Floribunda roses description and care. Floribunda rose (100 photos): varieties, names, planting, care, propagation. Leonardo da Vinci

Floribunda has always been famous for its unsurpassed flowers, and I grow such a beauty. In my experience, I have not encountered a single problem. In this article I would like to talk about growing the plant in more detail.

Floribunda roses literally mean “blooming abundantly” and this is true. Each variety of this plant is capable of blooming magnificently and almost continuously.

This rose tolerates cold well and does not succumb to diseases inherent in its family. These representatives of pinks are distinguished by their unsurpassed appearance and special decorativeness.

This hybrid was obtained by a breeder back in 1924. The plant borrowed its decorative properties and beautiful flowering from the tea rose, but its resistance to cold and disease from the polyantha rose. Today there are many varieties of Floribunda, and the demand for such a flower is due to its incredible and long flowering.

A bush of such a rose can reach a height of 1 meter. Rose petals can be double or smooth, and the bud itself is presented in classic form, goblet or cup-shaped. The entire flowering period lasts summer season. The faded buds are being replaced by new ones, and this will continue until autumn.

Floribunda and hybrid tea rose are very similar, they are easy to confuse, however, they have one difference: the hybrid tea rose blooms periodically, but Floribunda blooms continuously.

It is also worth noting the fact that decorative properties Floribundas are somewhat inferior to hybrid tea roses, but Floribunda has no equal in its resistance to adverse conditions.

Roses of this species are actively used to create hedges or garden path. This bush also looks great as an individual planting. Cut flowers of this plant can retain their attractiveness for a very long time, so they are often used to make bouquets.

Such flowers react positively to a sufficient amount of sunlight and heat. Do not allow drafts in the area where Floribunda is planted. In all respects, caring for such a plant will not be much different from caring for an ordinary garden rose.

Planting Floribunda

The timing for planting such a rose is May or June, but in southern latitudes plants can also be planted in the autumn.

The planting site should be protected from drafts and at the same time well lit. If the plant is exposed to the scorching sun all day, it will simply burn. With a little shading, this rose will bloom much more luxuriantly and longer.

If your site is rich clay soil, then it is better to dilute it with sand or peat. If the soil is too crowded, the rose will not feel well. Likewise, and vice versa, if the soil is too loose, you need to make fertile soil out of sand, for this you add clay and humus.

Prepare in advance landing hole measuring half a meter by half a meter, the depth of such a hole should be approximately 30 cm.

The entire planting process must take place in stages, namely:

  1. Rose roots should be trimmed to 30 cm in length, especially if there are dry areas. The shoots are also pruned and only 40 cm are left;
  2. One day before the expected landing, the entire root system should be soaked in water to moisten it as much as possible. If desired, you can add Kornevin;
  3. The bottom of the dug hole is well watered and after the liquid is completely absorbed, the soil mixture is filled in and the plant is installed. Do not forget that this rose loves space, so the seat should be relatively free;
  4. Straighten the roots of the seedling well and sprinkle it with earth, compact it with your hands. After this, water the roots and, after absorbing it, cover them with soil again;
  5. You need to lay a mulch layer on top of the soil; it is better to use sawdust. If you planted Floribunda in spring period, then very soon the sun will begin to burn and young plants may suffer. To avoid this situation, simply make a paper cap and cover the young seedlings with it. You can remove such a shelter when the seedling has taken root well in its new location.

In addition to watering and fertilizers, this rose also needs pruning, which will form beautiful shape bush. Pruning is best done during the growing season. You need to cut the branches so that at least 5 buds remain on them; it is also better to shorten the side branches.

If the bush is spoiled by dry and damaged shoots, cut them off without hesitation. Careful pruning of the bush is not prohibited throughout the year, but renewal is best done in the spring.

More details about planting shrubs in the video:

Shrub care

Caring for such a plant will not be a burdensome job for you. Just water on time, loosen the soil and remove weeds, and use a mulch layer to make your work easier.

The main criterion for successfully growing Floribunda is pruning, and the main thing is sanitary spring pruning. Bush pruning summer period will allow you to admire beautiful flowers longer.

Before the onset of winter, namely, at the end of spring, it is better to hold off on pruning, otherwise you risk weakening the condition of the bush too much.

In the summer, you need to water the rose abundantly; for each bush you need at least 10 liters. Watering is carried out once a week, and in particularly hot weather this procedure can be doubled. Do not water the rose during the day; it is better to water it in the evening or early morning, when the sun is not at its zenith.

In the article we will tell you what floribunda roses are and talk about the rules of care and cultivation. We will also consider in detail the features, characteristics of the floribunda rose and its differences from other species.

There are many varieties of roses that experts are well versed in. However, it can be difficult for an amateur to determine what type of plant it is and what the differences are. One of the species is floribunda - a beautiful and sonorous name.

The history of floribunda

The first floribunda rose appeared in the first half of the last century. The Dane Svend Poulsen bred the first representative of this species by mixing tea rose, musk and polyanthus.

As a result of his work, he received a bush with excellent external qualities. The new kind collected all the best from my parents. Strength, durability, disease resistance. But the main thing that was achieved was long and continuous flowering.

Perhaps this is the dream of every gardener - to enjoy beautiful flowers in your garden for as long as possible. Floribunda means “abundantly blooming”. This is exactly what her main characteristic.

Subsequently, many more selections were carried out, which gave birth to more and more new varieties of beautiful representatives of the floribunda species.

Floribunda rose - what is it?

The description of a floribunda rose always contains such characteristics as long flowering and many flowers.

From a distance, the floribunda rose looks like a magical pink cloud - it blooms so magnificently. Unlike the hybrid tea rose, which has only one flower on one shoot, the floribunda rose has from 3 to 5 flowers on each stem. At the same time, the quality of the flowers remains high. The flowers are usually large in diameter, beautiful and correct form. They can be either goblet-shaped or bowl-shaped.

Typically floribunda is compact bush. There are both low-growing roses and very impressive ones, more than a meter in height.

Grow this type Can different ways. Can be planted along paths, making borders. Or use it as part of a complex composition. They are so elegant that they feel quite self-sufficient in a separate planting on the lawn. You can plant them in containers and rearrange them as you wish. Or you can even graft it onto a standard and grow it like a rose tree.

We can safely say that floribunda can rightfully take the main place in the garden, since it is difficult to compete with its beauty. During the flowering period, it will outshine even an entire flowerbed, not to mention individual flowers. And in terms of flowering duration, few flowers can stand comparison.

Varietal diversity of floribunda

It is probably impossible to list all varieties of this species. However, we will try to tell you about the best varieties of floribunda roses. Since they all have similar characteristics, it is more convenient to divide them by color.

Yellow floribunda rose. It comes in different shades, from light lemon to dark, closer to orange.

The Amber Queen variety deserves special attention - a bush up to a meter tall, with beautiful amber-colored flowers, about 8 cm in diameter.

Golden wedding is a bush about 90 cm tall, with large leaves. Flowers saturated yellow color, very attractive.

White Rose floribunda Such varieties look great against a general green background in summer garden.

Alabaster - very interesting variety, With big flowers diameter 10 cm. Bush height 90 cm, with glossy dark leaves.

Cosmos - large, densely double, white, cup-shaped flowers. It looks very impressive. Suitable for middle zone.

Floribunda roses are red. Red is considered a classic color for roses. You can find many red flowers in the garden, but they are unlikely to compare with these varieties:

  1. Evelyn Fison is a bush up to 85 centimeters, with abundant foliage. The flowers are very lush, up to 8 cm in diameter, with a bright, rich color.
  2. Lily marlen is a low bush, usually about 50 cm. Ideal for borders. Blooms with deep red flowers.

Floribunda in purple, lilac and pink shades always looks very gentle and romantic. Perhaps the most beautiful. And the abundance of shades will allow you to choose exactly the one that fits perfectly into the overall composition.

Sexy rexy is a very elegant variety, strewn with soft pink flowers, with an abundance of slightly wavy petals. The height of the bush is about 70 cm.

City of London is a medium-sized bush, capable, however, of growing up to 2 meters in height and spreading 1.5 meters in diameter. Flowers delicate color, not very lush, terry.

The floribunda rose is quite whimsical and requires certain requirements to be met in order to grow it. We will look at how to plant and care in detail below.

Soil preparation

Soil preparation is an important step in planting roses. You need to start preparing 2 weeks before the expected landing.

The site chosen for planting must be carefully dug up and all weeds removed. You need to dig to a depth of about 50 centimeters. Peat, humus and rotted manure need to be added to the soil. If the soil is heavy and clayey, then you need to add sand.

After 2 weeks, just before planting, the soil is dug up and a drainage layer is placed in the resulting hole. If the site is located close groundwater, or it is located in a wetland, then the drainage layer needs to be made thicker.


Roses can be planted in spring or autumn. This depends, first of all, on the climate. In colder regions, planting should be done in May so that the rose can settle into its new location and take root well before frost.

In more southern regions, plant roses in open ground better in autumn. In this case, rooting will occur before winter, and in the spring the rose will wake up and bloom fully without wasting time on adaptation.

A seedling is placed in the prepared hole and gradually covered with earth. Evenly on all sides, lightly tamping occasionally.

Floribunda roses - care and cultivation

Caring for roses after planting involves regular watering and loosening. When planting in spring, in the first year the rose is not allowed to bloom by cutting off all the buds. This allows you to spend all your energy on developing the bush and forming the root system. Only in the fall do they leave a certain number of flowers and allow them to bloom until the fruits ripen.

About watering and care

Floribunda rose requires strict adherence to watering rules. You only need to use warm water, settled during the day. Cold water- severe stress for the rose.

Best time- this is early morning or evening. If the weather is not sunny, you can water during the day.

You need to water directly at the root, without touching the foliage. Wet leaves can lead to the development of fungal diseases.

After watering, loosening the soil is required. This is necessary in order to ensure air permeability of the soil around the roots. For the health of roses this required condition.

About feeding

Roses, like other plants, require a full range of micro and macroelements. At different times, roses require different fertilizers.

Floribundas will bloom more magnificently and abundantly if they are nourished during the period of budding and flowering nitrogen fertilizers. You can use improvised means or buy a special preparation in the store.

In the fall, when the rose finishes flowering, you need to change the priority and add more phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This will allow the rose to better prepare for winter.

About the propagation of roses

You can propagate roses different ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. By cuttings.
  3. By dropping.

Speaking about propagating roses by seeds, it is important to note that this is a rather conventional method. Unlike the flowers that nature created, it is impossible to grow from a seed exactly the same rose from which it was taken. No one can predict what will grow.

It’s a completely different matter if you take a cutting for propagation. This is a piece of the plant itself with already specified characteristics. There is no doubt that the plant will be exactly the same as the mother bush. Propagation by cuttings is considered the most correct.

The cutting is taken from the middle of one of the large stems. You need to cut on both sides at an angle of 45 degrees. The cutting is placed in very moist soil or water with the addition of a growth stimulant. After the roots appear, the rose is transplanted into a container for further growth and development of the root system.

Dropping is even more easy way rose propagation The outermost stem needs to be bent to the ground and covered with earth in one place. After some time, roots will grow from the stem located underground. When this happens, the new rose can be cut off from the parent bush and transplanted to a new location.


Shrub roses require mandatory pruning. The main pruning is done in the spring. When the bush wakes up after winter and buds appear on it, it is time for pruning. Typically, branches are cut above the fifth bud. However, if you need to rejuvenate old bush, then pruning is done above the second bud.

During the summer, regular pruning is carried out, removing old flowers and, if necessary, shaping the crown. Pruning flowers is mandatory as it prevents the fruit from ripening, which takes a lot of energy.

In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing all foliage and excess shoots before wintering.

Shelter for the winter

Floribunda roses are quite frost-resistant. Most of them belong to zone 6. However, good shelter allows you to grow roses in colder regions.

You can cover it with spruce branches or special material that is commercially available.

Preventive treatment and treatment of diseases

Floribunda roses are quite resistant to diseases, especially if the rules of care are followed. However, sometimes they are susceptible to diseases typical of roses - powdery mildew, black spot and rust.

A rose that has been ill loses its immunity and is stunted in growth. Therefore, it is important to pay due attention to prevention. At home, treatment can be carried out with solutions prepared independently. However, if the rose is already sick, then their effectiveness may not be enough, and it is better to purchase a special remedy.

It is also important to carry out preventive treatment fungicides immediately before sheltering for the winter. By following all these rules, you will ensure excellent growth and high-quality flowering for your roses.

Floribunda roses, features of this group of roses, advantages:

12.12.2017 5 826

Rose Floribunda - beauty care for lush flowering

Rose Floribunda is the most beautiful variety rose bush, obtained through the efforts of breeders, and so that the plant decorates the area with its lush color and bright colors, you should know its main varieties - Nina Weibul, Masquerade, Freesia, Kimono, Rumba, Stromboli, how to plant and care for open ground, preparing shrubs for winter and other growing features...

Rose Floribunda - description of popular varieties

Rose Floribunda is the result of crossing several varieties of roses, giving rose growers a compact bush that blooms profusely until frost.
Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the Floribunda rose, the varieties of which are distinguished by their brightness and originality of colors, is presented in catalogs in a rich assortment, and gardeners are often at a loss as to which type to plant on their site. To make your choice easier, consider the most popular, proven types:

  • Rose varieties have dense, double inflorescences Schackenborg, Comtesse de Segur, Madame Figaro, Dame de Chenonceau;
  • Rosa Schackenborg - pictured

  • Exquisite aroma will be given Red Abundance, Manu Meiyan, Freesia, in addition, the latter has a bright yellow color that does not fade in summer;
  • Rose Manu Meyyan - pictured

    Rose Freesia - pictured

  • They can boast of spectacular color Regensberg, Camille Pissaro, Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco, Rose de Cistercien;
  • Rosa Regensberg - pictured

    Rose Camille Pissarro - pictured

    Rose Jubilee Prince of Monaco - pictured

    Rose Rose de Cistersien - pictured

  • Galaxy is distinguished by a change in color during opening, the bud begins to bloom yellow in color with a red edging, later turns into a soft pink color, the bush reaches 80 cm and blooms all season, has spreading branches with large leaves, the plant is resistant to diseases;
  • Rose Galaxy (Galaxy) - pictured

    Masquerade (Rose Masquerade)- another chameleon, changes color from yellow to bright crimson, and buds of different tones can form on one branch - these variegated bushes have a faint aroma. Semi-double racemes usually have 10-20 buds, and the bush blooms until September-October, has small dark green foliage;

    Rose Masquerade

  • Nina Weibull– compact size up to 75 cm in height and 60 cm in girth, the bush is dense, branched, bright scarlet buds of 5-6 cm are collected in panicles of 5 buds. The beauty blooms until the first cold weather and tolerates frost well, is resistant to disease, which greatly simplifies care;
  • Rose Nina Weibull - pictured

    Freesia (Rose Fresia)– pleases with golden buds that do not fade in the sun, which is very important for the garden, flowers appear early and continue to bloom until cold weather, the bush reaches 70 cm, is resistant to rain and disease;

    Rose Fresia - pictured

    Rumba (Rose Rumba) stands out with small chameleon flowers up to 5 cm, which begin to open with a red tint and turn into a yellow core, the bush reaches 60 cm, straight branches are strewn with dark green, matte leaves. Used as a single bush or in flower arrangements in a flower bed, it requires constant monitoring for the appearance of pests and diseases;

    Rose Rumba - pictured

  • Kimono (Rose Kimono)- a common beauty with salmon-colored petals that smoothly turn into a pink tint, from 5 to 20 buds grow on the brushes, which allows us to call the variety one of the most profusely flowering, the tall bush reaches 1 m in height, the branches are strong, straight, - very reliable, disease-resistant , winter-hardy species;
  • Rose Kimono - pictured

  • Rose Floribunda Stromboli can be used as a hedge - red flowers with embossed petals are arranged in 3-5 pieces per brush, have pleasant aroma and bloom until late autumn, the buds keep their shape well and are not afraid of rain, the bush up to 80 cm has a compact shape, the foliage is dark green and shiny.
  • Rose Stromboli - pictured

Proper planting is the key to lush flowering

Is the Floribunda rose planted singly or in a group, are the flowers used as hedge, or garden compositions are created from them - in any case, these beauties will look great, but for harmonious development bush needs attention correct landing and subsequent care for it.

When choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to take into account that the plant prefers sunny, windless places, and the best time to plant a Floribunda rose is considered to be spring, and it is advisable to plant the beauty during the day. Autumn planting The good thing is that the root system of the plant will have time to adapt to the new place before the cold weather, and with the onset of warm weather it will immediately enter the growing season.

Rose Floribunda, typical representatives of which have a highly developed root system, requires a fairly wide hole for planting, approximately 40-50 cm in width and depth. The holes are filled with water, then filled with a mound of garden soil with the addition of sand, humus, peat, fertilizers and bone meal.

planting roses - in the photo

Clay soil must be diluted with compost and sand, sandy soil must be weighted with clay and humus. The roots of the seedling are immersed for 30 minutes in a mixture of mullein and clay or a root growth stimulator, then they are planted in a hole, leaving the grafting site 12 cm above ground level, the roots are sprinkled with the remaining soil, watered abundantly and mulched with sawdust, peat or humus.

Rose Floribunda - planting and care in open ground

The Floribunda rose, planting and caring for it in open ground does not require special skills and can be done even by beginners, is resistant to diseases and pests, and is winter-hardy. Watering, mulching the soil in a timely manner and inspecting for lesions is the main task of the gardener.

An important place in caring for a rose is played by pruning the plant - the main pruning occurs in the spring, the branches are cut to 10-15 cm, the crown of the bush is formed, summer pruning faded inflorescences prolongs flowering and provokes the release of new buds, and autumn pruning undesirable, as it can weaken the plant before cold weather. Weak bushes are pruned especially carefully.

correct pruning of roses - in the photo

To prevent diseases, the bush must be sprayed even before the buds open; the plant is treated with copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture, then inspect the emerging foliage and buds as they grow. Spotting is treated with special preparations, and aphids, spider mite, and the leaf roller are eliminated with the help of insecticides. Throughout the growing season, the plant is regularly watered and fed.

Preparing roses for winter

For the winter, it is advisable to cover the queen of the garden with spruce branches, sawdust, foliage or synthetic materials- agrotex, spanboard, lutrasil, and in warm regions it is enough to cover the bushes with a pile of first snow. The indicator is the branches of the plant - the red color indicates that the branch is in the growth stage and is not planning to become woody. Such a branch cannot be left uncovered for the winter, it will simply freeze, and if such a specimen is found in the rose garden, it is better to pinch the plant in September so that the shoot stops its growth and has time to become woody by winter.

covering roses for the winter - in the photo

Before Floribunda needs pruning - all buds and foliage are cut off, all unripe branches are removed, the bush is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, the soil is sprinkled with peat or fallen leaves and wrapped. In the event of severe frosts, the plant is additionally insulated with a layer of snow or spruce branches.

It is difficult to imagine at least one plot without the queen of the garden - the most beautiful roses Floribunda can decorate even small lawn, and when proper care and cared for with love, the garden beauty will delight the gardener and his guests until frost, giving a wonderful aroma and good mood.

How well do you know floribunda rose varieties? Those who are already working with flowers or planning to do so in the near future should definitely pay attention to this wonderful plant. Especially for visitors to our website, we have prepared useful material with photos about how to prune such plants, what features floribundas have, and so on. Use this information for its intended purpose and achieve your goals together with the best roses on the planet!

A little history

The name rose Floribunda was first used back in 1952. New variety was obtained by crossing polyanthus and tea varieties. The shape of Floribunda roses is somewhat reminiscent of hybrid tea varieties, but differ in smaller size.

The structure is impressive in its variety, because in addition to the traditional goblet and flat, you can find flowers resembling a bowl. The word itself can be translated as “blooming abundantly.” All Floribunda roses grow abundantly and for a long time. In nature you can find lush double and simpler flowers with shiny leaves. The height reaches 120 centimeters, most are slender and spreading.

Key characteristics of roses

Do you think Floribunda roses are afraid of Epiphany frosts? No matter how it is! Even if the shelter for the winter was not completed and the plants froze a little, they will recover much faster and better than other varieties. If we compare this species with others, it is also much more resistant to various kinds of diseases. From time to time, Floribunda roses receive various awards due to their description and characteristics.

Do you know how these plants reproduce? In principle, everything is quite simple - cuttings plus grafting. The kimono floribunda rose can be used for decoration. personal plot, and for memorable events in life, when there was a need to give beautiful flowers. Concerning color range, it is rich and varied: orange, red, yellow and pink tones.

A special feature of the Papagin rose variety is that when it fades, the so-called self-purification occurs.

In this case, the flowers fall to the ground on their own. You can distinguish the Floribunda Samba rose by its fairly large inflorescences. The number of flowers reaches ten.

We have found out what Floribunda roses are. It's time to find out why gardeners love them so much. It turns out that it’s all about unpretentiousness and frost resistance. The plant will delight you with wonderful lush flowers throughout the season. The aroma is pleasant and calm, the flowers have a wide variety of colors. Planting and care are possible almost everywhere, from flower pots to paths in the garden. Rumba rose and kimono rose will help create a wonderful border, freesia rose and golden dreams rose are more suitable for a fence small size.

Caring for this rose variety includes 3 key stages: planting the plant, pruning it and covering it for the winter. Let's look at each of these stages in more detail.

Since this variety of rose is easy to grow, planting it will not be difficult either. The variety is unpretentious and takes root instantly. Suitable soil for planting consists of:

  • Sand, peat and humus - one bucket each.
  • Fine clay - half a bucket.
  • Bone meal and fertilizers (superphosphates) - one handful.

All this is mixed and poured into the pits. Then you water the plant and cover it with sawdust. This will allow the soil to retain moisture well.

For any Floribunda rose best care and propagation is cuttings.

But it should be done only when the shoots are properly woody. Cut small cuttings 7-8 cm long. Make sure that the top cut is completely straight and the bottom cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Our cuttings should be about half in the ground. The depth of the hole for planting is 15 centimeters, the distance between cuttings is about 30 centimeters. Make one side of the hole vertical to keep the plant slender and straight. After planting, gardeners advise covering the plant with film.

Water the cuttings and feed them from time to time. The first buds are removed - they are pruned. This will allow the root system to strengthen much better.

Please note that without exception, Deutsche Welle varieties are simply adored sunlight And Fresh air. Hence, choose Floribunda for roses different varieties sunny areas that are reliably protected from the cold wind. The best time to plant these roses is spring.

As for the distance, it all depends on the specific variety. Most often this is an area of ​​60 x 30 cm for one flower. IN small garden Floribunda Golden Dreams roses have proven themselves to be excellent. There is no need to plant them in open areas - a pot or container will be quite enough.

Bush pruning

Plant pruning is performed 2 times a year: in spring and autumn. At the forefront is spring pruning as the most basic and responsible. The quality formation of the bush depends on it.

To ensure that the pruning is carried out correctly and the cutting is not excessive, pay attention to the base of the bush. From there grow flowering shoots that interest you. The plant will bloom profusely throughout the season. Therefore, first of all, pruning should include the removal of thin and dry branches. We recommend leaving strong shoots, as there are usually few of them.

  • The top part is cut first.
  • The height of the shoot should be about 8-10 centimeters.
  • To make a rose bush more attractive, it is advisable to leave the buds outside the bush.
  • Always prune branches that are more than two years old.

The last stage is covering the roses on winter period. This issue is especially relevant for central Russia. Preparing roses for winter includes the following procedures:

  • Cleaning up the leaves and inflorescences remaining on the branches.
  • Pruning bushes to 35-40 cm.
  • Hilling up with earth 25-30 cm.
  • Cover with leaves. For example, oak. Spruce and pine feet will also work.

A snowy winter will dust the plant with snow, after which it will not be afraid of any frost.

Floribunda will live well until spring, and you will be delighted not by the photograph, but by real flower: clean, light and rich.

Now you know almost everything about the Floribunda rose: what it is, what varieties there are, how to plant, prune and prepare for winter. We wish you success in creating beautiful plot together with Floribunda!