Church of Lyudmila of the Czech Republic in Barvikha. Temples of the Moscow region, Odintsovo district. Everyone is wearing shoe covers

The published brochure “The Holy Blessed Prince Vyacheslav and Princess Lyudmila of Czech. Akathists” is distributed and donated to monasteries and churches.

But I had a question: “Are there churches in Russia dedicated to the blessed Prince Vecheslav of Czech?”

I found the answer on the site

Church of the Holy Blessed Vyacheslav, Prince of Czech

The house church on Rublyovka has become unique

The adjacent church on Rublyovka became unique... Metropolitan Christopher donated particles of the relics of the Czech saints Vyacheslav and Lyudmila to the Russian Orthodox Church.

On Friday, August 15 (2008), particles of the relics of Czech saints - the blessed Prince Vyacheslav and the martyr Lyudmila - were donated to the Russian Orthodox Church. The relic from the Cathedral of St. Vitus in Prague was brought to Russia by His Beatitude Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, who handed over the reliquary with the relics to Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna.

Vladyka Yuvenaly, on behalf of the Russian Church, expressed gratitude to Metropolitan Christopher for this gift. The relics of the saints will remain in the only church in Russia in honor of the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czech, located in the village of Barvikha near Moscow.

A solemn prayer service was held before the relics. Saints Lyudmila and Vyacheslav came from a Czech princely family. Lyudmila was the grandmother of Prince Vyacheslav and raised her grandson in the Christian faith. The prince was distinguished by his special piety - he built churches, generously gave alms to the poor, organized the state in a Christian manner, protecting the peace of his subjects. Saint Vyacheslav suffered martyrdom at the hands of his envious brother, and Saint Lyudmila was strangled by the boyars from her own circle.

“I was born and studied in Prague. It is very touching that in Russia they honor the memory of saints Vyacheslav and Lyudmila. I am glad to have the opportunity to visit the Church of St. Prince Vyacheslav, hand over the relics to you and pray together,” said Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech and Slovak Republic.

The temple was built in the architectural style of Peter the Great's sea churches, so of the 27 meters in height of the new Barvikha temple, eight are in the spiers.

It is planned to open a temple center at the church; its creation has already been blessed by Archbishop Gregory and Archimandrite Nestor. Nestor personally supervised, and sometimes personally supervised, the construction of a new church in honor of St. Prince. Vyacheslav of the Czech Republic, who spiritually anticipated the feat of the holy Russian princes Boris and Gleb. Gregory and Nestor introduced the parishioners and blessed the rector of the church, Father Maxim. Now the new temple has been transferred to the balance of the Odintsovo deanery.

At the end of the solemn liturgy, Archimandrite Gregory awarded the members of the church’s board of trustees: Vyacheslav Agadzhanov with the Order of the Holy Blessed Daniel of Moscow, and Tatyana Sagura with the medal of Daniel of Moscow.”+


Church of St. Vyacheslav, Prince of Czech
village Nov, 3rd line, 95-a

priest Vasily Egorovich Losev

The gate church in the name of the Holy Blessed Prince Vyacheslav of Czech is located in the village of Barvikha near Moscow on lands that previously belonged to the Holy Conception Monastery, which was destroyed in 1932.

There are few parish churches in the Moscow region, and there were no churches dedicated to St. Vyacheslav at all.

Construction of the temple was completed in 2004.

The memory of Saint Vyacheslav is celebrated twice a year:
on the day of his martyrdom - March 17
and on the day of the discovery and transfer of his holy relics - October 11.

Another temple in honor of the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czech


October 11, 2006 15:06
The temple in the name of St. Vyacheslav of the Czech Republic in the village of Vasilievka celebrates its patronal feast day

On October 11, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czech. In the Nizhny Novgorod diocese there is only one church in the village of Vasilyevka, Sechenovsky district, the main altar of which is consecrated in the name of St. Vyacheslav of Czechoslovakia.
Today a festive Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the church.

Donskoy Monastery.

Temple with thrones in honor of St. Tikhon and St. blgv. book Vyacheslav Czech.

After the discovery of the relics, in 1997, a temple was built in the name of St. Tikhon. It represents an example of new temple construction; the inside is painted and decorated with new icons. The church's paintings tell the story of the Patriarch's life and asceticism. The temple also contains icons of royal martyrs - members of the royal family, canonized by the Russian Church.

Lower Church in the name of St. blgv. book Vyacheslav the Czech was consecrated in honor of the heavenly patron of the temple's donor. The modern iconostasis is made in the traditions of ancient Russian art.

Perhaps in Russia somewhere else a temple has been consecrated in honor of the holy noble prince Vyacheslav, but we do not know about this yet.

Accept, saint, praise from accursed lips that cannot praise you according to your worth,

and pray to the merciful God to grant us great mercy.

From the service to Saint Vyacheslav

Saint Vyacheslav. Icon painter: Lenka Vlkova. Late 1990s. Cathedral of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Prague. photo: Vladimir Pomortsev.

After the death of Borzhivoi (889), his eldest son Spitignev ascended the princely throne. He continued a good family tradition: he completed the construction of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Prague, begun by Borzhivoj, and founded the Church of Peter and Paul in Budec, where a Latin school soon arose. But an early death cut short his life (905), and the princely throne in Prague passed to his younger brother Bratislav, during whose reign Christianity was finally established in the Czech Republic, and in two forms - Slavic, inherited from Cyril and Methodius, and Latin.

In Prague, Vratislav builds another temple, dedicating it to the holy Great Martyr George, the patron saint of warriors. And this has its own explanation: during this period the Czech Republic waged a stubborn war with the Hungarians.

Vratislav and his wife Dragomira had four daughters and two sons: the eldest, Vyacheslav, born in 907, and the youngest, Boleslav. As heir to the throne, Vyacheslav received an excellent education for his time. Princess Lyudmila wanted to see a true Christian in her grandson and cared primarily about his moral education, especially since the boy was by nature meek, kind and chaste.

Under the guidance of the confessor Saint Lyudmila, young Vyacheslav studied the Slavic language. Seeing his son's success, his father sent him to the city of Budech, where he mastered the Latin and Greek languages ​​and other sciences. The young prince surprised even his teachers with his knowledge. He was very experienced in understanding church books; the nobles even complained that the one who should be a prince was “spoiled by priests and is a real monk.”

When Vratislav died (921), Vyacheslav was fourteen years old, and his mother Dragomira began to rule the principality on behalf of her son. She brought the pagans closer to her, of whom there were still many remaining in the principality, and began to abolish the orders introduced by Borzhivoj and Vratislav. Family feuds intensified, affairs in the principality fell into decay. Saint Vyacheslav, having a love for monasticism, had the intention of giving up rule, but blessed Lyudmila, grieving over the misfortunes of her homeland and jealous of the common good, persuaded Vyacheslav to take over the administration of the principality. The pious Vyacheslav followed the advice of his wise grandmother, while ceding half of the principality to his younger brother Boleslav.

This turn of events did not suit Dragomira’s vanity. She tried in every possible way to isolate Vyacheslav from the priests and scribes and subordinate him to her influence. Having harbored a grudge for a while, she looked for ways to take revenge on her mother-in-law. She managed to plant the seeds of hostility against Lyudmila and Vyacheslav in the heart of her youngest son Boleslav.

Saint Lyudmila, seeing her grandson enthroned, retired to Tetin, but even there she was overtaken by Dragomir’s revenge. The assassins sent by the daughter-in-law burst into the chambers of the blessed princess and threw a noose around the senile neck. The soul of the martyr flew to the heavenly villages, and the Lord marked her righteousness with many miracles.

The young prince faced many trials. We were overcome by external and internal enemies. In 922, the Bavarian prince Arnulf made a campaign against the Czech Republic. The insidious nobles, wanting to achieve their goal, began to turn Vyacheslav against his mother, accusing her of murdering Saint Lyudmila. Vyacheslav, believing these words, sent Dragomira to Budech. But, raised by his holy grandmother in piety, he, remembering the Gospel commandment to honor his parents, returns Dragomira back to his home, praying to God: “Lord my God, do not hold this against me as a sin.” And from that time on, he revered his mother in every possible way, so that she rejoiced at his goodwill and kindness. In 924, Vyacheslav finally became the sole ruler of the country. One of his first acts was the ceremonial transfer of the remains of his grandmother, Saint Ludmila, from Tetin to Prague. Those close to Lyudmila, including the priests, were returned to their places. The prince continued to build churches, caring for the spiritual enlightenment of his people. He did good to everyone: he married off four of his sisters with a rich dowry, took care of widows and orphans, fed the crippled, and ransomed prisoners. And everywhere the name of the good and righteous Prince Vyacheslav was glorified, who organized both family affairs and state affairs in a Christian manner.

When the neighboring prince Radislav attacked the principality, Vyacheslav sent to ask him about what caused the attack. If he, Vyacheslav,

Crown of St. Vyacheslav, scepter and orb on display at Prague Castle. Czech coronation regalia are exhibited only once every five years. Photo: Vladimir Pomortsev.

is not right in anything before him, let him say about the fault, and satisfaction will be made. Radislav replied that Vyacheslav should cede Bohemia to him. Then Vyacheslav led a strong army into the field, but he still did not want to shed the blood of his neighbors, and he sent Radislav a proposal: “The dispute is between the two of us; you want to own Bohemia, but I do not agree to give up. Let the fight between the two of us decide the matter. Why bring things to the point with a bloody battle of troops that you, perhaps, will have no one to rule over.” Both princes stepped out into the middle of the field, their troops stood in silent anticipation. And then suddenly the pagan saw a bright cross shining before the face of the saint, for the Lord commanded his angels to protect the righteous in his ways. Then Radislav fell at the feet of Vyacheslav, asking for forgiveness, and the holy prince kindly released him.

Vyacheslav’s piety is confirmed by such a case. One day the holy prince was invited by Emperor Otto to the Diet, but, being delayed on the way by acts of mercy, he appeared after the others, thereby arousing their displeasure. But when Saint Vyacheslav appeared before the face of Caesar, he saw from the height of his throne that the prince was being led into the assembly by angels and a golden cross was shining on his forehead. The touched Caesar received Prince Vyacheslav with special attention and affection and offered to fulfill any of his requests. Then Vyacheslav asked Caesar for a particle of the relics of the holy martyr Vitus and, returning to Prague with the sacred gift, founded a church in the name of this saint. Then he transferred the relics and his holy grandmother Lyudmila to Prague to the Church of St. George, built by his father.

It is difficult to list all the pious deeds of mercy and love of Christ with which Vyacheslav enriched himself.

He bought children from the pagans in order to baptize them and dedicate them to the service of God. Often at night he would bake prosphoras or with his faithful old servant, blessed Podivoy, to whom all his secret alms were revealed, in bad winter weather he would go barefoot to pray in some distant monastery. When Podivoy could not stand the cold, Vyacheslav would kindly tell him: “Now it’s winter, old man, you’d better follow in my footsteps.” And the zealous servant not only did not feel the cold, but even his legs burned from the warmth. And Saint Vyacheslav, stepping first on the frozen ground, sometimes skinned his feet until they bled.

For his high virtues, the Lord gave Saint Vyacheslav the gift of clairvoyance, and he often predicted the future; Thus, thanks to divine foresight, he prevented the conspiracy being prepared against him by his brother and, giving praise to the Lord, vowed to found a church in the name of the martyr Vitus. Having received a blessing from the bishop, he gathered the builders and began to carry the lime on his shoulders and with his own hands he founded and finished the church, in which, after the consecration, many miracles and signs took place. After this, blessed Vyacheslav wanted to go to Rome to the holy Apostle Peter, transferring the reign to his brother, and there renounce this world. He hesitated only because the church was not yet fully completed.

Boleslav, having learned about his desire to go to Rome, began to look even more furiously for an opportunity to destroy him. At the instigation of the unfaithful nobles, he raised his hand against his brother.

Vyacheslav was called by his brother Boleslav to the temple of Saints Cosmas and Damian. After the feast, he wanted to return home, but at his brother’s request he stayed another day, although he had a secret premonition of his death. During the lists, one of Boleslav's courtiers warned that his brother wanted to kill him. But the generous Vyacheslav did not want to believe the evil intent, although he was preparing for death.

Returning from the supper, Prince Vyacheslav prayed for himself and his family, for his people and plunged into the sleep of the righteous, and at dawn, as soon as he heard the morning bell, he made the sign of the cross and went to church, saying: “Glory to Thee, who showed us the light and who made it possible to see this morning as well.” Boleslav overtook him in the courtyard. Vyacheslav, looking back, said to him with a pure heart: “It was a good day yesterday, my brother.” Boleslav, inflamed with rage, grabbed a sword from under his clothes and, with the words: “I want to make you better today than yesterday,” he hit his brother on the head. Vyacheslav, strong in strength, threw the darkened man to the ground and said: “What are you planning against me, my brother?” But at that moment one of Boleslav’s warriors ran up and hit Vyacheslav on the arm with a sword. Seeing obvious betrayal around him, Vyacheslav left his defeated brother and rushed to the church to seek salvation there, but at the very door he was overtaken by the murderers and pierced in the ribs with their swords. On the church threshold, dying, he exclaimed: “Lord! I commend my spirit into Your hands!” The death of the blessed prince followed on September 28, 935 (according to Kozma of Prague - 929).

The killers did not stop there, but began to pursue his associates, who did not have time to escape; Even babies and beggars, whom Vyacheslav fed, suffered from their hands. The warriors persuaded Boleslav to kill his mother, but he himself did not dare to raise his hand against her, leaving this hellish task to them.

Meanwhile, the body of Prince Vyacheslav, stained with blood, lay at the door of the temple. Out of compassion for the deceased, the presbyter of this church, Father Krastei, dared to cover him with a thin shroud. Dragomira, having heard about the death of her son, which was partly her fault, shed tears of late repentance over his body. Not daring to transfer Vyacheslav’s body to the prince’s court, in the modest dwelling of the presbyter she washed his wounds and clothed him in funeral clothes. They barely had time to bring the murdered man into the church when the news of death threatening her herself reached her ears. And in horror she fled from her pursuers.

Vyacheslav’s body lay in the temple for three days. All this time, blood did not stop flowing from his wounds, as if from a living person: they could not wipe it off either from the church wall, or even from Boleslav’s clothes, on which it splashed at the moment of the murder, so that all the people were amazed at this evidence of martyrdom, crying from earth to heaven, like Abel's.

The distraught Prince Boleslav called on the priest Paul to bury his brother's body - and at the very hour of burial the blood flowed even more. Many miracles and healings marked the holiness of the blessed martyr of Christ, who always ardently desired to shed his blood for Him.

On that very night when Vyacheslav fell under the sword of his brother, his son-in-law the King of Denmark had a wonderful vision: the crucified Lord appeared to him in a dream with the following word: “If you want to receive forgiveness of your sins, build a church in the name of My martyr Vyacheslav, who is close to Me.” The king, struck by the mysterious phenomenon, erected the first church in his land in the name of the holy martyr Vyacheslav.

On the same terrible night of the murder, Boleslav had a son, who was named with the strange name Strakhkvas, which means “terrible feast.” A feeling of remorse touched Boleslav's petrified heart. Realizing his grave sin, he turned to God with tears, begging for forgiveness of the innocently shed blood, and made a vow to dedicate his son born that night to the service of God, and transferred the body of his brother to the royal city of Prague and laid it in the church of the saint created by the saint during his lifetime Vita is on the right side of the altar in the chapel of the Holy Apostles. This solemn transfer, celebrated to this day, took place on the fourth of March.

The Lord rested the soul of the blessed martyr Vyacheslav with His righteous in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Saint Vyacheslav died a long time ago, but his power, in which, according to his dignity, the mercy of God and the glory of the saint is manifested throughout the universe, is still active. Some people, arrested for slander and condemned to death, appealed to Saint Vyacheslav: “Holy Martyr of God, if what people say is true, and you can beg the Most High God, pray for me, who is dying, so that through your prayers I will be delivered from death and I could, damned, receive forgiveness for grave sins as long as I live.” The saint did not abandon anyone with his help, even the pagans, who, through the prayers of Blessed Vyacheslav, not only got rid of death, but also later turned to the true faith.

One woman was blind and her arms were bent from birth. And when she came to church on the saint’s feast day and was led to his tomb, where she had been so eager, she lay prostrate for a long time and prayed with tears. And everyone saw the healing from Saint Vyacheslav, for she received her sight and returned to her home with healthy hands.

The memory of the holy martyr Vyacheslav is celebrated by the Church on March 4/17 and September 28/October 11.

* * *

On October 11, 2001, His Eminence Christopher, Archbishop of Prague and the Czech Lands, donated to the Russian Orthodox Church a reliquary with a particle of the relics of the holy martyr Vyacheslav, who resides in Moscow, at the Compound of the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia, in the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki.

Troparion, tone 4

Today, angels and people rejoice together in common joy, heaven and earth rejoice brightly in the memory of you, holy one. And we, sinners, diligently cry out to you: pray to the Lady for us, to deliver us from the scourge of visible and invisible enemies who honor your blessed memory.

Kontakion, tone 1

Standing before the faces of the Angels, Blessed Prince Vyacheslav, enjoying the Divine and ineffable goodness, and from there he drew beneficent gifts of miracles, and to all who flow by faith under your shrine, you exude a gift of healing.

Kontakion, voice 3

Holy prince - warrior of the country of Bohemia, wondrous, from the royal throne you received the crown of glory as a martyr for Christ, earnestly praying for the faithful, by the Spirit of God for the eternal bliss of the enlightened, by your humble princely service you gained salvation, if you called upon the Czech country to be preserved in Orthodoxy with love, God save our souls.


O holy Prince Vyacheslav! We earnestly beg you to pray for us, may the Lord God forgive our sins, voluntary and involuntary, and cleanse us from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, may He deliver us from the snares of the devil and save us from human slander, may He establish us in true faith and piety, may He protect us from superstitious and soul-spirited teachings, may our hearts be preserved from the temptation of this world and may we teach them to abstain (abstain, turn away) from carnal passions and lusts, and thus to be wise on a mountain, not earthly, glorifying the Consubstantial Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Date of publication or update 04.11.2017

Temples of the Moscow region

Church of St. blgv. book Vyacheslav Czech

Barvikha village

Story. Gate Church in the name of St. blgv. book Vyacheslav Czech is located in the village. Barvikha on lands that previously belonged to the Holy Conception Monastery, destroyed in 1932.

There was no temple dedicated to this saint in the Moscow region. Saint Vyacheslav was the grandson of St. mts. Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia, who spread the faith of Christ in the Czech Republic. Like the holy Russian passion-bearers, Prince. Boris and Gleb, was killed by his brother Boleslav in the 10th century. on the threshold of the church, where he was going for morning prayer. Soon after the crime was committed, Boleslav realized his grave sin and, repenting, gave the order to transfer the relics of St. Vyacheslav in Prague, where they were honorably laid in the Cathedral of St. Vitus, built by Vyacheslav himself.

The construction of the church in Barvikha was completed in 2004. Memory of St. Vyacheslav of the Czech Republic is celebrated twice a year: on the day of his martyrdom - March 17 and on the day of the discovery and transfer of St. relics - October 11.