Flashlight with low battery consumption for Android. Why does the battery drain quickly? How to reduce battery consumption in a smartphone on Android and iOS. The most economical mode of use

Unfortunately, smartphones on the Android platform cannot boast of autonomy. To keep your smartphone working, the easiest way is either a spare battery or using a power bank. This method is not the only one, let's look at other options for saving battery power to continue the battery life of your Android assistant.

Reduce screen brightness

The most power-hungry feature of a modern phone is the screen. By reducing the brightness, you can extend the life of your smartphone even several times. Disabling auto brightness settings will also have a positive effect on battery life. Turning off the screen after inactivity will reduce battery consumption. By default, this mode is set to 1 minute from the factory. By reducing this value to 15 seconds, you will extend the life of your smartphone.

Disable GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth

GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth – by turning off these wireless processes you can save battery. Google uses GPS to determine location. This option intensively consumes energy resources. Using GPS turned on, charging may not last even a couple of hours. If you have location-based applications, adjust the geolocation accuracy. Higher precision will consume a lot of charge, while low precision will consume much less charge.

Why do you need vibration? It's true there's no need

The following tip will also slightly increase the operating time of your device. Vibration – turning it off can save some battery power. Vibration when writing SMS or texts is not so important, and by turning it off, you will reduce the frequency at which the vibration motor starts, which will have a positive effect on the battery life of the smartphone.

But you just need a smart watch

Buy yourself a smart watch, this advice is unusual, and you may say (How will this help save battery, since Bluetooth will always work?), but this solution has its own advantage. It consists in the fact that to view push notifications or the time, you will not need to unlock your smartphone. The screen, as we remember, consumes a lot of energy. Using Bluetooth constantly will drain the battery further.

Wallpapers are only static

Use static wallpapers; they consume less battery compared to live wallpapers. If you have an AMOLED display, set the wallpaper to black. AMOLED technology, when using black color, completely turns off the pixels, while LCD monitors show black color and supply power to the pixels.

And no synchronization

And one last piece of advice. Disable auto-sync. Leaving it only for those applications that need this function. By synchronizing all services, the smartphone accesses the Internet periodically once every 10-15 minutes, depending on the settings, which will also drain the battery. Using these tips, you will extend the life of your smartphone by 30-50%.

Google annually adds many settings and functions to the Android operating system, many of which are hidden from the eyes of ordinary users. This was done on purpose, but with good intentions. The American corporation believes that if an inexperienced owner of an inexpensive Android smartphone accidentally activates certain important settings, then his device may start to work slower or discharge much faster, so right out of the box all smartphones based on Google's OS have only Basic activated functionality, but it is very easy to fix.

Although every year all smartphones work longer on a single battery charge, largely due to better software optimization for hardware, a hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly increases battery life, and can now be activated absolutely anyone, since it is definitely available in any custom firmware and in all models of mobile devices.

All smartphones based on the Android operating system have an incredibly large reserve of power, which is simply excessive for solving simple everyday screens. It's like driving a car, sometimes pressing the gas to the floor, and then slowing down again. In the case of smartphones, it’s not the gasoline that drains faster, but the battery charge. In order to increase the battery life of your mobile device, you need to launch “Settings”, and then go to the “Battery” section.

In the “Battery” section, three vertically located dots should be visible in the upper right corner, which you need to click on. In the menu that appears, you will need to select “Power Saving Mode” and then activate it. As a result, processor performance will be reduced, which will allow up to 50% increase in battery life on a single battery charge. This feature is available in all smartphones and tablets running Android 5.0 Lollipop and higher.

To achieve an even greater effect, the editors of the site recommend installing the “Doze-energy-saving” application, which significantly increases the battery life of all Android smartphones, since a lot of charging is “eaten up” by processes running in the background, which the user does not even see. After installing it, you need to select from the list only those programs and services that should continue to function normally.

It is worth choosing the most basic instant messengers, email clients and other basic programs that should receive notifications in real time, and not with a delay. This program works in such a way that all processes that run in the background and consume battery power are automatically frozen. This does not cause any harm to them or the data stored in them, and using this application can significantly increase battery life by up to 40% of the standard. This is especially noticeable at night, when without this program the smartphone’s battery will be discharged by 10-12%, and with it only by 5-6%.

Battery saving is a kind of oil deposit in the mobile device market. It's extremely difficult to find an app that will actually help you save battery, as most of the saving measures are manual, including lowering the screen brightness, turning off mobile data when you're not using it, and other reliable methods. In most cases, this is just a task manager with the Battery Manager prefix, which can sometimes consume the battery faster than it saves. However, there are several apps that can help, so let's check out this list of the best battery saving apps on Android. Please note that some of them require the user to root the device, which contributes to energy saving measures.

Amplify (Requires root)
version: 4.0.1 (downloads: 480)
Amplify is a rooted only app that offers you all kinds of control over a lot of things that can save your battery. With it, you can put an end to wake-up notifications (apps that wake your device from sleep, like Facebook), and control apps, alarms, and other services that can drain your battery. The app is based on the Material design and is very easy to use, even for the uninitiated. This is a free application, and the Pro version opens up additional features.

Battery Saver 2016
version: 1.0 (downloads: 2793)
Battery Saver 2016 seems to incorporate all the most tried and true methods to help you extend the life of your battery. The app monitors other apps and lets you know which one is draining your battery more than allowed. Battery Saver 2016 also includes toggles for Wi-Fi, Mobile Data, GPS, Airplane Mode, Bluetooth and more, and you'll be able to control your device's sensors and radio reception to avoid using anything you don't want to use. There is also a brightness slider so you can turn down the brightness at any time. The truth is that 90% of the features of this app are available in the Android settings, but it is a fun way to see everything on one screen and it is also a completely free app.

version: 3.8.5 Premium Rus (downloads: 417)
Greenify is an app that can be used for both rooted and non-rooted devices. It's similar to Amplify in that it gives you details about the apps that wake the device, what parts they wake the device for, and how long they keep the device active after triggering a notification. For some users, this information will help monitor apps that are causing problems, while rooted device users can prevent apps from waking the device. This is a completely free app, although you can donate to the developers if you want to support the development of the app.

GSam Battery Monitor
version: 3.33 Patched (downloads: 363)
GSAM Battery Monitor is a comprehensive battery activity monitoring application that shows you exactly what is draining your battery power. This app's main feature is called App Sucker, and it keeps an eye on all the apps that are draining your battery so you can identify which ones are the biggest culprits. You can then take steps to reduce the app's energy consumption. The app will show you information about the device's sleep state, when it wakes from sleep, as well as CPU and sensor usage so you can see what's consuming your battery and when.

Servicely (Requires root)
version: 4.0.6 Pro (downloads: 306)
Servicely is a root-only app that aims to save battery power by operating apps and services at the system level. Application management is accessible and understandable. You look at app activity and find the ones that are likely to be the biggest drain on your battery (we're looking at you, Facebook). Servicely then shuts down these services while you're not using your smartphone, preventing data from being backed up, which should hopefully improve battery life. The app has a sleek interface and basic features and is completely free to use. There are also a ton of settings that are designed to help you use Servicely the way you want.

With the development of technology, today you won’t surprise anyone even with a phone with a quad-core processor, let alone other, larger gadgets. However, it seems that manufacturers have completely forgotten about the possibility of increasing the capacity of batteries supplied with devices. Unfortunately, many electronic devices purchased today can be completely discharged by the beginning of the evening, and many users run to buy a battery for their tablet or smartphone. Most often, in order to be able to enjoy all the capabilities of the purchased new product around the clock, the owner has to resort to some tricks, such as, for example, reducing the brightness of the display or forcing the phone to work in 2G only mode. More advanced users also have access to more serious interventions in their pet’s lifestyle. If you want to buy an Android tablet or phone and use it without fear of using up all the battery power, then in this article we will reveal some of the secrets of increasing the life of the device on a single charge.

Reducing the processor frequency

Using Underlocking, it is possible to forcibly limit the processor operating frequency and make it lower than set by the manufacturer, while simultaneously preventing excessive overheating. Governor (governor) and i/o scheduler (i/o scheduler) are the control of various processor frequencies and the ability to work with disk. In order to manage these processes, special programs will be required (SetCPU or CPUMaster, for example). By switching between preset modes, you can either set the task of working with maximum performance or working with maximum battery savings. But such intervention requires some knowledge in this area, as well as obtaining root rights.

Scheduler program

On the Internet you can download a fairly extensive number of programs that allow you to increase the operating time of your gadget, which do not require special programming knowledge. With the help of such programs, you can not only reduce the energy consumption of the device, but also give it the opportunity to do various little things itself, making life easier for its owner.

Such programs include, for example, Local - the main advantage of which can be called incredible functionality plus the possibility of individual settings. Basic functions are launched by the installed application, and special features are launched using additionally installed plugins. Undoubtedly, this program has a minus - its price. Its price is 299.99 rubles, plus for each plugin you will have to pay an additional 31.13 rubles. Not everyone wants to buy a tablet and pay extra for the program. But it's worth it.

Among the free content, we note the Llama application. It is easily perceived by the user, but has quite a lot of capabilities. For example, the ability to switch profiles in accordance with a given schedule or by changing location. For example, when the alarm goes off, the program starts wi-fi, downloads news and mail, and shows the daily routine. When you connect the charger in the car, the smartphone turns on the Internet and the navigator. When you get to work, the Internet turns off and turns on only in a certain mode, for example, every three hours to check your email. At home, the device turns on Wi-Fi again and synchronizes with the Internet, and before going to bed it switches to airplane mode, disabling the ability to transfer data. All this saves a huge portion of battery power, and the user does not have to press a single button. And if you additionally install the Kerner Tuner application, you can additionally switch processor settings profiles according to the circumstances. By the way, positioning can occur not only by GPS, but also by cell towers, which he uses, saving energy.

Internet restriction

Don’t forget that it’s easy to buy a smartphone running Android OS, but when it’s just taken out of the box, it’s configured in such a way that a number of functional settings prevent it from going to sleep correctly and force it to constantly synchronize programs with the Internet, and one of the worst consumers of energy is the notorious 3G. And here there is a way out. The Play Market has several programs that allow you to configure Internet access for certain applications. Here you can select both the network through which programs wishing to have access to the Internet will receive it, and the time at which they will be allowed to do this. Let us note only one program, which is like a Firewall with a BB, this is the Droid wall program, which allows you to limit or configure access to 3G or Wi-Fi for individual applications. Of course, Root rights are required here too.

Changing startup settings

In addition to the features already listed, there are applications that do not allow a certain program to start if you do not need it. Some programs work unnoticed by you, periodically waking up your smartphone from sleep, which further drains its battery life. If you want to limit this ability for them, install an application such as Startup Cleaner or Startup Auditor Free. There are a number of other similar applications, but some of them do not have the necessary functionality.

There are also a number of applications that respond not only to system loading, but also to connecting or disconnecting wi-fi, or connecting and disconnecting a flash drive, or connecting to a computer. These processes can be limited using the Autostarts program. It will show on the screen all actions that somehow lead to the launch of various applications and show the processes running at this time. For example, if when you turn on the charger, your smartphone starts VKontakte. Of course, the application is necessary, but I would like it not to turn on by itself, but to turn on when you need it. Of course, this will not increase the battery's capabilities much, but it is precisely such little things that consume its charge.

Offers from manufacturers

But Qualcomm, for example, pleases users of devices with a Snapdragon processor with the BatteryGuru application. According to information from the supplier, this application makes it possible to increase battery life using its own resources: when first used, it analyzes the operation of the system and tries to reduce the energy consumption of individual applications. This happens for about two to three days. After this period, the program is able to reduce resource costs by 20-30%.

Automatic backlight

There is no doubt that one of the worst energy eaters is the screen. The AMOLED screen significantly reduces power consumption when changing the theme to a less bright one. Of course, for everyone, screen brightness is a subjective concept, but it’s not worth blinding your eyes in order to reduce energy consumption. To set the minimum possible brightness, there is a Lux Auto Britness program that can set the screen brightness lower than stated by the phone’s capabilities. This program is paid, it costs about 93 rubles, but there are also free analogues, such as Velis Auto Brightness, Fast Brightness Control Widget, and several others. Most of them have similar functions - they automatically adjust the backlight depending on the light level, which they do using the phone's camera instead of a sensor (if it is missing). Try checking the light level using a widget so you don't have to worry about your camera or sensor being on all the time.

CPU power consumption tracking

But sometimes all the efforts made are not enough to see any noticeable results from the purchased smartphone. The cause is most likely something that is preventing your smartphone from sleeping. How to dig out this pest?

Applications such as SystemPanel, System Monitor, and others that can accurately monitor the use of processor and battery resources can help cope with this situation. They will make it possible to accurately determine the process active in a certain period of time in order to get even with it.

All of the programs discussed above can give your communicator some operating time using its own battery. Most of the applications mentioned have more than one analogue, from which everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves. As a rule, they all have approximately the same functionality. The main thing is to understand that all of them are not a 100% cure for such a disease as the rapid drainage of the battery of a tablet or phone. They will bear fruit only if you buy a tablet or phone and use it mainly for communication, and not for constantly watching videos, games and other applications that require a lot of energy. After all, they are the main consumers of battery power in any communicator, tablet or phone. Or you can do it simpler - buy a battery for your phone, or better yet two, and forget about the problems (this is already a joke).

Equip your phone with a good battery program for Android without Root and get detailed information about the battery condition. The list contains applications that offer energy saving functions and advanced settings of the mobile device to improve its autonomy.

Increase your phone's battery life with these 5 apps.

1. Battery Doctor

Download for free

A multifunctional tool for tracking the reasons why the battery runs out quickly on Android. Battery Doctor compares different battery states and calculates applications, processes and services that degrade battery life. Create smart scenarios and profiles with brightness settings, widgets, activation of communication modules, and so on. Follow battery calibration on Android directly from the application.

2. Battery Saver 2017

Download for free

Another program for Android phone battery. IN Battery Saver 2017 combines useful functions and system settings that will save you precious battery power. The main screen displays the current flow rate and operating time. Control power saving modes convenient switch. Choose partial or complete suppression of the largest energy consumers - radio modules. Download this battery saving program for Android and plan the operation of the device during the day with automatic shutdown of everything unnecessary at night and activation of popular settings during working hours.

3. Power Battery

Download for free

In your search for the best battery app for Android without Root, you will come across tools that can not only monitor the state of the battery, but also control the operation of background processes. Power Battery has the basic functionality of a phone battery optimizer and is equipped with additional features such as configuring memory operation, deleting files, surveillance of hidden activity. After a few days of setting up the system, you will achieve noticeable battery savings on your Android device.


Download for free

An easy-to-use and easy-to-use energy saving tool. In addition to the information summary, this smartphone battery program creates a whole structure of likely use cases. After analysis, she suggests the most effective options. Algorithm for sleeping background tasks in PowerPro removes untimely or too frequent activity. Moreover Priority is given to all kinds of metrics and third party applications. The phone's battery plays a very important role, and the developers suggest taking advantage of all the available settings to extend battery life.

5. DU Battery Saver and Widgets

Download for free

One of the most famous programs for battery calibration on Android. IN DU Battery Saver In addition to the main tools for intelligent energy management, special widgets are offered so that you can optimize your work with one click devices or switch modes. Custom settings, detailed statistics on charge consumption, tracking energy consumers - all this can be supplemented with a paid upgrade to the Pro version, where available advanced features with the ability to schedule energy-saving presets, automatically control tasks in the background, change the processor frequency of rooted phones, and so on.

Choose and install one of these battery saving apps for Android. IN Google Play You will find more similar tools, but many of them offer partial functionality when you need to all possibilities.