Medicines for fatigue and drowsiness. The main causes of constant drowsiness. Attention: contraindications and side effects

Due to lethargy, weakness and drowsiness, working capacity decreases, study suffers, and rapid fatigue does not allow a fully normal life. All these symptoms may indicate the development of serious illnesses, so doctors recommend that if you have frequent ailments, you undergo diagnostics and a thorough examination. If a person does not suffer from any diseases, but still feels unwell, then vitamins will help against fatigue and drowsiness, which will quickly increase vitality.
When a person eats well, his diet contains all the necessary products, excluding proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, however, he cannot always receive nutrients in the required quantities. If you drink vitamin complexes, then you can increase your performance, improve your mood, become more resilient, they help cope with chronic fatigue. Especially those people who often do not get enough sleep due to their work schedule or studying at a university, as well as older people and workaholics, should periodically take certain remedies.

What vitamins improve body tone?

Chronic fatigue occurs due to a lack of various microelements in the body, and their reserves need to be replenished periodically. In order for the drug to effectively help against fatigue and drowsiness, you need to pay attention to what components it consists of. The same complexes are not always suitable for women and men to make them feel good and cheerful. A person should receive sufficient amounts of the following substances:

  • B vitamins. When there are not enough of them in the blood and tissues, a person will feel tired and sleepy all the time, metabolism will be disrupted, and may also suffer from insomnia and apathy. This group includes components of vigor, as well as substances necessary for the synthesis of glucose, which is very important in the body, because it delivers energy to the brain and nerve cells;
  • vitamin C, often called ascorbic acid. With its deficiency, fatigue occurs quickly, immunity decreases, a person begins to get sick more often, feel drowsy and tired. Ascorbic acid accelerates the formation of the substance norepinephrine in the blood, which elevates mood and improves body tone;
  • Vitamin D is especially important in winter for women, men and children. If there is not enough of it, a feeling of fatigue occurs, the heart begins to beat faster, night sleep becomes intermittent and anxious. When a person reaches old age, this substance is produced much less, so it is especially important for older people to drink it periodically to strengthen bones and immunity, to eliminate lethargy.

In addition to all of the above, it is also very important to take various minerals and trace elements, including potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and others. They are needed to increase efficiency and normalize metabolism, help cope with chronic fatigue; if they are deficient, you will feel a loss of strength, irritability and constant drowsiness. It is advisable to purchase vitamin-mineral complexes, because all the components in them combine well with each other, thanks to their intake maximum effectiveness is achieved.

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Many drugs sold in pharmacies and online companies are suitable for both women and men. However, there are special vitamin complexes intended exclusively for women, for example, for pregnant women. Therefore, before purchasing this or that complex, be sure to carefully read the instructions or label to make sure that it is suitable for specific situation. It is advisable to visit a therapist and consult with him about the best vitamins to purchase to help with drowsiness and fatigue.
It is worth remembering that multivitamins should not be taken over a long period or constantly. Be sure to take the recommended breaks between courses. After all, if you drink them all the time, the body will not normally absorb nutrients from food. It is advisable to purchase complexes at the pharmacy from reliable and trusted manufacturers who create preparations from natural substances.

AlfaVit Energy

  • when taken in the morning, folic acid, thiamine, and lemongrass seed extract enter the body, which improve brain activity and eliminate drowsiness and fatigue;
  • a daily dose helps improve energy metabolism and increases performance;
  • When taken in the evening, the body receives substances that help strengthen the immune system and restore the strength spent during the working day.

This drug is not suitable for women carrying a child, as well as for hypertension and insomnia.


These vitamins against chronic fatigue and drowsiness contain a complex of vitamins B, D, as well as various minerals necessary to normalize metabolism. This drug contains a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid and tocopherol. This complex is used for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with an inadequate diet, during periods of intense physical activity, as well as seasonal vitamin deficiency, in winter and spring.
Doctors often prescribe Duovit in the postoperative period to speed up the recovery of the body. This drug helps well those people who are often in stressful situations and overworked. In addition, the product is suitable for women who have recently become mothers, so that they can successfully cope with lack of sleep and chronic fatigue.


This drug is a synthetic vitamin for women used for fatigue and drowsiness. The main active ingredient is salbutiamine, this substance is obtained synthetically from vitamin B1. The drug is prescribed to those people who often experience physical or mental fatigue, vitamin deficiency, and asthenic condition. Enerion affects the body very quickly; literally after 7 days a person feels an improvement in well-being, mood and appetite. This drug restores concentration and also makes brain cells more resistant to temporary lack of oxygen. This remedy allows you to quickly restore health and normal well-being after suffering from influenza or ARVI.


This complex consists of 9 minerals and 13 vital multivitamins. Thanks to it, a person’s endurance and stress resistance significantly increases, and fatigue decreases. Experts recommend this remedy to strengthen the immune system, increase performance, and also to feel energetic and not tired. If you drink this effective product with antioxidants, your health will become much stronger, your body will be much better able to resist adverse weather and other conditions.

Vitrum Energy

When a person asks a doctor what vitamins can be taken for fatigue and drowsiness, the doctor may prescribe this drug. It is a mixture of various minerals, vitamins and ginseng extract. The product normalizes the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems and significantly increases energy resources. All components that make up Vitrum Energy enhance each other’s effects.
This remedy is often used to get rid of chronic fatigue, it helps to cope with reduced performance, stress and sexual dysfunction. It is prescribed in the postoperative period, as well as in winter period, to improve immunity and increase resistance to viral and colds.


This product is a dietary supplement and comes in the form of tablets. Dynamisan includes ginseng extract, various mineral components, amino acids and multivitamins. It reduces the likelihood of depression, enhances energy production, normalizes immunity, improves performance and memory. Good for older people, especially those who have undergone surgery.


This drug is a multivitamin complex, it is excellent when the body is weakened, during periods when a person feels drowsy. After a short period of time after starting to take it, energy is restored, immunity improves and metabolic processes. The product increases endurance, normalizes nervous system, blood pressure, significantly improves attention and learning ability. Supradin is very useful for women who lead active life, or who have to do hard work.

Multi-tabs active

This remedy includes various vitamins that effectively relieve fatigue, improve low work capacity, mental and emotional stress and asthenic syndrome. The tablets normalize sexual activity, accelerate the body’s recovery process after any illness, and help athletes and those who constantly experience great mental and physical stress. This drug contains vitamin K, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents osteoporosis.

Important! Before buying any multivitamins, dietary supplements or vitamin-mineral complexes, it is advisable to consult an experienced doctor, who should prescribe the most suitable drug.

Feeling of constant fatigue, loss of strength, drowsiness are some of the main alarm signals that indicate that the body requires urgent recharging. This condition can be caused by an overly active lifestyle, constant lack of sleep, and frequent physical overexertion. Special place in our life is occupied by the nature of nutrition, it is because of the food consumed that it depends general state body. What should you do when such symptoms appear? For the fastest possible recovery doctors recommend take special pills for fatigue and overwork.

B Most of these drugs contain natural, plant-based, biologically active substances that will make the body function normally.

But you should not get carried away with these remedies, and if suspicious symptoms occur, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help.

If you experience fatigue, a feeling of weakness, a decrease in overall vitality, lethargy, a constant desire to lie down, it is recommended to consult a specialist, to undergo adequate diagnostics. After all, such phenomena may indicate serious pathology. It is not recommended to neglect this condition.

Indications for the use of tablets for drowsiness and fatigue:

  • feeling overwhelmed- the patient constantly complains of fatigue, his performance decreases, he wants to sleep constantly. Such people often fall asleep while studying or at their workplace;
  • insomnia or disrupted night sleep- may be a sign of both internal diseases (diseases of the liver, central nervous system, adrenal glands) and external factors(overtraining, sensitivity to weather conditions, irritating factors environment);
  • depression - in this case, a person becomes apathetic, constantly wants to sit down or lie down, and finds it difficult to stand or walk. Depressed people change their facial expressions and become pitiful. This pathology must not be allowed to progress; everything can end in disaster;
  • fast fatiguability- occurring against the background of general well-being and health, may be a sign of internal experiences and stress. This condition is most often associated with insufficient nutrition and intake of nutrients into the body.

If such symptoms occur, you should seek medical attention. medical care. After all, the causes of the appearance of the presented symptoms are many serious diseases, such as:

  • alcoholism;
  • apnea syndrome, bronchial asthma;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • catalepsy;
  • anemia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • neurosis;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • CNS diseases - multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, dyscirculatory encephalopathy.

This list can be continued for a long time. The main thing is to understand that first of all it is necessary to find the cause and only then begin treatment.

Drugs for drowsiness and fatigue

In any case, a person needs to cope with such a condition in order to continue normal performance and life. Therefore, he is prescribed drugs that stimulate all the vital functions of the body, which raises its overall tone. There are many stimulant medications available.

When taking such drugs, you must be careful and avoid overdose. After all, the main goal is to maintain performance and improve the general condition of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to take the treatment carried out with full responsibility.


This remedy for fatigue belongs to the group of analeptics. It is successfully used for catalepsy and narcolepsy. The mechanism of action of this drug is not fully understood. There is a theory that it promotes accelerated release neurotransmitters catecholamines(adrenaline and norepinephrine) from synaptic clefts. This helps stimulate the body, excite the central nervous system, and increase the performance of internal organs.

This remedy for vigor is successful used by the military and astronauts in cases where it is necessary to remain without sleep for a long time. Also his proven effectiveness in the treatment of amphetamine and cocaine addiction as replacement therapy.

Method of use and dosage of Modafinil

These anti-drowsiness pills are prescribed by a doctor, and only he can regulate the daily dosage. Usually this remedy is prescribed 1-2 tablets in the morning and 1-2 tablets in daytime. A large dose is calculated for periods of severe drowsiness and fatigue. Taking more than four tablets per day can significantly worsen your health.


From the name of this drug you can understand that it has a psychostimulating effect. In common parlance it is called - "day extender". The sleep pills presented are used mainly during an accelerated daytime routine, when drowsiness occurs early, followed by short-term sleep. In this case, the nervous system does not have time to adequately recover.

Longdaisin is protein kinase inhibitor, which participate in the life and daily cycle of the cell. These substances help accelerate cell division and natural death (apoptosis), which is accompanied by severe waste of energy. When these processes are inhibited, a huge amount of energy is saved, which is spent on maintaining stable performance of the body.

How to take Longdaisin correctly

Take one tablet three times a day. It is advisable to take the drug 10-15 minutes before meals. In this case, the components of the drug are better absorbed.

If you are very worried about laziness, a constant feeling of fatigue, loss of strength, and at the same time all the diagnostic methods carried out did not produce results, then most likely there is not enough energy in the body. Pantocrine is biological agent, which contains many amino acids, vitamins, minerals, nucleotides, phospholipids and other biologically active substances. It is made from natural product- antlers. Antlers are soft and tender young antlers of sika deer, wapiti or deer. Systematic application This product will fill the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Pantocrine has a psychostimulating effect on the central nervous system, muscles, internal organs. Improves absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, increases the protective abilities of the immune system.

Directions for use and dosage of Pantocrine

This product is approved for children over seven years of age. In childhood The recommended dose is calculated as one drop for each year of life. It is advisable to dilute with a small amount of water. Take half an hour before meals or after meals after two hours, 2-3 times a day.

For adults, the maximum single dose is 20-30 drops, regardless of the patient’s age. It is also recommended to take 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after. The duration of treatment does not exceed three weeks; if necessary, the doctor prescribes a second course after a two-week break.

Schisandra tincture

The drug is made from seeds Chinese Schisandra. The tincture has psychostimulating and general tonic properties. Long-term use This drug will normalize blood pressure, myocardial contractility, expand the airways, improve oxygenation and trophism of tissues and internal organs.

Schisandra tincture normalizes neuromuscular conduction, stimulates spinal reflexes, which significantly improves the performance of striated muscles. Application of this tool for physical and mental fatigue will improve the performance of the central nervous system, visual and auditory analyzers. This will lead to improved cognitive processes, attention, and memorization of information.

How to take Schisandra tincture

It is recommended to shake the bottle with the drug before use. It is prescribed only to adults in a dosage of 20-30 drops 15 minutes before meals. It should be taken 2-3 times a day for one month.


When using any medication, it is recommended to pay attention to the “contraindications” section. Even tablets for fatigue and overwork have a list of conditions for which it is not recommended to take these medications.


  • blood clotting disorder;
  • signs of hypertension or a tendency to have frequent episodes of hypertension blood pressure;
  • kidney damage, accompanied by any degree of renal failure;
  • heart disease, signs of heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • frequent episodes of diarrhea;
  • signs of allergy to drug components.

If during the therapeutic course Suspicious symptoms occur, general condition worsens, you must immediately seek medical help.

Side effects

These drugs have increased stimulating properties, so the following side effects should be expected during treatment.

  1. Tachycardia.
  2. Arterial hypertension.
  3. Overexcitement.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Tremor of the limbs, rarely convulsions.
  6. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

If such symptoms occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

Interaction with other medications

There is a mutual enhancement of the effects of psychostimulant drugs and the following drugs:

  • calcium preparations;
  • nootropics;
  • anticoagulants;
  • peristalsis stimulants.

It must be remembered that the use of anti-fatigue drugs together with alcohol has a destructive effect on the central nervous system and other internal organs.


  1. Analysis of foreign studies of nootropic drugs (using the example of piracetam) Text. /A.S.Avedisova [etc.] // Ross. psychiatrist, journal 2001. -№1.
  2. Voronina T.A. The role of synaptic transmission in memory processes, neurodegeneration and the mechanism of action of neurotropic drugs / T.A. Voronina // Experiment. and clinical pharmacology. - 2000. T.66, No. 2.
  3. Baltes, M. M., & Baltes, P. B. (Eds.). (1986). The psychology of control and aging. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  4. Evrard, M. (2002). Ageing and lexical access to common and proper names in picture naming. Brain and Language, 81(1-3), 174-179. doi: 10.1006/brln.2001.2515.
  5. Voronina, T. A. Hypoxia and memory. Features of the effects and use of nootropic drugs / T. A. Voronina // Vestn. RAMS. 2000. - No. 9.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common condition modern man. Dynamic life sometimes squeezes all the juice out of people. And sometimes, in order to overcome the state of loss of strength, you need to hold out until the night, sometimes until the weekend, in other cases this is not enough, only a long vacation can save you. But it happens that all this does not help or it is far from the long-awaited vacation, and the body needs urgent additional help. Several basic questions arise: why does fatigue occur, how to deal with it, and are there pills for fatigue? Due to the frequency and scope of the problem, these topics require more detailed explanation. Females are more likely to suffer from constant fatigue (statistically, four times more often than men). The reasons for this condition are very diverse.

Bad habits, poor diet as causes of overwork

Our lifestyle largely determines our health and activity. People who lead sedentary lifestyle life, are more prone to manifestations of overwork, physical laziness and mental apathy. The same applies to those who abuse nicotine, alcohol, and overeating. Such people constantly complain about loss of strength.

How could it be otherwise if the body spends most of its energy restoring activity after alcohol intoxication. The cardiovascular system, which must supply oxygen through the blood to all cells and tissues, is forced to work many times more intensely, since the body is regularly poisoned by nicotine. And if you add to this excess weight or eating junk food, then how can a small heart cope with such a significant load?

What are the remedies for laziness and fatigue? The main thing here is to recognize the wrong lifestyle and eliminate the symptoms before they cause more serious, irreversible processes in the body. Bad habits need to be minimized, or better yet eliminated, by playing sports, losing excess weight and, of course, eating right. It’s not difficult to do this, the main thing is to awaken your willpower.

It won’t hurt to drink vitamin preparations containing vitamins B12, B5, D3, Omega-3 acids, as well as the minerals magnesium and zinc. Your body’s gratitude will not keep you waiting; the reward will be excellent health.

External factors that provoke constant fatigue and exhaustion

External factors that can provoke exhaustion of the body include:

  • sudden change in weather;
  • polluted environment megacities;
  • magnetic storms;
  • change of climate zone.

Only an absolute minority of people (not childhood) boasts a lack of reaction to changes in weather, climatic conditions, and oxygen starvation. Even in the recent past, talk about the influence of magnetic storms on people’s well-being was considered almost quackery, but now it is a scientifically proven fact. Processes occurring in space and affecting the earth's magnetic field have a negative effect on the health of its population. This is especially felt by older people, experiencing fatigue and weakness.

What is the remedy for fatigue? During such periods, walking on a walk will help better than any medicine for fatigue. fresh air, even if you have to do it through force, or even better, accustom yourself to hardening. Sometimes aromatic coffee or green tea. However, the first one should be drunk in small quantities in the absence of a persistent increase in blood pressure. The second, if there is sufficient caffeine content to feel invigorated, additionally has antioxidant properties.

If you feel low, you can take a pill for depression and fatigue. Grandaxin is popular among women because it is a medicine that relieves fatigue and relieves autonomic disorders.

Diseases that cause loss of strength and groups of drugs for fatigue

Depression, constant fatigue, apathy, dizziness are common symptoms of many diseases. This is our body’s reaction to negative interference in its work by external factors, viruses, bacteria, infections, etc. A person will look for cures for sleep and fatigue for the following diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • thyroid gland;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • depression;
  • vitamin deficiency, etc.

Each of the ailments has its own comprehensive treatment regimen. Since it is necessary to treat, first of all, the original source of the disease, and at the same time select medications for fatigue and weakness. Modern medicine offers a wide range of medical products in this direction.

People who suffer from constant fatigue experience correct question What to drink when you feel weak and weak? All existing medications for fatigue can be divided into several groups:

  • sedatives - you need to drink to solve problems with sleep interruptions;
  • antidepressants - recommended for suicidal and depressive states;
  • stimulants - drugs that should be used for disorders of the central nervous system;
  • sedatives - help during depression, apathy;
  • multivitamins - complex tablets that include the minerals and trace elements necessary for the body;
  • painkillers - should be taken during an exacerbation of pain and spasms against the background of the underlying pathological process.

The doctor may prescribe treatment with one group of medications or several at once, depending on the nature of the symptoms.

List of tablets for body fatigue

When proper sleep, rest or a long-awaited vacation do not provide sufficient healing from loss of strength, or there is simply no time or opportunity for aimless relaxation, a person begins to look for alternative methods of treatment - medications. What pills exist for overwork and fatigue? Such pharmaceutical products include:

  • Grandaxin - effective remedy, which is used for nervous disorders and neuroses. Able to suppress emotional stress and worries, in return providing calm. It helps women prone to severe mood swings associated with premenstrual syndrome.
  • Glycine is a harmless tablet against laziness and fatigue, suppressing irritability and aggression. Among the positive effects, the amino acid glycine improves the body's reactions and memory without having a hypnotic effect.
  • Tenoten - has an antidepressant effect, relieves anxiety and asthenia. These are effective tablets for fatigue and tiredness, which strengthen the nervous system, stimulate concentration, increase memory and the body's resistance to negative processes.
  • Supradin is a strong vitamin and mineral complex that provides positive action on the condition of cells, blood vessels, tissues, organs, stimulating mental and physical activity, as well as all metabolic processes of the body.

There are many different brands and manufacturers of vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as stimulants, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. But not all medications can have the necessary effect on the body, and sometimes it may happen that they will not affect you at all. in the best possible way. Therefore, when receiving qualified medical care, your attending physician individually selects the various medications for fatigue that increase your tone that you need.

Important! It is very important to see a doctor, because only a medical institution can prescribe qualified therapy. Self-medication is strictly prohibited to avoid adverse effects and worsening the condition.

Other Fatigue Treatments

Before buying pills to treat your illness, you can try home remedies for fatigue. First of all, it is tea or coffee. The latter should not be abused. These are energy drinks containing activating components such as caffeine and theophylline. But the intake of these substances into the human body in excessive quantities has a detrimental effect on health, in particular on cardiovascular system and brain activity, moreover, leads to drug addiction.

IN different parts globe Various plants have been found that have coffee and tea properties. Such herbal helpers that bring vigor include guarana, holly, cola, and ephedra. The alkaloid ephedrine, derived from the latter plant, is not only a well-known effective vasoconstrictor, but also a drug that awakens brain activity and has a long-lasting invigorating effect.

Herbal components, which have minimal or no side effects, are also quite useful, helping to invigorate and increase performance, as well as tone the functions of the central nervous system. These are echinacea, lemongrass, ginseng root, rose hips, and Rhodiola rosea. And propolis can be an effective assistant for increasing vigor in the presence of drowsiness.

Amphetamines and analogues of this group are pharmaceutical drugs that, when the body is tired, have a strong effect, stimulating it to the maximum, activating reserve energy. But these medications are prohibited due to the fact that:

  • amphetamine withdrawal leads to an even worsening of the loss of strength;
  • causes severe drug addiction;
  • has a strong negative impact on the functioning of the heart muscle, leading to disruptions in blood pressure.

Be attentive to your body, do not forget that drug treatment of chronic fatigue gives a temporary, supportive effect. First of all, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle - provide your body with adequate sleep, minimize bad habits, spend more time in the fresh air, eat healthy food and, of course, play sports. Only in such a complex will anti-fatigue tablets provide the long-lasting therapeutic effect your body needs.

People who suffer from fatigue often describe it as a feeling of inner exhaustion and lack of energy. Fatigue is different from sleepiness, but taken together, these symptoms can indicate health problems. Drowsiness is a feeling of the need to sleep, but fatigue may not be associated with drowsiness, since this feeling is only an accompanying symptom. Fatigue can be caused by simple overexertion or stress, and can also be a “beacon” indicating the presence of a serious illness that can be life-threatening.

Why doesn't fatigue go away? What are the causes of constant sleepiness?

Oncological diseases

According to the National Cancer Institute, 96% of all people with cancer experience fatigue. This is especially true for those who are already undergoing treatment for cancer. Cancer can cause fatigue in the most different forms, causing anemia or forming toxic chemical substances, and directly affecting cellular function. Many people initially seek treatment for fatigue only to find out they have cancer. Therefore, chronic fatigue can be a serious signal and requires careful examination by a specialist.


Anemia is characterized by too low hemoglobin levels and therefore not enough oxygen being delivered to the body's tissues, which also causes fatigue and drowsiness. Due to a lack of oxygen, metabolic processes cannot continue to the extent necessary for full functioning. Anemia can be a symptom of serious illnesses such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, bone marrow disease, blood loss, or immune problems.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 1 and 4 million people in our country suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue is a disease that is accompanied by other symptoms such as joint pain, short-term memory loss, sore throat, tender lymph nodes and sleep disturbances. Currently, there are no prescription drugs that have been developed to treat chronic fatigue, and all efforts to get rid of this ailment revolve around trying to make lifestyle changes.

Heart disease

In many patients with cardiovascular disease, the heart cannot efficiently transport enough oxygen-rich blood to the tissues, resulting in fatigue. In many cases, patients with congestive heart failure and birth defects may experience severe fatigue and drowsiness.

Sleep apnea

People with sleep apnea cannot get enough rest even if they spend a lot of time in bed. Sleep apnea is a condition in which the patient is unable to obtain adequate airflow through the airways, causing them to periodically wake up.

Lack of vitamins may also be a cause constant feeling fatigue and drowsiness. This condition is especially often observed in the winter and spring months, when a person is not able to receive a sufficient amount of natural vitamins. That is why experts recommend, in order to avoid the manifestation of such symptoms of vitamin deficiency, taking special vitamin-mineral complexes enriched with vitamins and minerals in a dosage that is optimal for a depleted human body.

What vitamins will relieve fatigue?

Proper nutrition is the foundation of optimal health and certain vitamins play an important role in combating stress, fatigue, drowsiness and mood swings. The right vitamins can boost your immune system, thereby increasing your body's health levels. Vitamins can also promote the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body, which also helps release energy from cells and increase vitality levels.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important nutrient to protect the body from damage from viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergies, which together and individually can provoke a feeling of fatigue. This vitamin maintains optimal condition of the mucous membranes of the mouth, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, bladder and cervix, making it much more difficult for toxins to penetrate tissues and damage body systems. Vitamin A also improves immunity by increasing T-cell activity, which is essential in the fight against infectious diseases. Vitamin A is also vital for the production of red blood cells, which maintain healthy iron levels, preventing iron deficiency or anemia.

Vitamin B (complex)

Vitamin B complex helps support a healthy nervous system during times of increased stress and anxiety, thereby reducing the likelihood of feeling tired. Various B vitamins, including B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B3, vitamin B12, vitamin B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin B7, are effective in reducing symptoms of irritability, fatigue and stress. One of the B vitamins - folic acid (vitamin B9) in sufficient quantities normalizes psychological condition, preventing depression. Food sources Folic acid sources include citrus fruits, dried beans and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes the healthy growth of cells that regulate the immune system. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue and low energy levels, especially during times of increased stress, leading to sleep problems. Insufficient vitamin D intake can put the body's immune system at risk, making it weaker and more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. The result is a higher incidence of disease, sudden changes mood and the body's inability to cope with stress properly. Food sources of vitamin D include salmon, mackerel, trout and tuna, meat, mushrooms, natural dairy products and fortified cereals.

A person is in a state of drowsiness if there is a deficiency of B vitamins. In particular, this applies to vitamin B12, the deficiency of which can provoke the manifestation of various types of nervous disorders. As a rule, this vitamin is administered in the form of injections as prescribed by a doctor.

Fatigue and drowsiness are affected by a lack of vitamin C in the body. In people living in a metropolis, this vitamin is very quickly destroyed under the influence of negative influence external factors. The consequence is a severe weakening of the immune system, which leads to fatigue and a feeling of constant desire to sleep.

Sources of vitamin C are lemons, grapefruits, oranges and apricots, and white cabbage.

Drowsiness can be caused by a lack of iron in the body. Preparations containing iron can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, since if there is an excess of it, irreversible changes in the functioning of the body can occur.


Modafinil contains substances that help activate brain activity, which eliminates the feeling of fatigue and relieves drowsiness in the morning and lunch hours. Besides, active substance The drug increases physical endurance and intellectual abilities.


Translated, the name of this drug means “day extender.” If you believe the words of the specialists who developed the drug, Longdaisin can provide invaluable assistance to people who spend a lot of time on long trips, which involves frequent changes of time zones. The drug will also be useful for those people who work or have diseases that cause drowsiness.


Pantocrine is a unique drug that allows you to overcome ailments such as chronic fatigue and drowsiness. Pantocrine is created on the basis of non-ossified antlers (horns) of sika deer, wapiti and deer. The active substance of the drug has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stomach and heart, which increases the level of performance and eliminates symptoms such as fatigue and drowsiness. The product is available in the form of tablets and drops.

Traditional recipes for fatigue

Not only medications, but also gentler ones will help you get rid of chronic fatigue. folk remedies, the preparation of which is within the power of any person.
Below are a few folk recipes, allowing not only to overcome the problems associated with chronic fatigue, but also to return to a full life.

1st recipe for getting rid of drowsiness and fatigue: lemon, honey and a little walnuts

You need to take a small glass of peeled walnuts, pre-chopped, and mix them with lemon, which also needs to be grated in advance along with the skin. Pour a glass of honey into the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. There is no need to insist on the remedy. Take a tablespoon two to three times a day.

2nd recipe for getting rid of drowsiness and fatigue: grape juice

Fresh grape juice, up to two tablespoons per day, also helps eliminate symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness. If you can’t make natural juice, you can eat one small bunch of grapes every day.

3rd recipe for getting rid of drowsiness and fatigue: healing composition

Buy a collection of Chamomile at the pharmacy, pour one teaspoon into an enamel container and pour a glass of natural (not powder) milk. Place on the stove and bring to a boil and keep the broth over low heat for about 15 minutes. After that, remove from the heat and let cool. Add a tablespoon of natural honey, stir and drink half an hour before bed.

4th recipe for getting rid of fatigue and drowsiness: sleep, rest and fresh air

The simplest recipe for returning to a normal rhythm of life is to follow three simple rules: get enough sleep, give physical and mental rest to the body, and also be in the fresh air as often as possible. At the same time, try to consume alcoholic beverages, strong black tea and natural coffee as little as possible, as they cause only a short-term surge of strength, followed by depression of the nervous system.

Drowsiness is most often the result of improper sleep or lack of sleep. In fact, excessive daytime sleepiness may be a sign of a sleep disorder. Emotional states, including depression, anxiety, stress and boredom may also cause fatigue and drowsiness.

Your condition may also be the result of side effects of certain medications. Other causes of sleepiness and fatigue include poor nutrition, eating disorders, chronic pain, lack of... physical activity, alcohol abuse, diabetes and a thyroid disease called hypothyroidism.


Apart from fatigue and sleepiness, you may also experience some other symptoms such as lethargy, irritability, forgetfulness and decreased energy levels.

Drowsiness can affect your productivity and even cause chaos in your life. personal life. With some changes in your lifestyle, diet and sleep patterns, you can easily get rid of drowsiness and fatigue.

However, if you begin to feel sleepy after you've already taken steps to treat the condition, you've started taking a new medication, you're taking significant doses of a drug, or you've suffered a head injury, be sure to see your doctor. Additionally, if your sleepiness is due to any medical condition or sleep disorder, you should also seek medical help.

Here are 10 the best ways, allowing you to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness.

1. Stick to a strict sleep schedule

Lack of sleep and sleep disturbances are two of the main causes of daytime sleepiness. Therefore, establishing correct mode sleep is one of the best ways to prevent daytime sleepiness. Proper sleep can also help you cope with fatigue, low energy levels, depression and stress.

Different people need different amounts of sleep to function well, and the average adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep to maintain normal body functions. To enjoy sound sleep You need:

  • Adhere to a sleep schedule in which you need to go to bed and wake up at a specific time.
  • Keep your bedroom completely dark to promote restful sleep. To block out any outside light you can use curtains or blinds if necessary.
  • To improve the quality of your sleep, buy a good quality mattress, blanket and pillows.
  • Read a book or do relaxing yoga stretches for about 20 minutes before bed.
  • Limit time spent in front of a computer, TV, or phone screen in the evening before bed.

2. Start your day with sunshine

Every day after waking up, close the curtains and try to expose yourself to the sun's rays. This will give you vigor and energy throughout the day and help get rid of fatigue and drowsiness during the day. Sunlight actually helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle because it signals your brain that it's time to wake up.

Sunlight also helps the body produce vitamin D. A 2013 study published in the journal Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, it was found that vitamin D deficiency may be associated with sleep problems, particularly daytime sleepiness.

When you wake up in the morning, take a walk outside and enjoy the sun for at least 15 minutes, but do not apply sunscreen during this time.

3. Wash your face with cold water

Whenever you feel sleepy, splash some cold water on your face or wash your face cold water. The sudden change in temperature helps eliminate feelings of sleepiness and improves your energy levels as well as mental concentration.

After getting it on your face cold water, stand in front of the air conditioner to make this water therapy even more effective.

You can even take a cool shower in the morning to help eliminate drowsiness and fatigue and improve circulation.

4. Drink green tea after waking up

Drinking green tea gives you a boost of energy and reserves vitality, and this effect lasts for several hours, relieving you of drowsiness. Green tea also helps effectively fight fatigue and stress, improving mental concentration. In addition, the polyphenols in its composition help improve sleep.

Drink a cup of green tea when you wake up and several more cups throughout the day. To make green tea, you need:

  • Add 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves to a cup of hot water.
  • Cover with a lid and let brew for 5 minutes.
  • Strain, sweeten with honey and drink.

5. Drink lemon water

Drinking lemon water after waking up is another great way to combat daytime fatigue and sleepiness. This natural remedy helps keep the body hydrated and rid of harmful toxins. Dehydration affects the oxygen supply to the brain, causing you to feel more tired and sleepy throughout the day.

To keep your body hydrated, you can also consume foods that contain water, such as yogurt, broccoli, carrots, juicy fruits, watermelon, oranges and grapefruits.

6. Eat healthy foods for breakfast

To prevent daytime sleepiness, never skip breakfast. Eating healthy foods for breakfast will keep you active in the morning and more productive in your daily activities throughout the day.

Additionally, if you skip breakfast, your blood sugar levels will be low in the morning and your energy levels will be reduced.

A good breakfast includes low-fat foods with plenty of protein and complex carbohydrates. A healthy breakfast includes the following foods: milk, yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, whole grain bread, fiber-rich fruits, oatmeal, cereal, nuts and smoothies.

You can also prepare an extremely healthy nutritional shake and drink it for breakfast after waking up. Combine low-fat yogurt, strawberries, banana, kiwi, fresh orange juice and a little honey in a blender.

Avoid eating heavy food at lunch and do healthy snacks a couple of hours after breakfast and a couple of hours after lunch. During your snack you can eat these healthy foods like nuts, fruits, juices and more. Also, make it a habit to eat dinner no later than two hours before bed.

7. Regular physical activity

Regular exercise for 30 minutes, 5 times a week, can greatly help improve your energy levels and prevent daytime sleepiness. They also improve the quality of your sleep at night. Physical exercise outdoors give the best effect.

  • Walk briskly in the park for 30 minutes in the morning.
  • Do some stretching exercises to boost your energy levels, which you need during the day.
  • Follow aerobic exercise in the evening, but do not do it immediately before bed.
  • doing breathing exercises several times throughout the day helps improve blood circulation and combat stress.
  • You can also try practicing yoga poses.

When performing various physical exercises, do not bring your body to the point of feeling extreme fatigue.

8. Aromatherapy

Using aromatherapy can help reduce daytime sleepiness, as well as irritability, low energy levels, fatigue, and headaches. The best essential oils for aromatherapy are rosemary, basil and peppermint essential oils.

  • Apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a napkin and inhale its aroma from time to time - this will help you maintain your energy level and avoid drowsiness.
  • Add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice to your bath water.
  • You can even diffuse the oil in your office or apartment for long lasting results.

9. Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

A 2014 study from the University of Oxford found that eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps improve sleep. A good night's sleep automatically helps combat drowsiness, as well as fatigue and mild depression.

Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids help boost immunity and mental performance throughout the day. TO good sources omega-3 fatty acids The following products include:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon, lake trout, sardines, mackerel and albacore
  • Walnuts and flaxseed
  • Peanut butter
  • Rapeseed oil
  • Soy and soy products

You can read in detail about foods rich in Omega-3 PUFAs, as well as their comparative characteristics, on this page - 15 Omega-3 foods your body needs.

10. Stay away from foods that make you drowsy

Along with healthy eating, you need to be aware of the foods that cause drowsiness and fatigue, and then try to eliminate them from your diet.

  • Avoid eating cakes, pasta, potatoes and white rice during the day as they cause drowsiness.
  • Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks in the morning. While caffeine does help relieve drowsiness and give you energy, it is just a temporary stimulant that can make you drowsy later in the day.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol during the day as it also makes you drowsy.
  • Avoid eating processed and smoked meats.
  • Avoid eating breakfast foods with high fructose and sugar corn syrup.
  • To help your body overcome fatigue and sleepiness, try taking a 20-minute nap during the day.
  • Ask loved one give you a full body massage for approximately 10 minutes to help you relax and combat stress and depression.
  • Listening to loud music can also help.
  • Including spices like ginger and cayenne pepper in your diet can help you fight sleepiness.
  • Avoid eating junk foods that contain saturated fats and sugars.
  • To improve your night's sleep, try practicing meditation before bed and eating foods that help treat insomnia and improve sleep.
  • Whenever you feel sleepy, try to walk for 5 minutes.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum may also help combat sleepiness during the day.
  • Take short breaks from work to refresh your mind.
  • You can even try acupressure to reduce fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Do not stop taking any medications without consulting your doctor.