Heucherella flowers. Heucherella flower planting and care in open ground varieties and types photo with name. Is it possible to grow heuchera from seeds?

I have been growing flowers and other plants for many years, but still one of my favorite perennials are heucheras and heucherellas. With the bright and multi-colored color of their leaves, they remind me of gems that “sparkle” in the garden until winter. Even under the snow they retain their beauty, and in the spring they are the first to open the season. Once settled in your garden, Heuchera And heucherella can become its “highlight” and even influence garden fashion in your area. What kind of beautiful girls are these with such fancy names?

Heuchera - bright Star among perennial decorative deciduous plants. She came to our gardens from North America only 10 years ago and for this a short time loved by flower growers and designers. Its evergreen, brightly colored, heart-shaped, rounded leaves form a bush 40 cm high. From June to July, this plant blooms, throwing up peduncles with inflorescences of small bells. Many people remove the flower stalks from these plants, but I always let them bloom. Even though heucheras are valued for their leaves, flowering makes them more interesting.

There are more than 30 species of heuchera, the most famous of which is the blood-red heuchera (H. Sanguine Engelm.). Recently, many hybrids have been developed with a longer flowering period (from June to August). One of the most popular varieties is “Stormy Seas”. Its wavy leaves truly resemble a storm at sea.

Do you know that...

The plant received the botanical name “Heuhera” in honor of the German professor of botany Johan Heinrich von Heuhera. And in America it is called spotted geranium. The Indians used this plant as medicine. They applied crushed boiled heuchera roots to wounds and ulcers, and a decoction of the roots was used for fever and diarrhea.

Heucherella (Heuherella) is a hybrid of heuchera and tiarella, characterized by long flowering from June to August and an amazing ability not only to maintain shape throughout the season, but also to become prettier day after day.

Heucherella, like heuchera, boasts unusual variegated foliage (there are leaves with brown-chocolate, purple, green, white and other various patterns). Heucherella leaves are highly dissected, reminiscent of maple. This is how it differs from heuchera with rounded leaves. From Tiarella, Heucherella inherited a paniculate inflorescence of white, pink or brown flowers resembling stars. The most beautiful variety Heucherella is considered the “Alabama Sunrise” variety, which changes the color of its large leaves throughout the season: in the spring they are golden with wine-red veins, in the summer they are green with red veins, and at the end of the season they are orange.

Heuchera And heucherella They are not inferior in their merits to hostas: they are decorative, changeable throughout the season, unpretentious, winter-hardy and disease-resistant. These plants look great at any time of the year and in small garden, and in large open spaces. Heucheras and heucherellas reach their peak decorative value in the fall, when many plants are already losing their beauty. These beauties go with almost any plant, be it flowers, shrubs or cereals. Only from heuchera and heucherella alone can you create magnificent flower beds - the magical variety of leaf colors allows this! These plants are a real find for both seasoned designers and novice gardeners. Heucheras and heucherellas are quite easy to grow, but still, in order for them to become a true decoration of your flower garden, you need to pay attention to them.

Do you know that…

Heuchera repels snails and slugs.

Both inflorescences and leaves of heuchera and heucherella can last for more than three weeks when cut!

Basic requirements of Heuchera and Heucherella

"Lacy" shading. It is better to plant these plants not on open place, but in light “openwork” partial shade from bushes and trees. I recommend growing young plants not in a container, but in containers that can be moved from place to place, protecting them from heavy rains or scorching sun.

Deep drainage. Heuchera And heucherella They do not tolerate stagnant water, so they need well-drained, moisture-absorbing and loose soils.

Moderate feeding. In spring, do not rush to feed the plant. Wait for new leaves to grow, carefully and gradually removing last year's leaves. And only when the bush is renewed, feed the plants with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer, for example, “Kemira” (20 g/10 l). After flowering, repeat the feeding, and this will be quite enough. It is better to underfeed heucheras than to overfeed them.

Moderate watering. In hot summer weather, these plants require moderate watering, without extremes. Try not to let water get on the leaves, otherwise they will become burnt when exposed to sunlight.

Mulching. To maintain soil moisture, mulch the bases of leaf rosettes annually. This must also be done because the bush eventually begins to rise above the ground.

Hilling. Bushes in autumn Heuchera And heucherella needs to be spudded. But do not cut off their leaves, as they and the stems contain nutrients for wintering. In spring, some plants are often “squeezed out” of the soil. Bury them and water them with warm water.

Covering fallen leaves. Cover light-leaved varieties and young plants well with fallen leaves before wintering, but not tightly, otherwise they may dry out.

Removing old leaves and flower stalks. Throughout the season, it is necessary to remove old, dry and damaged leaves. And after flowering, you need to remove faded flower stalks as quickly as possible, which not only take away the strength of the plant, but also impair its decorative properties. Some gardeners prefer not to let heucheras bloom at all, this allows them to preserve them longer. beautiful shape bush.

These plants practically do not get sick, but sometimes there is stagnation of water or very acidic soil may cause the formation of root rot. In this case, cut off all the dead parts, and urgently cut the healthy part of the stem or rosette.

Regular transplantation. Unfortunately, heucheras retain their decorative rosette appearance for 2-3 years; after this period, as a rule, the bush disintegrates and exposes the middle. This is a signal that the plant needs to be divided and replanted. By the way, heucherellas are more durable than heucheras and can grow in one place without dividing and cuttings for about 4-5 years.

Growing Heuchera and Heucherella

Reproduction by dividing the bush. These plants are most often propagated by dividing the bush or by rooting lateral rosette cuttings, which quickly take root in sufficiently moist soil. It is not recommended to divide bushes in the fall, since autumn divisions are difficult to take root and do not tolerate winter well. Dividing should begin in the spring (before flowering) or at the end of summer (after flowering). To do this, dig up a bush and divide it into several rosettes, while shortening the bare stem to young tissue, leaving only the “heel”. Cut the dried shoots down to living small brood buds; they are located in the axils of the petioles of old dried leaves. Shorten the long roots, and carefully cut out all areas on the rhizome with signs of rotting to white healthy tissue and powder the cut with crushed coal. To speed up the rooting process, you can use root.

Planting heuchera and heucherella

When planting, add any complex fertilizer to a planting hole measuring 30x30 cm. mineral fertilizer, for example, “Kemira-universal” and ash, since heucheras prefer neutral soils. After planting, water the plants and shade them from the sun. After a month and a half, when the young plants have grown roots, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Heyherella is primarily created for original landscape design. The plant was obtained by crossing Heuchera and Tiarella, due to which Heuchera received an unusual leaf color.

Delicate light green, almost lemon-yellow leaves with blood-red veins in the center - at yellowstone falls varieties. Plant rich burgundy varieties next to each other and you will get a luxurious combination that will attract the eye. Sometimes such compositions look even more exotic than the most decorative flowering meadows.

Slightly elongated leaves of a pale green hue are colored with burgundy-brown veins. Flowers on long stalks look slightly disheveled, adding casual charm to the planting.

The Tapestry variety Heucherella Tapestry has a fascinating soft pink hue. Against the background of bright green leaves with burgundy centers, the flower stalks look simply stunning.

The Solar Power variety Heucherella Solar Power has an equally poetic name - the energy of the sun - thanks to the golden yellow hue of the leaves and flowers. The leaves were only slightly speckled with a purplish-red hue.

A fabulous sight is the Heucherella Bridget Bloom variety: the leaves are small, bright green, and soft pink miniature bell flowers are scattered on tall peduncles. The landing looks light, airy, almost fabulous.

The red-leaved variety redstone falls can be used for hanging plantings or as borders and background plantings in the garden. Peduncles are long, with . The leaves are large, with gentle transitions from greenish-marsh to purple-brown.

Heucherella honey rose honey rose planting and care photo in the garden

Honey rose variety honey rose has large red leaves, looks especially impressive next to ferns and decorative lettuce. The more contrasting shades, the better!

If you plant the Sunrise Falls variety, you can get an interesting effect: large golden leaves are decorated with crimson veins. well just Golden autumn, who has come in warm weather! Unforgettable beauty! Heucherella Sunrise Falls can be planted as a single plant or serve as a border to the lawn.

Burnished bronze variety with a bronze tint of green and burgundy leaves it looks simply luxurious, especially against the backdrop of soft blue flowers in the background. It is planted either as compact bushes or as a continuous carpet in the shade of trees.

Heucherella is a herbaceous perennial, bred by breeders by crossing the ornamental plants tiarella and heuchera. Heucherella hybrid grows as compact bush spherical shape. The leaves have different colors(green, bronze, yellow, variegated) and a variety of openwork patterns. It blooms with panicle-shaped inflorescences. Flowering begins in July.

Heucherella, varieties and the species of which we will consider in this article, grows well in regions with cold climates, on fertile, loose and moist soils. What care does the plant need, and which varieties are especially attractive?

Heucherella varieties - making the right choice

To avoid excessive growth, it is recommended to divide the bushes every 3-4 years. Leaves can be preserved all year round. The bush grows to a maximum height of 70 centimeters, and the height of the peduncles is from 20 to 45 centimeters. Heucherella is often used in landscape design. It is better to grow the plant in slightly shaded places; it especially does not like midday sun. Breeders have bred many different varieties heucherella:

It has leaves with a silvery coating of white and bluish tints. The following varieties belong to this type:

  • "Mint Frost". Refers to American hybrids, with greenish foliage with light veins.
  • "Storm Seas". Represents beautiful bush with leaves violet shade and burgundy veins. Peduncles with pinkish flowers rise above the leaves.
  • "Can Can". It is a miniature bush with corrugated brick-colored leaves. The reverse side is painted beet color.

  • "Old lock"- the most famous variety grown in summer cottages. It has large carved purple leaves. It begins to bloom in August with small carved flowers.
  • "Black Bird" has rounded shiny leaves of a very dark burgundy color (almost black), used in landscape design to add emphasis to the composition.
  • "Cherry Cola" an unpretentious, very beautiful plant with rounded red-brown foliage and inflorescences of almost the same shade. The height of the peduncles is up to 30 centimeters.

  • "Marmalade"- a variety with carved yellow-orange leaves, with reverse side, they have a light purple tint, blooms in June, small flowers are colored in greenish tones. Peduncles grow up to 25 centimeters.
  • "Citronelle" Heucherella of this species has large velvety leaves lemon color and stands out bright accent on a green flowerbed background. The height of the plant is 25 centimeters, the color of the flowers is cream, the flower stalks grow up to 30 centimeters. Flowering period – June – July.

  • "Midnight Rose" beautiful bushes with in early spring foliage is bright pinkish in color, which in autumn become purple in color and have pinkish patches on the surface, blooms small flowers light cream color. The plant is compact, 25 centimeters high and 40 centimeters in diameter.
  • "Color Dream" a plant of this species in spring has silver-green leaves, on which burgundy veins gradually appear. WITH inside the leaves turn brown.

There are also varieties of heucherella available for sale:

"Tiramisu"- a plant with red-pinkish leaves with a yellow rim along the edges. Against their background, creamy inflorescences stand out in an original way.

"Sahsay"— carved leaves of this species have a two-color color. The front side is dark green, and the back side is purple-red. This combination looks very original and impressive.

So, Heucherella, varieties and types which are presented on our website will be an excellent addition to yours.

  • Which Rogers varieties are suitable for growing on...

Heucherella is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Saxifraga family, which attracts attention throughout the year. unusual coloring leaves. They contain green, orange, red and purple shades that can diversify flower beds and balcony plantings.

Are Heuchera and Heucherella the same thing?

Some people equate plants like heuchera and heucherella, but they are not the same thing. Heucherella arose as a result of the work of breeders by crossing Heuchera and Tiarella. It differs from mother plants in its compactness and long shelf life. decorative properties. Heucherella does not need such frequent rejuvenation, and it spreads through the soil more slowly. The foliage and flowers are miniature, delicate, more attractive.

Botanical description

The root system of Heucherella consists of superficial thick roots. The stems are flexible, creeping or climbing, colored pink. Very decorative leaves are attached to them on long petioles. They have a pockmarked coloring of a mixture of bright green, purple and yellow flowers. The foliage is dense, strongly dissected, covered with villi below and along the petioles. The plant retains its leaves all year round. Its maximum height is 70 cm.

Flowering occurs from July to August. At this time, small panicles of fluffy flowers form on tall peduncles (20-45 cm). Miniature bells have snow-white, red, and yellow colors and contrast with multi-colored foliage. Ovaries do not form in flowers due to their absolute sterility.

Varieties and varieties

Breeders are constantly cultivating new plant varieties that differ in height, leaf and flower color, and care requirements.

  • Bridget Bloom characterized by coral pink flowers and bright green leaves. The highest point of the plant is its inflorescences; they reach a height of 45 cm.
  • Rosalie with a height of 45 cm, it has a darker, coral-pink color of inflorescences and yellow-green leaves in spring. As the season progresses, the foliage changes color to dark green with red-brown veins.
  • Solar Power has bright yellow leaves with a brown core.
  • Quick silver at a height of 60 cm, it has an ash-silver tint in the colors of the foliage and petals. Peduncles are rich brown.
  • Kimono. The bright green leaves have burgundy stripes along the veins. The inflorescences are also characterized by a burgundy color.
  • RedStoneFalls has even brighter foliage. It combines abstract brown-orange patterns with dark green borders.
  • Alabama Sunrise very different decorative painting leaves. The main tone in them is yellow with notes of light green. Along the veins there is a bright brown pattern.
  • Bras Lantern. The heavily lobed, large leaves combine an orange-peach outer edge with a red-brown core and veins.
  • golden zebra has variegated foliage coloring. Bright yellow edges are adjacent to the garnet core and veins. The inflorescences are snow-white, medium-sized.
  • Sweet tea throughout the season, the foliage resembles the fall color of maple leaves. They contain shades of red, pink, orange and burgundy.
  • Tapestry It has deeply lobed leaves with bluish-green edges and a narrow burgundy vein pattern. The bush is very compact, up to 25 cm in height and up to 40 cm in width.
  • Honey Rose. This low (up to 30 cm) bush shimmers in all shades of pink, reminiscent of a large lollipop. The leaves are pink, darker with red veins, the stems are coral, and the inflorescences are creamy pink.
  • Stoplight or traffic light- one of the latest developments. The oval wide leaves are light green, almost yellow, with thin red veins. The height of the bush with white inflorescences reaches 60-65 cm.

In the video, some of the varieties of heuchera and heucherella

Planting Heucherella

Since it is impossible to obtain seeds from Heucherella flowers, it is most often propagated vegetatively, for example, by dividing the rhizome. The procedure is carried out after mid-July, when most of the flowers fade. At this time, the roots actively produce young shoots, which does not happen in the spring.

It is necessary to dig up the mother bush, trim off the dried ends of the shoots and cut the root into several parts with buds. Young cuttings are immediately buried in the ground to prevent drying out. This method is also used for rejuvenation. If the number of plants suits you, then simply dig up the rhizome and remove the lateral shoots.

In April or May, you can take cuttings from young shoots. They root very well in moist conditions. open ground and before the cold weather they have time to gain strength for a successful winter.

Growing and care

Heucherella is considered to be very unpretentious plants. It is enough to pick optimal place And the right soil. Shrubs prefer shaded areas of the garden. In the open sun, the leaves often dry out, and their bright colors fade significantly. Fertile and well-drained soils that are neutral or slightly alkaline are preferred.

In hot weather or after transplantation, the plant must be watered regularly, but avoid stagnation of moisture. To prevent the soil from drying out, mulch the soil with fallen leaves at least once a year. As the rhizome grows, it lifts the ground, so mulching will create sufficient protection and increase its decorative properties.

It is better to fertilize heucherella organic fertilizers or phosphorus. Due to the excessive amount of nitrogen, the leaves grow greatly and consume all the plant’s energy necessary for a successful winter.

Although the bushes are very compact and retain their beauty for a long time, they need rejuvenation every 4-5 years. Without this action, the bases of the stems lose their foliage and become elongated, and the edges become smaller and dry out. It is necessary to dig up the roots, cut off the ends with excess shoots and plant them in renewed fertile soil.

The bushes are evergreen, that is, they do not shed their leaves even under the snow. Therefore, for normal wintering, the plant should be covered with non-woven material. This will protect the roots and shoots from frost. Another important point is that when the sun hits, even in the middle of winter, the leaves immediately begin to evaporate moisture, but the dormant root system does not feed the stems. Without reliable shelter, the plant will simply dry out by spring.

So that at the beginning of the season the rhizome quickly awakens and begins to grow, you can water it with warm water.


The variety of heucherella varieties allows you to create interesting compositions in the garden. Moreover, you don’t have to be tied to the flowering period, since the foliage is more beautiful than the flowers. The plant is suitable for decorating borders, balconies, shaded areas of the garden and the banks of ponds.

Heucherellas look impressive in rock gardens, rock gardens and large flower beds in the foreground. Compact plants can be planted in large flowerpots to decorate terraces, gazebos or verandas.

  • ✓ Tiarella, Heuchera and Heucherella - description and photo
  • ✓Heuchera
  • ✓ Tiarella - varieties and types
  • ✓ Heicherella and tiarella: planting and care
  • ✓ Heuchera and tiarella: photos of varieties

Tiarella, Heuchera and Heucherella - description and photo


All three genera are perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plants, mostly growing in North America, and belong to the saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae). Genus Heuchera was named after the German physician and botanist Johann Heinrich von Heicher.

There are more than 50 species. Rocky slopes with poor soil gave life to the blood-red heuchera (Heuchera sanguinea), cultivated in its original form since 1822. It is famous for its drought resistance, frost resistance, compact leaf rosette up to 25 cm high of green rounded leaves that turn red in autumn, and dense paniculate inflorescences with flowers of cinnabar red or rich Pink colour, for which she received the nickname “purple bell”.

The result of crossings with other species was Heuchera brizoides with larger bush sizes and a longer flowering period.

Pay for abundant flowering What made the flowers large for heuchera was the instability of the stems to bad weather. Varieties with white (Silberregen), salmon (Weserlachs), graceful pink inflorescences (Gracillima), and scarlet (Feuerregen Robusta and late-flowering Rakete with high up to 70 cm) inflorescences were obtained.

You can choose Splish Splash with variegated leaves. Another mountain species revered by breeders is Heuchera cylindrical.

The species got its name for cylindrical shape peduncles. Large bell-shaped flowers are greenish, but varietal plants can bloom in beige, pink and bright coral. The leaves are medium-sized with a silvery pattern and contrasting veining, and have a rounded outline with blunt teeth. Most famous varieties– Green Ivory, Hyperion. Forest species grow in clearings, but do not like the hot midday sun, preferring the moist, fertile soil of flower beds and compositions with shrubs. giving openwork penumbra.

Read also: Heucheras - cultivation, planting, care and varieties of heucheras

First of all this American Heuchera (Heuchera americana), on the basis of which excellent interspecific hybrids (Heuchera americana) were obtained. Of interest to the species plant and some varieties are only the bushes; inconspicuous flowers are usually not waited for, cutting off the flower stalks at the moment of appearance, so that growth does not stop and the rosette of leaves does not fall apart.

Often the reverse side of the leaf blade has a dark purple color. It is interesting that the most popular variety, Green Spice, which is the hallmark of this species, is precisely devoid of a dark leaf substrate.

An original feature is a specific crimson border, which should appear during stressful times for the plant. winter time along the edge of the leaves. In our climate, if it happens, it happens in the spring, especially at the time of recurrent frosts. Pay attention to the variety Ring of Fire: the photo just shows this border that disappears in summer. Large wintering leathery glossy leaves of emerald green color with burgundy veining in the fall acquire crimson tones, occupying the central part of the leaf blades. No less popular among breeders Heuchera hairyvillosa).

As the name of the species suggests, all parts of the plant are covered with fine hairs, making the leaves velvety to the touch. Rosettes of green or greenish-bronze leaves are considered one of the largest. The flowers are small and unremarkable. Based on the purple-leaved form of this species, the variety Palace Purple, widespread in Russia, was created. Maple leaves produce varieties and hybrids with the participation of a guest from the Atlantic coast small-flowered heuchera (Heuchera micrantha). The species plants have purple leaf blades, and leaves with gray-silver spots are also found.

The flowers are small, creamy-pink due to red anthers, collected in loose inflorescences reaching more than half a meter in height. During rapid flowering, the border of this heuchera is covered with airy foam from openwork inflorescences. A striking representative is the Bressingham Bronze variety.

Breeding work was aimed at developing varieties with bright, beautiful and large flowers, unusual shape and a multi-colored pattern of leaf blades, as well as with chameleon leaves that change color several times during the season Heuchera So, Magic Color variety in spring it has leaves with a green field with a golden edging and bright red veins. In summer the color fills up pink tones, and by autumn the leaf becomes silver with a dark green edging and purple-brown veins.

Of the silver-leaved varieties, Silver Scrolls is rightfully considered the hardiest and most persistent. The Mars variety is silvery-smoky with a coral tint and contrasting veining, young leaves are completely red. Dark plum with silver pattern – Plum Pudding. The darkest is Obsidian, which does not change throughout the season and is considered black, although eggplant-lilac-burgundy tones appear in the light.

The color of lime and sun is characteristic of the Electra and Champagne varieties. Electric Lime. Caramel, Creme Brulee, Kassandra have pink and scarlet leaves. A very funny purple with pink specks is the Midnight Rose variety. Ruffled leaves on Black Beauty (eggplant with dark greens), Purple Petticoats (crimson-violet, darkens and greens with age), Marmalade (amber with dark pink leaf backs).

In flower beds, heucheras are diluted with speedwells and forest sage, hosta and bergenia greens, silver cherry blossoms, and graphic cereal bushes. They are good to plant in borders next to spirea, barberry, against the background of linear foliage of daylilies and irises. Small plants with non-aggressive roots such as sedum, awl-shaped phlox, and viola are chosen as neighbors. Large bushes are good for adding to delphiniums, saplings, and goldenrods.


Read also: Tiarella (photo) - planting and care

Tiarella - varieties and types

From the family Tiarella most stable Tiarella cordifolia (Tiarella cordifolia). This is a ground cover that takes root in the internodes of creeping shoots and quickly occupies large areas. Suitable for moist partial shade under the canopy of trees, where hostas, ferns, and tradescantia will be companions.

Overwintering leaves will replace the lawn in problem areas, the main thing is not to forget that you cannot walk on it. Aerial inflorescences are only 15 cm, but flowering is abundant and long, from early May to mid-June.

More expressive varieties: Brandywine with large leaves with a contrasting red-brown pattern that emphasizes the veining and white flowers; Starbick – carved leaves with purple specks and pinkish flowers, especially in buds; Neon Ligts with large dissected leaves with a striking contrasting pattern of dark purple, almost black color and almost snow-white flowers.

By crossing Tiarella cordifolia with Heuchera, we obtained hybrid group Heucherelia. The varieties have richly colored leaves; many acquire an even more festive appearance in the fall. They are more diverse than those of tiarella, although there are significantly fewer of them than those of heuchera. For example, Stoplight has golden leaves with scarlet veins, Solar Eclipse has dark brown foliage with a lime-colored border, Golden Zebra will delight with scarlet and red fireworks, and contrasting Kimono turns pink in the fall.

Heucherella and tiarella: planting and care

Heuchera, tiarella and heucherella need timely moistened, loose, permeable soil without stagnant moisture, with a neutral reaction.

In heavy clay soils add garden soil, sand, expanded clay, and ash. Once every two years in the spring, the bushes are fed by adding compost soil with ash. Typically, fertilizing is combined with the removal of old and poorly overwintered leaves. Frequent watering will only harm the plants, but in the absence of rain, the plants must be watered once a week. In spring and winter, the rosettes are mulched and hilled.

After flowering, if there is no interest in collecting seeds, then cut off all flower stalks. Once every three to four years, plantings are rejuvenated by division or cuttings.

These operations are also carried out in cases where it is necessary to save a beloved pet, for example, when plants become infected with root rot or when there is uncertainty about a good wintering. The bushes are divided at the end of April or at the end of August.

Each division should have at least five buds and a good root system. Cuttings are carried out before flowering in June-July. For cuttings, break off a small rosette with several small leaves and a growing point. Rosette cuttings are planted in partial shade and covered with a five-liter water bottle with the bottom cut off until rooting. For the winter, cover with a box and dry leaves. In the spring they are transplanted to a permanent place.