Clivia: landing, growing, care (photo). Major problems in the cultivation of Clivia at home. Does this flower poow? Problems, diseases and pests for this plant

Our grandmothers, grown with a strawberry garden, or strawberries, as we used to call it, not particularly worried about mulching. But today, this agroprium has become fundamental in achieving high Quality Berries and reduced crop losses. Someone can say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off by a hundredfold. In this article, we suggest you would like to meet the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that more fashionable always considered "kids", to the assortment of succulents, with which you can decorate the modern interior, it is worth looking more carefully. After all, the sizes, sizes, patterns, the degree of thoroughness, the effect on the interior is only a few of the parameters for which you can choose. In this article, we will tell about the five most fashionable succulents, which in an amazing way transform modern interiors.

Mint used the Egyptians for another 1.5 thousand years before our era. It is characterized by a strong aroma due to the large content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, in decorative gardening, in the confectionery industry. In this article, consider the most interesting varieties Mint, as well as tell about the peculiarities of growing this plant in the open soil.

People began to grow crocuses for 500 years before the onset of our era. Although the presence of these colors in the garden is fleeting, we are always looking forward to the return of spring of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins, as soon as snow comes. However, flowering time may differ depending on species and varieties. This article is devoted to the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom at the end of March-early April.

Soup from the early young cabbage on the beef broth - satisfying, fragrant and simple cooking. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and make light soup on this broth. Early cabbage is boiled quickly, so it is put in a pan simultaneously with the rest of the vegetables, unlike the autumn cabbage, which is preparing somewhat longer. Ready soup can be stored in the refrigerator a few days. Turning sch are tastier just cooked.

Blueberry - a small prompt promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberry berries are the source of biologically active substances and vitamins, possess anti-cutting, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, well-fascinating properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyans, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberry berry flavor is reminiscent of a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to be confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardens he is sometimes confused! However, to understand the basics of the selection of varieties "for themselves" is not difficult. The main thing is in particular culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest to grow groups of tomatoes is grades and hybrids with limited growth. They always appreciated by the gardeners who do not have a lot of strength and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten, the coles today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain are considered the stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking for above all non-standard colors. Simple in cultivation, but not so comprehensive to approach everything, the cakes require constant control. But if you care about them, bushes from velvety unique leaves easily eclipse any competitor.

Baked salmon ridge in olive herbs - "Supplier of Delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salad with fresh lesters of the abrade. Champignons are slightly roasted in olive oil, and then watered with apple vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary marinas, and they are better suited for baked fish. The shortcut and fresh dill get along perfectly in one salad, emphasizing each other's fragrance. Garlic acuteness of the abrade is impregnated and the flesh of salmon, and pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree Or a shrub on the plot is always great, and a lot of conifers - even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, isolated by plants, not only flavor, but also make air cleaner. As a rule, most of the zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees have long been already the inalienable attribute of the Spring meeting in the country ascending sun. Financial I. academic year Here starts from April 1, when the magnificent sakura is blooming. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how tastes and addictions of people have changed to one or another food products over the centuries. The fact that once was considered delicious and was the subject of trade, over time he lost its value and, on the contrary, new fruit cultures have conquered their markets. Quince has already been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century d. N. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known and then the ways of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Please make your household and make thematic curd cookies in the form of Easter eggs! Your kids will gladly take part in the process - ascend to flour, connect all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut the intricate figures. Then, with admiration will be observed as the pieces of the dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same inspiration they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step-by-step recipe!

Among the tuber cultures of decorative-deciduous favorites are not so much. And Caladium is a true star among the volatile inhabitants of the interiors. It may not be decided to start the caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of Caladiums never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties in the cultivation of caladiums. And forgive small mistakes, the plant can almost always.

Retooth, incredibly appetizing and just elementary in the cooking dish we prepared for you today. This sublime is one hundred percent one hundred percent, as it is suitable for each side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Pouring with chicken and mushrooms will save you at moments when there is no time or I do not want to think about what to cook. Take you a favorite side dish (you can do it in advance so that everything is hot), add a gravy and dinner ready! Recine chopstick.

Clivia is very unpretentious and will not require much care if you grow it at home. If you want to grow noticeable beautiful flowers without effort, we advise you to look at Clivia, as it will be the best solution.

Unforgettable that clivia is a poison plant, so do not leave it alone with children. Be careful to plant substances that can cause saliva and vomiting. If you have little children, it is better to give up this flower at all.

Following the advice of the experts set forth in this article, you will get to grow a beautiful clivia flower, without applying to this special efforts And not often paying time for time and attention. Although the plant and unpretentious, it is worth examining his needs before going for the seedle. This will help you prevent mistakes and not destroy your flower.

Common Clivia

If this plant is grown at home, then the flower basically begins to bloom in February, or at the very beginning of March. If the plant is healthy and large, then it can bloom several times a year.

  • Clivia leaves are blurred a bit, that is, possess some glitter, they have dark green color and beautiful not less than flowers. The leaves at the base are thickened and each other is very tight, so they are reminiscent of the bulb, they are located on the root.
  • As for Clivia, it has the difference from the remaining plants of the Amarillix family, and it is that the flower of clivia does not have real bulbs. The roots in this type of plant look like juicy and fleshy, as they accumulate water and nutrients.
  • Clivia plant is unpretentious, does not require a lot of light and wet air, so this type of plant grows perfectly and blooms on the windows, which are located on the eastern, western and northern side.
    Mostly at home to grow a cinnabar "clivia", "the" noble "cliviation is either" beautiful. " As for the "Cynar Clivia", it has another name such as "Vallota Cynicar".

This type of plant is very often used for medical purposes. Concerning medicinal preparationsSo for these purposes, rhizome, roots and leaflets of clivia are used. For example, the rhizomes use the residents of Zulus with such a disease as a fever, and even the rhizomes are a wonderful painful agent, with the bite of a poisonous snake.

But the fact is that with the rhizome clivia of a cinnabar need to do with caution, as it has toxins due to "alkaloids", therefore should not experiment, especially in the treatment of certain diseases.

Motherland and appearance of Clivia

Clivia belongs to the Amarillic family. It is an evergreen, a perennial plant that does not have a stem and plenty of blooming. Motherland Clivia is South Africa.

The leaves of the plant form a root rosette and are located in the form of a fan. The shape of the sheet plate is two species: linear and sword-shaped.

Clivia rhizome is quite powerful, the bases of the leaves are attached to it. Considering the shape of the root system, the clivia is difficult to attribute both on bulk and rhizuerous plants, it is approximately in the middle between these two forms of root systems. For clivia, roots are a reservation and storage tank. nutrients and water stocks.

Flowers are reminded in the form of bells, there are red and orange, are collected in umbrella inflorescences that are attached to the flowers. The flowering period of one inflorescence lasts up to three weeks.

Minimum difficulties and maximum results

Caring for the plant of difficulties does not represent. The main thing is to maintain the optimal home climate. During the formation of flowers, the pot with a flower can not be moved, as this coquette does not like anxiety at this time.

  • What to do if clivia does not bloom? Best of all this gentle creation to put on a lit place. It loves scattered light, the straight rays of the sun for foliage are dangerous. Famous location - Eastern and Western window sills. If the pot with this plant for some reason is placed on the south side, then it is required to provide shading.
  • On the windowsill coming to the north, the clivia is better not to put. From lack of light, growth will slow down, the leaves will yellow, and the plant will cease to bloom.
  • In the summer you can keep on the pronted place of the balcony, and in the winter it is located on a well-lit windowel. It should be remembered that the wintering period in large plants lasts a little longer than those of medium-sized instances.

In the spring and summer favorable temperature, a mark of 20-25 ° C is considered. The foliage should not be heated above + 18 ° C, so it is necessary to spray it in particularly hot days. Starting from October of the month (before the appearance of the first coloring), the pot is better to transfer to the room where temperature mode Does not exceed the bar in + 12-15 ° C. It is quite suitable for this insulated balcony.

Higher content indicators may adversely affect flowering. In this case, the flowers will be small, and the blooms are short. During the rest, your favorite can withstand and lower temperatures from + 7 ° C to 14 ° C.

Care for clivia at home

Care for clivia will not give you difficulties and will not require any special conditionsAs exotic orchids, for example. The best place For Clivia - the windowsill overlooking the east window. Or west. Or north - the main thing is that the lighting is bright, but the straight sun rays did not burn the plant. Comfortable for clivia temperature - 20-25 ºC during the growing season and 12-15 ºC during rest. IN summer time Clivia loves to be in the fresh air somewhere in the half.

The level of air humidity Clivia does not care, so it will be necessary to wash the leaves only for hygiene reasons. Moisturizing the plant should be moderate, between watering the upper layer of the soil in the pot must be sinking. Water for watering is needed soft - estimated, and better boiled. Fertilizers will require clivia during the period of growth and flowering - after the appearance of a flower, every two weeks, feed the plant alternately with liquid organic and full mineral fertilizer at the rate of 2 g per 1 liter of water, but remember that the excess in nitrogen feeds can prevent the second flowering of clivia.

Note that:

Clivia - the plant is quite freelled. Choosing a place, preference is better to give windows on the east. But try to avoid a strong burning sun, so as not to burn the leaves. Optimal temperature For Clivia about 20-25 degrees in summer period, and from October and before the start of flowering, the temperature is desirable to reduce degrees to 14, or even 12. Clivia will be fine, but you will have to dress with warmer.

  • If you are ready for such a sacrifice, and you will not deprive favorite plant The rest period, then it will thank you by violent and long flowering. I remember - as a wonderful color of clivia on the windowsill, we have a badly heated school! With insufficient lighting and warm air in winter Clivia will bloom long, and the flowers will be small.
  • In addition, consider that large plants need a longer wintering. Young plants can be in a coolness and alone one and a half or two months. You can not worry about the humidity of air during the cultivation of Clivia, here the plant is extremely unpretentious. The leaves were dusted - spray and wipe, without fanaticism. In the summer, Clivia will feel good in the fresh air, in a half.
  • Special care does not require this plant, so you will spend minimal amount time, causing this plant. The most important thing is not to disturb the plant, if this is not necessary. Do not rearrange the flower of clivia, do not transplant, do not cut, do not polish and do not loose ground.

As for the lighting, so from the solar side the plant must be hidden a little. The best place to find this plant is Western and oriental windows. If the clivia flower is standing on the north side, then it will grow slowly and as a result can not bloom at all. In the summer, the plant can be placed on open air, but only to the place where the half-day is observed.

Watering plants

Clivia need moderate watering - that is, only after the upper layer of the Earth will dry. Watering water should be soft (for this, ordinary tap water must be boiled). At the converted clivia, the tips of the leaves become brown, they can rot the roots and the base of the stem.

  • The plant at rest can not be watered at all. In the extreme case, you can pour if the leaves start to push. With the advent of the boom boom, watering must be resumed - but only after the flowers are at least 10-15 cm in length. The same applies to the movement of Clivia into a warm place for flowering. If you do not comply with these requirements, buds can "frozen".
  • Watering clivia should be moderately, as the upper layer of soil dries, using a soft, dilated water. It is impossible to allow water to remain in the pallet. During the period, watering is stopped, only a little moisturize the ground if the leaves of the clivia are withering.
  • After the formation of buds, it is necessary to water the clivia more often, abundant and warm water.
    The level of humidity for clivia does not have a special meaning. In hot weather, you can occasionally wipe the leaves with a wet sponge, refreshing the plant and removing dust.

Such a plant as a clusion should be watered moderately. In the interval between watering, see that the water is not in the pallet. If the flower is alone, it is not necessary to water it, or cut watering to a minimum.

If buds appeared on the flowers, then it is necessary to increase to increase, only watering the plant you need water room temperature, just not cold.

Fertilizer and subordinate

From the first year of life, the plants organic and mineral fertilizers can be made every two weeks - alternately, starting from spring and until the end of the summer.

Clivia needs additional nutrition, especially during the period of active growth. In the spring and summer, liquid organic and mineral fertilizers are used as feeding. They alternate, feeding the plant once every two weeks.

Fertilizer is necessary for the plant when the period of growth and flowering begins. At this time, the clivia must be fed once every two weeks. Be sure to make sure that the fertilizer you use does not contain a large amount of nitrogen, since its excess can harm the subsequent flowering, and only leaves will grow.

Requirements for lighting

Best for clivia is suitable bright, scattered light. The straight sun rays will cause burns on the leaves that will manifest themselves in the form of brown spots. The optimal place for cultivation is Western and oriental windows. If you have to grow clivia on the southern window, the plant must be contacted from the Sun. Growing on the northern window slows down the process of growth of clivia and negatively reflects on flowering, which may not be.

In the summer, Clivia feels well on the balcony, loggia or veranda in a half.

Temperature mode

In the period of growth, that is, in spring and summer, the clivia is grown at a temperature of +20 to +25 degrees. In the autumn, approximately from the second half of October, the temperature regime is reduced to + 18- + 20 degrees.
The clivial content during the rest at high temperatures has a negative impact on flowering next year.

For example, the usual temperature in the room is perfect for such a plant as a clivia. The most optimal temperature for this plant is considered to be 20 - 25 degrees, starting in October, the temperature must be gradually reduced to 12 - 14 degrees, this is done in order to begin the rest period. At the time when Clivia will release a blooming, the temperature must be increased to 18 - 20 degrees.

As for air humidity, it doesn't have a huge value at all for this type of plant.

Period of rest

Ensuring the rest period is an important part of clivia care, otherwise the plant will not bloom.

In the second half of September or early October, it is necessary to put a flower vase with a flower in a privided place and cutting watering as much as possible and the feeding, however, you need to regularly monitor the status of the leaves.

  • If the leaf plates begin to wither, you can slightly moisten the soil. After 2-3 months, you can resume the careful care for clivia.
  • This period, the so-called "rest" of clivia is necessary in order to regularly occur in bloom. Mostly blooming the plant starts from October or November of the month and continues to bloom over two to three months.
  • In order for the clivia to enter during the rest period, it is necessary in autumn time Lower the room temperature and reduce the amount of watering.

As for feeding, so during this period the plant is also not necessary to feed. It is best put a clivia into the room where cool, approximately Kolo 10 - 12 degrees of heat, if you do not have such a cool room in the house, do not worry, sometimes in the room with a normal temperature, the "rest period" can pass normally. If you see that the plant resets the leaves, then this is a signal that you need to pour it a bit.

Clearing Clivia.

You need to transplant clivia only as a last resort when the roots are climbing from the pot. How and when to transplant clivia correctly? Usually adult clivia have to be transferred to a new, more spacious pot after flowering (and only!) Every two or three years. Young plants transplant annually. Be very careful, make sure that the roots are not broken when transplanting, and if it still happened, immediately sprinkle the wounds with crowded coal, because the degraded roots are easily rotated.

  • The pot you will need a small, just say, cloth, but it is done for the clivia longer and beautiful bloom. As soil will suit Mix of sand, sheet and turf in equal parts. And do not forget about the drainage layer. Very large old clivia are no longer transplanted, they annually update the top layer of the soil - approximately 5 cm.
  • This flower tolerate the transplant is quite bad - the damaged roots can be dried. Therefore, without the need for a clivia, it is better not to replant, and if it is very necessary - then do it with caution. You can just make a transshipment. Adult clivias are in charge immediately after flowering, no more than two years old.
  • Young plants pass each year. A year without transplantation for Clivia, you need to update the upper layer of the soil (up to 5 cm). The land is chosen loose, weakly acid (deurn, peat, compost in a 2: 1: 1 ratio). You can add major sand, perlite or any ripper, if the plant is young.

Clivia feels well in a close pot, so that the roots in it barely placed. That is why it is not worth a hurry to a larger pot with a transplantation - it can be bad to bloom. In addition, it is necessary to transplant the clivia that the root neck is almost on the surface, otherwise the leaves will rot.

Move flower

During the first three years of living of Clivia, an annual transplantation in the spring is necessary. Adult plants are transplanted at the end of the flowering period once every three years by transshipment. Experts are recommended without unnecessary need to touch the clivia and not disturbing it. This is due to the fact that the flower is fragile roots that are easy to damage and thereby destroy the plant.

  • If the roots will be broken during transplantation, then excessive watering will lead to a full planting of the plant. In case of damage to the roots, they must be carefully treated with ash or chopped coal.
    In the years when clivia is not transplanted, in the second half of winter it is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil and replace it with fresh.
  • The next earthy mixture is suitable for transplant: the land is hardening, the well-known leaf land and sand in the ratio of 8: 4: 1. A transplantation plant suffers quite badly, as a result of which the roots can be rotated. Therefore, clivia is best replant with the method of pulling.
  • The transplantation in adult individuals immediately after flowering, the procedure is carried out somewhere in three years, youth every year. At that time, when you do not need to replant, it is worth replacing the top layer of the soil. For adults, it is the ground of the hardening, peat and compost. You can add sand or perlite in the soil of young plants, the weakly acidic loose soil is suitable.

The pot should be close to the roots with difficulty placed it. In a more spacious Vazon, clivia can bloom badly. You can replant in the case when the roots begin to climb out of the tank. The root neck during the transshipment is not very deepening, otherwise the lower part of the leaves picks up. If the roots in transplantation were still damaged, then they must be treated with ash or coal. Drainage for flowers is also important, the layer is made in 3-4 cm.


This type of plant is not completely demanding in relation to the soil. For example, it can be perfectly to fit the turf and sheet soil, with the addition of sand, proportions 2: 2: 1.

Either mix the turf with humus and peat, the proportion 2: 2: 1 and add as little sand. As for the drainage, so on the bottom of the pot, put the usual drainage, as water should be saved in the tank.

To transplanting Clivia is necessary when you put it in a pot. It is necessary to carry out this procedure very carefully, since the roots of the plant are not very beneficial to transfer a transplant. Despite the fact that they are fleshy and juicy if they hurt them just rot, especially if there is an excess of moisture in the soil. The best thing you can do is transplant the plant into the container, which is more former in size.

Flowering clivia.

Clivia is blooming usually late in winter or in early springAnd as soon as you noticed that the flower shooter reached 10-15 cm, transfer the plant from the cool room into a warm light place, increase watering and start regularly to make fertilizers. Keep in mind that from the moment of the return of Clivia to the bright warm window sill It can not be moved anymore or turn. Clevia flowering lasts about a month - depending on the number of color seals and flowers on them.

  • As a rule, the flowers appear on the plant in February. The life expectancy of one bloomon is up to a month, the flowers on it are dissolved gradually, their number reaches 30 pieces. Some flower products are used artificial pollination so that after the end of flowering on the plant, fruits appeared, which change their color from green to saturated orange-red. Collect seeds can only be softer after they become soft.
  • If the clivia did not appear on the clivia, this means that there was no rest required for flowering, during which the plant accumulates strength to form buds. There are situations where the flowers appears, but he does not have enough strength to develop. This indicates that clivia at the end of the rest period was in the cold. To correct the situation, you need to water the flower with warm water (+40 degrees).
  • When the arrow appears on the plant, it must be transferred to a warmer place and increase the irrigation rate. Such a care mode is required by Clivia until the length of the arrow will reach 15 cm. The plant cannot be triggered, to transfer to another place and disturb.

At the end of flowering, it is necessary to trim the dry flowers. In order to cause abundant and long blossom, it is better to choose small amounts of vases in which the root system is barely placed.
If for some reason you had to touch the vase with clivia, it is important to put it in the direction of the growth of leaves and buds, otherwise the risk of falling leaves and the death of buds is great.

Flowering Clivia and Care after this period

As for young clivials, they are mostly blooming no more than once a year, but the adult plant blooms several times a year. The rest period comes to an end when floral arrows begin to appear. When a plant reaches 10 - 15 cm long, a pot with a clusion needs to be transferred from the room to another place where it is warm and immediately start watering. It must be done to prepare a plant to wintering.

  • If the arrow on the plant is still quite small, then it is not worth touching it, just a little bit. The fact is that when the temperature changes in the room, it can harm the development of buds. If the flower was alone in his place, and you did not rearrange it, then zoom in watering to the maximum and water the plant only with warm water, this procedure Captures the distillation of the floweros.
  • In that period of time when buds are tized, the pot in which the clivia grows to move from one place to another place should not be, it is also not necessary to do this when the clivia will bloom.
  • When flowering is over, watering can continue and do not forget about feeding, and most importantly protect the plant from the sun rays. By the end of the last summer month, a clivia flower can be bloated again.
  • The plant itself does not bloom in itself, then the pot in which this plant is planted, put it in the room, in which it is not too light, but cool, but as for watering and feeding, these procedures should be terminated at all. In this case, you will create a period of rest for the plant artificially. But after a couple of weeks, the plant will appear on the plant.

If the plant does not create a "rest period", then this does not mean that it will never bloom. This plant is completely unpretentious, so it can adapt to any condition and you will rejoice at the flowering of clivia, well once a year exactly. And blooming the plant will absolutely in a different period of time.

If you want to collect seeds, then you need to take advantage of artificial pollination. The fruits of Clivia were originally green, and when the year passes, become bright and possess orange - red color.

As for fruiting, it depletes the plant, so do not forget the clivia during feeding. But if you still need seeds, then wait until maturation occurs, then the fruit will become soft.

Clivia after flowering.

When Clivia wonders, it can be placed on a balcony, a terrace or to take into the garden, finding a windless shady place there. If you want to achieve re-blossom from the plant, enter it in the summer, after resting in the garden, to the gloomy room, cut watering and stop feeding. In two weeks bottom leaves It will begin shirt, but a flower arrow may appear, and when it reaches 10-15 cm ... You already know what to do next. However, we keep in mind that only a strong adult plant can re-bloom.

Care for clivia in winter.

Rather, in the fall - after all, at this time the rest period begins at Clivia. The larger the plant, the longer it should be his rest after flowering. Young clivia should be resting from September for two months. Large adult copies are resting (if they are already fighting) from October to February. The best place for this is a glazed loggia.

Reproduction of Clivia

How to grow clivia? There are generative and vegetative methods of breeding clivia. The one who decided to receive seeds from his own clivia will have to resort to artificial pollination. If you know how to do it, we wish you good luck. Those who do not seek to complicate their lives, it will be easier to buy seeds in the store. The cultivation of clivia of seeds is preceded by soaking the planting material for swelling per day in water, then the seeds of clivia are sown in a mixture of peat and perlite (some prefer a sand mixture with peat and turf) approximately on a centimeter depth. The distance between the seeds is about 2 cm.

The container is placed in greenhouse and contains at a temperature of 20-25 ºC, carrying out and moisturizing as needed. Sprouts appear in a month and a half. After the first sheet appears, shoots carefully dive into personal pots with a mixture of clay, humid and deciduous soil, and then annually roll into a larger pots. Clivia is growing slowly - in the first year only two or three sheets are developing, for the second year - three or four pairs of leaves, then two pairs of leaves per year. Clivia grown from seeds blooms for the fifth or sixth year.

Reproduction by side shoots.

A vegetative way of breeding clivia is much more simple than generative. It is only necessary during the transplantation of an adult, which bleached this year, the instance is very careful not to damage the fragile root system, to separate the lateral processes - children of clivia - from the parent plant. There are those who have formed no less than four leaves. The separated shoots transplanted into the pot in a diameter of 7 cm with sand and, putting into a light warm place, care for them, as for an adult plant, with the difference only that they need a little more, and moisture is slightly smaller. On the third or fourth year, young clivia will bloom.


Like many other plants, clivia breeds vegetatively and with the help of seeds. For breeding vegetative kids conveniently separate when transplanting. To kids grow well, at the time of the separation there should be a minimum of 4 leaves. Space young plants in small pots with perlite or sand. Water very moderately.

The first flowers will be on a young clusion in 2 years. To obtain seeds, clivia must be crossed during flowering. If it turns out, there will be a green ovary. Ripe berries become orange-red and soft. But full ripening can take up to 10 months. At the same time, the fruiting plant is strongly depleted.

Seeds are planted in sand mixed with peat, shallow, 1 cm, with a distance between them about 2 cm. Maximum in 1.5 months should appear. When the first leaf appears, you can send in separate pots or cups. Next, as they grow, transplant to large pots. From the 4th year of life, we do the first "wintering" - from September to November do not pour and put in the chill. You can count that a third of plants grown in this way will bloom.

Important remark! Be careful! Clivia - poisonous plant. Roots and leaves can not be used inside. Do not put the clivia in the nursery, if you have small childthat all tries to taste.

Reproduction of seeds

To obtain seeds at home, artificial pollination will need. From the moment of pollination, the total ripening of seeds takes place on average from 9 to 10 months. Looking for fresh seeds collected in the current year. The best period for planting landing material - from November to April. The composition of the earth mix is \u200b\u200bnecessary as follows:

  • Cherry land - 1 part;
  • Peat ground - 0.5 parts;
  • Sand - 1 part.

The distance between the seeds must be withstanding at least 2 cm and the same distance should be between rows.

The first sprouts appear a month later. When the first full-fledged sheet appears, the plants are peeling into separate pots with a diameter of 7 cm. Five months later, 4 leafs appear on young bushes. A year later, young clivias need a first transplant, which is carried out by transshipment. For each plant, a pot is a diameter of 9-10 cm, and another year later the diameter of the pots increases to 12-13 cm.

For adult plants need to be changed the composition of the earthy mixture:

  • Cherry land - 1 part;
  • Peat land - 1 part;
  • Humus ground - 1 part;
  • Sand - 1 part.

Young clivia plants grow very slowly, two-year shoots have no more than 4 pairs of leaves, in the future two pairs of leaves appear on a bush annually.

Three-year-old plants need to organize the period of rest, for this, starting from September, for several months, the Vazon with Clivia put in a dry place. After such a "shake", a third of young plants form a bloomon. If clivia did not bloom, they continue to be careful as behind an adult plant, not forgetting about the period of rest.

Vegetative reproduction (kids)

This is the most acceptable way to multiply clivia for home conditions. It is combined with a transplant procedure, during which young proceedings are separated - kids - from an adult plant. It is important to remember that the plant has very fragile roots whose damage can lead to their death. There must be at least four leaves on young clivia. The optimal period for transplantation and division of adult clivia is at the end of flowering.

To roighten the process, the processes are planted in the sand, in the vases with a diameter of no more than 7 cm and contain at a temperature not higher than +18 degrees. During this period, it is necessary to regulate somewhat watering to avoid planting plants.

After rooting, the clivia can be transplanted into an earthen mixture consisting of equal parts of sheet, delicate and greenhouse land. The first flowers appear several years later.

Increase the number of plants

The breeding of Clivia is possible by seeds and vegetatively. The vegetative method is most common. It occurs by separating subsidiaries. Conduct this procedure during a transplantation. It is important to know that there must be four leaflets on child processes.

Selected processes need to be put into a small pot (no more than 7 cm in diameter) filled with perlite or sand. It is necessary to water in this case moderately, since with an excess of moisture leaflets may notice. In two or three years, young creation should bloom.

The finished seeds are seeded in the landfill from the peat and the sand of the river to depth 1 cm. After 2 months, the first shoots appear. Already after the formation of the first leaflet of young pets transplanted into separate pots. As young shoots will develop, they are transferred to larger containers.


Seeds flower breed very rarely. To get seeds, during flowering it is necessary to conduct cross-pollination. With the successful expiration of circumstances should appear large berries Green, then they will become orange-red. In ten months, the berries will hurry.

For the fourth year of growth, peace is required at least than two months. Under such conditions there is a chance that one third of clivia flowers will bloom. But even if there are minimal retreats for all rules of care, there is hope that the plant will delight you with its bloom.

It should be remembered that this home inhabitant has poisonous roots and leaves. In its rhizomes, in abundant quantities contains lycarin, which is able to cause salivation, vomiting. Therefore, it is not recommended to put this bright representative in children's rooms.

We agree quantity

In order to propagate the clivia, seeds and side offs are needed, that is, kids. This plant is best breeded using children who are separated from an adult plant during a transplant period. Four leaves should be on the siblings.

  • They need to land in a small pot, which is poured a mixture prepared with a leaf land and sand. Watering is needed moderately.
  • Young plants for the first time will begin to bloom only a few years later.
    If you wish, you can conduct an experiment and multiply clivia with seeds.
  • Seeds need to be sung immediately after the plant matures, placed them in the mixture that is prepared with the help of squeezing and sand.

Shoots can manifest after 4 - 6 weeks. In the pot seedlings can only be replant after the first sheet appears. The clivia flower grows not quickly and for the first time the plant begins to bloom only after 3 to 4 years.

Pests and diseases of Clivia

From the insect pests, martial worms, a wave or shields are affected by the clivia. The shields leave on the leaves and the stalks brown plaques - business Cards Pest, sucking cellular juice from the plant, from which the leaves are pale and dry. Mathematical Chervests deform the leaves, arrows and flowers of the plant. To combat all these pests, we use rubbing the leaves with a soapy sponge, and then spray the plant with a fifteen-percent accuteral solution (a pair of milliliters per liter of water).

From too frequent and too abundant irrigation, clivia can hit the gray rot - a fungal disease that manifests the brown spots on the leaves of the plant. If the infection is superficial, spray the clivia with burgundy liquid, "topaz" or "champion". If the processing of fungicides does not make a proper effect, apply copper-containing preparations of combined or contact action - Kuroskat, vigorous.

Why clivia does not bloom.

Very often, site visitors ask how to force the clivia to bloom. But in order to find incentives, it is necessary to learn the causes of why clivia does not bloom. There may be several reasons: first, warm wintering, or rather, the period of rest spent in warm room; Secondly, non-compliance with the rules of the rest period - abundant irrigation or unnecessary feeding at this time; Thirdly, the reason may be an excess of nitrogen fertilizers, which contribute to the growth of greenery, but prevent the flowering of clivia. Re-read the rules of growing plants and determine what you were mistaken.

Clivia yellow leaves.

If yellow and die down the lower leaves of the plant and it happens during peace period - everything is in order, you are a witness to the natural course of things. But if the problem is not related to the recreation period of Clivia, then your concern is justified. So why is the clivia shine?

Sometimes it is a reaction of a plant on a transplant, so it is necessary to add a few drops of knevinel or other stimulator for the root of the roots for watering for watering. But most often the problem is in the wrong moistening of clivia: you or not enough to water it, or pour, on the contrary, too much water, or do it too often. If irrigated is insufficient, it is easy to fix, but if you with moisturizes no longer, you will have to rescue the flower to change the substrate, having precipated rotting the roots and disinfected all sections.

Sometimes the leaves in Clivia are yellow from the lack of food. In a word, the problem in violation of the rules for the care of the plant is in them, in the rules, and look for the cause of the ailment, and, by finding the reason, it is easy to find and its decision.

Clivia dry leaves.

Raughty and dry the tips of the leaves, as a rule, due to the overwhelming of the soil. It is worth remembering that the rhizome of the plant is a repository of moisture reserves and other substance beneficiaries, so do not seek to supply the plant once for the whole life - in this case, as in any other, you need to observe the measure.

Types of flower

We have already mentioned that only three types of clivia are grown in domestic flowerness.

Clivia Gardenii (Clivia Gardenii)

- grows in height to half meter, leaves are long, belt, dark green, pointed at the ends. Coloros high - up to 50 cm, flowers - red bells up to 15 pieces in umbrella. Flowers in winter.

Clivia beautiful (Clivia Nobilis)

- The same removal or labeled leaves up to forty centimeters in length, high (up half meter) flowers, flower long, funnel-shaped, light red shade with a novel at the ends of the petals. Flowers in inflorescence from 30 to 60 pieces. Flowering time - from the end of February to the end of spring.

Cynic clivia (Clivia Miniata).

The most common view in culture is a miniature closure, or a cartoon clivia. While she does not bloom, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from clivia. Its leaves reach a length of 70 cm, have a removal shape and a dark green color. The flowers have this type of red-orange shade, bases of petals - yellowish. At one blossom is formed up to 20 flowers. Flowers in spring. This species became the basis for the removal of new varieties of Clivia.

Clivia Variegated (Clivia Variegated)

- This is a variety of clivia cinnabar: Gently painted "Japanis Pastels" of a white-cream shade, very popular in Europe Cultivar "Streat" with bright orange flowers and leaves in yellow or white stripes, Various yellow grade "Solomon Hello" or snow-white "Snowubol" and "Milk White", gentle, like a tea rose, white with pinkheads of the petals "Myopic Herrt".
On the plant can appear on the shields and milders



On the leaves of clivia, brown spots appear as a result sheet plate Drops and dies. How to deal with: For a start, you can wipe the leaves of clivia soapy solutionAnd then make a chemical preparation.

Mathematical worms

These insects affect all parts of the plant besides the root system. With a large cluster of pests, clivia may die. How to fight: wipe the leaves with soap solution, wash under the shower and make a chemical preparation.

Flower on note

Clivia "Minat"

Why do clivia dry the tips of the leaves?

Typically, dry tips of the plant signals about excess moisture in the soil.

Why doesn't clivia bloom?

There may be several reasons. Most often, the lack of flowers are associated with the wrong flower content during rest. In addition, clivia does not bloom if indoors low temperatureThe plant lacks moisture, nutrients and lighting.

It is considered ready for separating from the main plant when at least 4-5 leaves appear on the stalk.

  • Children grow close to the stalk of the main plant or near, appearing directly from the root system.
  • The escape separation is made in the period after the completion of flowering. The ideal time for transplant is the first week from the day of the complete end of flowering.
  • Watering a disembodied escape is made extremely careful not to create an excess of moisture, which will lead to the root.
  • The bloom comes in the second year of the existence of a seedling separately from an adult plant.
  • Moamidal leaves of beauty-clivia poisonousTherefore, it is impossible to neglect the treatment of hands after manipulations with a transplant, and it is best to protect the skin with rubber gloves or cotton with rubber spraying. It is unacceptable to getting plants in the body, so be careful if there are small children or animals in the house.

    Important! Poons of Clivia cause vomiting and diarrhea.

    How to plant: Guide

    Preparation of seed material

    • When performing a cross way of pollination on clivia, large berries are formed. Each of them is contained from one to six seeds.
    • They should be extracted by seeds of berries.
    • Soak in pure filtered water for 24 hours. It is necessary that the seed swelling occurred.

    Method of sowing

    1. Pull the resulting soil in a shallow container.
    2. Seed sowing.
    3. Between each seeds should be a distance of a couple of centimeters.
    4. Seeds do not plunge, they must be slightly risening the earth, by 3-4 mm.
    5. From the container with sowing make improvised guar, covering it with a polyethylene film.
    6. Every day the container in obligatory They ventilate, leaving for ten minutes open.
    7. Watering is conducted depending on the soil drying, it should not be abundant. It is necessary to delicate soil moisturizing. It is best to use the pulvelizer.

    Singing seedling

    • Make the seedling picking immediately after the first leaflet gets out.
    • Escape is depleted and placed in a separate pot.
    • It takes a very accurate treatment of roots, they are very vulnerable to climbing and at the slightest damage they can get sick.
    • Pot take seven centimeter diameter. You can use a plastic cup.
    • For six months, the sapling gives about six leaflets.

    Starting from this moment for two years, make a transshipment of a young clusion twice. Each time you increase the diameter of the pot on three centimeters.

    The substrate is already taken by another composition - to two parts of the jam are added by one part of peat soil, sand and humus.

    Reference. The third year of life withdrawn from a seed of clivia is a mandatory period of rest, the plant gives full peace and do not disturb him with transshipment.

    During the previous pair of years, the period of rest is not required, as it is necessary to give clivia to the maximum time for a set of the root system and increasing the number of leaves.

    - The plant is quite freelled. Choosing a place, preference is better to give windows on the east. But try to avoid a strong burning sun, so as not to burn the leaves. The optimal temperature for clivia is about 20-25 degrees in the summer, and from October and before the start of flowering, the temperature is desirable to reduce degrees to 14, or even 12. Clivia will be fine, but you will have to dress with warmer.

    On the third year of life, expect first flowering. If the flowering came, then the transshipment is repeated once a year, within two years and then give rest again (about why the clivia does not bloom, find out).

    Vegetative method


    Take sand from the average size of the granules and rinse. It is more convenient to do it right before the leak process, as a wet sustat is required.

    Requirements for shoots

    1. Gently cut off at the base suitable for breeding shoots.
    2. To disconnect escapes, a sharp knife with a thin solid blade is used, a jagged blade will damage the stalk and make it difficult to root.
    3. Purzing the sections of sections on the main plant in bulk coal flap into the powder. For the escape, this is not necessary.
    4. Sweep the escape for half an hour at the usual room climate, outdoors.

    Temperature and subsequent watering

    • Favorable for rooting clivia shoots The temperature ranges from + 18ºС to + 20ºС.
    • Watering should be moderate, the plant is vulnerable to loading. Ideal - to achieve lung sand moisturizing.
    • Cut shoots after half-hour drying are shallowly introduced lower parts Skes in the sandy substrate, it makes a light feeding of sand around each seedlock with fingers for its stability.

    After that, waiting for it to root, supporting necessary temperatures And watering seedlings.


    When small clivia rooted, you need to land them into the ground. For each taking a separate pot of about seven centimeters in diameter.

    The soil

    Inclineal fractions, parts of greenhouse, delicate and leaf soil are mixed.

    The soil disinfection is performed in the manner described above.

    After the time of resting the plant contains with normal room temperature. At this moment, most likely, it should be blooming for the first time in life, but bloom may occur later, in the following years.

    On the fourth year, care is the same as before, but the rest period can stretch for the entire winter until the color-point stalks appear. The fourth year of the saplings in most cases is accompanied by flowering.

    More nuances about growing, including reproduction and subsequent clivia care, read in.

    What pot is better suitable for the plant?

    • The dishes need to be taken in the form of a cylinder. From the point of view of convenience, the transshipment often preferes the alternate forms, of which it is easier to remove the plant. However, this form is required for the health and power of the seedling itself, since the root system should develop down, and the pots are resting on the sides. That is, it is necessary to highlight a sufficient place to develop the roots.
    • Usually prefer clay pots, but in the case of a clusion, the owner of a fragile and vulnerable to rotting the root system, it is better to take plastic Capacityor clay dishes lacquered from the inside. From such a pot it is easier to remove the plant.
    • By the way, in the case when a plastic pot is used, it can be used to carefully cut when the transshipment is tight, thus preventing the roots from damage and reduce the risks of root rotting and drying the leaves after transshipment.
    • The pot should be with drainage holes for removal of excess water.

    The advantages of both options

    Each method has its advantages, it all depends on what result you expect.

    Seed method makes it possible to get a lot of seedlings right awayBut at the same time the growth time will be longer, and the flowering period later.

    The vegetative way is much easier and will give results faster in the form of a strong flowering plant.

    Video on the topic

    Below you will see a useful video about.


    If flower grow is your passion, then it will be surprising on your own from a tiny seed together with the natural forces of a beauty-clivia. In addition on the basis of seeds you can get new, producing their crossing.

    To get a lush flower, patience is needed and attentive, but the desire to be a remuneration in the form of beauty and brightness of flowering of clivia.

    The most important for reproduction of the difference of clivia from other plants of this family is that the underground part of the plant is not represented by the bulbs, like other amarylline, but a fleshy root with apparent roots. So, the methods of breeding will be somewhat different. For clivia, vegetative breeding methods are mainly used, that is, parts of rhizomes and processes, and a seed method. Consider each of them in more detail.

    How to plant shoots and parts of rhizomes?

    Most often, the reproduction of shoots, so-called kids, since it is less time-consuming and relatively fast way. The disadvantages of the method refers to the fact that young plants cannot be multiplied, that is, it is necessary to have the escapes themselves. Lailed kids must have at least 4 sheets.

    Selection of material

    During the transference of plants shoots sharp knife separated from the parent plant with part of the root. All sections need to be treated with charcoal, since the roots of Clivia are prone to reinforcement, and coal has a drying effect. It should be treated with young shoots extremely carefully and avoid any damage, since the roots of the plant are very fragile.

    Important: Flowering plant Do not transplanted and do not multiply. The transplantation and reproduction is carried out after clivia flowering, during rest.

    Requirements for dishes and soil

    For young shoots, pots with a diameter of about 7 cm. It is possible to land several babies into one dishes.

    As a soil, you can choose a mixture of leaf land and sand, a mixture of sand and peat or pure wet sand. It is very important that the soil is non-fat, since Clivia acutely reacts to the increased humidity of the substrate in which it is grown.

    Also, at the bottom, the pot must be a drainage layer, so that in the excess water did not lead to rotting roots and the death of the plant. For drainage, you can use pieces of broken bricks, pebbles, ceramzit.

    The process of transplanting at home

    An adult motherboard is transplanted once every 1-3 years, depending on the age of the plant. The pot must be 3-5 cm more than the previous one. The soil for clivia is required nutritious, for example, a mixture of clay and turf and leaf land, sometimes used soil for orchids.

    The plant transplant a simple transshipment, but if there is a need to separate the children, then the roots are very careful and wash away from the old soil. When landing B. new pot It is necessary to monitor that the root neck is above the soil level to prevent the posting.

    About how to transplant clivia at home, read.

    Rooting young plants

    Unzipped subsidiaries after landing do not watered 3-4 days, then gently resume moderate watering. Young plants will bloom only after 2-3 years, but it is important not to create plants at that time, the rest period so that they continue to increase the green mass and fill the potspace roots (if your clivia does not bloom, you can read). Then bloom will be more lush.

    It is possible to achieve this systematic, but not too abundant irrigation and feeding. The method is considered optimal, as it requires much less time and strength, and child plants will be very used to be happy with blossom.

    Delivery of the underground barrel

    Low less often use the reproduction of the root parts. Get planting material also during transplantation. It is important to pay attention to the kidney, from which the escape will continue to develop in the cut. All sections, as in the previous case, should be treated with charcoal.

    Pieces of rhizomes gently placed in a mixture of sand with peat and limit watering for 2 days. Then watering is gradually returned. Planting the plant obtained in this way will begin for 3-4 years of life.

    Breeding seeds

    The following way is suitable for ideological people in love with flower growing. It is less efficient and more time-consuming, but also more interesting. Especially interesting it becomes if there are already a few clivial at home different color. In this case, you can try to get the hybrid of these two plants and feel like a real breeder.


    Of course, seeds can just buy in the store, but then they will require special preparation for landing. It includes discharging seeds before planting in the ground.

    But the seeds received from the parent plant do not require soaking, and get them much more interesting. During flowering, Clivia cross pollutes, it is possible to pollinate different flowers of one plant and pollination of two different clivia. Readiness for pollination is determined by the flower itself.

    When a small droplet appears on the pistil, and the stamens will begin to crumble, you can start pollination. To do this, a wet chopstick or toothpick carefully spend on a tonchin, so that the part of pollen remains on the instrument, and why move it to the top of the pestle.

    If the pollination was successful, the flower will begin to dry, and in its foundation there is a green marking. She is in the future and forms the fruit. On one plant, several fruits can be simultaneously, which will not interfere with each other's development, but can spoil for some time its appearance. Over time, the clivia berry will redden and will become soft, which will talk about her maturity. But you should not hurry them to tear up to landing. Seeds are recommended to land from the fetus immediately so that they do not have time to dry.

    Attention: Despite the attractive type of clivia berries, they can not eat them.


    Seeds plant in a container with a nutrient medium, as a rule, it is a mixture of sand, peat and turf. It is strictly observed that there are 2 cm between the seeds, and the landing depth is not more than 1-1.5 cm. If the seeds are still dried, then before planting in the ground, they are maintained around the week in a warm place in a wet fabric or marla. After 4-6 weeks, the first shoots will appear, for half a year the plant can increase to six leaves. With the advent of the first leaves, seedlings can be seeded in separate tanks. In the first year they are transplanted twice, then once a year, increasing the flow of a pot of 2-3 cm.

    The first three years of Clivia do not suit the rest periods, allowing you to grow roots and leaves. Young seed plants will bloom only for 4-5 years of life. Clivia is a poisonous plant, it is necessary that children and animals did not have access to the plant to avoid poisoning. After all the manipulations carried out with the plant, your hands and tools should be carefully soaked.

    Selecting the method of breeding

    Most often a vegetative method is used. It does not require special conditions, long-lasting waiting and can be part of the annual transplantation. Young sit down shoots are already well enough and much earlier will begin to bloom. But sometimes adult large-sized copies are simply impossible to transplant. Or a plant may simply not give new processes. Then you can resort to the second method.

    The seed method is rarely used due to low efficiency.But allows you to propagate a plant that is difficult to transplant, and also opens up new horizons regarding breeding on the windowsill. It is used mainly in the cold season.

    No matter how interesting is this method, it can not always be used. It should be applied if the plant is over 8 years old, it is great and get enough power. A large number of Restrictions are justified by the fact that fruiting strongly depletes the plant.


    Clivia - a completely extraordinary plant. It's hard to keep from the temptation to get the whole field of magnificence by pretty simple breeding. It does not matter at all, which method was chosen for this. It is much more important than the result.

    Clivia is ideal for beginner flower products, because it does not require any special care at home. The decorativeness of the plant is successfully combined with compactness and unpretentiousness.

    Clivia is ideal for beginner flower water, because it does not require any special care at home

    The bloom of beauty-clivia is guaranteed will not remain unnoticed.

    Why does an African flower have a European name

    Clivia - Rod, which is part of the Amarillix family. Europe met Clivia in 1854. Major Robert Garden, held military service In South Africa, brings the plants unknown in Britain at the Britain.

    In the warm southern countries, clivia is widely used in landscape design.

    The name of the flower was in honor of Lady Charlotte Clive (Clive), Duchess Northumberland. And it was not an attempt to conquer the location of the hollow part, pleaseing to her. The lady showed itself an outstanding botany, first forcing the clivia to bloom in unusual climatic conditions. The discoverer was not forgotten. The grade, whose flowers managed to get the duchess, carries the name of the Marten Clivia.

    Charlotte Clive - Duchess Northumberland, who drove in nerd

    Motherland of Clivia is the territory of modern South Africa. The genus is very few. To date, 7 of its representatives have been described. In the room flower growing 3 (Gardena, cinnabar and beautiful), which have become the basis for numerous hybrids.

    This flower is a cross between rhizuismic and bulbous plants. Clivia is growing, forming on both sides of the center symmetrically arranged groups of tightly compressed leaves.

    In thick roots clivia pools the necessary food

    The plant is low (about 60 cm). Stem as such is missing. The plant will delight you for 35-40 years. It grows quite slowly and blooms only in 5-6 years after landing.

    Tightly compressed bases of clivia leaves form something similar to the stem

    Appreciate the clivia for flowers. The inflorescence has the shape of an umbrella on a long (30-50 cm) floor of the bloom. One clivia at the same time can release 2 or more floweros. Blossom continues long - at least 20 days.

    On the flower view are located separate flowers In the form of a patefone horn. Their number can reach 50-60 pieces, diameter - 6-7 cm. In nature, flowers have a bright orange, reddish or pink-yellow color, but a variety of hybrids of all shades of beige, yellow, orange, red and pink, and Also flying varieties.

    Coloring and the number of flowers in clivia varies significantly depending on the variety

    In nature, clivia blooms at the end of winter. At home this period can be shifted at the end of April or the beginning of May. At the end of flowering, round reddish-orange berries ripen in 8-10 months.

    Clivia berries ripen long and strongly depleted the plant

    Dark-green glossy leaves of clivia in shape resemble belts - narrow (7-10 cm), but long (up to 60 cm). To the touch leaves are dense, leathery.

    Clivia Leaves Dense, Leather, Hard

    In any work with the plant, proceed, only putting rubber gloves. Choose such a place for the plant where small children and pets will not reach it. The leaves and roots contain juice capable of proving a burn of leather and mucous membranes, and when entering inside - poisoning.

    How to distinguish clivia from valvot

    In the family of amarylline, there is an extremely similar to Clivia plant - Vallota. In contrast to Clivia, it has an unmistakably identifiable real bulb and growing separately, and not fan leaves. The valve is much smaller than the flowers in inflorescence - no more than 5, they are larger, the petals at the tips are pointed.

    So that there is no doubt left, slightly supervise the sheet. If the juice of bright yellow-orange color is performed, you are accurately clouded. By the way, there is no pronounced central vein on the same sheet. And the leaves of the valve at the base will noticeably blush, acquiring a purple shade.

    Vallota and Clivia belong to one family, but there are enough differences between the plants

    Popular bedrooms

    In detailed flower growing, there are such original species as:

    • clivia Gardena:
    • cynic clivia, or miniature. A variety with cream-lemon flowers and bright yellow berries was called Cricin Clivia;
    • clivia is beautiful.

    Photo Gallery: Cinnabar Clivia, Gardena and other original varieties grown at home

    Clivia Gardena - the first grade with whom Europe met

    Cinnabinar clivia is most often found in flower flower

    Clivia is a great low, but with more than compensates for it during flowering

    Clivia Tsitrin - the only natural view with yellow flowers

    Among the hybrids are distinguished:

    • Clivia Variegated (Clivia Variegated). The most spectacular of the plant-based plants derived on the basis of Cinnabar Clivia. Tint of petals is the most diverse - creamy (Japanese Pastels), orange-pink (striata), lemon (Solomon Yellow), Snowball (Snowball, Milk White), White Pink (Mopi Hirt). Differs from the rest of the presence of a pattern on a sheet plate.
    • Clivia CyrTanthiflora (Clivia CyrTanthiflora) is the result of crossing clivia cinnabar and beautiful.
    • Clivia yellow. Conditional name for several hybrid varietiesderived mainly in South Africa. Most often you can meet the Lemon Chiffon clivia (yellow-orange flowers), Lemon Ice (petals lemon color Back), Midas (Golden-Yellow Flowers), Kirstenbosh Yellow (Flowers are large, sunny yellow, fragrant, that for clivia atypically), Natal Yellow (small bright yellow flowers), apricot spider (narrow petals, pale lemon) , Soccerball (pastel-yellow flowers and spherical inflorescence).
    • Hybrids with traditional coloring. They differ from natural species larger colors. These are Clivia Jenny, Doris, Abigail, Nakamura Red, Pink Parfait.

    Photo Gallery: The results of breeders

    Clivia Nakamura Red

    Clivia Kirshenbosh Hellou

    Milk White Clivia

    Clivia mopical hirt

    Optimal conditions

    Motherland of Clivia is dry South African plains, so it is very non-additive and can adapt to almost any conditions, except for excess water. But that the plant is regularly blooming, it needs to ensure the most comfortable setting.

    Table: favorable conditions for clivia

    Factor Optimal conditions
    LocationThe windowsill windows overlooking the east or west. There is enough light, but it is not too bright. In summer, clivia is useful to endure on the loggia, an open balcony, a veranda, ensuring a light half, protection against rain and cold drafts.
    LighteningClivia does not tolerate direct sunlight, preferring bright, but scattered light. In the thick shadow, clivia will not die, but there will be no bloom.

    The perfect option is 45-50%. In the heat leaves, clivia can be wiped with a wet sponge or sprayed in the heat.

    TemperatureThe optimal temperature in the active growth phase is 22-26ºС. During the rest period, keep the clivia in the cool (8-14ºС) place. When the plant starts to release the floweros, raise the temperature to 17-20ºС. The lack of coolness during the rest flower will not kill, but will negatively affect his well-being and further flowering.

    Landing and transplanting

    Clearing Clearing does not like. It can be abandoned at all if you grow a plant on hydroponics. I worry the flower as much as possible. For adult plants, there is quite enough transplant times every 3-4 years. The only suitable time for transplantation is early spring. If you see that this year the pot is still not enough, remove and replace the top layer of the soil with a thickness of 5-6 cm.

    The reason for dislike for transplant is that the roots of Clivia are very fragile, although it does not say that. With the slightest crack, scratch, they begin to rot, especially with excessive irrigation.

    Pot chosen in such a way that its diameter is only 2-3 cm exceeded the diameter of the rhizomes club. Tesne promotes blossom. At least a quarter of the height of the tank will take drainage.

    Pot for Clivia Choose high and narrow, do not forget about drainage

    Soil experienced gardeners Prefer to prepare on their own, although special soil for amarylline is sold in stores. The main requirement for it is looseness, lightness and breathability. The best clivia feels in weakness soil. Possible options:

    1. The mixture in proportion 2: 1: 1 fertile land from the garden, humus and dry peat.

      Useful to add 10 g of simple superphosphate for each liter of soil mixture.

    2. Fertile turf, universal soil for indoor plants and large river sand in a ratio of 8: 4: 1.
    3. A mixture of approximately equal amount of dry peat, river sand and fertile turf.

    When transplanting, make sure not to bury the bases of the leaves.

    Video: how to transplant clivia

    What care is needed a flower


    Watering begins with the end of the rest period when the plant throws a new bloomon. From the moment the "Arrow" reaches a height of 8-10 cm and before the beginning of August, the clivia extremely needs moisture.

    If the development of the floweros stopped, 2-3 times the plant with heated water (35-40 ºС).

    Water flower moderately, once every 3-4 days. Be sure to drain the water from the pallet: the lack of moisture for clivia is a much smaller problem than its excess. In the heat of the leaves additionally spray every 2-3 days. Water is used for warm (25-27 ºС) and soft.


    In the period of active growth, from the beginning of March until the end of July, alternate with the frequency every two weeks, a liquid organic (fresh cow manure or chicken litter, divided by water in proportion 15: 1 and 25: 1) and complex mineral fertilizer (for example, Pokon, Agrikola, Garden of Miracles). Especially Clivia loves feeding with nitrogen content.

    Period of rest

    Provide a sufficient flower for a duration of resting period - at least 2 months (November and December) - it is very important. It is at this time that the embryos of growth kidneys are formed. The older and larger clivia, the more time it should be carried out in the cool.

    A plant is fed to the rest period gradually. Since the beginning of August, it is gradually cutting watering and stop feeding. Finally, watering stops at the end of September. Then, with a periodicity, once in 12-15 days spray the soil. The plant is transferred to a cool bright place and leave alone.

    If you have noticed that the clivia began to reset the leaves, a little bit of her.


    Most often, flowers bloom at the end of winter or early spring, pleaseing you for 3-4 weeks. The process of disclosure of buds is gradually.

    Adults (older than 5 years) healthy plants You can get to bloom once again in the same year, implacing the period of rest. To do this, in the middle of summer, the pot is cleaned with a window sill and put in the dark corner of the room. Watering is reduced to once a week, the feeding does not contribute. After 15-20 days, the lower leaves will yellow, but another blooming appears.

    During the development of the flower, it is strictly forbidden to rearrange, turn the pot, otherwise disturbed by clivia. It reacts very negatively to any movement, and at this time - especially. A disturbed plant, even released bloom, can refuse to bloom.

    If you do not put a goal of getting seeds, it is better to cut the flower in the same time after all the flowers are covered. Formation and aging of fruit takes a lot of nutrients.

    Video: how to care for clivia to make her bloom

    Care errors

    Clivia, of course, unpretentious, but certain problems can arise with it. Most often, the reason is separate errors in care.

    Table: yellowing leaves with dry tips, short blurry and other problems

    Description of the problem Probable reason
    The tips of the leaves will boil, leaves at the base rotToo abundant and / or frequent watering.
    Short, thick, sparkling bloomer

    The plant during active growth did not have enough heat and / or moisture.

    Light spots on the leaves, over time fading to complete transparencyOn the leaves hit the straight sun rays. This is a sunburn. Small droplets of water when spraying play the role of lenses, focusing rays.
    No blossom
    • The plant was not provided with a rather long period of rest or did not follow the rules for the care of it at this time (watering was carried out, feeding).
    • Too heat Indoors, Light shortage.
    Lack of flowering, sluggish, thinned leaves, lost colorLack of nutrients.
    Yellow leaves
    • In the period of rest or immediately after the transplant is the norm.
    • Too abundant and / or frequent watering or, on the contrary, the lack of moisture.
    • Nutrition.
    Dry the tips of the leavesThis usually indicates that the roots were moistened.

    Diseases and pests

    Most pests due to poisonousness of Clivia juice bypass the plant side. But there are also such that it does not stop. In addition, the flower is easy to fill and damage the roots. Then the rot is very rapidly developing.

    Table: Flower Treatment

    Disease or pest Symptoms Prevention and measures of struggle
    ShieldOn the leaves are formed brown-brown plaques.
    • Take a foam of chips of economic or green potash soap. Treat clivia. 30-45 minutes arrange a plant hot souls (water temperature 45-50 ºС).
    • If the result is not, use the insecticides of the spark of gold, accuters, carbofos, taper, Mospilan, Aktara, Fufanon. It will take at least 3 processing at intervals per week. To carry out the procedure, remove the flower to open air.

    Small insects and multiple black and white specks are noticeable on the petals and leaves, similar to the needle punctures.

    • It is easiest to bring triples to the house along with bouquets from the store. Therefore, place a vase as far as possible from the clivial.
    • According to reviews, a good prophylactic measure is adding to water to watering a pair of droplets for pets for pets.
    • Sick plant immediately insulating, apply thick for 15 minutes soap foamSurvey under the shower.
    • On the early stages Infection sometimes helps spraying onion or garlic infusion: 25-30 g of crushed raw materials are poured a liter warm water for a day.
    • In severe cases, they spray with the actar, accuters, mospila, phytodeterm, inta-virus. Then put on a pot of plastic bag, sealed and leave for a day.
    Red rotDry roots. As the fungus is reproduced, the roots and the leaves at the base are covered with solid reddish raid.

    Since fungi fall in the soil, the best prevention is moderate watering, gentleproof rope with a transplantation, sterilization of the soil and pots before use.
    If the problem is noticeable on time, cut all the infected areas (plus another 5-7 cm, which seem healthy) and plunge the roots per 1 percent solution of copper sulfate, homosexual, preparations Topaz, champion, Abiga Peak, Oxych, Kuroskat (10 ml per 1 liter of water).

    Gray GnilBrown spots grow on the roots. If the convergence continues, they are covered with gray mold.For prophylaxis 2-3 times during the growth phase, water the cliviation with a solution of the Order, Fundazola, Ridomila Gold, Preview.

    Photo Gallery: Diseases and Pests of Clivia

    The feature of the shield - the presence of a protective shell, so not all insecticides help against it

    Breakdown in many trips are quite capable of ruining clivia, having degrading its colors and leaves

    Gray rot, exacerbated by abundant irrigation, can destroy Clivia in a few weeks

    Red rot is very dangerous, since definitely interpreted symptoms appear too late


    You can propagate a clivia in two ways - generative (gentle seeds) and vegetatively (separating subsidiary plants).

    How to send "children" during transplantation

    Spray reproduction is the easiest way. "Kids" are formed at the base of the leaves of the parent plant. For successful rooting, there should be at least 4 leaves on the silence.

    Separate the groove gently so as not to damage the roots

    The decodes are separated simultaneously with Cleaving Condition. Next steps are:

    1. Prepare the pot with sand with a diameter of about 7 cm. Moisten the soil.
    2. At each pot to land one by one off and put in a bright place with a temperature of 15-18 ºС. Once in 4-5 days spray the soil.
    3. IN optimal conditions The roots appear after 15-20 days. Such plants fall into the potted potted volume filled with a mixture taken in an equal amount of dry peat, universal soil for indoor plants and turf.
    4. A year later, reopt the plants in the pots with a diameter of 2-3 cm more. Use the soil for adult plants. Clean as usual.

    Vegetative breeding of clivia takes away the minimum of time and effort

    Blossoms of young clivia can be expected in 2-3 years.

    How to germinate seeds

    The reproduction of seeds is no less effective, but a much more labor-intensive way. Those who wish to get seeds must first have a cross pollination, with a soft tassel to carry pollen from one plant to another, then wait for the ripening of fruits. If everything went successfully, this unprecedented process will take about the year.

    Wait until the fruits are completely matured, there will be no sense from unworked seed

    Green berries will take place, which will then become orange-red and soft. Ripe fruits are cut, dried in the sun and remove seeds. They plant them on the surface of the soil in the cold season (from November to April).

    It is incomparably easier to acquire seeds in specialized stores.

    Clivia seeds germinate for quite a long time.

    Seeds germinate just like most indoor plants. Do not be afraid if seedlings grow slowly - this is normal. On the second year, only 3-4 pairs of leaves will appear, each next season will be added 2 pairs.

    The processed seeds are transplanted after the first sheet appears.

    Video: Cultivia Clivia from Seeds