Various types of creativity for children 5 6. Consultation on the topic: How to develop creativity in children. What types of creativity are suitable for a preschooler

At each stage of growth and development, the baby has new opportunities and interests: their detailed description and games for toddler can be found at. What to do with your toddler's creativity? How to reveal his talents? There is only one way to find out - to try all possible directions of creativity.

The most common creative activity is painting. Not unimportant - this is a fascinating recipe for the smallest artists. Painting is a very multifaceted art form, in which there are many techniques and directions. Usually, for drawing, parents buy their child colored pencils, felt-tip pens, street crayons. Try to step further, invite the kid to try different types tools and directions. For example:

What types of creativity are suitable for a preschooler

Art is an opportunity for free expression; it is a matter of course. Asking children to focus on finished project, especially when they are really young, can limit their creative development. Many basic motor skills are realized when children use art materials. Their little hands get exercise when they use markers, scissors, dyes, yarn, and other things that help develop the motor skills they need to write.

Gouache and oil paints for children. Bright and saturated colors allow the child to study the features of the spectrum, develop their own drawing techniques. Trying something new: invite your child to work in different directions, this develops imagination: primitivism (simple pictures are just in a deliberately "childish" style), abstractionism (for example, drawing animals with simple geometric shapes), pointillism (an image created by brush strokes different colors), impressionism (in a childish way - draw your impressions of the landscape outside the window).

Creative development is an ongoing process that promotes the development of other important skills. Children who express themselves freely are more comfortable with them and have more confidence in their abilities. Parents should encourage creativity and pay attention to their children's creations; they often find hints of their children's interests and emotional health.

Creativity is a process of self-realization and, ultimately, self-reflection. Children develop their creativity by participating in creative activity... Some creative activities appeal to children in different ways, and each child's development is different from the last.

Watercolors (choose children's, hypoallergenic). Painting with watercolors is the richest field for experiments, it is not for nothing that venerable painters respect it. The peculiarities of the coloring composition allow not only creating bright pictures, but also experimenting with the intensity of color and the flow of shades: by blurring the boundaries of a smear with a wet brush, you can achieve a transition effect. Can be mixed different colors on the palette and observe their transformations. If it is inconvenient for a child to work with paints, purchase watercolor pencils: a dry picture can be "blurred" with a damp brush only in the right places and nothing will flow.

Tips for the development of children's creativity

Attentive parents who understand how to develop children's creativity encourage their children to do creative things for the sake of participation. Listed below are some tips to help your kids develop their creativity. They don't need art room; they just need small space to name their own so their imaginations bloom. In addition to giving them their own space, provide them with art and toys. Help children become interested in creative expression by giving them necessary tools and showing interest in what they are doing. Don't forget about free play. Especially during the first few years of life, children should spend time playing freely with their parents and other children. Depriving them of this free play can hinder their imagination and ability to create. Don't limit their play. Keep creative play simple; there is no reason to limit their creativity to commercial products or a list of rules and guidelines. It must be time for them to escape restrictions and accept creative thinking... Don't order them to play. When speaking to children, they need to play by limiting their creative minds. Encourage creative play without directing it. Find out your most creative times. Ask them when they feel like they're getting theirs best ideas... Schedule a time to play when they feel most creative. Limit your time spent on technology. Focusing on the screen is more of a passive learning model.

  • Designate an area to create them.
  • Give them the resources they need.
  • Satisfy their interests.
These children also spend less time exploring the physical world and the people in it, and they do not have enough time to learn how to use their bodies.

Drawing with croup. This method is often used in art classes at school. On paper, with a pencil, outline the contours of the drawing - a house, an animal, a cloud, a lake, etc. Inside the contour, coat the paper with glue-pencil, then carefully fill the sticky space with cereals (millet and buckwheat, for example). The drawing turns out to be voluminous and colorful, especially if you combine different colors of cereals.

Parents who encourage children to move away from TV so they can experience their environment are more likely to attract more independent children who can think of them. Although the technology can be used to active learning, most of the time it provides only salvation from real and any problems that children are trying to avoid.

Reading helps children develop their verbal communication skills, but it also gives children the opportunity to exercise their imaginations by wondering how the story might unfold. Often stories are dilemmas or problems that children try to help the characters in the story solve. Creating stories - great way for them and solve the problems of their newly created stories. Children do not understand everything, but this does not prevent them from having an opinion. Most of the time, parents ask their children questions with only a few possible answers. Playing word games with children teaches them how language works and the different things they can do with words.

  • Encourage storytelling.
  • Uncover open-ended questions that make them think.
These activities also help children expand their vocabulary while they learn new ways to have fun with words and sounds.

Save complex types of paints and techniques for older age: let the child gradually discover this world for himself. In addition, professional "adult" paints and enamels are not entirely safe for babies.

Modeling. It is not necessary to raise a young sculptor from a toddler, but you definitely need to develop fine motor skills of your hands. Modeling from plasticine, and then from clay will help the child learn to control his fingers. By the way, molding small figurines of birds and animals from clay is a national craft. Enrich your creativity with short excursions into history, and then you can play with the fired and painted figures.

Painting, collages and clay shaping helps to educate their imaginations and express their emotions and ideas. Other art forms include drama, music and dance, and each of them helps children experiment with their freedom and develop their concentration skills. Self-esteem is a big concern for parents. By participating in activities that allow children to create something and create their own hopes for their abilities.

Since the development of children depends on new and different experiences, nature can offer a better playground for the imagination. Children who regularly think, ask questions, and even take guesses about the ways of the world also exercise their Creative skills and problem solving skills.

Developing imagination, you can simultaneously instill in a child perseverance and perseverance. There are countless types of small manual creativity, and they all deserve attention. Here are some examples:

Origami is the art of folding paper. Start with simple figures, then gradually the kid will become interested and begin to come up with his own combinations. Develops imagination, logical thinking, memory (you need to remember the sequence of folding the sheet).

Parents who encourage play that excel in children's inventive skills also promote social and verbal skills. Parents who engage with their children in this type of creative play choose their interests and ways of thinking. It also gives parents the opportunity to teach their children how to broaden their imaginative horizons. Taking children to a library or museum uses all their senses and gives parents the opportunity to ask children how they imagine themselves, how the world is. Take the solution to the problem. Once the kids are old enough, teach them to use mind maps to brainstorm their ideas and help them find logical solutions. Each of them exists in more than one way. Help them find other ways to get the same solution. Also, ask them to find several solutions to the same problem. Don't encourage creativity. Extrinsic motivation inhibits creativity and limits thinking. Find actions that they inherently motivate to do. Anyone who makes mistakes is only human. Talk about the last mistakes you made so they understand that they are not the only ones that are imperfect. Encourage them to find humor in their mistakes and hug how they differ. Embrace your creativity. Share your creative interests and let them see themselves creatively. Children learn through observation, so you can be sure that if they see you doing something, they will want to do it too. Stop looking for the end result. When children first paint a picture or build with blocks, they learn about the world around them as well as themselves. They are concerned with the process of creation instead of what they are creating, and so are you.

  • Get to know them in different conditions.
  • Imagination.
  • Creation of original ideas.
  • Generation of many ideas.
  • Using knowledge and imagination to solve problems.
  • Creating something with intrinsic or extrinsic value.
All children develop at different rates, and how they express their creative side depends on their individual experience and life chances.

Build constructors and create models. Now there are special constructors and kits for of different ages, and choosing the right one is not difficult. Develops: imagination, logic, memory, fine motor skills, perseverance. Remember, sophisticated modeling, embroidery and beading are only suitable for older children. Small parts and needles must be carefully hidden from curious babies!

Parents with creative children should develop their creativity by being present in some moments of the game and deliberately absent from others. It is beneficial for children to engage in all types of art; each form teaches different skills and provides them with a different experience.

There are hundreds of creative activities to help children with their creative development; they just need to expose them. Children naturally love to write, dance and sing. We'll show you how to develop this creativity to help your child learn more at every age.

Music making. Not everyone is destined to become great musicians. But to please yourself and those around you with sound production is very fun! The kid will surely like the little water whistles in the form of birds, emitting gentle trills, simple pipes, a harmonica, a children's drum. Just try not to tire your baby with loud sounds for a long time. By developing hearing, you expand your baby's emotional range.

In the first year preschool education my three year old child spent every morning. While other kids were doing seemingly academic activities like tracing letters and singing songs, my son got stuck in colored pencils. Fast forward one year later; my son is forked - way out! He completes puzzles, counts the abacus, and writes down his name in straight letters. Suddenly, we switched from book books before bed to Charlotte's website. “When,” I thought, “did he know all this?”

Well, he probably found out about it while drawing. Drawing helps kids build confidence, improve fine motor skills, get ready to read, and hone their critical thinking skills, says Kenneth Wesson, Ph.D., a neuroscience education consultant in San Jose, California, who has studied the brain's role in creating art.

Do not forget about literary creativity. When the baby has learned to speak, be sure to pull him into word games: ask to describe something with a riddle, invite to invent stories about different subjects and people. Good speech skills indicate a child's developed intelligence.

The world is the way you show it to the kid. Having become accustomed from childhood to diversity and creative activity, the child in the future will navigate faster than others in a difficult situation and will be able to show creative thinking.

While art has traditionally been thought of as fun frills, they are actually the centerpiece of the education puzzle. And it's not just visual arts. Music can help with math and reading; dance creates the basis for physical health and also promotes self-awareness; acting can improve vocabulary. D. Professor, Department of Curriculum and Learning, Long Island University in Brookville, New York. While tighter household budgets can make violin lessons stretched out, learning the art doesn't have to be formal or expensive.

For some reason, it often seems to me that my daughter is still small for "adult" activities. But every time I see her crafts, my doubts disappear.

Part of the reason is that many types of creativity can now be found in specially adapted versions for children. Read more about them in my article today.


Creativity - what is it?

You can expose your children to dance, music and drama at home, with the things you already have. We spoke with researchers, art experts and educators to get started with activities for kids of all ages. Turn up the music and let your child have ants in their pants! Explore all aspects of movement - jumping, jumping at high and low speed, fast and slow. Following simple sequences gives babies "short term memory" training and develops body consciousness.

Your child pretends to be in a shoe store, where all kinds of shoes - anti-gravity boots, ice skates, shoes that have rubber soles or winged sandals - make her dance differently. Children school age: human sculpture.

Of course, embroider a huge canvas with beads for a child preschool age it is not possible, but it is not difficult to make simple figures out of small beads.

We periodically buy special kits for beading and bead crafts, which contain detailed diagrams products. Several times we did crafts together, and then my daughter got the hang of it and now she creates herself.

By the way, recently we were at the exhibition children's creativity and I was amazed by the abundance of handicrafts made from beads, the authors of which were children of 6-9 years old. And surprisingly, these were not only girls!


The principle of this technique is quite simple. The challenge for children is often to carefully cut the items out of paper napkins and then patiently wait for the layers of glue, paint, and varnish to dry.

To make this process easier, we choose simple and large patterns that look just as good.

Soap making

To be honest, I myself am not particularly strong in this type of creativity. And the process of making complex multi-colored bars is known to me only in theory.

For a daughter, a dozen different shapes are enough, the presence of aroma and sparkles (glitter) in the soap. And two-layer soap is the top of our creativity! Everyone is happy, the child is busy, what else is needed?


Small crosses and a sharp needle often stop parents from doing this. I hasten to please you - in special children's sets the needle, firstly, with a rounded end, and secondly, the canvas is large enough, and the patterns are simple.

Such sets are not more expensive than a chocolate egg, and the benefits from them are many times greater, it seems to me.

Rubber bands

This "epidemic" has now covered the majority of children, regardless of gender and age. Filigree crocheting is not only for adults. I have seen such crafts made of rubber bands that are amazing - figurines of your favorite characters, clothes for dolls, etc.

And the availability of detailed video instructions on the Internet greatly simplifies the process of learning to weave. Often, even the help of parents is not required. Here I see only benefit - patience, perseverance, attentiveness, fine motor skills, accuracy, etc. develop.

Which of the above do your children like to do?