Smart home system: how it works in practice. Smart home What is included in the smart home system

Under the term " smart House» refers to a system for automating home processes. Its task is to ensure the safety and comfort of users, control the consumption of resources, and notify about the current situation in the home. In its advanced version, a smart home is able to respond to certain situations in accordance with pre-established scenarios. What does such a system consist of and what are its advantages?

Technical basis of the technology

The basis of smart homes in Europe, the USA and Russia is an automated home control system. Often this concept is replaced by the term automated control system, which is understood as a complex of automation of engineering systems.

The systems include air conditioning, energy supply, heating, ventilation, alarm and a number of others. In developed countries, almost all modern buildings equipped with automatic control system. Russia is coming to this as well.

Automation in technology smart home is divided into 3 levels. Each of them has specific functions:

  • Upper. At this level, the smart building complex is administered. It is where people (residents) interact with the system using an interface that is understandable to people.
  • Average. Here the connection between the individual components of the automated control system is carried out. This level includes switching equipment, controllers, switches, control panels, incl. remote.
  • Lower. This level includes actuators and sensors that respond to changes in indicators environment, as well as means for switching with the middle level.

Recently, standards have been in force in Russia that define aspects of the installation and configuration of a smart building system. In the rest of the world, this area is regulated by a set of standards labeled ISO 16484-XX.

Systems included in a smart home

As is already known, the term in question is comprehensive work home engineering systems. Thanks to scalability, it is not necessary to connect all the systems in the house at once. If the budget is modest, or there is no need to control all aspects of the house, you can start automating with the important ones.

Modern smart home systems are capable of combining the following aspects of a building into a single whole:

  • Control. Wall remotes remote control and wall panels make it possible to remotely control work electrical appliances, multiroom, actuators.
  • Climate control. Automated or automatic regulation of temperature, humidity and other microclimate indicators. This applies to both individual rooms and the entire apartment as a whole.
  • Lighting. Light level control and automatic adjustment lighting fixtures. Rational energy consumption. Automated control of shutters and blinds on windows.
  • Energy supply. Ensuring uninterrupted supply of electricity to consumers. Connecting a reserve if necessary, switching to alternative energy, energy saving.
  • Safety. Video surveillance, access control to the apartment or separate rooms, telemetry. A smart home can simulate the presence of owners in the house to prevent intrusion from the outside.
  • Entertainment. Multiroom, which unites multimedia devices in the home and makes it possible to control them from any room. There is a speakerphone and remote intercom function.

It is noteworthy that in Europe, building automation is aimed primarily at energy saving, and only then at ensuring the comfort of residents. In Russia, the situation is exactly the opposite - the main task is to increase comfort and create an image, and only after that security, alarm and savings.

Technologies used

To control a smart home, various data transfer protocols, controllers, control panels and other devices are widely used. Some of them deserve special attention. Here they are:

  • Z-Wave protocol. This is a wireless communication protocol designed specifically for home automation. In practice, the protocol is implemented as compact radio communication modules built into smart home electronic devices. The protocol is optimized for the transmission of simple commands, which determines its speed and minimum latency, as well as resistance to interference.
  • KMX tire. This is the communication bus that found wide application in home automation systems. Electronic devices smart home devices are connected to this bus, after which they are able to exchange data with each other. Data transmission over the bus can be carried out using means such as twisted pair cable, power line, radio channel and Internet connection.
  • Integra control panel. This is a fire alarm panel from the manufacturer SATEL. An indispensable element of a smart home equipped fire protection system. Panels of this type are used to organize fire alarms in small, medium and large facilities.

You need to understand that smart home technology does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Some protocols become obsolete and are replaced by new ones. Therefore, you need to follow the updates in order to keep up with life.

Composition of an automated home

We have already figured out what a smart home is and what you can do with it. It is equally important to understand what elements such technology consists of - this will help during selection, installation and further operation.

The design of a modern home process automation complex includes three categories of devices:

  • Controllers. These are administrative devices that switch individual elements systems into a single complex. The controllers also provide residents with the ability to control automation.
  • Sensors These devices read information from the environment and monitor its changes. Signals from the sensors are sent to the controller, it processes them and acts according to the automated control system script.
  • Actuators. This category includes actuators that execute system commands. This mechanical drives, switches, fire sirens, valves on pipes and other devices.

To send signals from motion sensors and other sensors to the controller, radio communication is most often used. In home systems, standards such as 869 MHz, 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz are common. In addition to ordinary radio communications, data transmission via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth protocols is used. Transmission of information to the security console or the owner of the building is carried out using an Internet connection or mobile communications.

Types of sensors

Dozens of different sensors can be used as part of a smart home. They are classified into types according to their purpose. It is not necessary to install sensors of each type - you can limit yourself to one or two, and later add other devices if the need arises. The most common sensors used in automated control systems are:

  • Movements. They monitor the coverage area and track the appearance of moving objects. Used in systems automated control light, air conditioning, heating and alarm.
  • Presence. The operating principle is similar to the motion sensor, but the sensitivity is noticeably higher. Because of this, such devices are not used for security, but are often used in lighting control.
  • Temperatures. Indispensable devices for monitoring home air conditioning and heating. For more advanced microclimate settings, it is recommended to install temperature and humidity sensors.
  • Sound. Sensors respond to the sound of breaking glass, thereby tracking unauthorized entry of intruders into the house. For accurate operation, they are installed next to windows.
  • Opening doors. These sensors have a similar purpose to glass breaking sound sensors. When the house is set to alarm, opening the door instantly triggers the alarm.

Optional, but recommended for use, are sensors for gas leakage, dampness, water pressure and leakage. These sensors respond to events such as fire, room filling with natural and other types of gas, and flooding. The importance of prompt response in such cases cannot be overestimated. This also applies to fire sensors that warn of a fire.

Types of home automation

A smart home can easily operate without actuators, but their presence significantly increases the comfort of residents and also simplifies some processes. The most commonly used types of actuators are:

  • Mechanical drives. They are installed on Garage Doors, doors and window shutters. After this, it becomes possible to close and open doors and windows without wasting a second of time.
  • Fire extinguishing devices. After detecting a fire, the controller sends commands to the actuators responsible for extinguishing the fire. Extinguishing can be carried out either with water or with a special powder.
  • Drives for curtains and blinds. This is one aspect of a multiroom and lighting control system. When you turn on the “Cinema” mode, the smart home automatically closes the curtains and blinds to make it darker.

This is not the entire list of actuators compatible with home automation. New species are constantly appearing.

Benefits of Automation

The technology in question would not have gained such popularity and demand in different countries world, if it didn’t have a lot of advantages. It is worth noting the advantages and capabilities of home automation systems:

  • Saving electrical energy due to more rational use of it day and night.
  • Convenient control of multimedia devices and electrical appliances from anywhere in the house.
  • Obtaining up-to-date data on the condition of housing and the people living in it at a great distance.
  • Remote control of people's access to premises, calling a response team in case of intrusion.
  • The ability to prevent fire, flooding, household gas explosions and other incidents.
  • Automation of watering plants, ventilation, heating of rooms, and other household processes.

It is noteworthy that you can make an automated system with your own hands. You can start with a simple Arduino-based controller, a couple of smart sockets and sensors that respond to movement. Even from this set it is possible to make a complex that will significantly increase the comfort of residents, allow you to turn electrical appliances on and off from a distance, and reduce energy costs. Then the network can be expanded.

Today, automation systems are no longer expensive luxury, but a technology accessible to the general consumer. If you want to make life easier and more comfortable, think about implementing home system automation.

Imagine this: you come home, and a warm dinner is already waiting for you in the kitchen, the lights are cozy in the living room, the laundry is washed and ironed, the floors are vacuumed and washed, the flowers are watered, and the pets are fed. And you didn't put any effort into it. Introduced?

This is exactly how a “smart home” works. This is a home management system engineering networks, which takes care of all daily worries and routine. For many people, Smart Home technologies still remain something fantastic and unthinkable. But experts are confident that in 20-30 years everything country cottages and city apartments will become “smart”.

Smart Home and Smart House: what is the difference

First, let's define the terms. Today the two are often confused different concepts: “smart home” (Smart Home) and “smart building” (Smart House). And this, although close in meaning, is not quite the same thing.

  • Smart House (Smart Home)- an automated electronics complex that carries out routine household chores. For example, it can make coffee, heat up dinner, turn on the air conditioner, open the door to let a pet out, etc. Smart Home is created in one, individual household and serves the interests of a specific user/family. Let us add that in our country the concept of “smart home” also includes “multiroom” (while in the West these are two different terms). To put it simply, a multiroom system is a centralized control of all multimedia devices in your apartment: TV, computer, laptop, speaker system.
  • Smart building (Smart House) is a technology common in the United States that allows you to automate the management of a large multi-apartment residential complex. Smart House controls the operation of central water, gas, electricity, heating and security. In Russia, such technologies are still a novelty, but over time, there is no doubt that “smart buildings” will appear in all large and small cities of our country.

So, we figured out what Smart Home is and why it should not be confused with Smart House. Now let's move on to the question: how does a “smart home” work?

How does the smart home system work?

The operating principle of Smart Home is built almost like in science fiction films. You give a command (“turn on the heater!”) - the system executes it (the heater is on). How exactly does all this happen? Depending on the Smart Home modification, there are two main options:

  • In the first case, “live” human participation is necessary. You must personally ask the system to perform this or that action using your voice, smartphone or remote control (whichever is more convenient for you). The user command is sent to the central processor, which entrusts its implementation to a specific device.
  • In the second case, direct human participation is not required. Various sensors and clocks come into play. For example, a computer makes a decision to turn on or off an air conditioner based on the readings of temperature sensors. And when a motion sensor in the apartment is triggered (during your absence), the central processor turns on the alarm. And so on. At a certain point in time, in accordance with the user settings, the system warms up the kettle and prepares coffee; switches the TV to your favorite series; waters flowers. This list can be continued for a very long time.

Thus, the Smart Home system includes three main elements:

  1. sensors that perceive signals and information from the environment;
  2. a central processor (hub) that processes these signals and makes decisions;
  3. executing devices (actuators) that receive instructions from the hub and directly perform tasks around the house.

Modern smart home systems allow for a wide variety of actuators. These could be smart sockets, video surveillance systems, controlled thermostats, climate control systems, smart door locks, alarm systems, robot vacuum cleaners, etc. We will tell you more about the whole variety of Smart Home devices below.

Communication: wired or wireless

All elements of the system can be connected to each other via wired or wireless communication. The use of wires may seem archaic, but it provides high level reliability. Therefore, even the most advanced industry flagships such as AMX and Evika use cable connection.

On the other hand, wireless communication via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is much more modern, more convenient and provides more opportunities. Including increased actuator control range. Some Smart Home manufacturers offer combination solutions that combine both wired and wireless communications.

What is a smart home and how does this system work? Readers often ask. It will be difficult to answer this question unequivocally. But we can still say that here we are talking about the introduction of the latest technologies that have found application in everyday life. Today, many have heard or read about the smart home system, but not everyone can even imagine what level of comfort and safety can be achieved with its help.

Review: “Smart Home” - what does it mean?

It is necessary to understand that a smart home system helps achieve two main goals:

1. Lighting, television, and all other electrical-related equipment in the house will be fully automated. It can operate both according to programmed parameters and in manual remote control mode via mobile communications or the Internet.

2. The “smart home” complex ideally copes with the security function, and protects not only from external penetrations, but also from internal fires, gas or water leaks.

Wouldn’t it be nice for the owner of the house, when driving up to the garage, to see how the smart home system opens the gate itself? And to do this, you don’t need to get out of the car or use the remote control.

Who wouldn’t want to live in such a smart home, where they don’t have to worry about forgetting to turn off the lights in some room or the TV when leaving for work? The system itself will worry about this problem. Currently, dozens of great and other types of smart home equipment have become available, which until recently were quite expensive. Therefore, only very rich people could afford such luxury. But now even people with average incomes can boast of a smart home.

History of creation

Americans first heard about such a system as a smart home. This happened back in the 70s of the last century. Then the Washington Intellectual University was able to develop a system to make living in a residential building easier, what modern technologies can be adapted for this. True, no one today would call such an innovation a smart home. But at that time it was a serious breakthrough.

Back in 1987, a description created by domestic engineers appeared in the Soviet magazine “Technical Aesthetics”. In countries former USSR The invention, which was called the “smart home,” appeared only in the late 90s. But it did not find much demand among the population then. The problem was not only that the equipment for a smart home system was very expensive. It turned out to be very difficult to install and operate. One could even say that this system was primitive, but very expensive. And since energy resources cost pennies, few people were interested in such an innovation.

And only from the beginning of the new millennium they started talking about a smart home in the post-Soviet space again. There were several reasons for this:

  1. Energy resources began to become more expensive, so there was a need to save them.
  2. Computers began to be used more and more actively.
  3. The Internet appeared, thanks to which a smart home could be controlled remotely.
  4. Due to the emerging competition, the implementation of a scheme for smart home equipment has become less expensive.
It is also important to remember that both the audio and television markets have begun to actively develop.

Equipment for a smart home: pros and cons

Now it’s worth figuring out what the advantages and disadvantages of a smart home are. First, it’s worth talking about the shortcomings. This system still has them. For example, for a smart home system, the equipment is still expensive. But this is only if it is offered from well-known European manufacturers. So why not think about it then? xiaomi smart home or other companies that produce relatively inexpensive, but very high-quality gadgets?

But you need to take into account that everything is not so simple here. For example, there is one small difficulty with the Xiaomi smart home. The fact is that Europeans do not understand it well, since the user needs to know Chinese. Therefore, to install and configure a Xiaomi smart home, you may need the help of a specialist. After all, even the fork here has a special design. Good master will be able to customize functional modules for the customer’s smartphone or tablet.

As for the advantages of such a system, they are much greater. Who used to do all the work in noble houses? These were butlers, housekeepers, servants, etc. They ventilated the rooms, opened the curtains on the windows, and monitored the comfort in the rooms. Today, such work can be performed by a smart home system, and for it this is not a problem.

Among its advantages, several very important points can be noted:

  1. Energy expenses can turn into "robbers". And if you implement this innovation, you don’t have to worry about energy saving. If you choose the right system, you can use it for years. And how much electricity will be saved during this time?
  2. A smart home system can turn into a reliable security guard who will never fall asleep. The owner immediately learns both about the penetration into the home and about the occurrence of a fire. The message will immediately go to the security console. So with such a system you can achieve complete home security.
  3. In this way it will be possible to achieve the ideal level of comfort in the premises. Smart home technology ensures that the house is always cool in the summer. But in winter time it will be warm and cozy. It will take care of heating, air conditioning, and optimal humidity in the rooms.
  4. Ideal ease of maintenance. After all, the smart home system program includes up to 50 different engineering actions.
If you equip your house or apartment with such technology, the owners will enjoy life. It will independently turn on the heating of the premises before you return from work, irrigate the lawn on the site, open the curtains in the morning, ventilate the rooms, etc.

is a complex concept that allows you to combine a variety of devices into a single whole.

  1. Smart home systems that control the building, i.e. heating and air conditioning, electricity and security fire alarm, ventilation, warning, telecommunications. These engineering systems separated from each other and by what more systems was installed in the house, the more difficult their operation is.
  2. Smart home systems that control systems located on personal plot- architectural and landscape lighting, automatic gate opening, video surveillance, irrigation system, etc.

A smart home system can do a lot. Often, the owners themselves express their wishes about what they would like to receive in the final result: from controlling lighting or video surveillance to loading the washing machine or dishwasher. At the same time, automated intelligent system replaces an entire staff service personnel, because he can work around the clock, without sick leave or days off. This means that the flowers will always be watered, the laundry will be washed, your favorite music will be playing in the house, and the nursery will be supervised.

People began to think about the “Smart Home” back in the middle of the last century. Even then, Americans wanted to make their homes more comfortable. Prototype modern system transmission of several types of information over one cable was considered, but such systems quickly became outdated.

This is what attempts to automate your home looked like at that time. In the early 70s, the term “Smart Home” was introduced; huge amounts of money were invested in the development of this project and it looked very profitable.

The date of birth of the modern “Smart Home” can be considered 1978; already then the idea of ​​​​controlling various sensors and systems through the electrical wiring of the house was brought to life. But for a long time, lights that turned on when there was a clap or doors that opened on their own shocked guests. This system was designed for a frequency of 60 Hz and a voltage of 110V, so it was not widespread in Russia.

To make the development of such technologies faster, the developers created the Electronic Industry Alliance, and the first standard was released in 1992 electronic system, allowing the production of equipment for “smart homes” by any company whose products will ultimately meet advanced technical requirements. In total, 15 companies took part in the development of the modern system. By mid-2000, more than 10 million automated Smart Home systems had been installed worldwide. Gradually the house becomes more reliable and functional. Few people know that the stadiums built in London Olympic Games 2012, equipped with a C-Bus automation system from Clipsal.

What can a smart home system do?

The simplest thing is lighting control. With the help of control systems, you can control and regulate every light source in the room. That is, without leaving your bedroom or office, you can turn off the lights in the entire house or leave barely noticeable lighting in the hallway. Even from a long distance, owners can easily control the lighting system.

A smart home can simulate the presence of its owners. Using the installed program, the lights in the house will turn on different rooms, and with the onset of dusk the lighting turns off. If you observe from the outside, you are completely sure that people live in the house all the time.

In addition to the lighting system, such a house is able to maintain “climatic” parameters at the same level: humidity, temperature, regular ventilation. The system selects and turns on required power heated floors, radiators and other appliances, and at night it slightly reduces the temperature so that the owners feel comfortable. Using the climate control system, the owner can find out about wind strength, precipitation, and temperature. The system automatically turns on the air conditioning in hot weather, lowers the blinds, closes the windows if it starts to rain.

You can write unique scenarios for home control systems. In winter, automatically drain roofs and clear transport entrances of snow and ice. By the time the owner arrives at the cottage, the pool will be filled or the sauna will be warmed up, and ventilation and air conditioning will be provided. Even houseplants the house will water “correctly” - thanks installed sensors the system will control lighting, temperature and humidity in all areas of the garden. You can also leave and aquarium fish- the food will be served on time, the lighting and oxygen supply will turn on.

Monitoring is no less important. security systems, this will also be monitored by the Smart Home. It will immediately send a message to the control panel of security structures and the owner’s phone if there has been an intrusion into the territory or information has been received about fire danger. A voice message will be sent to the owner in case of smoke or water leakage. When a signal is received that the owners have returned, the system turns on the lighting, air conditioners, and household appliances. If children return to the house, the computer can play an audio or video message from the parents. The house itself can react to an emergency: shut off pipelines, turn off electricity if there is a threat of fire, block the child from turning on dangerous electrical appliances.

There are several ways to control automated system. The easiest way is to use a keypad, where each key corresponds to a device or means a sequence of actions that need to be performed. For clarity, such a panel can be equipped with a small display, which will display information about the state of the system.

The most convenient and prestigious control and monitoring systems are touch screens. This is a kind of remote control, which is a monitor with buttons, commands and explanatory pictures. Images from video cameras are also transmitted to this monitor.

It is very convenient to manage your home via the World Wide Web. At any convenient time, the owner can find out about the condition of the house, the weather outside the window, and the presence of people in the premises.

Advantages of a Smart Home

  • All components of the smart home system work in harmony. For example, if the window is open, the air conditioner will not turn on, if a stranger has entered the yard, the light will come on, and when the generator is running, unnecessary lighting sources will not turn on.
  • It is very easy to control all devices - just have a wireless remote control or multifunction wall panel. Using a panel or remote control, the owner will be able to read all the instructions necessary to properly control the house, give commands to the system and monitor their implementation.
  • Engineering equipment such a house works independently. For example, heated floors, air conditioning systems and radiators will themselves select the required power to maintain set temperature. And the lights on the site, without any reminders, will come on in the evening and go out at dawn.
  • There is an impressive selection of scenarios and modes that make managing your home even easier. Press the “No one is there” button - and the lights in the entire house will turn off, the water will be turned off, and the ventilation will switch to an economical mode.
  • A smart home saves electricity, gas and other resources, extends the life of expensive equipment and household appliances.
  • Emergency situations are prevented in a timely manner.
  • The owner has the ability to monitor and manage home systems, even from a great distance.

Smart home system provides its owner with a lot of advantages, and the capabilities, scenarios and number of operating modes of the system are limited only by the imagination and financial capabilities of the customer.

They say that every house is like its owner: in the apartment of an elderly lady, every chair breathes comfort, a representative mansion successful businessman demonstrates respectability and self-confidence, and the young artist’s art studio fully reflects his creative flight of thought.

At the same time, every good owner’s hands do not work separately from the head: the eyes see, the ears hear, the brain makes decisions and gives commands to the body. This is how the best work result is achieved: the integration of all body systems into one whole leads to optimal functioning.

It’s the same in a Smart Home - all systems in it work smoothly, coordinated and interconnected. In such a house, the wiring will not burn out because water from a spilled bathtub got on it. Pipes will not burst due to constant temperature changes. Rooms will not freeze due to sudden power outages.

Coordinate life support systems in this way, establish control over the house, monitor it via the Internet or through remote video surveillance, program interaction various systems at home and their behavior depending on the time of day, weather or, say, the mood of the owner, these days it is not at all difficult.

The Smart Home intelligent system is a high-tech system that allows you to combine all communications into one and put it under the control of artificial intelligence, programmable and customizable to all the needs and wishes of the owner.

Heating, lighting, plumbing, alarm system in the apartment - all this can be subordinated to centralized control by installing the Smart Home system.

Do you want the overhead light to come on in the living room in the evenings, and only light during the day? desk lamp in the office? Do you prefer to warm your feet in a chair in the kitchen in winter, but don’t want to freeze in the bedroom in the fall? Do you want to be able to turn on the heater in your dacha via the Internet so that the room is warmed up before your arrival?

Or, say, do you want to be notified via SMS about sudden power outages or alarms? Nowadays, this does not require hiring an entire expensive staff of servants and security - the Smart Home will do all this.

At the same time, you should not think that such a system is not available to a person who does not have a country villa, but simply wants to have confidence in the safety of his apartment when it is left unattended by the owner: the basic functionality of the Smart Home system is comparable in cost to the installation of a conventional intercom.

Moreover, already installed system can be developed further by adding new communications or expanding the interactions of those already connected. Start with an inexpensive, ready-made Smart Home solution, and then add components that you find most useful.

What does such a system include?

Smart House - one system control in a home, office, apartment or building, including sensors, control elements and actuators.

  • Control elements receive signals from sensors and control the operation of actuators, acting according to specified algorithms and combining the following systems:
  • Heating the house (using radiators or underfloor heating),
  • Security and fire alarms,
  • Emergency control: water leaks, gas leaks, power failures,
  • Video surveillance (local and remote),
  • Control of indoor and outdoor lighting,
  • Distribution of video and audio streams across premises (multiroom), Heating control storm sewer
  • , steps of stairs and paths,
  • Control over energy consumption, limiting peak loads and distributing loads across phases of the supply network,
  • : battery UPS and diesel generators, Sewer Department pumping stations
  • and automatic watering systems for green areas,