How to relieve shoulder muscle tension. How to relax your neck muscles: ways to relieve tension, exercises and recommendations from specialists. Shoulder rotation in opposite directions

The topic of today's article is shoulders. Together with their necks, they bear the burdens of our lives. All stress weighs heavily on them. Chronic tension in the shoulders not only causes pain in the neck-collar area, but also causes headaches. How to relax your shoulders? Here are some simple tips and exercises to relax your shoulders.

Get into the habit of regularly taking time away from your computer work to give your shoulders some rest and relief. Do exercises to relax your shoulders and neck, for example, with regularity of one and a half to two hours. Your well-being will immediately improve, and gradually the health of the upper spine will improve. So how do you relax your shoulders?

Get rid of slouching

This sequence of simple exercises to relieve tension in the shoulder muscles will help relax the shoulders, relieve pain and tension in the shoulders, stretch the pectoral muscles, improve posture and even increase the volume of air you inhale. You will definitely feel a surge of energy. Moreover, your head will become clearer. The exercise can be done standing, sitting on the floor on your knees, and even sitting on a chair. It may also be more convenient for you to get someone else's help.

To get rid of tension in your shoulder muscles, start with a warm-up. Slowly roll your shoulders. Do 3-6 rotations forward and backward.

Then stand with your hands behind your back, take the belt so that the distance between your hands is comfortable for your shoulders and elbows. Stand up straight. Drop your shoulders back and down. Straighten your elbows and raise your arms, moving them away from your back. Hold for 2-3 breathing cycles. The muscles need time to relax their shoulders.

A yoga instructor or exercise therapy methodologist will do you a great service by helping you turn your shoulders (see photo).

Holding the belt, gently pull your shoulders back and down. Notice the tension that occurs in your shoulders, arm muscles, and upper back. Do not raise your arms at this moment, just pull them down and hold, overcoming muscle resistance, for 10-12 seconds. Then relax. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, pull your shoulders back and down again. After relaxing your shoulders, arms and back, repeat this exercise a third time.

Then, holding the belt, raise both arms up. Try moving them further and higher, back away from your back. Stretch your chest forward and up. Breathe deeply and observe how high your chest rises as you inhale, and how wide your ribs spread. Squeeze your glutes and pull your tailbone forward and up, straightening your lower back. Maintain tension for 2-3 breathing cycles.

Lower your arms and release the belt. Stand with your eyes closed. Notice the feeling of lightness in your arms and back. Repeat this exercise three times to relieve shoulder tension.

In this exercise, in addition to relaxing the shoulders, soft dynamic twists improve nutrition of the intervertebral discs.

Starting position: standing straight in Mountain pose. Knees slightly bent, buttocks tucked, tailbone tucked forward and up to straighten the lower back. The arms hang down, heavy and relaxed, like whips. Turn your body now to the right, now to the left so that your arms dangle relaxed, do not control their movement, trying to relax your shoulders as much as possible. Continue for 1 minute.

Stop, relax, and observe the sensations of relaxation in your hands. Then clench your palms into soft fists and repeat the exercise. Relaxedly dangling hands with fists, hitting the hips, resemble rattles... 🙂 Continue for another 1 minute, work diligently to relax your shoulders and arms.

Preparing your arms for Garudasana - Eagle Pose - is an excellent exercise for relaxing the shoulders back and front. In addition, it will serve as an excellent warm-up before long-distance swimming or before playing tennis, golf, etc.

1. Try to move your right arm away from your body. In this case, the right hand tries to overcome the resistance of the left, but the left does not allow it to escape. Maintain even tension in the muscles of your right arm for 2-3 breathing cycles.

2. Relax. Take a deep breath and exhale completely.

3. Raise your right hand even closer to your throat and slowly extend it further to the left. Hold the new position for 3-5 breathing cycles. Notice how much further your arm can now stretch. For convenience, you can place your left hand on the back of your neck.

Slowly lower your right arm, relaxing it.

Then repeat this shoulder relaxation exercise on the opposite arm.

Shoulder Relaxation in Garudasana

As you inhale, extend your arms to the sides. As you exhale, grab your opposite shoulders with your palms, crosswise so that your left elbow is higher than your right. Hugging yourself, hold for 2-3 breathing cycles. Smile! 🙂

Now relax your arms, leaving your elbows crossed. Bring the backs of your forearms together. If you have flexible arms, clasp your palms together. Slowly raise your clasped hands up, then lower down.

Raise your arms to the sides again as you inhale. As you exhale, hug yourself by the shoulders, but now your right elbow is higher than your left. And repeat the previous exercise to relax your shoulders. Garudasana for the arms increases the flexibility of the joints of the shoulders, elbows and wrists.

The text uses materials from Lilias Folan.

Problems with the cervical spine arise quite often - when sitting for a long time in one position or doing work that requires prolonged neck strain. How to get rid of discomfort and eliminate muscle spasms? There are several methods, including therapeutic exercises, massage, manual and physical therapy, as well as a properly organized place to sleep.


The lifestyle of a modern person involves minimal physical activity, which is often combined with nervous overload and poor nutrition. This leads to the fact that the body does not receive enough oxygen, and nutrients are less absorbed. The muscles practically do not work, since little blood enters them, and as a result, the spine experiences double load.

The most common causes of muscle spasms and tension are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • injury to the spine, soft tissues of the neck;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • pinching of nerve endings due to a sharp or unsuccessful turn of the head;
  • staying in one position for a long time, including during sleep;
  • lack of B vitamins and microelements - calcium, magnesium and potassium;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • hypothermia.

Spontaneous muscle contraction leads to compression of blood vessels and impaired circulation in the cervical-collar area. Therefore, it is very important to know how to relax the neck muscles and eliminate discomfort in time.

Comfortable poses against congestion in the muscles

In order for the muscles of the neck and back to get less tired, you need to provide the spine with the most comfortable position. When working at a computer, you need a chair in which you can change the height and angle of the backrest. This will not only maintain a physiologically correct body position, but also reduce static tension in the neck muscles.

The monitor is placed at arm's length, the center of the screen should be at eye level or lower, but no more than 10°. You can reduce glare using special visors.

A full night's rest, during which the neck muscles are completely relaxed, is the key to good health and mood. Achieving this is not difficult at all, you just need to choose the right pillow. The best option is an orthopedic product that will provide the body with the correct position and help evenly distribute the load on the musculoskeletal system.

An orthopedic pillow, unlike a conventional product, supports the spine and head in an anatomically correct position

Sleeping on a good, high-quality orthopedic pillow greatly improves blood circulation and relaxes tense muscles.


Exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders are done taking into account the following conditions:

  • At first the load should be small, as you get used to it, it should be gradually increased;
  • during the first training, the range of movements is minimal;
  • the gymnastic complex is performed twice a day - morning and evening;
  • if the doctor has prescribed you to wear a neck brace or bandage, then these devices are removed when performing exercises;
  • Physical exercise in combination with head and neck massage, which is carried out after exercise therapy, is very useful.

It should be noted that in case of existing spinal disease, the gymnastic complex is selected individually, with the help of a doctor. However, almost anyone can do relaxation exercises. Especially for the cervical spine, there are several ready-made techniques developed by fitness trainer Alena Mordovina and orthopedic doctor Igor Kostyuk.

Mordovina method

Alena Mordovina rightly believes that under stress and tension, a person instinctively shrinks, pulling his shoulders towards his ears. As a result, the cervical vertebrae are compressed, and the muscles of the cervical-shoulder girdle experience a state of reflex overstrain, which is scientifically called defence.

Alena Mordovina is a true expert in the field of yoga and Pilates, author of popular gymnastic complexes

A gymnastic complex for relaxing the muscles of the cervical spine consists of the following exercises:

  • starting position - standing, legs together, arms down. As you inhale, hold your breath and puff out your cheeks, lower your head down. Perform several quick movements with your shoulders, raising them to your ears and immediately lowering them down. Monitor your breathing, avoiding excessive retention of exhalation. Repeat the exercise 3 times;
  • the starting position is the same, only an element from yoga is added - the hands are clenched into fists so that the thumb is located in the center of the palm. Inhale and bend your legs, keeping your heels on the floor, and stretch your arms forward. Then straighten your legs while rotating your arms. After this, bend your arms and press them to your body, and, at the same time with a sharp exhalation, throw your arms forward in one movement. Repeat 3 times;
  • in a sitting position, tilt your head forward and place your folded hands on the back of your head. Move your head first one way, then the other. The exercise should be performed carefully, without putting too much pressure on the head. Only the weight of the hands themselves will be enough. Repeat 20 times;
  • starting position – sitting on the floor, legs crossed in Turkish style. Bend your arms and move them forward, placing your forehead on them. The neck muscles are relaxed in this position. Now you need to turn your whole body to the sides, making an “infinity” or “figure eight” sign with your elbows. Repeat 8 times in each direction;
  • sitting cross-legged, raise your hands to the back of your head and fold them into a lock. Press your head on your hands, holding in the extreme position for 5-6 seconds. Then, on the contrary, the hands press on the back of the head, which resists for several seconds. Then move your hands forward and repeat the exercise, alternating pressure on your forehead and hands. Repeat 5-8 times. This stretches the back of the neck;
  • you can sit in a Turkish or butterfly pose when your feet are pressed together. Any position that is comfortable for you will do. Press with your palm on the temporal area, the head should remain in the same position, as if resisting the pressure. Stay at the extreme point for 5 seconds, then lower your hand. If your right hand pressed, then you need to put your head on your left shoulder. To enhance the effect, you need to extend your right hand to the side and pull your fingers towards you. Do 5 to 8 repetitions. The exercise is aimed at stretching the lateral surface of the neck;
  • relax and take several breathing cycles, concentrating on the process - take a short breath through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth.

Kostyuk method

The isometric relaxation technique offered by Dr. Kostyuk is based on the application of external force impulses and the resistance of muscle fibers to them. Then follows their relaxation, allowing you to stretch the superficial and deep muscles. Performing exercises helps improve blood circulation and relax muscles in case of osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spine, since the vertebrae are freed from muscle grip.

Gymnastics for the neck muscles can be performed anywhere, no special equipment is required

Complex I.E. Kostyuk includes the following exercises:

  • sitting on the floor or on a chair, straighten your back and fix one hand on your neck and put the other on your head on the opposite side. Each hand pulls the head and neck in its direction for 5-10 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 3 times;
  • to relax the back muscles of the neck, you need to tilt your head, trying to touch your chin to your chest. Place your hands on top and lightly press on the back of your head. Stay at the bottom point for 5-10 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do 3 repetitions;
  • to stretch the anterior muscles, you need to tilt your head back, trying to put the back of your head on your back. In this position, fix your head with your hands and pull your head forward. The hands resist, the head tilts more and more, the muscles of the front surface stretch well;
  • in a sitting position, you need to reach your chin to the armpit. Then, clasping your head in your hands, try to raise your head, alternately tensing and relaxing your muscles. Do 3 times in each direction;
  • bend one arm and place it on the opposite shoulder. Reach your chin towards the shoulder of your bent arm, pressing on it and resisting the movement with your hand. Repeat the exercise at least 3 times.

Drug therapy

To eliminate muscle spasms, special drugs are used - muscle relaxants. These medications are effective for osteochondrosis, various types of myalgia and other diseases whose symptoms are muscle spasms and pain. Mydocalm tablets have a quick and lasting effect, helping to relieve tension by reducing the frequency of pathological impulses of the nervous system.

The drug Sirdalud has a pronounced muscle relaxant effect, suppressing the activity of spinal cord neurons. Sirdalud is used in the complex treatment of cerebral and spinal ailments, which are characterized by spasticity and voluntary contractions of skeletal muscles.

Local agents that have a warming effect cope well with spasms and muscle tension:

  • Capsicum ointment;
  • Menovazin solution;
  • Nicoflex;
  • Finalgon;
  • Viprosal;
  • balm Golden Star;

The well-known “Asterisk” is a universal remedy that helps with many ailments

The antispasmodic effect of warming ointments is achieved by irritating blood vessels, which promotes their expansion and improves blood circulation in the problem area.

The basis of the drugs are the following substances:

  • bee or snake venom;
  • capsaicin;
  • camphor;
  • turpentine.

Physiotherapy and massage

To treat osteochondrosis and get rid of muscle stiffness, the following physiotherapy procedures are prescribed:

  • electro- and phonophoresis;
  • current therapy;
  • electromyostimulation;
  • UHF and magnetic therapy;
  • medical laser.

Physiotherapeutic methods have a beneficial effect not only on the muscles, but also improve the condition of the blood vessels and soft tissues of the back. Applications with healing mud and therapeutic baths with sea salt and pine extracts have proven themselves well.

Using special massage techniques, you can achieve relaxation of tense muscles and quickly relieve fatigue. In addition, a course of several massage sessions helps improve the overall tone of the body and performance, accelerates metabolism in tissues and relieves muscle tension, releasing nerve endings.

To prevent muscle spasms, especially during sedentary work, you need to take short breaks several times a day to warm up and exercise your neck. Exercises to strengthen the cervical spine are extremely simple and do not require much time. But a feeling of vivacity, lightness and excellent well-being is guaranteed. Be healthy!

What is a spasm of the muscles of the collar zone, why does it occur? How to quickly relieve pain from muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders. Effective and inexpensive treatment methods: medications, folk remedies, physiotherapy. Preventive measures to help avoid relapse of the disease.

Muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders are a common problem that can affect people of all ages. However, people who are most susceptible to the disease are those who are often in a static body position (working at a computer), leading a sedentary lifestyle, or, conversely, putting excessive strain on the cervical spine.

What is a spasm of the muscles of the collar zone, why does it occur? How to quickly relieve pain? Effective and inexpensive treatment methods, folk remedies, physiotherapy.


A spasm is an involuntary contraction of muscles that leads to their compression. Nearby vessels are clamped along with the muscle tissue. This condition leads to disruption of the functioning of spasmodic tissues, which causes pain in the patient, as well as other unpleasant consequences, which will be discussed in detail below.

Diagram of placement of the main muscles of the neck and shoulders

Types of spasms

As mentioned above, the cervical region includes many muscle fibers. Depending on the type of spasm, the following types of spasms are distinguished:

  1. Deep muscles of the neck. The deep neck muscles emerge from the ribs, passing close to the intercostal, cervical and transverse arteries.
  2. Muscles of the neck and shoulders. These fibers run from the side of the neck to the shoulders. In medical language the disease is called lumbago. In 90% of cases it occurs after sprains and injuries.
  3. Trapezius muscle. The trapezius muscle is a flat, broad fiber that runs along both sides of the spine from the neck to the shoulder blades.

Mechanisms of occurrence and causes of the disease

The cervical spine is one of the most mobile parts of the human body. It contains many muscle fibers, which increases the risk of neck spasms compared to other parts of the body.

Modern medicine cannot yet accurately determine the cause of the disease, but it identifies risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Injuries and mechanical damage provoke inflammation of the fibers, which gradually spreads through the tissues, causing tension and pain.
  2. Prolonged static position (sleeping in one position, uncomfortable position on a chair or at the computer) or, on the contrary, sudden movements leading to pinched nerves. Under the influence of these conditions, an increased load is placed on the vertebrae, blood flow increases, which leads to spasm of blood vessels and muscles.
  3. Stress shocks, anxiety.
  4. Lack of vitamins (B12, D), minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium). These substances perform important processes in muscle fibers. Thus, a lack of vitamins leads to the development of spasmophilia, and sodium leads to dehydration and loss of electrolyte by the body, which is necessary to ensure tissue rest.
  5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Hypothermia (draft, walking in windy weather in light clothing).

Half of the clamp cases– injuries, mechanical damage. In second place are nervous tension and osteochondrosis. In stressful situations, spasms occur sporadically, the catalyst being sudden movements of the patient.

Osteochondrosis– a disease characterized by destructive processes in human bones and cartilage. One of the symptoms of the disease is muscle weakness, which increases susceptibility to spasms and tightness.

How to distinguish spasms from other ailments

Unfortunately, muscle spasm of the collar zone cannot be independently distinguished from other ailments. Intervertebral disc herniation, bone marrow pinching, osteochondrosis and other diseases often give similar symptoms. An accurate diagnosis can only be made with the help of a specialist.

Spasms of the muscles of the neck and shoulder can be characterized by shooting pain and unpleasant sensations on the skin


Manifestations of the disease can be divided into basic (which appear regardless of the cause or type of illness) and characteristic (which are inherent in a specific form of the disease)

General symptoms:

  1. "Shooting" pain. It occurs locally or can spread along the arm to the fingertips.
  2. Unpleasant sensations on the skin in the affected area: numbness, tingling.
  3. Headaches in the occipital region.
  4. Difficulty in moving the neck, shoulders, and arms.
  5. Pain that occurs when turning the head or moving the arms.

Characteristic symptoms

When the disease develops nervously, one muscle group is affected. The disease is accompanied by sharp, aching pains that suddenly appear and disappear. Often pain is provoked by sudden movements.

If the disease occurs against the background of cervical osteochondrosis, the patient will experience headaches, as well as numbness of muscles, skin, tingling, and “goosebumps.”

Symptoms also vary depending on which muscle group is affected:

  1. Oblique muscle– there is a throbbing pain under the back of the head, disruption of the organs of the visual system, deterioration of blood supply to the brain, dizziness.
  2. Deep– accompanied by compression of the arteries, which leads to deterioration of blood circulation in the head and arms. Against this background, “numbness,” tingling, and tingling of the upper extremities periodically occur.
  3. Muscles of the neck and shoulders. It manifests itself as sharp and sharp pain, as well as aching, dull pain.
  4. Trapezoidal– nutrition of the brain and face is disrupted. In more than 50% of cases it occurs against the background of osteochondrosis. Another characteristic symptom is the appearance of withers at the junction of the neck and back.

Do not try to diagnose the cause and form of the disease yourself. The information presented above is intended for general information and a better understanding of your condition.

Diagnosis of spasm

For diagnosis you need to go to orthopedist, chiropractor or therapist. An appointment at the doctor's office begins with a history taking, when the patient talks about his condition. It is important to provide accurate, complete, truthful information about the duration, nature, intensity of symptoms, as well as the possible causes of the development of the disease.

To diagnose the disease, you need to consult a therapist or orthopedist

This is followed by palpation, the doctor feels the affected area with his hands, may ask the patient to make some movements, and then describe the sensations.

Standard diagnostic procedure demonstrated on video

To make a final diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is performed. The study allows you to accurately see the condition of the muscles and nearby tissues.

If there is a suspicion of an infectious nature of the disease or a lack of microelements, laboratory tests of blood and urine are taken.

Neck treatment

Based on the diagnostic data obtained, the doctor prescribes treatment. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the cause of the disease and relieve symptoms. Several methods used for treatment will be described below. They can be combined or used separately.

How to quickly relieve pain and spasm? Operative methods

What to do if the illness suddenly overtook you, and you cannot go to the doctor? You can relieve your condition at home yourself by following one or more of the techniques suggested below.

Hot bath

Take a contrast shower or warm bath. You can add aromatic oils: lavender, pine aromas. These smells relax and calm the nervous system, stimulate the immune system.

Heating pad and compresses

Although it is recommended to take a hot bath, a compress requires a lower temperature. Fill a plastic bag with ice cubes and wrap in a towel. Apply the compress to the area that hurts the most. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

A salt heating pad will help with muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders.

After this, it is recommended to immediately apply a warm compress with a heating pad. Changing temperatures helps relieve muscle spasms (as is the case with a contrast shower). Low temperatures help relieve pain and other unpleasant sensations, and high temperatures help relax muscles.


Take non-steroidal painkillers. It is prescribed in the form of tablets, topical ointments or injections. Usually these are painkillers, muscle relaxants, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Less commonly, antibiotics or other drugs may be prescribed. Which ones exactly depend on the causes of the disease. Below in the table we describe several of the most effective medications.

The course of treatment with NSAIDs is carried out no longer than 5-7 days.

Try to monitor your condition. If you sit in one position for a long time and notice tension in the cervical region, change your position, do a little exercise, stretch your neck with your hands. The most important thing is to be able to relax physically and emotionally.

In the video below, the doctor talks about what to do to quickly get rid of the spasm.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers us a wide selection of various medicinal herbs that will help cope with muscle spasms.


Brew herbs, the best ones are: valerian, lavender, chamomile, bergamot, peppermint. If there are no herbs, drink warm tea, hot milk. Such drinks have a calming, relaxing effect on the body.


To relieve muscle tension, you can add a few drops of horseradish juice, aromatic oils (lavender, pine needles) or flavored sea salt to a warm bath.

General treatment

General methods are aimed at relieving muscle tension, restoring damaged muscles and improving overall well-being.


A professional therapeutic massage has a good immediate relaxing effect. Tactile impact on the skin of the neck and shoulders stimulates blood flow to damaged tissues, launching restoration processes. A full course of massage sessions will strengthen the muscle corset, spine, correct posture, and remove muscle tension and blocks. In addition, regular exercises have a good relaxing effect on the psyche, help normalize sleep, and improve nutrition of the tissues of the cervical region.

To relieve pain from neck muscle spasms, you can undergo a massage course.

This is what a cervical massage looks like

Do not hire massage therapists without medical education for sessions. Seek help from city and private clinics and medical centers.


Exercises have a similar effect to massage, the only difference is that you do them yourself. It is not recommended to perform exercises to quickly relieve spasms, since with severe pain it is easy to harm yourself or make incorrect movements. Also, you should not prescribe a gymnastic complex for yourself without first consulting a doctor.

What the exercises look like is demonstrated in the video below.


To remove clamps in muscle tissue, electrophoresis is prescribed in 90% of cases. The essence of the technique is that medicinal substances are injected under the skin, which penetrate into the tissue under the influence of current. As a rule, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are administered. The procedure helps to relax and stimulate blood flow, which is necessary to eliminate the negative processes of spasm.

Electrophoresis is often prescribed for muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders.

Consequences of lack of treatment and the impact of the disease on the body

If left untreated, the disease negatively affects the human body. Nervous tissue, blood vessels, and arteries are compressed. As a result, the mobility of the limbs is limited, blood circulation in the brain deteriorates, which affects the visual system and mental activity of a person.


  1. Keep your body in good shape. To avoid spasms and muscle tension, you need to give your body regular physical activity. This could be swimming, yoga, Pilates.
  2. Watch your comfort. Do not sit in one body position for a long time, change positions. Do a light workout after sleep, during breaks at work.
  3. Dress appropriately for the weather, avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  4. Make yourself a complete diet, make sure that there is enough of all substances in the body, take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  5. Consult a doctor in a timely manner if you notice any unpleasant symptoms, and conscientiously and efficiently follow all the doctor’s recommendations.


In the article we talked about spasm of the neck and shoulder muscles, described this ailment, as well as the reasons for its occurrence. A separate large section was devoted to methods of treating the disease. Do not forget that their use without consulting a doctor can be harmful to your health. After recovery, we recommend that you follow preventive measures so that the disease does not recur. And finally, we invite you to share your experience of treating the disease in the comments, as well as ask questions.

They say that the British came up with a saying that compares tedious, hard, exhausting work with pain in the neck muscles. You can't deny them the precision of the wording! Each of us has at least once experienced pain and discomfort from tension in the muscles of the neck and collar area - an extremely unpleasant sensation.

Why do muscles tense?

The first and main reason for neck muscle tension is prolonged sitting at a desk in an almost motionless position: hands on the keyboard, eyes intensely fixed on the monitor screen. Remember how your traditional morning begins. With exercise and an invigorating shower? No, most likely, from a cup of coffee drunk while sitting in front of the monitor where you are viewing the morning news. How often do you stretch yourself during the working day? Do you allow yourself a walk in the fresh air in the park during your lunch break? Do you let your muscles relax in the evening in the pool or dance class?

I believe the answer to all questions will be negative. Because you sat at work all day without raising your head, distracted only by phone calls and calls to your superiors. And in the evening, at best, they allowed themselves to sit with a friend in a cafe. And upon returning home, we felt like the area of ​​the neck and collar area seemed to be swollen from fatigue, it was annoying with a slight burning and tingling sensation, and sometimes it hurt so much that the head itself was pressed into the shoulders. Of course, your neck supported your head in the same tense position all day long.

However, psychologists have an interesting opinion regarding the head pulled into the shoulders: in a stressful situation, a person instinctively tenses the muscles of the neck and collar area, as if trying to “hide” from the negative. Even when the stress is left behind, the muscles do not immediately relax. And the more often the stress, the more firmly the neck muscles remember their tense state and the slower they come out of it, creating pain in the collar area.

Another reason for tension in the neck muscles and pain in the collar area is your internal psychological state. The fact is that when you experience depression, fatigue, overwork, a state of lack of will and decadence, your head involuntarily falls down and pulls the neck muscles with it. The muscles resist the tension, tightening to support the head, and this tension spreads throughout the upper body, creating pain. Neurologists also say that the accumulation of tension in the neck muscles is facilitated by blocked, suppressed emotions - restrained anger, the inability for some reason to express what has accumulated in the soul or even cry to your heart's content.

The neck is the bridge between body and mind

Such a philosophical definition of the neck can be found among specialists in Eastern relaxation practices, and here’s why they think so. Of the six sense organs, four are located in the head, and therefore it determines the direction of body movement. In this case, it is the neck that makes it possible to realize movement by turning the head.

In the cervical-collar zone there is a very important, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, energy and reflexogenic zone, which is responsible for brain activity and hand movement.

The human head weighs on average 4-8 kg and is supported only by seven small cervical vertebrae, which are cushioned by intervertebral cartilage. But to help the vertebrae, nature gave a person a complex of 32 cervical muscles that hold the head in an upright position, actively promote its movement and perform protective functions. And there is something to protect! The neck area contains 4 main arteries and 8 largest nerves, not to mention the spinal canal. They supply blood to the head, organs of the thoracic part of the body and upper limbs, carry out various types of stimulation, controlling nervous activity.

If the muscles of the neck and collar area are overstrained, this affects the functioning of blood vessels or nerve endings, and the blood supply to muscle tissue, impairs metabolism and oxygen supply to the brain. As a result, you feel pain in the muscles of the neck and collar area, as well as severe headaches and stiffness in the shoulder girdle. Prolonged tension of the neck muscles can provoke the early formation of wrinkles on the forehead, jowls, swelling on the face, nasolabial folds, the development of migraines, blurred vision, swelling, salt deposits, pinching of the spinal nerves, as a result of which radiculitis develops and disruption of the organs under their control and other troubles.

How to help with neck pain?

There are several simple techniques that will relieve muscle tension in the neck and collar area, relieving you of pain and discomfort.

Relax . Sit comfortably or lie down in a calm, quiet room where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and try to mentally relax each muscle in turn, moving from your head to your feet. Then slowly and deeply inhale and exhale all the air, drawing in your stomach. Repeat several times.

Take a rest . Nothing relaxes your neck muscles more than being able to lie down comfortably and take a nap.

Apply cold water to the neck and collar area compress (from crushed ice wrapped in a scarf), and after 15 minutes, warm your neck with a towel soaked in hot water. This will activate the blood supply to the muscles and relieve pain.

If the pain is very severe, do not be afraid to take painkiller . The body is unlikely to suffer much from one tablet, but you will relieve nervous tension from pain.

Make yourself easy massage to relieve tension in the muscles: press your palms firmly to the back of your neck and stroke it, then rub it in a circular motion, lightly pat it with your fingertips. Then grab the neck muscles with your fingers and knead them with pinch movements. Do the same with the muscles of the collar zone. Finish the massage with the same stroking as you started.

Don’t forget about preventive measures that will help the neck muscles not strain and this will significantly reduce pain in the collar area, and maybe even get rid of them:

  • Watch your posture, get rid of excess weight, train your abdominal muscles - this will reduce the load on the spine and strengthen the muscles that hold your head upright, preventing it from tilting forward.
  • While working, do not lean low over the table, create a comfortable workplace for yourself, take a break every hour to move around and change your body position.
  • To prevent neck muscles from straining, give them rest often; during long periods of work at a desk, sit comfortably so that your neck does not swell from a static position; take breaks to move around.
  • Even in a work environment, you can allow yourself a simple exercise to strengthen your neck muscles: sitting at your desk, “turn” your shoulders, imagine that your spine is a perfectly straight column, straighten your neck, stretch the top of your head up, cover it tightly with your hand and, lowering your eyes down, slightly press your hand to your head. Feel how your scalp and neck muscles stretch. Relax completely and then repeat the exercise 10 times. It will relieve some compression and strengthen the neck muscles.
  • Get rid of the habit of pressing the telephone receiver with your ear to your shoulder or combing your hair with your head thrown back strongly - there is no need to stretch your neck muscles unless absolutely necessary;
  • Neck pain can be caused by an uneven mattress, a pillow that is too large, or an uncomfortable sleeping position (such as sleeping on your stomach). Only when sleeping on a hard mattress and a low pillow do the muscles fully relax.
  • Learn to relieve the stress accumulated during the day with an evening walk in the fresh air, a warm shower, a cup of tea with mint and honey, and, finally, a good, healthy sleep.

Discomfort in the upper back, collarbones and projection of the cervical spine is well known to all modern people who spend a long time in front of a computer monitor or desk.

Go to a good neurologist and find out the cause of the pain. Do not self-medicate. Incorrectly selected ointments and tablets can further undermine your health.

The first step in treating your neck is visiting a good neurologist.

When working in front of the computer, be sure to take breaks to do at least a few neck exercises. It won't take much effort or time, but you will feel much better.

Try to undergo a course of massage of the cervical-collar area once a year. The massage will relieve muscle tension and improve blood flow.

A medical massage will relieve muscle tension and improve blood flow.

Try to enroll in a course of physiotherapy, which is available in many public health institutions. The procedures will also help relieve muscle tension. At the end of the course you will feel much better.

Do simple exercises regularly. The right exercises will bring great relief. This should become your way of life, their implementation should become regular, only then you will forget about the pain in your neck and back.

Remember that all massages, physiotherapy and exercises should be done only after visiting a good doctor and establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Simple exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders can significantly improve the condition. By periodically performing them, you can relieve increased tone and at the same time strengthen muscle tissue, which will make it more resistant to stress.

Self-massage is just as good as exercise for neck pain. When performing it, it is important to focus on your own sensations and try not to “knead”, but to soothe the sore areas, gently stroking and patting them.

A set of exercises for neck pain:


A good exercise option for neck pain is stretching.

It consists of six parts, each of which is aimed at stretching one muscle group.

  • We press our chin to our chest as low and as hard as possible.
  • We tilt our head back as much as possible. We do this smoothly, without jerking.

We hold each position for at least 10 seconds: frozen in the pose, we slowly count to 10. Thus, just a few minutes will be enough for us to completely relax tense muscles.

Forward tilt - backward tilt
  • We bend to the right side and hold.
  • We change the position of the head to the exact opposite - tilt it to the left. When bending sideways, we try to touch the shoulder with our ear.
  • Keep your chin parallel to the floor and turn your head to the right until your chin is above your shoulder.
  • Turn your head in the opposite direction.

An alternative to stretching is to lift your shoulders up. It is important that the shoulder blades move in a vertical plane without moving forward or backward.

Lying on your stomach, lift your arms, legs and head off the floor. We join our hands in a lock behind our back. We try to bend more.

Focus on straight arms and legs. The neck and head hang calmly down.


We lie on our stomachs and stretch our legs. Use your palms to push your upper body off the floor and throw your head back. We hold this pose (“cobra pose”) for thirty seconds to a minute.


From the “on all fours” pose, we bend the back as far as possible (but not sharply).


From a pose on all fours, we make a maximum (but not sharp) bend in the back upward. Cow and cat poses should be done one after the other several times in a row.


Lie down straight. Place one leg to the side and place it at a right angle. Turn the upper part of the body in this direction, covering one hand with the other. Hold the position for ten seconds, change sides.


Maintaining an even posture and sleeping in the correct position, as well as using special pillows when traveling or long car trips, will help to consolidate the results obtained.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders reviews:

I really enjoyed doing the cat-cow exercise. Back pain has decreased.