Nutrition for urolithiasis in women treatment. Nutrition for kidney stones. Allowed and Prohibited Products

Diet for kidney stones can be an excellent tool for treatment - or it can be completely useless. It depends on the type of metabolic disturbances that led to stone formation, and, therefore, on the chemical composition of the stone.

What are the general dietary guidelines for treating kidney stones?

  • One, but very important: drinking enough water. Ideally - 2-2.5 liters daily, preference is given to pure non-mineral water, juices and fruit drinks are allowed, but not tea, coffee, cocoa, beer or wine. The process of stone formation begins with an increased concentration of ions in the urine, respectively, the more water is filtered with urine, the lower this concentration will be.
  • The diet for kidney stones should be balanced in composition and have sufficient energy value - after all, you will have to adhere to it for many years.

If there are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this must certainly be taken into account: exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis, intestinal dysbiosis inevitably leads to impaired absorption of vitamins and microelements, and ultimately contributes to stone formation.

When is the diet effective?

  • Amino acid stones - cysteine ​​and xanthine, are formed against the background of genetic abnormalities, they cannot be corrected by a diet, but there is hope to get rid of urate stones by following certain recommendations.
  • It is not worth relying on the dissolution of existing oxalates or phosphorus-calcium stones and calcium carbonates, but a diet is necessary to prevent the formation of new stones.
  • Magnesium salts of phosphoric acid (struvite) are most often formed not due to metabolic disorders, but against the background of a urinary tract infection. But even in this case, some dietary recommendations will not be superfluous.

So, to choose a diet for urolithiasis, you need to know the chemical composition of the stone.


Formed when there is an excess content in the urine of the end product of purine metabolism - uric acid.

  • Purines are found in large quantities in meat, especially young animals (chicken, veal), offal, their concentration is high in jellies and rich broths. Excess purines in mushrooms and legumes. The diet allows you to eat boiled meat or fish no more than 3 times a week.
  • Alcoholic beverages, especially beer and red wine, sharply reduce the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. The content of these foods in the diet should be reduced.
  • Vegetables, cereals and dairy products contain few purines. That is, with urate nephrolithiasis, it is advisable to adhere to a dairy-plant diet. Potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants; buckwheat, millet, barley and pasta; nuts and seeds; milk and dairy products, cottage cheese and mild cheeses; eggs, any berries and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  • Uric acid crystallizes in an acidic environment, therefore, with uric acid diathesis, urine must be alkalized. Alkaline mineral waters (Borjomi, Jermuk, Obukhovskaya), lemon juice and citrate mixtures (blemaren) are suitable for this.
  • As a herbal medicine, you can use decoctions of clover, black currant leaves, cornflower flowers, burdock and dandelion roots.


An excess of oxalates can be formed with an increased consumption of foods containing oxalic acid or vitamin C, which is metabolized in the body before it, as well as with increased absorption of oxalic acid, which is associated with a deficiency of calcium and vitamin B6.

  • Therefore, foods rich in oxalic acid are primarily excluded from the diet: lettuce, spinach, beets, celery, parsley, tea and coffee, chocolate and cocoa, jellies and jellies.
  • Limit carrots, tomatoes, green beans, chicken, and beef.
  • Potatoes and cabbage, pumpkin, peas, pears, apricots, bananas and watermelons, all cereals, dairy products are allowed, preferably in the 1st half of the day.
  • Vitamin C should not be taken as a dietary supplement; foods where ascorbic acid acts as a preservative are excluded from the diet. Limit foods containing a lot of vitamin C: citrus fruits, currants, rose hips, sour apples.
  • You need foods rich in vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium (potatoes, nuts, whole grains).
  • The effect of alkaline drinking is small, but herbal medicine is half-dead, madder dye, birch leaves and violet roots are highly recommended.


Calcium salts of phosphoric acid (apatites) are formed against the background of disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism (hypervitaminosis D, excess parathyroid hormone, renal tubular acidosis), therefore, for this type of urolithiasis, it is important to reduce the excretion of calcium by the kidneys.

The condition for the formation of magnesium compounds (struvites) is an infection of the urinary tract, therefore good immunity is needed to prevent them. But both of them crystallize in an alkaline environment, therefore, one of the main goals of the diet for phosphaturia is acidification of urine.

  • Vegetables and fruits in the diet are sharply reduced, except for pumpkin, beans, peas, asparagus and Brussels sprouts (they have little calcium and alkalizing components), and sour berries - cranberries, currants, lingonberries.
  • Milk and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese), which have an alkalizing effect and are rich in calcium, are limited
  • Exclude products that increase the secretion of gastric juice, and, therefore, lead to the loss of acid radicals: alcohol, coffee, spices and hot snacks, carbonated drinks.
  • An excess of table salt increases the excretion of calcium, so salty foods are also undesirable in the presence of apatites.
  • You can eat meat and fish, pasta and bread, cereals and soups, butter and vegetable oil. Especially one should not neglect butter, which, along with liver and egg yolk, is rich in vitamin A. Retinol has been found to help prevent infection and reduce stone formation.
  • Against the background of a constantly observed diet, it is necessary to periodically arrange "calcium" days - there is cottage cheese, cheese, nuts - this will prevent the unpleasant consequences of hypocalcemia and will not lead to the growth of calculi.
  • As with any variant of urolithiasis, with phosphaturia, you need to drink a lot, and it is better to choose sour drinks - fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries, juice from sour varieties of apples and grapes, mineral waters such as Arzni, Dolomitnaya, Truskavetskaya, Sairme.
  • You can also pay attention to herbal teas, especially with the use of herbs that increase the solubility of phosphates: burdock root, madder dye, elecampane, bearberry, lovage, centaury.

Thus, dietary advice is possible if the nature of the stone is established, in all other cases it is not necessary to act at random. It is enough to drink more - ordinary fresh water or neutral mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk, decoctions of herbs with a diuretic, but without a pronounced alkalizing or acidifying effect, eat food rich in vitamins A and group B, empty the bladder more often and move more.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Nowadays, more and more people suffer from urolithiasis. Doctors explain this phenomenon with the deterioration of the global environmental situation and with the poor quality of the water we drink. Heavy metals found in water, food and air accumulate in our body and cause diseases of this kind.

What are urate stones and why are they formed?

Uric acid kidney stones are a special type of urolithiasis. Sometimes urate stones provoke complications in the human body, so we should be careful and follow a special diet to dissolve urate stones.

With uraturia, uric acid accumulates in the body. It begins its decomposition in the urinary organs, forming sand or small stones. Such stones can be found not only in the kidneys, but also in the bladder and ureters.

Reasons for the formation of urate stone

  • Wrong metabolism.
  • Genetic predisposition, in other words, heredity.
  • Eating sour, spicy foods.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Diseases of the esophagus or genitourinary organs.
  • Poor blood supply to the kidney.
  • Violation of the volume of fluid in the body.

The volume of fluid is disturbed in the event of its excessive loss: at high temperature, vomiting or excessive physical exertion.

It should be noted the peculiarity of the formation of urates in the kidneys with excessive and unbalanced consumption of food:

  • fried meat, broths on meat
  • canned fish
  • legumes
  • tomatoes
  • alcohol
  • chocolate

Forced starvation can also become the reason for the formation of urates.

When urate is formed in the kidneys or urinary tract, the body accumulates in excess amount of uric acid, the formation of which is promoted by purine substances in foods. The diet restricts the intake of foods rich in purines, such as meat, organ meats, fish, and mushrooms and legumes.

Urates, renal urate stones, can appear at any age in both the male and female body. For prevention, it is worth adhering to a balanced diet and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment of urate kidney stones

Often, urate stones are a consequence of improper diet, so you need to balance your diet during treatment. With proper treatment, urate stones dissolve easily in our body, but do not delay with it - sometimes stones cause complications.

The course of treatment depends on factors such as the size of the stone and its location in the body. If the stone that appears is small, then the treatment will consist in a strict diet and taking the necessary medications. Also, your doctor may advise herbal diuretic and exercise therapy. In especially difficult cases, you will be cured promptly.

During the purification of the body from urates, we need to do the following:

  1. Increase the volume of water in the body.
  2. Alkalinize urine to remove stones from the kidneys.
  3. Reduce consumption of foods that promote urate formation.

To achieve all three goals, I want to offer you, dear readers, the most optimal option - a special diet against kidney stones. It is this regime that will facilitate the work of the urinary tract, correctly normalize the metabolism and prevent the reappearance of urates in the kidneys.

Diet principles for dissolving uric acid kidney stones

  1. Keep track of your calorie intake. The daily rate rises to 2800 kilocalories.
  2. Carbohydrates are allowed to be consumed most of all - four hundred grams. Protein can be consumed in the amount of 70-80 grams, fat - no more than 90 grams.
  3. You need to adhere to the following diet: 5 meals a day with the exclusion of too cold foods from the diet.
  4. It is useful to arrange - fruit, dairy, vegetable.

Allowed foods during the urate stone diet

  • sweet fruits and berries
  • milk products
  • from vegetables: eggplant, potatoes, bell peppers, pumpkin, cucumbers, cauliflower, zucchini
  • watermelons
  • pasta
  • rye bread, white wheat bread
  • buckwheat, wheat porridge
  • citrus
  • eggs from which the yolks are removed (no more than 1 yolk per day is allowed)
  • jam, jelly and compotes
  • honey, marshmallow, marmalade
  • Tea with lemon

From fruits, I recommend eating more apples, pears, grapes, from berries - watermelons. It is these foods that help alkalize urine.

During this regimen, you need to drink about 2-3 liters of fluid daily.

Citrus products can be eaten when no oxalates are found in the urine. If present in the analysis of urine, then limited consumption of oranges is allowed. Also, you should limit the consumption of potatoes.

Prohibited foods during a diet against uric acid stones

  • meat offal and meat of juveniles
  • broths of all varieties: from meat, mushrooms and fish
  • smoked and salted
  • from vegetables: lettuce, parsley, green onion, sorrel
  • from fruits: Antonov apples, cranberries, lingonberries and other fruits with high acidity
  • legumes
  • flour
  • alcohol
  • cocoa, chocolate, coffee, sweet
  • It is necessary to limit salt consumption and comply with its daily rate.

Thus, in case of urolithiasis, accompanied by the formation of stones from uric acid salts (urates), it is possible to recommend diet No. 6, i.e. the same as for gout.

Features of cooking with a diet against uric acid stones

Despite the diet, absolutely everyone always wants to pamper themselves with a piece of freshly prepared delicious meat. In this case, you can afford it. I want to tell you about the products, features and principles of cooking meat that should be followed when dieting against urates in the kidneys.

As I already wrote above, urate stones are formed from the salts of uric acid, the formation of which is promoted by special substances - purines. The largest amount of purines is found in meat, fish, mushrooms, by-products: liver, kidneys, lungs. When these products are cooked, most of these substances are digested - they remain in the broth. Therefore, any meat broths are categorically contraindicated. And meat is allowed only boiled or steamed.

  1. Soak meat in saline solution for about three hours before cooking.
  2. Cook the first courses in vegetable broth, the meat can be cooked separately and put on a plate when serving.
  3. Place the meat immediately in boiling water.

Basic folk remedies in the fight against the urates

For a person suffering from kidney stones, it is very beneficial to eat foods such as freshly squeezed carrot juices and radishes with honey. They accompany the removal of kidney stones.

The correct menu for a diet against urates.

Which doctor should I see?

If you want to get advice about the necessary medications, then you should go to a nephrologist. If you decide to consult with a specialist about the diet that you should follow, discuss the permitted food, go to the dietitian.

Diet for urolithiasis in both men and women is of great importance, as is drug treatment. Many believe that if an operation was performed to remove stones from the kidneys, then the disease is over. In fact, after surgical treatment, the healing process continues actively.

Nutrition for urolithiasis depends primarily on the type, chemical composition of kidney stones. These can be oxalates (stones from calcium salts of oxalic acid), urates (from salts of uric acid) or phosphates (calcium salts of phosphoric acid). Each type of stones is formed with a certain shift in the metabolism, on the basis of which the diet is drawn up. Proper nutrition will prevent kidney stones from reoccurring.

Features of the diet for oxalate stones and oxalaturia

It is prohibited:

Foods high in oxalates - oxalic acid salts - sorrel, parsley, tomatoes, celery, spinach, rhubarb, asparagus, figs (wine berry);

Fatty meat, broths from meat, poultry, fish and mushroom, aspic, jellied meat, gelatin;

Chocolate, tomato juice.

Use is limited:

Foods with a high content of calcium and ascorbic acid - cheese (especially salted), cottage cheese, legumes, including peanuts, lentils, green beans, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, bell peppers, cauliflower, horseradish;

Beef, chicken, liver, kidneys, brains, smoked meats, sausage (especially liverwort), pates, cod;

Fried, salty, sour and spicy foods, mustard;

Apples (primarily sour), citrus fruits, currants, plums, gooseberries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, raisins;

Sweet and pastries, cocoa, tea and coffee (especially strong ones), kvass,

Porridge made from all types of cereals, only boiled potatoes, black and white bread, preferably from wholemeal flour;

Boiled meat, fish, poultry;

Dairy products in small quantities and only in the morning;

Cabbage, cucumbers (peeled), green peas, pumpkin, turnips, squash and eggplant caviar, butter and vegetable oil, nuts;

Pears, grapes, apricots, peaches, bananas, watermelon, melon, quince;

Mineral waters are slightly alkaline, it is useful to drink kombucha, birch sap.

Meat, poultry and fish can be eaten 3 times a week in small quantities and low-fat.

Apples, pears, grapes, quince contribute to the elimination of oxalates from the body. Potatoes alkalize urine, bind calcium and aid in its excretion through the intestines.

Food, preferably 5 times a day, drink plentiful, at least 2 liters per day. It is not recommended to eat cold food.

Features of the diet with uric acid stones

Use is limited:

smoked, salted and pickled, concentrated meat and fish broths, offal, legumes, sorrel and spinach, chocolate, coffee and cocoa, beer and red wine.


Eggs, dairy products, oatmeal and rice porridge, yesterday's bread, fruits and vegetables, walnuts, red and black caviar, honey, marshmallow, marmalade, tea;

Meat, poultry and fish can only be eaten boiled and no more than three times a week.

Citrus juices prevent the formation of uric acid salts(urats). It is good to drink juices between meals. Tea is good to drink with lemon.

When urate stones are prescribed.

Features of the diet for phosphate stones

Use is limited:

primarily limited to calcium-rich milk and dairy products, as well as spices and pungent.


Meat and fish dishes in any form, soaked herring, eggs no more than 2 times a week, legumes, bread, butter and vegetable oil;

White cabbage and cauliflower, pumpkin and zucchini, unsweetened apples, red currants;

Black weak tea and coffee.

With phosphate stones it is prescribed.

Procedure for choosing a diet for urolithiasis

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine what type of stones in the urinary tract are. If this circumstance is not taken into account, it is possible not only not to stop the further formation of stones, but also to aggravate the course of the disease.
  2. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo an examination.
  3. Based on the diagnosis, an appropriate diet is prescribed.

General principles of the diet for urolithiasis

  1. Eat spicy, salty, fried and smoked foods as little as possible. In some cases, they are required to be abandoned, at least for the duration of treatment.
  2. Be sure to follow the drinking regime! You need to consume at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid daily. However, it must be borne in mind that if there is a concomitant pathology of the cardiovascular system, then drinking is limited. A stable drinking regime helps prevent kidney problems.
  3. Never overeat! Shown fractional meals - in small portions. The best option is five meals a day. This way your kidneys and, in general, the whole body can work in comfortable conditions.
  4. In the presence of concomitant diseases of other organs and systems, the diet should be adjusted accordingly.
  5. The use of alcoholic beverages is limited or excluded.
  6. If you are overweight, then be sure to strive to normalize it. Extra pounds will not only complicate the course of urolithiasis, but also contribute to the appearance of other unpleasant ailments. Therefore, try to select the menu taking into account getting rid of unnecessary centimeters. But remember, the diet should be gentle, no long hunger strikes and super-fast weight loss methods.
  7. Lead a healthy lifestyle. This, among other things, can be a good source of positive emotions.
  8. Reasonable physical activity. It is enough to follow simple recommendations:

Walk for 1 hour or more daily;

As little as possible to be in a "stationary" state;

Do light physical exercise if possible; ideal - morning exercises; movements should be simple and not abrupt, with low intensity.

And, most importantly, when choosing a diet, take into account your individual characteristics and possible intolerance to some of the permitted foods. In case of changes in condition and well-being, seek the advice of your doctor. additional tests may be required. Study urolithiasis, read available literature and publications on the Internet from authoritative sources.

Urolithiasis in medical circles is considered to be quite common. According to statistics, women are more likely to suffer from it, 80% of all cases of calculus formation in the kidneys are in them. The exact reason for this has not yet been clarified, but experts believe that the hormonal background of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, which undergoes significant changes throughout life, is to blame. Another reason for the occurrence of stones in the urinary system is considered to be errors in nutrition and metabolic disorders. In addition to the human form of the disease, there is also urolithiasis in dogs. The diet for the animal, as well as for the person, in this case plays an essential role, since it is the unhealthy diet that leads to the formation of calculi.

What are kidney stones?

The formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system occurs due to an increase in urine calcium, salts of oxalic and uric acid, as well as cystine. Depending on the substances from which calculi are formed, the following types are distinguished.

  • Urates formed with excess uric acid. They look like smooth rounded formations of red-orange hues.
  • Oxalates arising from excess content of ascorbic and oxalic acids in the urine. They look like uneven black formations, often with thorns and sharp protrusions.
  • Phosphates, formed when there is an excess of calcium in the body. They look like light gray or white rounded stones with a smooth or slightly rough surface. In some cases, they can grow and form conglomerate structures in the renal pelvis, resembling corals.
  • Xanthine and cystine stones are formed as a result of impaired absorption of cystine from the intestine and xanthine oxidase deficiency.

Along with conservative and traditional methods of treating the disease, all experts agree that a diet for urolithiasis not only contributes to a faster onset of recovery, but also prevents the re-formation of calculi.

General provisions of dietary nutrition for kidney stones

Self-selection of a diet for any ailment cannot give a positive result, since only a specialist, after a detailed diagnosis, can determine from which substances the calculi were formed. This information will make it possible to compile a list of foods that must be completely excluded from the patient's diet and to determine which diet for urolithiasis in a particular patient will be more effective.

In any case, the patient will have to observe the following nutritional rules, which are applicable to all types of diets for kidney disease.

  1. Completely exclude from the menu products that can form free compounds when cleaved, which dissolve little or not at all, and therefore pose a danger to the kidneys.
  2. An increase in water consumption to such an amount that the volume of urine excreted per day is at least 2 liters. Carbonated and low-alcohol drinks saturated with flavors and preservatives should not be consumed.
  3. The amount of food consumed at a time should not exceed the average nutritionist recommended serving size of 250 ml.

Nutrition for urolithiasis (urates)

Since urates are formed due to the increased content of uric acid in the body, a diet based on a change in the reaction of urine from acidic to alkaline is recommended. To do this, it is enough to reduce or completely eliminate the intake of purines in the body, which are contained in animal products. The diet for urolithiasis (urates) consists mainly of vegetarian dishes, which include all kinds of vegetables and fruits, as well as milk.

When treating uraturia, it is not recommended to take too long breaks between meals. It is best to practice six meals a day, with portions not exceeding 250 ml. The main dishes with this diet are soups, boiled, stewed and baked vegetables, semi-liquid or slimy cereals. Salt content in dishes should be reduced to 5-7 g per day.

Menu for uraturia - what is not and what is allowed?

A diet for urolithiasis of this type provides for the complete exclusion of the following products from the menu:

  • meat products: fatty veal, offal, meat of young chickens, piglets and other animals, canned meat, boiled and smoked sausages;
  • cocoa and coffee, including chocolate;
  • Black tea;
  • alcohol;
  • animal fats, including fish oil and lard.

The list of permitted products for use in the presence of urate stones in the kidneys includes:

  • vegetables: beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, green crops;
  • fruits: figs, apples, peaches, apricots, pears, plums, grapes;
  • berries: strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, cranberries;
  • nuts of all kinds;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • dairy products: cottage cheese, cream, milk, kefir, cheeses;
  • flour products from butter and unleavened dough;
  • cereals: buckwheat, millet, corn, millet, rice;
  • drinks: alkaline mineral water, jelly, compotes, green tea with milk;
  • eggs.

Diet for kidney stones with urate formation may include meat products. However, they must be consumed no more than twice a week and only in boiled form. At the same time, a large amount of purines will remain in the broth, which cannot be used by patients.

Diet food for oxalate stones

Oxalate menu: permitted and prohibited foods

The basis of the menu for oxaluria is:

  • vegetarian soups, which may include permitted vegetables (pumpkin, cauliflower);
  • porridge with milk or water from oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • fermented milk products, including cottage cheese and cheese;
  • eggs;
  • vegetable oil and margarine;
  • prunes.

If a diet that fully complies with all the recommendations of specialists is carried out for urolithiasis, oxalates stop growing and are gradually excreted from the patient's body.

Nutrition for phosphate kidney stones

Since the formation of phosphate stones is due to an alkaline reaction of urine and a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body, the diet for urolithiasis is aimed at acidifying urine and reducing the amount of calcium salts entering the body. To achieve a result, it is necessary to sharply limit the consumption of dairy products and vegetables; legumes can be included in the menu twice a week. Salt food in moderation.

Phosphate stones menu

The basis of the diet of patients with urolithiasis with a predominance of phosphates includes:

  • flour products: white and black bread, buns, pasta;
  • meat products: beef, lamb, pork, poultry, fish;
  • vegetables: greens, cabbage of all kinds, pumpkin and tomatoes, cucumbers and beets, beans, peas and lentils;
  • fruits: sour apples, pears, plums, apricots, figs, grapes;
  • berries: currants, cranberries, lingonberries, strawberries, gooseberries;
  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, oats.

Diet for kidney stones helps to stop the formation of phosphate stones. In addition, if you follow it for three months, the size of the calculi may decrease, which will allow them to come out naturally.

Urolithiasis treatment: diet number 7

The so-called 7th table diet is intended for patients with any disorders of the urinary organs, and the kidneys in particular. This meal plan is designed for use in acute diffuse glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis in remission, and diseases such as urolithiasis. Diet 7 helps to normalize the water and electrolyte balance in the body, restore blood pressure and improve kidney function, even in the presence of inflammatory processes in them. That is why it is attributed by experts to the best diets for kidney disease.

The main points of the diet 7

The meal plan with such a diet is characterized by a limitation of the amount of consumed proteins, while fats and carbohydrates remain within the recommended physiological norms. Unlike other types of diets, the rate of water consumption is reduced and does not exceed 800 ml per day. Meat, mushroom and fish broths and extractives are subject to complete exclusion from the diet. It is recommended to eat food prepared in different ways: boiling, baking, stewing and even frying. Diet for urolithiasis number 7 recommends reducing the amount of salt to 5 g per day, while it is better to add salt to ready-made food. Salted and pickled foods are not recommended.

Diet menu 7

  • flour products: protein-free, bran, salt-free wheat bread, buns, sweet pastries;
  • first courses: vegetarian soups with vegetable broths with cereals, pasta, butter and herbs;
  • second courses: boiled lean meat, chopped cutlets, boiled or baked fish;
  • side dishes: boiled, stewed or fried vegetables, including potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, tomatoes and herbs, pasta;
  • desserts: fruits and berries in their natural form or puree, preserves, jams, watermelons and melons, honey;
  • dairy products: cottage cheese and casseroles from it, puddings, sour milk drinks;
  • eggs: steamed omelette, boiled in a bag or soft-boiled;
  • sauces and gravies, including sweet, fruity, or creamy;
  • drinks: juices from fruits and berries, diluted in half with water, decoctions and compotes from garden fruits and berries, weak tea with lemon.

Care should be taken to consume foods that are not on the above list. Strict compliance of nutrition with the basic principles of the diet contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after suffering from diseases of the urinary system.

One of the main methods of treatment and prevention is the right diet.

It is equally beneficial for men and women to follow a balanced and vitamin-rich diet, because the appearance of stones does not depend on the sex and age of the patient.

It's all to blame impaired metabolism and, as a consequence, an increased concentration of salts and acids in the blood and organs of the digestive system.

Why do you need a diet?

Urolithiasis lends itself well to modern medicine. There are drug complexes that, together with physical therapy, help in the treatment of certain types of stones.

In more complex cases, doctors may resort to instrumental and surgical intervention... These procedures are widely used and practically painless.

But, think about it, do you want to go under the knife or put stress on your liver, using various for several months? Or is it much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it? Diet in this case cannot be avoided if you have already treated urolithiasis, because the risk of recurrence is very high.


General principles and effectiveness

The effectiveness of proper nutrition, first of all, will depend on choosing a suitable diet exactly in your case.

If you have pain in the lumbar region and other symptoms of urolithiasis, you should visit a urologist.

The doctor will prescribe all the necessary procedures and procedures to establish the area in which the stones are located and their composition. The composition is main factor when choosing a suitable menu.

In addition to nutrition, it is necessary to maintain healthy lifestyle:

Outdoor walks are essential too. All these factors help the body to cope faster with the disease and enhance the effect of the diet.

There are two main principles of a good diet for any kidney stones:

  • It is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid, while it is not so important which one: water, decoctions, juices - everything is good, which is not harmful. 2 liters a day will be enough to remove excess salts and ions from your body.
  • Balance and its energy value are essential. It is necessary to restore the level of vitamins and nutrients that are lacking, and then maintain the body in this state to prevent relapse.
  • it is helpful to reduce the intake of salty and spicy foods.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the diet depends. With oxalate and phosphate formations in the ureters and kidneys, proper nutrition is only preventive in nature, but does not contribute to their destruction.

If you have already visited a doctor and you know what exactly causes unpleasant in your body, you can proceed to the choice of a suitable diet.

In men and women, the causes of urolithiasis are the same factors. Treatment is no different either, be it medication or surgery.

And diet, in this case, is no exception. The only point worth paying attention to is pregnancy. Proper nutrition for urolithiasis is beneficial for all people in view of its balance.

But, if, during gestation, changes in the hormonal background affect the intolerance of certain foods, this should be discussed with a nutritionist and the diet should be adjusted to the individual characteristics of your body.

Now let's move on to the important part and figure out what you can eat and what you can't, depending on from the chemical composition of stones.


Appear as a result of high concentration of uric acid. Necessary limit the amount of purine in consumed products.

Most of this substance is found in:

  • meat of young animals;
  • brains, cartilage, tongue and other offal;
  • the legume family;
  • some fish;
  • mushrooms.

You can eat in unlimited quantities:

For decrease acidity and to prevent the crystallization of uric acid, you can use alkaline drinks - mineral water, lemonade.

As mentioned above, some of these foods can cause food allergies and intolerances, especially during pregnancy. The diet needs to be adjusted to suit your body and its characteristics.

Oxalate stones

The main factor in the formation of these stones is oxalic acid... An excess of it means a lack of B vitamins and calcium. The gut is responsible for combining calcium with oxalates. If there is not enough calcium, then the acid moves further, forming kidney stones.

Products that should be excluded:

  • wheat bran;
  • rhubarb;
  • beet;
  • cocoa-containing products;
  • lettuce, parsley and spinach;
  • gelatin;
  • products containing ascorbic acid as a preservative;
  • sour and citrus fruits.

You can eat, but be careful:

Insoluble fiber lowers calcium levels in the body, excreting it through the intestines and not the kidneys. It is necessary to control its consumption.

Not limited to:

  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • cabbage;
  • bananas;
  • watermelon.

Any foods containing vitamin B6 and calcium are useful, most often cereals and nuts. Additional drinks may include decoctions of violet roots and birch leaves.


Alkaline environment promotes their appearance, excess vitamin D and problems with the absorption of calcium salts. It is better to remove the following foods from the diet:

Limit consumption:

  • dairy products and cottage cheese;
  • most fruits and vegetables other than those listed below;
  • bakery products.
  • sour berries;
  • fish and meat in moderation;
  • pumpkin;
  • asparagus;
  • apples;
  • Brussels sprouts.

With this diet, vitamins A, C and fiber-rich foods are additionally prescribed. Teas from currant leaves well contribute to the excretion of phosphates from the body.

In conclusion, it can be said that dieting is not an easy undertaking. But it is necessary that the stones, like weeds in the garden, did not appear again and again.

The correct diet can only be made by a doctor, based on tests and examination of your body. Do not try to heal yourself with a diet without knowing the chemical composition of stones.

Perhaps the matter will not be limited to a diet and you will have to take more radical measures, but this is a completely different story.

What is allowed for urolithiasis, learn from the video: