The influence of chemical elements on the growth and development of plants. Start in science Support plant development after chemicals

City scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren “Science Day”

Research project on the topic:

"The influence of chemicals

on plant growth and development"

Work completed by: 9b grade student

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2"

Bashkireva Maria


biology teacher

Charaeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, chemistry teacher

Rusakova Elena Vitalievna



Chapter I. Theoretical part………………………………………………………6

1.1 History of the study……………………………………………………………6

1.2 Plants under polluted conditions environment……………6

1.3 The influence of various chemicals on living organisms...8

ChapterII. Experimental part…………..…………………………11

2.1.Description of the experiment…………………………………………...12

2.2. Research results…………………………………………………….. 13

2.3. Microscopic examination…………………………….. 14



Internet resources……………………………………………………..17


Justification for choosing the project topic and its relevance

The importance of green plants in nature is great; they improve the health of the air, enrich it with oxygen necessary for the breathing of all living beings, and purify carbon dioxide. In order for plants to grow and develop normally, favorable conditions are needed. external environment. The necessary conditions– heat, air, water, food, light. Due to environmental pollution, harmful compounds penetrate the soil and are absorbed from it by the roots, which negatively affects the condition and growth of flora. Let's consider the influence of some factors on plant growth under the influence of chemicals.

One of the most dangerous types of chemical pollution natural environment is contamination with heavy metals, which include iron, zinc, nickel, lead, copper and chromium. Many heavy metals, such as iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, are involved in biological processes and, in certain quantities, are trace elements necessary for the functioning of plants, animals and humans. On the other hand, heavy metals and their compounds can have a harmful effect on the human body and can accumulate in tissues, causing a number of diseases. Not having useful role in biological processes, metals such as lead and mercury are defined as toxic metals.

Among various pollutants, heavy metals (including mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc) and their compounds are distinguished by their prevalence, high toxicity, and many of them are also capable of accumulation in living organisms. They are widely used in various industrial production, therefore, despite cleaning measures, the content of heavy metal compounds in industrial wastewater quite high. They also enter the environment through household wastewater, smoke and dust. industrial enterprises. Many metals form stable organic compounds; the good solubility of these complexes facilitates the migration of heavy metals in natural waters.

All humic substances are formed as a result of postmortem (post-mortem) transformation of organic residues. The transformation of organic residues into humic substances is called the process of humification. It occurs outside living organisms, both with their participation and through purely chemical reactions of oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, condensation, etc.

Unlike a living cell, in which the synthesis of biopolymers is carried out in accordance with the genetic code, during the process of humification there is no set program, so any compounds can arise, both simpler and more complex than the original biomolecules. The resulting products are again subjected to synthesis or decomposition reactions, and this process occurs almost continuously.

Humic substances constitute a specific group of high-molecular dark-colored substances formed during the decomposition of organic residues in the soil by synthesizing dead plant and animal tissues from decay and decay products. The amount of carbon bound in humic acids of soils, peat, coals is almost four times greater than the amount of carbon bound in the organic matter of all plants and animals on the planet. globe. But humic substances are not just waste products of life processes, they are natural and important products of the joint evolution of mineral substances and flora Earth.

Humic substances can influence plants directly, being a source of mineral nutrition elements (pool of nutrients). Soil organic matter contains a significant amount of nutrients; the plant community consumes them after they are converted into mineral form by soil microorganisms. It is in mineral form that nutrients enter plant biomass.

Humic substances can influence plants indirectly, i.e. influence physical-mechanical, physical-chemical and biological properties soil. Having a complex effect on the soil, they improve its physical, chemical and biological properties. Along with this, they perform a protective function, binding heavy metals, radionuclides and organic toxicants, thereby preventing them from entering plants. Thus, influencing the soil, they indirectly influence plants, promoting their more active growth and development.

Recently, new directions for the influence of humic substances on plants have been developed, namely: Plants are heterotrophs that feed directly on humic substances; Humic substances can have a hormonal effect on the plant, thereby stimulating its growth and development.

1. Biosphere functions of humic substances affecting plant development

IN last years Scientists have identified the general biochemical and environmental functions of humic substances and their influence on plant development. Among the most important are the following:

Rechargeable- the ability of humic substances to accumulate long-term reserves of all nutrients, carbohydrates, amino acids in various environments;

Transport- formation of complex organomineral compounds with metals and trace elements that actively migrate into plants;

Regulatory- humic substances form the color of the soil and regulate mineral nutrition, cation exchange, buffering and redox processes in the soil;

Protective- by sorption of toxic substances and radionuclides, humic substances prevent their entry into plants.

The combination of all these functions provides increased yields and required quality agricultural products. It is especially important to emphasize positive effect from the action of humic substances under unfavorable environmental conditions: low and high temperatures, lack of moisture, salinity, accumulation of pesticides and the presence of radionuclides.

The role of humic substances as physiologically active substances is undeniable. They change the permeability of cell membranes, increase the activity of enzymes, stimulate the processes of respiration, synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates. They increase the chlorophyll content and the productivity of photosynthesis, which in turn creates the prerequisites for obtaining environmentally friendly products.

When using land agriculturally, a constant replenishment of humus in the soil is necessary to maintain the required concentration of humic substances.

Until now, this replenishment has been carried out mainly through the application of composts, manure and peat. However, since the content of actual humic substances in them is relatively small, the rates of their application are very high. This increases transport and other production costs, which are many times higher than the cost of the fertilizers themselves. In addition, they contain weed seeds, as well as pathogenic bacteria.

To obtain high and sustainable yields, it is not enough to rely on the biological capabilities of agricultural crops, which, as is known, are used only by 10-20%. Of course, it is necessary to use high-yielding varieties, effective techniques agro- and phytotechnics, fertilizers, but it is no longer possible to do without plant growth regulators, which by the end of the twentieth century play no less important role than pesticides and fertilizers.

2. The influence of soil humus content on the yield of agricultural plants

Highly humus soils have a higher content of physiologically active substances. Humus activates biochemical and physiological processes, increases metabolism and the overall energy level of processes in the plant body, promotes an increased supply of nutrients to it, which is accompanied by an increase in yield and improvement in its quality.

Experimental material has accumulated in the literature showing the close dependence of yield on the level of humus content in soils. The correlation coefficient between the humus content in the soil and the yield is 0.7...0.8 (data from VNIPTIOU, 1989). Thus, in studies of the Belarusian Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry (BelNIIPA), an increase in the amount of humus in soddy-podzolic soils by 1% (within its variation from 1.5 to 2.5...3%) increases the grain yield of winter rye and barley by 10... 15 c/ha. On collective farms and state farms of the Vladimir region, with a humus content in the soil of up to 1%, the grain yield in the period 1976-1980. did not exceed 10 c/ha, at 1.6...2% it was 15 c/ha, 3.5...4% - 35 c/ha. In the Kirov region, an increase in humus by 1% pays off by receiving an additional 3...6 quintals of grain, in the Voronezh region - 2 quintals, in Krasnodar region- 3...4 c/ha.

The role of humus in increasing the yield of skillful use of chemical fertilizers is even more significant; its effectiveness increases by 1.5...2 times. However, it must be remembered that chemical fertilizers applied to the soil cause increased decomposition of humus, which leads to a decrease in its content.

The practice of modern agricultural production shows that increasing the humus content in soils is one of the main indicators of their cultivation. At a low level of humus reserves, the addition of only mineral fertilizers does not lead to a stable increase in soil fertility. Moreover, the use of high doses of mineral fertilizers on soils poor in organic matter is often accompanied by an unfavorable effect on soil micro- and macroflora, the accumulation of nitrates and other harmful compounds in plants, and in many cases a decrease in crop yields.

3. Effect of humic substances on plants

Humic acids are a product of the natural biochemical transformation of organic matter in the biosphere. They are the main part of soil organic matter - humus, playing a key role in the cycle of substances in nature and maintaining soil fertility.

Humic acids have a branched molecular structure, including a large number of functional groups and active centers. The formation of these natural compounds occurs under the influence of physicochemical processes occurring in the soil and the activity of soil organisms. Sources for the synthesis of humic acids are plant and animal residues, as well as waste products of soil microflora.

Thus, humic acids are accumulators of soil organic matter - amino acids, carbohydrates, pigments, biologically active substances and lignin. In addition, valuable inorganic soil components are concentrated in humic acids - elements of mineral nutrition (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), as well as microelements (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, molybdenum, etc.).

Under the influence of natural processes occurring in the soil, all of the above components are included in a single molecular complex - humic acids. The variety of initial components for the synthesis of this complex determines the complex molecular structure and, as a consequence, a wide range of physical, chemical and biological effects of humic acids on soil and plants.

Humic acids, like component humus are found in almost all types of soil. They are part of solid fossil fuels (hard and soft brown coals), as well as peat and sapropel. However, in natural state these compounds are inactive and are almost completely in insoluble form. Only salts formed by humic acids with alkali metals- sodium, potassium (humates).

3.1 The influence of humates on soil properties

The influence of humates on physical properties soils

The mechanism of this effect varies depending on the type of soil.

On heavy clay soils Humates promote mutual repulsion of clay particles by removing excess salts and destroying the compact three-dimensional structure of clay. As a result, the soil becomes looser, excess moisture evaporates more easily, and air flow improves, making breathing and root movement easier.

When applied to light soils, humates envelop and glue together the mineral particles of the soil, helping to create a very valuable water-resistant lumpy-grained structure that improves the permeability and water-holding capacity of the soil, and its air permeability. These features are due to the ability of humic acids to gel.

Moisture retention. The retention of water by humates occurs due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and charged groups of humates, as well as metal ions adsorbed on them. As a result, water evaporation is reduced by an average of 30%, which leads to increased moisture absorption by plants on arid and sandy soils.

Formation of dark color. Humates color the soil dark color. This is especially important in cold and temperate climates as the dark color improves absorption and accumulation by soils solar energy. As a result, the soil temperature rises.

The influence of humates on Chemical properties soils and soil moisture properties.

By their nature, humic acids are polyelectrolytes. In combination with organic and mineral soil particles, they form a soil absorption complex. Possessing a large number of different functional groups, humic acids are able to adsorb and retain nutrients, macro- and microelements entering the soil. Nutrients retained by humic acids are not bound by soil minerals and are not washed away by water, being in a state accessible to plants.

Increasing the buffer capacity of the soil. The addition of humates increases buffer capacity soils, that is, the ability of the soil to maintain a natural pH level even with an excess supply of acidic or alkaline agents. Thus, when applied, humates are able to remove excess soil acidity, which over time makes it possible to sow crops that are sensitive to high acidity in these fields.

The influence of humates on transport nutrients and microelements into plants.

Unlike free humic acids, humates are water-soluble mobile compounds. By adsorbing nutrients and microelements, they contribute to their movement from the soil to plants.
When humates are applied, there is a clear tendency to increase the content of available phosphorus (1.5-2 times), exchangeable potassium and assimilable nitrogen (2-2.5 times) in the arable soil layer.

All microelements, being transition metals (except boron and iodine), form mobile chelate complexes with humates that easily penetrate into plants, which ensures their absorption, and iron and manganese, according to scientists, are absorbed exclusively in the form of humates of these metals.

Proposed mechanism this process comes down to the fact that humates, under certain conditions, are capable of absorbing metal ions, releasing them when conditions change. The addition of positively charged metal ions occurs due to the negatively charged functional groups of humic acids (carboxylic, hydroxyl, etc.).

During the process of plant roots absorbing water, soluble metal humates come close to the root cells. The negative charge of the root system exceeds the negative charge of humates, which leads to the detachment of metal ions from humic acid molecules and the absorption of ions by the cell membrane.

Many researchers believe that small molecules of humic acids, along with metal ions and other nutrients attached to them, can be absorbed and assimilated directly by the plant.
Thanks to the described mechanisms, soil nutrition of plants improves, which contributes to their more efficient growth and development.

The influence of humates on the biological properties of soils.

Humic acids are sources of available phosphates and carbon for microorganisms. Molecules of humic acids are capable of forming large aggregates on which colonies of microorganisms actively develop. Thus, humates significantly intensify the activity different groups microorganisms with which the mobilization of soil nutrients and the transformation of potential fertility into effective fertility are closely related.
Due to the increase in the number of silicate bacteria, the exchangeable potassium absorbed by plants is constantly replenished.

Humates increase the number of microorganisms in the soil that decompose sparingly soluble mineral and organic phosphorus compounds.

Humates improve the supply of soil with digestible nitrogen reserves: the number of ammonifying bacteria increases three to five times; in some cases, a tenfold increase in ammonifying bacteria was recorded; the number of nitrifying bacteria increases 3-7 times. By improving the living conditions of free-living bacteria, their ability to fix molecular nitrogen from the atmosphere increases almost 10 times.

As a result, the soil is enriched with available nutrients. When organic matter decomposes, a large amount of organic acids and carbon dioxide is formed. Under their influence, hard-to-reach mineral compounds of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and magnesium are transformed into forms accessible to the plant.

Protective properties of humates

The complex effect of humates on soil provides their protective properties.
Irreversible binding of heavy metals and radionuclides. This property of humates is especially important under conditions of increased anthropogenic load on soils. Compounds of lead, mercury, arsenic, nickel and cadmium, released during the combustion of coal, the operation of metallurgical enterprises and power plants, enter the soil from the atmosphere in the form of dust and ash, as well as with vehicle exhaust gases. At the same time, the level of radiation pollution has increased significantly in many regions.
When introduced into the soil, humates irreversibly bind heavy metals and radionuclides. As a result, insoluble, sedentary complexes are formed, which are removed from the cycle of substances in the soil. Thus, humates prevent these compounds from entering plants and, consequently, agricultural products.

Along with this, the activation of microflora by humates leads to additional enrichment of the soil with humic acids. As a result, due to the mechanism described above, the soil becomes more resistant to technogenic pollution.
Acceleration of decomposition of organic ecotoxicants. By activating activities soil microorganisms Humates contribute to the accelerated decomposition of toxic organic compounds formed during fuel combustion, as well as toxic chemicals.
The multicomponent composition of humic acids allows them to effectively sorb hard-to-reach organic compounds, reducing their toxicity to plants and humans.

3.2 Effect of humates on the general development of plants, seeds and root system

Intensification of physicochemical and biochemical processes. Humates increase the activity of all plant cells. As a result, the energy of the cell increases and improves physicochemical characteristics protoplasm, metabolism, photosynthesis and respiration of plants are intensified.

As a result, cell division accelerates, which means the overall growth of the plant improves. Improving plant nutrition. As a result of the use of humates, it is actively developing root system, root nutrition of plants is enhanced, as well as moisture absorption. The intensification of root nutrition is facilitated by the complex effect of humates on the soil. An increase in plant biomass and activation of metabolism leads to increased photosynthesis and the accumulation of carbohydrates by plants.

Increasing plant resistance. Humates are nonspecific activators immune system. As a result of treatment with humates, plant resistance to various diseases significantly increases. Soaking seeds in humate solutions is extremely effective in order to prevent seed infections and especially root rot. Along with this, when treated with humates, the resistance of plants to unfavorable environmental factors increases - extreme temperatures, waterlogging, strong winds.

The effect of humates on seeds

Thanks to treatment with preparations based on humic substances, the resistance of seeds to diseases and traumatic damage increases, and surface infections are relieved.

When treated, seeds increase germination capacity, germination energy, and stimulate the growth and development of seedlings.
Thus, the treatment increases seed germination and prevents the development of fungal diseases, especially root infections.

The effect of humates on the root system

The permeability of the root cell membrane increases. As a result, the penetration of nutrients and microelements from the soil solution into the plant improves. As a result, nutrients are supplied mainly in the form of complexes with humates.

The development of the root system improves, the anchoring of plants in the soil increases, that is, the plants become more resistant to strong winds, washout as a result of heavy rainfall and erosion processes.
It is especially effective on crops with underdeveloped root systems: spring wheat, barley, oats, rice, buckwheat.

The development of the root system intensifies the plant's absorption of moisture and oxygen, as well as soil nutrition.
As a result, the synthesis of amino acids, sugars, vitamins and organic acids is enhanced in the root system. The metabolism between roots and soil increases. Organic acids secreted by the roots (carbonic, malic, etc.) actively affect the soil, increasing the availability of nutrients and microelements.

4. Conclusion

Humic substances undoubtedly influence the growth and development of plants. organic matter soil serves as a source of nutrients for plants. Microorganisms, decomposing humic substances, supply plants with nutrients in mineral form.

Humic substances have a significant impact on the complex properties of the soil, thereby indirectly affecting the development of plants.

Humic substances, improving the physicochemical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, stimulate more intensive growth and development of plants.

Also of great importance, at present, due to the intensive strengthening anthropogenic influence on the environment in general, and on the soil in particular, the protective function of humic substances acquires. Humic substances bind toxicants and radionuclides, and as a result contribute to the production of environmentally friendly products.

Humic substances certainly have a beneficial effect on both soil and plants.

List of used literature.

  1. Alexandrova L.N. Soil organic matter and processes of its transformation. L., Nauka, 1980,
  2. Orlov D.S. Humic acids of soils and general theory humification. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1990.
  3. Ponomareva V.V., Plotnikova T.A. Humus and soil formation. L., Nauka, 1980,
  4. Tyurin I.V. Soil organic matter and its role in soil formation and fertility. The doctrine of soil humus. Selkhozgiz, 1967.
  5. Tate R., III. Soil organic matter. M.: Mir, 1991..
  6. Khristeva L.A.. Stimulating effect of humic acid on growth higher plants and the nature of this phenomenon. 1957.
  7. Humic substances in the biosphere. Ed. D.S. Orlova. M.: Nauka, 1993.

The goal is to study the effect of chemicals on plant growth. Objectives: study of existing literature on this issue; study of existing literature on this issue; studying the effect of certain chemicals on plants (using the example of onions). studying the effect of certain chemicals on plants (using the example of onions).

Experimental procedure

To study the influence of chemicals, 4 samples were made: 1 – nickel sulfate 1 – nickel sulfate 2 – iron sulfate 2 – iron sulfate 3 – control sample (without adding chemicals) 3 – control sample (without adding chemicals) 4 – potassium permanganate 4 – potassium permanganate

Conclusions Excess iron sulfate stains cells dark and slows down the growth of the root system. Excess iron sulfate stains cells dark and slows down the growth of the root system. Potassium permanganate has a similar effect. Potassium permanganate has a similar effect. Excess nickel sulfate destroys plant cells and stops its growth. Excess nickel sulfate destroys plant cells and stops its growth.
References 1. Bezel V.S., Zhuikova T.V. Chemical pollution of the environment: removal chemical elements aboveground phytomass of herbaceous vegetation // Ecology. – – 4. – S Dobrolyubsky O.K. Microelements and life. – M., Ilkun G.M. Air pollutants and plants. – Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, – 248 p. 4. Kulagin Yu.Z. Woody plants and the industrial environment. – M.: Nauka, – 126 p. 5. Solyarnikova Z.N. Tree and shrub plants in tire production conditions // Introduction and experimental ecology of plants: Coll. articles. – Dnepropetrovsk: Science, – S Shkolnik M.Ya., Makarova N.A. Microelements in agriculture. – M., 1957.

GOU Gymnasium 1505

"Moscow City Pedagogical Gymnasium-Laboratory"

“The influence of various substances on the growth and development of plants”


Moscow, 2011


Theoretical part

1.1 Factors of plant growth and development…………………………………………………………….5

1.2 Effect of heavy metals on plant growth and development…………………………6

2. Experimental part

2.1. Research results. Dry residue analysis…………………………….14

3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….19



The relevance of research. Large-sized foci of intense environmental pollution megacities are heavy metals: Moscow is one of them. In such a densely populated city, it is necessary to take into account the impact of heavy metal salts on human health both in homes and in working and educational places. The relevance of my research follows from the fact that homes and workplaces are almost always poorly ventilated, and sources of heavy metals are usually ignored. Plants found in every home or apartment are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of heavy metal salts. Plants accumulate easily various substances and are not capable of active movement. Consequently, their condition can be used to judge the environmental situation. And since plants are bioindicators, that is, many changes have specific manifestations, they are ideal for research work. Thus, in this work it is necessary to find out exactly how heavy metal salts affect the growth and development of plants.

Purpose research is the accumulation and processing of data on the effect of heavy metal salts on the growth and development of plants, as well as comparison of information from the literature used with the results scientific experiment, which I am going to conduct and then describe in my work. Before starting experimental activities, I raised several important questions: tasks:

Plant development table

1 Plants of groups 3 and 4 were watered with solutions exceeding the MPC (Maximum Permissible Concentration)

CuSO4 - 0.05g/10l - exceeded 10 times

Pb(NO,02mg/10l - exceeded 200 times

Group of plants

Date of observation

Observation (plant growth)


1pcs broken 2.9cm-5.7cm

2pcs broken 3.4cm-6.3cm

1 piece broke and stopped absorbing water. Plant size: 3.8cm-6.8cm

1 piece broke, a real leaf began to grow, the stems of the plant grew strongly, I stopped watering the plants 3.9cm-6.8cm a real leaf began to emerge

4.1cm-7.2cm, watering has not started, the plants still do not absorb water.

4.3cm –7.5cm

4.5cm–7.7cm last day of observations, due to the death of most plants

The smallest of all plant groups. Plant size: 1.5cm–2.5cm

1pcs broken 2.5cm-4.9cm

1 piece died, the plants became frail and looked worse than other groups of plants. Plant size: 3.6cm-6.2cm

2 pieces broke and stopped watering because they stopped absorbing water. Plant size 3.8cm-6.7cm

4.1cm-7cm, real leaf appeared

They have practically not changed in growth, the real leaf has become even larger, I have not started watering, since they still do not absorb water

4.2cm-7.3cm, the largest number of surviving plants

4.6cm-7.4cm, last day of observations, due to the death of most plants

III group

1 piece died 1.5cm-3.2cm

1pcs broken 2.7cm-6cm

the plants look frail, 1 has wilted, and become dark green in color, much darker than other groups of plants. Plant size: 3.2cm-6.7cm

1 piece withered, 5 pieces fell, 1 piece broke, they began to absorb water poorly. Plant size: 3.3cm-6.9cm

A new true leaf began to emerge, the plants completely stopped absorbing water, and therefore stopped watering; 7 of them were growing, the rest fell and broke. Plant size 3.4cm-7.3cm

Almost all plants have fallen; they look limp and lifeless compared to other groups of plants. 2 pieces have fallen

3.7cm-7.8cm are only worth 5pcs, all the rest have fallen, look lifeless

3.8cm-8cm last day of observations, due to the death of most plants

IV group

1.6cm-2.3cm 1pc wilted

Several plants have fallen, leaves 2.7cm-5.8cm begin to curl

1 piece fell and broke, all the plants leaned to one side, the leaves curled even more. Plant size: 3.1cm–6.2cm

2 pieces fell and broke, a real leaf began to grow, I stopped watering because the plants stopped absorbing water. Plant size: 3.4cm–6.7cm,

2 pieces have fallen, the real leaf is clearly visible, some plants look quite frail. Plant size 3.6cm–7cm

1 piece is broken, almost all plants look frail and lifeless, have practically not changed in growth, the largest true leaf of all groups of plants

They look sick, 1 piece has wilted. Plant size: 4.5-7.9

4.6cm-8cm last day of observations, due to the death of most plants

From the data given in the table, it follows that, compared with the control group, plants watered with a solution of lead nitrate grew more intensively, the growth of watercress watered with melt water and a solution of copper sulfate was slowed down.

Plant condition various groups was different: after 6 days of observation, plants of groups 2 and 3 began to break, leaves of plants of group 4 began to curl. In plants watered with melt water, growth retardation was observed earlier than others (after 8 days); watercress with lead outpaced the growth of plants in the control group.

2.2. Analysis of dry residue for lead and copper ions.

After completing the study of the growth rate of watercress, I analyzed the dry residue for the presence of lead and copper ions in each sample. For this purpose, the plants were dried, each group of plants was burned separately, and analyzed for the presence of ions. The following are examples of qualitative reactions to lead ions and copper ions:

1. Qualitative reaction to lead ions: lead ions in solution are determined using iodide ion I -

A solution of potassium iodide was taken as a source of iodide ions.

2. Qualitative reaction to copper ions: copper ions in solution are determined with the power of sulfide ions S2-

A sodium sulfide solution was taken as a source of sulfide ions.

Analysis results:

In the control group of plants, none of the studied ions was detected. In the group of plants watered with melted snow, lead ions and copper ions were detected in very small quantities. Only traces of copper were found in the dry residue of plants watered with a solution containing copper. In the group of plants watered with a solution of lead nitrate, lead ions were detected only the next day.

As a result of the work carried out, I came to the following conclusions:

1. Lead stimulates the growth of watercress, while causing leaves to curl and premature death of plants.

2. Copper accumulates in plants and causes a slight slowdown in the growth of watercress and brittleness of the stems.

3. Analysis of plants watered with melt water showed that in the snow collected along the road on the street. Playing water contains both lead ions and copper ions, which have a detrimental effect on the growth and development of plants.

3. Conclusion

The study of literary sources and experimental research made it possible to compare the data obtained.

3.1. Literary information

Information from the literature indicates that with an excess of lead, there is a decrease in yield, suppression of photosynthesis processes, the appearance of dark green leaves, curling of old leaves and leaf fall. IN overall influence Excess lead on plant growth and development has not been studied enough.

Copper causes toxic poisoning and premature death of plants.

3.2 Experimental data

Our research on growing watercress plants under conditions of various heavy metal ions (lead and copper), as well as the influence of melted snow on the growth and development of lettuce, showed that lead causes increased plant growth when leaves curl; copper slows down the growth rate and increases the fragility of the stems. Melted snow causes early growth retardation and increased fragility of plants.

3.3 Conclusions

Comparing data from literature sources and obtained experimental data, we came to the conclusion that literary sources confirmed by research. However, there are some peculiarities: we did not conduct a study of the effect of lead on plant productivity; an interesting fact is that lead in the group of plants watered with a solution of lead nitrate was determined only the next day. Additional study of literature data showed that lead accumulates primarily in plant roots. To analyze the dry residue for lead and copper ions, we took only aboveground part escape. Increasing the concentration of copper ions in the solution by 200 times the MPC did not give the expected results - instead of the expected rapid death of the watercress, growth retardation was observed. The presence of lead and copper ions in melted snow did not cause a net effect (increased plant growth and stem fragility), but slowed down the rate of plant growth and development with increased fragility.

Applications" width="468" height="351 src=">

Development of watercress plants" width="456" height="342 src=">

Fragility of stems in individual groups of watercress


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