Preparations for fungal and bacterial rot of irises. Prevention and control of iris diseases

White and yellow, blue and purple - there are about eight hundred species in the world. Plants are considered unpretentious, but they can be affected various diseases caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. A problem that worries many gardeners is the appearance of yellow spots. What is this connected with? There are many reasons why iris leaves may turn yellow, all of them are caused by different diseases.

Mosaic is a special virus

Signs of mosaic are small stripes and yellowish spots on the leaves. The reason is a special virus, carried by aphids. A bush affected by mosaic is noticeably stunted in growth, the iris produces very short peduncles, stains appear on the petals of the inflorescences. The gardener’s task is to immediately remove damaged seedlings; preventive measures include spraying with special solutions and timely watering.

Heterosporiosis - leaf spot

They are affected by this disease in the second half of summer - at the height of flowering. Symptoms are yellowish spots on the outer leaves of the bush, which then turn brown with a pronounced chlorotic halo. If measures are not taken in time - remove damaged leaves (sources of infection), heterosporiosis will spread throughout the entire bush. Prevention - timely removal of old greenery; when watering, you should try to avoid getting water on the bush. At the first symptoms, you can spray the iris with one of the fungicides.

Yellow leaves – rust of irises

The first thing a gardener sees if an iris gets rust is small yellowish-brown chlorotic spots on the leaves. Gradually growing, they lead to complete yellowing and drying of the green part of the bush. The disease is caused by fungal spores; they are resistant to severe frosts, so if the iris is affected in the fall, then with the arrival of winter the rust begins to progress. Effective measures combating the disease consists of draining the soil, destroying the affected leaves and treating the remaining leaves with preparations that contain sulfur.

Gray rot - damage to rhizomes and leaves

The causative agents of this disease are two fungi. One strikes root system plants, it begins to rot, the second is the leaves, which turn yellow very quickly. Most often, the disease occurs after flowering has ended, so you should monitor the plants very carefully. Control methods include soil drainage and getting rid of infected bushes.

Iris is a very common flower on the planet. It grows well in any climatic and natural zones. Today, breeders have developed many varieties that amaze with their beauty during flowering. The popularity of this flower is due to its ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness. But this does not mean that they do not need special care. If the rules are broken, gardeners will have to face dire consequences. Pests and diseases of irises will destroy a beautiful flower garden. Their treatment (see photos of affected plants below) is much more difficult to carry out than regular use preventive measures.

In this article, anyone can get acquainted with the most common diseases of these flowers and pests.

Iris family: brief description

Before telling you what dangers gardeners who breed irises may encounter, it is necessary to briefly describe the characteristics of this plant. Currently there are many different varieties the iris family, which are optimally adapted to certain climatic conditions. Many of them are rhizomatous. They are perennial, so even the lack of snow cover winter period together with quite low temperatures may destroy the plant. Another variety is also found - corm varieties. Gardeners living in Russia give preference to rhizomatous representatives. They grow well in our climatic latitudes with moderate humidity.

The root system of these flowers is well developed. Most often it is located shallow in the ground, and sometimes even protrudes outward. It consists of a rather thick rhizome, from which thread-like thin processes extend. During flowering, irises produce large flowers. Depending on the variety, they can be single or consist of several inflorescences located on a durable peduncle. The range of the palette is so diverse (from white to black) that it is simply impossible to describe everything. Iris inflorescences can be either single-colored or multi-colored, consisting of two or more shades. The flowering period occurs at the end of spring and lasts until approximately mid-June.

The leaves of the iris family are hard and dense. They are elongated and flat in shape, covered with a waxy coating with a whitish tint.

Irises flowers: diseases

Every gardener must take into account the specifics of the region when growing irises. Depending on the climate, plants are susceptible to certain diseases. For example, the northwestern part of Russia is characterized by high humidity, so the rhizomes of local irises often begin to rot, which is why bacteriosis develops. In the southwest, rust is a common problem. Read on to learn more about these and other diseases. In order for the reader to better understand what the affected areas look like, photos will be added to the article.

Diseases of irises and the fight against them directly depend on the characteristics of weather and climatic conditions!

Also, do not exclude pests that can destroy the flower. For example, flower growers in the southern regions constant problems bear delivers. Aphids and slugs, unfortunately, are no less harmful to flowers, so it is important to understand that timely preventive measures will help avoid various diseases.


Irises are quite unpretentious flowers; they are resistant to diseases. However, if the rules of care are violated, even these plants become defenseless from various kinds impact. The most common problem is rotting of the rhizome. This disease of irises (see photos of tubers below) is called bacteriosis. It is quite dangerous and can lead to the death of the flower.

Pathogen of this disease- Erwinia carotovora. The bacterium actively develops when high humidity Therefore, in no case should you oversaturate the soil with water. It directly affects the rhizomes of the plant and causes them to rot. Also, do not oversaturate the soil with organic matter and thin out the flowers in time.

By what signs can bacteriosis be recognized?

  • U healthy flower The rhizomes are quite hard. In a sick plant they become soft.
  • The rotting process is accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor.
  • The leaves turn yellow and then fall off completely.

If the rhizomes are severely damaged, then the flower cannot be cured. Considering that bacteriosis develops quite quickly at temperatures of +13...+17 °C, the damage that diseases and pests cause to irises is irreparable. The only thing that can be done is to separate more healthy plants from patients. The latter will need to be burned. If the soil is severely affected, it is recommended to transplant flowers that are not infected with bacteriosis to another soil.

Prevention and treatment of bacteriosis

As soon as the snow cover begins to melt, it is already necessary to take measures to exclude all possible diseases irises Combating them will be much more difficult than preventing them. First of all, you need to take care of the outflow melt water. This is especially true if the flowerbed does not have a natural slope.

If there is little snow during winter and the air temperature is very low, it is recommended to protect the rhizomes from freezing. It is important to understand that bacteriosis will primarily affect those flowers whose roots have been damaged by frost. To avoid such a situation, you just need to wrap them up.

On initial stage bacterial diseases affect only some part of the rhizome. In this case, it can be removed and the cut area treated with ash. Such measures can be carried out before flowering begins.

When replanting iris, it is recommended to treat the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, they are soaked for 15-20 minutes. It also wouldn’t hurt to treat the foliage with urea diluted with sulfur (12%).


In addition to bacteriosis, there are other diseases of irises, and their treatment is not always possible. Fusarium is a rather dangerous disease. This gray rot affects not only the roots, but even the leaves. The diseased plant becomes covered gray coating, which provokes the process of decay. The main reason for its occurrence is considered to be an excess of nitrogen in the soil. Improper use can lead to this situation. mineral fertilizers, that is, exceeding the dosage.

Infected tubers are carriers of fusarium blight. If you transplant them to another place, the fungus, entering the soil, will begin to multiply, which can lead to infection of everything land plot. The most favorable conditions for it are air temperature +12…+17 °C and excess moisture in the soil.

The first sign of the development of fusarium is the presence of gray spots on the rhizome. It becomes quite loose.

In order to avoid the development of this disease, it is recommended to carefully and regularly treat gardening tools, choose a location on a hill for the flowerbed, and be sure to treat the roots with a solution of copper sulfate with the addition of 5% bicarbonate of soda.

Wet rot

Diseases of irises and their treatment in practice turn out to be quite complex. Most often this leads to the death of the plant. Sometimes diseases affect other flowers. This is exactly what wet rot is. During the proliferation of bacteria, not only the rhizomes, but also the leaves are affected. As for the latter, they first change color (become brown) and then dry out. The affected roots are no different in appearance, but their insides become powdery. This disease is dangerous not only for irises, but also for tulips, gladioli, and hyacinths.

The cause of wet rot bacteria is manure. Many gardeners use it as fertilizer. In order to avoid infection, you will need to treat the flowers with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. The recommended dosage is half a teaspoon of this product per 500 ml of water. The rhizomes are soaked for 30 minutes.


Fungal diseases of irises are dangerous not only for themselves, but also for neighboring plants. For example, botrytis. The causative agents of this disease are Sclerotium rolfsii and Botrytis convoluta. These fungi develop directly in the rhizome if their storage conditions have been violated. The most common reasons are poor ventilation and high humidity. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to treat the rhizomes with a solution of triazole class fungicides.


Irises also suffer from rust. This is no less insidious disease. The fungus is caused by Puccinia iridis. It develops rapidly at a temperature of +12 °C. The leaves of a sick plant begin to deteriorate. Dark or yellowish-brown pustules form on them. Gradually, tissue begins to die, which leads to drying of the leaf. Stems may also be affected. The fungus can survive in the soil for a long time.


Let's consider another disease, the causative agents of which are the fungi Mycosphaerella macrospora and Heterosporium iridis. We are talking about heterosporiosis. The affected area is leaves. Gray-white spots appear on their surface. They have a characteristic yellow border. Tall and old leaves are most susceptible to infection. From a small spot, the fungus can grow to cover the entire bush. These are the possible consequences (see example with photo below).

Diseases of bearded irises and other varieties are, of course, easier to prevent than to cure the flower later. First of all, it is recommended not to overdo it with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Also, in order to prevent heterosporiosis, you can spray the bushes with fungicides. If, however, the disease has already appeared, then the diseased leaves are cut off and necessarily burned, and the bushes are treated with a solution at least once a week.

Sheet mosaic

Continuing to study iris diseases, it is worth talking about viral ones. These include the so-called sheet mosaic. This disease manifests itself in the form of yellowed leaves that soon dry out. In order to detect the virus in time, you will need to pay attention to the flower. As a rule, the color of a diseased plant changes greatly; for example, it can change from light to dark matte. Characteristic spotting also appears.

Treatment of a flower affected by a virus is carried out by spraying with a solution of Ridomil Gold and copper oxychloride. The sheets are cut off and burned. All garden tools subject to disinfection.


Irises suffer not only from fungi and viruses. Diseases and pests (the photo is a prime example of this) affect the root system, stems and leaves. Dangerous insects There are many that can harm the flower. These include thrips. Their favorite place is the leaf axils. They feed on cell sap. As their number increases, the leaves of the flower become brown and later dry out completely. Spots appear on the roots.

Pests: bronze beetle and nematodes

Bronze beetles appear in flower beds in late spring. They are quite large - about 2 cm. They have a characteristic green tint. You can protect irises from them with Kinmiksom. It is diluted as follows: in one liter of water 2.5 g of the drug. To prevent these beetles, you can use an ash solution.

Nematodes also cause diseases of irises. These worms feed on cell sap. They don’t die even in severe frost. The leaf at the puncture site first begins to turn brown and then dies. There are several ways to infect the soil with nematodes:

  • through weeds and equipment;
  • through rainwater.

Mole crickets and scoops

Mole crickets can cause a lot of trouble for gardeners. They live in the soil. While moving, they damage the roots and stems of plants with their powerful jaws. To combat these pests, baits must be used. A mixture consisting of karbofos, grain and oil is dug into the ground.

Cutworms also cause a lot of damage. These caterpillars, getting into the stem, eat everything from the inside. Large accumulations of them can be found in wet areas of the ground. For preventative purposes, it is recommended to prevent the flower beds from becoming overgrown with weeds, and also to regularly loosen the soil between the rows. This should be done especially carefully during the egg laying period. It is very good to use Bordeaux mixture for iris disease caused by butterfly caterpillars. A solution is made from milk of lime and copper sulfate. Plants can be sprayed only before the flowering period begins. This will help avoid pest problems. However, if the moment has already been missed, then it is recommended to treat irises with Lobel’s hellebore.

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Olga Orlovskaya 05/14/2014 | 5684

The more beautiful and elegant the iris variety, the more difficult it can be to protect it from diseases and pests. Diseases most often result from stagnation of water, lack of lighting, and frosty winters with little snow.

Iris rot

This disease usually appears after a warm and rainy winter. If the rhizome has become soft, acquired a light shade and has bad smell, then this is iris rot. Action must be taken immediately, otherwise the flower will die.

In case of isolated damage, it is not necessary to dig up the entire bush. It will be enough if you cut sharp knife only rotten places. The cut is treated with the powder of any antifungal drug, for example Fundazol, which is rubbed over the surface with a finger.

Rhizomes should not be covered with soil or watered. They must be in the sun.

In case of severe damage (when the leaves turn yellow and lose turgor), the plant is dug up, thoroughly cleaned of soil and washed. Next, all rotten tissue is cut out and treated with any fungicide. Ash or charcoal powder is quite suitable for these purposes.

After such resuscitation, the iris rhizomes should be kept in a dry place for about a week. Plant flowers in a well-lit place only when the leaves have wilted a little. The cause of iris rot can also be highly moistened soil fertilized with humus.

This insect is very similar to the one we are used to housefly. It appears on the plant shortly before flowering begins, that is, during the formation of buds. The fly itself does not pose a threat, but the larvae that hatch from the laid eggs cause rotting of the buds.

Outwardly, the plant looks powerful and healthy, but if you don’t take action in time, you may never know what kind of flowers your irises have.

The insect overwinters in the ground, so in early spring, as soon as the growing season begins, the plants in the flower garden must be treated with insecticides such as Aktara, BI-58 or Aktellik. When flower stalks appear, even before coloring the buds, the irises should be sprayed a second time.

Gray rot

If you see a gray “shaggy” coating on your irises, know that this is gray rot (caused by the Botrytis fungus). The appearance of this disease is favored by humid and warm weather. Putrefactive spores affect all parts of the flower and lead to its death.

To save irises, they must be immediately dug up, washed and dried thoroughly. Diseased parts are removed and burned. Everything is treated with Bordeaux mixture (1%). Can also be sprinkled around bushes Not slaked lime, but you need to do this carefully so that the substance does not touch the plant.

This disease is spread by spores of the Pussinia fungus. The leaves of affected irises first turn yellow or brown and then dry out.

To prevent rust, iris plantings must be constantly thinned out. Also, do not allow weeds to grow near the bushes, because... they can cause rust.

All affected leaves should be torn off and burned. Plants are treated 3 or 4 times during the entire growing season, every 14 days. For this you can use: copper oxychloride (0.4%), Zineb (0.4%), Bordeaux mixture (1%). Spraying the soil around irises helps get rid of the disease. iron sulfate(3%). This must be done before the growing season begins.

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Many flower growers are of the opinion that irises do not cause any trouble to their owner at all. But is it? IN last decades iris selection has made great progress. Varieties of irises, amazing in their beauty and sophistication, were bred. Experience has shown that the more original and more beautiful variety, those more attention he demands strict adherence to basic agricultural techniques. Take a closer look at the area where you have irises. If there is strong shade, stagnation of water, if the winter was little snowy and frosty, such plantings may be susceptible to diseases! Many amateur flower growers seek to buy an iris with a flower and transplant it to their plot. It is possible to understand them from a purely human perspective - a person sees what kind of variety he is buying, but from the point of view of elementary agricultural technology of irises, this is unacceptable! The flowering period of the iris is the time maximum use nutrients. During this period, even the foliage stops growing. If we disturb the dormancy of the iris during this period, we will damage its root system and thus reduce the supply of water and other nutrients. We disrupt the development of new daughter blades of irises, thus harming the process of reproduction of the bush. Various harmful microorganisms multiply very actively during this period and, penetrating through plant tissue damaged during transplantation into the root system, cause rotting of the plant.

I would like to note that the development of iris diseases has a great influence geographical position site and, accordingly, the climatic conditions of growth. Already, the list of iris diseases is quite large and impressive. Is there a way out of this situation? Is it possible to protect our pets from bacteriosis of rhizomes, mole crickets, and rust? It is possible and necessary!

If the grower follows the basic rules of agricultural technology, he will be able to grow healthy and viable planting material. First of all, I would like to draw the attention of our iris lovers to the need to propagate irises only from healthy bushes. If you notice signs of a viral disease on irises, immediately discard (destroy, in other words) such iris bushes. It is necessary to carefully monitor the plantings and promptly remove rotten remains of the bushes. Delay in this case threatens mass infection of the entire iridarium. The use of the drug foundationazole gives very good results in the fight against such a disease of irises as fusarium. It can be used to water plants (0.2% solution) at the root, and also to pickle individual rhizomes in it before planting. If there were prolonged rains in the summer, use a solution of potassium permanganate after each such “damp” period. A solution of Bordeaux mixture will help you fight iris spotting.

Not only diseases of irises cause trouble to the gardener, but also pests - gladiolus thrips, slugs, wireworms, hoverflies, mole crickets, and cutworms.

Winter armyworm and iris armyworm. These pests eat away the bases of iris flower stalks, which leads to their yellowing and rapid death. After cutworms have taken over the bush, the iris may become affected by bacterial rot. To prevent the appearance of cutworms, treat the iris bushes several times with karbofos (10% solution).

Thrips. Although this insect is small sizes, but causes very significant harm. Thrips settles in dense, unopened iris leaves, causing them to turn brown and dry out. This pest loves not only iris leaves. After some time, it moves to the flowers. The buds of such plants bloom very sluggishly or not at all. Thrips do well in hot, dry weather. It is necessary to use the same karbofos solution against it. As an alternative, you can offer an infusion of shag (about 0.5 kg) in a bucket of water. For better adhesion of this solution to the iris leaves, you can add laundry soap to it.

Medvedka presents for planting irises great danger. The insect itself feels good underground, on the ground and even in the air, causing significant harm to plants, especially in the south of our country.

Ways to deal with mole crickets

If you add a little washing powder in a bucket of water and pour this solution into the holes where the mole cricket moves, you can force it to crawl to the surface, where it can easily be collected by hand.

Don't throw away eggshells in winter. Collect it in sufficient quantities, grind it into powder in the spring, add sunflower oil for flavor and place one teaspoon in the wells. A mole cricket most often dies after tasting such a “treat.”

Slugs. This mollusk has an excellent appetite. By the way, he loves it very much bearded irises. A signal that slugs have appeared is the presence of silvery mucus on the leaves and oblong holes on them. Propagates well in damp weather. It eats fallen, disease-affected iris leaves with great pleasure. Then, crawling onto healthy plants, it infects them. To minimize damage from slugs, place damp rags on the beds. The slug is nocturnal, so during the day it will probably use a damp cloth as a shelter. You can assemble it by hand. The use of granular metaldehyde gives good results.

Wireworm. Signs of a pest in the garden are long passages in the iris rhizome. The beetle itself is black, the larva is yellow or brown. To combat wireworms, tinctures of insecticidal plants (bitter pepper, pyrethrum) are used. Tinctures must be aged for 24 hours before use. For greater effect, add laundry soap to the solution.

Still, irises are more resistant to disease than other plants. However, a few words should be said about them. One of the most dangerous diseases- bacteriosis or soft rot of rhizomes. Signs of the presence of the disease: browning of the tips of the leaves and, as a result, their drying out, stunted growth compared to other iris bushes. Leaves affected by the disease are easily pulled out of the fan and emit an unpleasant odor. The spread of the disease is facilitated by poor wintering of iris plantings, high humidity and dense plantings. Do not apply manure under irises - this also provokes the development of bacteriosis! If you notice such plants, discard them immediately. Before planting, etch the rhizomes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If you are replanting irises, then after dividing the bush, you need to sprinkle the open breaks with ashes and allow the iris blade to lie in the shade for 2-3 days so that the wound from the break dries and heals. Do not plant irises in the same place all the time; observe cultural rotation.

Fusarium and gray rot. Signs of disease: rotting of roots and drying of rhizomes, transient yellowing of leaves and peduncles. These symptoms are caused by poor wintering, high humidity and excess nitrogen in the soil. To avoid this, it is necessary to plant irises in well-ventilated and sunny areas, promptly remove heavily affected bushes, treat the rhizomes before planting and treat the plants with fungicides.

Heterosporiosis (Leaf spot). I think that every iris grower has observed signs of this disease in their area: brown-yellow spots form on the leaves, which leads to the leaves drying out. Fortunately, the disease is not as dangerous as the previous ones, but it greatly spoils appearance irises What can be recommended as prevention? Remove iris leaves in a timely manner if the first signs of disease appear on them. You can spray the affected plants with copper-containing preparations.

On the site you may encounter iris diseases such as rust, ascochyta blight, and septoria blight. As a preventive measure, we can recommend crop rotation (returning iris plantings to their original place no earlier than after 5 years), as well as spraying with copper-containing, zinc-containing preparations and a suspension of colloidal sulfur.

Mosaic. This viral disease irises Light shading becomes visible on the leaves, and the petals become variegated. There is no cure for this disease. However, if you adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology, you can try to hide the consequences of the disease. However, the plant will remain a carrier of the disease for healthy bushes. It is necessary to promptly discard affected specimens and fight against disease-carrying insects.

An important factor in the fight against iris diseases is the disinfection of cutting tools. The use of contaminated cutting tools is considered to be the main mechanism for the spread of iris diseases. This occurs during the period of dividing and replanting overgrown bushes, when the same knife or pruning shears is used to trim old rhizomes, roots and the upper part of the leaf fan on many plants of the existing collection at once.

To completely eliminate the possibility of such an infection, you need to accustom yourself to dividing each individual bush with a separate disinfected tool. Let me remind you once again that on the surface of cutting blades in dried cell sap, viruses retain their virulence for about 3–4 days, and their death temperature is approximately +72°C.

Methods of antiviral disinfection of cutting instruments:

  • Calcination of the cutting part (blade) over an open fire for 1–2 minutes;
  • Sterilization in boiling water for at least 30 minutes;
  • Sterilization in pure (96%) technical or ethyl alcohol for at least 15 minutes;
  • Soaking in a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (pharmaceutical potassium permanganate) for at least 15 minutes (5 grams of KMnO4 per 100 ml of clean water);
  • Exposure in pure 40% formaldehyde for at least 15 minutes.

When dividing and replanting, use as little as possible cutting tools. It is better to simply break off the fan with part of the rhizome from the old part of the bush. The leaves do not need to be shortened, and this will not in any way affect the survival rate of the division. At the same time, you should not touch oozing wound surfaces (slices, cuts or breaks) with your hands. Cutting peduncles can be done with the same tool, but with subsequent immediate manual breaking of the remainder of the flower shoot. Rhizomes that rot during the growing season are stripped back to the healthy part and the entire wound is immediately sprinkled with dry potassium permanganate and rubbed over the entire wound surface.

With my article I am not trying to scare iris lovers or sow a seed of doubt about the correctness of choosing irises as an attractive crop for growing. I can only say one thing: there are no problem-free cultures at all. I try to act according to the principle: forewarned is forearmed. Our family has been working with irises for at least ten years and quite successfully. Iris is one of the most beautiful flowers that deserves your attention and everyone's admiration. I will be glad if the material presented in this article helps you strengthen this idea.

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Did you know? U Slavic peoples There are such names for irises as “pivnik” (“cockerel” in Ukrainian), “kasatik” (the leaves look like a scythe), and also “perunika” (named after the Old Slavic god Perun).

How to deal with iris pests

The main condition for healthy growth and absence of pests in irises is compliance with agrotechnical rules and careful observation of flowers during the growing season.

Root (onion) mite

Damages not only irises, but also many others bulbous plants. This pest has a convex, whitish body and 8 limbs, and is capable of laying 800 eggs per season. For rapid, intensive reproduction, the root mite requires a moist (at least 60%) and warm environment. Typically affects plants already infested with other pests. Penetrating into the root system, it settles in root cracks or between scales. Because of this, the root rots and the foliage turns yellow. When infected planting material it dries up.

As a method of control, use digging up the flower bed in the fall, be sure to remove unsprouted rhizomes and diseased irises, and observe planting dates.

It is advisable to choose a place for these flowers next to the carrot bed. Storage for bulbs must be disinfected with special sulfur bombs, and the bulbs themselves must be dried at a temperature of ~36 ° C and sprinkled with chalk (20 g per 1 kg). Also use an anti-mite treatment on the bulbs before planting.

During the growing season, treating irises from these pests involves spraying with a solution of 0.1% "Rogor", 0.2% "Trichlorometaphos", 0.2-0.3% "Karbofos" or watering with 0.2% "Keltan", "Rogor" " and "Chlorophos". Watering the soil with insecticides is also allowed.

Onion nematodes As with the fight against root mites, it is necessary to disinfect the storage and dry the bulbs.

For planting, choose a place close to the carrots. Using percalcite will kill nematode eggs and larvae. We also allow watering with ammonia water and treating the soil with urea.Important!

Do not plant iris in the same place for several years. During storage, humidity should not exceed 70%.

Chafer Larvae chafer live in the ground for several years. They gnaw on the rhizomes of irises. Helps best mechanical removal Khrushchev during deep digging.

And since they can be found in manure, before fertilizing the soil it is worth sifting it and removing all the larvae. Light traps and the application of anhydrous ammonia are also used for control. The mole cricket has two pairs of wings, front digging paws and strong jaws. She gnaws roots and stems. Particularly dangerous for bearded irises. To protect against mole crickets, dig the soil deeply and use traps.

In the spring, place slate, plywood, etc. on the area. The insect will crawl under them, and you will need to check such traps and destroy the pests. Or place small manure piles where mole crickets will lay eggs and you can collect insects.

Often harmful in wet, low-lying soils. As a result of its activity, the stems break off, the foliage turns yellow and withers. In addition, cutworm caterpillars can damage the root system, which is then easily affected by disease. When attacked by armyworm, the stems will have visible entry holes at ground level.

To destroy pupae, dig deep and periodically loosen the soil. At the beginning of the growing season, spray with a 10% solution of Karbofos and repeat the procedure a week later.

A wireworm is the name given to the larva of a click beetle. She has yellow and can remain in the soil for 3-4 years. This pest gnaws holes in the roots, bacteria and fungi get there, and over time, iris diseases develop, which can even lead to the death of the plant.

Weeds such as wheatgrass and sow thistle are its main food; therefore, it is necessary to regularly pay attention to weeding and loosening the soil. Also, the wireworm prefers acidic soil, so it is advisable to add lime, ash, chalk or dolomite flour. And if you add ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate, this will help reduce the number of larvae.


Not only irises are damaged, but also other floral and vegetable crops. They gnaw oblong holes on the foliage and sometimes flowers of plants. They are also dangerous because they carry bacteriosis. They leave a silvery mucus on the leaves.

Setting burdock traps and wet rags will help catch and kill slugs. In the evening or morning, in dry and warm weather, scatter granular metaldehyde between the irises or use tobacco dust and slaked lime. The soil around the plant sprinkled with superphosphate will also repel them. Prevention will be the removal of weeds.

This insect, which settles on leaves, young shoots and buds, has a black-green or brown color. It feeds on plant sap, causing shoots to become deformed and foliage to become discolored and curled.

Regular phosphorus-potassium fertilizing and weeding are used as control measures. If the aphids have not had time to reproduce, they are removed manually, and in case of severe infestation, homemade and chemical insecticides are used, alternating them every 10 days.

For planting, choose a place close to the carrots. Using percalcite will kill nematode eggs and larvae. We also allow watering with ammonia water and treating the soil with urea. The best way to treat irises against diseases in the spring is a solution of potassium permanganate. This disinfection should last 20 minutes.

Thrips are inconspicuous, small, up to 1 mm, insects. They come in black, gray, and brown colors, and the larvae are pale yellow, green, and gray. They eat cell sap, as a result of which the leaves become discolored and deformed, and the damaged rhizome becomes covered with brown spots. Usually hidden in buds and stamens or leaf axils.

For prevention and control, dig up the soil, remove weeds and water irises in hot and dry weather. In case of numerous thrips infestations, treat plants every 7-10 days with organophosphorus solutions.

Main diseases of irises, their treatment

Irises are more resistant than other perennials, but are still affected by viral, fungal, and bacterial pathogens. Next, we will consider the main diseases of irises and ways to combat them.

Alternaria blight

This is a fungal virus in which at the edges sheet plates A black coating forms, and then they dry out and fall off. The infected plant should be removed, because the infection can persist in the soil. Use regular sprays of Bordeaux mixture before and after flowering (or its equivalent) as a medicine.

Ascochyta blight

Ascochyta blight, also called fungal leaf spot, results in round, watery brown marks along the edges. If the disease progresses, the affected foliage will dry out prematurely. When treating, it should be taken into account that the infection can remain both in the ground and in plant residues.To combat, use preparations with copper, such as Bordeaux mixture or substitutes, before and after flowering.

Heterosporia, or leaf spot, becomes active from mid-July and feels best in warm and humid weather. The defeat begins on the outermost, senescent leaves. Whitish-gray areas with a watery edge appear and become increasingly larger. Over time everything dries up outer leaves, and the infection affects the internal ones. With this disease, it is very important to regularly remove dried, aging leaves and plant debris. You can also use fungicides with copper and zinc.


Mosaic irises are usually carried by aphids. It appears as small stripes and light spots on the foliage. Because it hasn't been found yet effective remedy fight against mosaic, then efforts should be made to preventive actions. They include: proper agricultural technology, control of aphids and other sucking insects using chemicals, immediate destruction of diseased specimens.


As a preventive measure against all types of spots, spraying flowers with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture is used.

Did you know? The word “iris” is translated from Greek as “rainbow”, because the flower is named after the ancient Greek goddess Iris, who descended to earth along a rainbow.

With a disease of irises such as rust, brown pustules appear on the leaves, around which the tissue dies, and over time the foliage dries out, curls and dies. The stems are deformed. Spores can persist in soil and plant debris.

It is also necessary to observe cultural circulation(replant the iris in the same place after 3-4 years), drain the soil, destroy all infected leaves and treat the rest with a solution of sulfur (repeat every 2 weeks until the symptoms of the disease disappear).

Wet rot (bacteriosis)

Wet or soft rot is a bacterial disease that can be recognized in early spring if you pay attention to specific brown spots on overwintered leaves. They begin to turn brown at the ends and eventually dry out. The bases of the stems smell unpleasant. Interior the affected rhizomes look like a white mass with a putrid odor.

For planting, choose a place close to the carrots. Using percalcite will kill nematode eggs and larvae. We also allow watering with ammonia water and treating the soil with urea.The disease spreads due to high humidity and density of plantings, freezing of rhizomes and the application of fresh manure. A lack of calcium and phosphorus, as well as an excess of nitrogen, are also stimulators of bacteriosis.

The affected tissue should be removed with a knife, and the cut should be treated with potassium permanganate. For propagation use only quality material. Remove the affected foliage from the area and destroy it, and in the fall, collect and remove all plant remains.

Appears due to two types of mushrooms. The first is activated by high humidity and affects the ends of the leaves and stems. Ultimately, the foliage rots and becomes covered with a gray coating. The second leads to dry rot of the rhizomes.

To prevent such a disease from affecting your irises, plant them in well-drained soil, use healthy material, promptly remove damaged parts and do not forget to collect and burn all remains in the fall.

Dry rot (fusarium)

Dry rot spreads from the roots, where, growing, it clogs the vessels of the plant. The rhizomes dry out. During the growing season, this takes the form of rapid drying of flowers and leaves. Dead plants must be removed from the site, and the places where they grow should be treated with copper oxychloride. Spray healthy irises with fungicide.

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