Kitchen set for a kitchen 5 sq. m. Kitchen layout. And if you need spacious storage boxes

Owners of small-sized Khrushchev apartments have to think about changing the design of the kitchen space. Typically, a Khrushchev kitchen design is 5 square meters and this is small enough for all the necessary items to be placed on the area. Even for experienced designers, sometimes renovation, arrangement of this room becomes difficult to implement task. How to choose a convenient, practical design for a small-sized kitchen, the rules for decorating the interior of a given room, numerous options presented in the photo below, will help with this.

For those who live in Khrushchev-era buildings, the organization of living space has always been and continues to be the main problem. This is especially true for the kitchen area, since this room is the smallest. How to place everything you need on 5 square meters, yes it is difficult task, but everything can be done. Before you start designing, keep a few things in mind: important rules on organizing space and arranging furniture:

  • the general arrangement of kitchen furniture elements in 5 squares should be thought out so that during cooking the distance between the stove, sink and refrigerator is reduced;
  • The working surface must be between the stove and the sink. Its width should be from 80 to 120 cm;
  • near gas stove It is recommended to place an area for towels and drawers for necessary things;
  • It is recommended to install the gas stove at a distance of 20-30 cm from the working surface;
  • If there are small children in the family, then a protective barrier should be installed on the stove. This new product will help protect small household members from burns and fire;
  • The stove should not be installed too close to the window; a draft from the window will blow out the fire. But you shouldn’t place it near the exit from the room either. According to the rules of ergonomics, all elements in a 5 square meter kitchen are installed depending on the location of the gas stove, and this is important to remember when carrying out repairs;
  • the distance between the sink and the work surface should be 20-30 cm. The height of this kitchen attribute depends on the height of the housewife herself, the main thing is that it is comfortable;
  • All household appliances should be placed nearby, for example, you can install a microwave oven on the windowsill and put an electric kettle on top. If you have a toaster, then it should also be placed next to these elements. Also, the microwave can be placed on the refrigerator;
  • the working surface should be located at such a height that the housewife’s back does not get tired while working.

It is advisable to purchase a small kitchen set. Cabinets with doors should be installed on top, and drawers on the bottom.

But rules are rules, and how to make the interior of a room functional? Khrushchev does not always allow you to install many items, but despite this, everything can be organized even in such a small area.

Design of surfaces and work area

For any housewife who spends a long period of time in the kitchen, the main thing is proper organization working area. But besides this, when repairing it is necessary to select the right Decoration Materials.

Work zone

The work area is a place that consists of kitchen stove, refrigerator, sink, set kitchen furniture, and, of course, places where food is prepared. When choosing kitchen appliances for such a small area, you will have to think carefully about which items to give preference to and which to discard. When choosing, you should remember some rules:

  • stove - you can save on it by choosing a hob and adding a mini-oven to it;
  • when choosing a microwave, you should give preference to the mini option;
  • the space under the sink can be filled with a washing machine or dishwasher;
  • instead of vertical model The horizontal version of the refrigerator should be considered;
  • dinner table must be transformable or folding;
  • The window sill can become an addition to the work area.


Kitchen renovation consists of decorating the walls and designing the apron. This is the place that is between wall cabinets, table surface, sink. It is advisable to make an apron from a tiled covering. Now there are many photos showing ways to design this area.

Remember the surface properties of this zone:

  • the coating should be comfortable and easy to clean;
  • have a beautiful and stylish look;
  • must have high resistance to cleaning agents and detergents;
  • withstand strong humidity and temperature changes.

Numerous photos will help you design your apron in a stylish and aesthetic way. It can be a bright place that attracts attention, or, conversely, it can be made in neutral and calm colors.

Selection of finishing materials

The walls, as well as the rest of the kitchen elements, should be combined and in harmony with overall design. To design them you can use different types material, the main thing is that the material has high quality, was durable and had stylish design. It is better to give preference to light colors, but if you wish, you can experiment with bright colors, making the room so that it gives strength and energy.

For the floor you can use any materials: parquet, laminate, linoleum. But it is best to give preference to porcelain stoneware, which can withstand all the loads present in the kitchen. One requirement is color. The color of the flooring should match the interior of the room.

It is better to whitewash the ceiling or make tension structure. The main thing is that it is light. White color makes the room appear larger. A mirror or glossy surface will look beautiful.


First of all, you need to decide how the design of the kitchen space will be decorated, be it corner kitchen or square, you need to arrange everything so that each item complements each other and harmonizes with the interior.

When renovating a 5 sq. m kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, many designers suggest using useful secrets:

  • doorways can be removed or expanded;
  • the dining area can be moved to another room or made compact;
  • It is advisable to use corner furniture. Corner furniture takes up less space and has good capacity;
  • The sink should be convenient and small. To increase the functionality of this item, you can purchase a wide cutting board and install on the sink surface;
  • The refrigerator should be narrow and roomy;
  • On the surface of the wall next to the sink you can make hooks on which frequently used kitchen utensils are hung. And items that are used less often are best put away in cabinets.


Renovating this room also involves choosing lighting. Lighting in a kitchen of 5 square meters is important criterion interior and functionality of this room. The visual perception of the entire working area of ​​the room will depend on how it is selected and installed. Fortunately, the electrical goods market offers many options for lighting devices of various modifications and functionality.

The type of workplace is influenced by the placement method and combination of lighting fixtures. Above the work area it is necessary to set the most intense lighting fixture, and to illuminate the common space you can use more soft light with low intensity.

Many photos show types of placement of lighting fixtures in the kitchen area. Another important point

decorative type - this option is suitable for decorating a room. They have low functionality.

Furniture selection When choosing furniture for a small kitchen room with an area of ​​5 square meters must be taken into account important condition

  • – all the necessary items must fit, but they should not interfere. Features of furniture for a small kitchen space: must be corner cupboard
  • . Below are photos with options for this design;
  • you can make a wide window sill, which can later be used as a work surface. In this place you can store various household appliances - a microwave oven, a toaster; to do this, just change the curtains to roller or Roman ones;
  • The presence of drawers will allow you to store various utensils and food products in them. They can be installed not only in the closet, but also under the table, under chairs; it is advisable to use all the space small kitchen
  • A good option would be folding furniture, for example, a folding table or a table that can be stored in a closet, folding chairs. These items can be selected by first looking at the photo;
  • installing a bar counter will allow you to divide the room into zones and make it more spacious.

On small space Several installation options are possible kitchen set:

  • g-shaped - most often these corner sets installed in such a way that there is a door on one side and a refrigerator on the other;
  • n-shaped - furniture is installed on three sides, thereby creating a working triangle: refrigerator - sink - stove;
  • with a vertical block at the doorway - all tall objects are located in the far corner of the room;
  • without a refrigerator - with this option, this equipment is taken out onto the balcony or into the corridor;
  • in one row - the simplest type of layout.


Layout kitchen space in Khrushchev it sometimes does not allow you to successfully place all the furniture and household appliances. For this reason, sometimes you have to resort to redevelopment; this method helps to slightly increase the space of this room. In this case, you can remove the wall between the kitchen and the living room or balcony, which will ultimately make the room larger. And if you design it correctly, it will turn out to be quite stylish and practical. kitchen area. As an example, photos of kitchen remodeling are suitable.

But still, do not forget about important nuances layout of this room:

  • at the first stage there is no need to develop a design, it is better to do detailed description proposed changes, and space zoning must also be taken into account;
  • When separating zones, it is necessary to consider which of them will be used more often. If this room will serve as a place for receiving guests, then it is necessary to allocate a small space for this. If this room will serve as a food preparation area, you can do without an area for receiving guests;
  • When carrying out repairs, use all the space, niches, corners, space under the window sill. Thanks to this, you can install those items that previously did not fit in this room.

When making repairs, do not forget to do beautiful coating walls, apron. When installing furniture, use every corner and free space.

The kitchen is one of the most frequently visited rooms in modern apartment. Depending on the lifestyle of the owners, as well as the number of people living in the apartment, the kitchen can become not only a place for preparing food, but also a dining room, and perhaps even a place for privacy. Unfortunately, not all apartments have sufficient space, which is why the creation comfortable interior, meeting all the needs of residents, is a rather problematic task.

In a kitchen with an area of ​​5 square meters you won’t be able to really move around, but with the right approach everything you need will fit here

Modern styles and design directions imply rational use of free space and competent space planning, therefore they are the most suitable options for furnishing the interior of small kitchens. Simplicity of forms in furniture, as well as modern finishing materials will help create a comfortable room that can accommodate everything necessary equipment, and at the same time leave enough free space, which the owners can use at their discretion.

Design of a 5-meter kitchen: expanding the space

When planning the interior of a small kitchen, it is important to understand that a person will not be able to experience comfort while being closely surrounded by walls and pieces of furniture. Despite the relatively small dimensions of the room, there are many options for visually expanding it.

Visual techniques will help create the effect of expansion, add light and air, and correct imperfections limited space

Proper use of the methods below will allow you to create free space even in a relatively small area. Let's consider the possibilities for visually expanding the space in order.


  1. Method of leveling walls. This may not be the most obvious point, but it should not be ignored. The fact is that layers of leveling plaster, as well as sheets of drywall, can take up to five centimeters of space from each wall. It would seem quite a bit, but in conditions limited area even this is worth considering. The best option– hire qualified craftsmen to carry out the work, capable of achieving straight walls using a minimum layer of plaster.
  2. Type and color of wall decoration. One of the most simple ways visually expand the space. Everything is simple here: bright hues They expand the room, dark ones narrow it. Using lighter shades, regardless of the overall color, can create a feeling spacious room, even if we are dealing with small kitchen y.

Focus on light shades

Matte surfaces will visually expand the space and make the ceiling higher

Advice. If you're a fan of dark tones but still want to achieve the feeling of a spacious room, try lightening just one wall—for example, the one opposite the door. In this case, the opposite wall will visually move away, without changing the overall impression of the room.

Udachnoye color scheme for small kitchens

Floor and ceiling

The principle is the same as with walls - the lighter it is, the larger the room appears. Dark ceilings (even if it is just a suspended fragment against a generally light background) will put pressure on people in the kitchen, creating the feeling of not only a small, but also an indecently low room.

The reflective surface of glossy PVC film will allow you to increase the dimensions of the kitchen.

Important! Don't go too far with floor covering– floors that are too light do not provide a feeling of solid support, and it will be uncomfortable to be in such a room. Interiors with floors that are slightly darker than the walls look best.

Slab flooring small size helps to visually increase the area of ​​the room


The most important point when planning furniture in a small kitchen is the rationality of its placement. It is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail: how many people will be in the room at the same time, how many utensils need to be placed, what household appliances can be used at the same time, etc. It is advisable not to place the work surface on the wall opposite the entrance - this will greatly narrow the room.

Cabinets up to the ceiling help you store more kitchen utensils without damage to the working area

Choose multifunctional furniture with convenient system storage

Example of rational use narrow space between the stove and the cabinet

An interesting solution for organizing a place to eat

In addition to all of the above, important role plays in expanding the space of a small kitchen right choice equipment, as well as lighting planning. But we will talk about this below.

Kitchen design 5 sq.m.: from renovation to decor

High-quality kitchen design 5 sq.m. implies not only the need for a clear understanding of the tasks and ways to solve them, but also the presence of an action plan, following which allows you to save significant money and time. If we are talking about repairs, then the dismantling of used building materials should be carried out extremely carefully. If possible, you should try to preserve the existing plaster or screed - if it was made with high quality and can last for a long time, there is no point in spending money on updating it.

By choosing the right finishing colors and kitchen facades, it is quite possible to make a small kitchen more spacious and comfortable

The next step is finishing the surfaces. Follow the finishing technology and the intervals between works, otherwise after a short time surfaces will become unusable. Having completed the finishing, start installing furniture and lighting - the main part of the work is already behind you.

Decor – important element in creating a comfortable small-sized kitchen. Maintain balance - excess decorative elements will simply “eat up” the entire space, and their lack will not contribute to the comfort of the room. It is worth giving up lush curtains, which visually take up a lot of space - instead, depending on the style, you can use Roman blinds or other, more compact, interior elements.

Open shelves for kitchen utensils act as decoration and are practical to use

Advice. Spare no expense on the services of a designer - a qualified specialist will help you correctly place all the interior elements and think through it down to the smallest detail. As practice shows, rework and correction of defects after an unsuccessful initiative are much more expensive than the cost of a design project.

Bright saturated shades can act as color accents when you need to highlight a particular zone

Kitchen design 5 sq.m. with a refrigerator in Khrushchev

Design of a small kitchen with an area of ​​5 square meters. m. is an extremely difficult matter, especially if we are talking about an apartment located in a Khrushchev-era building. How to get comfortable kitchen, which will fit all the necessary equipment? Try following a few tips:

  • it is better to place the working surface in the shape of the letter “L”, one side of which is a wall with a door;
  • Place the sink and stove on different sides of the work surface;
  • Place the refrigerator in the corner, at the end of the work area. WITH opposite side can be positioned symmetrically vertical cabinet for dishes;
  • try making a dining table as an extension of the window sill, with high chairs;
  • Don't forget about the space expansion tips mentioned above.

Compact linear layout - everything is there, but to a minimum

Corner layout will add work surfaces and increase the functionality of the kitchen

Breakfast table instead of window sill

By following these tips, you can organize cozy space in a small kitchen in Khrushchev.

Ventilation and lighting in a small kitchen

Ventilation - required condition For modern kitchen. According to building regulations, kitchens have ventilation duct outlets, but their mere presence is not enough. It’s worth finding a place for the hood - forced ventilation will remove excess moisture and harmful gases from the room much more effectively. In old houses ventilation ducts may be clogged, or connected to a large number of apartments. In this case, it makes sense to make a separate ventilation outlet through the wall, masking the pipe with cabinets or casings.

Contrasting combination of a black hood with a light-colored set

Lighting is one of the most important factors responsible for the comfort in the room. In addition, bright lighting can visually expand the room. It is advisable to place the main light source near the center of the free space, and as close to the table as possible. Additionally, spotlights can be placed around the periphery.

Proper lighting will visually expand the space of a small kitchen

Built-in lamps will add volume to the kitchen

To ensure high-quality illumination of the work surface, it is recommended to attach LED strips to the underside of wall cabinets - these small but powerful light sources will add comfort in work. For each group of light sources, it is worth providing a separate switch - this way you can save electricity by turning on only the necessary lighting.

Household appliances for the kitchen

When choosing household appliances For a small kitchen you should be careful. Since there simply cannot be extra space, do not purchase large-sized equipment or equipment that is unlikely to be useful to you. So, the refrigerator should not take up much space in width or length - it is better to let it be a little larger in height. The stove should also be compact - it is better to purchase a separate hob and oven. Choose the size of the stove based on the amount of food being cooked at the same time - you should not buy a stove with 4 burners if one or two of them will always be empty. The microwave and oven can be built into a vertical cabinet, and thus save a lot of space on the work surface (don't forget about fire safety!).

If the family is small, it makes sense to install a hob with two burners

A cozy kitchen interior should be thought out to the smallest detail, so you should be careful even when choosing small-sized appliances. For example, it is better to take a universal food processor - it will take much less space than various blenders, mixers and meat grinders. Also, do not forget to provide a sufficient number of moisture-protected outlets that can ensure the simultaneous operation of all your devices.

Try to take care of sufficiently spacious kitchen cabinets. Kitchenware, V large quantities stored on the work surface will spoil appearance, and also visually reduce the already small volume of the room. At the same time, leave enough free space - cluttering furniture will worsen the general form room, and also visually reduce it.

Corner kitchen with sink in place of the window sill

Remember: the main thing is to see the line between necessity and excess, and under no circumstances cross it.

Modern kitchen in minimalist style with built-in appliances

Kitchen interior 5 sq.m.: secrets of success

In fact, creating a comfortable and cozy interior a small kitchen is a completely doable task. To make sure everything works out for you, remember the following secrets of success:

  1. Have a plan. You must have a good understanding of what the kitchen should look like in the end, and in what ways you can achieve this. Follow the correct order of interior implementation, and you will avoid many inconsistencies.
  2. Use light colors. Follow the tips from the first part of the article, and your kitchen will seem larger than it actually is.
  3. Follow technology. Do not violate the instructions for performing the work, and the finish will last for many years, maintaining its beautiful appearance.
  4. Household appliances are also part of the furniture. All household appliances must match the rest of the furniture in color, shape and size.
  5. Imagine! From the very beginning of your renovation until its completion, keep a clear picture in your mind of what you want the finished space to look like. Imagine all the angles and details in great detail - this will help you not make mistakes as you work. What to do if you are not okay with volumetric presentation? See the next tip!
  6. Don't try to be a superhero! Assess your capabilities soberly. If you find it difficult to imagine what it will look like ready kitchen or how to plan lighting - contact a designer. A professionally completed project can save you a lot of money and time.

Placing the furniture set in one line allows you to fit a round dining table for two

Cozy kitchen in Provence style

Modern kitchen with wall shelves for plates and open shelving for large utensils

By following these tips, you can create a cozy small-sized kitchen that will delight both you and your friends with its beauty.

The main feature of the houses, especially the old ones, is that the kitchens in the apartments are quite small, no more than 5 square meters. m., if you have such a problem, don’t be upset, proper arrangement and with the right choice of shades everything will work out.

Our article will help you understand all the nuances that have arisen. Any small room, including the kitchen, requires a pre-prepared design project.

Lighting and the overall layout can play a significant role in the design of a space.

Optimizing free space in a small kitchen

Design of a kitchen room measuring 5 sq. m. is carefully thought out.

So that the room after the repair work pleased, and was convenient and multifunctional, you need to have a certain budget and order furniture items that will be used for their intended purpose.

These are the attributes that will fit perfectly into the parameters of the kitchen.

Design solutions for decorating a small kitchen space

Experts have been working for quite a long time to ensure that small-sized kitchens are compact and beautiful. Let's look at some recommendations that will help you avoid problems when arranging your own home.

Kitchen type "P". IN this option We place furniture items near the surfaces of the walls.

This will help create the necessary conditions for cooking food. If, for example, you break a window into the adjacent room in the kitchen, the space will visually increase, and the room itself will look unusual.

The option when the sink is placed under the window opening is considered difficult. The fact is that for such an idea you need to do a whole series additional work: Extend the pipeline to take care of the sewage system and relocate the heating system.

But, still, considering that if the sink in a small kitchen is located right next to the window, then the room looks much brighter and larger.

The idea where the stove is placed in a corner is suitable for active housewives who are accustomed to pampering their household with delicious dishes.

Corner cooking surfaces save space and free places you can place other household appliances.

Small kitchen with a sink for washing dishes in the corner. This type of design is quite economical, and above the sink you can hang a wall cabinet, for example for dishes.

Furniture items for a kitchen room 4 – 5 sq.m. m.

The attributes must match certain parameters, such as appearance and materials. Choose only items that are compact, multifunctional, beautiful in appearance and made from natural materials.

If your kitchen is small, refuse large parts on furniture. After all, a lot depends on the fittings, so bulky handles on cabinets and drawers can be replaced with small elements in a minimalist style.

No matter what they tell you in any case, when arranging a kitchen, each person takes into account his own wishes.

Don’t forget that everything must be correctly selected and correctly arranged, only then will your kitchen attract the eye and delight every morning.

Photo of a kitchen 4-5 sq. m.

Apartment in multi-storey building has some limitations due to the small footage. Arranging rooms in a small apartment is not an easy task, especially when, in addition to an attractive appearance, they must be functional. How to create Beautiful design small kitchen 5 sq. m - let's talk about this.

Small kitchen design for small apartments This is a special issue, because it is necessary to provide not only beauty, but also practicality for every housewife.
Practicality is a quality that a kitchen should, in all likelihood, have to live up to. How to arrange a comfortable, beautiful and functional kitchen when we don't have too much space?

Modern design of a small kitchen 5 meters

The first one important issue in the case of a small kitchen is the color scheme of the walls. Regardless of whether the kitchen has access to natural light, compact interior renovation of a small kitchen design should begin with painting the walls in light colors. Design specialists advise universal White color, as well as beige and bright yellow.
These colors will visually add several square meters, and their positive connotation will make cooking more enjoyable. Kitchen design for a small kitchen photo examples of light colors.

Small kitchen, how to equip it

Just as important a problem as choosing colors is kitchen equipment. In the interior of a small room, it is important to combine compactness with an attractive design.

Many furniture showrooms have multifunctional furniture that is adapted for small rooms. If we are talking about household kitchen appliances, then you must have it minimal amount and preferably built into furniture. When thinking about the design of a small kitchen of 5 meters, use just such furniture, it is comfortable and practical.

It is good to choose multifunctional devices that, when performing various kitchen tasks, will replace several other mechanisms. Essential items such as a refrigerator and Dishwasher can be an element of kitchen furniture, which will additionally save valuable space.

Remember that regardless of the size of the kitchen, kitchen table There should be as much free space as possible to make it comfortable to prepare food, and therefore the volume of cabinets is also of great importance.

Small kitchen equipment

When choosing equipment for a small kitchen great importance has a design. There is a large choice here - supporters of modernism can choose a furniture set for the kitchen, and those who combine the kitchen with the dining room will certainly find their favorite furniture among the wooden ones kitchen countertops, cabinets and shelves. All this should present a well-integrated form, which will make the appearance of the kitchen more attractive, and above all practical.

Selecting kitchen furniture is a rather exciting process, and not just important. After all, it should be more than just functional. It’s good when the kitchen is decorated tastefully, in the same style. Correct solution aesthetic tasks can literally transform any room.

When equipping a small kitchen, you should lean towards non-standard solutions. Only in this way, by investing a minimum, can you get the optimal result. Design of a small kitchen 5 sq. m, non-standard solutions which will help save space.

Current price for renovating a small kitchen design 2018:

What should you pay attention to?

Firstly, on the design features.
Cabinets should be shallow and equipped with drawers. Abundance modern materials allows you to choose an option for almost every taste.

It would be good if their doors opened vertically. For this purpose, they are equipped with special fittings. The dining table does not have to be made stationary. It is much more expedient to purchase this folding-type furniture, complementing it with folding chairs. All furniture accessories must be rationally designed, taking into account the primary task of creating free space. Kitchen design for a small kitchen photos are presented below for you.

Secondly, to purchase optimal household appliances.
Is it right to buy a traditional four-burner stove (whether it's gas or electric)? Occupying a significant place, it often does not live up to the expectations placed on it even by half. Most often it is quite small hob. And under it you can place an additional furniture compartment or the same dishwasher, for example.

But it is better to place the refrigerator as high as possible, but shallow and not wide. A microwave oven mounted on special brackets will free up a lot of space underneath.

A hood with a sink must also correspond to the dimensions of the limited space. Other household appliances to be used, including an air purification system, are best purchased and installed after careful consideration. Design of a small kitchen 5 sq. Let's watch the video:

Dining table - is it necessary to keep it in the kitchen?

The kitchen is one of those rooms that is most associated with the warmth of home. Cooking and eating together at a common table is an element of strengthening family ties, which are especially pronounced in our culture.

Therefore, a dining table in a small kitchen is a necessity. Design of a small kitchen 5 sq. m basically provides, although not large, but still a dining table.
The solution to this issue is twofold - you can choose compact tables with the ability to fold and pull out; into other pieces of equipment, or simply move this object to another place, for example, in the living room.

Ventilation and lighting in a small kitchen

An issue worth paying attention to, especially for a kitchen that does not have windows, is ventilation and lighting. When the flow of light and air is limited, being indoors becomes very tiring. Providing ventilation and proper lighting to maintain eye health and create comfort for daily cooking. Small kitchen renovation design in the photo below:

As you can see, a small kitchen comes with no small requirements. If you want to ensure a comfortable stay in this room, you should follow the advice received, which will lead to a great metamorphosis of the small kitchen.

Designing small kitchens for small apartments is a rather difficult task. Proper interior design and modern multifunctional equipment will eliminate the feeling of limited space, and this, in turn, will create a comfortable stay, and cooking will become even more pleasure.

2017-10-23 519


Many will be surprised, but 5 square meters is the standard area per person in Russian correctional institutions. And many of us live in such small apartments where the kitchen is the same size. It's hard to fit everything on something like this small space, but there is no choice. In this article we will look at how to make competent and comfortable design of a small kitchen 5 sq.m with a refrigerator.

The main task is to make the most of all available space, organize storage, and take care of ergonomics, functionality and convenience. The main principles of organizing a kitchen are the presence of a storage, cooking, washing area, as well as a work area for cooking.

Read also:

Layout of a small kitchen 5 m2

Before you start planning your kitchen, figuratively imagine the space in the shape of a triangle of the work area - it should fit a refrigerator, stove and sink. If you haven't bought a refrigerator yet, use it to choose the best model.

It is convenient to draw a kitchen plan, and then “arrange” the interior items, taking into account their sizes:

You can use special programs for room planning -. Further options for the layout of household appliances and cabinets will depend on the length and width of your room.

Ergonomics of a small kitchen

At first glance, ergonomic problems simply cannot exist in a small kitchen - all objects will be located at a short distance due to the small area of ​​the room. But that's not true. A small kitchen can be designed to be awkward and impractical. So think about how you want to arrange your furniture. There are 4 ways:

  • Linear model- cabinets and household appliances are installed along the wall.
  • L-shaped model furniture arrangement.
  • U-shaped arrangement or "horseshoe".
  • Galley- when furniture is placed along opposite walls.

Typically, for a small kitchen of 5 m2, an L-shaped furniture arrangement model is chosen.

Of the minuses, we note that most often in this case the furniture has to be made to order, based on the size of the room. Such a kitchen will be more expensive than a regular linear one, which can be bought at any store like Leroy Merlin or IKEA. It is better to immediately order built-in household appliances, since separate ones will take up more space and may not fit into the interior. This will also cost a pretty penny. A dining table is unlikely to fit in such a kitchen, so it is better to use a folding table and folding chairs. You might consider installing a bar counter.

Read also:

Of the non-standard options - . This is significantly more expensive, plus there are problems with what is needed. We advise you to carefully weigh the pros and cons in this case.

Experts advise considering the following tips when planning the design of a small kitchen:

  • the best, but expensive option would be to order a kitchen individual project;
  • make the most of the room height - wall cabinets can be hung up to the ceiling;
  • use a folding table and folding chairs;
  • You can visually expand the space using glass, metal and mirrors;
  • choose small-sized household appliances, ideally built-in ones.
  • instead of a regular door, you can install a sliding door or abandon it altogether;
  • use the window sill effectively;
  • do not buy a stove with 4 burners, most often two are enough;
  • use - roof rails, drawers, multi-tiered structures, etc.

Design of a small kitchen 5 m2 - step-by-step plan

  1. Measure your kitchen (length, width, height, door and window openings) and write down the dimensions.
  2. Draw a kitchen plan on a piece of paper or in any of the construction kits;
  3. Write down the dimensions of the selected furniture and household appliances, try to “arrange” them on the plan;
  4. Decide on color scheme, taking into account that the interior of the kitchen should generally be combined with the interior of the entire apartment. Remember that dark and matte colors visually reduce space.
  5. Think in advance about how the windows and door will look and how the window sill can be used.
  6. Before starting repairs, finally decide on the location of household appliances - the location of sockets and electrical wiring will depend on this.
  7. Consider the location of the sink - it must be connected to sewerage and water supply, otherwise you will have to carry out plumbing work.
  8. Go over this plan again so that no points contradict each other.