When is it better to replant thuja in spring or autumn? How to properly replant thuja in the fall. At what period should thuja be replanted?

Thuja - evergreen ornamental plant, widely used for decoration garden plots. Thuja is being replanted, as a rule, in autumn, in September-October. Can I have her replant in spring, but only before the beginning of the growing season - in March, April. Otherwise she will get sick.

An ideal place to plant thuja

The tree must be fully illuminated by the sun. It grows poorly in the shade and may thin out and change the color of the needles. Thuja does not tolerate drafts well, so the place should be protected from cold winds.

Planting hole adult thuja prepared in 15-20 days, but if the tree needs to be transplanted from place to place within garden plot, the hole can be dug on the day of transplantation. Dig it 1 by 1 meter in size and 50 centimeters deep. Planting material consisting of soil mixed with peat and sand is placed at the bottom of the pit. Planting material left in the hole until the thuja is planted.

We transplant an adult thuja carefully

They dig up the thuja carefully so as not to damage the root system, moving 30 centimeters away from the trunk. The soil from the root system is not shaken off, if the distance between the growth site and the planting site is not large, the thuja is transferred along with the soil to a new hole, placed in it, first the hole moistened generously with water.

Bury the thuja root system with fertile soil, periodically compacting it down to the level of the root collar. Under no circumstances should it be covered with soil. After planting, the thuja is watered.

If the thuja needs to be transported over a long distance, then excess soil is carefully shaken off the root system and burlap is placed over it. Having delivered the tree to the planting site, the burlap is not removed from the roots, but planted with it. After some time, the burlap will decompose in the ground, providing the thuja with additional nutrients.

Transplant adult thuja you need at least 1 month before the start of cold weather to root system managed to strengthen. After planting, the tree needs to be watered once a week and the crown moistened. There is no need to be upset if the tree crown turns yellow after replanting. This is a natural phenomenon: the tree must recover from the disease. Next year the tree will be healthy and the needles will be lush green.

Before the onset of cold weather, the root system of the tree must be covered with a layer of humus or sawdust, but this covering layer should not touch the tree trunk. Thuja branches need to be tied with twine to prevent them from being broken by snow.

Thuja is a coniferous evergreen tree or shrub that belongs to the cypress family. It can reach a height of ten meters. Belongs to perennials. Thuja is very often used for landscaping and decoration of personal plots, as well as in landscape design.

This is an unpretentious plant that is perfect for beginners. The shrub also performs well in urban environments. It is low maintenance and can be grown in any soil. Particular attention during care should be paid to pruning and shaping the crown, as well as replanting. Many gardeners are interested in the question of when is the best time to replant thuja. Thuja transplantation can be carried out both in spring and autumn.

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    Plant characteristics

    The shrub is an unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant. He is able to endure even very severe frosts. The bush can be grown in any soil. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the tree cannot be planted in open, windy areas.

    There are two main types: tall and low-growing varieties. The physical characteristics of the tree are similar to any other member of the cypress family. The crown is quite narrow, especially among tall representatives. The leaves of adult bushes are scale-like, arranged in pairs on the branch, with small oval cones located at the end of the shoots.

    When is the best time to replant thuja?

    The most optimal time for transplantation is considered to be early spring and autumn. In spring it is March or April. In autumn - September or October.

    But when replanting in the fall, there is a high probability that the bush will not have time to take root before the first frost, so it is better to give preference to spring replanting.

    However, among many gardeners there is an opinion that it is better to plant a tree in the fall. During the remainder of the autumn period, the root system will have time to grow young roots and will survive the winter period well.

    Planting young and adult thuja has a number of small differences. If a young bush is being transplanted, then the soil around it is bayoneted in a circle, then the tree is dug up and, together with the soil, is transplanted to a new place. The procedure for transplanting an adult specimen is the same, but the soil needs to be bayoneted ten to twelve months before transplantation. It is easier to replant young specimens than adults.

    Transfer rules

    So, how to replant a shrub? Before replanting thuja, you need to choose the right place.

    Despite the fact that the tree loves the sun, it cannot be replanted in open areas under direct sunlight; the needles can get burned, as well as Thisleads to dehydration of the bush. It is especially undesirable if the tree is exposed to the sun at midday.

    One more thing important condition– thuja cannot be transplanted to open areas where there are drafts and cold winds, so you should not choose areas on the north side. It is unpretentious to the soil, but it is better to give preference to fertile soils.

    As already mentioned, the transplant procedure can be carried out both in the spring and in the autumn. It is advisable to give preference to spring.

    For replanting, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. To do this you need to take:

    • Peat;
    • River sand;
    • Rotten coniferous flooring brought from any forest;
    • Any wood ash;
    • Humus;
    • Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (can be added to help the tree take root faster in a new location).

    It is recommended to dig a hole 15-20 days before planting. If you need to replant the thuja within one garden plot, then the hole can be dug directly on the day of replanting. Dig a hole to a depth of one meter

    All components must be mixed thoroughly. Then pour it into the bottom of the dug hole. You can use stones or crushed bricks as drainage. It is recommended to replant the shrub so that the root system does not touch the fertilizer.

    Preparing for transplantation

    Preparing a plant for planting in a new place takes place in several successive stages:

    • First, the plant must be dug up.
    • Since the rhizome grows almost on the surface, it is recommended to dig it together with the soil.
    • To do this, you need to dig a trench with a diameter of 25-30 cm around the trunk.
    • If the roots are too long, they need to be cut off.
    • Dig a hole and pour the pre-prepared mixture into the bottom.
    • Then the rhizome must be placed in a hole and buried with earth, compacting the soil as it does so.
    • Water thoroughly
    • It is advisable to mulch the soil around the trunk so that the mulch does not touch the trunk.
    • When replanting, the plant should not be dug in or the root collar should be raised too much above the ground.
    • Before rooting, the shrub needs constant watering. It needs to be watered at least twice a week.

    In the spring, planting in a new place is carried out beforeperiodgrowing season.

    During the growing season, the tree is very weak, and if it is replanted during this period, it will take a very long time to take root in its new location. Therefore, as soon as the last snow has melted, the thuja must be urgently replanted and not delayed.

    If the tree sits outside the garden plot and needs to be taken to new site, then you need to do this very carefully. After it has been dug, excess soil must be carefully shaken off the roots. After this, you need to put burlap on the root system. When the tree has been delivered to the planting site, it is recommended to plant it without removing the burlap from the roots.

    Despite the fact that the tree does not require special care, certain rules should still be known and followed. Particular attention should be paid to watering. It should be watered once a week. If the weather is hot and dry, the amount of watering should be increased. A few days after watering, the soil around the trunk needs to be weeded. But it is advisable to do this shallowly, since the root system is very close to the surface.

At home (America and East Asia) thuja can grow up to 20 meters, but in our weather conditions it rarely reaches half of this height. However, many summer residents value the dwarf varieties, which do not grow higher than a meter. They are excellent for playing the role of tapeworm, creating compositions on the site, or for. The most patient gardeners can grow thuja from seeds, which ripen in small cones in the fall. But it will take as long as 5 years to grow a seedling! The advantage of this method is that it will be grown on local soil and will become more adapted to your climate.

The best time to plant seeds is, of course, spring. It is better to plant them immediately open ground, choosing a well-lit place with nutritious soils.

Seeds should be sown to a depth of no more than 5 cm. It is advisable to cover the planting site of thuja in the spring with a layer pine sawdust to conserve moisture. As a rule, shoots will appear quite quickly and amicably. Young sprouts do not tolerate direct sunlight very well, so they need to be shaded. Do not allow weeds to grow, weed them while they are still small, otherwise when removing large plants you can damage the sprouts themselves.

Fertilize the seedlings well with diluted slurry (1 part slurry to 20 parts water); after each watering, do not forget to loosen the soil. An easier way is to propagate thuja by shoots. To do this, you will need two to three year old shoots or a one-year semi-lignified shoot, split off with a piece of the parent tree. Cuttings root best after treatment Heteroauxin. They should be planted in a light and nutritious mixture of peat and turf, to a depth of two to three centimeters. It is highly advisable to grow seedlings in greenhouses, since in the open sun they have little chance of survival.

Replanting thuja in spring - is it possible?

Experienced gardeners unanimously say that the most best time for replanting thuja - this is autumn (September-October). This is true - during the rest of the fall the roots manage to grow small roots and successfully survive the winter. However, if you missed this deadline, and the thuja on the site is shaded by another shrub, replanting the thuja in the spring is not only possible, but also necessary. It is important to carry it out before the plant’s growing season begins, so you should take up the shovel as soon as the snow has melted. This plant has a shallow root system, so it won’t be too difficult to dig it all up along with a lump of earth. which protects the roots.

First dig around the tree in a circle, and then carefully remove it and transfer it to a cart or to another landing site. To prevent a tree from standing for a long time without soil, it is better to take care of it in advance. landing pit. It is enough to dig it up a little more than an earthen clod of the plant. Even before transplanting into the hole, you need to pour several buckets of water, and also pour phosphorus-potassium fertilizers onto the bottom, which are sprinkled with a layer of soil. After placing the tree in the hole, cover it with a mixture of peat, turf soil and compost.

Caring for thujas in spring - what do conifers like?

All types of thuja love regular watering and sprinkling. The plant will grow and develop best in partial shade and sunny areas where there are no drafts. Without care, thuja loses its decorative effect, forms many cones and becomes dull. Therefore, every spring it is necessary to remove dry branches and branches that spoil the shape. The shape of the plant can also be ruined by fallen snow, so it must be tied up for the winter.

Trees should be fed moderately, in the spring with a small amount. nitrogen fertilizers, and in summer - potassium and phosphorus. In order to promptly protect the thuja from the false scale pest, it must be sprayed even before the buds open with karbofos; it will also help with an aphid attack. It is better to take care of spraying in a timely manner - prevention, as experience proves, is much more more effective than fighting with pests upon their detection. For example, it is very difficult to completely get rid of false scale insects.

Thuja is a gorgeous evergreen plant belonging to the genus of conifers. It is popular among gardeners due to its beautiful pyramidal crown, and also due to the fact that in comfortable conditions it can reach several meters in height. But there are also species that are grown in pots at home. Despite the fact that replanting thuja is of interest to many gardeners, there is very little information on how to do it correctly.

Transplanting potted species

Thuja grown in a pot should be replanted at least once every two years.

In this case, a pot whose size is slightly larger than the diameter of the roots is suitable. It must have a sufficient number of drainage holes.

When preparing the soil, you should remember that thuja loves slightly acidic soils. If the pH level of the soil is neutral, you should add pine needles or bark. It is important to ensure maximum oxygen flow to the roots. Do it in closed system Adding perlite or expanded clay to the soil helps.

Thuja transplantation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the plant from the pot, preserving the earthen lump as much as possible.
  2. Place a layer of drainage made of expanded clay, crushed brick or other suitable materials at the bottom of the pot.
  3. Place the earthen ball in the pot so that the root collar is at the same level.
  4. Fill the voids in the pot with soil.
  5. Water generously.

The nuances of transplanting garden specimens

Transplanting thuja growing in the garden is a much more difficult process. This is especially true for large mature plants. You should also follow a few rules:

  1. It is important to maintain the same orientation to the cardinal points. Therefore, before digging up a plant, you should determine where the north is and tie a ribbon to this part of the crown. Subsequently, when planting, it must be oriented towards the north side of the pit.
  2. Thuja is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, after transplanting, it is important to water it regularly until it takes root.
  3. The pit for planting should be prepared in advance. It should be about thirty centimeters wider than the expected root ball of earth. The depth of the hole should ideally be about a meter.

Choosing a landing site

It is not so important whether the thuja is transplanted in August or in any other month; you should choose the right place for these purposes. An open, well-lit area would be ideal for this evergreen plant.

Thuja is undemanding to soil characteristics. But the soil must be fairly well fertilized. In addition, if the soil is too heavy, a layer of drainage should be poured onto the bottom of the hole, and the soil for filling it should be mixed with expanded clay. This will help avoid moisture stagnation and root rotting.

Thuja can be grown either as a stand-alone tree or in combination with other trees. coniferous species. It is perfect for creating a hedge, as it protects the area from prying eyes all year round.

How to dig correctly?

To successfully transfer a tree to a new location, it is important to preserve the root ball as much as possible. If an adult thuja is transplanted, this can be quite difficult. There are a number of rules that can significantly simplify this difficult procedure.

  1. The tree is thoroughly watered a day before digging.
  2. First, you should dig a trench around the tree. Its diameter should be 20 centimeters from the edge of the crown.
  3. You should dig deeper gradually, strengthening the walls of the pit with covering material or burlap.
  4. When the depth of the trench reaches 60 cm, you can begin to dig under the tree. In this case, the covering material should be folded. You can completely remove the thuja using a crowbar.
  5. When the lump is dug up, burlap is tied to preserve it as much as possible.

The best option is to prepare the thuja for transplantation in advance. For this purpose, they begin to dig a trench about a year before the procedure. If large roots are found, they are cut off, the cuts are covered, the trench is filled with loose soil and watered thoroughly. Such measures will help the tree form new thin suction roots.

Transplant procedure

Thuja transplantation should ideally be carried out in the spring. You need to pour a layer of soil into the prepared hole so that after installing the thuja in it, the root collar rises above ground level by about ten centimeters. The tree should be installed in the center of the hole. In this case, the burlap does not need to be removed.

After replanting, it is important to maintain soil moisture. Two weeks after the procedure, it is advisable to feed the tree with fertilizers.

Autumn transplant rules

If for some reason it is not possible to wait for spring, the thuja can be transplanted in the fall. The tree should be moved to a new location before the onset of stable frosts. Ideally, this should be done before mid-October, otherwise the plant will not have time to take root. As a result, it will be very difficult for him to endure the winter.

After transplanting, it is advisable to sprinkle the root circle with fallen pine needles or compost. Thanks to this, weakened roots will be protected from freezing.

Many people believe that it is impossible to move a plant such as thuja to a new location without damage. Transplantation in the fall, as well as in the spring, must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. In this case, it will almost certainly be possible to save the thuja.

Thuja has always been popular and occupied one of the leading places among conifers in garden landscape. This evergreen plant, belonging to the cypress family, is equally loved by both professionals and amateur gardeners. Thuja is simply irreplaceable for landscaping gardens, parks, public gardens and personal plots: it can serve as a living fence or hedge, perfectly decorate buildings and decorate the entrance area.

Today we will talk about how and when you can transplant this plant with minimal harm to him. When is the best time to do this and what is required for this.

Thuja is considered unpretentious plant, which feels great in an urban environment. It can grow in any soil, responds well to pruning and is used as a material for creating real masterpieces of living sculpture.

Many gardeners ask whether it is possible to replant mature plant? At what time of year is it better to do this, and how. In order not to harm the plant during transplantation, you need to know its characteristics.

Thuja is drought-resistant and frost-resistant shrub, capable of withstanding even the most severe frosts. The only thing that can harm the plant is strong and cold winds, so try not to plant thuja in open, windy areas.

Among the main types of thuja there are low-growing and tall varieties. According to their own physical characteristics both are similar to all plants of the Cypress family:

  • the shape of the crown is elongated and narrow, this is especially noticeable in tall varieties;
  • the leaves of the plant are numerous scales and are arranged in pairs;
  • At the very tips of the shoots there are oval-shaped cones.

Thuja feels great in a covered space, when there are either buildings or trees around it. They serve her reliable protection from the piercing winds. Sometimes you can see how young seedlings have damaged leaves - scales, as if they are covered with rust.

This unpleasant phenomenon often occurs from exposure to direct sunlight in early spring. To prevent burns from occurring during the period of sun activity, gardeners try to cover the seedlings non-woven material. Reason rusty leaves Conifer disease may also be responsible, but we will talk about this a little later.

At what period should thuja be replanted?

The optimal time for replanting the plant is: March and April in the spring, September - October in the autumn. Why is this particular time determined to be the most favorable?

Early autumn is the time when there are no frosts yet, so the root system of the plant in the new place will calmly take root and prepare the plant for wintering. If you start replanting later, the likelihood that the roots will not have time to grab the ground increases several times. Of course, in the southern regions, thuja transplantation can be done later, but for the Moscow region and middle zone Russia is the most suitable.

There is a difference between planting a young and an adult bush: for young trees, replanting will be less problematic, and there will be less worries for the gardener. The planting hole, in this case, is made according to the size of the roots; when the seedling is removed from its original place, the soil around it is dug up and the plant is taken away along with a lump of earth. Such manipulation is practically imperceptible to the plant.

It is more difficult with adult thujas, since the hole should be prepared in advance, and the soil around the tree must be bayoneted 10-12 months before the transplant. This is how you prepare the roots and program their transplantation.

It’s easier when the tree is already growing in a container, then for planting you only need to dig a hole with the necessary parameters and put everything in it necessary elements: drainage layer and fertilizers.

Rules for transplanting thuja

Choosing a location for the plant is where you start. So, we know that thuja does not like strong winds and drafts, so it is better not to choose the north side. It is also known that in the open sun it can get burns, which can lead to dehydration of the plant. It is especially dangerous when the thuja is in an open space under the scorching rays of the sun at noon.

Based on this, it becomes clear that it is better to transplant thuja to a shaded place, next to buildings on any side, excluding the northern one.

Despite the fact that according to time periods, transplantation can be carried out in spring and autumn, preference is given spring period, since the plant has a whole summer ahead of it to adapt.

If you intend to buy a thuja seedling, then you need to dig a hole two weeks before planting the plant in it. And in the case of moving a thuja within the site, a hole for planting can be dug and prepared immediately before the event itself. The depth of the pit should be 1 meter.

The soil must be prepared in advance; it is prepared from peat, river sand, rotted grass, ash, humus, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. These ingredients are mixed well and placed in the planting hole.

But before this, a layer of drainage is laid on the bottom; it can be pebbles, broken bricks, or small pebbles. To prevent the roots from touching the fertilizer, add a small layer of regular soil before planting.

Step-by-step instructions for replanting thuja

Doing everything stage-by-stage work V required sequence, you guarantee that the adaptation of the thuja to the new place will go quickly and painlessly.

  • Digging up the plant must be done together with the root system and the lump of earth in which it is located. Therefore, we dig the plant in a circle, making a trench with a diameter of at least 30 cm.
  • If the roots of the thuja are too long, and this often happens in adult plants, they can be carefully cut off.
  • After the new planting site is prepared, the hole is dug and filled, replanting begins.
  • The thuja with a lump of earth should be moved to a new place, the hole should be filled with the remaining soil and the soil should be compacted well. The root collar should remain above ground level, it should not be buried, but it should not be left too high, 3-4 cm from the ground would be the optimal height.
  • Then water thoroughly, pouring at least two buckets of water under the plant. If the soil has subsided, add soil to the required level.
  • After this, be sure to mulch the space around the trunk, but so that the mulch does not touch the trunk of the plant. Peat, humus, crushed bark or grass are suitable as mulch.
  • The first two weeks you need to water the plant regularly, at least twice a week.

In the spring, it is better to replant the plant before the growing season begins, since during the growing season, when it begins to grow, adaptation will take a long time and be painful. As soon as the snow melts from the site and the ground warms up a little, you can begin the planned event. At this time, there is a lot of water in the soil, and the thuja itself has not yet fully woken up after its winter sleep, so before it even has time to come to its senses, it will find itself in a new place of residence.

If your goal is to transport the bush to a remote location, then preparatory stage will require other actions. After the bush is dug out of the ground, its roots, together with a lump of earth, are wrapped in burlap and tied tightly. When the plant is delivered to the final point, planting is carried out along with the burlap. The roots will find a way to break through it; soon after it hits the soil, it will begin to decompose, since it is a natural material.

Thuja will grow safely if it is provided with proper care.

  • Despite its unpretentiousness, the plant needs weekly watering, which should be increased on particularly hot days.
  • Weeding and loosening the soil around the bushes will ensure air penetration to the roots. It is worth noting that the root system of the conifer is located shallowly, but at the very surface of the earth, so there is no need to loosen deeply, as the surface roots can be damaged.
  • Thuja loves to be watered with a hose using the sprinkling method. Needles after this water procedure is saturated with moisture and becomes brighter and more alive. Dust, dirt and pathogenic fungi and insect larvae are washed off with water, so this activity is extremely useful.
  • In summer, when all plants, including conifers, become targets for insects and diseases, it is necessary to preventive treatments using insecticides and fungicides. In total, at least three such treatments should be done.
  • Thuja should be fed with mineral complex fertilizers, but it also reacts positively to organic matter. Therefore, by combining these two types of fertilizers, your plants will look healthy and beautiful.
  • Before winter, young thujas are covered with non-woven material and tied, lightly pressing the branches against the trunk. Before sheltering, remove damaged and diseased branches and do sanitary pruning.
  • A thick layer of mulch is placed under the plant, covering the root collar.
  • Before a long time in winter Several buckets of water are poured under each bush.


  • Thuja is an unpretentious coniferous plant with unique properties, she exudes pleasant pine aroma and purifies the air in the area.
  • It is better to transplant thuja in the spring, then the plant will have several months of summer left and it will successfully take root.
  • To transport thuja to a remote place, burlap is used, which is not removed from the horses when planting in a new area.
  • Thuja is loved for its flexible nature, the beauty of its crown and its ability to grow in one place for many years.