How to design an L-shaped window in the kitchen. How to use windows in kitchen design. Serene and cozy Provence

The kitchen is an important room in any home. This is where food is prepared and often consumed. This room contains the most household appliances and household items: from jars of spices to large saucepans. Properly placing all this culinary wealth, especially in a small room, can sometimes be difficult. Each kitchen utensils must have its place, only in this case will order reign. IN small apartments you have to invent in any way, so even windows are not only decorated and decorated with curtains, but modernized into a completely different functional area. Let's consider popular and non-traditional options for transforming window sills and the adjacent area.

Window functions in the kitchen interior

Windows in the kitchen are often unfairly ignored. They are used exclusively for their intended purpose, only as a light source, and you can put a couple of cacti and geraniums in pots on the windowsill. In fact, this underrated interior element can become a completely different functional unit after transformation. In standard kitchens there is only one window, but large sizes. Let's start with the glass unit. Wood, of course, is natural and gives off a retro, antique feel, but it is more convenient to replace it with modern plastic, which will last a long time and will not let in either heat or cold. With French panoramic windows the thirst for experimentation will have to be cooled. In this case, you will only be able to get sophisticated with the selection of curtains, blinds and original frames. It’s simply a sin to cover such beauty with interior items, but ordinary openings with wide window sills can be modified and turned into a kitchen work area. Window sills are used to make spacious countertops, work areas, storage spaces or dishwashers. Let's talk about each of the options for practical use of windows in more detail.

Sink by the window

The idea of ​​placing a sink near a window is by no means new. The British were the first to actually try it. The Americans adopted the idea from the inhabitants of Foggy Albion, who spread it throughout the world. Interior magazines are full of photographs where sets are “wrapped” towards the windows. This is most relevant design solution for small kitchens small apartments often old, “Khrushchev” layout. In such rooms, almost every centimeter is worth its weight in gold. There are many advantages to such an interior design:

  • The work area for washing dishes will no longer need additional lighting, which will be replaced with natural lighting. This will save you on your energy bills.
  • The sink can be “equipped” with special towel holders, which are installed above the work area directly in the window frame.
  • The aesthetic plus is also important. Now the housewife will be able to carry out routine, household work With beautiful view outside.
  • Wide tabletop. The sink is a continuation of the kitchen set, to which extra centimeters are added due to the window sill. Now this zone will be wide and comfortable.

Among the shortcomings are noted:

  • The emerging need to frequently wash windows is due to small droplets of water on the glass that fall on it from the tap. There is no place to place the apron here, so the surface will remain completely defenseless. The problem can be partially solved by reducing the pressure when washing dishes, but even the most careful housewives will not be able to eliminate it completely.
  • A faucet that is too high may interfere with ventilation if the window opens inward. The problem is solved by purchasing a specially designed mixer. Its height is adjustable, and before ventilating, the unit is simply pressed against the sink.
  • Many people find it too unusual to not have a dish drainer above the sink at eye level. The inconvenience will disappear over time, as the new location of the grille becomes familiar, but at first your hands will involuntarily reach up.
  • IN standard apartments Heating batteries are located under the windows. They can be built into the headset or moved. The first is fraught with the loss of a noticeable amount of heat, and the second option is expensive.

In this case, you will have to forget about wooden frames. High humidity will inevitably “eat up” the tree and catalyze the processes of decay. No special impregnation of the frame will save it, so only PVC.

Window sill-tabletop

The main rule for such modernization of the kitchen: the air from the radiator should rise and fall from the window without interference. You cannot disturb its circulation by installing a countertop and a cabinet underneath, otherwise the microclimate of the kitchen will change for the worse, it will be cold and damp. On the other hand, additional niches behind the doors can hide ugly radiator, and the work area from the window sill will again allow you to do household chores in good daylight, without turning on the electricity. There are three main types of countertops:

The average height of the working area of ​​a kitchen set is about 85 cm. To make it convenient to cook at the countertop, it should be 15 cm below the housewife’s bent elbow. Take this fact into account when modernizing the kitchen, so that later you don’t have to cut vegetables while hunching over or using a low stool.

Dining area by the window

This is another modern option. If the window faces the street, then the dining area becomes “one-sided”. For those who are used to eating for " round table"face to face with your dining companions, this option may seem strange. But even we began to practice placing the dining area in one line, like in a cafe. This method is convenient for quick snacks and significantly saves space. If the window sill is significantly higher than the work areas in the kitchen set, it will not have to be seriously modified; you just need to buy high stools. In addition, eating with a beautiful view of the street improves your mood.

A place to relax, read books and have a snack

The window sill can be turned into a cozy soft corner with a couple of decorative pillows, where it is pleasant to sit, read a book or leisurely drink a cup of coffee. Even in the kitchen, such a solution will look original, but appropriate. A significant drawback is the need to clean textiles more often than in other rooms. We must not forget that the kitchen has its own microclimate, and no matter how well the hood works, particles of fat and odors will still be absorbed into the fabric. This solution is perfect for private houses with bay windows. A small niche offers privacy, and a short break will take place in double comfort if the window offers a wonderful view of the city or countryside. Wide windows usually have low sills, which can simply be strengthened from below and covered with a mattress to fit. In standard apartments, you will have to dismantle the too-high “shelf” and replace it with a full-fledged mini-sofa, on which guests or the hostess, tired of preparations, can sit. If the width of the window allows, then on one side install several narrow shelves for storing books and decorative trinkets, which will only add coziness.

Storage system under the window

In cases where the hostess has already despaired of finding free place for placing pots and utensils, designers offer a simple but original version. The empty space under the window is filled with shelves. They can be either open or closed type. The second option is used if the zone is made a continuation of the kitchen unit. The only problem in this case can be the batteries, which are most often located under the windows. You can leave them and simply not store products on the shelves, but only objects kitchen utensils who are not afraid of heat. Or you'll have to do more major renovation and redo the entire heating system in the kitchen, moving the radiator to another location. The lid of such a bedside table is used as an additional work area or as a window sill under flower pots and other decorative little things, as before.

Window decoration options

Traditionally, the window opening is decorated with curtains and tulle. Window decor plays important role, because it depends on it how much it will “play” in the interior. To appreciate this difference more clearly, pay attention to the “bare” frame during repairs or cleaning and to the neat curtains that add coziness. The perception of the room in these cases changes radically. There are a lot of varieties of main decorations. The cornice also has its own “weight”. Recently the market has been offering original models with bizarre shapes. Cornices are single, multi-row, string, round, wall and ceiling. The leading materials are metal, wood and plastic. There are many ways to attach curtains to curtain rods, but the most popular are:

  • Rings (like in the bathroom) with clips or hooks;
  • Clothespins;
  • Ties;
  • Kuliska;
  • Loops.

“Clothespins” with toothed clamps, which everyone is accustomed to, are already a thing of the past due to their impracticality. They easily damaged delicate tissue and left “bite” marks after long use.

Curtains and tulle

The role of curtains and tulle in the interior is determined in advance even before purchase. They can be:

  • The highlight of the design, bright and catchy, which guests will pay attention to first.
  • A neutral background on which bright colors the situation itself will play.
  • Short curtains. Suitable for those kitchens in which the window sill is not used for its intended purpose, and the additional space cannot be heavily covered with fabric.
  • Long curtains and floor-length tulle. A timeless classic that is suitable for stylish and simple interiors (modern, industrial).
  • Curtains with garters (cutas) and lambrequins. They look beautiful in kitchens decorated in Provence, vintage or Victorian styles.
  • Mobile panels.
  • Curtains gathered along the length.
  • Thread curtains.

For the culinary “center” of the apartment, it is better to give preference to thin, practical natural textiles that are easy to wash, because the fabric will accumulate odors. Synthetics will quickly become unusable after such use.

Roman curtains

Roman blinds are both elegant and simple; they are sometimes also called roller blinds. As the name implies, the ancestors of modern Italians came up with this method of curtaining windows back in the days of great empire. Surprisingly general design Since the invention of curtains, almost nothing has changed, only more options main material. A canvas is attached to the cornice, which is “strung” along its entire length on special horizontal pins. They form beautifully flowing folds, and a weighting agent is attached to the bottom of the curtain, which fixes the shape. The entire structure is adjustable using a chain or cord. The curtains can be raised and lowered to the desired length. The Roman version is practical, it fits well into almost any kitchen design and can only look ridiculous in a pretentious, rich interior.

Austrian curtains

Austrian curtains reach the floor in length. Using a cord, they are lifted up to the required length, and the material forms neat wavy folds, divided into sections along the entire length of the canvas. The higher the curtain is raised, the more voluminous the fabric gathers. An elegant option using deep, noble shades of blue, burgundy, and brown will look elegant in a kitchen decorated in accordance with the canons of the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo or Antique style. Translucent fabric with a light floral pattern is suitable for Provence, Italian, Greek motifs or romanticism.

French curtains

At first glance, French curtains are very similar to Austrian ones. They are really based on the same idea: the fabric is stitched from the wrong side along the entire length with threads that form “sections” and gather the material into folds. But Austrian curtains in a “straightened” form to the floor they have smooth surface, and in the French version, flirty ruffles always remain. When the lifting mechanism is activated, there are simply more of them. If you choose White color or pastel shades, then this option looks incredibly airy and light, as if the window is covered by a light cloud of thin, translucent fabric. Heavy materials for sewing French curtains are not used as a matter of principle; they will destroy the atmosphere of flirtatious and sophisticated France. This option is combined with traditional style French outback - Provence. They can be floor-length, medium or short in length. There are also two types:

  • Static;
  • Movable.

The first option is used only for short curtains, which do not have to be lifted.


By muslin we mean dense, thick (from 1 mm to 1 cm in diameter) threads. It is made from natural materials(cotton, linen, silk) and synthetic (polyester). Recently, preference is given to the latter: they do not fade, do not wrinkle and last a long time. Kiseya has a number of advantages:

  • It lets a lot of light into the room;
  • Does not collect dust;
  • Has little weight;
  • It is easy to handle with your own hands. When trimmed, the threads do not unravel.

Kisey decorates not only windows, but also openings without doors. Neat, weightless threads do not interfere at all when leaving the room and cover the window just as unobtrusively. The muslin set usually comes with special ribbons with ties, magnets or clothespins. If necessary, such curtains can be attached to the sides of the window. This option looks very impressive, especially if you choose a rich shade or color gradation with an ombre effect.

Roller blinds

Roller blinds are classified by type of design.

  • Open system. It consists of a shaft on which the fabric is wound, a lower bar and a control mechanism: an electric drive, a spring holder or a cord.
  • Closed system. It is additionally equipped with a box that fixes the material, presses it tightly to the window and does not allow it to sag.

The preferred fabric materials are cotton, nylon and polyester. Roller blinds can be plain, printed, matte or glossy. In the kitchen, this option is practical and convenient. The design is well suited for windows facing the shady side, where during the day there is no need for tulle. Roller blinds are combined with blinds. To avoid the feeling of a government premises, choose material with original patterns that fit into the overall design.

Japanese panels

Kitchen window design using Japanese panels is usually laconic and simple. This option is suitable for minimalism, avant-garde and the style of the same name. According to the type of construction, Japanese panels are divided into two types:

  • Simple. There is only one groove in a special cornice, with the help of which the curtains synchronously move or diverge to the sides.
  • Complex. The cornice has several multilayer grooves, which allows you to move each panel individually in the desired direction. This option is convenient if you need to regulate the level of illumination in the room.

For kitchens, the first type is mainly used, since there is no particular need to constantly move the panels in this room. They are simply closed at night so that what is happening indoors cannot be seen from the street, or during the day when the sun shines completely mercilessly. Characteristic for Japanese panels long term operation, as they wear out little. At the bottom of the canvas there are special weights that ensure its uniform tension.

Japanese panels look original when each panel has its own color and print, and together they complement each other.


Blinds in the kitchen have a number of advantages:

  • They don't collect odors;
  • Easy installation;
  • They are easy to wash;
  • The room illumination is easily adjustable.

Horizontal blinds are used more often than vertical ones. They fit more tightly to the glass and allow you to open the windows freely, without constantly changing the mode. This design happens:

  • Overhead type;
  • Built-in (interframe).

The last option is only suitable for wooden windows. Vertical blinds are most often made of fabric, but this option is not suitable for the kitchen. Unfortunately, they will quickly absorb odors and collect dust. For this room, only segments with a vinyl coating are suitable, which can be washed periodically. Roll-up construction is used very rarely in the kitchen, as it is considered outdated and interferes with opening windows. Blinds are made of aluminum, plastic, fabric, wood and combined materials. All types except fabric are suitable for kitchen area. Contrary to misconceptions based on boring office options, blinds come in a variety of shades, color gradations, patterns and prints.

Narrow windows visually expand horizontal blinds, and excessively wide ones can be stretched in length using vertical segmentation of the structure.

A kitchen with two windows is a real gift for a designer. This layout is found only in modern, atypical apartments or private houses. For lovers of symmetry, windows are often designed in the same style, like two twins. In cases where the kitchen is combined with a dining room or living room, different design allows you to zone the space so that it is immediately clear that they belong to two “worlds” of the house. If the window sills are upgraded into countertops or bar counters, then the space between them can be filled with a narrow, but convenient place for sitting. For example, a neat sofa or a retro bench is suitable for rustic style, Provence. Moreover, if one window is converted into a continuation of the kitchen unit, then the second is left in original form to use it for its intended purpose.

Windows in the bay window

Bay windows look stylish and elegant. If they represent a whole composition of several meters, then the window sills are completely removed and the same curved one is installed kitchen set. The entire work area will be constantly illuminated from the street, and the hostess will enjoy the panoramic view. The bay window can also be used to arrange a resting place. A low curved sofa will become a separate mini-room in a large kitchen, where those who want privacy can hide. A dining area is being set up right next to the bay window. The windows themselves are decorated only with classic long curtains to the floor Diners will have a great opportunity to breathe fresh air in the summer and admire the local beauty.

Nowadays the practice of dismantling the balcony door and window frame. The rooms are combined, which becomes a salvation for a small kitchen. It finds its continuation or smoothly flows into a separate dining room, blooming garden, office, rest room. Such a simple technique, according to the designers’ comments, is associated not only with the desire to expand the living space, but also with the advent of fashion for combined rooms. After all, the balcony in the post-Soviet space was used exclusively as a “storage room for trash.” Unforgivable luxury when every square meter can be modernized and put to good use. Naturally, such redevelopment is possible only in cases where the balcony is properly insulated so that the temperature regime is the same in both rooms. The former window sill is converted into a bar counter, dining area or a special niche with shelves for decorative elements. The opening under the balcony door is hung with light thread curtains or draped with fabric around the perimeter.


The window is not only a source natural light, but also an element of space decor. Its design can be bright or calm. Windows complement the overall interior picture. With proper decoration, the lighting intensity can be adjusted, and the light directly determines what colors the room will sparkle with. For this reason, you cannot dismiss window design as an insignificant detail, because it can become the center of the entire interior composition.

Stylish and cozy kitchen- the dream of every housewife. After all, in any home this room is not only a room for preparing food, but also a place for gathering family and friends both on weekdays and on holidays. In order for your stay in the kitchen to bring only positive emotions, you need to think through the details of its interior and decorate it, one of the components of which is the window. The main functions of a window in the kitchen are to ensure the penetration of light and air into the room, sound and heat insulation, as well as aesthetic properties.

The window in the kitchen is the central element of the interior

The window is one of the main interior elements in the kitchen. Its design should harmoniously emphasize and complement the style of the kitchen. At the same time, you need to remember about the practical side of the design, since the kitchen is a place for cooking, the fumes and smells of which can permeate any fabric.

The first impression of the kitchen is the window.

Options for how to decorate beautifully

There are many ways to decorate a kitchen window. You can decorate in the following ways:

  • hang curtains;
  • curtains;
  • curtains (tulle);
  • Roman curtains;
  • roller blinds.

In addition to these design options, you can consider. In this article, we will take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of standard options.


Decorating a window opening in the kitchen with curtains is one of the traditional options. Currently, the textile market offers a huge selection of curtains from both natural and synthetic fabrics, as well as a wide variety of colors: from plain to bright multi-colored.

Most of all, this window design will fit into the classic, Mediterranean styles interior, as well as Provence and country styles.

The main advantages of using curtains when decorating a window in the kitchen are:

  • a variety of colors, which makes it possible to choose curtains that best suit your color scheme kitchen and emphasize its individuality;
  • good protection from direct sunlight and prying eyes from the street;
  • many options for decorating a window when using the same curtains, as well as options for attaching them to the cornice (using eyelets, drawstrings, loops, ribbons or ties);
  • their availability, since curtains for a window in the kitchen can even be made independently.

The main disadvantages of using curtains when decorating a window in the kitchen are:

  • absorption of vapors and odors from cooking by the fabric from which the curtains are made;
  • curtains in the kitchen will not fit into every interior style;
  • difficulty in care (frequent washing);
  • their lack of compactness.

Since the kitchen is primarily a workplace for preparing food, window decoration using long, bulky, heavy and thick curtains impractical and inappropriate.

Decorate beautifully with curtains

Curtains in the kitchen are an excellent alternative to the usual curtains, but caring for them is not so easy, after all, grease, soot, fumes

Since curtains are made of light, translucent fabric, they are most suitable for small kitchens. Read how to design a kitchen in Provence style.

Most of all, curtains on a kitchen window will suit the classic style, country and Provence styles. Also, curtains can fit well into minimalist and oriental styles.

Using curtains to decorate a kitchen window has a number of advantages, namely:

  • the possibility of decorating a window with curtains when using a variety of draperies;
  • good light and air transmission and ability;
  • ease of care (compared to curtains).

The main disadvantage of this window design in the kitchen is incomplete protection from direct sunlight.

Well-chosen curtains for a kitchen window will visually enlarge the room, fit harmoniously into the kitchen interior and give it individuality. Read how to choose the right colors for your kitchen.

Curtain, tulle

Tulle on the kitchen window will give the room lightness and freshness, and will also decorate the kitchen, harmoniously complementing its design.

Decorating a window in the kitchen with tulle will be appropriate in classic, oriental styles, as well as in Provence and Art Nouveau styles.

The advantages of using tulle when decorating a kitchen window are its lightness, the ability to combine with blinds, curtains, lambrequins, as well as unhindered penetration daylight into the room. Tulle is the ideal solution for. At the same time, this quality of tulle does not protect the room from the bright sun, so the most a good option When decorating a window in the kitchen, it will be used in combination with roller blinds or blinds.

Roman roller blinds

Roman blinds are a fashionable and modern element of our kitchens

Roman blinds are one of the most practical and versatile options for lifting curtains in the kitchen, which will look great in many interior styles: both in cold high-tech and in rustic Provence. Roller blinds in classic and minimalist styles would also be appropriate.

Main advantages roller blinds are:

  • practicality;
  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of care;
  • functionality.

The only drawback of such curtains is that their price is not very low compared to other window design options due to the manufacturing of the mechanism. But their advantages fully justify the cost.

The variety of colors of Roman blinds will allow you to add novelty and originality to the style of your kitchen. You can find options for, and, of course, for.

Roller shutters, blinds

Roller blinds (blinds) are a compact model of the most different materials(wood, plastic, metal, bamboo, textiles), which is suitable for a kitchen of any size, as well as style: from classic to modern styles.

Blinds have a number of advantages, the main of which are:

  • good protection from direct sunlight;
  • the ability to regulate the flow of light entering the kitchen;
  • variety of color solutions;
  • ease of care;
  • possibility of self-installation.

The main disadvantage of decorating a kitchen window with blinds is their cost, especially if you use them as a window.

In order for the blinds in the kitchen to last as long as possible, when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the assembly and the material of manufacture.

Plants on a plastic window sill

Plants in the kitchen will liven up even the most boring interior

When choosing plants that can be placed on the kitchen windowsill, you need to consider the following factors:

  • distance dimensions and, since even the most unpretentious plants will not tolerate constant exposure to grease and soapy water;
  • illumination: for some plants, insufficient lighting is detrimental, for others – too much;
  • temperature changes, since most indoor plants do not tolerate drafts.

You should choose unpretentious small plants with thick, smooth leaves, which, if necessary, can simply be wiped with a damp sponge. Most suitable for the kitchen are aloe, ficus, crassula (money tree), scindapsus, chlorophytum, and anthurium.

Small flowering indoor plants such as geranium, begonia, violet, primrose, azalea, Kalanchoe and cyclamen will also look very beautiful on the kitchen windowsill.

They will decorate the kitchen window sill and also add additional charm to its entire interior. decorative pepper, coffee tree or citrus fruits.

Video: modern style for decorating a kitchen window

See how you can beautifully decorate a kitchen window:

Natural flowers

A bouquet of fresh flowers will be a real decoration for your kitchen, with the help of which its interior will come to life and sparkle with new colors.

They will look especially beautiful in a bouquet in the kitchen. bright flowers: tulips, roses, peonies, dahlias, chrysanthemums.

The kitchen will also be decorated with several delicate bouquets of miniature flowers, such as snowdrops, lilies of the valley, and small daisies. What are the options for paintings for kitchen decor in.

Fresh flowers in the kitchen beautiful vases or flower pots that are in harmony with the style of the tableware will give you only positive emotions and a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

Window sill-vegetable garden

Vegetable garden on the windowsill - who doesn’t remember them on grandma’s windowsills. But today a garden bed on a windowsill is even fashionable.

It would be very appropriate to arrange a kind of mini-vegetable garden on the kitchen window sill, since edible herbs will be useful for use as food, and at the same time all year round will enliven the kitchen with their appearance and aroma. All kinds of greens are suitable for such a garden on the windowsill: parsley, dill, basil, watercress, thyme, marjoram, mint, lemon balm.

These tasty herbs can be planted in different containers, but they will look most impressive in old cups or teapots.

Do you like strawberries? See how to grow wild berries on a windowsill:

Caring for the design on the window

Since the kitchen area is primarily a workspace for preparing food and often has high humidity, kitchen windows require more maintenance than windows in other rooms of the house. How to care for your kitchen wooden house He'll tell you with the stove.
First of all, you need to take care of the equipment additional system ventilation (think about ). In addition, it is necessary to regularly, especially in the cold season, wipe the glass with water with the addition of vinegar or citric acid.

You also need to remember to ventilate the kitchen area when using the stove for a long time or oven, since excessive humidity can cause window seals to lose their shape and their protective functions. Currently on the market household chemicals exists huge assortment special detergents, as well as a variety of window cleaning devices (brushes, mops, scrapers) that will help you care for your kitchen window.

Beautiful curtains can be decorated in the same style as the tablecloth

Caring for a kitchen window sill is not particularly difficult and will not take much of your time. However, it is necessary to take care of it regularly, since grease and dirt can accumulate on the kitchen window sill during operation. If you clean and wash your kitchen window sill on time using special modern means household chemicals, it will serve you and delight you with its appearance for many years.

When registering a plastic or wooden window in the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account the features and style of your kitchen, as well as your wishes and requirements for the functional and aesthetic properties of the design methods used. And then the window in your kitchen will be decorated not only beautifully, but also correctly. About interesting ideas read kitchen design.

When designing the interior for the kitchen, you should not neglect correct design window area and the window itself. The window opening serves not only as a source of daylight, but can also become a worthy decorative decoration space, if you successfully select curtains and accessories for it, and place a comfortable corner for work or relaxation around it. There are many design options, read more about them below.

What functions does a window perform in the interior?

A room without windows loses its natural residential appearance and becomes more like a deep basement, so their main role in the kitchen is to create a homely atmosphere filled with light, comfort, and good mood.

The frame of the opening must be chosen in a way that emphasizes the overall style of the room, combining color, patterns, texture with the overall composition and complementing it. The main thing here is not to overdo it and listen to the advice of experts, so as not to create an element that hides the space and falls out of the overall picture.

Interesting solutions for decorating a place near a window

But the area around the window can be multifunctional and practical if done wisely. If there is a beautiful landscape behind the glass, it would be nice to arrange dinner table ic, where the whole family gathered, or a work area or a sink, to turn a boring process into a more interesting one. Next, we will consider the most popular options, each of which is good in its own way.

Window sill turning into table top

The design can be made at the same height, or have a two-level surface. Current solution for small areas when you have to save every centimeter. The materials used are artificial Corian, MDF, laminated chipboard, moisture resistant drywall. You can make an original, stylish bar counter instead of a tabletop.

Installing a sink in front of a window

The option looks original, not boring. Due to this arrangement, the space for the working area increases, which is beneficial for non-workers. large rooms. Being close to the window will provide excellent illumination of the sink during the day, without the need to spend money on lighting. The advantages include psychological factor– washing dishes and watching what is happening through the window is much more interesting.

The disadvantages include difficulties with ventilation, the tap will interfere with opening, you will need to think about its location on the side or buy special faucet models. In the presence of wooden frame you will have to replace it with PVC, since wood does not tolerate high humidity.

Another disadvantage is the higher cost of cleaning from flying splashes of water and grease on glass and curtains. In this case, blinds and roller models are more suitable.

Window sill as a work area

Provides maximum practicality of layout, space saving and convenience for housewives. In this case, the window sill expands in the form of a tabletop, on which you can cut vegetables and cook food. Some designs require installation on such work area hob, washing.

Installing a storage system under a window

Installing drawers, shelves, niches under the countertop, window sill makes it possible for additional economical arrangement of dishes, small household appliances, and towels. Some projects even place a washing machine in this area.

Attention! Before organizing storage space under the window, carefully consider where to put the radiator and how to solve the problem with subsequent heating in the room.

Dining area by the window

Convenient for large rooms with wide glazing. Suitable for beautiful scenery outside the window. A family dining at such a table will certainly receive a positive charge and Have a good mood. In small kitchens, you can mount a bar counter or countertop near the window. The zone will be approached from only one or two sides, which may cause some inconvenience.

Seats near the window

A comfortable layout may include elements upholstered furniture, corner, bed on the windowsill. Suitable only for large kitchens where there is no need to save space.

Choosing suitable textiles for beautiful window decoration

Eye-catching curtains will complement the atmosphere with beauty, sophistication, and make you feel fresh. bright accent in the case of monotonous decoration of the surrounding walls. However, do not forget that the kitchen area is subject to constant loads such as temperature changes, high humidity from cooking, various odors from food and the possibility of contamination.

All this is important to remember when choosing the material of the product, its length and the amount of fabric. Also keep in mind that in the evening, curtains have another task - to hide your apartment from unwanted views. Now let's move on to the possible modern options framing.

Cafe style curtain will fit well into a Provence, country interior, or into an atmosphere similar to a cafe. It involves attaching curtains to the cornice in the middle of the window or at a level slightly below the middle. Can be decorated with ribbons, embroidery, lace, bows. Natural fabrics are welcome, from linen, chintz, cotton. Patterns include plain, checkered, striped, cockerels, and flowers.

Roller blinds combine traditional and modern fashion trends. They are a shaft with wound fabric. You can lower and raise the canvas using a mechanism, fixing the position with clasps.

Rolled models are practical, do not require additional care, they are easy to lift, so even soiled fabrics will remain clean longer. High-quality textiles will not fade in the sun, will not sag over time, and will not accumulate excess moisture.

Roman curtains when straightened, they look like a smooth canvas, and when raised, they form decorative folds that overlap one another. They look very elegant, tasteful, and fit many styles and opening sizes.

Roman blinds are made from cotton, linen, bamboo, and jute. They can be lifted using a rope, chain or electronic mechanism. In the kitchen, curtains will create shade and protect from excessive sunlight.

Tulle will give the room lightness and airiness. Transparent, translucent fabrics made of voile, chiffon, organza, mesh are able to allow air to pass through and protect from sunlight. If the window is oriented south, it is better to give preference to denser tulle.

Classic version of curtains- it's elegant, chic appearance. They maintain symmetry, precise proportions, harmony of color and design.

Suitable for adding a touch of nobility and sophistication to your home. Decorative elements perfectly complement the product. For the kitchen in classic style They are not replaceable, but will require special care to maintain cleanliness.

Lambrequins They will become a real highlight of the kitchen and will do an excellent job of decorating surfaces. It looks like a horizontal curtain covering the entire width of the cornice, but of short length. The product is most often made of dense material, complemented by pleating, folding, and ties.

Blinds protects well from the sun, does not stain, and is durable. They are easy to open and close. Great option when the sink or stove is located near a window, since the material is moisture resistant, does not fade, and does not accumulate dust. Suitable for any size room.

Advice! Blinds with vertical stripes in a small kitchen help to visually increase the height of the walls.

Features of different types of kitchens with windows

Owners of large kitchens are lucky - you can decorate the windows with almost any of the interior options, and show your imagination limitlessly. Small rooms have their own subtleties that limit the choice to certain limits. Whatever the shape and geometry of your home, everything has its own nuances that are better to listen to.

Kitchen with two windows

When windows are located on perpendicular walls next to each other, it is better to place a small cabinet with open niches in this area. In a large room, a corner with two windows is used to place a dining area. Daylight will create a special, pleasant atmosphere.

Kitchen combined with balcony

Will allow you to visually expand the space, adding volume to it. A window sill with a window should be used as a zoning element. A mini bar counter will fit well here, where you can cook, dine, or sit with friends. Cafe style curtains will become great solution in this layout.

Bay window in the kitchen

The space near the wide windows that fill the room with light can be used to organize relaxation areas, for example, comfortable couches. You can choose a soft corner that matches the shape of the curves. Place a comfortable table nearby, resulting in a full-fledged dining area. They look great in a place next to the bay window, organizing a work area, allowing the housewife to enjoy the scenery while cooking.

Corner layout with window

It is compact, so it is well suited for small-sized housing. You can install a sink in the corner near the window, and make the cabinet under the countertop sloping to create more useful space. There is also a storage cabinet in the niche under the window.

Small room with a window

Here the opening can be covered with light curtains, made of translucent fabric, or purchased tulle. Regular blinds will look good. In a small kitchen, the emphasis should be on saving space, so you should make a tabletop from the window sill, under which you should install storage space.

Narrow room shape

If the window is located at short wall, then you can set up a work area or a dining table near it. Double-row layouts should be avoided. It is better not to clutter the opening with massive fabric; you can completely abandon curtains, or choose roller models.

Kitchen-living room with two windows

If the windows are located on one wall, parallel to the door, then in the layout and design give preference to symmetry and the correct configuration. One window will be in the work area, the second in the living room. They can be visually distinguished by partitions, a bar counter, and shelving. Please note that the design of the two windows should be identical if possible.

Kitchen design with window real photos

Takes ~3 minutes to read

Whatever one may say, every kitchen is individual. Even if it corresponds to a certain style, it will have its own “character”. Its features are formed either directly by the owners, or by the creative thought of the specialists who create the design of this room. Moreover, the existing abundance of decorative items (in this case windows) allows you to choose a design to suit every taste.

Design options for a large kitchen window and connection to style

Although interior styles structure a flight of fancy in a unique way, the choice of various options for curtains, drapes, cornices, color and architectural elements remains large, even within one style solution.


  • classic style involves the use of curtains made of fabric of soft, natural shades, lambrequins, drapery, and pendants. In this spirit, the windows are designed in large, spacious rooms, in studio apartments.
  • It is characterized by laconicism in decor. Various options for simple shutters can be used, for example, Japanese panels, as well as roller and Roman curtains and blinds. Modern fabric solutions predominate. These are both natural fabrics and synthetics. The color range is quite wide, mainly repeating the color accents of the room and the colors of the furniture.
  • quite pleasant and relaxed style - country. It is characterized by fabrics with small pattern, often floral or simple geometric. The style involves a sufficient number of all kinds of handmade decorative elements. These are embroidery, ruffles, edgings, appliqués, bows. This design is suitable for a small kitchen space.
  • designed to make life as simple as possible. Its canons allow you to completely abandon window decor. In most cases, roller shutters or blinds are used to decorate the opening.
  • has become very popular lately Scandinavian style . It is characterized by an abundance of light in the room, so windows in this style are often left without curtains. It is acceptable to decorate them with a short transparent curtain or Roman blind.
  • separate story - oriental style. It can be understood as different directions, for example, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese or Moroccan. Accordingly, the color scheme will also be different: from soft pastels to the brightest shades.




This is very practical option window decoration in the kitchen. allows you to satisfy even the most unexpected requests. The main working materials are metal, fabric, wood, plastic.


Roller blinds

They are a kind of fabric flaps. They are installed according to the size of the window glass. They are fixed on top to a rod, which winds the curtain fabric. This type of window design can be completely different in style. By choosing simple models of roller blinds, you can easily fit them into any interior.



This is an option that involves the presence of a horizontal curtain at the top of the window, which falls in wide folds. The lambrequin can be attached separately to the cornice or be one part with the curtains. If you ask what the function of a lambrequin is, then the answer is simple - purely decorative. For large rooms in a classic style, this window design is 50% of the design.


Austrian curtains

When you want to get classic and modern in one bottle, then you can be fully satisfied with the option of Austrian curtains. They are made of light and practical material similar to French curtains, but they look more playful, as they are brought together thanks to a special cord.


Modern oriental style in window decoration

This style solution is represented by Japanese panels and Chinese garters. The first are rather large vertical strips of fabric that are attached to a cornice or a special rolling system. As for the garters, the name itself speaks about the nature of these curtains. They fall from the top of the window and are twisted from below with ropes.


Window with access to the balcony: how to design?

The key task is to ensure mobility. Exit to the balcony must be free. At the same time, it is important to preserve the aesthetic component of the design. This can be achieved using two solutions. Using vertical blinds or roller blinds.

Vertical blinds – effective and convenient option window decoration. Modern models are equipped with a special remote control. Blinds can be moved both from the window side and from the balcony side.

The second design method involves installing curtains in strict accordance with the dimensions of the window opening. Models with a cassette mount are very practical; when assembled, they look laconic and even invisible. A pleasant bonus is the widest range of roller blinds. Manufacturing materials can be very different in composition, color, and density.


  1. The room should be - decorative elements should not close the window.
  2. The approach to the window sill should be free so that you can open the window and ventilate the room without any problems.
  3. Decorative elements must be safe, wear-resistant, and non-flammable.


After addressing issues related to safety and convenience, it is important to consider the psychological impact of colors. Below is a list in descending order - from the most exciting to the most depressing:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • violet.

The most optimal for a person is green color. It has a relatively calming effect and improves mood.

How to choose curtains and curtains

The choice of decor for the light opening is based on 4 important criteria– this is the material, appearance, color and style.

As for the type of fabric, it should be made of non-flammable fibers, and at the same time be easy to care for and easy to wash. If the room has access to the sunny side, then it makes sense to choose curtains or curtains made of thick fabric.

Today, there is a wide variety of curtains of different types available - with garters, decorative inserts, with several layers, and so on. In short, the choice is not easy. This is why it is necessary to take into account general style rooms and the aspect of practicality, so that the window decor does not cause discomfort.

Depending on the purpose, the color of the curtains may either not attract attention or contrast with the color of the walls or the overall style of the room. A win-win option is neutral light shades for curtains and darker patterned curtains.

How to choose blinds?

To choose the option that best suits your needs, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing assortment. So, blinds differ in the way they open. They can be vertical, horizontal, rolled or pleated (their base is not lamellas, but a single pleated fabric).

Blinds are also distinguished by type of material - plastic, fabric, wood, bamboo and metal. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, but what unites them is convenience and practicality.

What plants can be placed on the windowsill

There is a wide range indoor plants, which feel great in direct sunlight. For example, cacti, aloe, crassula, ficus, chlorophytum and many others.


The best option would be to choose unpretentious crops that quickly bear fruit. There are also a lot of options from such plants. For example, a windowsill garden can be organized by planting green onions, parsley, dill, basil, and spinach.

You can completely safely plant spices such as hot peppers, coriander, mustard, mint, marjoram, thyme. They also practice planting strawberry bushes and leafy vegetables.

Plants can be placed on racks, shelves, as well as in special stands for flowerpots and pots with legs.

How to keep windows clean?

To achieve cleanliness of a large window opening, it is necessary to regularly care for it, for example, for plastic parts use degreasers detergents or soap solution. It is also better to give preference to soft sponges. You should wash the glass unit and lubricate the fittings with oil (you can use regular machine oil). Care must be taken to ensure that the drainage holes and seal are not clogged.



Window decor in modern conditions allows you to implement the most unusual, daring, non-standard and even extravagant solutions. Follow the rules of safety, convenience and beauty, then you will be able to take into account all the necessary parameters for decorating a window opening in the kitchen.
