Diet of Elena Malysheva. Reviews and its basic principles. Losing weight on Elena Malysheva’s diet is a simple path to a great figure

Excess weight poses a range of health risks. It disrupts metabolism, causing a person to fall into a vicious circle: reduced metabolism stimulates the accumulation of fatty tissue even with a very limited diet. It causes diseases, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and vascular diseases. And finally, excess weight interferes with a person’s normal life in society, often makes him antisocial, and limits his opportunities.

The topic of excess body weight was repeatedly raised in the program “Live Healthy” with Elena Malysheva. It turned out to be so interesting and useful for the audience that it grew into independent project"Throw away the excess." It is within the framework of this project that for six years they have been dumping overweight those who especially need it. The excess body weight of the participants is often up to eighty kilograms, but after the project it returns to normal.

Features of Elena Malysheva's diet

Elena Malysheva’s method became famous in 2009, when the first season of the “Drop the Extra” program was released. The popularization was facilitated by wide coverage of the project, which started on Channel One.

The technique was talked about everywhere, which led to the development of commercial projects based on it. Many sites have appeared on the Internet offering to buy Malysheva’s set and lose weight at home at a fairly serious price - from 14,500 rubles. However, despite the high cost of the kit, it does not provide any guarantees of weight loss. The reason is that it has nothing to do with Malysheva’s monthly diet.

The concept of the “Loss the excess” program

The project is designed to help thousands of people suffering from excess body weight get rid of it. It is open and invites people to actively participate. But even without taking part in the program, you can get your body in shape if you follow the recommendations for nutrition and physical activity.

These recommendations are given absolutely free by Elena Malysheva and her colleagues on the air of the “Live Healthy” program. For those who do not have time or cannot watch new episodes on TV, the official website of Elena Malysheva’s diet has been created The information is open and accessible; there is no need to find out how much a weight loss kit costs or buy anything.

Basic principles

Elena Malysheva herself calls her technique a “nutrition scheme.” And he suggests using it for guaranteed weight loss. The principles of this scheme are simple and safe, which distinguishes the diet from thousands of others that have multiple “side effects.”

  • Losing weight cannot be quick. Healthy weight loss involves the breakdown of exclusively fatty tissue in the body. This process occurs at a certain speed. During the day, no more than one hundred and fifty grams of fat can be processed, so within one week, the loss of adipose tissue can be no more than nine hundred grams. But this is ideal, whereas in reality the results can be much more modest - about five hundred grams per week. With this weight loss regimen, the results are not as noticeable as, for example, on low-carbohydrate diets, on which weight loss in a week can reach four kilograms. But this is the safest and most correct way, which will not cause harm to the body. The minimum period during which you will have to adhere to the diet is three months.
  • Taking into account individual characteristics. Before studying Malysheva’s daily diet menu and recipes, you should clarify why your weight exceeds the norm? It’s one thing to have incorrect eating habits, a tendency to eat the “wrong foods,” eat fast food and too high-calorie dishes. And another thing is giving up unhealthy diet, but maintaining excess weight. Perhaps the reason is diseases: metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus second type, endocrine disorders. To clarify this issue, you need to contact your local pediatrician and take a blood test. If there are no diseases, you can start a diet.
  • Accounting for optimal weight. Do you really need to lose weight? This question is extremely individual. Often, women whose weight does not exceed the normal limits consider themselves overweight and go on diets or arrange “fasting days.” You can calculate the optimal weight on the website using a special form. By the way, the common rule of subtracting one hundred from your height and getting the recommended weight does not fully correspond to reality. For example, with a height of 164 centimeters, a woman can weigh from fifty to sixty-seven kilograms, and this is the norm.
  • Formation of eating habits. The essence of Malysheva’s diet is not only to remove excess weight, but also to prevent its return in the future. This opportunity is provided by the formation of correct eating habits. As you know, habits are not formed within a few days; this requires time and methodical adherence to recommendations. According to psychologists, it takes three weeks to form a habit. A Malysheva person spends significantly more time on the diet menu. Having gotten used to eating correctly, he is unlikely to give up his chosen principles of nutrition and lifestyle in the near future. Therefore, the result will last for a long time.
  • Diet correction. Salt consumption should be limited to a minimum, animal fats are excluded from the menu, and vegetable fats remain in small quantities.

Sugar, sweet and flour products, rice, and alcoholic beverages must be completely eliminated from the diet.

The main principle of the diet is safe weight loss, which takes into account individual characteristics and allows you to improve the health of the body.

Rules for losing weight

Create a menu for the week of Elena Malysheva’s diet based on the following rules.

  • Don't go hungry.
  • A diet is not a hunger strike, but a correction of the usual diet. An organism that is being experimented on by depriving it of food responds with unexpected and unpleasant “surprises.” Exhausted by hunger, when food arrives, he begins to store the calories he receives for future use, in fear that the lack of food may repeat. As a result, after a grueling diet, on which you barely lost a few kilograms, you can become even more overweight than before. Nutrition according to Malysheva implies a five-course diet. There are three main meals, including breakfast, lunch and dinner. And find time for extra meals. This could be a second breakfast two hours after the first and an afternoon snack a couple of hours after lunch. In this mode, the body does not experience hunger and the need to “pounce” on food does not arise. Essentially, you are telling your body: look, we have a lot of food, we eat even when we don’t really want to. This way you not only protect your body from hunger and its consequences, but also learn to eat in small portions and cultivate moderation in relation to food.
  • Consider your daily calorie intake. For women it is 1500 kcal per day, for men - about 2000 kcal. But it is important to understand that the need for caloric content of food depends not only on gender, but also on age and lifestyle. At a young age, metabolism is so active that neither sweets nor snacks on the run harm your figure. But after thirty years of age, metabolism slows down, and after forty years, rarely does anyone lead an active lifestyle. When calculating the number of calories per day, you should take into account how much you move, whether you go to the gym or use other physical activities, and how old you are. So a young, active man can safely consume 2000 kcal per day, but after forty years with sedentary In life, the diet should be reconsidered.

If you want to lose excess weight, your caloric intake should be 1200 kcal per day.

  • Be positive. Do not perceive the diet as torture, especially since the menu for the week of Elena Malysheva’s diet for weight loss at home includes quite tasty dishes. Your positive attitude is essential to achieving excellent results. Encourage yourself, praise your body, and do not scold it for the weight you have gained. Eat with pleasure, and then the food will be used by your body to produce the energy needed for work and active rest, and not to create fat deposits.
  • Chew your food for a long time. The process of chewing food is essential for overall digestion. Firstly, with prolonged chewing, food is better digested. Well crushed in the oral cavity and treated with saliva, which is an analogue of gastric juice, it enters the stomach with practically broken down carbohydrates. In the future, these substances, which we need to obtain energy, are correctly absorbed by the body and used for their intended purpose. If carbohydrates have not been broken down in the mouth, they are not fully absorbed and stimulate the deposition of fat reserves. And secondly, during prolonged chewing, the body receives a signal: I’ve been chewing for so long, which means I’ve eaten a lot of food and I won’t be hungry. This way you get the added aspect of being in the right emotional frame of mind.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss is attractive due to its combination of useful and delicious dishes with the right motivation. Your body has no choice but to become better, healthier, slimmer.

Menu for the week of the Malysheva diet

The diet for weight loss within the framework of the “Lose the extra weight” project was not developed by Elena Malysheva, as is commonly believed. And a nutritionist, one of the ten leading specialists in Moscow, Natalya Grigorieva.

The diet includes whole grain cereals, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables. It doesn’t have the most “filling” meal, but dinner is usually light. It is recommended to have dinner no later than nineteen o'clock, but before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir with one percent fat content. Thus, with a low calorie diet, you will not feel hungry even at night.

We offer sample menu for a week with a total calorie content of 1200 kcal per day.

1 day

BreakfastBuckwheat porridge200 g
Hard boiled egg1 PC.
Fresh carrot salad with vegetable oil dressing100 g
Fresh apple1 PC.
LunchLow-fat cottage cheese casserole with semolina (no sugar)150 g
Sour cream 10% fat1 tbsp. l.
DinnerSteamed beef120 g
Boiled cauliflower200 g
Rose hip decoction200 ml
Afternoon snackMedium sized grapefruit1 PC.
DinnerZucchini stewed with cabbage200 g
Apple baked with cinnamon1 PC.
Before bedtimeKefir 1% fat200 ml

Day 2

BreakfastPorridge "Hercules"100 g
Berries fresh or frozen200 g
Milk 1% fat200 ml
LunchBeetroot salad with prunes and vegetable oil dressing200 g
Whole grain breads2 pcs.
DinnerPilaf with chicken breast, vegetables220 g
Cabbage salad with tomato, herbs, vegetable oil dressing100 g
Rose hip decoction (after thirty minutes)200 ml
Afternoon snackCottage cheese 2% fat100 g
Yogurt125 g
DinnerCod fillet soufflé with egg white150 g
Boiled green beans200 g
Before bedtimeKefir 1% fat200 ml

Day 3

BreakfastOmelet (2 whites, 1 yolk, 1 glass of milk), steamed100 g
Carrot-apple salad with vegetable oil dressing100 g
LunchApple1 PC.
DinnerVegetable soup150 g
Boiled chicken fillet100 g
Boiled green beans100 g
Afternoon snackStewed cabbage with carrots, apples and vegetable oil dressing200 g
DinnerCottage cheese 2% fat150 g
Before bedtimeKefir 1% fat200 ml

4 day

BreakfastBoiled lean beef fillet50 g
Boiled green peas100 g
Whole grain breads2 pcs.
LunchVinaigrette with beets, potatoes, sauerkraut, peas, seasoned vegetable oil 150 g
Whole grain breads2 pcs.
DinnerStewed vegetables (cabbage, carrots)150 g
Boiled lean fish(hake, cod)100 g
Rose hip drink200 ml
Afternoon snackApple1 PC.
Walnut30 g
DinnerCottage cheese casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese with carrots, egg whites, without oil200 g
Sour cream 10% fat1 tbsp. l.
Before bedtimeKefir 1% fat200 ml

5 day

BreakfastPorridge "Hercules" with milk200 g
Dried fruits30 g
LunchCaviar with eggplants, zucchini200 g
DinnerBoiled fish (hake, cod)100 g
Stewed vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil200 g
Rose hip drink200 ml
Afternoon snackVegetable pilaf170 g
DinnerCottage cheese 2% fat100 g
Before bedtimeKefir 1% fat200 ml

Day 6

BreakfastHard cheese30 g
Boiled egg1 PC.
Green peas50 g
LunchMedium Baked Potatoes1 PC.
Salad with sauerkraut, onions, dressed with vegetable oil100 g
DinnerPea soup150 g
Boiled chicken fillet100 g
Stewed vegetables (zucchini, carrots)150 g
Whole grain bread2 pcs.
Afternoon snackFresh vegetables seasoned with sour cream 10% fat200 g
dinnerCottage cheese 2% fat50 g
Stewed cauliflower250 g
Before bedtimeKefir 1% fat200 ml

Day 7

BreakfastPearl barley porridge on water200 g
Vegetable stew from carrots, apples50 g
LunchMedium orange1 PC.
DinnerBoiled lean beef70 g
Stewed cabbage150 g
Apple green1 PC.
Afternoon snackCottage cheese 2% fat100 g
Lettuce, parsley, dill30 g
DinnerFish and egg white soufflé150 g
Boiled green beans150 g
Before bedtimeKefir 1% fat200 ml

Recipes for Elena Malysheva’s diet at home, according to reviews, are very simple.

  • Vegetable dishes should be stewed in a small amount of water or steamed, for which use a double boiler or multicooker.
  • Boil the meat until cooked, eat without broth.
  • Prepare the soufflé from the white of one egg and fish paste in the oven.
  • Do not cook Hercules porridge, but soak it in the evening cold water. By morning, the cereal will swell and retain all its valuable qualities.
  • Choose sour fruits, in particular green apples, oranges, grapefruits.

Drink at least two liters throughout the day clean water.

The menu for the week of Malysheva’s diet, presented for free on our website, was developed by a nutritionist. That is why its composition is balanced, it will not cause harm to the body, unlike protein, low-carbohydrate weight loss systems.

But there are also shortcomings in it, which Natalya Grigorieva’s colleagues point out.

  • Calorie restriction.“When the body receives fewer calories than usual, metabolism slows down,” comments nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko. - The slowdown in metabolism also affects the rate of weight loss. A person loses weight slowly.”
  • There are prohibitions.
  • As with any diet, this weight loss regimen contains forbidden foods. These are sweets, flour, baked goods. When a person is not allowed to do something, the body, on the contrary, begins to demand it. “I do not welcome a complete refusal of sweets,” continues Lyudmila Denisenko. - Such foods are also important, since they are the only foods that feed brain cells. Their use should not be completely excluded, but strictly controlled, but they should be eaten daily, especially for people engaged in mental work.”
  • Low fat. The diet is based on a sharp reduction in the amount of fat in the diet. Under such conditions, some vitamins from vegetables and fruits cannot be absorbed by the body, as they are fat-soluble. Also, such a diet can provoke stagnation of bile in the ducts and impaired absorption of vegetable protein.
  • A long period. For people who are not used to limiting their food intake, going on a diet for several months is mentally difficult.
  • The weight comes off slowly. It’s hard to “deny yourself everything” but see virtually no weight loss. He leaves, but slowly, which creates psychological discomfort and discontent.

There are no recommendations for physical activity. “And they must be there! - Lyudmila Denisenko is sure. “No diet will bring tangible benefits unless it is combined with physical activity.” Despite some shortcomings, the power supply scheme from Elena Malysheva is reliable and absolutely

safe ways

losing weight. And you just have to get used to its features, that with obesity and significant excess weight, it’s a small sacrifice in favor of health and improved well-being. Use Elena Malysheva’s diet for weight loss to gain normal weight without harm to your health. On our website, recommendations from a famous TV presenter and a weekly menu developed by a nutritionist are available absolutely free. Elena Malysheva is a beautiful, elegant woman who often appears on TV screens, known for the programs “Recipe”, “Infirmary”, “Health”, and the special project “Drop the Extra Thing”. Subject

healthy eating has always been a key figure in these projects, and Elena Malysheva herself is directly related to the topic of health as a cardiologist, doctor of medical sciences, and professor. for weight loss. Using Malysheva’s weight loss diet, some manage to lose up to 15 kilograms in the first month.

What is Malysheva’s diet based on?

The diet from Elena Malysheva involves minimizing vegetable and animal fats and table salt. Carbohydrate-containing foods are significantly reduced in the diet:

  • potato;
  • bakery;
  • sugar;
  • sweet drinks.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is limited or completely eliminated.
According to reviews from people who have tried the diet, it is effective, but quite long-lasting. It is necessary to follow the diet for 2-3 months, but the effect of it remains noticeable for 1-2 years.
Elena Malysheva’s diet has already been tested by many people and is considered not only safe for the body, but also produces a healing effect on it.

Basic rules of the Malysheva diet

Diet in boxes from Elena Malysheva

About two years ago, the Internet project “Elena Malysheva’s Diet” appeared, in which anyone could participate. Participants were offered a test that helped determine the level of excess weight and develop an individual menu for weight loss.

The menu was intended for 24 days of a regular diet and 4 fasting days. Participants were delivered products in 2 large boxes. Some of the products were frozen, they need to be defrosted before use. microwave oven, and some of the products were such that you just need to pour hot water.

Thus, it was proposed ready meals, project participants do not need to spend time on cooking, and their monthly cost was approximately within the normal spending on groceries.

The usual diet according to Malysheva’s system included 4 meals, in addition to the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, desserts in the form of soufflé and a nut-fruit mixture were offered for the afternoon snack. For those who have already lost weight and for men, a second breakfast is allowed, which may include 2 fruits, a salad or a glass of low-fat milk.

Sample menu for the day from Elena Malysheva’s diet

For breakfast. Pour a portion of oatmeal with hot water (90 degrees), add 150 grams of any berries. A glass of low-fat milk
For second breakfast. 2 fruits, for example an orange and an apple.
Dinner. Meat or fish dish, served with brown rice
Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese casserole with carrots
Dinner. Salad of any vegetables, egg, glass of low-fat kefir.

Watch the video where Elena Malysheva herself talks about her diet

Elena Malysheva has long become the standard of Russian television. Besides interesting tips, a famous TV presenter took up nutrition. This is how Elena Malysheva’s diet appeared. This diet, in its essence, is not a diet, but is considered a way of life, by imitating which you can constantly be in great shape, in addition to constantly improving your health.

What is the essence of Malysheva’s diet?

Nutrition is based on minimal consumption of protein products, including those of animal origin. Salt consumption is reduced to a minimum.

Let's look at foods that are prohibited and those that are allowed during the diet.

List of permitted products:

  • Lean meat (it is better to give preference to chicken breast, turkey, lean beef);
  • Low-fat fish (fatty varieties such as salmon, salmon, it is better to exclude);
  • Not starchy vegetables(cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, asparagus, peppers);
  • Not sweet or moderately sweet fruits (apples, oranges, pears);
  • Mushrooms.

It is better to make light salads seasoned with lemon juice or vegetable oil from the proposed products. To improve the taste, vinegar, spices, mustard, horseradish and garlic are allowed.

List of products that are best to exclude:

  • Salt;
  • Potato;
  • Flour products, fried baked goods;
  • Vegetables containing high sugar and starch content - carrots, beets;
  • Sugar;
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Basic principles of Elena Malysheva’s diet

  • The first and most important principle of the diet is to never starve. If the feeling of hunger does not leave you during the day, you need to reconsider your diet. Make it more fractional. If four meals is not enough to fill you up, the existing portions should be divided into 6-8 servings. One meal should not be more than a standard glass. The famous TV presenter believes that meals should be at least 5 times a day, with three of them being main meals and two additional ones.
  • Strict calorie counting is another one the most important principle diet of Elena Malysheva. The total calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1100 - 1200 kcal. Twice a week you need to have light days, reducing the calorie content of foods to 800 kcal.
  • Chew food thoroughly, at least 10 times per serving. This principle will allow you to get saturation faster. This helps normal digestion, while carbohydrates begin to be broken down in the mouth, which reduces the possibility of their conversion into fats.
  • Daily clean consumption still water should be at least 2 liters per day. You should drink 10 or more glasses every day, with the very first one immediately after waking up in the morning.
  • Carbohydrates should be eliminated, but not completely. It is worth leaving slow carbohydrates, which are found in cereal porridges and whole grain bread.
  • Elimination of fat in food. For your diet, you need to choose low-fat foods, but not low-fat ones, so the body can maintain its normal functions. It is better to completely exclude vegetable oils.
  • Complete exclusion of sugar and salt from the diet.
  • Lunches should consist of protein foods, boiled lean meat or fish.
  • The existing diet must be combined with feasible physical activity. Loads should be regular and even.
  • one or two fasting days a week, which can consist entirely of apples, cabbage salad, boiled rice without salt and oil.
  • Breakfast should be at 8 am and should include porridge or whole grain bread. You can supplement it with low-fat dairy products.
  • Dinner should not be later than 7 pm and should consist of fiber-rich salads, low-percentage kefir or boiled eggs.
  • It is better to eat unsweetened fruits or low-fat cottage cheese in additional meals.
  • To diversify your diet, you can include absolutely all foods in it, however, it is worth remembering the calorie content.

Diet options for Elena Malysheva

There are several variations of the famous diet. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Classic version

1st day.

  • First breakfast: grain porridge cooked in water, or a cup of oatmeal poured with boiling water. It is possible to add fresh berries and low-fat milk.
  • Second breakfast: 2 fruits, these can be apples, pears or oranges.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast with boiled rice or buckwheat.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese casserole with fruits, apples, pears or berries.
  • Dinner: boiled egg, fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

2nd day.

  • First breakfast: whole grain porridge, vegetable salad made from cabbage and apple, seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Second breakfast: 1 boiled egg, hard-boiled.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.
  • Afternoon snack: grapefruit or baked apple.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of stewed tomatoes and carrots with beef soufflé.

3rd day.

  • First breakfast: 200 grams of oatmeal with berries, a glass of yogurt or low-fat kefir.
  • Second breakfast: apple and cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, 2 whole grain breads.
  • Lunch: pilaf of rice and lean poultry, rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner: boiled vegetables with spices, boiled fish.

4th day.

  • First breakfast: an omelet of two eggs and low-fat milk.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable salad, one unsweetened fruit.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, boiled beef without salt.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with berries or apple.
  • Dinner: boiled green beans with boiled chicken.

5th day.

  • First breakfast: boiled beef and boiled vegetables.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable vinaigrette.
  • Lunch: oven-baked cod with stewed vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction, 30 grams walnuts, unsweetened apple.
  • Dinner: carrot-curd casserole with low-fat sour cream.

6th day.

  • First breakfast: oatmeal porridge with dried fruits.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable puree from zucchini, carrots and apples.
  • Lunch: boiled fish with stewed vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable pilaf with corn and peas.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt.

7th day.

  • First breakfast: pearl barley porridge, a small piece of cheese.
  • Second breakfast: baked potatoes, vegetable salad with lemon juice.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken, stewed vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with apple.
  • Dinner: boiled white beans, fish soufflé.

From the presented menu it is extremely clear that the total calorie content should not exceed 1200 calories per day, so the body will not be able to store fats, but will use the food received to convert it into energy. The main menu is divided into 5 meals: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. It is better to start eating at 7-8 o'clock in the morning and finish no later than seven o'clock in the evening.

Salt-free diet

Salt-free diet is not the original development of Elena Malysheva, however, it complies with all the principles of the TV star’s diet. This diet completely eliminates the consumption of salt, which provokes the accumulation of fluid in the body and slows down metabolism. In addition, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • five meals a day is the key to success;
  • low calorie diet 1200 kcal for women and 1500 kcal for men;
  • You can't go hungry, it's better to arrange additional dose food, reducing the following;
  • The list of prohibited foods includes starchy vegetables, flour and sweets.

What are fasting days?

Fasting days involve eating one product during the day. It could be apples, kefir or rice. It is recommended to drink water or green tea in between meals. Should not be violated drinking regime, daily consumption clean water should be close to 2 liters. Salt, any seasonings and sugar are prohibited; it is not recommended to season porridge with oil.

  1. Communicating with your body while eating food. It is necessary to understand that healthy communication with your body will produce results. Psychological factor is one of the most important. This will significantly increase the digestibility of products, and, therefore, the effectiveness of the diet.
  2. Adopt this diet as a way of life. If you follow a diet for one to two months, you can achieve your ideal body. If you make diet a lifestyle, it will help you get rid of extra pounds forever and maintain the resulting weight throughout your life.
  3. One of the disadvantages of the diet is its timing; there is quite a lot of weight, and it is very difficult to lose it in a short period of time. The minimum duration of the diet is 1 month. Although positive sides this is still true: the work is significantly improved gastrointestinal tract, well-being improves.

Elena Malysheva is a doctor, doctor of medical sciences and a well-known TV presenter; she has been telling people about health from blue screens for many years. She also presented to the public several weight loss techniques that have already helped many people.

Diet principles of Elena Malysheva

The technique presented by the famous TV presenter is to reduce the consumption of fat and salt. Simple carbohydrates, which are found in baked goods, sweets, sweet vegetables and fruits, are also harmful to your figure. Malysheva, whose weight loss diet is approved by nutritionists, claims that results can be achieved by following the basic principles of nutrition.

  1. Hunger strike is prohibited. When the body does not receive required amount food, then begins to put it aside in reserve at any opportunity. If this rule is not taken into account, then the kilograms lost during the fasting period will come back.
  2. Fractional meals . Elena Malysheva's diet involves eating at least five times a day.
  3. Calorie counting. To start weight loss processes, the daily amount of calories consumed should be 1200.
  4. Make diet a way of life. The nutrition offered by Malysheva is balanced and healthy, so it can be used for an unlimited amount of time.

What foods are included in Elena Malysheva’s diet?

In order to get rid of excess weight, you need to change the food by removing from it junk food and adding a useful one. There is a certain list of products proposed by Elena Malysheva. She divided the special sets into groups: breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts. The proposed dishes are prepared from available products, so this should not be a problem. A few examples of what is included in Elena Malysheva’s diet.

  1. Morning appointments: oatmeal, muesli with healthy additives, millet porridge and omelet.
  2. Dinners: potatoes with mushrooms with milk sauce, poultry fillet with potatoes or rice, spaghetti with meatballs or meatballs.
  3. Evening receptions: creamy soup of mushrooms, pumpkin, broccoli, vegetable pilaf and chicken julienne.
  4. Dessert: nuts, candied fruits, soufflé with berry juice, grain kozinaki and fruit bars.

Malysheva’s diet – menu for the week

The doctor does not recommend unquestioningly following the proposed diets, since they do not take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the preferences of a person. It is best to use them as an example and taking into account existing rules. Malysheva’s diet, the menu of which should include five meals, is balanced. Please note that the serving weight should not exceed 250 g. It is important to drink plenty of fluids to maintain metabolism, improve digestion and ensure proper cleaning intestines. Another rule is to eat carbohydrates separately from proteins.

Malysheva diet recipes for weight loss

Focusing on prohibited and permitted foods, Elena offered a wide range of dishes intended for different meals. She didn’t forget about those with a sweet tooth, offering several dessert options. Elena Malysheva’s diet recipes are simple and there are no unique culinary secrets in preparation; the main thing is to take into account existing prohibitions and use gentle heat treatment options.

Salad “Brush” - recipe from Elena Malysheva

Vegetable salads are considered one of the healthiest dishes for weight loss and health improvement. This is due to the fact that vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and fiber, from which the name “panicle” originated. The “Brush” diet from Elena Malysheva involves cleansing the body of waste and toxins, which are swept away as if with a broom. Unlike classic recipe salad, the version suggested by the doctor does not include olive oil.


  • cabbage – 250 g;
  • carrots – 250 g;
  • beets – 250 g;
  • lemon juice– 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. Peel the beets and carrots, then finely chop all the vegetables. You can use a grater for Korean salads.
  2. Mix vegetables and add lemon juice. Stir and squeeze the salad with your hands to add juiciness and softness.

Paneer cheese according to Malysheva’s recipe

Many varieties of cheeses presented in stores contain harmful substances, therefore, if possible, it is better to cook them at home. Paneer cheese is an excellent option for breakfast, allowing you to speed up your metabolism. The product is non-caloric and natural, so it is easily digestible. If desired, you can add greens to the recipe.

Paneer - recipe from Malysheva


  • milk – 3 l;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.


  1. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Pour in the juice squeezed from citrus fruits. Stir the liquid constantly.
  2. Almost immediately the milk will begin to curdle. After a few minutes, the separation process will occur.
  3. Take a sieve and line it with gauze, and then pour the contents of the pan into it and wait until the whey drains. Be sure to squeeze out the cheese mass.
  4. All that remains is to put the cheese under the press for several hours, using a plate and a jar of water. You can eat it immediately after this.

Express diet Malysheva

When you need to lose a few kilograms in a short period of time, then express methods can come to the rescue. The option proposed by the famous TV presenter allows you to lose up to five extra pounds in 10 days. Elena Malysheva’s express diet involves alternating carbohydrate and protein days. The menu proposed by the doctor must be followed without changes.

Protein day:

  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. water on an empty stomach, a hard-boiled egg and a green salad.
  2. Dinner: 300 g fillet, boiled in two waters without adding salt.
  3. Snack: 200 g boiled fillet with herbs;
  4. Dinner: 300 g of boiled fillet with green vegetable salad. Throughout the day you need to drink 2 liters of water.

During the carbohydrate day, you need to eat the Panicle salad, the recipe for which we reviewed earlier and uses 0.5 kg of each vegetable. The resulting volume is divided into 7-8 servings, which are distributed throughout the day. In addition, it is important not to forget about maintaining water balance. This diet by Elena Malysheva requires five carbohydrate and protein days, which follow each other.

Malysheva’s diet – fasting day

To improve your weight loss and performance results digestive system The doctor recommends unloading. With its help, normalization occurs metabolic processes, cleaning from decay products and excess liquid, restoring the water-salt balance. The diet is presented in several versions.

  1. Protein. You are allowed to eat 5-6 servings of boiled fillet per day, and you also need to drink 2 liters of water. It is forbidden to use salt, and add lemon juice when cooking. With this unloading you can lose about 800 g per day.
  2. Vegetable. A salad is prepared from celery, carrots and beets. You need to eat 6-7 per day small portions. The volume of liquid is maintained. With this option you can lose up to a kilogram in a day.
  3. Grapefruit. This fasting diet by Elena Malysheva allows you to get rid of one kilogram. Eat 5 citrus fruits and drink 10 cups of green tea per day. The volume of liquid is the same.
  4. Rice. Using rice cereal you can cleanse the body. The daily amount of ready-made porridge is 1 kg and this amount is divided into 5-6 servings. Don't forget about liquid.

Elena Malysheva's diet - contraindications

Due to the fact that the presented weight loss method was developed by a doctor, possible harm minimal. The disadvantages include a small amount of permitted salt, but Malysheva assures that the required amount is found in vegetables and fruits. Contraindications to the Malysheva diet are as follows: gastritis, cholecystitis, ulcers, hepatitis, frequent constipation and urolithiasis disease. It is not recommended to adhere to this method of losing weight if you have kidney and heart diseases, or if you have frequent constipation.

Recently, Elena Malysheva’s diet has become a very popular and widespread method for weight loss. First of all, this is due to the fact that its author is a well-known TV presenter of a Russian channel with a medical education. And secondly, Malysheva’s diet allows you not only to lose weight, but also to improve your body’s health.

However, before you start eating according to this system, you need to carefully study all its nuances and subtleties. Because it may turn out that such a diet is not suitable for you at all, and you will only waste your time and energy. Therefore, let's briefly look at the basic nutrition rules and the list of permitted foods.

Basic nutrition rules from Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva’s diet requires a long period of time to follow it, approximately 2-3 months. And here it should be understood that this is no longer a diet, but more system nutrition, which ultimately leads to effective reduction and weight retention. At the same time, you will not be able to harm your body, but on the contrary, improve its condition.

So, in order for the diet to provide the expected results, it is important to follow several rules:

  1. The main recommendation of the doctor and TV presenter is the slogan: “You can’t starve!” Therefore, food should be consumed at least 5 times a day and in small portions. This dietary pattern maintains a high metabolism in the body, which certainly leads to weight loss.
  2. The second recommendation is to count calories. As a rule, the average woman needs to consume up to 1200 kcal. And the TV presenter also advises using a diet with the specified energy value.
  3. The last recommendation is to follow the set of products that are part of Elena Malysheva’s diet. It provides only natural, high-quality and fresh food. In other words, the products should not contain dyes or any flavoring additives.

Elena Malysheva also recommends minimizing the consumption of foods such as animal and vegetable fats, salt, sugar and sugar-based sweets, and flour products. In addition, it is prohibited, especially in the first month of following the diet, to use rice, potatoes, beets, carrots and any alcoholic beverages. And during the day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of still water and 1 glass before meals and an hour after meals.

Elena Malysheva’s diet includes a certain list of products. You can assemble it yourself, but ready-made kits are already available for sale. They come in convenient packaging, making them easy to transport, especially if you're going on the road. You can purchase such products on the TV presenter’s official website, but the cost will be much more expensive than buying the ingredients and preparing the dishes yourself.

The diet kits sold by Elena Malysheva include breakfasts, lunches and dinners, which are preheated in the microwave before consumption. As a rule, they consist of meals for 28 days, 24 of which are regular meals, and 4 days are fasting meals. Thus, by purchasing Elena Malysheva’s diet kits, you will receive 24 ready-made breakfasts, 24 lunches, 24 dinners and desserts. This approach is convenient for those people who are constantly busy at work and do not have time to cook their own food.

For convenience, each package has its own color: breakfasts are green, lunches are yellow, dinners are red, and desserts are yellow. Here are a few examples of ready-made morning meals:

  • oatmeal;
  • Four Grain Pumpkin Muesli;
  • muesli with nuts, seeds and zucchini;
  • oatmeal with strawberries;
  • millet porridge with mango;
  • classic omelette with cauliflower;
  • broccoli omelette;
  • buckwheat porridge with apples and raisins.

The following can be used as lunches in sets of ready-made foods for Elena Malysheva’s diet:

  • champignons with potatoes in milk sauce;
  • white pollock fillet with mashed potatoes;
  • chicken fillet with boiled rice;
  • Italian spaghetti with meat balls and tomato sauce;
  • meatballs in red sauce with buckwheat;
  • meat zrazy stuffed with mushrooms with buckwheat porridge;
  • chicken meatballs with rice and mushroom sauce.

Dinners in the set of ready-made foods for Elena Malysheva’s diet look like this:

  • noodle soup with chicken and parsley;
  • cream of mushroom soup;
  • creamy pumpkin soup;
  • creamy broccoli soup with croutons;
  • chicken julienne;
  • pilaf with vegetables;
  • home-style fish balls with rice;
  • lazy cabbage rolls with vegetable sauce.

And for desserts the following selection is offered:

  • fruit bar with apple and nuts;
  • almonds with raisins, papaya and pineapple;
  • whole grain apple bar;
  • kozinaki with grains and fruits;
  • a mixture of hazelnuts, almonds and dried fruits;
  • soufflé with blueberry juice;
  • soufflé with lingonberry juice.

As can be seen from the list of a ready-made set of products for Elena Malysheva’s diet, which is given in an abbreviated version, the main ingredients can be purchased independently in stores. At the same time, you will save a considerable amount of money, but will be able to fully adhere to the diet. You just need to calculate the calorie content of the daily menu at 1200 kcal.