Smooth lawn with your own hands. How to make a lawn: types, preparation, planting, care. Preliminary work before laying the lawn

Hello, dear readers of our blog, who want to give their site an impeccable look!

Growing the perfect green cover yourself is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. This article is for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to sacrifice a fair amount of their time for the sake of beautiful lawn in front of the house.

Landscaping should begin at final stage arrangement of the territory - upon completion of all construction work, wiring of communications, and installation of basic decorative elements.

Think over the site plan in advance and determine the places where the emerald carpet will be located. The most suitable options Lawns for a private home are meadow or park. They are resistant to trampling and other mechanical influences, have a decent appearance and do not require painstaking care.

In such clearings you can plant flower beds, place sun loungers, and it’s not even scary to play ball or badminton. To create them, perennial cereal plants are usually used:

  • meadow bluegrass,
  • ryegrass,
  • bentgrass,
  • fescue,
  • comb

It is easier to achieve a uniform cover if you use one type of seed rather than a grass mixture. At the same time, there is a higher probability of avoiding fragments different shade and textures.

In the case of a meadow lawn, one type of grass is taken as the basis, which should make up at least 80% of the seed, and then the rest are added to it in small quantities.

If you want the turf to be hardy, durable and to withstand various natural phenomena, the onslaught of weeds, pest attacks and diseases, in this case you need to combine several types of grasses.

When choosing seeds, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Climate . Consider the ability of plants to tolerate certain weather conditions characteristic of your region. For example, harsh winters are not scary for meadow bluegrass, various types fescue, bentgrass. The same cannot be said about ryegrass, which, in addition, does not tolerate drought.
  • Degree of shading of the area . For sunny areas, meadow bluegrass, thin bentgrass, clover and perennial ryegrass are suitable. In dimly lit places it is better to plant fescue.
  • Soil moisture level . Poa, clover, red fescue and thin bentgrass are unpretentious in this regard. Moisture-loving plants include sheep fescue and bentgrass. While perennial ryegrass does not survive on damp soils.
  • Manufacturer. Give preference only to trusted, well-established companies. These include Danish and Dutch brands, but domestic brands, unfortunately, rarely delight with their quality.
  • Price. A good product, accordingly, is not cheap. Therefore, trying to save money on grass seeds can subsequently lead to even more significant expenses.
  • Best before date. Often this nuance is simply forgotten, but if the material turns out to be expired, all further actions to create a lawn will be pointless.

Preferably in specialized stores with a good reputation and high ratings.

Preliminary work before laying the lawn

This is the most important and troublesome stage in the formation of a lawn. After all, the more thoroughly you prepare the ground, the better quality your future lawn will be.

Start events better in spring so that the grass stand takes root and gets stronger in the summer:

  • In an overgrown area, you will need to remove all foreign objects (garbage, stones, branches, etc.), uproot roots and stumps.
  • After this, completely remove the weeds. For more effective results, it is better to use herbicides continuous action containing glyphosate (Hurricane, Roundup, Argument, Napalm) since select all roots mechanically impossible, and you can’t leave even small particles - they will definitely germinate again.

Till the soil chemicals should be at temperatures above 25 ºC in dry weather without wind and only growing plants.

  • Then you need to pour a generous layer of fertile soil and plow it together or properly dig the soil to a depth of at least 30 cm, breaking up large clods.
  • If there is excessive moisture at the lowest level, make drainage from crushed stone or gravel. Clay soil dilute with sand, and sandy with compost. It is also important that acidity is within normal limits: for lawn grass 5 – 6 pH. If the indicator is high, it can be adjusted by adding acidic peat, and if it is low, add limestone, dolomite or calcite.

  • Then, using a cultivator and a rake, begin loosening and leveling the area. You should end up with a completely smooth area. You can use a wide board, dragging it edgewise along the surface, or a special roller. This will fill in all the depressions and smooth out the bumps.

  • A few days before planting, thoroughly wet the soil. If puddles appear in some places, add soil there, otherwise later bald spots will form in these areas or moss will grow.
  • Now enter mineral fertilizers to strengthen the root system and stimulate growth - it is best to use a nitrogen mixture (nitroammophoska) or launch complex, which, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, includes iron, zinc and other trace elements.
  • Immediately before sowing the seeds, the soil must be compacted to prevent subsidence (for this it must be completely dry), and then lightly walk over it with a rake.

How to sow lawn seeds correctly?

There are several ways to plant soil:

  • regular seed planting,
  • laying rolled lawn,
  • hydroseeding

For the lazy, the third option, the so-called liquid lawn, is more suitable. He doesn't need so much careful preparation plot. And spraying seeds with a special solution containing everything necessary for maximum germination, mulch, fertilizers, herbicides, requires less effort.

You can quickly get a green carpet using ready-made rolls. True, in order to lay them correctly, you need to know the technology.

These methods have their advantages and disadvantages. We will look at the first one in detail. traditional way, especially popular among gardeners. I like him more than the others.

The most important thing is to ensure even distribution of seeds over the surface of the site. If you do choose a mixture of herbs, then first mix it thoroughly with your hands. Don't skimp on material. Focus on the upper consumption rate indicated on the packaging. This way you will quickly achieve a thicker cover.

You can sow lawn grass only in dry, windless weather. For planting, it is better to use a mechanical seeder, but in the absence of one, you can do it manually.

It is best to use the cross-sowing technique, that is, first plant the seeds along the plot, and then across it, to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm.

After planting, go over the surface with a rake again, roll it again with a roller and water the area generously through a fine sprinkler. The lawn should be irrigated in this way for the first few weeks, until the bulk of the sprouts appear. Apply mulch to protect seedlings from wind, wash-off, and birds.

When the grass reaches a level of 8 - 10 centimeters, mowing can begin. First, make a light cut, removing only the very top, and after the turf has completely taken root, you can begin more thorough mowing.

We offer you help detailed video about how to properly sow lawn grass on your property. Perhaps, looking at the whole process from the outside, you will come to the conclusion that doing it yourself is not so difficult.

How much does it cost to make a lawn?

The price mainly depends on desired quality, because based on this, materials are selected and carried out preparatory work. The specifics of the relief and soil properties play an important role in determining the cost.

A regular seeded lawn is the most economical, especially if you do it yourself. In this case, you will only have to spend money on plant seeds, fertilizers and herbicides.

On average, one hundred square meters of grass cover will cost 20,000 rubles. For comparison, a hydroseeded lawn will be approximately 1.5 times more expensive, and a rolled lawn – 2 times more expensive.

It is worth noting that with any option you can get excellent results. A reasonable question arises: why pay more?

Typical mistakes when landscaping a site

Why is it that not everyone succeeds in growing a beautiful lawn? Let's look at the main reasons:

  • Incorrect selection of seeds. Often the significance of this issue is neglected and lawn grass is bought, like from a neighbor or from an advertisement, without going into the specifics of the topography, soil, location of the lawn, and climatic conditions. The grass mixture may have excellent characteristics, but simply not suitable for your area.
  • Haste in preparing the site, especially when leveling it. It is important to carry out all actions in required sequence. After leveling the area under the lawn for the first time, be sure to let the soil stand, and then repeat the procedure to identify and eliminate possible unevenness after the soil settles.
  • Lack of drainage system. Excess moisture is just as detrimental to the lawn, as is its lack. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the composition of the soil. If clay or black soil predominates in it, it is necessary to ensure unhindered outflow of water. Otherwise, you will have to constantly fight against mold, moss and bald spots.
  • Uneven grass seeding. At this stage, too, you can’t rush. It’s better to spend a few extra hours when planting than to spend the entire summer here and there filling empty spaces.


By following our advice, you can avoid such mistakes and achieve the best result.

Now you know all the stages of creating the treasured green lawn in the yard of your home. But in order to preserve its beauty for a long time, you need to know how to properly care for your lawn. On our blog you will find comprehensive information on this issue.

Stay with us and improve your gardening skills. Write in the comments what difficulties you encountered when laying a lawn and how you overcame them. And we wish you easy planting and soft, juicy grass!

Let's define what a “lawn” is? A lawn is an area in which a dense cover of plants grows. herbaceous plants subject to periodic mowing. Perennial cereal grasses are often used: ryegrass, bluegrass, fescue.

There are different types of lawns big variety, but how to create a lawn with your own hands in a simple way and with light further care? This is an ordinary garden lawn with a mowing height of 20-40 mm. Other types, such as ground floor, Moorish, for golf courses, for football fields, require large material and physical costs. For people who want to enjoy their lawn, it's best to stick to the principle of low maintenance.

We will not consider how to plant a lawn with your own hands using ready-made rolls. Despite the speed of laying finished turf, it has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • high cost of rolls of turf;
  • high physical costs for soil preparation and laying;
  • soil in rolls may not be suitable for a given site;
  • additional difficulties during daily work, since the rolls contain a polymer mesh, which interferes with some important operations.

If you choose how to make a lawn, it is better to sow seeds. With the right actions, you can get dense turf in two months, significantly saving money and facilitating further operation.

What do you need to know before making your own lawn?

In first place, oddly enough, is watering. Why him? Having guaranteed irrigation on the site, regardless of any other factors, you can get any type of lawn. Water helps plants grow and receive through roots nutrients. A growing plant can be mowed, thereby always obtaining a living lawn of the desired height.

Many people think that they are ready to manually water their plot with a hose every day, and this is exactly what water regime requires a lawn. But sometimes a situation arises when you need to go somewhere to relax, or there are simply very busy days when you don’t have time. Missed one or two waterings, especially in hot weather summer period, can have such a negative impact on your lawn that it may take several months to recover. Therefore, it is advisable to have automatic watering.

Fortunately, there are now enough opportunities to do it yourself. For small area up to two hundred parts will be required:

Such automatic system is especially important when obtaining seed germination in the first 2 weeks after sowing. Watering is carried out during this period 3 times a day with a norm of 100 liters per hundred square meters (100 sq. m.). Then, depending on the air temperature, water 1 or 2 times a day, for example, in the morning and evening, with a norm of 50-100 liters per hundred square meters.

Seed selection. How to properly make a lawn with a uniform color? Uniform lawn grass is only possible if only one type of cereal grass is used. There is a risk of staining when using the mixture. different color and structures. Therefore, seeds containing 100% bluegrass are suitable for garden lawns; it is possible to use a mixture different varieties bluegrass For hot climates, it is better to use 100% tall fescue, although it has a tougher leaf, its vitality is much higher than bluegrass. Ryegrass is not recommended as it has a wide leaf and will not tolerate low cutting below 20mm. It is also undesirable to sow stolon-shaped bentgrass. It grows aggressively and requires frequent combing operations; when in the mixture, it displaces other grasses, forming unsightly spots, and is difficult to mow, since the recommended height is 10 mm or lower.

What you don’t need to save on is the cost of seeds. Good seeds with high germination and the necessary varietal characteristics they have a decent price. The manufacturer of lawn grass seeds is also important. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find seeds from domestic producers that have good varietal characteristics, but not all imported ones may be suitable for the site. The Danish company DLF trifolium and the Dutch Barenbrug have proven themselves well.

Buy seeds with a 20% reserve in case of possible reseeding. Quite often the seeds that were sold this season are not easy to find next season.

Do-it-yourself lawn installation. Main stages

The optimal periods for creating a lawn are spring when the soil warms up above +10 degrees and autumn when the daytime air temperature is below +25 degrees. However, with guaranteed watering, you can get seedlings even in the middle of summer.

Stage 1 Soil preparation

Before the main work, the area must be cleared of unnecessary bushes and trees, old stumps, and debris and stones with a diameter of over 10 mm should be removed from the soil, if any.

Apply starter fertilizers. It can be complex species, for example, Azofoska. The application rate is 30-40 g per square meter. The area is loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm, preferably with a gasoline cultivator, which will make the soil homogeneous and loose. After this, the area is leveled with a rake and rolled with a roller.

The main question during this period is: how to make an even lawn? Regardless of whether there was already compacted soil on the site or new soil was brought in, after loosening and rolling it, it must be watered abundantly until puddles form. This will allow the soil to settle and compact evenly. Then wait until the soil dries until a crust forms. If depressions and unevenness have formed in the area, they are smoothed out again with a rake, moving first in one, then in the transverse direction.

Stage 2 Sowing

Sowing seeds can be done either with a seeder or manually; in the latter case, the result can be even better. The sowing rate for bluegrass or tall fescue seeds is 20-25 g per square meter. Planting a lawn with your own hands is done as evenly as possible; to do this, first move in one, then transverse and even diagonal directions. After sowing, it is necessary to plant the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm. This is done carefully with a rake, without moving the soil too much, otherwise bare areas without seedlings may form. Even if a small part of the seeds remains on the surface, they are left and rolled with a roller in two or more directions.

Then the irrigation is installed and set to periodic watering, described earlier.

Stage 3 Mowing

Thin, hairy shoots appear 7-10 days after sowing. When 3-4 true leaves appear, watering is reduced, the soil is brought to a state of drying of the upper crust, at different air temperatures this can take several days, then water again and set the frequency 1-2 times a day until puddles form.

For mowing, it is best to use a wheeled mower with a rotary metal blade. On a plot of up to 2 acres, an electric mower with a cutting width of about 35 cm with a hopper for collecting grass is recommended.

The first mowing is very important point to get a lawn with your own hands. After 3-4 weeks, when the seedlings reach a height of 40-50 mm, the first mowing is carried out only on dried soil. The first time, the amount of grass collected will be very small, but mowing is very important to encourage the grass to grow sideways.

The frequency of further mowing is every three days. You can mow painlessly for grass no more than half of its constant height, i.e. if the usual height is 40 mm, then mowing is carried out at a height of 60 mm.

Stage 4 Fertilizers

To ensure the specified mowing frequency, it is necessary to fertilize the lawn grass regularly. nitrogen fertilizers. In the first two months, it is better to use ammonium nitrate in a dose of 10 g per square meter for fertilizing; in the future, it is recommended to use urea in the same dose. Uniform application of fertilizers should be ensured by a special disc spreader; it is not recommended to do this manually. If grass growth is very intense, more than 30 mm in 3 days, then the amount of fertilizer is reduced or eliminated altogether.

Stage 5 Weeds

Rhizomes can be found in any area perennial weeds, A weed seeds in the soil remain viable for up to 40 years. When lawn grass sprouts, weeds also appear.

If time permits, a month before sowing, treat the area with a continuous action herbicide, for example Hurricane, on the green mass to reduce the number of perennial weeds.

It is not advisable to pull out emerging weeds by hand, as the lawn grass seedlings are damaged. After the first mowing, continuous treatment is carried out with selective herbicides, for example, Lontrel. This will not harm the lawn grass, but the weeds will die.

If all the steps are done correctly, then after 5-6 mowings you get a smooth young lawn, which easily later turns into a beautiful, well-turfed carpet. We hope we have covered the topic: how to make a lawn with your own hands.

“I came across an advertisement offering liquid lawn. It seems like I sprayed it and voila,” the owners of suburban areas are interested in the unusual technology, and most importantly, the possibility of it self-use. This article tells:

  • What is lawn hydroseeding?
  • Do-it-yourself grass hydroseeding technology
  • Liquid lawn: when is its use justified?
  • Pros and cons of hydroseeding a lawn
  • ​How to make a composition for hydroseeding a lawn with your own hands

Hydroseeding of the lawn

From the outside, hydroseeding a lawn even looks somewhat absurd, as if people were painting the grass for the arrival of some important official. In fact, during hydroseeding, it is not paint that is sprayed, but a special mixture with the addition of dye. Once sprayed, it becomes an almost ideal medium for lawn grass seed to germinate. This mixture includes:

  • Lawn grass seeds;
  • Harmless dye;
  • Mulch made from cellulose or based on sawdust or straw;
  • Hydrogel;
  • Fertilizers;
  • Additives to improve soil structure;
  • A fixative that binds together all the components of the solution.

After some time (depending on the time the mulch sets, from several hours to two days), the area where the solution is applied is covered with a crust, which securely packs the seeds. They don’t care about strong winds or heavy rains.

This important advantage liquid lawn before sowing. But there are other advantages:

  • Seeds and fertilizers are distributed evenly over the sown surface, the lawn grows smoothly, without bald spots;
  • The seeds germinate quickly and grow quickly too;
  • Given that High Quality high seed germination is guaranteed;
  • All seeds are immediately soaked in a mixture that not only accelerates their germination, but also protects them from diseases and a number of pests;
  • Liquid lawn is easy to apply on steep slopes, banks of reservoirs and areas with difficult terrain;
  • Liquid lawn can be sown on clay and sand;
  • Much less prep work is required compared to . Overall it's easier and faster.

For many summer residents who are accustomed to saving their nerves, money and time, hydroseeding a lawn seems a more attractive option than the traditional method of creating a lawn.


Home hydroseeding: soak the seeds in a bucket, add mulch, fertilizer, paint, and let sit for a day. And apply all this mass to the prepared surface. But no! We are ready to dig with shovels ourselves, gnaw this earth, pull and level. We mock ourselves for the sake of getting a piece of grass.

The photo below from a member of our portal with the nickname PapaTemi shows a lawn created by hydroseeding in the fall. (Photo taken in spring).

How much does liquid lawn cost?

Traditionally, liquid lawn is used in urban landscaping; it is used to decorate roadsides, sports fields, and to strengthen and protect slopes, embankments, and cliffs from weathering.

IN last years Ordinary suburban residents also began to use liquid lawn.

maxsimus1974 Member FORUMHOUSE

Here's mine green roof. The facade is still under construction but the roof has turned green. Sowed with hydroseeding.

This technology also attracts the opportunity to sow difficult areas with grass. And there are two ways:

Invite a specialist with your equipment. The cost largely depends on the complexity of the terrain. Below are prices for 2018.

paulspb FORUMHOUSE Member

Materials for a simple case (flat area with fertile soil): 8-15 thousand rubles;
Seeds 4-12 thousand rubles;
Water 0-4 thousand rubles;
Works (for simple plot) cost differently, the range is 10-25 thousand rubles, depending on a dozen factors. Total: 22-55 thousand rubles. Difficult areas with steep slopes, inaccessible, depleted and saline areas are significantly more expensive to process. The final price can reach up to 250-300 thousand rubles.

Or you can make a simple device for hydroseeding a lawn with your own hands using small equipment and gardening tools that are already on the farm.

DIY hydroseeding

The entire technology of sowing liquid lawn can be divided into three stages.



Site preparation

Clear the area of ​​debris, dig up the soil (shallowly) and remove roots, etc. Improve the rocky area by adding at least 10-20 cm of soil. Level with a rake and add organic fertilizers: rotted manure, finished compost.

Creating a Mixture

Combine crushed wood waste or cellulose, food coloring, hydrogel, fertilizers, grass seeds, clay as a fixative.


Most often, vibrating pumps (“Rucheek”, “Malysh”) are used for spraying at home. When choosing a nozzle, you need to remember that the seeds must pass through it. If necessary, the holes can be bored with a drill.

Dye must be added to the mixture: This will allow you to see how evenly it is applied to the area and whether there are any untreated areas left.

Until the young lawn grass germinates, there is no need to water the crop. The hydrogel is added to the solution just to moisten the soil as soon as it needs it. And the clay crust with which the solution sets will maintain the desired microclimate.

But after germination, the fresh lawn needs to be watered daily for two weeks. On a day when it rains, there is no need to water. After two weeks, the liquid lawn should turn into a smooth emerald lawn.

This technology works very well for repairing the lawn, for filling bald spots formed from getting wet, trampled or freezing.

How to make a composition for liquid lawn

Let's take a closer look at the composition for lawn grass. You can buy ready-made: manufacturers make them specifically for liquid lawns. You can do it yourself. Here approximate composition liquid lawn solution required for sowing an area of ​​100 sq.m.

  • 2 kg of seeds. An article on Forumhouse talks about this in detail;
  • 2-3 kg of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and biostimulants. It depends on the fertility of the soil;
  • 4-12 kg of mulch. At home, chopped straw or sawdust is used;
  • 100 grams of hydrogel;
  • 300-600 grams of gluten (clay);
  • 60-100 liters of water.

How to prepare a solution for hydroseeding

The solution is prepared in the following sequence: first, water is poured into a large container, seeds and food coloring are poured into it (enough so that the solution becomes distinctly green), then fertilizers, then stimulants (and, if necessary, herbicides), mulch, hydrogel. Clay is added last.

The better you mix this mixture, the higher the quality of your lawn.

Therefore, it is advisable to mix with a special attachment on a drill, and ideally, mix everything in a small concrete mixer (of course, after cleaning it first).

The finished mixture should stand for several hours, it is best if it stands overnight so that the seeds have time to be saturated with moisture and fertilizers.

Evgeniy_1977 Member of FORUMHOUSE

Hello, dear readers of our blog, who want to give their site an impeccable look!

Growing the perfect green cover yourself is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. This article is for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to sacrifice a fair amount of their time for the sake of a beautiful lawn in front of their house.

Landscaping of the soil should begin at the final stage of territory development - upon completion of all construction work, wiring of communications, and installation of basic decorative elements.

Think over the site plan in advance and determine the places where the emerald carpet will be located. The most suitable lawn options for a private home are meadow or park. They are resistant to trampling and other mechanical influences, have a decent appearance and do not require painstaking care.

In such clearings you can plant flower beds, place sun loungers, and it’s not even scary to play ball or badminton. To create them, perennial cereal plants are usually used:

  • meadow bluegrass,
  • ryegrass,
  • bentgrass,
  • fescue,
  • comb

It is easier to achieve a uniform cover if you use one type of seed rather than a grass mixture. At the same time, there is a higher probability of avoiding fragments of different shades and textures.

In the case of a meadow lawn, one type of grass is taken as the basis, which should make up at least 80% of the seed, and then the rest are added to it in small quantities.

If you want the turf to be hardy, durable and to withstand various natural phenomena, the onslaught of weeds, pest attacks and diseases, in this case you need to combine several types of grasses.

When choosing seeds, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Climate . Consider the ability of plants to tolerate certain weather conditions characteristic of your region. For example, harsh winters are not terrible for meadow grass, various types of fescue, and bentgrass. The same cannot be said about ryegrass, which, in addition, does not tolerate drought.
  • Degree of shading of the area . For sunny areas, meadow bluegrass, thin bentgrass, clover and perennial ryegrass are suitable. In dimly lit places it is better to plant fescue.
  • Soil moisture level . Poa, clover, red fescue and thin bentgrass are unpretentious in this regard. Moisture-loving plants include sheep fescue and bentgrass. While perennial ryegrass does not survive on damp soils.
  • Manufacturer. Give preference only to trusted, well-established companies. These include Danish and Dutch brands, but domestic brands, unfortunately, rarely delight with their quality.
  • Price. A good product, therefore, is not cheap. Therefore, trying to save money on grass seeds can subsequently lead to even more significant expenses.
  • Best before date. Often this nuance is simply forgotten, but if the material turns out to be expired, all further actions to create a lawn will be pointless.

Preferably in specialized stores with a good reputation and high ratings.

Preliminary work before laying the lawn

This is the most important and troublesome stage in the formation of a lawn. After all, the more thoroughly you prepare the ground, the better quality your future lawn will be.

It is better to start activities in the spring, so that the grass stand can take root and become stronger in the summer:

  • In an overgrown area, you will need to remove all foreign objects (garbage, stones, branches, etc.), uproot roots and stumps.
  • After this, completely remove the weeds. For a more effective result, it is better to use continuous herbicides containing glyphosate (Hurricane, Roundup, Argument, Napalm), since it is impossible to remove all the roots mechanically, and you cannot leave even small particles - they will definitely germinate again.

The soil should be treated with chemicals at temperatures above 25 ºC in dry weather without wind and only on growing plants.

  • Then you need to pour a generous layer of fertile soil and plow it together or properly dig the soil to a depth of at least 30 cm, breaking up large clods.
  • If there is excessive moisture at the lowest level, make drainage from crushed stone or gravel. Dilute clay soil with sand, and sandy soil with compost. It is also important that the acidity is within normal limits: for lawn grass 5 – 6 pH. If the indicator is high, it can be adjusted by adding acidic peat, and if it is low, add limestone, dolomite or calcite.

  • Then, using a cultivator and a rake, begin loosening and leveling the area. You should end up with a completely smooth area. You can use a wide board, dragging it edgewise along the surface, or a special roller. This will fill in all the depressions and smooth out the bumps.

  • A few days before planting, thoroughly wet the soil. If puddles appear in some places, add soil there, otherwise later bald spots will form in these areas or moss will grow.
  • Now apply mineral fertilizers to strengthen the root system and stimulate growth - best of all, a nitrogen mixture (nitroammophosphate) or a starter complex, which, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, includes iron, zinc and other trace elements.
  • Immediately before sowing the seeds, the soil must be compacted to prevent subsidence (for this it must be completely dry), and then lightly walk over it with a rake.

How to sow lawn seeds correctly?

There are several ways to plant soil:

  • regular seed planting,
  • laying rolled lawn,
  • hydroseeding

For the lazy, the third option, the so-called liquid lawn, is more suitable. It does not require such thorough preparation of the site. And spraying seeds with a special solution containing everything necessary for maximum germination, mulch, fertilizers, herbicides, requires less effort.

You can quickly get a green carpet using ready-made rolls. True, in order to lay them correctly, you need to know the technology.

These methods have their advantages and disadvantages. We will consider in detail the first traditional method, especially popular among gardeners. I like him more than the others.

The most important thing is to ensure even distribution of seeds over the surface of the site. If you do choose a mixture of herbs, then first mix it thoroughly with your hands. Don't skimp on material. Focus on the upper consumption rate indicated on the packaging. This way you will quickly achieve a thicker cover.

You can sow lawn grass only in dry, windless weather. For planting, it is better to use a mechanical seeder, but in the absence of one, you can do it manually.

It is best to use the cross-sowing technique, that is, first plant the seeds along the plot, and then across it, to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm.

After planting, go over the surface with a rake again, roll it again with a roller and water the area generously through a fine sprinkler. The lawn should be irrigated in this way for the first few weeks, until the bulk of the sprouts appear. Apply mulch to protect seedlings from wind, wash-off, and birds.

When the grass reaches a level of 8 - 10 centimeters, mowing can begin. First, make a light cut, removing only the very top, and after the turf has completely taken root, you can begin more thorough mowing.

To help, we offer you a detailed video on how to properly sow lawn grass on your property. Perhaps, looking at the whole process from the outside, you will come to the conclusion that doing it yourself is not so difficult.

How much does it cost to make a lawn?

The price mainly depends on the desired quality, since based on this, materials are selected and preparatory work is carried out. The specifics of the relief and soil properties play an important role in determining the cost.

A regular seeded lawn is the most economical, especially if you do it yourself. In this case, you will only have to spend money on plant seeds, fertilizers and herbicides.

On average, one hundred square meters of grass cover will cost 20,000 rubles. For comparison, a hydroseeded lawn will be approximately 1.5 times more expensive, and a rolled lawn – 2 times more expensive.

It is worth noting that with any option you can get excellent results. A reasonable question arises: why pay more?

Typical mistakes when landscaping a site

Why is it that not everyone succeeds in growing a beautiful lawn? Let's look at the main reasons:

  • Incorrect selection of seeds. Often the significance of this issue is neglected and lawn grass is bought, like from a neighbor or from an advertisement, without going into the specifics of the topography, soil, location of the lawn, and climatic conditions. A grass mixture may have excellent characteristics, but simply not be suitable for your area.
  • Haste in preparing the site, especially when leveling it. It is important to perform all actions in the correct sequence. After leveling the area under the lawn for the first time, be sure to let the soil stand, and then repeat the procedure to identify and eliminate possible unevenness after the soil settles.
  • Lack of drainage system. Excess moisture is just as detrimental to the lawn, as is its lack. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the composition of the soil. If clay or black soil predominates in it, it is necessary to ensure unhindered outflow of water. Otherwise, you will have to constantly fight against mold, moss and bald spots.
  • Uneven grass seeding. At this stage, too, you can’t rush. It’s better to spend a few extra hours when planting than to spend the entire summer here and there filling empty spaces.


By following our advice, you can avoid such mistakes and achieve the best result.

Now you know all the stages of creating the treasured green lawn in the yard of your home. But in order to preserve its beauty for a long time, you need to know how to properly care for your lawn. On our blog you will find comprehensive information on this issue.

Stay with us and improve your gardening skills. Write in the comments what difficulties you encountered when laying a lawn and how you overcame them. And we wish you easy planting and soft, juicy grass!

In most cases, the lawn at the dacha plays a major role in composing landscape design your site. The presence of only one bright emerald, soft, well-groomed and beautiful lawn gives the site a sophisticated, simple and, at the same time, rich style. Regardless of the size and function of the lawn, there is a certain sequence of its creation and care. By adhering to the correct sequence described in this article, you can significantly reduce the cost and time spent on care when creating a lawn. on our own, and most importantly, always achieve a smooth, intact and fresh lawn.

A well-groomed lawn at the dacha is already a reason to be proud of your site Source

About types of lawns

In the absence of a ready-made lawn, when planning, first of all it is worth deciding on its function: will the lawn serve only as a decorative element, or will it be a field for different types activities. There are several types: ground floor, Moorish, natural, landscape gardening, sports and special.

Ground lawn

This type, also called the English lawn, carries purely decorative function. Its height is summer time 3 – 3.5 cm, it consists of expensive and delicate herbs that need sunlight, are afraid of shady places, moving around, having picnics and any other physical activity.


The soil must be well prepared, free from weeds, professional and timely care.


Despite all the costs, this particular lawn is the most beautiful and rich, emphasizing the high economic and cultural status of its owner.



Moorish lawn

Mainly, this lawn on the site also performs a decorative function; the herbs used reach a height of more than 10 cm and are flowering (meadow chamomile, field cornflower, poppy, large-flowered flax). Afraid of kneading, a certain frequency of haircuts is necessary.

This lawn is also not suitable for playing football - it differs from others in the presence of different wildflowers Source


A well-chosen bouquet of flowers in a herbal mixture will give the owner a wonderful palette of colors, but it is worth keeping in mind that the larger the lawn, the less exclusive and premium it will look.

Natural lawn

Having rid the planned site, filled with herbs, from weeds and tall plants, any area densely occupied by grasses can be covered with natural lawn. Such a lawn does not require special soil or grass mixtures.

Natural “lawns” do not require special care, and there are no problems with them when landing Source

There are special meadow mixtures on sale that allow you to give any lawn a certain look. Maintenance of such a lawn is minimal, as are the economic costs, but also appearance, this type loses to everyone else.


Due to its greatest prevalence, it is often called a regular lawn. The garden lawn consists of hard, rough grasses, 5-6 cm high. Such a lawn can grow on poor soils, it is slightly susceptible to changes in shady areas and excess sunlight.



It is a compromise of aesthetics and functionality; you can safely arrange picnics and recreation areas, place inflatable pools, and temporary paraphernalia on it without harm.


This lawn is used when there is intensive exposure to the soil, near playgrounds and sports grounds, areas for walking areas. Growing cereals have good resistance to trampling and abrasion.

Lawn for families with children and animals - it is difficult to “scare” it with intense load Source


As a rule, mixtures for sports turf are more expensive and their creation requires additional costs.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer the service of drawing up projects and performing landscape work of any complexity. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


This type can be purchased ready-made in the form of rolls. Rolls are sold already with turf and are easily adapted to the supplied soil.


Grasses are tough and do not have any special aesthetic qualities, but in terms of their resistance to any influences they are no worse than gardening grasses.


About the herbs used

Cereal mixtures for a parterre lawn for a summer residence contain the seeds of meadow grass, red fescue and fine bentgrass. Moorish mixtures contain flax seeds, cornflowers, marigolds, chamomile, nemesia, bluegrass and fescue. Mixtures for arranging a lawn contain seeds of ryegrass, sheep fescue and bluegrass.


The sports turf consists of perennial ryegrass, red fescue and bentgrass.

Each individual species is differently resistant to atmospheric influences. Mixtures with 3 or more types allow you to hide the most weak qualities cereal crops, thanks to which the lawn can be evenly contrasting, whether in the sun or in the shade.

Video description

The types of lawns are clearly shown in the video:

About the necessary tools

Having decided on the type of lawn and purchased the necessary seeds, you need to prepare the area for sowing, for which you will need the following tools:

  • Tamping device

  • Irrigation hose

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

About soil preparation and features of choosing a location

Work related to preparing the soil and sowing seeds can be divided into several stages.


At the first stage, the soil type is determined. To do this, it is enough to dig on a clear day, take a handful of soil in the palm of your hand, examine the color, crush it, and use the following factors to determine the type of soil:

    sandy soil characterized by a large amount of sand, it is coarse and granular, water is quickly carried away from the surface of the sand, removing useful substances. Such soil must be regularly fed and watered.

    Clayey The soil retains too much water, it is fertile, but there may be drainage problems. Clay is sticky and has grey colour, when compressed, forms a lump.

    Peat the soil is dark, loose and soft. It is poor in nutrients, it is very wet, as it is found in swampy places. It is worth providing an additional layer to drain excess water

    Limestone the soil does not form a compact; it feels crumbly and granular to the touch. This type is fertile and drains water well.

    Loam is a mixture of sand and clay, this soil is soft to the touch, the shade varies from gray to brownish brown. Average in fertility, water flows moderately.

Regardless of soil type, it is important to maintain the correct soil acidity. The most favorable acidity for most types of cereals is 6.0 – 7.0 pH units. To determine acidity, you can use litmus paper and use a scale to determine the acidity.


If the soil has an acidity of less than 6, you can sprinkle the soil with lime and chalk. If the soil has a slightly alkaline environment, you can use special solutions or crushed peat.

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Soil preparation

So that nothing prevents the grass from growing and it is uniform, the ground should be cleared of weeds, stones, sticks and possible debris. Places that have uneven areas should be leveled using a rake; pronounced hills will have to be demolished with a shovel. To thoroughly remove weeds, you can use herbicides. If the treated area has a large number of bushes, small trees, weeds, and also not level, the best thing would be to simply dig up this area completely, and then start sorting through the roots of unnecessary plants.


Soils with poor drainage (clayey, peat) need to create a layer through which water can easily drain. To do this, you need to remove 20-25 cm from the soil and put a drainage layer in the form of geotextiles, broken bricks or gravel.

Schematically, the drainage area looks like this Source

It would not be a bad idea to use additional fertile soil and place it in an even layer 5-10 cm thick on the territory.

Sometimes a small layer of fertile soil is placed on the drainage Source

Regardless of the fertility of your soil, an additional layer will not have a negative impact on your green lawn, but will only improve its quality.

Video description

Preparing the site for planting lawn grass in this video:

About sowing and growing

Before sowing, the soil should be loosened with a rake with small teeth to make it easier for the seeds to enter the ground.

After raking, small grooves are formed into which the seeds fall Source

Knowing the size of the planned lawn, the number of seeds for sowing can be calculated according to the proportion, where at least 50 grams are required per 1 m2. seeds, or per 1 hundred square meters at least 5 kg. Spending more than 7 kg per 1 hectare of land is not rational for any soil fertility and type of grass. The sowing depth should not reach more than 1 cm.

Each meter of plot requires a certain number of seeds - there is no point in sowing more Source

For sowing, you can use a regular 2 liter plastic bottle, making holes in it for the seeds.

For a larger area, you can use a special device where the amount of seeds will be dosed.


Seeding devices can be different Source

The edges of the lawn are sown first and most intensively, then along the entire territory. The seeds can be mixed with dry fertilizer, which can speed up their germination.


After sowing, the soil must be compacted for additional compaction, to get rid of uneven surfaces and to protect it from birds.



It is necessary to water the ground with a wide spray of water to prevent the seeds from moving along the surface of the ground and the appearance of holes and hills. The soil must be moist; too much water deprives the roots of access to oxygen, which leads to the withering of the plant.

The first shoots appear after 7-10 days, and after 20 days most of the grass stand reaches 10 cm. When the grass reaches a height of more than 15 cm, the first mowing can be done. This usually happens 30-40 days after sowing.


About care

Lawn care and design consists of moisture control, periodic mowing and weed removal.

Naturally, when setting the goal of creating a natural lawn with a predominance of low-growing species on moist soil, all care can be reduced only to mowing. However, in this case, there is a high probability of obtaining an uneven lawn pattern. Somewhere the grass will be greener, somewhere, on the contrary, it will be withered and sparse. Depending on the type of lawn, the cutting height varies, but it is not recommended to cut any lawn shorter than 3 cm.

Lawn type Cut to, see:
In summer Autumn-spring
Parterre 3 4
Sports 3 4
Gardening 5 6

As a rule, no more than 1/3 of the height is cut when the grass growth is 1.5 - 2 cm more than normal. Overgrown grass is mowed in 2-3 stages. In summer the frequency is 10-15 days, in autumn and spring 7-10 days. Grass clippings should not be left on the lawn.


Watering is best done by sprinkling. To do this, you can use a spray device at the end of the hose. You can buy it at any garden store, do it yourself from plastic bottle. It is recommended to water in the early morning or in the evening, when the sun is far from the zenith. If the lawn grows in small paths, it can be watered with a watering can.

Video description

The irrigation system is often installed even before the lawn is sowed, about this in the video:

It is necessary to water the lawn periodically; during dry periods, the interval can be 3 days. Constant low-intensity watering is not recommended. The average amount of water for temperate latitudes per 1 m2 is 30 liters. Do not allow puddles to appear covering the grass.

Photo gallery of examples of lawn design









Children on the playground, parents in sun loungers - everyone has their own vacation Source



Decorative lawn design is a great place for walking Source


A tennis court also requires a strong lawn that will quickly recover after stress. Source


Children's knees will be most grateful for the arrangement of a soft lawn, as they will fall softer on the grass Source:

Video description

And a few more examples beautiful lawns watch in the following video:


A beautiful and well-kept lawn not only makes your home more attractive, but it will also significantly increase its value if you are thinking about moving. This is an investment that will definitely pay off over time. The main thing is to do all the work correctly and follow all care recommendations.