Growing freesia: from personal experience. The most common hybrid freesia varieties. Freesia care at home

What epithets do people find when describing the aroma of freesia? But every time they get into a quandary. Because there are simply no such words. It is impossible to convey its magical aroma in the article, but a description of the flower, planting rules and many nuances of caring for it will help you grow freesia flowers, and this is how it all looks in practice.

Freesia: flower features

Freesias come from South Africa, and a significant part of their species are from the Cape floristic region (the extreme southwest of the African continent) - the richest terrestrial place (not to be confused with the Cape geographic region) due to the Mediterranean climate with the reverse temporal position of the seasons (winter - June-August). Two of the freesia species are found in the African tropics, with the northernmost border reaching Sudan.

Did you know? Modern floristry distinguishes between zones the earth's surface by the content of the flora, the difference in the features of its formation and evolution. This division is structured hierarchically, and at the top of this hierarchy, the most significant entities are the floristic kingdoms, which include floristic subkingdoms, regions, subregions, etc. The Cape floristic kingdom is the smallest of all floristic kingdoms.

In the places of its origin, freesia, attributed by botanists to the Iris family, finds its favorite places among the abundance of shrubs along the wet shores.

Among flower growers, it is often Freesia hybrida that is used for cultivating garden flowers. It was bred experimentally from the following varieties:

  • F. refracta- broken freesia;
  • F. leichtlinii- Leuchtlin freesia;
  • F. armstrongii- Armstrong's freesia.
Freesia corms are covered with light brown scales; with linear leaves of tubers, with a protruding central vein, 0.15-0.20 m long, 10-15 mm wide, bare stem. 2-5 pieces of fragrant, narrow-funnel-shaped flowers 30-50 mm long are in a branched weak one-sided inflorescence. The flower tubes at the base are narrow and weak, subsequently sharply widening, with oval, pointed lobes of the outer part of the flower and a blunt and wider central upper lobe. Three stamens are attached inside the tube. Freesia has a three-celled ovary; three-celled, obovate, small seed pods; the seeds are angularly rounded, dark brown.

The genus Freesia got its name thanks to the doctor Friedrich Frese (Germany, 1795-1876), who cultivated this plant. It is wrong to draw an identity between the genus Freesia and the genus Vriesea, which is in the Bromeliad family.

Where to plant freesia, conditions for growing a flower

In greenhouses and greenhouses, the necessary environment for the cultivation of freesia is easily created, although such an occupation is considered to be within the reach of only experienced and professional florists. It is possible to grow freesia all year round, but in cold winters of middle latitudes its tubers cannot winter - it is necessary to extract them from the soil and lay them on winter storage... For many gardeners, information on how to grow freesia in the garden will be relevant. To plant freesia in gardens, you first need to find a place in partial shade, moreover, protected from the winds. There is no need to worry about the soil - any will do. The main requirement for it is looseness and drainage.

At the beginning of August, one to three flower stalks germinate from each freesia bulb. In good weather, flowering can last until October. Flowering is prolonged by transplanting the bulbs into a flowerpot, container or pot. At the onset of frost, they are moved to warmth, and fragrant freesias will delight you for a while.

After digging, the freesia bulbs are first stored for thirty days at 25 ° C in a well ventilated and dry room. In the future, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the content to 10 ° C. When using other temperature rules, many corms lack the formation of freesia inflorescences, a complete set of rules for planting and caring for which must be strictly observed.

Freesia and light

For well-being, freesia in enclosed spaces prefers bright lighting, without shading from direct sunlight. The most suitable location for her is the windows of the east and west direction. The northern direction will not provide the amount of light required for normal vegetation activity. Therefore, it is necessary to provide additional lighting in winter and autumn.

Temperature regime and air humidity for the plant

In addition to lighting control, there are other general rules, prompting, especially for beginners, how to properly grow flowers and freesia in particular.

Proper maintenance of freesias requires a fully ventilated area with a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C. After the flowering period, freesia begins a period of rest (sleep), and the plant needs to lower the temperature to 15 ° C for a period of up to two months. Excessive moisture in the soil is unacceptable, otherwise the bulbs will rot. The time of keeping cool during sleep is characterized by the absence of irrigation. Dry air is normally carried by freesia, while hot weather requires regular humidification and spraying.

How to plant freesia correctly

Before planting freesia in the garden, you need to understand how to prepare freesia for planting. By the beginning of March, corms are prepared, placed in pots containing turf, sand, peat and humus. For a volume of three liters, there will be six freesia bulbs, which will be in the earthen mixture for about 18 days indoors at a temperature of 25-28 ° C.

Did you know? Freesia - female name may have come from freziya, from the Hunnic language. Men like a magnet are attracted to women with this name.

Freesia is planted in open ground after the threat of night frosts has passed. Wells are prepared based on planting to a depth of 3-6 cm. The distance between large tubers is 5 cm, between smaller ones - 3 cm. The row spacings are located one after another from 15 cm. To protect the soil from overheating, it is mulched with needles or peat. By August, 1-3 sprouts will appear, and until early October, freesia will bloom.

How to care for freesia outdoors

Special attention when growing freesia in open ground pays attention to maintaining the optimal moisture balance by mulching. At the same time, soft neutral peat is used, covering the soil with a layer of 3 cm. You can also use steamed straw for this. In addition to mulching, weeding and loosening of the soil is necessary for freesias to optimize oxygen penetration. Freesia bloom in the garden lasts up to one and a half months. Achieve an increase in this period by cutting one third of the stem when cutting flowers.

How to water freesia

During the cultivation of freesia in the garden, gardeners provide for a special watering regime. Freesia is watered abundantly and regularly during the growing and flowering period, which lasts up to six weeks. During this season, the soil should always be moist. In addition, spraying is carried out on both the stems and leaves of the plant. These procedures are best done in the evening, so that the flowers have time to absorb moisture. After the end of the blooming period, the watering intensity decreases until it stops completely. In the open field in the garden, freesias are kept until frost.

Important! Freesia requires special care when planting and caring for it outdoors.

Fertilizing freesia

When growing freesia, the soil should be enriched with superphosphates (35 g for 10 liters of water) or potassium salts (10 g for 10 liters of water) at least twice within 30 days. Freesias do not have the necessary resistance to soil salinity, therefore, it is better to fertilize it only with a liquid solution, abandoning the use of dry mixtures.

During the active growth of freesia, it is required to apply mineral groundbait with a large amount of nitrogen four times. When growing in open ground, it is required to use such tactics of introducing fertilizers, thanks to which the initial supplementary feeding with a solution of ammonium nitrate (20 g per 10 l of water) is necessary when shoots appear, and then every two weeks, additional feeding is carried out with the addition of 40 g for the same volume of water. superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salts.

Support for freesia in the garden

Freesia peduncles, being rather weak and easily bending, need support. A slight grace of curvature will not take away beauty from the flowers, but rather add charm, but in order to avoid breaking off with further growth, they are tied to supports. For this purpose, a mesh is installed, tying it up with twine when the freesias reach a height of 150-200 mm.

Installing freesia supports is necessary to help the plant maintain an upright position, as freesias need to grow in an even distribution of air and light. This can only be achieved due to the absence of strong curvature of the flower stems. When arranging the grid, one must not forget to keep the width between the cells about 10-15 cm. When the growth of flowers in height increases, the following levels are added to the grid or simply raise it by moving it along the supports.

Important! Freesia needs support, as it is fragile and fast growing plant... Keep in mind that yellow-red freesia grows even faster than other colors.

Diseases and pests of the flower

Freesias are bothered by the same diseases and pests that gladioli are also susceptible to. Improper care can damage the freesia with thrips, spider mite, aphids. But most often freesias suffer from diseases such as rot, fusarium and scab. Affected plants must be removed immediately. For prophylaxis, the bulbs can be disinfected immediately after digging up and cleaning from contamination. Before planting, disinfection is repeated. In this case, it is recommended to use a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

The homeland of beautiful freesia is South Africa. The gardeners of the French court were involved in planting, caring for and breeding a flower. That is why freesia flowers are considered a symbol of aristocracy. Fresh and amazing scent, the porcelain structure of the petals gives the freesia basket a sensual tenderness. She symbolizes youth, calmness and vitality.

Freesia features

The color scheme of the plant has all shades of the rainbow... Freesia baskets have a racemose shape, which is completed by a graceful peduncle, framed by leaves of a xiphoid configuration.

The scent of freesia is similar to the amber of lily of the valley.

The plant belongs bulbous perennials family of iris. She loves warmth very much. Previously, freesias were grown only in closed conditions for the purpose of cutting. Breeders received new varieties of freesia, which grow well in the open field in the southern and western regions of the Russian Federation.

Specific characteristics of freesia:

  • the fragrance of the fragrance lasts for a long time, so it is used in the cosmetic industry;
  • successfully used in landscape design;
  • the plant lends itself perfectly to growing both in the open field and at home;
  • the red-yellow shades of the flower grow faster than others.

There are about 20 types of freesia and many variations, but cultivated - three.

Hybrid freesia blooms for a long time and has a wonderful appearance. The three main varieties of this species are:

  1. Red Lion. The flowers are red, the texture of the petal is terry.
  2. Vinita Gold. Yellow or orange.
  3. Royal Blue. The basket is blue.


Freesia is grown both in the garden and at home. The plant grows well in both cases.

For planting in open ground, take tubers. The preparation of planting bulbs begins in early spring. They are planted in a substance that is prepared as follows: turf / peat / humus / sand.

Fertilizer with bone meal, potassium salts is added to the mixture of soil prepared for planting on its own.

The bulbs are placed in the planting pot at a certain interval so that the sprouts can grow freely.

It is necessary to streamline the irrigation regime so that the earth does not become oversaturated, but does not remain dry either.

If the climate permits, the tubers can be planted directly into the open ground, after examining the condition of the tubers.

Planting is best done after the spring frost, around mid-April to early May.

The site for planting must be selected in advance, taking into account the peculiarities of freesia care. Although she is from South Africa, she does not tolerate heat and direct sunlight. A darkened area, calm, no drafts - this is all that an affectionate flower loves, and that ensures its normal flowering.

Peat is added to the ground before planting. The soil is loosened and pegs are pre-inserted, in order to use them to tie the plant up.

For planting tubers, prepare holes approximately 6 cm deep, with an interval of 5 to 12 cm... After planting, fertilizer is evenly distributed over the holes.

To admire freesia flowers at home, they are also grown in flowerpots.

Summarizing the landing requirements, the following can be highlighted:

  1. Freesia needs to provide a long lasting daylight hours.
  2. The flower is sensitive to drafts.
  3. The soil where the flower is planted should be loose, with excellent drainage.
  4. Broad-leaved freesia varieties need more space, narrow-leaved varieties can be planted more compactly.
  5. Cutting flowers is allowed after the first two flowers have appeared in the basket.
  6. Withered flowers must be removed so that nutrients are not wasted on them.
  7. The flower loves moisture, it needs to be provided with regular spraying. Do not allow water to enter the leaves and dissolutions.

Freesia care

It is necessary to organize flower care, observing the following rules:

It should be borne in mind that the first feeding is done with ammonium nitrate.

Growing freesia at home

At home, growing freesia is aimed at winter - spring bloom... To prevent freesia from becoming moldy in January, the tubers are planted in the soil at the end of August.

The bulbs are moistened in advance in azotobacterin, prepared with the calculation of 0.5 g per 10 liters of water, with a duration of half an hour. The drainage substance and wood corner are settled on the pallet of the container, then soil is poured with the addition of potassium-phosphorus fertilizing... Place 5 onions in a pot to a depth of 6 cm. It is better to put the container with freesia in a well-lightened room, with a moderate temperature. Before the leaves appear, the plant is not watered. After the first leaves appear, the flower is transferred to a warmer place and watering begins.

Freesia care at home is easier than in the garden or greenhouse.

  1. V winter period When growing freesia at home, it is necessary to provide it with light; for this, lamps are used.
  2. To grow a slender flower, do not forget about the props. They will help the freesia straighten and grow normally. In caring for the plant, an important place is occupied by the watering regime. Water procedures should be done with settled water when the topsoil becomes dry.
  3. When caring for freesia, one must not forget that it loves moisture and a spraying procedure is required.
  4. The flower should be fed 2 times a week until the leaves are dry.
  5. After the flowering of home freesia, the leaves and stem are cut off, and the bulb is continued to be looked after so that other bulbs appear in it. Then the tubers are removed from the soil, treated with a potassium permanganate composition, dried and placed in storage.

Holding the bulbs

Proper storage of tubers- a guarantee of growing healthy and beautiful flowers next year.

In those climatic zones where cold winters are excluded, the bulbs can be left in the ground by covering them with spruce branches.

If affected areas are found on the flower, they must be removed immediately.

Bulbs need to be disinfect with a solution of potassium permanganate.The procedure should be repeated before planting. Having grown this splendor in the garden, on your windowsill, you can enjoy its delightful flowers every year, inhaling the delicate and noble scent of freesia.

Beautiful freesia flower

Freesia is an exotic plant grown in our country, both outdoors and at home. This is a capricious flower that loves warmth and light partial shade. We will tell you how to grow freesia in a pot on the windowsill, and how to properly care for it so that it does not get sick and blooms profusely.

Freesia is a perennial corm plant that represents the iris (iris) family and has more than 20 varieties grown in the garden. V natural environment the flower grows in African countries with a warm and humid climate. It is also called the Cape lily of the valley (due to its specific aroma) or the aristocratic flower (due to the elegant shape of the buds).

Depending on the type and variety, freesia can reach a height of 50 to 100 cm. They have long (about 20 cm) xiphoid leaves that have a bright green color.

Freesia bloom usually occurs in the second half of summer and lasts until mid-October. At this time, long peduncles are formed, on which up to 15 buds are formed, united in a racemose inflorescence. Flowers can be either simple or double. Their diameter, depending on the variety, can reach 3-7 cm. The color of the petals is rich and bright, the color can be of any kind.

In place of faded flowers, fruits are formed in the form of bolls filled with small seeds. However, they are not harvested, since the flowers grown from them will not have the same qualities as the mother plant. Seed propagation of freesia is carried out only by breeders in order to develop new varieties.

Types, varieties

Homes are most often grown the following types freesia:

  • broken;
  • Armstrong;
  • hybrid (obtained by crossing broken and Armstrong freesias).

Broken freesia is very compact. It does not exceed 40 cm in height. It has very thin shoots and a peduncle. On the latter, a spikelet is formed from 2-5 buds. This type of plant blooms in early spring(in April). Popular varieties:

  • Alba... Flowers of this variety are distinguished by their snow-white color. But in the center of every flower there is yellow spot dotted with purple stripes.

  • ... The color of the flowers is yellow. An orange spot is observed in its middle. The smell is reminiscent of the aroma of forest lily of the valley.

From Armstrong's freesias, growers prefer to grow a variety Cardinal... It forms tall (up to 70 cm) bushes. From each bulb 3 peduncles emerge, on which up to 11 small buds are formed. The color of the flowers is red. A yellow spot is observed in the center.

Let us give short review hybrid varieties. These include:

  • Ballerina... Forms compact bushes and peduncles of medium length (no higher than 30 cm). They form up to 12 large flowers (5-6 cm in diameter). They are painted in White color but the base of the petals is bright yellow. There is a yellow stripe in the pharynx. The aroma is very delicate.

  • Rose Marie... This is a small freesia that forms flower stalks about 20 cm high. Medium-sized flowers (4-5 cm in diameter) sit on them. The color of the petals is crimson. In the center of the flower there is White spot with crimson stripes.

  • Pimperin... Perhaps this is the smallest variety. On each peduncle, reaching a length of 15 cm, there are about 7 flowers, the diameter of which reaches 6 cm. They are painted in dark red. But their middle is yellow, although red stripes are visible on it (see photo).

Choice of place and conditions of detention

We will tell you what conditions freesia needs to be kept in order to make it bloom at home.

Lighting and location

Freesia loves light partial shade, so it should not be placed on a south-facing window. This is only permissible in shaded conditions. The optimal location of the pot is not far from the window (on a shelf or on a table) or on a windowsill facing the east or west side. Flowers can be kept on the balcony, and in warm time the pots can be taken outside.


The optimum air temperature for growing freesia is + 15 ... + 20 o C. After digging, the planting material should be stored at a temperature of +25 o C for the first month. Then the bulbs are removed in a dark and cool place (about +12 ° C).

Air and humidity

Flowers love high humidity (70-80%). They respond well to spraying with water. But Cape lilies of the valley do not like drafts.

Soil and pot

Growing freesias must be done in fertile and loose soil. You can buy a special potting mix at a flower shop. For self-preparation of the soil, mix:

  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 1 part washed river sand;
  • 1 part peat.

The size of the pot should not be large. The plant's bulbs are quite small. Therefore, 6 pieces can be planted in one pot with a diameter of 15 cm. If they are large, then 3-4 pieces. If you want to plant fewer corms, then the size of the pot should be smaller, and vice versa. Most often, flower growers grow freesia in plastic containers with drainage holes at the bottom.

Reproduction methods

It is impractical to propagate by seeds Cape lily of the valley: it is difficult and ineffective, and the result is unimpressive. Therefore, freesias at home are propagated only by corms. These can be purchased at the flower shop.

Important! After flowering, the corm dies. But instead, 1 or more replacement bulbs grow. When planted, they will not bloom until they gain strength. When growing freesias in the open field, in the first year they increase in mass, and in the second they bloom and die.

Landing dates

You can plant freesia for growing at home all year round... You can expect this plant to start blooming on some significant date. So, if you plant bulbs in the fall, you will get fragrant and delicate flowers by March 8. And if you land in the summer, then you will enjoy flowering on New Year... But in this case, the flowers will need to be supplemented.

Preparing for landing

The bulbs must be disinfected before planting. To do this, dip them for 2-3 hours in one of the following solutions:

  • 1 liter of water with 50 mg of azotobacterin;
  • pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • boric acid (10 mg per 1 liter of water).

When the bulbs are soaked, remove and pat dry.


Planting freesias in a pot step by step:

  1. Prepare the pots: wash and disinfect them with antibacterial soap or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Lay a 3-4 cm layer on the bottom of the pot drainage material(expanded clay, chipped red bricks).
  3. Pour disinfected (calcined for 2 hours in the oven) soil on top.
  4. Make small indentations (there are as many indentations as there are bulbs). Their depth should be about 5 cm.
  5. Plant the bulbs in the grooves and cover them with soil.
  6. Place the pot in a cool place (no higher than + 15 ° C). There is no need to water the soil.

After sprouting, abundantly moisten the soil and place the container in a warm and well-lit place.


Freesia care must be constant: it requires a lot of attention. She especially needs watering and feeding.


For watering and spraying use tap water, kept in a room for 2 days. Water procedures are performed in the morning. Watering is necessary whenever the topsoil begins to dry out. During the period of active growth and flowering, this happens every 2-3 days. But after it faded away last flower, watering is reduced, and after 1.5 months they stop altogether.

Top dressing

Cape lilies of the valley should be fed once every 2 weeks during the period of active growth, flowering, and until watering is stopped, with which fertilizing must be combined. Complex fertilizers are chosen mineral fertilizers for bulbous flowers. They have such trade marks Kemira, Zdraven and Agricola.

Loosening, mulching

Freesias need loose soil to reach the roots Fresh air and the water did not stagnate in the pot. But loosening the soil is dangerous: the bulbs can be damaged. Therefore, it is better to cover the soil with a layer of decorative mulch or pieces of peat.

Pinching, pinching, pruning

Cape lily of the valley does not need pinching and pinching. His bush does not need to be shaped. But 1.5 months after the end of flowering, when you stop watering, cut off the peduncles, leaving only a small leg.


Freesia are transplanted every year. Bulbs are not kept in pots. They need to be dug out after the soil in the pot is completely dry. Store them in mesh bags until the next disembarkation.

Diseases and pests

Freesias grown at home in a pot are less likely to get sick and are affected by pests than plants that grow outdoors. But with improper care, you can face diseases such as:

  • fusarium;
  • root (bulbous) rot;
  • scab.

When dark or brown spots appear on the leaves, as well as when they are covered with a gray or whitish bloom, treatment must be started urgently. It will also be needed if the bush began to lag behind in development, and the leaves began to bend like an accordion: this is a sign of corm decay.

Parts of plants affected by fungi must be removed. When the bulb decays, you need to remove the entire plant until the rot has spread to all the plants in the pot. The remaining flowers must be treated with a 0.2% Fundazole solution.

Freesias can be affected by the following pests:

  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite.

Aphids can be destroyed by spraying with freesia soapy water... And with spider mites and thrips it is better to fight with the help of special preparations - insecticides. Actellik and Fitoverm help well against these pests.

Tips for growing freesia at home:

  • Plant freesias 5-6 months before the big date. Then they will definitely have time to bloom for the planned celebration. If you do this later, the buds may not be able to bloom yet. And if earlier, by that time the plant may have already finished flowering.
  • If you want Cape lily of the valley to bloom in winter or early spring, get special phytolamps for supplementary lighting. Flowers need long daylight hours (about 10-12 hours).
  • To help the bulbs start growing faster, soak them in a growth promoter. Add 1 drop of Epin to 1 liter of water and dip there planting material for 30 minutes.

Freesia is very beautiful. She is loved for fragrant and delicate flowers with a juicy and bright color. Despite all the whims of this exotic plant, flower growers continue to grow it in the garden and at home. And their work is rewarded with a long and abundant flowering at the right moment.

Freesia, or freesia, is a bulbous plant. Usually it is grown outdoors, but many growers practice forcing at home. The plant is capricious, difficult to care for. A lot of effort will have to be made in order to achieve flowering. Growing and caring for freesia at home is carried out strictly according to the rules. You will learn about them from this article.

A beautifully flowering plant. The leaves are linear, the flowers are funnel-shaped, fragrant. The height of the flower is from 30 to 60 cm. The flowers are quite large, of various colors. The flower owes its name to the German doctor Frees.

Belongs to corms of the family Iris (Iris). It grows mainly in the Cape region of South Africa, tropical regions of Africa. One of the species was introduced from Sudan. V natural conditions bulbs doze for a long time in the ground until the rainy season. With the appearance of moisture in the soil, they begin to actively develop, they release peduncles with beautiful flowers... Into drought aerial part completely dies off, the bulbs go into a dormant state.

Interesting! Freesias were brought to Europe a long time ago - two centuries ago. They were actively cultivated in gardens, then migrated to window sills, began to be grown as indoor plant... Freesia contains essential oils used in perfumery. When cut, the flower retains its freshness for a long time.

What freesias can you grow at home?

Before growing freesia from a bulb at home, it is recommended to decide on a variety. Although information about the moodiness of the flower is exaggerated. The plant, which grows naturally in a desert climate, easily adapts to the conditions of apartments. You just need to help him by creating a favorable microclimate.

Suitable for home breeding freesia hybrid... It combines the characteristics of at least two types - broken freesia and Armstrong. Sometimes they are grown on their own, but require more careful maintenance. The most common "home" variety is Freesia hibrida. The task of flower growers has been simplified with the introduction of hybrid hardy varieties of Dutch selection on the market. They were bred specifically for growing freesia at home.

Advice! Even before the buds appear, supports are installed. Use special suspended structures, pegs. Tapestries can be disguised - painted in green color... Some support the peduncles with transparent, thick fishing line. Flowers are heavy, without support, they will lie on the ground.

Landing time and technique

Viable bulbs are selected before planting. They are dense to the touch, there are no signs of rot, optimal size- 1-2.5 cm. For two weeks, the bulbs are kept at 25-27 ° C in conditions of low humidity (you can put them on a high cabinet - it's warm and dry there).

Immediately before planting, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is prepared, the bulbs are soaked in it. Potassium permanganate can be replaced with a 0.2% foundationol solution. Do not peel off the top scales from the bulbs! The soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate, phytosporin or ignited. Next, adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • Drainage holes are made at the bottom of the pot. Lay a layer of drainage - expanded clay, pebbles, brick chips. Pour the prepared soil, leaving 6 cm to the edge.
  • The soil is watered. Corms are placed in a pot at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other (depending on size). The sharp tip should point upwards.
  • Pour the soil mixture, deepening the bulbs by 2 cm.

Germination is expected in 2-3 weeks. The pot is kept in a moderately warm place at 16-18 ° C. With the emergence of sprouts, bright lighting is provided. The flowering time depends on the variety and planting time. For example, when planted in late October, flowering will occur in early March.

Advice! Freesia is considered a "companionable" plant. She doesn't love unnecessarily free space... Therefore, it is recommended to plant at least 5 bulbs in one pot. Choose a pot low and wide.

Care features

Inexperienced growers often have to deal with a lack of flowering. Correct care drinking freesia at home will help avoid this.

  • Temperature. During the growth period 20-25 ° C. After pruning, the peduncle continues to be kept warm for 1-2 months. After the bulbs are dug out and stored at 15 ° C.
  • Lighting. Intensive sunlight without shading. Lack of light results in slow growth, little or no flowering.
  • Watering. Moderate in the bulb germination phase, abundant in the flowering phase. Excessive dampness leads to rotting of the bulbs. Make sure the top layer of the potting mix is ​​dry before watering.
  • Humidity. High humidity promotes growth and flowering. In the heat, they are sprayed more often and more abundantly. Immediately after spraying, they shade from the sun for a while to exclude leaf burns.
  • The soil. Ready-to-use soil mixture is suitable for bulbous plants... Independently, the substrate is prepared from humus, leafy earth, peat, fine gravel with a fraction of 2-3 mm.
  • Top dressing. Every two weeks throughout the growing season and flowering. It is recommended to use the drugs Agricola or Fertika-Lux.

Important! After flowering, take your time to trim the withered foliage. Over the next few weeks, freesia will form bulbs, preparing for the next growth and flowering. Even in withered leaves, the processes of photosynthesis continue.

Reproduction technique

Freesia - indoor culture easy to reproduce. The choice of flower growers is offered in two ways - by seeds and corms.

  • Seeds. Used to grow a new hybrid variety. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The boxes are filling nutrient soil. Optimal composition- an equal amount of leafy soil and turf. Seeds are spread over the surface, lightly sprinkled with earth. Under glass or plastic wrap seedlings appear faster - after 3 weeks. Young seedlings continue to be kept under cover for some time to maintain a consistently high humidity. For active growth, they are fed weekly with phosphorus and potassium.
  • Corms. In the process of growth, the main bulb gives birth to children. They can be neatly separated and used for planting in a separate pot. Before planting, the bulbs are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour and dried. They plant several pieces in a pot, deepening by an average of 5 cm. Watering begins only after the sprouts appear.

Advice! Freesia bulbs must not be stored in the refrigerator or underground! High humidity will render the planting material unusable.

Growing difficulties, pests and diseases

You rarely have to face problems, but you cannot exclude such a possibility. It is recommended to periodically carry out preventive treatment low dosages of fungicides, insecticides, observe the conditions for keeping the flower.

Diseases: fusarium, rot, scab, freesia virus, bean virus.They are manifested by rotting of the bulbs, the appearance of spots on the leaves, and the absence of flowering.In all cases, it is recommended to carry out repeated treatment with fungicides. A plant in a neglected state cannot be reanimated.
Pests: spider mites and aphids.The leaves become sticky, curl, their back side is covered with a cobweb.With a weak lesion, the plant is washed with soapy water. If it is strong, it is sprayed with insecticides.
Care errorsWith hypothermia, the leaves dry up, starting from the central leaves. Deformation of flowers indicates a violation of the keeping regime during the budding period.They try to strictly follow all the requirements of the flower for care and maintenance conditions.

Freesia is capricious, but not as much as beginner growers think. Therefore, it can be seen more and more often on window sills in apartments. It looks great as a free-standing plant or in composition with other indoor flowers.

Freesia belongs to the iris family. She is originally from South Africa. In culture, only hybrid freesia varieties are used. The plant is 50–90 cm high with xiphoid green leaves 15–20 cm long, somewhat similar to the leaves of gladioli. Funnel-shaped flowers with a delicate lily of the valley aroma are collected in inflorescences of 5-15 pieces. Their color is very diverse - white, yellow, orange, red, blue, purple, often two-color. There are many varieties with double and semi-double flowers. Freesia is prized for its graceful flower shape and aroma, and is good for cutting.

Growing freesia

This flower is planted both in the garden and in the house. Freesia is grown in greenhouses and greenhouses for cutting. You can drive flowers in the winter at home. When cultivated in the open field for the winter, the bulbs are dug up and stored indoors.

Growing freesia outdoors

When growing freesia outdoors, plants need a semi-shady warm place.

Preparing for landing

The soil should be well cultivated, loose and breathable. The composition is approximately the same - sand, peat, leafy earth in equal quantities. Before planting freesia, the ground must be watered with a dark solution of potassium permanganate; in potassium permanganate, the bulbs can also be kept for 2-3 hours. These are good preventive measures against diseases.

Planting freesia

Freesia is a plant with long daylight hours. You need to remember this and choose a place for planting that is not shaded by other plants or buildings after dinner. Interestingly, freesias love a heap plant.

Sprouting freesia bulbs

Freesia is propagated by seeds or vegetatively - by bulbs.

Planting freesia seeds

When sowing in spring (March - April), the seedlings bloom in October. If sown later, the cycle of freesia shifts accordingly, and flowers appear in winter or spring.

Planting freesia with bulbs

The term for planting corms is April - May. They are planted every ten centimeters to a depth of five to ten centimeters. Flowering from spring planting freesia bulbs can be expected in August - September.

It is very important to complete planting work in time for the plant to lay flower buds. It's okay if the temperature outside is cool. If, however, you linger with the planting of freesia and carry out work at +20 ° C and above, it will not bloom. The already formed inflorescence will dry out.

Outdoor freesia care

When grown outdoors, freesia must be watered and fed regularly.

The bulbs are planted in a flower bed well-lit by the sun.

Provide abundant regular watering.

The bulbs take a long time to germinate - about 3 weeks.

After germination, watering is somewhat limited.


Freesia does not like drought, but it also has a negative attitude towards waterlogging of the soil, although it likes high humidity. Watered at the root so that the earth is moderately moist.

It is better to water before lunch so that the greens dry out in the evening: if the plants remain wet for a long time, a fungal disease can develop.

Evening watering of freesia should be carried out at such a time that the leaves dry before nightfall. Otherwise, lowering the temperature and wet leaves can provoke damage to the flower by putrefactive bacteria.


Tall, sometimes up to one meter, plants require support. This is an indispensable attribute of freesia care. For this purpose, in greenhouses, a net is stretched horizontally at a height of 20 cm from the ground. The second grid is placed twenty centimeters higher than the first. If the variety is tall, then a third will be needed. Plants germinate through the mesh that supports them.

By mid-July, freesia bushes grow up to 40 cm and begin to form buds. Flowers bloom in August.

Top dressing

During the budding period, freesia is fed with a 0.2% solution of potassium or calcium nitrate.

Freesia bloom for a long time, opening one flower after another. In mid-October, you can still admire the flowers in the garden or cut them for bouquets.

After all the flowers have been cut, the plants are well watered and left dry for several weeks without watering before digging.

Cleaning and storage of bulbs

The first signal: the foliage is turning yellow.

The second sign: the main root of the plant is thinning. A test dig is made, and if the main root is still juicy, then they wait for it to dry into a thread.

The aboveground part of the plants, which has already begun to turn yellow, is cut off, the bulbs are dug up and brought into the house.

Harvesting freesia bulbs

There they are laid out on paper or newspaper and dried for several days, avoiding direct sunlight. Then they are cleaned of old scales and folded into cardboard box.

They need to be stored warm with high humidity, otherwise the bulbs will dry out. To comply with this condition, a container with water is placed next to the box. Temperatures between 29˚-31˚C are maintained for 12-16 weeks. 2 weeks before planting, the temperature is reduced to 12˚ 13˚, but you can put the corms in the refrigerator (there is a temperature of about 5˚) for no more than a week.

Why doesn't freesia bloom?

Usually the reason is improper care of freesia corms during storage. If you do not withstand the indicated temperatures, and even more so for a long time put the corms in the refrigerator, then they may not bloom. In this case, the corms "freeze" (that is, the stems do not grow back, and the plant seems to fall asleep), they may not germinate for several years, or they will bloom poorly, weakly.

So that freesia not only grows, but also blooms, on initial stage growing she needs a temperature within 15 °, and then it is desirable to gradually increase it to 20-30 °. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the optimal planting time for certain climatic conditions.

Violation temperature regime leads to stretching of plants. It is expressed in the fact that the distance between the first and second flower increases.

The angle at which the inflorescence departs from the peduncle should be straight or even obtuse, and when pulled, it bends and becomes sharp.

At the same time, the inflorescence looks uneven, untidy, and it has to be discarded.

Freesia care in the room. Distillation

You can carry out winter forcing by planting: corms in a box or a pot on a windowsill. A small (15 cm deep) pot will fit 5-7 medium-sized corms (7-8 cm will be occupied by the roots and 5 cm soil layer above the top of the corms). The planting time here depends on two factors: the temperature in the room and the date of the planned flowering.

The main thing is that during flowering it is not too hot in the room. During the emergence of shoots, it should be no higher than 10˚-12˚, although 6˚-7˚ is enough, and during flowering no more than 20˚.

The stems of freesias are very fragile, do not support themselves and fall and break without support.

When caring for freesia in a room, it is imperative to install a decorative slatted lattice or a wire frame for support in the pots.

Freesia in a pot with support

Corms that were used for forcing in a pot will either have to be thrown away, or grown in the soil in the warm season.

More suitable for the windowsill undersized varieties, for example, Anyuta, Tenderness, Purple. Here they reach a height of 20–25 cm.