Fire sensors dip 34a 01 02. Features and technical specifications

Designed to monitor the condition and detect fires accompanied by the appearance of smoke in enclosed spaces various buildings and structures and issuing notifications “Fire”, “Dust”, “Attention”, “Fault”, “Disabled”, “Test”.

  • Early fire detection
  • Programmatic setting of smoke levels “day-night”
  • Monitoring the current smoke concentration value
  • Pre-alarm notice "Attention"
  • Dust control
  • Performance monitoring
  • Checking functionality by pressing on the light guide or shining a laser tester beam into it, with the notification “Test” or “Fire” (depending on the settings)
  • Power supply via two-wire communication line from S2000-KDL
  • Connection to a two-wire line for up to 127 detectors
  • Status indicator light
  • Reliable protection against insects
  • Dust protection during construction and repairs

Mounting kit for mounting smoke and heat fire detectors into suspended ceilings

“MK-1” is a device made in the form of a flange, the base of which replaces the detector socket. The flange is fastened to the ceiling fragment with screws in threaded holes metal bracket.
“MK-2” is a device that fixes a detector with a flange in a fragment of a suspended ceiling with spring clips. The detector socket is attached to the flange with two self-tapping screws.
  • Detector sensitivity corresponds to smoke level environment
    with optical density - no less than 0.05 and no more than 0.2 dB/m
  • The response time of the detector when the threshold specific optical density of the environment is reached does not exceed 10 seconds
  • Detector current consumption, no more than - 500 µA
  • Detector technical readiness time, no more than 60 s
  • Operating temperature range - from minus 30 to +55 °C
  • Overall dimensions of the detector together with the socket:
    • diameter, no more than 100 mm;
    • height, no more - 46 mm
    The sensitivity of the detector corresponds to the smoke level of the environment with optical density 0.05…0.2 dB/m
    Inertia of the detector when the threshold specific optical density of the environment is reached does not exceed 10 s
    Detector current consumption no more than 0.5 mA
    Detector technical readiness time no more than 60 s
    Operating temperature range from minus 30 to +55°C
    Relative humidity up to 93% at +40°C
    Housing protection degree IP41
    Overall dimensions of the detector with socket diameter 100 mm height 46 mm
    Weight no more than 0.2 kg
    Average service life 10 years
    Detector programming UProg.exe program
    Installation type ceiling
  • How the address “DIP -34A” is programmed. 01?

    You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for programming the address of the “DIP-34A” detector using the “uprog” program by downloading the presentation “Description and configuration of the addressable two-wire notification transmission subsystem “SPI-2000A”, posted on our website in the “technical support” “Recommendations for use” section. Besides the description functionality of the devices listed above, the presentation provides recommendations for choosing the type of cable and topology for the DPLS; using an example, the procedure and features of configuring the S2000-KDL controller using the “uprog" program are discussed in detail:

    • connection of addressable devices,
    • changing the address and setting the device type, recommended alarm types,
    • setting parameters of alarm loop and relay outputs,
    • setting up controller configuration parameters.
    • setting access levels and adding TM keys and proxy cards.
    The procedure for changing the address “DIP -34A” using the “S2000” remote control is given in the operating manual for the “S2000” remote control in paragraph "Programming and changing addresses of address expanders.”
  • How to organize a fire and security alarm with the “S2000” remote control at a facility: 2-story building, 24-25 offices, in each you need to install an IR sensor and a reed switch for security, as well as 1 fire sensor (24 hour mode). It is necessary to provide for independent arming of each office (for example, a keyboard or TM key).

    Option 1
    Security and fire alarm systems are implemented using S2000-4 devices. Control of arming/disarming loops is carried out using the Touch Memory keys of these devices. In this case, the presence of the “S2000” remote control in the system is not necessary.

    Let's consider the option when IR and magnetic contact sensors should be included in different alarm loops. In this case, to protect each room, it is necessary to use two alarm loops (AL) of the S2000-4 device; one S2000-4 device is used for two rooms. If IR sensors are powered via an alarm loop, then it is enough to connect the alarm loop wires to the sensor. If the IR sensor is four-wire (with separate power inputs), then additional power is required (usually 12 V).

    Arming and disarming control burglar alarm cabinets - Touch Memory keys. You can install one Touch Memory pad (reader) per device (that is, one reader for two cabinets). You can install a reader on each cabinet by combining in parallel the readers of cabinets controlled by one device. It is allowed to connect up to two readers to one “S2000-4” device if LED indicators of the readers are used, and a larger number if the indicators are not used. The reader is connected to the device with a wire no more than 100 m long and a capacity of no more than 4 nF. Each key (or several keys) controls the arming and disarming of the alarm loops of its cabinet. To do this, the key must be registered in the memory of the device whose alarm loops control the cabinet, and the key must be programmed to control the loops of this cabinet. When you touch the reader with the Touch Memory key, the alarm loops programmed for this key are armed if they were not armed, and disarmed if they were armed or in alarm.

    For fire alarm You can use both “S2000-4” and “Signal -20P” devices. If it is necessary to distinguish fire alarms in different offices, then each office is controlled by a separate alarm system. When using “S2000 -4” devices, fire alarm alarms can be armed using both Touch Memory keys from “S2000 -4” devices and from the “S2000” remote control. When using “Signal -20P” devices, a “S2000” remote control is required, from which the fire alarm is controlled.

    If you use the “S2000” remote control, we recommend combining fire alarms into one section and setting a password to control this section. To do this, you need to configure the S2000 remote control database accordingly. The remote control database is configured using a computer using the “pprog .exe” program. To write the configuration to the remote control, you need an RS232 - RS-485 interface converter, or you can connect the remote control directly using a special cord..

    Signals can be issued either using relays of control panels or limited to alarm notification on the remote control display (depending on what kind of alarm signal you need to receive).

    A good solution is to combine both fire and security alarm loops into sections. A section is a logical group of alarm loops that is managed as one whole. For fire alarms, one section may be sufficient, which unites all fire alarm systems. For security alarms, the “one office - one section” scheme is appropriate; each section includes all security alarms of one office.
    Using partitions provides the following benefits:

    • each user can use his or her password to control only those sections to which the password gives rights, so the user does not have the ability to accidentally or intentionally disarm or arm other people’s accounts;
    • it becomes possible to control arming and disarming from the “S2000-K” keyboards, control from the “S2000” remote control is greatly simplified;
    • With one command, the user controls an entire section, which can contain many alarm zones;
    • if the section number coincides with the cabinet number, then it is easier to view the console’s event buffer, since the section number in the event tells which room the event relates to;
    • It becomes possible to use the “S2000-BI” display units. LED indicators "S2000-BI" display the states of the sections;
    • It becomes possible to organize additional relay outputs (system relays). Such outputs are controlled by the “S2000” remote control according to a given program based on the states of the sections (in contrast to the relays of control panels, which are controlled by the device itself based on the states of its alarm loops). The advantages of system relays are that they are not tied to a specific device, that is, the relay outputs of some devices can be tied to sections that include loops of other devices. The “S2000-SP1” block is intended for organizing system outputs, but you can use the relays of control panels. In your case, it is convenient to use system relay outputs, for example, to organize a common siren for security alarms in rooms. To do this, all security sections are connected to any relay output of the relay module “S2000-SP1” or the control panel “S2000-4”, “Signal -20P” and the control program “Siren” or “Turn on for a while” is assigned to the output.

    Option 2
    You can organize burglar and fire alarms using the S2000-KDL device with addressable sensors and addressable expanders. The “S2000-KDL” device is connected via the “RS-485” interface to the “S2000” remote control. The two-wire line of the “S2000-KDL” device includes addressable expanders “S2000-AR1”, “S2000-AR2”, “S2000-AR8”, an addressable smoke sensor “DIP-34A”, an addressable heat sensor “S2000-IP”, as well as security detectors(and in particular “S2000-IK”). Passwords are programmed in the remote control to manage sections with the required permissions (similar to option 1). If alarm signals are output using relays, then either addressable relay modules “S2000-SP2” or “S2000-SP1” are used, which are connected to the system via the RS-485 interface.

    It should be taken into account that the loops of the addressable expanders “S2000-AP1”, “S2000-AP2”, “S2000-AP8” cannot include sensors that consume the loop. When using our “DIP -34A” sensors, you can set any threshold for the operation of day/night periods (when setting the addressable analog type for detectors). We also draw your attention to the fact that fire regulations allow the use of one addressable smoke detector per room, whereas when using non-addressable smoke detectors, it is necessary to detect a fire by the activation of two smoke detectors in the room.

    Necessary equipment to organize your alarm system in this configuration:

    • remote control “S2000” - 1 pc.;
    • addressable two-wire line controller “S2000-KDL” - 1 pc.;
    • eight-line addressable expander “S2000-AP8” - 3…4 pcs.;
    • fire smoke addressable analog sensor “DIP-34A” - from 24 pcs.;
    • magnetic contact and IR sensors;
    • redundant power supply 12 V, from 1 A.


    • “S2000-SP1” - for organizing relay outputs;
    • “S2000-K” - additional keypads for arming and disarming;
    • “S2000-BI” is an LED panel for indicating partition states.

The forward movement of mechanics and electronics, the development of technology could not but affect devices, mechanisms and methods of protecting people and material assets from fire. Once upon a time, during the reign of John IV, the introduction of round-the-clock duty on special towers - watchtowers - was progressive. Such a “warning system” helped to take timely measures and prevent the entire city from burning out in a fire, allowing one to limit oneself to the destruction of a few buildings.

Today, electronics play a key role. Smart machines are able to not only detect a fire at the earliest stage and report it, but also begin to extinguish it.

The “eyes” of any fire protection system are detectors - devices that directly respond to certain fire factors and generate a corresponding electrical signal. The DIP 34A device has a number of unique technical characteristics that make it possible to increase the efficiency of automatic fire protection systems by an order of magnitude.

Principle of operation

The very first detectors, used in systems produced back in Soviet times, responded only to temperature. Soldered with low-melting (about 60 °C) solder, the elastic plates were separated when heated, the electrical contact disappeared, which was recorded by the receiving device.

Modern detectors, in particular the DIP 34A under consideration, work differently. It is known that the optical properties of gases strongly depend on the presence of impurities in them, as well as on temperature.

Infrared rays react especially subtly to the slightest changes in the gas-air mixture. These physical properties and uses the DIP 34A detector for early fire detection.

Application area

The device largely consists of an LED - a source of infrared radiation and a receiver - a special lens system and a photosensitive element. Small air gap between them - everything that is needed DIP 34A in order to monitor the condition of the protected object. The device in question is designed for continuous monitoring of the state of the air inside closed premises and issuing a signal in case of any changes. By the way, DIP 34A can not only inform about the occurrence of a fire. The characteristics of this detector make it possible to distinguish between smoke in the room and dust entering the diffuser. Smart electronics, when processing the signal, distinguishes even the smoke of a fire from cigarette smoke (careless smokers are a real scourge fire protection systems, the source of 90% of all false positives).

Features and Specifications

WITH full specifications The DIP 34A device can be found by reading the instructions; here are just some of its distinctive data:

An intelligent signal processing system capable of distinguishing the occurrence of a fire from dust in the room, insects entering the diffuser, as well as the presence of tobacco smoke in the air;

The widest temperature range (from 30 degrees below zero to plus 55) makes it possible to use the device both in heated and unheated rooms;

Extremely short response time - no more than 10 seconds;

Low current consumption in operating mode - about half a milliamp;

Service life 10 years.

Optical-electronic fire detector addressable analogue DIP-34A-01-02 (IP 212-34A)

The optical-electronic addressable analogue fire detector DIP-34A-01-02 (IP 212-34A) is used in addressable analogue fire alarm systems for early detection of fires in buildings and premises where the first sign of a fire is the appearance of smoke. The detector detects optical reflection from smoke particles, and if the permissible parameter is exceeded, it issues a “fire” signal. In addition, the device transmits “attention”, “malfunction”, “disabled”, “dust” and “test” signals through the S2000-KDL two-wire communication line controller to the S2000/S2000M network controller.

DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02) is a modified and improved version of the already well-known DIP-34A detector. Like its predecessor, DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02) is designed to work in addressable analogue fire alarm systems built on the basis of equipment from the Bolid company. Among the differences, we can highlight the updated design of the case with a reduced height, due to which the device will be less noticeable in the interior. Applied in the design of the detector metal grid significantly facilitates the cleaning process and also ensures the spreading of electrostatic charge.

Another feature of DIP-34A-01-02 is the possibility of simplified performance monitoring. Now the test can be done remotely - using a special laser tester. This function is especially in demand in rooms with unusually high ceilings, where it is difficult or impossible to carry out a routine check (by pressing the light emitter located on the device body). Due to the good focusing of the laser beam, the detector detects it in a time of no more than 0.5 s at a distance of more than 6 meters. To eliminate false alarms, the laser tester transmits a special code message to the detector. During such a test, a “test” message will be displayed on the network controller or automated workstation “Orion Pro”, as a result of which the fire extinguishing system will not start.

Testing DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02) with a laser tester

The next feature of DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02) is the resistance of the device to X-ray radiation. The Bolid company, at numerous requests from consumers, carried out complex tests in which 3 detectors connected to the S2000-KDL and S2000M were exposed to x-ray radiation in the range of 50 - 120 keV. During the inspection, absolutely no violations were revealed in the operation of the detectors. Even additional studies, in which the detectors were placed under direct exposure to 70 keV radiation, showed the complete absence of any disturbances in the operation of the devices. Thus, it was experimentally proven that the installation of DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02) detectors in X-ray rooms will not entail changes in the performance of the devices and the system as a whole.

Bolid also carried out fire tests on the basis of the testing center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, during which the possibility of installing DIP-34A-01-02 detectors in dropped ceilings various types. For these purposes, special mounting kits MK1 and MK2 are used.

Installation diagram of DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02) in suspended ceilings using mounting kits MK-1 and MK-2

It is worth highlighting additional function detector DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02) - the ability to transmit the current smoke value of the room to the S2000M or Orion Pro automated workstation. This function is most widely used in the fight against smoking in unauthorized places, but can also be used to control smoke in rooms with different technological processes to ensure personnel safety.

Thus, the modified and improved detector DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02) has acquired many new useful features, while maintaining all the functionality of the DIP-34A already loved by users.

Connection diagram DIP-34A-03 (DIP-34A-01-02)

TO modern enterprises and public institutions are subject to high fire safety requirements. All such facilities must be equipped with a system fire protection.One of the most significant roles in such designs belongs to detectors - devices that register changes in the state of the environment and transmit a danger signal to the control panel. Such devices include the DIP-34A installation of optical-electronic analysis and with an addressable-analog principle of transmitting an alarm signal.

Why do you need a detector?

The DIP-34A detector is part of fire protection systems and is the initial link in a complex chain of signal reception and transmission. Its main purpose is to analyze the state of the environment for the presence of smoke, large quantity dust at the serviced facility, fires accompanied by changes in air composition.

The operation of the device is based on optical-electronic analysis. After detecting a hazard, the device issues one of several notifications: “Attention”, “Fire”, “Fault”, “Dust” or “Test”, if the DIP-34A detector at this moment undergoes a pre-start or periodic maintenance check.

Principle of operation

Structurally, the optical-electronic detector is a gas chamber in which three main elements are located:

  • light emitter;
  • light detector;
  • refractive gratings.

Refractive grilles perform a protective function - they prevent light penetration and filter dust particles.

All internal equipment devices are reliably protected from sunlight, but has special holes for free air penetration. Smoke entering the device reflects the infrared signal emitted by the emitter.

An electronic microcircuit inside the DIP-34A device registers changes in the light signal received by the receiver (ultra-high sensitivity photodiode), analyzes the data and decides to issue an appropriate notification.

Detector Features

The main feature of the optical-electronic notification device is high sensitivity. The device easily detects the presence of a closed object in the air, such as dark smoke that appears when polymers and composite materials, and light, which occurs during the smoldering of wood, paper, and textiles.

Another important feature, which the DIP-34A smoke detector has, is the ability to record the concentration of smoke in the first stage of smoldering of a combustible material. This allows you to detect the source of fire in time and take appropriate fire-fighting measures.

The device is very demanding on cleanliness - the accumulation of dust on the refractive shutters and inside the gas chamber reduces its sensitivity and can lead to false alarms of the system or its failure. It is very important to carry out maintenance activities on time.

Detector characteristics

When creating fire protection systems, special attention should be paid to the selected equipment, since the coverage area of ​​the device, response time and, as a consequence, timely detection of fire depend on this. The characteristics of the DIP-34A detector are presented by the following indicators:

  • sensitivity corresponding to atmospheric smoke with optical density - 0.05-0.2 dB/m;
  • response time - less than 10 seconds;
  • rated current consumption - less than 0.5 mA;
  • operating temperature range - from -30 to +55 °C;
  • dimensions: diameter - 100 mm, height - 4.6 cm;
  • average durability - at least 10 years.

The DIP-34A detector is used in conjunction with the S2000-KDL control device, software which is represented by the UProg.exe application.