to increased levels of anxiety and aggression, sleep disturbances, psychosomatic diseases, conflicts with loved ones... How not to lose yourself in this chaos? What is our psychological support and how to develop it?

Change is not always up to us, whether it be for the better or for the worse. We have no control over many circumstances. At any moment, the usual system of external supports can disappear from under your feet. And then you have to rely only on yourself and internal supports.

What is internal support?

Support is something that gives a feeling of stability, reliability, and therefore safety. The basis, the symbolic “firmament of the earth.” Our external system support is, first of all, close people on whom we “lean”, that is, we feel their support. Even when they are not around, we know that they are in our lives, and this makes it easier. But a loved one can voluntarily or unwittingly let you down: in Hard time betray or simply fail to come to the rescue. This could be a real tragedy if internal system support is insufficient.

Our internal support is the ability to find support within ourselves. Rely on yourself and your own resources. It is this that allows you not to get lost in the most difficult situations, during stages of change. Do you remember the “Vanka-Vstanka” toy? A properly positioned center of gravity helps the toy level no matter what happens. This is a good metaphor for our inner resilience: if external stress is excessive, it can overwhelm us. The most important thing is to level out later, and this can be done through internal balance.

There are people who primarily rely on external support, that is, on someone else. And someone relies, first of all, on themselves.
Of course, for an adult it is more correct to rely on yourself. But this also becomes a problem if you rely only on yourself. We need a balance: to stand on our own two feet, but also to be able to ask for help if necessary.

How and when our support is formed.

Our internal system of support, self-sufficiency is formed as a reflection of external support. This happens in childhood and adolescence. First there is an external figure on which the child relies. First of all, these are parents, but also other adult family members, teachers, then friends... There is a process of symbolic “absorption” of this support system. In its image and likeness, a system of self-support is formed already in adulthood: just as the child was taken care of, so he takes care of himself in the future.

What was the external support, so will the internal one.


If the environment was moderately supportive and caring, then as adults we can rely on ourselves.
Excessive care infantilizes: such a person will continue to rely only on others.

Lack of care and support in childhood leads to two extremes: either infantility and helplessness, as in the previous example. Or to incorrect, excessive independence: such a person relies only on himself, but at the same time does not know how to take care of himself.

Violation of external support in childhood prevents the formation of internal support.

How to develop your support system.

It is important to develop the ability to rely on yourself and maintain internal stability.

If external support is unpredictable, then internal support is always with us. Therefore, an adult must first of all develop self-sufficiency.

We offer several exercises from body-oriented psychotherapy aimed at developing internal support. They will help you, like the roly-poly toy, to level out even in stressful situations.

1 "Magnet". While performing this exercise, walk around the room, preferably barefoot. Imagine that you are literally magnetized to the floor. You have to slowly lift your foot, you roll it on the floor. Then she presses herself forcefully into the floor. Feel the stability of the earth, its reliability. Drink in this feeling. Try to feel your feet as much as possible. Completion time: about 10 minutes. 2 "Axis". Stand up steadily. Imagine that there is an axis running through your spine, right through the center of your body. It starts at the top, above your head, and then goes into the ground. This is your symbolic inner core. A support that is always with you. Start rotating around this axis, slowly, both clockwise and counterclockwise, in different directions. Maintain the image of a rod on which you lean and around which you rotate. Feel how you calm down. Do the exercise for about 10 minutes. 3 “Vanka-vstanka.” Stand with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, soft and stable, maintaining their strength, like the paws of a panther. Place your hands on your lower abdomen - our center of gravity and balance is there. Imagine it as a kind of ball. Start swinging your whole body, slowly, while carefully increasing the amplitude. Your job is to feel your ball, how it helps your body remain stable despite the swaying. Gives alignment. In difficult situations, you can then return to the image of this ball in the lower abdomen, and it will help you maintain psychological balance. Exercise time: 5-7 minutes. 4 “Imagine your skeleton.” This exercise is done lying on your back in a free open position: arms and legs are freely spread. Imagine looking at yourself from the outside with magical x-ray vision and seeing your skeleton inside your body. Consider carefully how stable and unified it is; all its parts are interconnected. This is your support, which is always with you. Now feel it inside your body. If for some reason the image that has arisen is not complete, and you feel less of your skeleton in some parts of your body, still try to make it complete, to feel your entire body. Time: about 10 minutes. 5 “Naturing.” Lie on your back, place your hands on your lower abdomen. Imagine the center of gravity there, the center of balance as a kind of ball. What colour is he? What color do you associate with support and balance? And now imagine how this color spreads from the ball throughout your body. Nourishes it, fills it with support and stability. Feel your body relax. The exercise takes about 15 minutes. 6 “Roots.” Stand up steadily. Imagine that you are a sprout growing into the ground. Roots go from your feet into the ground, allowing you to be a resilient plant, to be saturated with the juices of the earth, to grow upward. Visualize well the roots coming from each foot. If you don’t like the image (the roots, for example, are weak), transform it with the power of active imagination. Try to bring your image to the optimal one for yourself. Enjoy the feeling of stability. About 15 minutes. 7 "Snake". You can put rhythmic music in the background. Sit steadily, the best way is in Turkish (if that’s comfortable for you). Imagine that your spine is a snake. And the snake dances: it wriggles. Move your back to the music, repeating the smooth movements of this “snake”. From top to bottom, include your entire back in the dance. Feel your spine flexible, strong, healthy. You enjoy his dance.

Regular performance of these exercises helps improve self-regulation, increases adaptability, and develops the internal support system.

If you take a closer look at the activity of people in this world, you will find that most of them, without knowing it, are in constant search for support. But in reality, people almost never find it, because there can be no genuine internal support in the outside world. Peter Zorin

When we internally focus on objective reality, our happiness begins to depend on the external world. And then the outside world is forced to continue to provide us with supports: material, emotional, financial, physical, related to relationships. If suddenly there is a failure and the supply stops, we are experiencing a deep crisis. Peter Zorin

People who do not have internal support sometimes assume that it can be found in another person. The unexpected behavior of a loved one is then regarded as the collapse of all supports. An attempt to compensate in this way for the lack of one’s own internal support has never been successful for anyone.

If you are tired of straining, you have lost faith in yourself, what you want no longer seems so alluring - all these actions were not connected with internal support.

To achieve maturity, a person needs to overcome his desire to receive support from the world around him and find new sources of support within himself.

Maturity or mental health is the ability to move from relying on the environment and from being regulated by the environment to relying on oneself and self-regulation. Frederick Perls

The main condition for both self-reliance and self-regulation is a state of balance. The condition for achieving this balance is awareness of your needs, distinguishing between the main and the secondary.

The ability to rely on yourself grows and grows stronger around the time you gain the ability to do what you consider necessary. Do it regardless of what your environment thinks about it. You yourself should have a feeling of the importance of what you are doing.

Growing up, or maturity, occurs when a person mobilizes his strengths and abilities to overcome depression, anxiety, disappointment, despair and fear that arise due to the lack of support from others.

A situation in which a person cannot take advantage of the support of others and rely on himself is called a dead end. Maturity is about taking risks to get out of a dead end.

The search for culprits or the desire to manipulate deprive a person of a foothold. Accepting your responsibility opens up a sea of ​​opportunity, freedom and choice.

Having a fulcrum in oneself makes us realize that the source of happiness, stability, and reliability is within us; it gives us the strength to face different situations calmly, with wisdom and courage.

Self-reliance is love guided by inner wisdom and does not depend on results obtained from the outside. It is not driven by fear, not based on titles, points of view, possessions, money, a specific person or any external activity. Davidji

The most powerful support in the world is love, the strongest support in life is the inner core. Juliana Wilson

People who have true inner support are self-sufficient. They don't need anyone to support them, prove them right, or comfort them. One of the very important characteristics of such people is their inner honesty with themselves. Peter Zorin