Computer desk height: standards and advice from professionals. We easily select the height of the table in the kitchen using the scientific method. What height is a computer desk?

Choosing the right one desk– the process is certainly important, because not only the performance of the sitter, but also health will depend on the correctness of the decision. This is especially true when it comes to a child and his developing body.

What standards are accepted?

The health of a person working at a computer requires special attention. When choosing, you should consider all factors, from the size of the monitor to the height of the desk. Incorrect calculations can lead to problems with the spine and poor vision. In addition, if a person working at a computer feels discomfort, he will quickly get tired and, as a result, his performance will decrease.

Exists "Modulor"- a system according to which standard proportions are identified for all modern furniture, including the height of the tables. This parameter is very important, because it determines the position of a sitting person. The person sitting at the low table slouches and leans forward, and the person sitting at the high table is forced to raise his head up, which, naturally, is wrong.

Do not forget that the correct position of the human body implies a straight back, freely resting forearms and the absence of tension in the shoulder girdle. In addition, your feet should be on the floor and bent at a 90-degree angle.

How many centimeters is the height?

Taking as a basis the average height of an ordinary person, which is 175 cm, the creator of the Modulor system, Le Corbusier, came to the conclusion that The height of the desk should be between 70 and 80 centimeters. Thus, the standard value is 75 cm in the case of male height 175 cm and female height 162 cm. This formula is correct for the majority of people with standard height. Naturally, there are exceptions if a person is significantly below or above the standard.

If your height is outside the standards, then, firstly, you can change the seat height (usually modern models are adjustable). Be sure to add a support under your feet to ensure your knees remain bent at a 90-degree angle. Secondly, you can make a table according to individual order. Thirdly, it is possible to choose a table with an adjustable tabletop height.

Are other sizes important?

Comfortable work is impossible without correctly determining the width of the tabletop, that is, the distance between its left and right edges. Minimum size equal to 60 cm, but it is recommended to choose models with larger figures. The correctly calculated table depth for an adult is from 35 to 60 cm. The space where your legs are (the length between the legs or cabinets) should be at least 52 cm. It is also important to determine parameters such as the width and height of the chair. According to Le Corbusier's calculations, for comfortable work The width of the seat should exceed 40 cm, and the height should be between 42 and 48 cm.

What's good about an adjustable desk?

Adjustable models are usually purchased for children. Such tables can be used for a long time, despite the fact that the child’s growth will change. The essence of such furniture is as follows: it is possible to raise or lower the tabletop due to retractable legs, as well as change its inclination. These tables can be wooden, plastic or with metal frame. Very often the design is combined with a chair, the height of which can also be adjusted. Essentially the structure is a desk.

Adjustable table for adults it will be great solution for families in which people of different heights are forced to use the same workplace.

How to choose the right desk?

Having decided to buy a desk, you first need to decide which type you need - a regular desk or a computer one. In the second case, make sure that the item has special places for the system unit, speakers, keyboard and wires. Next, you need to resolve the issue of cost. The future purchase price depends on the following factors:

  • Where the furniture was made and whether it is under the brand’s “cap”. Tables made in Russia usually cost less than those made abroad. Also keep in mind that sometimes little-known companies can surprise you with high quality coupled with low prices.
  • Material. Products made from plastic, chipboard or MDF cost much less than models made from solid wood.
  • Dimensions. The smaller the table, the lower its price.
  • Decor. The availability of fittings significantly affects the final cost of furniture. The higher the quality, the more fittings and the more intricate the design, the more money you will have to pay.

For a child

The main thing to remember when choosing a table for a child is the requirements of his health. Adhere to the following rules:

  • The width of the tabletop should be at least 100 cm, and the depth should be between 60 and 80 cm.
  • The child should have a space of approximately 50*45 cm for his feet.
  • Take into account the difference between the height of the table and the chair: this parameter should be 20-24 cm.

When buying a table, take your baby with you to the store and ask him to sit at the chosen model. Look at your elbows and legs: the former should be positioned freely, and the latter should be bent at a right angle and stand firmly on the floor. Try to leave a gap of 10-15 cm between the table top and your knees.

Also, from the tabletop to your child's eyes, you need to maintain a distance equal to the distance between his elbow and his fingertips. In addition, there are several more recommendations for choosing a workplace for a schoolchild. Consider the interests of the child and make sure that the table is spacious: during homework The student must calmly place textbooks, notebooks, stationery and other necessary items.

There are different models of children's tables, you can choose a design with a design that suits the interests of your child:

  • Standard design rectangular shape with several drawers. The price depends on the material, but, as a rule, these are the cheapest designs.
  • A computer desk with the necessary parts for a computer: panels for the keyboard, space for the monitor, holes for wires and others. Such models are made of glass, wood and furniture panels.
  • An L-shaped table that allows you to combine both a place for a computer and a space for doing homework.
  • Transformer (adjustable), which makes it possible to change the height of the table as the child grows. Sometimes such models are orthopedic or folding.

Don't buy an expensive desk for your student, children are unlikely to be able to leave it in its original condition and not get it dirty with paints or pens. Also pay attention to safety: certain types of plastic can be toxic and have a strong odor, causing allergies Moreover, they quickly become unusable. Never skimp on quality.

For an adult

How to correctly calculate the dimensions of a desk was discussed above, however The choice of workplace for an adult largely depends on its purpose, which determines the material, functionality, and size of the structure:

  • Large tables are the most expensive models. Usually made from precious wood High Quality, they are decorated with leather, carvings and designer fittings and are complemented by numerous drawers and stands.
  • Medium tables can be made of either solid wood or furniture boards. Their price depends on this. Such tables perform the same functions as large ones, but due to their smaller size and different material they are cheaper.
  • Small tables are usually purchased for small rooms where it is important to save space. They are cheap, quick to assemble, but do not have drawers or shelves.

When choosing a desk, also pay attention to the material, capacity, and your needs (for example, if you have poor eyesight, it is not recommended to purchase a desk closed design) and the place where the furniture will be placed. Basic materials for tables: MDF, chipboard, wood, glass or plastic. Determine the number of shelves and drawers depending on your needs: the more there are, the higher the functionality of your design will be.

When choosing fittings, give preference to steel alloys.

Review of popular models

Model "Mikke", Ikea

The desk is made of chipboard, MDF and fiberboard, available in white and dark brown colors. The model has a laconic neutral design, which allows it to fit into any interior. To increase the work space, you can complement the table with cabinets and various modules for things. There is a hole at the back for wires, that is, the table also acts as a computer desk, and the drawer is equipped with a special design that prevents it from falling out. The surface is covered with acrylic paint.

Model "Hemnes", Ikea

The surface of the standard table is treated with white stain, but the furniture can also be presented in light brown and dark brown colors. The table is made of solid pine, which increases its environmental properties. Computer wires and extension cords can be hidden on special shelf under the tabletop. There are two drawers and two closed shelves. Classic design.

Properly selected furniture provides users with comfort and health benefits. If we are talking about tables, then take it when choosing correct solution, you can focus on their purpose and accepted standards.

What desk height standards exist?

The recommended value is 75 cm. Based on GOST, manufacturers produce furniture with a height of 70 to 80 cm. Theoretically, such a spread should satisfy the requirements of all users, but this is not the case. Those whom nature has endowed with a height of 160 or 180 cm feel uncomfortable at a standard table, because it is either too tall or, conversely, too low.

A separate category for which the standards do not fit are children. A dining table, a desk table or a computer table - they need a table before their physical development is complete. Consequently, parents have only 2 options left - adjust the length of the chair legs, or, which is preferable, take care of purchasing children's furniture.

How to choose the right table height

The calculation of the standard is based on the average statistical height of a person. When selecting furniture “for yourself”, it is also important to take this parameter into account, because the formula for a comfortable tabletop height is unchanged: height (cm) * coefficient. But the variable itself depends on its purpose.


This type of table means the entire working surface, which is not entirely correct, but the most practical. After all, a truly correct and convenient multi-level option would be much more difficult to care for.

The finished dish is the result of many preparatory processes, most of which are easier to do while standing. Accordingly, the height kitchen table should be such that the person behind him can work with relaxed shoulders and a straight back. Selecting from ready-made kitchen surfaces, optimal distance

from the tabletop to the floor is easy to determine visually: it should be at a level below the waist.

But what to do if members of the same family have a large difference in height? Under no circumstances should you determine the arithmetic mean, as is recommended by some “experts.” ATTENTION!

When choosing a kitchen table, you should focus on the person who cooks most often - it is this person who “most clearly” feels the consequences of a wrong choice.

If you need to determine the height of the kitchen table if it is made to order, you can use the formula: height * 0.51.

This version of furniture has slightly different tasks: you are supposed to work with it while sitting. While working, your forearms should remain relaxed, your back straight, and your shoulders in a natural position. A slight tilt of the head is acceptable, but the shin and thigh must be at a right angle, and the foot must be pressed firmly to the floor.

But what to do if members of the same family have a large difference in height? Under no circumstances should you determine the arithmetic mean, as is recommended by some “experts.” When choosing such furniture, there can be no question of any averageness. You should focus on the tallest member of the household. And for the rest, individual chairs and footrests are simply purchased as part of the table set.

The formula for calculating the optimal height of a desk is: height*0.46.


It is important to understand that this is a direct descendant of its written counterpart. The requirements for it are the same.

But what to do if members of the same family have a large difference in height? Under no circumstances should you determine the arithmetic mean, as is recommended by some “experts.” When typing on the keyboard, it is important to maintain correct posture and hand position. And the distance from the eyes to the monitor can be easily adjusted by moving it to the opposite edge of the tabletop.

For greater compactness while maintaining convenience for users, computer desks are often equipped with a pull-out shelf for the keyboard and a stand for the monitor. In this case:

  • the shelf should be at an optimal height to maintain the natural position of the hands;
  • a chair with comfortable armrests is selected for the table, which will serve as an additional support point for the forearms;
  • the stand must provide optimal angle view without having to slouch or lean back.

The general recommendation for choosing the optimal height for all family members remains: the guideline is for the tallest. Fortunately, it is not difficult to purchase a footrest, and high-quality computer chair easy to adjust to user needs.


Not too much time is spent on such furniture, but this does not mean that any option will do. The entire family gathers at the dining table, so everyone should feel comfortable at the same time. Too tall or low table will not allow you to sit comfortably and get maximum pleasure from culinary masterpieces. And all kinds of footrests and chairs with adjustable heights are simply inappropriate. But that doesn't mean that right choice

But what to do if members of the same family have a large difference in height? Under no circumstances should you determine the arithmetic mean, as is recommended by some “experts.” too difficult to do.

The calculated value is determined by the formula: height * 0.43. However, there is one clarification: in this case, you should focus on the average height of adult family members.
If dad, mom, grandparents “grew” to 175, 155, 180 and 160 cm, respectively, then you need to determine the average value:
And they already substitute it into the formula. And it doesn’t matter that the father has to stretch his legs slightly in order to sit comfortably at the table - this is permissible near the dining table.

How to choose the right desk for a child

It is desirable that the working surface of furniture for a schoolchild be inclined, and there are several reasons for this:

  • visibility improves, making reading easier;
  • teaches you to be in order, because little things scattered on the table tend to roll off if they are not placed in the places designated for them;
  • encourages you to take the only correct position, since slouching at such a table is uncomfortable.

REFERENCE! The height of the near edge is calculated using the same formula as for the “adult” version: height * 0.46. But the child grows quickly, so it is worth purchasing furniture with a small margin “for growth” or, preferably, with the ability to adjust the height and angle of the tabletop.

The latter option is somewhat more expensive than the unregulated ones. But it will cost less than 2-3 simple ones - and this is the minimum number of replacements for a children’s desktop, if you care about maintaining the posture of the younger generation.

Are other parameters important?

The correct height will not make convenient work at a narrow desk. Conversely, a wide canvas at the wrong height can turn out to be quite comfortable. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • tabletop width is at least 60 cm for a child and 80 for adults (more is better);
  • depth - from 35 cm for a child, from 50 for an adult (the principle is the same);
  • legroom - to the depth of the tabletop and at least 50 cm in width.

Applied to various types furniture it looks like this:

  • for the kitchen table, the criteria for depth and width are taken;
  • for written and computer - all three parameters;
  • for lunch, the first pair of values ​​is doubled, resulting in the required minimum.

What's good about an adjustable desk?

The main advantage of such furniture is the ability to adapt to current needs, eliminating the need to purchase several different-sized models. Adjustable Options They are compact, which is especially useful in city apartments. The only negative is that they are not designed for heavy loads. Their limit is 45–50 kg.

REFERENCE! The table can be equipped with mechanical or electronic transformation mechanisms. Often the manufacturer provides not only a change in height level, but also an increase in area.

Consequences of the wrong choice

The first item on the list of criteria is convenience. If the table does not meet this requirement, then full-time work at it is out of the question. Incorrect posture primarily interferes with normal blood circulation. Result: congestion, swelling, pain. And for a child whose body changes every minute, an incorrect position at a desk contributes to an increased risk of abnormal development of the muscular corset.

The health of a person working at a computer is influenced by many factors, one of which is the height of the table. Incorrectly calculated height of the product can cause spinal diseases, as well as visual impairment. In addition, a person who feels discomfort when working at a computer desk spends much more energy and, therefore, quickly gets tired. In general, it is a hassle to have a table that is not the right height. Therefore, I propose to look into this issue in detail.

How should a person sit at the table?

Why does table height affect human health? Why not or? The fact is that it is the height of the table that can change the position of the person sitting at it. A table that is too low will cause the user to slouch and lean forward, while a table that is too high will cause the user to lift their head up and feel discomfort.

The optimal position of a person sitting at the “correct” computer desk is a straight back, forearms resting freely on the tabletop without lifting shoulder girdle. As a rule, the tabletop is located at the level of the solar plexus. By the way, it should be noted that when sitting on a chair, your legs should be on the floor and bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

But how to achieve such a position? Are there any standards or formulas? To be honest, I also have my own opinion on this matter, which will be outlined below. But first, I bring to your attention the official standards for calculating table height.

How to calculate the height of a computer desk

So, we must immediately say that:

Exists standard height computer desk, which is 750 mm.

Where did it come from and how was it calculated? Everything is very simple! The fact is that, according to statistics, the average height of a man in our country is 175 cm, a woman - 162 cm. It is for this height that the standard table height is calculated - 75 cm (750 mm).

If your height is shorter or taller, then you can individually calculate the height of your computer desk using the following formula:

Your height * 75 cm / 175 cm = Table height

For example, your height is 182 cm, then optimal height computer desk will be calculated as follows:

182 cm * 75 cm / 175 cm = 78 cm

However, often in a house there is not one person working at a computer desk, but several family members. And most often, these are people of different heights. If you make yourself a table to suit your height of 192 cm, how will your father-in-law, who is 160 cm tall, or your mother-in-law, 155 cm, feel at it?

Come on, father-in-law! You can always come to an agreement with your father-in-law. But mother-in-law... How to convince “mom” that jumping up while working at the computer and hovering in flight while tapping on the keyboard is comfortable? I hope you all understand that this is simply unrealistic. Therefore, here is my personal point of view regarding calculating the height of a computer desk.

If possible, choose a standard height

From the title you probably guessed that I recommend, if possible, choosing the standard table height – 750 mm. By the way, on our website all models have a height of exactly 750 mm. Now I will explain why.

Look, if your height is 182 cm, then the calculated table height should be: 78 cm. We have a difference of 3 cm from the standard table height. In principle, in my opinion, an error of up to 3 cm is quite acceptable. Therefore, the permissible height range for the user is from 168 cm to 182 cm. That is, for people whose height is within this range, it is quite suitable computer desk standard height – 750 mm. And this is exactly the height that manufacturers make tables office furniture- since it is universal for the majority of residents of our country.

Options for solutions to non-standard situations

But what about those who are 155 cm or 195 cm tall? After all, there are quite a lot of such people. Do they have to suffer all their lives, sitting at uncomfortable tables? Of course not. Here I personally see three options for solving the problem:

  1. 1. You can achieve a comfortable position by changing the height of the chair. Modern office chairs allow you to adjust the height of the user's position relative to the table. So why not take advantage of this? But this option is suitable for people whose height is below 168 cm. You can simply adjust the height of the chair, setting for yourself the most comfortable height position relative to the top of the table.

    However, I want to note that if you raise the chair higher, your legs will no longer be bent at the knees at 90 degrees. Therefore, you definitely need to install a low stand under your feet. This way you can ensure a comfortable position at a standard height computer desk. But this method, I repeat once again, is suitable for short people. But what about tall PC users? And for tall people, perhaps the second or third option is suitable. Let's move on to them.

  2. 2. Make a table of the proper height to order. This method is a good solution for tall people, and it is also suitable for those whose height is below 168 cm. You have the calculation formula. So, I think you can quickly determine the height of your computer desk by making it yourself or custom-made. And finally, the third way.
  3. 3. Make a table with an adjustable tabletop height. Height-adjustable tables are now popular among manufacturers of furniture for schoolchildren. The child grows, and his desk “grows” with him - this is the correct and thoughtful approach. Actually, we can take it into account when designing a computer desk, at which a short mother-in-law, 155 cm tall, and her beloved son-in-law, 192 cm tall, will work. We can make it possible to adjust the height of the tabletop to suit the height of each user.

    I would not call this method ideal - it has a number of disadvantages. For example, the ability to design some models of extensions for such tables becomes more difficult. Also, to change the height of the tabletop, you will have to remove everything from the table. However, it is possible that it is this option may be the best for someone a good decision question.

So, we looked at the issue of calculating the height of a computer desk. I hope I was able to present the information in an intelligible and understandable manner. All that remains is to make a decision in favor of one option or another. But you must do this yourself. I wish everyone good luck! I'm sure you will succeed!

The Scarecrow the Wise invited Uncle Styopa and the gnomes to a dinner party. Everyone except him felt out of place. He will no longer invite them to his place. To avoid finding yourself in such a situation, listen to our advice.

Creating furniture that is comfortable for people has always been the main task of manufacturers.

Each country has its own standards for dining tables and chairs.

The dining table should be comfortable for the whole family. This is an axiom that does not require proof. But achieving harmony is not easy - mass-produced furniture may not be suitable.

Comfortable height dining table directly depends on the level of the stool and the parameters of the person.

The height of the table from floor to tabletop is designed for a person of average height - 1.65 m. According to the requirements of GOST 13025.3-85 for furniture, the standard height of a dining table is 0.72-0.78 m.

When choosing a dining set, it is necessary to take into account the height of all adult family members.

If this is not enough, then the height of the dining table is calculated using the formula:


B – calculated table height,

RSR – average height of adult family members,

VGOST – table height according to GOST – 750 mm,

PCT – the average height of an adult is 1650 mm.

For comparison, in public canteens and snack bars the standard height is 65 cm.

If you have a large kitchen, then a square table is best.

The average height of your family members is determined by the arithmetic mean. According to this formula, the main ranges for the dining table are calculated:

  • Short people (up to 1.5 m) – 0.75-0.77 m;
  • Below average height (1.5-1.65 m) – 0.8-0.83 m;
  • Standard value according to GOST (1.65-1.8 m) – 0.85-0.9 m;
  • For tall ones (above 1.8 m) – from 1 m.

The kitchen table is the center dining area. It must satisfy the needs of those who live in the house and those who come to visit.

Every family gathers once every six months for a family celebration. The festive table must satisfy the following conditions:

  • One person should occupy at least 0.5 m of the perimeter of the tabletop;
  • Select the height of the table in accordance with the above formula, width - no less than 0.65 m;

The height of the table determines the level of comfort of use. Here it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the physiological structure of the human body.

For normal sitting at the table we need at least 70 cm, so average height a standard table is around 75 cm.

ON A NOTE! Choose compact models with a sliding tabletop.

This is how it happened in Europe and Russia - it is customary to sit on a chair at the table.

Standard height kitchen chair– this means the height from the floor to the seat is 40-45 cm.

He must have comfortable backrest and a comfortable seat height for a person, approximately equal to one-fourth of the average height of adult family members. With a height of 1.8 m, its height will be 0.45 m.

The optimal seat depth is 40-45 cm (the seat should not dig under the knees). A person of average height will be comfortable sitting at a table with a height of 74 cm.

ON A NOTE! The distance from the seat to the tabletop should not exceed 0.3-0.34 m.

People of different heights come to visit and it is impossible to guess the size of the chair in advance. Invest in one or two chairs with adjustable seat heights and footrests for such occasions.

Remember that the standard height of a dining table according to GOST is “adjusted” to a person 165 cm tall.

Don't be a bull in a china shop...

Does your back and neck get tired when working in the kitchen? You have chosen the wrong height of the kitchen unit.

When designing a kitchen set, there are certain standards that are designed for comfortable use of furniture and household appliances, storage of food and other things.

The height of the kitchen table for cutting and preparing food should be equal to half your height, rounded up within 5 cm. With a height of 1.72 m, it will be 0.9-0.95 m.

These optimal sizes designed for the average height of the housewife.

The height of the cabinets should be 820 mm, and together with the tabletop - 850 mm.

There is another method for selecting a comfortable kitchen table height.

  1. Bend your arm at the elbow.
  2. Measure the distance from the floor to the bend of your elbow.
  3. Subtract 15 cm from it.
  4. Use the obtained result when selecting a kitchen set.

All nuances must be selected in accordance with the needs of the owners and the characteristics of the room.

ON A NOTE! To find out the value for a dishwasher, add 10 cm to the height of the kitchen table.

You don’t need a crowbar to keep your back straight at your desk...

Having a comfortable workspace is essential for you and your child.

One of the most necessary things for your child in school age there will be a desk.

Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time leads to rapid fatigue. In addition, there is a risk of occurrence or exacerbation of chronic diseases of the spinal and cervical spine.

Choosing a desk will not be difficult if you know just a few basic parameters.

Selection of the height of the table and chair for an adult is carried out using the above formula. Usually they are 0.77-0.82 m and 0.45-0.49 m. The length of the backrest should be at least 0.35 m.

Correctly calculated height of the computer desk contributes to good health and productive work.

Determining the optimal dimensions of a table for a child is more difficult than for an adult. Children grow actively until they are 18 years old, so furniture will have to be changed every 2-3 years. This problem becomes most pressing from the age of 7, when the child begins to go to school.

Many manufacturers now offer “growing” tables or desks.

When making a purchase, try to maintain the following parameters:

Make sure the important details are followed:

  • The feet fully touch the floor when the leg is bent at an angle of 90 to 100°;
  • Gap between chest and the edge of the furniture is 0.8 m;
  • A sitting teenager rests his elbows on the tabletop, without bending his back or lifting his shoulders high,
  • The computer monitor is placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m, the child looks at it at an angle of 0-30°, bending the neck back is unacceptable.If the furniture is too high, and it is not possible to change it, then purchase a footrest and place a pillow on the seat of the chair.

If a child, sitting at the table, puts his hand down, then the ideal position would be for his elbow to be 5-6 cm below the tabletop.

At correct location The tabletop is at the level of the child's solar plexus.

IMPORTANT! Make your child take a “recess” every 40 minutes.

Take care of the health and comfort of your family and friends. A correctly selected height of the dining table will add a sense of coziness to a family celebration and will make you want to meet again. Kitchen set, designed to suit the characteristics of the wife’s figure, will preserve her beautiful posture for many years. Your child, sitting at a well-functioning desk, will learn better and be less sick.

In order not to rack your brains over complex issues of space ergonomics and choosing the most convenient dimensions of furniture, there are standard sizes.

Most manufacturers in direct contact with the buyer perform interesting models furniture to suit the size of each individual family.

VIDEO: How to choose a desk for a child.