Distribution of fruits and seeds. Autumn is a wonderful time. Nature is full of different colors. Trees, bushes and grasses are in a hurry to arrange their offspring. Necessary. Presentation “Distribution of fruits and seeds Spread using water

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Slide captions:

Distribution of fruits and seeds Plant organs vegetative generative And what organs does the plant consist of? What are they for?

What parts does the fruit consist of? pericarp seed What does a seed consist of? What is it used for? cotyledon embryo Seed coat The seed contains the embryo and nutrients for its development. It will develop into a new plant

What is the pericarp for? Dry, hard pericarp in nuts, leathery in oaks. Protect the seed. nut acorn What kind of pericarp do they have? What is it for?

What kind of pericarp does this fruit have? Bright and juicy pericarp.. Can such a pericarp protect the seed? No. It attracts animals with its taste and color. How do plants benefit from this? Animals disseminate plant seeds by eating fruits

How else can plant seeds travel? acorn Contains a lot nutrients Stocked with animals Ride animals Has hooks Burdock

How else can plant seeds travel? By air Has wings By air Has a parachute Dandelion achene Maple lionfish

How else can plant seeds travel? self-spreading Bean impatiens Rolling flaps Crazy cucumber Shooting fruit self-spreading

How else can plant seeds travel? Coconut Palm Nut Light Pericarp Water

Name of plant Method of seed dispersal adaptation Gooseberries, currants, grapes by animals Juicy pericarp Dandelion by the wind Fruit with a parachute Maple by the wind Fruit with wings Acorn by animals Many nutrients Burdock by animals Hooks on the fruits Impatiens self-spreading Curled flaps of the fruit Crazy cucumber self-spreading High pressure inside the fruit Coconut with water The fruit is light and does not sink

Look at the pictures. Do the lab work.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

lesson Distribution of fruits and seeds

The lesson is designed for a rural school. After repetition homework The methods of distribution of fruits and seeds are clearly presented. Biological tasks are proposed, taking into account the regional component...

Lesson summary "Distribution of fruits and seeds"

Lesson summary in 6th grade "Distribution of fruits and seeds" for the textbook by V.V. Beekeeper. The lesson contains a biological game, a task to fill out a table....

Reproduction and fertilization in plants. Formation of fruits and seeds

Reproduction and fertilization in plants. Formation of fruits and seeds. Learn about the reproduction of organisms; The meaning, features of asexual and sexual reproduction; Get acquainted with the process of fertilization in...

They throw out their seeds a little differently. When the wind blows, the poppy stems bend and then forcefully straighten. At this moment, the seeds fly out of the small holes of the box and are scattered over fairly long distances. At the beginning of summer, streets, courtyards, boulevards, avenues and squares are covered, like snow, with white fluff from poplars. Equipped with tufts of hairs, poplar seeds are scattered by the wind over large spaces and, once in Right place, sprout. And the well-known dandelion fruits, starting in spring, throughout the summer and autumn, fly off in masses on their “parachutes” in different directions. The wind disperses the fruits and seeds of many other flowering plants. For example, a small birch fruit has a membranous border on the side that looks like small wings, and maple fruits have large wing-like appendages. The fruits of birch and maple hang well on tree branches until late autumn, and sometimes until winter. During this time, the leaves fall off, and the wind freely and unimpededly disperses the seeds of these trees over long distances.

This presentation is used to explain new material in the lesson "Distribution of fruits and seeds of native species."

Description of the lesson.

Lesson topic: Methods of distributing fruits and seeds of local plant species.

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the characteristics of the distribution of fruits and seeds using the example of plants of local species, with various adaptations for distribution.
Equipment: presentation, handouts.

During the classes:
I. Org. moment.
II. Testing students' knowledge.
A) Individual survey:
- using cards (3 students);
- at the blackboard:
1st student: draw up a classification scheme for fruits. Which
What characteristics underlie this classification?
(dry, juicy, single-seeded, multi-seeded).
after the first student finishes, more are called
four students:
2nd student: write down all the dry words you know
3rd student: write all the juicy ones you know
fruit. What plants have such fruits?

B) Work with the class (frontal survey):
- What does the fetus develop from?
- What structure does the fruit have?
- By what signs can you distinguish the fruit from other plant organs?
- What role do fruits play in the life of plants?

(checking answers at the board)

III. Preparation for mastering new knowledge (conversation).

What is a seed?
- What is the role of seeds in plant life?
- Does one plant produce many seeds?

Teacher: field radish usually produces about 160 seeds, dandelion - 5000,
poppy - 20 thousand, quinoa - about 100 thousand seeds, poplar -
about 27 million

What is the importance of plant life for their education? large number seeds?
- What happens if all the seeds fall near the mother plant and germinate?
- How does nature solve this problem?

Sun. Christmas
When you walk along the path,
Everywhere you look, in the fields
Miracle balls turn white
On thin stems.

Through, silver,
They are light as feathers,
They stand and don’t sway
From the breeze from the river.

But it will only pass in the fall
A wave of other winds, -
They break down and soar
Air the seeds.

Clean fluffs are flying
For the meadow, for the garden, for the forest...
And to us as paratroopers
Descending from heaven.

Teacher: the purpose of our lesson is to find out in what ways they spread
fruits and seeds of plants in our area, what adaptations they have for spreading

IV. Learning new material

1. Methods of distribution of fruits and seeds.

Question: What methods of distribution are mentioned in the following

Lines fly by -
New settlers are birds;
They'll fly home
And away with the wings.

The box is sealed
And the birch tree is hidden in it -
With branches, with earrings,
With white clothes.
The wind carries the box -
He'll give it up somewhere.

(The first method of distribution is written on the board)

2. There is a lasso on the knot
Holding a suitcase.
The lid opened -
Everything unraveled.

Under the bushes, near the fence,
The chatter doesn't stop;
Bullet on the left, bullet on the right...
Who is being raided?

There are mothers with wonderful habits:
They throw children upside down.

What a miracle: the fruit spits -
It is not given whole.

(the second method is written)

3. I bloom boldly everywhere
And sometimes it happens like this.
What am I going to cling to fiercely?
Even the most evil dogs.

(the third method of distribution is recorded).

4. Question: What other method of distribution are we talking about?
poem by A. Rybochkin “Acorn”?

The forest stream is melodious and ringing
We are driving the raft to the big river.
Here is an acorn - a tiny barrel,
Having fallen, he splashed into the whirlpool.
According to all laws it was necessary
He would go down here
Yes, a random leaf saved me - a sail
He carried the acorn out onto the wave.
The wave is like a spark splitting up
And he carries his gift to the shore
He would like to strengthen himself in the ground,
And he won’t disappear there.
The ocean will be green,
Where the forest expanse has no borders.
Like in the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan
A hero floats in a barrel.

(the fourth method of distribution is written)

Conclusion: fruits and seeds of plants are distributed in nature in different ways
methods: wind, water, self-spreading, animals and

Teacher: It’s worth talking about the role of a person in more detail, because... person participates
in dissemination not only passively, but also actively, namely,
The catcher played a big role in the dispersal of plants. So many
seeds cultivated plants transported from one country to another.
Thus, sunflowers and tomatoes were brought from Peru, corn from

Question: What adaptations do plants have so that their seeds and fruits
carried by the wind, animals and people so that the seeds themselves would fly out of

4. Adaptations for the distribution of fruits and seeds.

Show presentation

Teacher: the process of distribution of fruits and seeds is not random, it is multi-
various adaptations in fruits and seeds have developed as a result
long-term development flora on the ground. Method of distribution
travel depends on specific environmental conditions.

V. Consolidation of student knowledge

1) Solve the crossword puzzle
2) write a fairy tale “The Journey of a Seed.”

VI. Lesson summary.

House. task: paragraph 31 retell, write the fairy tale “The Journey of a Seed.”

Conversation on questions:

How are fruits and seeds distributed in nature?
- In yellow acacia, the valves of ripened beans open with such
The force that the seeds scatter in different directions. Explain
What does this mean for plants?
- One of the employees of the radio station on the shores of the Northern Ice -
that ocean discovered the seed tropical plant. The seed was
the size of a plate, with thick covers and had good buoyancy. How could it get from tropical countries to the shore?
cold ocean?
- A typical European plant, common plantain, meets –
occurs in America as well. How could he move to America and other continents?
- Up to 35 thousand seeds are formed on one sow thistle plant. What is this
does it matter to the plant?

Crossword puzzle "Distribution of fruits and seeds"

1) Who distributes rowan, bird cherry, blueberry?
2) Who helped the plantain migrate from Eurasia to other continents?
3) The seeds of this plant spread by self-dispersal.
4) The fruits of this plant have hooks with which they attach to animal fur and human clothing.
5) In this way, the seeds of dandelion, birch, and pine are distributed.
6) She spreads the seeds of alder, chastukha+ ?
7) The seeds of this plant are spread by the wind.

Card 1

1) seeds are formed from ovules (yes);
2) berry - a juicy fruit with pulp and thin skin (yes);
3) pumpkin is a dry multi-seeded fruit, found in cucumbers, watermelon (not);
4) lemon, orange have a berry-like fruit called hesperidium or bitter orange (yes);
5) the capsule develops in cabbage and turnips (no).

Card 2

Do you agree with the following statements:
1) the pericarp is the overgrown and modified walls of the ovary (yes);
2) grain - a dry fruit, found in sunflower (not);
3) the nut has a hard, woody pericarp (yes);
4) drupes include drupes, apples, nuts (no);
5) ripe, juicy fruits have juicy pulp (yes).

Card 3

1) Divide the fruits into single-seeded and multi-seeded: plum, raspberry, apple, acorn, poppy, cucumber, hazelnut (single-seeded: plum, acorn, hazelnut, and multi-seeded - the rest).
2) Find the odd one out:
A - achene, caryopsis, drupe, acorn;
B - apple, berry, nut, pumpkin;
B – pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber, achene.

Lesson on the topic “Fruits and seeds. Distribution of fruits and seeds"
- To form ideas about the diversity of fruits and methods of their distribution;
- Form a sustainable interest in the subject;
- Develop cognitive activity students;
Equipment: multimedia projector, handouts (cards with riddles, illustrations of fruits, collections of seeds.
Lesson plan:
1. Repetition (using plant footage)
- What systematic groups can all angiosperms be divided into? (Class Dicotyledons and Class Monocots)
- Organs of flowering plants. (Root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit)
- Signs of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. (The supply of nutrients is in 2 cotyledons or in the endosperm, the venation of the leaves is reticulate or arcuate, parallel, root system rod or fibrous)
- Peculiarities of seed structure dicotyledonous plants. (Seed coat, embryo - 2 cotyledons, root, bud stalk with leaves)
- Features of the structure of seeds of monocots. (Pericarp fused with the seed coat, endosperm, embryo - 1 cotyledon, root, stalk, bud with leaves)
New material.
1. Variety of fruits.
The fetus is a generative organ characteristic of angiosperms. It serves to form, protect and distribute seeds. There are juicy and dry fruits, single-seeded and multi-seeded.
(see table in appendix)
2) Give examples of these types of fruits.
- Drupes (juicy single-seeded fruit) - plum, cherry, peach, apricot, bird cherry.
- Berry (juicy multi-seeded fruit) - blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, currants, gooseberries, potatoes, tomato, eggplant, pepper.
- Apple (juicy multi-seeded) - apple tree, pear, quince, rowan, hawthorn.
- Orange (juicy multi-seeded) - citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, lime).
- Pumpkin (juicy multi-seeded) - pumpkin, melon, watermelon, zucchini, squash.
- Achenum (dry single-seeded fruit) - sunflower, dandelion, burdock (burdock), string, sow thistle.
- Caryopsis (dry single-seeded) - cereals (rye, wheat, barley, oats, rice).
- Nut (dry single-seeded) - coconut, hazel, hazelnut.
- Lionfish (dry single-seeded) - maple, linden, ash, elm.
- Bean (dry multi-seeded fruit) - legumes (peas, beans, beans, soybeans, acacia, clover, china)
- Pod (dry polyspermous) - cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, radishes, turnips, rutabaga, shepherd's purse).
- Boll (dry multi-seeded) - henbane, datura, tobacco, cotton, buckwheat, violet.
3) Distribution of fruits and seeds (demonstration using a multimedia projector)
The main methods of seed dispersal are: water, wind, insects, birds, animals, self-spreading.
Fruits and seeds have adaptations that help spread in one way or another (for example, a dandelion's parachute helps spread by wind).
Testing of acquired knowledge in the form of a test.
Signs of fruits and seeds Method of distribution
1. The fruits have juicy pulp 1. by the wind
2. The fruits have feathery hairs 2. water
3. Fruits and seeds are small, light 3. animals
4. Fruits have hooks
5. Fruits have floating (air) sacs
(Answer: 1 - 3; 2 - 1; 3 - 1; 4 - 3; 5 - 2)
4) Reinforcing the material (Riddles)
- Into a golden ball
The oak tree hid.
(Acorn - nut)
- In haymaking - bitter,
And in the cold it’s sweet.
What kind of berry?
(Rowan - apple)
- The girl holds it in her hand
Cloud on a stem.
It's worth blowing on it
And nothing will happen.
(Dandelion – achene)
- He produces sheets
Wide latitude.
Kept on strong stems
A hundred fruits are rough and tenacious.
If you don't get around them,
You will find them all on yourself.
(Burdock, burdock - achene)
- I’ll go to the warm land,
I will rise towards the sun,
Then there are people like me in it,
Will whole family.
(Grain - grain)
- It dried out in the hot sun
And bursts from the pods...
(Pea - bean)
- In the garden near the path
The sun is standing on its leg,
Only hot rays
He's not hot.
(Sunflower – achene)
- My caftan is green,
And the heart is like red.
Tastes like sugar, sweet
And he himself looks like a ball.
(Watermelon – pumpkin, berry)
- Balls are hanging on the branches -
Darkened from the heat.
(Plum - drupe)
- Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch:
Adults love me
And little children.
(Apple - apple)
- The head is on a leg,
There are peas in my head.
(Poppy – box
- She was green, small,
Then I became scarlet,
I turned dark in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.
(Cherry – drupe)
- As if snowball Bela,
In the spring it bloomed,
It gave off a delicate scent.
And when the time has come,
At once she became
The whole berry is black.
(Cherry - drupe)
- What they dug from the ground,
Fried, boiled?
What we baked in the ashes
Did they praise you?
(Potatoes - berries)
- I was born to glory,
The head is white and curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me.
(Cabbage – pod)
- I'm red, I'm sour,
I grew up in a swamp
Ripened under the snow
Come on, who knows me?
(Cranberry - berry)
- Red beads are hanging,
They are looking at us from the bushes.
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.
(Raspberry is a complex fruit (fruit). The type of fruit is a drupe.)
5) D/z: paragraph 30, 31. Riddles, proverbs, sayings about fruits. Come up with examples of plants that have the listed types of fruits.

VII. Lesson summary "Distribution of fruits and seeds"
Author: Lukash Inna Valentinovna, Size: 23.23 KB
Added: 12/03/2013.
Educational. Expand students' knowledge about fertilization, the formation of fruits and seeds; introduce the variety of fruits in nature, give the concept of “dry” and “juicy” fruits; reveal the process of distribution of fruits and seeds in nature and the significance of fruits in human life.
Developmental. Develop the ability to compare biological processes in nature, the ability to observe and draw appropriate conclusions and generalizations.
Educational. Bring up careful attitude To environment, to nature native land; to cultivate a scientific worldview that the seed is the future plant.
Lesson type. Assimilation of new knowledge.
Lesson form. Combined.
During the classes
I. Organizational moment: order in the classroom, readiness for the lesson, emotional mood.
- Good afternoon! I'm glad to see you in class today. I hope that our joint work will be useful and interesting.
II. Updating students' basic knowledge.
a) - At the beginning of the lesson we will conduct a short test work: restore text, partially damaged by Centipede. And let the words of Confucius “It is enough that words express the meaning” stimulate the work of your thoughts.
After pollination and fertilization, the ovary of the flower produces.... The fruits are... and.... A single-seeded juicy fruit is called..., it is found in.... Juicy multi-seeded fruits are called..., they are formed in.. . Single-seeded dry fruits are called... , they are found in... . Dry multi-seeded fruits are called..., they are formed in.... Fruits are a device for...
b) Self-control
Biology mini quiz
1. What adaptations allowed angiosperms to become the dominant group in the plant world?
2. What is the biological significance of double fertilization?
3. How are fruit and seed formed?
4. What conditions are necessary for the formation of fruits and seeds in plants?
III. Motivation educational - cognitive activity students.
It begins with a demonstration of fruits, including onions, root crops of beets, carrots, radishes and potato tubers.
To avoid identifying fruits with other organs of plants used as food, students are asked to answer the following problematic question: can bulbs, roots and tubers be classified as fruits? Justify your answer.
Comparison helps students conclude that only fruits have seeds; other organs (roots, tubers, bulbs) do not.
The following problematic question is posed to students:
- Prove that the fetus is an organ that gives rise to subsequent generations?
IV. Students' perception and assimilation of new material.
Fruits are the final stage of development of a flower as a generative organ. According to the statements of the American botanist A. IMS, the fruit is a “ripe flower”. On our planet big variety fruits and they are the result of evolution. The topic of our lesson is “Fruits.” Distribution of fruits and seeds." Please write down the topic in your notebook.
Information collection interesting facts about plants in which amazing fruits ripen.
- Teacher:
It is known that
field radish produces 160 seeds annually,
tricolor violet - 2500 seeds,
dandelion - 5000 seeds,
self-sown poppy - 20,000 seeds,
black poplar - 28,000,000 seeds.
- If all the ripening seeds fell directly under the mother plant, then their germination and development would be hampered by intense competition. How one of the most famous plants solves this problem was described in his poem “Dandelion” by Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky. Listen carefully to the poem and try to formulate the purpose of our lesson, what we will talk about today.
When you walk along the path
Everywhere you look, in the fields
Miracle balls turn white
On slender stems.
Through, silver,
They are light as feathers,
They stand and don’t sway
From the breeze from the river
But it will only pass in the fall
A wave of other winds, -
They break down and soar
Air the seeds.
Clean fluffs are flying
For the meadow, for the garden, for the forest...
And to us as paratroopers
Descending from heaven.
State the purpose of the lesson to students: to study the adaptations of plants to the distribution of fruits and seeds in nature. Such diversity in external structure fruits is associated with the formation in the process of evolution of various adaptations to seed dispersal.
It very rarely happens that the seeds germinate on the mother plant (mango plant). Most seeds spread over considerable distances. What do you think the biological significance of this is? This allows plants to spread over long distances and colonize new territories.
There are several known methods of seed dispersal:
Explanation with demonstration of the presentation “Distribution of fruits and seeds” (slide show)
1. Autochory. This method is typical for plants such as: squirting cucumber, acacia, peas, beans.
2. Anemochory. Seeds for this method must be light in weight and have special devices. Seeds such as orchids and wintergreens are light in weight. Dandelion, willow, poplar, blooming Sally- have various outgrowths in the form of tufts or hairs. And what remedies do maple, ash, and birch use? Outgrowths in the form of wings.
3. Hydrochoria. What plants do you think this is typical for? this type distribution? For aquatic or semi-aquatic plants. Sedge, alder, coconut palm.
4. Zoochory, anthropochory. In the process of evolution, many plants have developed special adaptations to this type of distribution. What adaptations do plants have for spreading with the help of animals? Burdock. It has special outgrowths in the form of hooks, spines, and Velcro, which are attached to animal fur and human clothing and are transported over long distances.
5. Ornitochory. The juicy fruits are brightly colored and thus attract the attention of birds. They eat them and carry them far from the mother plant.
6. Myrmecochory. Spread by ants.
7. “Green Aliens”. Plants brought to our country from other countries, but over the years they have become local.
V. Consolidation of the studied material. Understanding objective connections.
At this stage of the lesson, the teacher asks the students a question: what is the significance of fruits and seeds in nature and human life?
Students draw conclusions: seeds and fruits not only ensure the reproduction and distribution of plants over long distances, many of them are food for animals and humans.
VI. Homework.
Prepare reports on human use of fruits and seeds.

Druzhnova Lyubov
Presentation “Distribution of fruits and seeds”

Distribution of fruits and seeds

for 6th grade

Prepared: Druzhnova L. E.


1. Why do plants need spread fruits and seeds

2. In what ways fruits and seeds spread

An old saying goes that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In fact fruit and the seeds often end up far from the mother plant due to various adaptations.

Why is it necessary for the majority seeds turned out to be as far away from the mother plant as possible?

Plants colonize new territories

Cross-pollination is facilitated

There is no intraspecific competition

Enriches species diversity plant communities - phytocenoses

Distribution of seeds and fruits

Methods distribution:

By wind, scattering, animals, humans, water

Spread by the wind

Milkweed, elm, linden, pine, maple, dandelion

Spread by water

Cattail, ash, coconut palm, cattail (swampweed, lotus

Spread animals and humans

Distribution of fruits and seeds animals contribute (squirrels, chipmunks) stockpiling them in reserve. Uneaten or lost seeds often germinate under favorable conditions.

The seeds of many plants are carried by insects. For example, ants are attracted to seeds with succulent appendages, like those of celandine and violet.

They spread their fruits themselves

There are many plants in nature that can disperse their seeds themselves. When they ripen fruit open and the seeds scatter in different directions. This is the way it happens violet seed distribution, impatiens, acacias.

Crazy cucumber

Dry fruit Some plants are equipped with various trailers. If you walk along a vacant lot or the bank of a river overgrown with weeds in the fall, you will definitely end up with a whole collection of tenacious clothes on your clothes. burdock fruit, gravilata, strings.

Same as for clothes fruit These plants cling to animal fur and bird feathers.

Why do seed plants dominate the Earth?

Seed plants dominate because they have a variety of ways distribution of seeds and fruits: wind, water, self-spreading, animals and humans.

Publications on the topic:

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