Calendar thematic planning of the work of circles. For _____________________ academic year, senior preschool age. Circle work. Planning the work of the circle: calendar, thematic and long-term plans - Long-term planning of the circle work

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All sections | Circle work. Planning the work of the circle: calendar, thematic and long-term plans

Long-term lesson plan for the creative circle “Kaleidoscope of Fantasy” for children 5–6 years old Long-term plan classes for children 5-6 years old. No. Month Name of lesson; target. 1 October Drawing: « Autumn leaves» . Target: to evoke in children a feeling of joy from the autumn colors of fallen leaves, to develop aesthetic perception. Strengthen the ability to accurately color drawings...

The element of surprise adds to the joy of shopping

The day's games included a French history quiz, a French flag and a painting competition. Friday - flight to New York. At the airport, they received a top hat filled with candy and a stress ball shaped like an apple. The meal of the day included New York style pizza and cottage cheese pie. While some organizations celebrate Customer Service Week with a variety of events and activities each day, others prefer to make a big impression with one special event.

Long-term lesson plan for the creative circle “Kaleidoscope of Fantasy” for children 3–4 years old Long-term plan classes for children 3-4 years old No. Month Name of class; target. 1 October Drawing: "Grapes for the Crow". Target:introduce the non-traditional fine art technique of finger painting. Show techniques for obtaining points (berries) and short lines (leaves....

For months, director Jackie Gose had been telling the kids they'd be celebrating with a cookout in a local park. But when the big day arrived, the representatives were blindfolded and sent to secret place- shopping mall. Once there, the representatives received cards with gifts and spent the afternoon shopping and enjoying a relaxed lunch with their colleagues.

Invite surprise guests on themed days

Jackie says the staff were surprised and shocked and said it was one of best weeks client service. Each day a different theme was presented with coordinating decorations, food and activities. Many guests were also invited to entertain and amaze the team. Monday's theme was farm fun. The office was decorated with the scent of a home farm and each assistant fit right in cowboy hat and a bandana. But no farm would be complete without animals, so Estep was brought to the zoo with alpacas, sheep, cows, a rooster, etc.

Circle work. Planning the work of the circle: calendar, thematic and long-term plans - Long-term plan for the “Kolobok” circle of the preparatory group of MBDOU No. 6 “Eaglet”.

Publication “Perspective plan for the Kolobok circle of preparatory group MBDOU No. 6...” Explanatory note. Theatrical and play activities have great importance for the comprehensive education of children: develops artistic taste. Creative and declamatory abilities, forms a sense of collectivism, develops memory. Time is allocated for this activity...

Tuesday's theme was magical. The office was decorated in black and silver with giant playing cards and top hats. To add to the excitement, a professional magician performed for the team. On Wednesday the theme was camping. Once again the office was decorated accordingly with a wall poster depicting autumn foliage, a campfire complete with tissue paper patches and a tent.

The team members then went outside to test their skills on a giant inflatable climbing wall. Thursday, the theme made famous by Estep. Office decorations were inspired by Georgia icons and included a representation of the Chatuhochee River running right through the department. Arts and crafts activities were the highlight of the day when a local ceramics studio came into the office.

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Club "Young Wizards". Middle Group Perspective Plan Municipal budget preschool educational institution General development kindergarten No. 10, Tuymazy, Municipal district, Tuymazinsky district, Republic of Bashkortostan Long-term plan for the senior group club “Young Wizards” 2015-2016 academic year Supervisor:...

Make your managers stars in a day

Pyatnitsa's theme was the Olympics. Olympic rings, glowing torches and shiny medals decorated the department. After all, a corporate party for 600 takes a huge amount of planning and coordination. And although the celebration is on a large scale, many of the elements can be included in a celebration of any size.

The festivities begin on the Friday leading up to Customer Service Week, when customer service representatives visit all employees to deliver bags. The bags contain the week's agenda, riddles and games such as words and crosswords, and a few sweet treats.

Lesson plan for a circle on non-traditional drawing techniques “rainbow of colors” (preparatory group) Long-term lesson plan for the “Rainbow of Colors” circle in preparatory group September 1 Diagnostics (free experimentation with materials) GOAL: To improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional...

There are three festive events throughout the week for the entire staff of 600: a Monday morning breakfast, a Wednesday lunch and a Friday evening closing ceremony with an assortment of tempting desserts. Throughout the week, the entire group is invited to try their skills on a variety of puzzles and games, where participants are awarded raffle tickets. Tickets are then distributed and prizes are awarded at the end of the week. Participation in all events is very high, because the lottery has very interesting prizes.

Don't have a budget for big gifts? Russell Schuster, chairman of the customer service working group, tells us that many of the prizes are gifts from suppliers. The film was built around the official Customer Service Week theme, "Building Bridges for Customers." and showed a group of cavemen and women building a bridge with pillars supporting support staff.

Circle work. Planning the work of the circle: calendar, thematic and long-term plans - Recommendations for the development of speech and teaching literacy to preschool children. Plan of the “Gramoteyka” circle

Speech development and literacy training as the basis for successful schooling. Preschool age is an important period speech development child, formation of skills to understand and use language: development of the sound side of speech, vocabulary, communication skills, formation...

Paper handling

Seven screenings throughout the week, including one evening screening for the night shift, ensured that everyone had a chance to see the film and enjoy traditional movie-time sessions. Delta Dental celebrates with a range of events each day leading up to lunch and peaking on Friday.

Making simple, uncomplicated flowers

The entire company was divided into teams of 20 people each. Smaller departments merged and larger divisions were broken into smaller teams. Ellen Schworn in Human Resources describes the scene, we laughed as we watched comrades become cheerleaders and sergeants before our eyes, heard clever rhymes filled with spirit, and were truly amazed by the floats as we saw the uniqueness of the originality. While the event sparked a lot of creativity and spirit, perhaps most importantly, everyone left with a new appreciation for their friends and colleagues.

Plan for group work on artistic creativity using non-traditional drawing techniques “Kalyak-malyak” Plan group work on artistic creativity using non-traditional drawing techniques Club "Kalyaka - Malyaka" Middle group "Fairy Tale" Leader - Maryina Oksana Nikolaevna Circle "Kalyaka - Malyaka" is held on the basis middle group. A plan is a document...

Challenge everyone with an amazing race

Team building games and exercises of all types abound during Customer Service Week. Teams compete in 13 legs traveling around the world. In most legs, the last team to arrive at the pit stop is eliminated. Every day they were given a key that described the location of the first pit stop. When did all the teams arrive at the pit stop? they competed to complete the task. The last team to complete the task was eliminated from the race.

Each challenge only took 10-15 minutes and every person on the team had to participate. Below are examples of three of the pit stops? tips and tasks. Challenge #3 The challenge is to eat the green collard pie. The last team to finish the pie will be eliminated from the race. If your team successfully completes this task, you will be given the next key.

Tatyana Shokhova
Calendar and thematic plan for the “Artistic Creativity” circle

Supervisor Shokhov T mug. A.


Develop creative interest in artistic creation through productive activity: drawing, sculpting, appliqué.

Task group work:

continue to develop children's interest in productive activities;

There are very few employees here information services, but they support the needs of the entire district in all geographical locations. Challenge #4 The challenge is to complete the crossword puzzle given within 10 minutes. If you don't finish the crossword within 10 minutes, your team will be eliminated from the race.

This area handles all your technical support needs. There you will complete the final task and the winning team will be announced! Challenge #5 Today your team will answer some tough questions. Select a captain and when a question is asked, talk between your group and come up with the correct answer - press the bell and the answer will be given to you. If you get the answer wrong - two points will be sent to the opposing team and they will get the opportunity to answer the question. The team that gets 100 points first wins the Amazing Race.

enrich the sensory experience using artistic creativity different materials , working with them;

improve skills Right: hold the brush when drawing wide and thin, wavy lines; hold scissors, cut diagonally, along the contour; sculpt from materials in different ways;

continue to practice the skill of voluntarily regulating the force of pressure on a pencil;

For the first week of Valerie Johnson's Customer Service Week, her goal was to do it all! To accomplish everything she had in mind, Valerie dedicated a day to each of her main goals - thanking customers by thanking the people who support customer service, raising awareness of customer service, building bonds across the country and showing her representatives how much she values their.

The highlight of the day, however, was lunch. While in-house lunches can be routine, this was anything but. The table was set with linens, china and crystal and served by Valerie, who dressed as a waitress for the event. And because it was necessary to talk to some representatives during lunch, she provided take-out containers so that everyone could enjoy the holiday. It was the attention to detail that made this first customer service celebration such a success.

introduce new ways unconventional technology Images;

develop the ability to evaluate images and crafts created by oneself and peers;

encourage children to experiment with materials and means of representation;

develop in children creative activity;

to form aesthetic taste;

develop attention, eye, logical thinking; fine motor skills of the fingers.

Use passports to ensure maximum participation

Particular care was taken to include every activity and department. A six-minute video was then shown during closing ceremonies on Friday. Photos of the week were also posted on the company's website. To ensure maximum participation, each employee received a passport. When they traveled from one activity to another, their passports were stamped. If employees attended a certain number of events, they were eligible to enter a special lottery.

Toolkit: I. A. Lykova « Visual activities V kindergarten» .

Thematic planning

Application "Mushrooms"

Identify the level of proficiency in applicative skills, consolidate the technique of cutting out a stencil, and drawing up a plot composition.

Drawing « Autumn tree with colorful leaves"

Supporting worthy causes during customer service

Each day featured different themes such as red, white and blue day, as well as games, puzzles and surprises. It was therefore fitting that one of the themed days team was Breast Cancer Awareness Day. The team members dressed in pink, the decorations were pink, and all the snacks were healthy.

For _____________________ academic year, senior preschool age

This great way get a lottery if you don't have a big prize. The excitement began when the guys were asked to come to work in best clothes. But the photo was just a distraction to get everyone into the lobby so managers could roll out the red carpet leading from front door to a waiting limousine.

Show how to depict a tree with branches of different lengths and leaves using a vertical stroke; use three colors when drawing tree foliage - red, orange and yellow; make additions to the drawing that enrich its content.

Application “Wicker basket for still life”

Improve technique appliqués: cut with scissors in a straight line without reaching the edge, cut along the folds, intertwine paper strips, imitating the structure of a basket.

Senior managers were on hand to hold the doors and assist all 32 team members in the limousine as their colleagues looked on from the windows of their offices above. After a short drive, the limousine arrived at a downtown restaurant where the street had been cleared to allow the limousine ample parking space. Guest speakers, gifts and lots of laughter punctuated the buffet lunch. Then, back at the office, each representative was greeted with a voicemail from the company president, thanking them for the work they do.

To preserve the memories of this wonderful day, each representative received a photo of the entire team in front of their limousine. Finally, two special touches ensure that everyone in the company knows about important work customer service and have the opportunity to recognize the team.

Application "Autumn still life"

Improve the technique of cutting out folded paper, develop a sense of shape and composition, develop a sense of color when choosing colors.

Drawing "Striped rug"

Improve children's ability to draw multi-colored long stripes at a certain distance from each other. Improve your ability to work with visual materials.

First, an email was sent to all staff alerting them to the celebration because, Janine says, it was important to recognize these people at a company-wide level, not just at a departmental level. Employee engagement is not an exact science.

At the core of employee engagement, much like the foundation of any company, there are some values. These values ​​define the why, how and what of this company. In today's economy, you build your company's brand through both external and internal efforts. It can seem daunting to play on two battlefields at once, which is why some companies decide to focus their resources only on external branding. Meanwhile, they neglect their internal environment by failing to provide an attractive, challenging and engaging workplace.

Application “Let’s decorate the ends of the scarf with a pattern”

Continue to develop children's ability to cut narrow strips of paper in one motion. Develop the ability to fold a strip in half and cut along the fold (assistant lines); make identical patterns from rectangles, alternating them by color. Fix the name of the flowers. Carefully apply glue and stick to the base.

Modeling "Hedgehogs"

Improve techniques for rolling and unrolling, flattening, and attaching parts; insert carefully "needles".

Application "House of Matchsticks"

Improve the technique of cutting long strips and geometric shapes from paper; develop the ability to work with non-traditional materials: build a house of matches, with bulk material (semolina).

Drawing "New Year tree"

Improve children’s ability to paint the silhouette of a Christmas tree with a poke or cotton swabs; draw with fingers Christmas decoration(balls, beads, while mixing gouache paints. Supplement the work with sequins and beads.

Salt dough modeling "Yolka toys"

Teach children to create images of animals, toys, household items. Shape from salt dough different ways. Develop a sense of shape, proportions, eye.

Application "Semolina Snowman"

Strengthen children's ability to work with bulk materials. Apply the silhouettes of a snowman, snowflakes, and earth with glue yourself. Learn to tint semolina with multi-colored watercolors.

Decorative applique with design elements "Lacy Snowflakes"

Develop an eye; landmark on the plane; ability to work with visual material.

Modeling (plasticine mosaic)

Strengthen children's ability to tear small pieces from a large piece of plasticine, roll small balls out of them between their fingers, and lay out the finished Christmas tree shape drawn on light cardboard with the balls.

Drawing "Winter landscape"

Continue learning how to draw a landscape with white gouache. Using a background various colors and various drawing techniques (dabbing with a thin brush and poking with a hard, semi-dry brush). Develop imagination creation, emotional and aesthetic feelings, love of nature.

Volume applique "Winter Tree"

Teach children to create three-dimensional figures from tissue paper by twisting, rolling and gathering. Develop a sense of shape, proportions, eye.

Application "Beautiful Star"

To develop children’s ability to glue ready-made shapes onto a sheet of cardboard in the correct sequence; learn to roll balls from napkins and glue them to their corresponding places. Develop interest in napkin applications; fine motor skills of fingers.

Applique + drawing "Trees in the Snow"

To develop children's ability to stick a finished tree shape in the center of a tinted sheet. Apply glue on top of the branches and draw snow using salt.

Application "Military equipment"

Continue to introduce children to bulk materials- semolina, paint the silhouette using the brush method.

Application "A basket of flowers"

Continue to introduce children to weaving techniques. Strengthen the ability to compose flower arrangements.

Drawing "Matryoshka dolls from Sergiev Posad"

Introduce children to the history of the creation of the Russian wooden nesting doll. Develop the ability to paint the silhouette of a nesting doll with patterns and flowers. To form the aesthetic taste of children.

Modeling "Miracle Easter egg"

Introduce children to the art of miniatures on eggs, the specifics of composition and ornamental structure.

Drawing “Mom and I are smiling”

Teach children to draw a paired portrait, trying to convey features appearance and moods specific people. Introduce children to types and genres visual arts (portrait).

Application "Spring is coming"

Arouse interest in the design of your work as the final stage creativity. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition.

Drawing "Rainbow-arc"

Continue to introduce children to the color spectrum, which consists of seven colors. Reinforce the concept "cold" And "warm" colors. Learn to draw a rainbow and spring sky.

Application "Bouquet of roses"

Continue teaching children the technique of rolling crepe paper. Strengthen the ability to make flower arrangements

Relief modeling from salt dough

Teach children to create a complex composition. Introduce the technique of relief modeling. Develop the ability to composition.

Application "Russian birches"

Continue to teach children the technique of cut appliqué. Cultivate an interest in nature.

Drawing "Gorodets pattern"

Continue to introduce children to traditional Russian crafts. Strengthen the ability to draw with the tip of a brush. Develop imagination creation, independence.

Relief modeling "Miracle bouquet"

Continue to teach children how to create flower arrangements using plastic means. Improve the technique of relief modeling. Bring up artistic taste.

Planned results:

4. Ability to work with various craft materials.

5. Preschoolers have developed communication skills.

6. Cultivate interest in creativity.


1. Vasina N. S. "Magic Cardboard".

2. Malysheva A. N. Povarchenkova Z, M. “Applique classes in kindergarten”

3. Rumyantseva E. K. “Applique. Simple crafts".

4. Koldina D.N. “Drawing with children 5-6 years old”

5. Lykova I. A. « Artistic work in kindergarten. Ecoplastics".