Communication skills description. What is communication skills? Learning to constructively criticize

Sociability is a very useful property of a person, which helps him not only in communicating with other people, but also in achieving a successful life. This article will tell you about the essence of communication skills and how you can develop it.

The essence of communication

What is communication skills? Many people ask this question. In fact, communication is the key to a successful life. In simple words, sociability is the ability of a person to find a common language with other people. Sociable people easily make contact with strangers; it is easy for them to carry on a conversation and initiate a conversation.

Based on the properties of a sociable person, life is easier for him. Having many acquaintances and friends, it is easier for people to move forward in life, both on the personal and career ladder. People who are sociable and charismatic attract people's attention in a positive way. If a person is educated despite all this, he has no price.

How to develop communication skills

Many psychologists suggest that at a conscious age it is quite difficult, or almost impossible, to develop communication skills. They believe that sociability is a quality that is attributed to a person from an early age, when communicating with little people like him. Therefore, they advise teaching children to communicate with other people from an early age. To do this, it is necessary to walk with them more often in public places, parks and in general, to create all the conditions for him to communicate with peers.

Despite this, there are several basic methods for developing communication skills in an adult:

  • Reading. A sociable person must be able to find contact with anyone. To achieve this, you need to be well-rounded. This is why it is so necessary to read. Read not only fiction, but also all sorts of educational articles. Follow trends to keep up with the times and always be in the know. This will help you form your personal opinion on specific issues.
  • Getting rid of complexes. Many people are antisocial precisely because of their complexes. Complexes constrain them and make them afraid of communicating with other people. To get rid of complexes, you first need to identify them. Sit down, think about what you don't like about yourself and try to get rid of it. When you become mentally free, connecting with other people will become much easier.
  • Initiative. Take initiative in communication. If you are interested in something, ask. Don't wait for the person to speak first.

Communication and business

Communication skills when doing business are the key to success. If you maintain not only business, but also friendly relations with your partners or clients, you yourself will not notice how your sales will begin to grow. Consider this example: A person comes to your office wanting to make a purchase. If you show your sociability and willingly help him with advice, he will not remain indifferent. The client will be impressed by communicating with you and, of course, will tell his friends and acquaintances about it. They, in turn, will also want to visit your office or make a purchase.

All of the above emphasizes the importance of communication skills in everyday and business life. Remember this and you will never regret it. It's never too late to develop.

The concepts of “communication”, “communication”, “communicative competence”, “communicative skill”, “ communication skills”, recently often found among employers’ requirements for applicants for available vacancies.

People who have the ability to build correctly and effectively communications, managers are pleased to take them into their teams. Why? Because for sociable people They are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, they easily adapt to new conditions, are able to successfully negotiate, and strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

What does the concept of human sociability include?

Ability to quickly establish contact with strangers;

Communication that makes you want to continue the conversation;

Ability to persuade;

Ability to speak publicly;

Need for communication;

Well delivered speech;

Argumentation of your point of view and the ability to defend your interests;

Finding a compromise;

Decision making skills;

Orientation in a problem situation.

Sociable person. Formula

1. Plus interest

For a developed person, communication becomes a necessity, communication skills- the key to success. But a common flaw in communication is a lack of consideration for others. We are busy with our own affairs, focused on our own opinions, and we no longer have enough time for others. And if we meet other people and share interests with them, we often talk about our problems and “pull the blanket over ourselves” in all respects.

People don’t know how to communicate because they don’t know how to ask themselves the question: “What is valuable, interesting, priority for someone else?” Communication is interesting only when interests intersect. Curiosity, attention, good memory, keen observation in relation to your interlocutor - guarantee success in communication.

Indispensable for communication, for sociable A person also has a sufficiently developed self-esteem, which allows him to convince his interlocutor that he is right.

2. Minus anxiety

Despite the fact that sociable person very playful and active, he is extremely calm. The fear centers are supposedly inactive, there is no excitement. Sometimes it seems that such a person is calm to the point of carelessness. But this carelessness actually turns out to be wisdom: it turns out that nothing happened and there is no need to worry. Peace of mind attracts people. Wherein people's sociability characterized by openness, goodwill, ease of communication, some trustfulness, and an excellent ability to switch attention.

3. Plus feedback

You have only just looked at him, and he already perceives your gaze as an old acquaintance. You just extend your hand, and he already knows what the handshake will be like. Sociable person dexterous, inventive, witty, reactions are accurate.

4. Plus or minus selfishness

Healthy egoism has never bothered anyone. Selfishness present in moderation will allow a person to stand up for himself, maintain his own personal space, and help keep his distance from obsessive people.

5. Plus artistry

Sociability of people characterizes them as representatives of society, who are characterized by a wealth of gestures and intonations. Sociable person consummate storyteller, imitator. He has a taste for detail, for juicy details, the excitement of a child, he wants to live a varied life, which is why it is so easy for such a person to transform into different social roles, to easily adapt. These people know how to please.

6. Plus or minus aggressiveness

Aggressiveness sociable person shows rarely, “but accurately.” A master of peaceful solutions and compromises, he can, if absolutely necessary, use a painful technique - decisively and powerfully. This reserve ability creates an undertone of strength that is so necessary in human relationships, especially when it comes to work and business communication, and it also attracts no less than charm. This is demonstrated in different ways: sometimes as convincing confidence, sometimes as playful malice, sometimes as imperiousness and even authoritarianism.

Sociability in our time is a very important and necessary personal quality, since the ability to quickly find a common language with people and establish contacts is necessary both in personal life and work. In job advertisements you can often find such a requirement for an applicant, especially if the company is looking for a sales manager, HR manager, public relations manager, etc.

Communication skills - what does it mean?

For those who want to know what sociability means, it’s worth remembering the people who probably exist in the lives of each of us. Friends of youth or work colleagues who can find the right words for everyone and tune in to the wave of both a small child and an older adult. They always have some story or anecdote that is appropriate; they can easily direct the thread of conversation in a positive direction if they feel that something is brewing. A sociable person is open to the world, he is friendly and pleasant to talk to.

  1. Sociability can be called sociability or contact when it comes to informal conversation. “The soul of the party” - that’s what they say about such people.
  2. In business negotiations, the very term “communication skills” is used, which helps a person find compromises and negotiate with the right people.
  3. In diplomacy, this is simply an irreplaceable quality, because without it, success in this field is impossible.
  4. TV and radio presenters, entertainers, DJs and others are sociable people who can captivate and ignite the audience.
  5. Social networks open up huge opportunities for such sociable people, especially if they have creative potential.

How to develop your communication skills?

It must be said right away that not every person who craves communication can be called sociable. Can a tiresome bore be considered sociable? And the brawler, just looking for a reason to squabble? Some are so talkative that they simply won’t let you get a word in edgewise. She is so absorbed in useless chatter that she herself does not notice how she is wasting her interlocutor’s time. It also happens that a taciturn and reserved person opens up in a certain situation, when he feels that he has entered his “field”, and the topic of conversation is extremely interesting and familiar to him. It is possible and necessary to develop your communication skills, and above all, you should try to be open-minded towards the views of others.

Showing interest in people, trying to understand their desires, feelings and needs, it is necessary to understand that they have the right to freely express their views and be ready to accept their concept. It is very important to expand your horizons, read a lot and educate yourself. This will increase self-confidence, because a person savvy in many issues will no longer be afraid of communication, he will be able to answer questions and, if necessary, ask again or clarify something. If you want to know how you can improve your communication skills, try to enjoy communication. Express your interest in the topic being discussed, not only talk, but also listen.

It is unacceptable to agree absentmindedly, because you can thereby offend your interlocutor, but by entering into an argument with him, defending your point of view, you also spare the feelings of your opponent. And humor will be your faithful assistant: it will always help defuse the situation and put your interlocutors at ease. Set a positive example of friendliness and openness for your children, and they will follow in your footsteps as outgoing people.

Many people, when writing a resume, get stuck on the “personal qualities” section. What to write? This is where different stress resistance, diligence, ease of learning and communication skills come to mind. But few people delve into the meaning of these words. What is, for example, communication skills?

The dictionary says that this is a person’s ability to communicate, establish connections and contacts. This means that it is necessary not only to constantly talk, but also to be able to build a constructive dialogue with any person in written and oral form. When writing a resume, remember that this is not an ordinary familiar communication.

To achieve success, almost every person must be sociable. For some, it is even part of their professional competencies. HR managers, sales managers, PR specialists, service industry workers simply must be able to quickly find a common language and tune in to the same wavelength with different people.

Usually, personnel officers pay little attention to the list of personal qualities, but if it is missing from the resume, this may alert the employer. Therefore, try without fanaticism to indicate your positive qualities, as well as those that are necessary in the desired profession. Perhaps the confirmation of what was written will later be checked at an interview.

The applicant’s communication skills are indicated by his results and work experience. Of course, you won’t be able to move up the career ladder if you have a client-oriented profession and are an uncommunicative person.

There are two types of communication skills: written and oral.

Oral communication skills

Employers check the presence of this type of communication skills during a personal interview or during a telephone interview. There are several criteria by which this species is evaluated.

Ability to clearly express your thoughts. A person who has oral communication skills is primarily characterized by structured and logical speech. To do this, applicants are often asked questions to which they need to give detailed answers, and not “water”. You should not talk non-stop; it is better to act according to the principle “brevity is the sister of talent.”

Adequacy. HR consultants believe that a candidate’s personality can be assessed through an adequate and critical attitude towards others and towards oneself. If from the first minutes you switch to “you” and begin to communicate in a familiar manner, then this does not mean that you are a sociable person, but that you do not have professional communication skills.

Skill listen . Those interlocutors who do not hear and do not listen to each other will not be able to have a constructive conversation. You will not be able to come to an understanding with your interlocutor if you constantly talk and do not listen to your opponent’s requests and comments.

The ability to win over your interlocutor. A sociable person has good control of his voice and himself, and can win over a person in the process of communication. He has several psychological techniques with which he can hold the attention of his interlocutor and recognize his reaction to all questions only by the person’s intonation.

Written communication skills

This type of communication is verified by resume and cover letter. Employers pay attention to stylistic and grammatical errors, especially if the applicant is applying for a responsible position. HR will not be interested in a person who, although sociable, is illiterate.

The second indicator is how clearly and structured the resume is, how it describes functional responsibilities, tasks and achievements. Avoid details, as the employer may think that you do not know how to highlight important points in your career.