At what temperature should you dry burdock root? Collecting and drying burdock root at home. Burdock root tinctures

Hello, friends!

Traditional healers believe that there is not a single disease that cannot be cured with herbs, and among plants there is a unique species called burdock (or burdock), which cures almost everything and has no contraindications. So I wanted to tell you what burdock heals. To be honest, I didn’t even suspect what he was capable of and how unique he was until I started preparing this article.

Large burdock or burdock: beneficial properties

The scientific name of the herbaceous plant is burdock. The name comes, according to one version, from the Old Russian word “lop,” meaning leaf. Because of its large, one might say enormous, size of its leaves, this plant of the Asteraceae family was nicknamed this way.

And people also call it burdock because after flowering it is covered with small thorns that cling to clothes or animal fur, sometimes they say: “stuck like a burdock.”

The plant can be up to 1.5 meters high, in its lower part there are broadly ovate leaves with a large jagged edge, and at the top there are smaller leaves.

This is such a strong and powerful plant!

Large burdock photo

It has a fairly large, fleshy root up to 80 cm long.

Burdock blooms in July-August with purple flowers collected in round baskets.

Where does burdock grow?

This plant can be found everywhere in Europe, Asia and America: along roads, in fields, wastelands, among bushes and in various weedy places.

And in Japan, for example, burdock is grown as a garden plant and used for cooking. After all, burdock, although it is considered a weed in our country, can not only be used for treatment, but can also be eaten.

Burdock roots are used to make soup, fry and bake, and eat as vegetables. The dried roots are ground into flour to make cutlets and cakes.

My mother told me that after the war, in times of famine, it happened that they ate only burdock cutlets, and that’s how they survived.

Useful medicinal properties

Burdock has unsurpassed medicinal properties, which was known in ancient times. Both leaves and roots of burdock are used for medicinal purposes.

Benefits of burdock leaves

The leaves contain polyester oils, a storehouse of vitamin C, which is six times more than in lemon, tannins, acids, and mucus.

Thanks to the active substances, you can get a diuretic effect, increase sweating, relieve pain, normalize the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, sugar levels, reduce cholesterol, remove toxins and normalize metabolism. The latter seems very important to me, because without it, no treatment will lead to the desired result.

The juice from the leaves kills cancer cells and prevents new ones from developing.

Burdock leaves heal wounds and any damage to the skin, relieve itching and allergic reactions.

If you have sore joints, it is very useful to drink juice or infusion from burdock leaves.

Burdock has a milk-producing effect; it is a safe folk remedy that can be used by young mothers after childbirth if they have little milk. You can drink both an infusion of leaves and a decoction of the roots.

Why is it useful? burdock root

But the greatest beneficial properties are found in the roots. They contain:

  • palmitic and stearic acids
  • mucus
  • squirrels
  • inulin
  • stigmasterol
  • sitosterol
  • bitter substances
  • various vitamins and minerals.

In addition, they contain starch and polysaccharides, which can also be used for diabetes.

Preparations prepared from burdock root have multifaceted effects:

  • diuretic
  • sweatshop
  • choleretic
  • painkillers
  • antipyretic
  • wound healing
  • mild laxative
  • antiallergic
  • disinfectant
  • antiseptic
  • antimicrobial.

Taking them improves the general condition, increases urination, normalizes blood counts, while inflammation of the stomach and colon disappears, and pain goes away.

What does burdock not cure? It heals wounds, treats eczema, other skin diseases, kidney diseases, gastritis, colitis, rheumatism, diabetes, hemorrhoids and much more. A decoction of the roots strengthens hair and even helps with baldness.

Read on to learn more about everything that burdock cures, how to use the leaves and roots.

Harvesting burdock leaves and roots

How to prepare burdock leaves for the winter probably doesn’t need to be told at length, this is the usual method, as with other plants: they are collected mainly in May or June (until the plant blooms), cut and laid in a thin layer in the shade in a ventilated place, periodically turn them over, and after drying, put them in bags or jars. They can be stored for one year.

The leaves can also be frozen: to do this, they should be washed and hung so that the water drains and the leaves dry. Then they grind it through a meat grinder and put it in plastic cups, freeze it, and then put it in a plastic bag so that nothing evaporates. As needed in winter, you can take the glass out of the freezer and prepare infusions.

Harvesting of roots is usually carried out in the fall in September - October or early in the spring even before the leaves appear. It is believed that it is at this time that maximum beneficial properties accumulate in them. Although herbalists say that you can dig up the roots at other times, when you come across this plant, and suddenly there will be no such opportunity later, in any case there will be benefits.

The roots are taken from a young plant one to two years old. They are thoroughly cleaned of soil, washed, then cut into thin small strips, and it is better to cut along the root, so they dry faster. Dry in any way: in the shade under a canopy or in a dryer. Dried burdock roots can be stored for up to 5 years.

Treatment with burdock leaves

The plant is used both externally and internally.

What do burdock leaves treat:

  • long-term non-healing wounds
  • eczema and other skin problems
  • burns
  • bedsores
  • cholelithiasis
  • hepatitis
  • dysbacteriosis
  • gout
  • rheumatism
  • headache
  • joint pain
  • inflammation of the throat and nose
  • sore gums
  • duodenal ulcer
  • all kinds of cysts and tumors
  • stomach cancer

For skin problems, crushed leaves are sprinkled on the affected areas.

To treat ulcers, burns, and bedsores, you can grind the leaves through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and mix it with crushed leaves. This composition is applied to sore spots.

For headaches, use a whole leaf, which is tied to the forehead.

In all cases of using the sheet, it must be applied to the sore spot with the shaggy side (wrong side).

Juice from burdock leaves

In spring and summer, it is useful to drink juice from fresh burdock leaves for many of the above diseases; it can even cure stomach cancer and other oncologies.

The juice is obtained by grinding the leaves through a meat grinder. It can be stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

The juice is taken in courses, of course, not constantly, lasting no more than a month. You should start taking it with a teaspoon once a day, gradually increasing the number of doses to 3 every two days.

Infusion of burdock leaves

If it is not possible to prepare the juice, make an infusion of the leaves in the autumn-winter period, it will also be beneficial.

You need to prepare an infusion, not a decoction; you should not boil the raw materials for a long time, so as not to lose all the beneficial properties.

The leaves are crushed and poured with boiling water in the proportion: 1 tablespoon 200 ml. water. Leave for 40 minutes and you can drink a tablespoon before meals.

Burdock leaves for joint pain

Here, as in many similar cases, it is necessary to approach it comprehensively.

Take a burdock leaf, tear it into pieces and apply two to four layers to the sore spots, secure with a bandage. Burdock draws out inflammation and relieves swelling.

In addition, take the juice or infusion orally. Drink this drink and you will get an excellent healing effect.

How to treat heel spurs with burdock

Pick some nettles, wash them so that they remove their thorns, dry them a little and chop them with a knife.

Place nettle on a burdock leaf and attach it to the heel with a bandage. Leave the compress on for 30 minutes or more - as long as you can stand it without causing any nettle burns.

What does burdock root cure?

Burdock is able to fight all inflammatory problems, viruses and fungi, resolves all kinds of tumors, treats stomach cancer, and strengthens the immune system. Burdock root is good for the liver, it improves its function.

What diseases does burdock root treat:

  • gout
  • inflammatory kidney diseases
  • cholelithiasis
  • cirrhosis
  • urolithiasis
  • gastritis
  • colitis
  • dysbacteriosis
  • diabetes
  • rickets
  • haemorrhoids
  • rheumatism
  • eczema
  • boils
  • gynecological problems
  • prostate diseases
  • oncological diseases.

Burdock root is used for weight loss, because excess weight is associated primarily with metabolic disorders, which can be restored by taking burdock root tincture.

For treatment, prepare a decoction or tincture of alcohol. They also make a tincture of oil, which is used externally.

How to prepare a root decoction

A tablespoon of the prepared raw material is poured with boiling water in a volume of 250 ml, boiled for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring. Then filter after 10 minutes.

Take half a glass orally 2-3 times a day before meals.

To treat skin diseases, lotions are made from the decoction.

Burdock root tincture

To prepare the tincture, use high-quality vodka, take half a liter of vodka for 3 tablespoons of roots, leave for 14 days, filter, take a teaspoon.

Burdock roots are also infused with lean, unrefined oil (sunflower, olive, almond).

It is used to lubricate wounds, various skin rashes, cracks, treat sore gums, make tampons and treat hemorrhoids.

3 tablespoons of necessarily dry chopped roots are poured into 500 g of oil. Raw roots are not suitable; they can ferment. It is better to insist for 21 days in a dark place, and shake the jar with roots every day. But if you urgently need it, then you can use it after 10 days. There is no great need to strain the tincture.

How to treat psoriasis with burdock and eczema

For psoriasis, you can wipe the skin with burdock juice and drink juice from the leaves or infusion of the root.

A.P. Popov recommended making compresses: boil crushed burdock root in the amount of 4-5 tablespoons for 20 minutes in water in an enamel bucket, cool to a comfortable warm state (39-40 degrees). Then a cloth folded in four is moistened in this decoction, lightly wrung out and wrapped around the sore spots. Cover with dry cloth and woolen items. Keep this compress for 2 hours, but it is better to leave it overnight. A six-day course of treatment is carried out, which can be repeated after a one-day break.

Burdock root for hair

Tincture of burdock roots in oil is the well-known burdock oil, which we often use to strengthen hair and for baldness.

It is rubbed into the scalp on its own or as part of masks before washing your hair.

When using burdock oil, hair becomes shiny and thick.

Large burdock: Contraindications

Burdock cures everything! It is very difficult to name any disease that burdock could not overcome - it is a wonderful plant! It has practically no contraindications. The only caution is for use by pregnant women and children. And in all cases, do not forget to follow the norm, eat right and follow the recommendations of your doctors.

Many methods of alternative effects on the body have long been recognized in official medicine. Now doctors are actively resorting to acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, manual therapy and other similar methods of treatment. Thus, the healing properties of medicinal plants have long been confirmed by scientific research, and doctors often prescribe them to their patients. It is quite possible to prepare herbal-based healing remedies on your own, but for this you need to properly prepare the plant materials. Let's clarify how to prepare and when to collect burdock root?

The burdock plant is a fairly popular medicinal plant. But many people view it solely as a weed. However, burdock root is actively used by traditional medicine specialists for the prevention and treatment of many health problems.

When to collect burdock roots?

It is recommended to harvest burdock roots in the autumn (September or October). At this stage of its development, the root system concentrates the maximum amount of useful substances. It is recommended to harvest the roots of annual or biennial plants. They can reach sixty to eighty centimeters in length and sometimes sink into the ground a meter or even a meter and a half. So most likely you won’t take the whole root with you.

After harvesting, the roots must be freed from the ground and dried. Dry the prepared raw materials under a canopy, crushing them into random pieces and scattering them on a suitable surface. To speed up the drying process, you can use a dryer. Store dry raw materials in a wooden container.

How to prepare burdock roots?

Burdock root infusion

To prepare this product, you need to thoroughly chop the burdock roots. Brew a teaspoon of the prepared raw material with half a liter of boiling water and place it in a thermos for infusion. After eight to twelve hours, strain the finished medicine and drink it the day before. An infusion of burdock roots can be used to eliminate stone formations in the kidneys, as well as in the bladder. In addition, it is used to treat ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, as well as gastritis and other diseases.
This infusion is also often used to correct dermatoses and itchy skin rashes; in this case, compresses are prepared based on it.

Infusion of burdock roots. Second recipe

To prepare such a medicine, you need to prepare fifteen grams of crushed roots. Brew them with four hundred milliliters of boiling water, pour into a thermos and leave for one hour to infuse. Strain the finished medicine and drink it warm, one hundred milliliters three or four times a day.

An infusion of burdock roots can be used when treatment of cholelithiasis and for the treatment of kidney stones is required. This remedy also helps to cope with cholecystitis, pancreatitis and pancreatic diseases. In addition, an infusion of burdock roots will be useful for patients suffering from inflammatory kidney damage and colds.

How to prepare burdock root for poisoning?

Patients affected by poisoning will benefit from the following medicine: brew fifteen grams of crushed burdock roots with four hundred milliliters of boiling water, wrap it better and leave for two hours to infuse. Strain the finished medicine and take it warm, one hundred milliliters three to five times a day. This infusion perfectly cleanses the blood.

Burdock root decoction

This medicine is suitable for external use. To prepare it, you need to finely chop dry burdock root. Brew a tablespoon of medicinal raw material with half a liter of boiling water and simmer for half an hour. Strain the finished medicine.

Use a decoction of burdock root for hair care. It can be rubbed into the scalp in the evenings just before bed. Carry out this procedure at intervals of two days for four months.

Burdock root decoction is excellent for treating arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and joint pain. In these cases, it is used to prepare baths, as well as to apply compresses.

Diuretic medicine

To prepare an effective diuretic, you need to grind the roots of burdock. Brew three tablespoons of the prepared raw material with 800 milliliters of boiling water and heat over low heat until the volume of the medicine is reduced by half.

Infuse the mixture for half an hour, then strain. Sweeten the finished drink with honey or sugar. Take half a glass three times a day, as well as a glass immediately before bed.

General restorative medicine

To prepare such a medicine, you need to thoroughly chop the burdock roots. Brew a tablespoon of this raw material with a glass of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine well wrapped for an hour and a half, then strain. Drink the prepared infusion one glass twice a day.

For preparing compresses

Patients with bursitis, psoriasis, eczema, gout, arthritis, heel spurs, trophic ulcers, rheumatism, pain in the limbs, osteochondrosis and furunculosis should prepare twenty grams of crushed burdock roots. Brew them with a glass of boiling water and keep them on low heat for ten minutes.

Infuse the medicine well wrapped for forty minutes, then strain. Soak gauze in the prepared product and apply it to the affected area for half an hour to an hour. Repeat this procedure one to three times a day.

Burdock is a biennial weed. And if in the first year of life it does not bother the owners or just passers-by, then in the second year its flowers - spherical spines (burdocks) cling to clothes, get tangled in animal fur...

Some people mercilessly pull out a plant with huge leaves right from the roots, not even suspecting that they are depriving themselves of an excellent medicine for many diseases. Moreover, all parts of the plant are considered medicinal: roots, leaves and even seeds.

When to Harvest Burdock Roots

Burdock roots are harvested in the first autumn after the leaves of the young plant have already begun to fade, since closer to winter all the nutrients accumulate in the roots. Young burdock roots are juicy and fleshy. But the old roots are already lignified and practically useless, because the plant already dies in the second autumn. How to distinguish a young plant from an old one? Precisely because of the burdocks that form in the second year.

Burdock roots sometimes reach up to one meter in length, and they go deep into the ground. Therefore, when digging, it is rarely possible to pull out the entire root. The main thing is to dig out the thickest part of it.

The above-ground part of the dug root needs to be cut off, then dried a little, and then thoroughly cleaned of the soil with a brush. And only then continue further drying. Some harvesters immediately wash the root in cold water and only then dry it. But this is not recommended, as this deteriorates the quality of the raw materials.

Small roots, mechanical damage, and rotten areas are cut off from clean roots. Then large roots are cut into smaller pieces, each of which is cut lengthwise into two or four parts (not completely), hung on stretched ropes and dried in this form in the shade, but in a warm place: in the attic - closer to the roof, near batteries or stoves. Small parts of the roots can be laid out on fabric or matting. But when drying the roots, the room must be ventilated.

For accelerated drying, you can use an oven or stove, but the temperature should not be higher than 45°. Dried roots become light and lose up to 80% of their weight.

Well-dried roots should break easily, but not bend.

The smell of burdock roots is weak, the taste is sweetish.

Dried roots are stored in glass jars with a screw cap for 2-3 years.

Uses of burdock roots

Burdock roots are used as a diaphoretic, diuretic, to improve metabolism, for skin diseases and as a blood purifier.

A decoction of burdock roots helps with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Burdock oil is made from burdock roots infused with olive or almond oil.

In some countries, young burdock roots are used as food. They make salads and cook soups. They are fried, stewed, eaten raw, and added to soup instead of potatoes.

May burdock root is good for stomach cancer. To do this, you need to grate it and eat it (without the norm).

Fresh juice helps against skin cancer.

How to prepare burdock leaves

Burdock leaves are also very beneficial. They contain more vitamin C than lemon.

Burdock leaves contain malic acid, citric acid, and essential oils.

Burdock leaves are harvested in early spring before flowering begins. or during budding. As soon as the heads of burdocks appear, the harvesting of leaves is stopped.

The best time to collect leaves is 9 am.

Only healthy leaves are cut off. Leaves that are drooping, yellowed or show signs of disease are not suitable for harvesting.


Dear readers, today we will continue the conversation about our seemingly inconspicuous and useless weed - burdock. But believe me, this is not so. I think that after reading the article, you will see this for yourself. We'll talk about the beneficial and medicinal properties of burdock root. This is what is most often used and used for health.

From a medical point of view, it is the roots that have the greatest medicinal properties. Doctors have used burdock roots for medicinal purposes since ancient times, and recipes using them are described in various ancient medical books. And now about everything in more detail.

Burdock root. Medicinal and beneficial properties

The medicinal properties of burdock roots lie in the presence of tannins, polysaccharides, saturated fatty acids, essential oils, resins, proteins; the roots are rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements important for the human body, such as iron, manganese, zinc, boron and others. .

For diseases of the kidneys and gall bladder, infusions from burdock roots are used as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

For colds and infectious diseases, the roots are used as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic and analgesic.

In cases of intestinal motility disorders and hemorrhoids, decoctions from the roots act as a natural laxative and anti-inflammatory agent.

In addition, the substances contained in the roots can improve the activity of the pancreas, which makes it possible to use them for metabolic disorders and diabetes.

Compresses from infusions of burdock roots are used for various skin diseases, for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, they improve the condition of the skin, reduce itching, swelling, and relieve inflammation.

For stomach diseases, preparations made from burdock roots reduce inflammation and pain, and regulate the acidity of gastric juice.

Burdock root uses

Burdock Root Extract

You can buy burdock root extract at the pharmacy. On the one hand, it is very convenient. Follow the instructions, consult only your doctor.

It is easy to prepare decoctions and infusions from fresh or dried roots.

Burdock root tincture

How to prepare this tincture? It is best prepared in a thermos, so that all the necessary medicinal substances will be transferred into the infusion in maximum quantities. For two glasses of water you will need 20 grams of dry or fresh crushed roots, which is about one tablespoon. It is more convenient to prepare the infusion at night, and in the morning, strain and take before meals, and warm to a comfortable temperature before use.

Treatment with burdock root should begin with one tablespoon, then increase to 1/4 cup per dose. Infusions are used to treat diseases of the joints, stomach, intestines, diabetes, and skin diseases.

Burdock root decoction

Decoctions of burdock roots are more concentrated; they are used for cancer, kidney stones and cholelithiasis, and diabetes. Externally, decoctions are used to strengthen hair and for various skin diseases.

How to prepare burdock decoction?

They are prepared in different ways, traditionally the roots are simply filled with water, left for several hours, then brought to a boil, boiled for a few minutes, cooled and filtered.

The most correct preparation of the decoction is in a water bath, when the roots are poured with boiling water and in the bath all the beneficial substances are slowly released into the decoction.

To prepare a decoction, two teaspoons of crushed root per glass of water is enough. Take a tablespoon of the decoction three to four times a day before meals.

I have given traditional methods of preparing a decoction and infusion from burdock roots, but they may be different, since their concentration may depend on the severity of the disease.

Treatment with burdock root. Recipes

Burdock root. And what does it treat? Traditional medicine offers recipes based on burdock roots for the treatment of various diseases.

  • When treating joints Burdock root oil is used; to prepare it, pour three tablespoons of fresh roots with half a glass of unrefined sunflower or olive oil, leave for a day to infuse, then simmer over low heat for 10 minutes and strain. Add about a teaspoon of beeswax to the hot oil; after cooling, you will get a plastic ointment that needs to be rubbed into the sore joints. It is best to do this at night, wrapping the joint in something warm.
  • For the treatment of prostate adenoma Traditional medicine recommends preparing an infusion of roots in a cold way, for which two tablespoons of roots are taken per glass of boiled water. You need to infuse the roots for 2 - 3 hours, then strain and drink half a glass two to four times a day.
  • For the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers pour a tablespoon of fresh roots into two cups of boiling water, leave for 8–10 hours, strain and drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.
  • For diseases of the pancreas prepare a decoction from a tablespoon of dried roots and two glasses of water. First, the roots are infused in cold water for an hour or two, then heated and boiled for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction warm after meals three times a day.
  • As a diuretic A decoction of two tablespoons of roots and half a liter of water is used. Simmer the roots in a water bath for 25 minutes or boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup of the decoction twice a day, adding a little honey to it.
  • For diseases of the liver and gall bladder pour two teaspoons of crushed roots into half a liter of cold water overnight, bring to a boil in the morning, cover and leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink 1/2 glass three times a day
  • For diabetes Mix burdock roots with chicory roots, bean leaves and flax seeds, take everything in equal quantities. For the decoction, pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, boil for 10–15 minutes, and cool. Take 1/2 cup three times a day.

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Burdock root for hair

I immediately remember my grandmother's recipes. Nettle, burdock - everything was always used for hair. What is burdock root good for our hair? It is great to use for hair loss to strengthen it, so that the hair is beautiful and silky.

You can also use burdock oil at home. Our recipe, tested with our daughters, is this:

1 tsp burdock oil,
1 tsp honey,
Juice of 1 medium onion,
10 grams of burdock juice
Your shampoo.

Mix everything, apply it to your hair, cover it with plastic and wrap it in a towel or put on a hat. Leave it like this for about an hour. Then rinse everything off with warm water. Tip: don't use a hairdryer! Otherwise, everything will not be so effective. Or use a professional hair dryer, but not often.

Additionally, you can rub burdock juice into your hair.

How to prepare burdock root

When is the best time to collect burdock roots?

The best time to collect burdock roots is autumn. Moreover, late autumn. When all the plants are ready for winter. All useful substances went down into the rhizomes.

Harvesting burdock root: in the fall, dig up the roots of young plants, that is, the first year of their life, they are not difficult to distinguish, they are large and very juicy.

In older plants, the roots lose their healing properties, the root becomes woody and is not suitable for treatment.

Before drying, the roots are washed very thoroughly, cleaned, then cut crosswise into pieces, and very thick roots are also cut lengthwise. Dry in the attic, under a canopy or on an open balcony, avoiding direct sunlight.

The roots can be stored for up to five years in glass jars.

I suggest watching a detailed video about collecting burdock roots, what you need to pay attention to if you start harvesting it yourself.

Burdock or burdock is a very common plant. It has been known to everyone since childhood, when its spines (dried inflorescences) served as an excellent material for various crafts, and sometimes just for pampering. Gardeners consider burdock a harmful weed and methodically destroy it in their plots. At the same time, this plant is a valuable medicinal raw material.

The value of burdock

Knowledgeable herbalists prepare burdock in significant quantities. Typically, large burdock or felt burdock is used for medicinal purposes. These are the most common varieties that only a botanist can distinguish from each other. Since they have almost uniform properties, there is no particular difference in which type to collect.

Almost all parts of burdock are harvested for medicinal and cosmetic purposes: leaves, roots, inflorescences and seeds. The drugs prepared from them have a diaphoretic, choleretic and diuretic effect, are able to relieve inflammation, work as a natural antiseptic, improve metabolism and neutralize allergic reactions. They are used both externally and taken orally, depending on the dosage form.

How to treat with burdock

Making medicine from burdock is not at all difficult.

  • For migraines, skin lesions, insect bites or rheumatic pain, it is enough to apply a fresh leaf of the plant to the sore spot, which can be crushed (or simply chewed) for greater effect.
  • In a similar way, you can use juice squeezed from leaves passed through a meat grinder. It is applied to gauze or a cotton swab and applied to the sore spot. For some diseases, the juice can also be taken orally. They use both a freshly prepared drink and a perfectly preserved alcohol tincture (a mixture of juice and alcohol in equal quantities).
  • Infusions can be prepared hot or cold from the roots, leaves and seeds. These parts are mixed with various oils or just water. Raw materials can be either fresh or dried. There are many different cooking recipes. It is necessary to choose the option that is most effective for each specific disease.
  • For long-term storage of medicinal raw materials (fresh leaves, roots, seeds), tinctures are often prepared from it. They differ from infusions in that alcohol-containing liquids (alcohol, vodka, etc.) are used as a base; honey may be added. Cooking method: cold only. Tinctures can be taken orally and also used as compresses. They must be stored at room temperature without access to light. The longer the raw materials are infused, the higher the medicinal value of the final product.
  • Burdock decoctions are prepared from the roots and inflorescences. To do this, boil them with water or vegetable oil for about 15 minutes. The resulting liquid can be used externally or taken orally according to a regimen that corresponds to the course of treatment for a specific disease.
  • You can even prepare your own ointment based on the infusion or decoction, using any vegetable oils or animal fat.

When to collect burdock

The timing of collecting plant materials depends on its type. The only general principle is choose plants no older than two years old, since with age the medicinal properties of the plant decrease significantly.

Roots should be harvested late in the fall, when burdock has already accumulated a maximum of valuable substances in the rhizome, preparing for the next growing season.

  • They are carefully removed from the ground, dried a little and cleaned with a brush.
  • The resulting raw materials are carefully sorted, mercilessly getting rid of diseased and insect-damaged specimens.
  • The aerial part of the root and thin lateral roots are removed, and specimens that are too thick are cut lengthwise into several parts.
  • It is not recommended to wash the resulting raw materials, as this procedure significantly reduces the quality of the raw materials.
  • Dry the roots in the air (necessarily in the shade) or at elevated temperatures (in an oven, oven or dryer). Heating of raw materials should not exceed a temperature of 50 °C.
  • Properly dried roots should become brittle and break rather than bend when bent.
  • Dry roots can be stored for up to 5 years in a breathable or airtight container.

Leaves Burdock should be collected in early spring, even before the first flowers appear. Collection is allowed during the period of bud formation.