How can you tell by his behavior that an Aries man is in love, even if he hides his feelings? Secrets of the horoscope: a difficult relationship with an Aries man

Aries men are bright representatives of the fire element, conquering women with one glance from the first moments of acquaintance. They are very charming and self-confident, so they always achieve their goals and receive the nickname “Don Juans.” And this is not surprising. The stars awarded them with a sharp mind, grace, excellent health and unusually developed intuition, warning of danger or suggesting the most profitable option developments of events. But how to behave with an Aries man in order to make this passionate handsome man fall in love with you, interest him and “stir up” interest in your person for many years? Let's figure it out.

Aries man characteristics and what attracts them to a woman?

An Aries man in love amazes the imagination with his extraordinary actions. He does not know how to express his feelings, tenderness and burning passion, so he often goes to extremes. Stormy attacks of jealousy can be replaced by a long declaration of love and the permission of “everything in the world”, the desire to go for a walk often turns into a firm intention to stay at home, and permission for complete freedom can turn into confinement for his companion at home, away from friends and work colleagues. Yes, that's all - an Aries man. How to understand that he is in love? Yes, very simple. If there is confusion in his actions, his eyes sparkle, and there is no logic in his actions, you have attracted him and fallen in love with him.

Aries man - compatibility with other signs and character traits

If you don’t know how to behave with an Aries man, then pay attention to the following features of his character:

  • He will never submit, because he is sure that this is a woman’s fate. If you want to defeat an Aries man in an argument, then it is better to use cunning tactics. Pretend that he won, and only then ask him for what you need.
  • Cleanliness and love of comfort. If you watch the behavior of an Aries man for a couple of hours, you will immediately notice a clear order and pattern in all his actions. He does not accept scattered things, dirty dishes or dust on the shelves. So try to create for him cozy atmosphere at home - Aries will appreciate it to the fullest.
  • Reasonableness and conservative views on many things. That is why men born under the auspices of the zodiac constellation Aries will never appreciate your trendy hairstyle, miniskirt or manicure bright shade. They are of the opinion that a woman should be the standard of elegance, chastity and tenderness. Try to adjust your image to taste preferences your companion. Believe me, his admiration will not be long in coming.

The vanity of the Aries man deserves special attention, for whom it is simply vital to “be ahead of the rest.” He has a hard time withstanding criticism and is sensitive to failures at work or temporary insolvency caused by a change of job. Therefore, try to surround him with attention and care, give compliments more often, listen carefully to all his problems and take an active part in solving them. Always remember that this is an Aries man in front of you. How to understand that he likes you? Take a closer look at behavior. If he begins to turn to you for moral help, then sympathy is guaranteed to take place.

Aries man in bed - partner compatibility theory

If you try a romantic relationship with an Aries man at least once in your life, then this experience will forever remain in your memory. Managed fiery element, he is a real hurricane of passion and tenderness, the tandem of which is simply mesmerizing. But he behaves in a special way with representatives of different zodiac signs. If you were born under the auspices of an element:

  • Fire, then get ready for a dizzying romance. Walking through the city at night, kissing and violent attacks of jealousy - these are the ways in which the relationship between an Aries man and an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius woman will differ.
  • Air, then your passion and mutual attraction can only be envied. The combination of air and fire is a nuclear explosion that instantly covers the participants in the novel with a wave. This can be seen especially clearly if an Aries man and a Gemini woman meet. They are 100% compatible in love and passion.
  • Waters will be established between you trusting relationship. Since Pisces and Scorpio women are very cold in bed, they will have to try to surprise their partner. And if we are talking about a novel in which the main participants are an Aries man and a Cancer woman, then the compatibility is already more pronounced.

The most difficult thing to do with an Aries man will be for women who belong to the earth element. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are not able to instantly awaken a fit of passion in their fiery companion, but they will keep him near them for a long time thanks to their love for stability, purity and fidelity.

Aries opens the zodiac circle. This is perhaps the most courageous sign of all the zodiac. He is able to conquer almost every woman; with the same ease, Aries achieve a high position on the career ladder. Surrounded by Aries, you will meet extremely interesting and charming people. Aries are well aware of their attractiveness and shamelessly use it.

Characteristics of an Aries man

Aries men are usually very energetic and self-confident. They do not accept even the semblance of power over their person and do not recognize any authorities. Therefore, if you want to somehow influence Aries, do not even think about talking to him in an orderly tone. You must convince him that it was he who first came up with the brilliant idea.

He can be called a dreamer - he is always full of plans and ideas on how to implement them. In the dreams of Aries there are no barriers or obstacles to the implementation of their plans. In this they are similar to children. He sincerely believes that all his dreams will definitely come true. Therefore, Aries boldly storms the goals they have set for themselves.

This is how Aries behave both at work and in personal life. On the one hand, this quality is positive, but on the other, excessive self-confidence prevents Aries from calculating the risks and preparing a backup plan in case of defeat. However, Aries' self-confidence does not allow them to doubt their success. Aries are extremely sincere and straightforward. These qualities often go to their detriment. In the desire to promote their ideas and prove that they are right, such men can cross boundaries and be rude to others, including their superiors.

How to understand an Aries man

If fate brought you together with an Aries man, do not try to adjust him to yourself. You need to observe his behavior and draw conclusions in order to further use this knowledge to build strong relationships. Aries appreciate women who understand them at a glance, unmistakably guess their desires, and who do not need to explain something several times.

So, what are the characteristics of an Aries man:

  • Aries loves power and is flattered by everyone's attention. Therefore, let him dominate your couple. Please note that any manifestation of disrespect towards him will cause an attack of anger in Aries. It is vital for him to feel his main position in the family.
  • Aries don't like criticism. Aries men, deep down, are not self-confident. Criticism and remarks make him angry instantly. Therefore, do not point out to Aries his mistakes and mistakes, be more delicate. Better praise him once again. Praise and compliments work very well on such men. But remember that Aries sense insincerity very well, so your praise should be from the heart.
  • Diplomacy is alien to Aries. They will never admit that they are wrong, even if in their hearts they realize the true state of things. Therefore, be generous towards this weakness of his. Try to be the first to reconcile. Know that in his soul the quarrel torments him greatly, and he himself wants to make peace with you.
  • Aries men greatly value comfort and order in the home and a positive environment. And a collected, neat and clean woman will always be appreciated by him.

How to win an Aries man

Only a very energetic woman with the ability to constantly change and surprise will be able to win an Aries man. In women, such men are attracted primarily by their inexhaustible energy.

A calm and measured life will never please an Aries man. New impressions, emotions and experiences are what is valuable to him. In such an environment he will feel happy.

If you want to become an ideal companion for an Aries man, try to constantly surprise him and show your creativity. Aries men appreciate initiative from a woman. At the same time, you should not worry about what the result of your experiments will be. Aries value the process itself, and not what happens in the end. Don't be afraid to show your impulsiveness and playfulness in your relationship - they appreciate it.

You must constantly surprise your Aries partner if you want to achieve a long-term relationship with him. Don't be afraid to show your feelings. May you be a vulnerable girl today, and tomorrow an imperious and confident queen. Let the Aries man feel like a winner, let him think that he managed to conquer you. Weakness sometimes turns out to be real strength. Only you will know which of you two is truly the winner.

Aries man in love

If you managed to win the heart of an Aries man, you can consider yourself incredibly lucky. You will be lucky enough to feel the full attention and affection that Aries can provide. After all, Aries in love behave as if these feelings will live forever. For this reason, even if the relationship is threatened with collapse, he will do everything possible to preserve it.

If this does not work out, Aries will move on to the next relationship, but with a new chosen one. Moreover, he will behave in exactly the same way, with the same passion and confidence in his abilities. Aries almost never have their loved ones. This is one of the few signs that are distinguished by loyalty and constancy.

Aries men tend to idealize their partner. Therefore, it is important for you to be on top in everything all the time. You must be well-groomed, beautiful and confident. Don’t try to look casual in front of an Aries man, in home clothes or without makeup. Don't shatter his ideal ideas about you. Carry out all cosmetic procedures away from his eyes.

Aries man: how to behave with him

The duality of the Aries man’s nature requires a special approach. You will have to learn to adapt to him and guess his desires.

Behave with him carefully so as not to spoil the relationship:

  • Let him dominate everything. Aries men love to be first in everything, so don’t try to pull the blanket over yourself. Let the Aries man make all the decisions in your couple, the last word should always be his. Wisdom is required on your part, because it is not necessary to achieve your goal by force. Your tenderness and femininity are more likely to lead to the result you need than persistence and perseverance.
  • Be patient and calm. It is common for Aries men to suddenly flare up even over the most insignificant reason. In this case, with your gentleness and patience you must pacify his temper and not allow him to commit a rash act. Do not quarrel with him in moments of his anger and do not respond. This will save the situation.
  • Be an indispensable interlocutor and attentive listener for him. Let's give it to the Aries man good advice, but don’t try to do it in a preachy tone. Support him in everything and don’t try to take the lead in something.
  • Be feminine not only externally, but also internally. You must be ideal woman in everything - be it order in the house, well-groomed appearance or a balanced character. You must be attractive in everything. An Aries man should feel that his woman is admired and that everyone envies him.

Aries man in love

Aries men, who are very passionate by nature, do not like to demonstrate this side of their character. For this reason, sometimes it is difficult for them to build their relationship with their chosen one. But if the love is very strong, the internal prohibitions of Aries men cease to operate and he ceases to restrain himself.

Often Aries strive to quickly satisfy their desires, while not giving a damn about social foundations and accepted moral standards. At this moment they are guided by instincts and own desires, and he perceives a woman as a trophy.

If a man has developed intelligence, then he will behave more sublimely, often idealizing the object of his worship. In this case, the woman will feel truly loved. She will be surrounded by care and attention from all sides. The Aries man in this case behaves extremely decently towards the woman.

Aries are used to being the best in everything and do not tolerate competitors in anything. This also applies to romantic feelings. If suddenly, then apply swipe according to the pride of an Aries man. On this occasion it may even begin aggressive behavior towards you. But don’t worry too much - Aries are very easy-going. After some time, the Aries man will find a new object for love.

Aries man in sex

Sexually, the Aries man is extremely creative. He does not tolerate conventions or any restrictions. Ordinary sex, when he is “on top”, is too boring for him. He prefers entertainment in unusual places, for example, in a parking lot full of cars or on a crowded bus. You must be prepared for the fact that the pleasure from sex with an Aries man will be enormous, sometimes even more than you can stand.

The Aries man loves it when a woman gives herself completely to him. Therefore, he does not tolerate any objections. Assuring you that you have no strength or a headache will also have no effect. The Aries man is a very passionate and impatient lover. He doesn't want to wait for you to undress. Most likely, he himself will tear off all your clothes as soon as you find yourself on the threshold of the bedroom.

Flattery is the weak point of the Aries man. Therefore, praise and extol him often. Don't try to tease him - this can make an Aries man furious. He will certainly demand the fulfillment of any promise you make. At the same time, he does not care for a second about the consequences. Therefore, you will have to worry about contraception yourself. Be prepared for the fact that all your sexual requests will certainly be fulfilled, and more often than not, exceeded. The unpredictable desires of an Aries man can even shock some particularly sensitive ladies.

The most sensitive area for an Aries man is the head. Therefore, do not hesitate to show your feelings in this area - gentle touches and sensual biting will drive an Aries man crazy. Feel free to stroke the forehead area with your fingertips and gently kiss your loved one’s eyelids - all this will delight him.

Often, in sex, the Aries man shows sadistic tendencies, experiencing pleasure from domination and infliction of pain. Such actions on his part are explained by desire. Therefore, you need to be prepared for this scenario. If you yourself love such games, then believe me, you will experience incomparable pleasure from sex with an Aries man.

If you decide to seduce an Aries man, then, first of all, you should remember that Aries do not like being hung around their neck. You should be as inaccessible to him as possible. Aries is a person who loves challenges. You must show with all your appearance that you are not interested in him. Then Aries himself will do everything for you - he will seduce and win your heart. After all, children’s whims are stored in his soul - to achieve new toy by any means. But know that Aries is not a romantic or a gentleman.

He will not shower you with gifts or arrange romantic evenings for you. He will act swiftly and quickly. In some cases it may even seem a little rude to you. And after Aries achieves you himself, you will have to work hard to keep him near you. So think carefully about whether such a man and such a relationship are right for you. If you have ever seen a film with Adriano Celentano in leading role"The Taming of the Shrew" main character This film is the epitome of the Aries man.

If you still decide to win this man, then you should know some secrets about him. Aries, as a representative of the element of Fire, really likes energetic, witty and cheerful girls. He will never be interested in a woman whose whole life is planned out. Aries constantly needs new sensations and emotions, extreme sports and adrenaline are Aries’ eternal companions in life. If you are inventive and resourceful, creative and talented, then Aries will appreciate and honor all these qualities. He will never be bored with you. If you can find mutual language with his friends, then success is guaranteed. After all, Aries really likes sociable girls, and besides, the opinion of his friends is very important to him. Every time you meet an Aries, try to look a little different than the day before. Interest him in your mystery so that he is interested in knowing who you really are.

If you are starting a relationship with such a man, it would be a good idea to decide: how to behave with an Aries man? The first thing I would like to advise a woman asking this question is to simply be a woman. In fact, this simple phrase has a deep meaning.

How to behave competently with an Aries man

For the somewhat aggressive Aries, the presence of a woman who is not afraid to show her weakness is very useful. In fact, submission is not exactly humiliation, as many people believe. By submission you can achieve a lot, including superiority over an Aries man. What Aries doesn’t like is predictability. Planning, calculating each step in advance, constancy and monotony - this is not for him! He expects enthusiasm, sparkle, and various unpredictable actions from a woman.

When choosing tactics for a relationship with Aries, you should exclude absolutely everything that could irritate him. The list of things that cannot be done and said when living with an Aries woman must be clearly understood by his woman, if, of course, the goal is to live peacefully together. All sorts of intrigues and intricacies terribly irritate Aries - they expect absolute sincerity and frankness from their companions.

How to behave with an Aries man so that he is pleased with you

How should a woman who is planning not just a fleeting romance, but a long and serious relationship, behave with an Aries man?

  • Don't play the role of a man. This hurts Aries’s pride so much that he is unlikely to want to stay close to such a woman;
  • Do not provoke Aries to negative reactions with your words and actions;
  • Talk about your feelings directly, even if it is such a delicate issue as starting an intimate relationship;
  • No rudeness. Aries hates it in any form, even as a response to counter rudeness;
  • Avoid rude and vulgar actions, even if they seem completely justified;
  • Remember: the initiative for first intimacy should come exclusively from him! It is allowed to tempt, seduce, tease - but not push, Aries really don’t like this;
  • Aries should be constantly surprised, change more often, and not allow monotony either in himself or in life together. He likes emotions, impressions, experiences, outbursts, and constant changes in events.

The main thing is to remember that a woman who is too calm and balanced will never be a suitable match for Aries! He needs to be occupied with something, to be surprised, and what is important is not so much the result as the initiative taken. Aries most often have an active life position, so the task of a woman who wants to interest him is to find an even more active one, this will be the key to a long-term relationship.

Well, you've got the Aries man of your dreams, but now you probably want to know how to stay interesting to him. Given that this zodiac sign loves adventure and has a poor attention span, the task can be quite difficult, but it will be worth it if you succeed.


Part 1

Keep it fresh
  1. Avoid routine. Just remember, an Aries man will lose interest in you the moment the relationship becomes a chore or a burden. If you feel like you're falling into a rut with him, arrange things so that he doesn't get bored.

    • If you think realistically, you cannot make every day different from the previous one. Although, if you see each other every day, you should try to always do something new at least once or twice a week to cover all the accumulated routine.
  2. Be on the same page with him. If you haven't realized it yet, your Aries man likes dates that are full of adventure and variety. If you don't want him to lose interest, you'll have to comply. If your Aries guy asks you what you'd like to do, opt for a night out instead of spending time at home.

    • If you really need to spend an evening at home, make it as interesting as possible. Cook dinner using new and exotic ingredients, or buy a Latin dance CD.
  3. Move quickly. If your relationship is still in the early stages, you should keep things moving at a proper pace. The Aries man is not a fan of the measured flow of life. Be prepared to follow his frantic pace or not be with him at all.

    • Of course, you should also be honest with yourself about how far you're willing to take the relationship. He may be ready to go to bed with you, but if you don't feel ready, don't let his ardor tempt you into doing something you don't want. If, however, you are ready to move on, do so with confidence and without doubt.
  4. Surprise him. Even though the Aries man usually takes the initiative, he likes a relationship with a girl who can keep him on his toes. When he least expects it, surprise him with something new and unexpected. When he gets a buzz from being around you, he will want to be around you as long as possible.

    • One weekend you might suggest something like bungee or rock climbing, especially if your loved one has shown interest in such activities in the past. You don't want to drag him there blindfolded, but even just suggesting it can be a nice surprise.
  5. Give him an unforgettable experience. When you want to give your Aries man a gift, take him on an adventure instead of buying some trinket. Believe me, he will appreciate an exciting adventure much more than some boring thing.

    • Front seats to a match of his favorite team or a weekend camping trip will often become the best gift than a banal new disc.

    Part 2

    Give him space
    1. Let him spend time on himself. An Aries man needs to feel free and independent, so he may not always invite you to join him in his adventures. Try not to pull it back. A clingy woman will, in most cases, scare away an Aries man.

      • Try not to be discouraged if he chooses to spend the evening with friends rather than with you. An Aries man won't beat around the bush and hint that it's all over; if he loses interest, he will be honest about it. And so you don’t have to worry that his sudden desire to relax with friends is a hidden hint that you have problems.
    2. Be easy going. Many Aries men can be bossy and may not like being told what to do. In other words, you will have to give him the initiative in most cases.

      • If you want to turn the relationship around in your own way, you should propose changes so that your loved one can later say that this is his merit.
    3. Suppress the desire to somehow limit it. Unfortunately, many Aries men are susceptible to temptation. They may flirt with other girls, regardless of whether you are his official significant other. Therefore, you may want to lock him in the house when you go somewhere, but this is more likely to open the way for him out of the relationship than to bring you closer.

      • If he starts staring at someone, don't make a scene with him, but rather focus on how to get him to look at you again. Try to make eyes at the other guy and make your Aries notice it. His competitive spirit will spur him on and he will pursue you again.
    4. Make him conquer you. If an Aries man is suffocating from your attention, he may soon lose interest in you. On the other hand, if you constantly encourage him to gain your interest instead of worrying about how to keep it, he will be more likely to rise to the challenge.

      • However, it is important to let him win if he accepts the challenge. Act disinterested at first, but when he starts trying to get your attention, show him that his efforts are not in vain.

    Part 3

    Stay Fit
    1. Always be active. Most Aries men will be happy to start a relationship if their partner is active both in and out of bed. Physical exercisegreat way to be closer to him, especially if these are even slightly risky activities.

      • Have a race, play basketball or some similar game.
      • Remember that Aries men hate routine, so your physical activity Doesn't have to follow a strict schedule. In other words, going for a run after work every day is not The best way keep his attention. Vary both activities and times at least a little each time.
    2. Play with him. As for intimate activity, Aries men won’t have to be persuaded for long. Whether you've reached bedtime in your relationship or not, you should be prepared for your man to get horny in the blink of an eye and try to coax you into sex. You will have to follow his pace if you don't want him to get bored with you.

      • For your own good, you would do well to stay in shape. Otherwise, you will get tired much earlier than he does.
    3. Tease him. Unfortunately, Aries men can be a little selfish when it comes to intimacy and often insist on having their own way. If you want to have any say, you will have to pretend that you are not completely satisfied. This will encourage him very much and, as a result, he will begin to devote a lot to you. more attention, thereby competing with himself.

      • Hint that you are not impressed by his movements. When he understands this, he will happily begin to find out what you like and will not stop trying until he achieves his goal.
    4. Don't be afraid to try something new. As in every other aspect of his life, Aries men need variety. If he has the urge to try something new in the bedroom, let him do it. If he doesn't get any bright emotions with you, he will soon get bored.

      • Although, if you are not happy with something, you should directly tell him about it. If an idea appears in his head, he will immediately begin to implement it, without even waiting for permission. Only direct disagreement can put an end to this.

    Part 4

    Be a support for him
    1. Support him in any endeavor. Since Aries men crave variety and excitement, they are always busy with more new activities than other guys. He may or may not invite you along on the trip, but either way, you should show him that you're always rooting for him.

      • This means that you need to take an active interest in other aspects of his life, both new business projects and new hobbies.
      • If he invites you to take part in his adventure, don't hesitate to join. If not, show as much interest as possible, but don't pressure him into inviting you.
    2. Discuss. Even though your Aries man needs to feel like he is right, he needs to be given the opportunity to prove himself in order to be completely satisfied. You can and should challenge him from time to time, but remember that you must allow him to win more than he loses.

      • Of course, if you are one hundred percent sure of something, you shouldn’t give in to it. Your shyness won't good decision, and don't let him win if it's obvious that you're right.
    3. Never criticize him. Usually the ego of an Aries man requires careful treatment. If you have a habit of correcting or embarrassing him in front of people, you are most likely hurting his feelings. self-importance, and this all leads to the fading of his feelings.

      • Laughing at his childhood photos is absolutely not recommended, and if you start laughing at a mistake he made with his family or friends, this will lead to a huge scandal and not the most pleasant feelings. Despite all the assertiveness and confidence of the Aries man, he is very sensitive and easily wounded.
      • If you really want to keep his attention, you should be honest with your Aries man. Challenging him from time to time is important, but he won't enjoy the guessing game, so you'll want to be decisive and confident when you need to, and be honest about what you want when asked about something.
        • You shouldn’t quarrel and expect him to guess why you’re upset. You should also avoid tricky questions like “Am I fat in this?” He won't like being pushed into a corner, even if he knows how to get out of the situation.

Communicating and retaining an Aries man is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You will never have a calm relationship with him. His character is not easy and when communicating with him you need to be on alert, because due to his fiery impulsive nature, he immediately throws out a flurry of positive or negative emotions. But on the other hand, you will never be bored with him. Having fallen in love, he treats his beloved with respect and attention. The main thing is not to let his feelings fade away.

How to communicate with an Aries man

The first thing you need to remember is that when communicating with him, you need a special approach, since his character may manifest irritability, straightforwardness, impulsiveness, and hot temper. True, the temper goes away quickly. But you still need to always be on alert.

Give him the initiative in communication and relationships

Aries man likes to be the leader in everything, love relationship no exceptions. It's better not to take any more initiative than he does. You can't force him to do anything. But give him the initiative, show that in a relationship, in important decisions, in problems, it is his last word that is important, that you value his opinion is very useful. Here we must show wisdom and tolerance. With the help of femininity and tenderness you can achieve much more. And of course, maintain the relationship.

Stay calm and patient

No matter how hot-tempered he may be, the ignition of his fiery temperament does not last long. Try to be patient and calm about his behavior and communication. Be lenient with him. The main thing is not to enter into an argument with him, since in this state he is capable of destroying everything that is possible and is ready for rash actions. There is no need to quarrel with him at such moments. With warmth and calmness you can quickly pacify him.

You need to be an interesting and irreplaceable conversationalist and a good listener with him.

For a strong relationship with him, you need to learn to listen to him carefully and not interrupt. He likes to talk about himself, share his plans and ideas. And he will be glad to find support for his endeavors. So that he always turns to you for advice and support.

Be feminine with him

For him, one of the main advantages of a girl is femininity. Moreover, it should be not only internal, but also external. He likes calm, balanced, patient women who can understand him and do good housework. Self-care. His pride is flattered when his chosen one is admired by others.

Communicate with him sincerely and openly

He does not like secretive and dishonest women. Even any deception can destroy a relationship with him. Because sincerity, honesty and frankness are very important qualities for him that his chosen one should have. Talk directly about your feelings, desires, experiences. You shouldn’t hide even sensitive topics from him. Otherwise, you won’t be able to have a long-term relationship with him.

Surprise him more often

He can't stand monotony. And the more novelty there is in relationships and communication, the faster he will become attached to a woman. He needs a constant change of emotions and experiences. Here we must try to surprise him more often, and better not with words, but with actions. He is especially interested in changes in a woman’s mood. For example, if on one day she is weak, trusting, insecure, and on another day she is decisive and active. Then he will want to know better what she really is like. And you can make his learning process fascinating and endless.

How to keep an Aries man

To keep an Aries man, you must not only behave and communicate with him correctly, but also be aware of the behavioral mistakes that he will tolerate. In principle, there is nothing unusual about this, and it is better to avoid such mistakes in relation to other zodiac signs. But you especially can’t do this with Aries.

You can't criticize him

Any criticism of his character or even minor remarks can cause him to become indignant and hot-tempered. After all, he likes to be a leader, and if a woman begins to criticize his plans, initiatives, and doubt him, then he will not remain calm. It won't be possible to put it in its place. In any case, he will defend and prove that he is right. In the end, you will either have to agree with him or leave.

Don't be intrusive with him

You cannot show that you are more interested in a relationship with him than he is. Intrusiveness and increased attention will cause indifference or push him away. In addition, you cannot push him towards the first intimacy. You can tease him, but don't take the initiative to get him into bed. Let him take the initiative himself.

Always be attractive to him

If a woman allows herself to appear in front of him in an unattractive manner, then the spark of his interest in her will quickly go out, followed by the desire to continue the relationship. But you shouldn’t put on beauty with it either. Let him better think that his chosen one is always so beautiful, well-groomed and fragrant.

Don't act cold and touchy

He, of course, likes unavailable women who know their worth, but if it turns into a game, then he will not play such games. He likes the process of conquest, but if in the end he receives nothing but coldness and indifference and the woman continues to show herself to be hard to touch, then interest in her will quickly disappear. It is difficult to communicate and retain an Aries man if his feelings and interest fade away. But his feelings are changeable, and this must always be remembered.