How to get from Casablanca to Marrakech. On your own in Morocco: travel route. Choosing a further path

The route is popular with both tourists and Moroccan residents and is served by various types of public transport. Buses and tourist shuttles are a good option for those traveling alone or as a couple, for young people who know their way around the country and know the language, and for those who need to reduce their vacation budget.

Advantages of buses and shuttles over other types of public transport

Typically the cheapest option. Travel by bus is either comparable to other group modes of transport (for example, the train), or is 5–15% cheaper than any alternative.

Drive to a stop where you can easily get to the desired location. And in the case of a tourist shuttle, perhaps even to the hotel. Regular buses from major transport hubs leave for the most popular destinations and pass through the central areas of surrounding cities and resort areas. For example, from the stop where a bus from the airport takes a tourist, it will be possible to get to any desired place with at most one more transfer. Kiwibuses tourist shuttles in a number of destinations transport tourists to holiday destinations, rather than dropping them off in the city center.

Mini-excursion while on the road. The bus does not travel quickly and has stops. Some tourist buses and shuttles have attendants who brighten up the trip by telling you about the sights.

Disadvantages of buses compared to other types of public transport

Crowded during peak hours. Since buses are the most affordable option, they are used by most tourists who are not willing to spend money on a taxi. You may have to travel with your luggage on your lap or even standing. Group shuttles fill up evenly and running out of seats is almost impossible, however luggage space may be a problem.

There may be no tickets. For the same reason - buses are popular in Morocco, so tickets for them need to be purchased in advance, without expecting to find them on the spot.

The trip to Morocco was completely organized without a travel agency. The preparation was thorough and not at all easy, so I am sharing valuable information with those who are planning to visit this country.

Route: Casablanca 2 days - Marrakech 5 days - Casablanca 3 days

As we realized after the trip, this is not the best route, because... There’s definitely nothing to do in Casablanca for 5 days; there’s hardly enough sights and entertainment for 3 days.


There are direct flights from Moscow only to Casablanca; we got to Marrakesh by train. More on this later.

After a 6 hour flight we finally landed in Casablanca. The airport is quite decent and modern. Already in the passport control area, people of European appearance mixed with local residents, all of whom were dressed in national clothes.

Then everything went according to a pre-prepared plan: exchange money (ask for small bills), then refuse all the bombers and take an official taxi to the hotel. By the way, the price is fixed - 250 dirhams, the main thing is to make sure that the driver knows where to go.

Hotel 1

The first hotel (Hôtel Club Val d'Anfa, 4*) turned out to be a real oriental fairy tale - mosaics, carved wood furniture and other beauties all around.

Hotel Club Val d'Anfa

Hotel Club Val d'Anfa

And on the walls there are real paintings, not of the highest quality, but bright and very colorful. By the way, later at the market we bought a good painting for 600 rubles, after a long bargaining, of course.

Next to the hotel is the Corniche, a pleasant place for a stroll. A clean and well-kept recreation area where locals relax and tourists spend time. The children - beggars - spoil the impression a little, I feel sorry for them.

Getting to know the sights of the city is a real adventure. I had to deal with arrogant taxi drivers, misunderstandings, and other delights of this country.

Taxi drivers are divided into two types: with the first you have to bargain long and hard, and the second (who more or less speak English) try to take you on a city tour.

Sights of Casablanca

The first point of the route is the Old Medina (mast see - written in many guidebooks) - this is a nightmare! Complete unsanitary conditions and stench - this is a place that I wanted to leave as soon as possible. But it’s easy to get lost there, and you’ll have to bargain with a local again to get you out of the labyrinth of streets.

Point 2 - Hassan II Mosque. The mosque is located on an amazingly beautiful square, above which rises a tall minaret.

The place is really amazing, I really liked the atmosphere. Local residents come here with their children just to relax and enjoy the views, everyone is very calm and peaceful.

There are photographers at the entrance who can take a few shots against the background of the mosque using their or your camera. The price, as usual, is a sensitive issue, we paid 50 dirhams.

We spent at least an hour here, looking at the architecture and luxurious decoration of the mosque, and for 100 (350 rubles) dirhams my husband managed to get into the men's baths, where tourists are usually not allowed.

At the mosque we get into a taxi, the driver persuades us to take a city tour from him, we refuse and for 70 (200 rubles) dirhams we go to the New Medina, which he recommended.

The New Medina is the best place for shopping in Morocco that we have visited. The same goods are sold here as everywhere else, but at a fixed price. This is very convenient, because... Bargaining in every shop is very exhausting.

By the way, here you can buy things of higher quality than in other markets. For example, a national hand-embroidered silk robe can be bought for 500 dirhams (1,800 rubles).

We buy all our friends a robe (a regular cotton robe costs 100-150 dirhams), negotiate a discount for a larger purchase, and take a taxi to the hotel with peace of mind.

In the evening, a walk along the already familiar embankment, the next day a big trip.

Road to Marrakesh

We decided to go to Marrakesh from Casablanca by train (the journey takes 3 hours). A taxi driver took us to the station for 40 dirhams (150 rubles).

It was not possible to buy a ticket for the nearest train; I had to sit at the station for 3 hours.

The trains are generally normal, just very stuffy, there are air conditioners, but they don’t work. The locals are apparently happy with this, because... an attempt to open the window was not approved.

We drove through several small towns; in general, the panorama from the window resembled a Martian landscape (unfortunately, there are no photos), red earth, sparse bushes.


In Marrakech I was surprised by a very beautiful modern train station.

We checked into a hotel in the new part of the city, and the next day we went for a walk.

The environment in Morocco is terrible, in Casablanca and Marrakech the street smells terribly of exhaust fumes. It seemed to me that after a few hours of walking, my body was covered with a film.

Sights of Marrakech

The first point of the route in Marrakech is the Mojarel Gardens - a real green oasis, where it smells unusually pleasant and is very beautiful.

At the entrance to the gardens there is a very nice cafe where only foreigners sit.

By the way, the famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent landscaped the gardens, purchasing part of the territory for personal use.

What else is worth seeing in Marrakech is written in all guidebooks. Djemaa el-Fna Square, the “Square of Severed Heads,” is a 24-hour booth where you should keep your wallet close to your body.

All kinds of entertainment are offered here for tourists, and in the evening dozens of mobile eateries open.

Probably the most important entertainment is taming snakes and taking photos with them, of course, for money.

Local rolls with chicken and cinnamon, reminiscent of Vietnamese ones

5 days for the city of Marrakesh turned out to be too much.

Therefore, we compensated for the excess time with daily spa treatments and massages at our hotel. I HIGHLY recommend choosing a hotel in Morocco that has spa services. The gentle hands of Moroccan women... oh, it was wonderful.

For one day we went buggy riding in the desert, this is my coolest memory from Morocco.

General impressions of the country

In general, Morocco is a vibrant and distinctive country where you can find a lot of interesting things.

I'm sure the photographers will take away a lot of good pictures, and... Residents really don’t like to be photographed; you can negotiate with them for money.

Unfortunately, we were lazy and did not go to the blue city of Chefchaouen.

After about the 5th day in the country, you begin to understand that Moroccans are very calm and friendly people, despite their excessive importunity. The country seemed very safe, perhaps because the locals do not drink alcohol - religion prohibits it.

P.S. You will have to get used to the prayers that sound from the mouthpieces of all mosques 5 times a day. And the expression Allah Akbar will soon cease to frighten you.

The price of the air ticket from Casablanca to Marrakech is very dependent on time: the earlier you buy the plane ticket, the cheaper it will be. We found you the best price for an air ticket from Casablanca to Marrakech that costs . Cost varies depending on the day. Therefore, it is very important to compare prices not only for one specific date, but also for neighboring days - in this case, you can find a much cheaper air ticket.

Best months to visit Marrakech: January, February, March, April, May, August, September, October, November- and therefore the highest prices for air tickets. Don't forget to plan your return flight in advance - find flight tickets on the route Marrakesh - Casablanca, and/or. View flight schedules for today.

Our Price Dynamics widget allows you to make such a comparison quickly and conveniently. View flight schedules and flight arrivals from Casablanca to Marrakesh and flights from Morocco. Study the prices for the next two weeks and choose the best option that suits you both in terms of cost and time. Sometimes air ticketsCasablanca - Marrakesh round-trip tickets are cheaper than one-way tickets.

Morocco is a country that arouses extraordinary interest among tourists who, long before arrival, want to know how to get from Casablanca to Marrakesh. There are several ways to quickly overcome the distance separating major tourist centers. Options include air travel, taxi, travel by bus, train or by car.

Google Maps /

Each of the cases has features that are easy to assess depending on the time allocated for travel, the financial side of the issue and the convenience of travel by a specific type of transport. A trip along the chosen route from a resort town to the center of an exotic kingdom will be unforgettable and will allow you to get to know the local people, attractions, and traditions better.

Staying in Casablanca – where to stay and what to see?

As soon as you find yourself in Kas (abbreviation for Moroccans), it’s worth looking for a hotel to stay. Visitors can enjoy cheap accommodation in rooms without a shower or toilet, or more expensive accommodation in the central part of the city with complete comfort. You can choose a hotel to suit your taste using the website.

Martin Alvarez Espinar /

The resort is the second largest city on the African continent, so it is worth taking 2-3 days to get acquainted with the most significant places, even if you are in a hurry to get to Marrakech from Casablanca.

The most interesting attractions include:

  1. One of the most famous Hassan II mosques, built at the end of the twentieth century and therefore combining traditional elements in design with modern technologies.
  2. Twin towers with a complex of surrounding buildings and expensive shops, restaurants, cafes, offices.
  3. Khabus quarter, which is considered the hallmark of the city.
  4. The lighthouse at the El-Khank metro station is the largest among similar structures.

After getting acquainted with the coastal city, you can begin to choose the transport that will take you from Casablanca to Marrakech.


A trip by bus will bring a lot of pleasure from contemplating beauties that are exotic for a European and will not take much time. It will take approximately 3.5 hours to get to the final destination. The fee will be no more than 11 euros.

There is no need to guess the departure time for a popular destination, since buses depart from the Central Station to the street. Strasbourg happens every hour.

Alternatively, departure from the STM bus station, st. LeonAfricain. It is worth considering that you will need to stock up on time (the trip will last 4.5 hours), money (ticket prices are higher than at the Central Bus Station) and a schedule (5 flights are offered towards Marrakesh).


Some tourists are interested in deciding on their own the issues of rest stops, entertaining photo shoots, and walks around the surrounding area. For such travelers, it is possible to rent a car, for example, through the portal. In the city, car rental services are offered by agencies, including Europcar, Budget, Avis, Hertz.

Tim Adams /

Traveling by car, passengers can relax, get to know the country and the settlements encountered along the way.

The journey without stops will take a little less than 2.5 hours. The tank should have a reserve of gasoline of 19-20 liters. Spending will be up to 30 euros.


An inexpensive transfer from Casablanca to Marrakech is by train. The ONCF railways form a fairly dense grid on the map of Morocco, connecting all major cities. Traveling by rail is considered safe and convenient. Almost all trains - comfortable, high-speed, standard - have air conditioning, and there are carriages with buffets and bars.

Andrew Nash /

There are 5 railway stations built in Kas, from which passengers depart to any part of the African state. In the surrounding areas there are kiosks, storage rooms, ticket offices, cafes, and waiting areas. It is better to purchase tickets at the box office so as not to pay an additional 15% commission on board the carriage.

A fast train was launched from the Casa-Voyageurs central station to Marrakech, which reaches the final station in 3 hours 20 minutes at a speed of up to 160 km/h in some sections. By regular train, which leaves the station every 4 hours, you will have to spend only 15-20 minutes more.

The price of a ticket to Marrakech is 9-17 euros, depending on the class of carriage.


If you set off by taxi, which can be ordered on the website, then in approximately 2 hours 15 minutes the passenger will reach Marrakech. The cost of the trip varies widely and depends on the class of the chosen car. It is worth preparing 100-105 euros, but small differences are possible in both directions, since tourists can be offered economy and comfort options - the cheapest, business and premium - more expensive.

Sam Nabi /

The optimal option is to order a Minibus taxi for 7-16 people. Applications are submitted in groups or dropped off along the way. If requested in advance, the driver will pick you up at the hotel or meet you at the station with a sign.


This is a fairly hassle-free way to get to Marrakech. There is Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca, which knows exactly how to get from Casablanca to Marrakech. Buying a ticket will empty your wallet by an amount that depends on the time of year. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! In winter, you will have to pay 200-230 euros for a ticket, during the spring-summer period - 73-78 euros. The flight will take about 45 minutes.

The airport building is an attractive structure with three terminals. The shops and kiosks have expensive goods, so it is advisable to think about food and drinks in advance or, before the flight, while away the time in a cafe with dishes for every taste. The pharmacy, medical service, and security guards work around the clock. In the waiting rooms you are invited to relax on the eve of departure.

Video: tour to Morocco, Marrakesh - Casablanca.

Have you made your choice? Have a good trip!

The selection of the optimal moving option depends on finances, time constraints, the desire to see more or achieve a goal faster.

Upon arrival in the Red City, do not miss the opportunity to visit the Medina, walk through Jemaa al-Fna Square, explore the Koutoubia Mosque, stroll along the paths of the Menara Gardens, visit the city museum, and look into the Cyberpark.

The most effective and convenient means of transportation in Morocco is, of course, the train. The railway network in Morocco is not very extensive, however, it allows access to the main tourist centers of the country. There are train connections between Marrakech, Fez, Casablanca (including directly from the international airport), Rabat, Oujda, Tangier and Mekneso. However, if you want to visit Essaouira, the desert or the Atlas Mountains, you will have to use the bus service company or rent a car.

Booking train tickets to Morocco

Please remember that you will not be able to book your tickets online if you are outside of Morocco. To book tickets, you need to arrive at the station yourself and order a ticket for the time you are interested in. Trains run frequently, so tickets are usually no problem. If you are unable to book a seat in a sleeper compartment on an overnight train, there is no need to panic as you can always buy a seat in a seated compartment. Sometimes hotel owners can reserve tickets for you in advance, which you can receive upon arrival at the train station.

How to travel - first or second class?

Trains in Morocco are divided into compartments, with first class compartments accommodating 6 people and second class compartments accommodating 8 people. When you buy a ticket in first class, you get a pre-determined seat, which is quite convenient if you want to enjoy the views outside the window; in second class, seats are taken as passengers arrive. The price difference usually does not exceed $15.

Travel time

If you are interested in the timetable and how long your train journey will take, you can get detailed information directly from the ONCF (Moroccan Railway) website

Below we provide time schedule of trips on main railway routes:

Marrakech - Casablanca - 3 hours

Marrakech-Rabat - 4 hours

Marrakech-Fes - 7 hours

Marrakesh - Meknes - 6 hours

Tangier - Marrakech - 11 hours (direct night flight)

Tangier - Fes - 5 hours

Casablanca - Fes - 4 hours

Casablanca - Oujda - 10 hours

From Casablanca International Airport to the center - 40 minutes

Ticket prices on Moroccan trains

On average, ticket prices on the Moroccan Railway are quite reasonable. Travel for children under 4 years old is free. Children aged 4 to 12 years pay a discounted price for a ticket. Below, you can familiarize yourself with the main tariffs directly on the ONCF website in accordance with the class and direction that interests you. In case of a malfunction of the site, we provide a list of tariffs for first/second class tickets for 2015:

Marrakech - Casablanca - 140/90 dirhams

Marrakesh - Rabat - 185/120 dirhams

Marrakesh - Fes - 295/195 dirhams

Marrakech - Meknes - 265/174 dirhams

Tangier - Marrakesh - 310/205 dirhams

Tangier - Fes - 155/105 dirhams

Casablanca - Fes - 165/110 dirhams

Casablanca - Oujada - 305/205 dirhams

From the international airport in Casablanca to the center - 60/40 dirhams

Meals on Moroccan trains

On trains you can buy drinks, sandwiches, snacks and sweets from trays. However, trade stops during Ramadan, so it is best to stock up on groceries in advance, as train stations are quite low to allow time for shopping.

On arrival

If you fly into Casablanca, then taking the train at the international airport you can immediately get to the city center, and from there take a train to Fez, Marrakech or any other destination.

If you are in Tangier, Marrakech, Fez, then you can hire a taxi from the station to your desired location. Remember that before getting into a taxi, it is worth finding out the hotel address and agreeing on the price.

Transport in Morocco

If you are in Essaouira or Agadir, the bus will take you directly to the train station in Marrakech. Also, using the services of the bus company Supratours (which belongs to the Moroccan railway), you can get to any of the stations in Morocco; you can find out more about the route you are interested in on the company’s website