Coffered ceilings: technology secrets and do-it-yourself installation. Coffered ceiling and its types Wooden cornices for coffered ceilings

IN modern world For the most part, artificial building materials predominate, which, it would seem, have great advantages over natural ones in terms of ease of installation, accessibility and versatility. However, connoisseurs still prefer to see products made of wood, genuine leather, stone, textiles and other things in their homes.

The same applies to caissons - three-dimensional figures that decorate the offices and bedrooms of real aristocrats. Today we will talk in detail about these products, talk about their advantages, mention their disadvantages, and also see how a ready-made solution from the manufacturer is assembled and installed.

Caisson as it is

The word “caisson” itself came to us from French, and translated means “box”. And indeed, the shape of the element is very reminiscent of this object.

  • Externally, caissons can be different, but more often we are talking about a surface divided into equal sections by beams and lintels between them.
  • Such designs look great in rooms with high ceilings, bringing elegance, classicism and the spirit of aristocracy to them.
  • When caissons are made of wood, and not materials like MDF or plasterboard, they look very rich. Such a ceiling will last a very long time, but the price for its purchase and installation will be appropriate.

Advantages and disadvantages

First coffered ceilings appeared in France back in the 17th century, but at that time they performed a load-bearing function. Today this element is purely decorative.

However, coffered ceilings owe their popularity not only to their beauty:

  • Wood is a good sound insulator;
  • Like any suspended ceiling, caissons can hide laid communications - wires, ventilation, pipes;
  • Wood can “breathe” and naturally remove excess moisture from the room;
  • Before installation, minimal preparation is carried out - the rough surface does not need a good finish;
  • The acoustics in the room become very comfortable;
  • Such ceilings can be made very original, complementing it with all kinds of rosettes, flutes, planks and more.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Firstly, the very high price, which makes many people pay attention to more available options like the same MDF. Installing a ceiling is also expensive, since the process requires good tool And high precision in fitting parts.
  • You should not buy such a ceiling if the height in your room is less than 3 meters. In this case, they will hang heavy from above, which not everyone will like.

Advice! Alternatively, in such a situation, you can choose white coffered ceilings, which will not have such an effect.

  • Installation of the structure requires experience, as it is very complicated.

Installation of a coffered wooden ceiling

We have already seen the beauty of such a solution, now let’s see what you need to know and be able to do when installing it.

How to prepare

If you want to try to assemble such a ceiling on your own, then we will try to help you with this with our instructions. We will mention the highlights and subtleties, so don't miss anything.

  • There can be no talk of any work if you don’t have a high-quality preliminary design in your hands. Here, of course, you can try yourself, but it is better to invite a specialist who will take into account many nuances that you will not even suspect. He will determine the optimal number of beams and the distance between them so that it all looks neat, without getting out of place. general concept interior

Advice! Many designers advise spacious rooms Reduce the distance between the beams so as not to create the effect of an unfinished ceiling. And vice versa, in small rooms place them less often, so as not to create visual overload of the space.

  • If you want to do everything yourself, then consider the following points.
  • The distance between the beams usually varies between 60-120 centimeters, but depending on the requirements of the interior and the dimensions of the room, you are free to change these values ​​for yourself - there is no rigid attachment.

Advice! The last point does not matter if you purchase a ready-made ceiling that only needs installation.

  • The next classic rule states that when drawing up a sketch, the caisson lattice is oriented strictly in the center of the room so that the additional elements on the sides have the same dimensions.
  • If for some reason it is not possible to obtain a uniform division, or you simply do not want to see the cut elements on the ceiling, we advise you to install plasterboard box, making its dimensions such that all the caissons are located inside
  • After creating the mesh, be sure to mark the locations of all lighting fixtures, wiring lines and other communications, as well as the locations of their terminals. All this will be very useful during the installation stage.

Now we will give some advice regarding the shape and color of the ceiling, because all this is also taken into account at the design stage.

  • We have already written that the height of the room plays a very important role. Look what it is like for you. If it's small, you can do the following. Frame the door and window openings with similar beams in the same color as the ceiling; make the beams themselves not very high - sometimes people simply install planks, simulating a full-fledged caisson; choose light shades for the ceiling, which will visually raise it above your head; Place built-in lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling, the light from which will fall on the walls - you will get a visual effect similar to the previous one.
  • Also, don’t skimp on the light in the room. The darker the room is, the more depressing and pressing on the psyche it will be.
  • Please note that on white coffered ceilings it is necessary to perfectly fit the details, otherwise shadows will form in the cracks, which will create the illusion of a falling ceiling and will negate previous visual effects.
  • It is better not to illuminate such ceilings, but rather to direct the light from them into the space and onto surrounding furniture and walls.
  • We use dark ceilings only in spacious and high rooms. They will add neatness, warmth and comfort.

We think it will not be a revelation to anyone that the caissons should be correctly combined with the rest of the interior. For example, if your walls, floor and furniture are chosen in a high-tech style, then such wooden elements will look ridiculous in it.

Although, as an option, you can use mirror surfaces as panels, install some new-fashioned spotlights, track systems or built-in lamps in the beams, and paint the wood in an unnatural color, for example, gray, and make the beams themselves strictly rectangular in shape.

Tools, material for frame and caissons

Now let's see what we need to have available. So that installation can begin.

Any suspension system is connected to the main ceiling and walls. If the ceiling is concrete, then for work you cannot do without a hammer drill, which effectively drills holes in it.

We will use it to connect caissons and frame elements. It is advisable to have two pieces - one for the bit, the other for the drill for convenient and quick work.

When assembling the structure, you have to cut the material at an angle of 45 degrees. It is quite difficult to do this quickly and accurately by hand, but such a saw will help out a lot.

For rough and longitudinal cuts you will also need a jigsaw with high-quality files.

We will make a frame for the ceiling from a metal profile. To trim it, metal scissors are required.

You will also need a tape measure, a carpenter's square, a pencil and, optionally, a stationery knife.

Good laser level will help us quickly and accurately determine the plane of the ceiling. If the tool is not available to you, you can use a water level.

The dyeing thread will help you draw the actual walls and ceiling, according to the project.

We buy the following materials for the frame:

The frame will be very similar to what we usually make for drywall, and for it we need guides, which are PPN profiles.

The basis of the frame will be PP profiles.

We connect the frame to the ceiling using direct hangers. Buy hard products, 0.6 mm thick. The same applies to profiles.

"Crab" - single-level connector

We will use this intricately shaped thing for the cross connection of PP profiles.

We will use them to connect the frame parts together. You can also use LN type self-tapping screws, popularly called “bugs”.

We will assemble the ceiling from the Start company.

It includes the following set:

  • Long guide rails;
  • Short guide rails;
  • Curb cornices;
  • Caisson units;
  • Additional elements.

The installation of such a ceiling occurs in several stages, the sequence of which is very important to follow.

  • First of all, we mark the ceiling, dividing it into sections. As we have already said, you need to start marking strictly from the center of the room, so that the distance for additional elements is opposite sides was the same.

  • Don't forget that maximum length additional element should not exceed 40 centimeters.
  • The distance between the center lines (cell size) should be 66 centimeters.

  • Next, using the level you have, we determine the height of our frame. It is very important to remember that the design distance from the ceiling must be set back from its lowest point.
  • You can find it using a tape measure, which measures the distances from the level line to the base. The smallest value will be the desired point. Step back here as much as the project requires, and from the resulting point, draw a horizontal line along the entire perimeter of the room.

Interesting to know! For this ceiling, the distance from the base is 120 mm. This is required in order to install caissons into the structure without any problems.

  • To do this, you can use the level again, or adjust the values ​​according to the first marking using a tape measure.
  • We draw lines on the walls with a tapping cord.

  • Next, using the received markings, we attach the PPN profile. For fixation, we use wood screws on a suitable base, or anchor wedges in the case of a concrete or brick surface.
  • The fastener installation step is 40-50 centimeters. If the reliability of the profile is in doubt, then the fixation points can be increased.

  • We attach straight hangers along the main longitudinal marking lines, as shown in the photo. We use the same fasteners as for the guide profile. The installation step is 60 centimeters.

  • Next, using 4.2*16 self-tapping screws, we attach the PP profile to the hangers. Here it is worth paying attention that the profile is not installed in the same way as when installing drywall, but upside down.

  • The profile is attached to the suspension at a distance of 10-15 mm from its upper part. In this case, the distance from the ceiling to the top of the profiles must be at least 120 mm.
  • When it is necessary to lower the ceiling lower, the suspensions can be increased or corners made from PPN profiles can be used.

  • The crossbars are connected to the main belts of the frame at one level, but due to the fact that the profile is inverted, the “crabs” need to be “fixed” a little.
  • We also turn it upside down, and bend its mounting ears in reverse side. The connection is made using self-tapping screws with a press washer.

  • Trimming the cross profile requires an oblique cut at an angle of 5-10 degrees. If this is not done, then when installing the longitudinal guides in the corresponding profiles, there will be nowhere for it to bend, and the part may not sit in its place.

  • Next, work begins with wooden elements. The transverse guides are installed first. They are shaped in such a way that they simply snap into place. metallic profile. Everything is simple and intuitive.

  • Next, we bring coffered units into the resulting cells and lay them horizontally, on top of the transverse guide rails.

  • We install longitudinal guide rails. They are attached in exactly the same way as the transverse ones.

  • The niches at the edges of the room that remain uncovered by coffered units are filled with additional elements. They require additional cutting after the fact - we do this using an electric jigsaw.

  • The installation of a decorative border completes the work. It is attached with self-tapping screws to the PPN profile, in the center of the recess in its body.
  • To hide the screws, a decorative fillet is glued on top using “liquid nails” glue. These elements in the corners of the room are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

This is where the installation actually ends. Someone will say, what’s so complicated about it, but don’t forget that we were talking about finished products. The most elegant and beautiful ceilings This type of craftsman is completely assembled on site, turning and milling every detail, and this is not only very difficult, but also takes a long time.

Coffered ceilings have become very popular in modern design interior

However, few people know that they appeared in Ancient Greece, when architects invented a new, more reliable appearance ceilings

In this regard, there was a need to hide load-bearing beams, making them become part of the interior.

Over time, coffered ceilings have not lost their popularity, but, on the contrary, have acquired a more sophisticated and complex technique.

They are a specific configuration where the beams form rectangular, square or polygonal sections, which are decorated with various patterns inside.

These sections are called caissons (translated from French “caisson” - “box”).

Today, coffered ceilings mainly serve only a decorative function.

Main feature design is her appearance.

Such a ceiling always looks more respectable and can become a highlight for any room.

Relatively recently, coffered ceilings have moved from being a decorative element public buildings, such as theaters, libraries, palaces of culture and so on, into the interior of residential premises, the owners of which want to give their home an element of luxury and demonstrate their impeccable taste.

However, when choosing a coffered ceiling as a decorative element, you need to take into account the height of the original ceilings.

It must be higher than the standard one, otherwise the design may look ridiculous, and the ceiling structures will “press.”

Coffered ceiling is one of the types suspended ceiling, that is, it allows you to hide unevenness and external defects in the floors.

The cost of the work of craftsmen varies somewhere from 4,000 to 15,000 thousand rubles per square meter of coverage, depending on the material used.

That is, the pleasure, of course, is not exactly cheap, but the result is worth it, especially if you want to turn your home into a palace.

The coffered ceiling consists of beams and various decorative elements.

A variety of lamps can be built into the design of the caissons, which, in addition to performing their immediate function, can also become a very successful decorative element.


Exists big choice materials for the manufacture of such a ceiling.

This includes wood, MDF, plasterboard, polyurethane and cardboard.

To make a wooden coffered ceiling, mahogany, oak, ash, and walnut are used, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable shade for the interior of the room: from light to deep dark.

It should be taken into account that dark wood will visually make the ceiling lower.

Wood is the most expensive in price, but at the same time the most best material for the manufacture of coffered ceiling structures, as it is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, and does not emit harmful substances and have a beneficial effect on human health.

Even when choosing a material, wood is indicated by its undoubted durability and the fact that it is unlikely to lose its relevance over time.

Among the disadvantages of this material, we can only mention that a wooden coffered ceiling is for professionals and if you install it yourself, you may not get the desired result.

If installed correctly, MDF is a good alternative to wood.

This material is much cheaper than wood and, when installed correctly, looks very good.

However, MDF has a number of disadvantages, such as fear of moisture, high sensitivity to mechanical stress (easily deformed), as well as low fire protection characteristics.

Plasterboard structures are the most budget-friendly and high-quality option.

They are an alternative to conventional suspended ceilings made of plasterboard, which, to put it mildly, will not surprise anyone.

This ceiling is assembled according to the principle of a puzzle, as a result of which it turns out to be solid and neat.

Ceiling structures made of plasterboard look best in rooms that have large area(offices, classrooms, conference rooms, etc.).

A fairly common material for the manufacture of coffered ceilings is polyurethane.

Caissons made of polyurethane are produced in certain sizes and are lightweight, which, with proper selection of the size, allows you to easily assemble such a structure yourself.

The undoubted advantage of this material is the immense possibilities for decoration and the fact that polyurethane can be painted.

It is worth mentioning that polyurethane is not at all afraid of moisture and does not support the combustion process well, that is, this material increases fire safety.

And finally, the simplest and cheap way to build a caisson means to make beams in the form of boxes from construction cardboard.

These boxes can be painted with paint of the desired color or covered with wallpaper that matches the main texture of the surface.

Cardboard caissons are glued using wood glue.

To decorate them, they usually also use wallpaper or self-adhesive film, which has a certain texture, for example, wood.

Installation of a coffered ceiling

Preparatory stage

Before buying materials, you need to draw a sketch to more clearly imagine what the finished ceiling will look like.

Then you need to think about which material is best to choose depending on the material capabilities and characteristics of the room.

You also need to pay attention to the condition of the ceiling.

As already mentioned, the installation of a caisson does not require perfect Smooth surface however, its surface should be relatively smooth and solid, without serious defects.

If such defects exist, it is necessary to apply putty and let it dry well.

Then the base must be primed, preferably twice.

This will ensure reliable fixation of the material.

When the primer has dried, you can begin gluing the wallpaper, which will serve as the basis for the coffered ceiling.

When the wallpaper is hung, you need to make markings on it in accordance with the sketch.

Materials and tools

Scroll necessary materials depends on what kind of caissons you want to install.

Below is an average list of required materials:

  • false beams and slabs or finished cells;
  • nails, hammer, saw, square, tape measure;
  • glue (installation and for wood);
  • roulette;
  • wallpaper, plaster, primer, roller;
  • materials for decoration(stucco and others);
  • decorative slats (if the structure is made from ready-made slabs).

Install a ceiling cornice yourself? Easily! Step-by-step instructions are located

You prefer practicality in everything, but with creative approach? Then a false ceiling is exactly what you need! Read all the details.

Frame made of support beams

The most important (load-bearing) element of a coffered ceiling is the support beams (box beams).

They are nailed to the surface in a certain order.

To create a box beam, you need to cut a strip, the length of which should correspond to the length of the ceiling.

Small planks are nailed to the sides of this plank at equal distances from each other.

This beam is then nailed to the base.

In this case, you need to carefully check the sketch.

After this, parallel beams are installed using a similar principle.

The transverse beams are installed when all the longitudinal beams are already installed.

Gluing finished boards

When working with ready-made slabs, the first slab must be attached in the center of the ceiling so that the pattern is uniform.

Glue the finished caissons using assembly glue, and it is very important not to stain the wallpaper.

If there is an incorrect angle in the room, then ready-made modules It is better to fasten with staples, while retreating a few centimeters.

Decorative slats are inserted into the gaps between the slabs.

Video installation instructions:


Coffered ceilings are a versatile decorative element that will add special elegance to any room from the bedroom to the office.

In order to achieve the maximum positive effect, it is necessary to take into account the features of the room in which such a ceiling structure will be installed and pay special attention to the choice of texture and color range caissons.

Caissons provide an opportunity to realize your most brilliant ideas related to interior design.

And one more big plus: almost everyone can afford such a luxurious ceiling, because, firstly, there is a large selection of materials from which it can be made, from the cheapest to the most expensive.

Secondly, the entire structure can be installed with your own hands without the help of craftsmen.

In contact with

Over time and thanks to technological progress, many building materials and structures are significantly improved and acquire a slightly different purpose than before. A similar trend is typical for coffered ceiling systems, which have undergone some changes, thanks to which modern finishing premises, they occupy their niche and have a number of characteristic properties and features.



A coffered ceiling is a decorative system consisting of individual cells and beams different designs. Previously, similar arrangement of ceilings was carried out in order to reduce the load on load-bearing floors building. In castles and estates these blocks were decorated with carvings self made, or the surface was covered with precious metals. Similar design was evidence of the high status of the owner of the home, and also made it possible to hide unattractive ceiling piles from view.

In modern buildings, the relevance of such structures has disappeared, so caissons have become in demand as decorative elements of ceiling surfaces, and due to their aesthetic advantages they are experiencing a second wave of popularity. Coffered ceilings that were built earlier, when modern design buildings are no longer used, since they are a very expensive option for home improvement, and their presence no longer pays for itself. Today you can find excellent imitation of coffered ceilings.

The main feature of such structures is their configuration, which contains various recesses decorated with beams. Installation of ceilings involves the installation of borders, cornices or various paintings and gypsum stucco with a transition to the walls of the room. To implement this, special fasteners are purchased.

Decor using coffers is recommended for rooms with fairly high ceilings, since small spaces they will weigh down and clutter the interior. Such ceilings enlarge the room; in residential buildings they are in demand as a decorative component for arranging libraries, billiard rooms, living rooms or bedrooms. In general purpose buildings, coffered structures can be found in offices - such decoration emphasizes the status of the organization.

It is important to adhere to a certain architectural direction in which the entire building was erected - then it is easily possible to implement all design solutions without exception, since caissons can be various shapes, color and style.

Coffered structures will help create a harmonious and comfortable interior style in old houses, where too high ceilings do not provide comfort - there is a need to lower them a little. Thanks to these elements, the room will become more comfortable for a person to spend time, and the feeling of a big box will disappear.

Aesthetics and comfort are not all the properties and features that structures have. The decor will easily hide defects ceiling covering, due to which there will be no need to carry out work to level the base, in addition, the system will become a kind of storage for ventilation devices, wiring and other mandatory elements in a home or office space. The ceilings will delight you with their geometry and will also provide protection from deformation. In addition to the aesthetic component, caissons can improve the acoustics of a room.

Advantages and disadvantages

This original interior element has a number of positive characteristics:

  • the cross-sectional thickness of the materials used to create sections and the entire structure of the coffered ceiling increases the overall sound insulation of the room;
  • the external attractiveness and versatility of such decor allows it to be combined with interior design in any chosen style: art deco, hi-tech and others;
  • when using natural raw materials, the “ventilation effect” in the room increases, which helps create a healthy microclimate.

It is worth saying that the use of coffered structures has some disadvantages, but they are not related to the quality of the material and the general idea. The disadvantages of caissons include the rather high cost of products and installation. For example, installing solid wood with your own hands and without special skills will not be possible, since natural raw materials are not lightweight materials - to complete the task you will need the help of several specialists. However, an alternative, for example, the use of plasterboard or MDF panels, can eliminate this disadvantage.

The disadvantages also include the rather labor-intensive installation of the structure, which is preceded by mandatory calculations required material and preparation for work.


In order not to make a mistake with the choice of ceiling, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the room, as well as familiarize yourself with the types of coffered structures. They can be classified based on the material that was used during manufacture:

  • Wooden coffered ceiling– the safest option in terms of environmental friendliness of raw materials. When installing such sections on a base, there is no need to worry about the health of your household - most often oak, walnut or ash wood is used to produce the elements. The natural texture of the wooden components creates a truly original composition on the ceiling.

  • MDF construction– a more budget-friendly type that will be an excellent alternative wooden structure. The panels will cost several times less, and if they correctly design the base, the result will be a high-quality and beautiful decor for ceiling surface. In addition, the material is easy to attach to the coating, but the products have a low level of resistance to moisture, quickly ignite and are unstable to mechanical stress.

The combination of the above factors is fraught with the formation of large defects, so the question of repair and replacement of the structure will arise.

  • Plasterboard ceilings They also have a low cost. They are recommended for rooms with large window openings, the interior of which is made in the Empire or Baroque style. If the surface becomes dirty over time, there is no need to wash it - it is best to repaint it. The construction of coffered plasterboard ceilings is impossible without a frame, which is decorated with a plaster cornice. In this design, additional lighting is provided. It is possible to construct a similar design without a frame, that is, the caissons themselves are made from this material and are connected to each other - this option is distinguished by its laconic appearance.

  • Coffered ceilings are also made from construction cardboard. The beams are glued with wood glue, and the texture of the elements is given using a self-adhesive film that imitates a variety of relief.

  • There are systems made of polyurethane. They belong to the group of expensive coffered ceilings, but the result of their installation on the ceiling justifies the money spent. The elements have minimal weight compared to wood. The design is produced according to custom sizes, due to which the material does not need to be additionally cut for fastening. This feature reduces the time required for decor installation work.

All components are symmetrical to each other, but come in different shades. With proper selection of lighting, products acquire an even more sophisticated look. The product is resistant to fire and moisture.

A ceiling made of plywood will add depth and volume to the surface design in sections. The material has soundproofing properties and attractiveness. Having finished assembling the decor from plywood sheets, the structure is treated with varnish or stain.

Plastic structures resistant to smoke and humidity, and are also notable for their wide variety of textures and colors. Are excellent option for large bathrooms, living and dining rooms with real fireplaces.


Due to the fact that the coffered ceiling system is very unique, the surface design must be carried out taking into account certain design recommendations:

  • Some stylistic directions in creating an interior will not be able to harmoniously combine with similar decorative solutions.
  • Usage proper lighting in the room where coffered structures will be used, it makes the surface more attractive. Since an insufficient level of lighting will make the ceiling completely faded and inexpressive, it is better to additionally equip it with lighting.
  • Caissons from natural wood must match the color and shade of the furniture in the room, and also be the same tone as the floor covering. Thus, it will be possible to make the interior complete and harmonious.

  • Designers recommend choosing the correct size of structural cells based on the area of ​​the room - large rooms decorated small niches, and rooms with modest dimensions are decorated with large cells.
  • So that the caissons do not focus attention only on themselves, the ceiling should be made in light colors. A good option would be white coffered structures.
  • Dark sections are recommended for use in rooms with high walls - thanks to their presence, the size of the walls is visually reduced.

How to do it yourself?

To make a coffered ceiling indoors yourself, it is recommended to adhere to general rules execution of work:

  • Such decor cannot be done in every room - this is directly related to the height of the ceiling. Therefore, before you start arranging coffered structures, you need to make sure that the height complies with these recommendations. You can also work with rooms with low ceilings, but for this the caissons must be light.
  • Apartments with low ceilings decorated with beams near the door and window openings. In this way, contrast and imitation of recesses are created, thereby visually increasing the area of ​​the room.
  • Dark furniture and minimal lighting along with coffered ceiling structures will make the room look dull and gloomy.
  • Brown decoration will make the room smaller.
  • The design of the future structure needs to be thought out in advance. It would be useful to use wallpaper with different patterns: appliqué or painting.

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Our specialization is complex and exclusive projects. We make coffered wood ceilings of any size, shape and design. A variety of finishing options (tinting, brushing, painting, varnishing, gilding, aging, waxing and others) will allow you to choose and buy the most suitable option.

Do you want to receive exclusive interior? Order wood ceiling decoration from Avorio! We design, manufacture and install structures in any premises. As a direct manufacturer, we form Better conditions for cooperation and guarantee the declared quality of products.

Wooden coffered ceilings are structures consisting of individual niches, beams and cells different configurations. Previously they were used as load-bearing partition between floors, while performing decorative functions. Today, such luxury is available to almost everyone - custom-made coffered solid wood ceilings will allow you to turn any design idea into reality. Structurally, such a system consists of a frame and a substrate on which platbands, cornices and rosettes are attached. Additionally, it is possible to decorate with ornaments, stained glass windows and lamps.

Timeless beauty

Finishing the ceiling with wood is one of the few solutions that will make the interior truly luxurious. Natural material will give any room an exclusive appearance and respectability. Its nobility, combined with original lighting or designer carvings, diversify the design, making it exclusive. To produce custom-made coffered solid wood ceilings, we use valuable types of wood that will significantly expand your style horizons - you can choose a majestic Empire style, elegant style Baroque, or strict Renaissance: the number of ideas is limited only by your imagination.

Coffered wooden ceilings are the most expensive option and not available to everyone. The environmental friendliness and unique texture of the material has no equal aesthetic appeal. To decorate the ceiling with wood, we use only valuable species, which, if properly processed, will last for a hundred years or more.

However, aesthetic expressiveness is not their main advantage. Exclusive ceiling systems They also perform a number of important practical functions:

  • help solve issues of heat and sound insulation of premises;
  • allow you to hide elements of engineering communications;
  • perfectly mask visible floor defects;
  • improve acoustics.

Coffered wooden ceilings take up a lot of space, which makes their installation relevant only in spacious rooms with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters.

Advantages of purchasing custom-made solid wood coffered ceilings from us

We offer our clients the best options for finishing wood ceilings. We work with exclusive materials, including especially valuable species, rare trunks and root sections. We work exclusively on our own equipment with raw materials from trusted suppliers. The team consists of only experienced specialists with a high qualification level. All this allows us to guarantee exceptional product quality while maintaining the best price.

The desire for harmony and perfection is inherent in people by nature itself. When decorating his home, a person tries to make it cozy, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Fashion trends are increasingly returning us to the origins of the high art of architecture: the use natural materials V classic style, Empire, Renaissance, Baroque directions are flawless. Coffered ceilings can play an amazing role in creating beautiful interior decoration options.


A caisson is a panel of a geometric shape (usually in the form of a rectangle, square, diamond) recessed into the ceiling. Such ceilings can often be observed in domes or vaults. A series of such panels creates a coffered ceiling. Coffered ceilings have been known since the times of Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome. Natural terracotta, marble, stone and wood were traditionally used in their decoration.

This design goes perfectly with elegant stucco. and sophisticated ceiling paintings. Coffered structures are decorated with various rosettes, borders, cornices and embossing. These ceilings are found in architectural masterpieces of various cultures around the world: in castles, palaces, temples, theaters, museums and art galleries. Beamed coffered ceilings were at their peak in popularity during the Renaissance, or Renaissance, which marked the intellectual and artistic flowering of ancient society. Previously, such structures had a predominantly constructive function.

Modern caissons often have an aesthetic purpose. They can be seen in fireplace rooms, offices, home libraries, living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens of private and apartment buildings. This design can improve the acoustics of a room and visually expand the space. It adds architecture and airiness to the room, as well as stylistic literacy and completeness. The decorative significance of coffered ceilings is distinguished by originality and luxury.

Types and materials

Coffered ceilings can bring nobility, comfort and warmth to your home. They can be made in neoclassical or modern style. It became possible to achieve different stylistic loads due to various materials, used to create such impressive designs.

The following techniques for making coffered ceilings are distinguished:

  • classic wood design;
  • harmonization of wood and MDF boards;
  • made of plasterboard;
  • polyurethane caissons.

Coffered ceilings made of solid wood are a classic. When creating them, environmentally friendly material is used. Therefore, each individual caisson has an individual, unique and elegant texture. You can enhance the effect of elegance and aesthetics with the help of varnish or stain. Natural wood imbues a room with dignity and importance while adding beauty to it.

Combination in the process of creating coffered ceilings involves the use of MDF boards instead of some fragments of natural wood species.

Such harmonization has a number of advantages:

  • the material does not shrink or deform;
  • the installation process is less complicated;
  • the cost is lower;
  • external identity with a natural wood ceiling;
  • guaranteed great result.

Despite the advantages of the combined method, it also has disadvantages. Due to the use of plywood, the value and naturalness of the caissons are reduced. Plywood panels are not fireproof or waterproof. However, harmonized coffered ceilings are quite impressive. Their beauty and sophistication can be emphasized, for example, by a ceiling rosette with gilding and an elegant chandelier.

Making caissons from plasterboard is an amazing design solution. The technology consists of creating a frame for a suspended ceiling made using gypsum plastic. Such a ceiling is decorated with various gypsum cassettes, cornices, and framed with relief and painting. Geometric patterns are especially popular.

These coffered ceilings are textured and sophisticated. However, these designs are complex to implement and require preliminary work above the sketch. Due to their heavy weight and decorative features, such ceilings are difficult to maintain (dust removal during operation). The advantages include safety for human health, long service life and efficiency.

Polyurethane has become a real godsend for caissons. This material ideally depicts the elements of stucco and the texture of natural materials (wood and stone). With its help, you can convey the structure of the applied composition in detail and accurately. Such ceilings are excellent for installation various types backlight.

One of the advantages of polyurethane coffered ceilings is their low weight, which greatly simplifies the installation process. This material is easy to care for. It does not change color over time, is moisture resistant, and is not prone to destruction. It is easy to give such a ceiling the desired texture and shade, if desired, adding gilding and silver. The cost of such caissons is relatively low.


Nothing adds instant personality to an interior like a coffered ceiling. Some of them are originally detailed with box beams and other interesting elements, all kinds of textures and colors. Others are constructed from flat panels and are less complex to install. However, they all carry a huge amount of possibilities and ideas for inspiration.

Here are the basic design techniques:

  • striking contrast;
  • lightness and airiness;
  • unexpected decision.

While a coffered ceiling naturally adds striking detail to any room, there is a trick you can use to add contrast. For example, painting a ceiling an icy shade of white creates the effect dark walls. The reverse technique is also successful. If the space has white or light walls, a dark coffered ceiling will look decent.

Contrast does not necessarily have to be created from light and dark tones. The golden, woody tones of the coffered ceiling are noteworthy. They enhance the warm tones of furniture and contrast, for example, with white walls, a black accent surface, or carpeting. You can choose the shade of the coffered ceiling to match the floor.

If white or light walls abound in workspace, dark colors can be harmoniously distributed on the ceiling and floor, as well as decorate elements of built-in bookcases with them. Contrast can also be created on the ceiling itself by skillfully painting the insides of the panels dark color, while maintaining white trim. If you add original patterned wallpaper and bold pendant lighting, the result is a stellar example of modern design.

Another professional design technique for coffered ceilings is to make them feel light and airy. Cassette ceilings are an ideal choice for light and spacious rooms that are filled with freshness. A coffered ceiling detail can add personality to a space. It can reflect interesting pieces of decor in a room, providing a strong focus on a specific design element.

Kitchens are popular choice rooms for coffered ceilings, especially when it comes to white kitchens, or spaces designed in light warm colors with French panoramic windows And open view. Large recessed panels on the ceiling can enhance the open atmosphere of such a room. If your living room is bright and airy and has a high ceiling, coffered ceilings will help draw attention to it. It will be especially impressive if you complement the design with extravagant pendant lighting.

We should not forget about the possibilities of coffered ceilings in the dining area. An open dining space can exude a subtle undertone when strong ceiling details are the perfect accompaniment, creating a vibrant palette of its own.

This is explained by the fact that they are able to place a moderate emphasis on space, for example, emphasizing:

  • the tenderness of the painting on the wall;
  • green plants and fresh flowers on the table or windowsill;
  • beaded pendant lights;
  • elegant veiled lighting;
  • lace on chair covers.

Coffered ceilings attract attention with their complexity. Light walls enhance the open atmosphere of the room, making them perfect choice for interiors with coffered ceilings (for example, an eclectic dining room). Sometimes it's nice to add an unexpected touch and use a non-trivial design. For example, you can place an attractive hanging lamp in the art deco style with its chic. Interesting design solution there will be light from hanging lights. Coffered ceilings are a way to be bold and challenging. To go beyond the template and achieve originality, you can use interesting authentic wallpapers that attract attention with panels and sections.

Classic caissons consist of rectangles and squares. Unusual, but especially stylish solution there will be a demonstration of geometry consisting of polygons with a pattern. You can paint the ceiling a special color and add a handmade pattern. This coffered ceiling will look perfect.

There are examples that clearly prove that good design can be accompanied by warm rustic motifs and modern taste. Below is a shot of a home where the owners designed a ceiling to help solve electrical problems. The result is nothing short of delight. This design looks unique.

Since the design of coffered ceilings has a number of features, it is necessary to remember some important recommendations and advice if you plan to design and install such a ceiling yourself:

  • Coffered structures are suitable for decorating rooms with high ceilings from 2.5 meters (the higher, the better).
  • Depending on the style and materials, you can expand the space or make the upper boundaries visually lower (you need to be especially careful with dark-colored caissons).
  • If the design plan does not involve focusing all the attention on the ceiling, it should be made white or light.

  • The larger the space, the smaller the caisson cassettes should be. IN small rooms It is recommended to make recessed panels larger.
  • Choosing wooden design coffers, it is necessary to observe the color matching of the ceiling, floor and furniture in order to achieve a harmonious design.
  • Enhancing the aesthetic effect can be achieved through skillfully selected lighting. Poorly thought out lighting can ruin the overall picture.

The coffered ceiling is not universal, therefore it is not organic for all interior styles. Self-installation caisson structures require high-quality preparation, the development of a preliminary professional preliminary design, taking into account all the details of the process, and the assistance of several people in installation.