Sample letter of recommendation from executive authorities. Sample letter of recommendation for an employee. How to write a letter of recommendation

Writing a great letter of recommendation for a company in a formal style can be challenging.
You can greatly alleviate this problem for your guarantor if you yourself present him with a layout of a letter of recommendation.

In this case, you can initially present the content of the document in the right direction.

2. In the first paragraph, the guarantor explains how long he has been working with you. Briefly describe your type of activity and job responsibilities. Here you can write in a few words about the company itself.

3. In the next paragraph, you need to give a more specific description of your professional and career growth over the entire period of work in the company, list all the main achievements, focusing on the most important from the point of view of the guarantor positive qualities. Then the guarantor's impression of joint activities with you.

To summarize what has been written above, it is important to describe personal qualities and positive features character of a person. Express your opinion about what responsibilities and in what position he can bring the greatest benefit to the organization.

Letter No. 1:

OJSC [company name] is our partner in the field (area of ​​activity). During the period of cooperation, [name of organization] confirmed its highest professional status, activity and competence in performing assigned tasks.

All tasks are completed on time, within strictly defined deadlines and with excellent quality. The company's employees perform their duties efficiently.

We are pleased with the work of [company name] and are ready to recommend this company as a responsible and reliable partner.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 2:

The company [name of organization], working in (year) year for [name of organization], carried out work on [name of work] and established itself as a highly qualified, executive company.

The work was carried out efficiently and on time. There were no complaints against the company during the work.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 3:

[name of organization] has been a partner of [name of organization] for [number] years. For such a long time, [name of organization] has established itself as a stable and reliable partner, providing high efficiency, reliability and a flexible approach to the Customer’s needs, never exceeding deadlines.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 4:

By this letter I confirm that [name of organization] has experience in cooperation with [name of organization] in the field of [field of activity]. During the cooperation, company representatives showed creativity, high professionalism and efficiency in performing the designated tasks.

We confirm that the services of [organization name] correspond to a highly professional profile.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 5:

Our cooperation with the company [name of organization] has continued since [year]. During this period, the company [name of organization] has established itself as a reliable business partner and sustainable enterprise.

Thanks to the main principle of the company’s work - building with clients partnerships based on professionalism and mutual cooperation, it, in our opinion, occupies a stable position in the field [field of activity].

Sample letter No. 6:

With this letter, the organization [name of organization] informs that during the period of cooperation with [name of organization], this company has managed to establish itself as a reliable and professional partner.

Home distinctive feature work of [name of organization] is the high level of organization and efficiency of the organization’s employees, the readiness to quickly respond to changing circumstances.

Based on the above, the company [name of organization] would like to note the high potential of OJSC [name of organization], focus on prosperity and further successful development.

[Your name]

Letter #7:

During the period of work with [name of organization], the company’s employees have proven themselves with positive side. Their work meets the specified level, is carried out with high quality and strictly in accordance with deadlines. I want to note effective work specialists and efficiency in completing tasks, attentive attitude towards the Customer.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 8:

By this letter, we, [name of organization], confirm that [name of organization] is our long-term and reliable partner.

[name of organization] has been successfully and actively working since [date], providing a full range of services in this area.

During this period, we received services at the highest level. professional level. The professionalism of [organization name] employees ensures a decent quality of services provided.

Based on the above, [name of organization] characterizes [name of organization] as a reliable and professional partner in the field of [field of activity] services.

[Your name]

Letter of recommendation is not included in the list of documents that the employer has the right to require from an employee upon employment. But its presence, other things being equal, may be competitive advantage. Before writing a letter of recommendation, the recommender must familiarize himself with the rules for writing business documents to ensure that its recommendations have legal force.

From the article you will learn:

  • what is a letter of recommendation;
  • what are the rules for writing a letter of recommendation;
  • what elements a letter of recommendation should contain;
  • who verifies the letter of recommendation?

The practice of drawing up written recommendations is widely used abroad and Russian employers also adopt it. When applying for a job, applicants are usually required to present letters of recommendation. Recommendations may include:

  • former employers;
  • colleagues from previous places of work;
  • specialist experts who have experience collaborating with the recommended one.

An employer can write a letter of recommendation to an employee who is about to resign. At its core, it is a production characteristic. But the volume of such a document is less than the volume of the reference, since the letter should not list the stages of work activity; it reflects only the interaction experience that the recommender has.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of documents that an employee must present when applying for a job. A letter of recommendation from a previous place of employment does not appear on this list. That is, the new employer cannot demand that such a document be provided to him.

But, if the applicant has letters with the most positive reviews about him as a qualified specialist and an experienced professional, this will be an additional advantage during selection. Moreover, if such a letter is signed by the director of a large company or a respected expert in his field.

A resigning employee can contact his manager with a request to draw up such a document only if he is sure that his reference will be positive. Thus, a letter of recommendation from an employer characterizing his former employee on the good side, it becomes evidence of civilized business relationships. And an increasing number of business executives are signing such letters, increasing the chances of worthy specialists when looking for a new job.

The main features of a document that give it legal significance include execution in accordance with established requirements and the presence mandatory details. Therefore, before writing a letter of recommendation, you need to familiarize yourself with the document regulating the procedure for preparing business papers - GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Note: Before writing a letter of recommendation, the author must refresh his memory of specific dates, names, and indicators. The information that will be presented in the letter must be as reliable as possible, especially since it will not be difficult to verify it.

The text of a letter of recommendation to an employee, signed by the head of the company on her behalf, should be printed on. If such a letter is an expert or former colleague for work is compiled privately, the text is posted on established rules on standard sheet A4 size writing paper. The volume of content should not be large; as a rule, the information that fits on one sheet is quite sufficient.

What elements should a letter contain?

  • the full name of the organization on behalf of which the recommendation is given or the surname, initials, position and place of work of the individual recommender;
  • reference Information about the legal or physical person-recommender - postal address, contact phone number, email;
  • the name of the document is “Letter of Recommendation”;
  • date and place of preparation of the recommendation;
  • text of the letter of recommendation;
  • the signature of the head of the organization on whose behalf the recommendation was made or the signature of a private person - the recommender with a transcript;
  • a seal certifying the signature of the official who made the recommendation.

Note: If a letter of recommendation from a place of work is written on the organization's letterhead, the seal certifying the signature of the recommender may be missing.

But, in addition to having the necessary details, you should pay special attention to the test content of the document and try to objectively and impartially describe the business qualities and achievements of the recommended one.

If desired, examples of letters of recommendation can be found on the Internet, but they can only be used as examples of the design and style of presentation of the main text. Each time a recommendation is made individually and optimally, simply list in it the facts known to the recommender, indicating:

  • period business cooperation or interactions;
  • the position held by the recommended person;
  • the name of the labor function he performs;
  • the achievements that he managed to achieve, confirmed by specific figures - percentage increases in sales, increased productivity, reduced production costs, etc.

In some cases, for example, when the addressee of the letter of recommendation is a higher-level organization where the employee is being sent for promotion, last paragraph may contain a conclusion confirming this possibility of career growth. A sample letter of recommendation from an employer is provided below.

IN small organizations, where the manager personally knows each employee and is aware of his work successes, he can personally certify the letter of recommendation given on behalf of the enterprise. IN big companies this document can be drawn up and certified by the employee’s immediate supervisor.

Since most companies today have HR departments, their employees are responsible for writing letters of recommendation. In such cases, the head of the HR service can also certify the document.

It happens that a person took courses additional education, MBA or advanced training. In this case, if necessary, he may ask to certify the letter of recommendation of the head of these courses.

But the most important thing you should pay attention to when drawing up a document is the presence of details containing background information about the recommender. The letter must include all contact details of this person or official so that at any time the information contained in it can be checked and confirmed.

letter of recommendation. Let's consider what this document is, where and from whom you can get it, when you should take it and when not, and how recommendations from a previous employer can help you find a job. We will also consider a typical example (sample) of a letter of recommendation.

A letter of recommendation is a written review of an employee, written and certified by a former employer after the employee’s dismissal, which is used as an advantage in subsequent employment with another organization.

This document is a list of positive professional and personal qualities employee, his achievements during his work, other advantages and strengths. From the point of view of a potential employer, the content of a letter of recommendation psychologically gives a job candidate more advantages than what is written in his letter, even if the information is similar. This is logical, because it is one thing what a person says about himself, and another thing what others say about him. And even the very presence of a letter of recommendation can definitely be considered as an advantage when applying for a job.

By the way, in large companies, when hiring for high positions, a letter of recommendation is generally mandatory document to consider the applicant's candidacy.

But in order for a university graduate who does not yet have experience, he can obtain a letter of recommendation from the institute, which would favorably present his personal qualities.

Let's start with the fact that you can get a letter of recommendation upon dismissal only if the dismissal went “smoothly”, without scandals and quarrels with management, and this often happens. There is also no point in asking for a recommendation if you were fired due to serious irregularities in your work, dissatisfaction with your work, non-compliance with work discipline, etc.

It is best to ask for a letter of recommendation immediately, immediately at the time of dismissal, while there are still some mutual obligations between you and the organization. As soon as you are fired, no one will owe anything to anyone, and they may refuse to issue you a recommendation, if only simply because they do not want to spend time drawing it up.

However, in such a situation, you can use a trick: suggest to the employer that you yourself will write a letter of recommendation on his behalf, and he will only sign it. I observed such a practice very often, and in some cases employers even offered exactly this option themselves.

In this case, the employee must know how to write a letter of recommendation. There are two options here:

Of course, the first option seems simpler, and most people choose it. At the same time, it has one very significant drawback. Imagine that the previous candidate (or candidates) for the vacancy for which you are applying also downloaded the same sample letter of recommendation as you and substituted their data into it. After all, as a rule, those examples that are downloaded are those that come first in the search. You bring your potential manager a letter of recommendation, and it is written in the same words as previous applicants. He remembers this well, because he constantly has to read various letters of recommendation. How will the manager react? Toto...

Therefore, I personally am inclined to believe that a letter of recommendation should be drawn up either according to the template used in a particular organization (each large company has its own examples of letters of recommendation that they issue to resigned employees), or written independently, without copying any existing templates .

Well, in conclusion, let’s look at an example or sample of a letter of recommendation, according to which you can independently compose it for yourself or for your employee.

1. Title. Your document should be called “letter of recommendation” or “recommendation”.

2. Appeal. If the letter of recommendation is addressed to a specific employer, you must contact him. On the right write: “Mr. Ivanov I.I.”, and start the text of the letter with the words: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”. If the recommendation is issued for any possible employers, we simply omit this point.

3. Information about the applicant, his position, place and period of work. For example: “Mr. Petrov Petr Petrovich worked at Raduga LLC as chief from January 2010 to June 2015.”.

4. Responsibilities, achievements, successes, personal and professional skills. Here you need to indicate everything that may be important when considering a candidate for the next job. For example: “The job responsibilities of Petrov P.P. included the search for potential wholesale buyers and direct sales of bakery products produced by our company. During the period of work, he concluded 150 supply contracts, including with such large retailers as Rodnik LLC and Khleb LLC. Largely thanks to the results of the work of Petrov P.P., our company was able to increase sales turnover by 7 times and enter the TOP 10 manufacturers in the region. During the period of his work, he proved himself to be an initiative and efficient employee who does not stop in the face of difficulties and works for results.”.

In this article we will tell you why you need a letter of recommendation, how to write it correctly and what points to pay attention to when drafting it. If you need to write a letter of recommendation, a sample of which you cannot find on Internet resources, then this article will help you figure it out.

Legally, letters of recommendation belong to a different era. Today, labor legislation does not allow employers to require the provision of letters of recommendation when employing an employee, much less determine their provision obligatory conditions for hiring.

Nowadays, this document can become an additional bonus for an applicant who wants to get a particular position, and can significantly increase his chances of being hired. The presence of the letter must be indicated in your resume. However, you need to know how to write a letter of recommendation and what it is.

A letter of recommendation is a document that represents a characterization of the applicant, drawn up in any form, which reflects his main professional qualities. As a rule, it is compiled by the previous employer.

It can also be compiled at the place of study or completion industrial practice. This document identifies those qualities that are important in professional activity applicant and which were noted by his previous employer or educational institution.

Among these rules are:

  • business style of speech (exclusion from the use of artistic expressions that do not have a semantic load, used to decorate speech);
  • compliance with the requirements of business communication (colleague, partner, address to you, etc.);
  • indication of the originator of the paper;
  • certification of the document by the signature of the person who compiled it.

As noted above, the preparation of such documents takes place at the place of previous work or study. When composing a letter of recommendation, it is not necessary to follow the template. However, you can create an example of a letter of recommendation in order to have a general idea of ​​it. It should be composed approximately like this:

  1. Right top corner occupy the data of the employer for which the applicant is applying (if this data is known). If the specific employer has not yet been identified, then you can indicate that the letter is intended “for presentation at the place of request”
  2. Next, in the middle of the line, indicate the name of the document.
  3. This is followed directly by the text itself: “I am Petrov V.V. in the period from January 1, 2015 to May 31, 2017, he was the immediate supervisor of S.P. Kuzovkov. During the specified period, Kuzovkov S.P. held the position of head of the sales department. His immediate responsibilities included: _________(list job responsibilities). Carrying out your immediate job responsibilities, while in his position, Kuzovkov S.P. showed himself on the positive side, as evidenced by his achievements __________.”
  4. The next part contains the reasons why he was dismissed from his position.
  5. The final part evaluates professional qualities applicant, provides the opinion of the previous employer about the employee. If we talk about an example of a letter of recommendation, then its final part should look something like this: “Summarizing the above and taking into account my own opinion about the professional skills of Kuzovkov S.P. we can conclude that he is fully consistent with the position he previously held, and is also capable of performing high level similar duties at another job. I wish Kuzovkov S.P. improving professional skills at a new place of work.”
  6. After the end of the text of the document, the signature of the person who compiled it, the date when it was compiled and the seal of the enterprise are placed.

As a rule, they are compiled and endorsed by the head of the institution or enterprise where the employee worked. labor activity. The same applies to branches, branches or structural divisions of such an enterprise. Recently, given the expansion of the staff of many enterprises and institutions, and the provision of broader powers HR services These documents are drawn up and certified by them.

When there is a need to obtain the above-described document from the applicant’s place of study at the preparatory courses, it is certified and compiled by the director of these courses.