Yakubovich: Fatal traffic accidents - truth or media fiction? Yakubovich is alive or not: latest health news

Not long ago, alarming reports appeared in the media that allegedly the host of “Field of Miracles” Leonid Yakubovich was dying or had even already died. However, as it turned out, these rumors have no basis.

Previously, the media reported that Leonid Yakubovich was seriously ill and even allegedly flew to Germany for treatment after he was involved in a strange accident. Others wrote about a stroke, after which the TV presenter allegedly urgently left for Europe for recovery

Still others wrote that Yakubovich even talked about problems with the cardiovascular system.

Leonid Yakubovich has not died and is not going to

Leonid Yakubovich received the statement of the Russian press about his possible death with a smile. As often happens, information portals have been informing Russians about the TV presenter’s poor health for several months. Some of them even buried Yakubovich in advance. In turn, the man tries not to take the tabloid press’s antics to heart and thanks the reporters for choosing a heart attack and not something else as the cause of death.

“Whoever is buried during his lifetime lives a long time,” comments the TV presenter.

Posted by Humor (@smeh_umora) Jul 11, 2017 at 4:39 PDT

The Internet community is seriously worried about the health of the famous TV presenter. A new wave of discussions appeared after photographs of the emaciated host of the “Field of Miracles” program appeared on the Internet. Yakubovich tried to reassure fans by telling them that he deliberately lost 25 kilograms to feel better.

In particular, Leonid Yakubovich tries to lead an active lifestyle. He can often be found playing tennis. The TV presenter excludes from his lifestyle bad habits. Therefore, losing weight may actually have nothing to do with the mysterious illness. Most likely, on the contrary, Leonid carefully monitors his health and tries to avoid all possible problems with it.

At 71 years old, the man does not complain of any problems and does not believe that his health is at risk.

Yakubovich called the rumors meanness

Leonid Yakubovich is a constant hero of “obituaries” in the media. He's "died" so many times over the past few years that he's lost count.

From time to time, rumors appear about the death of Leonid Yakubovich. The artist and presenter is tired of commenting on them. He is alive and well at 73 years old, continues to host “Field of Miracles,” devotes a lot of time to his family, and tries to maintain good physical shape.

Rumors about the death of favorite artists always worry TV viewers. One of the media figures who regularly makes speculative headlines is Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich.

The People's Artist of the Russian Federation hosts many programs on television, including “Field of Miracles” - one of the highest-rated TV games on Channel One. Despite the fact that the show was originally conceived as a remake of the Western analogue of “Wheel of Fortune,” “Field of Miracles” fell in love with the Russian audience so much that it has been broadcast every Friday on the country’s most important channel for almost 30 years.

The first wave of fake news

In 2016, information about the alleged death of the people's favorite first appeared in the press. Some resources indicated a heart attack as the cause of Leonid Yakubovich’s death, while others indicated a terrible car accident. Fans believed the news because one of the performances with Yakubovich’s participation, which was supposed to take place the day before, was suddenly postponed.

Later, information appeared about the presenter’s illness and his treatment in one of the European clinics. The trust of fans in gossip can also be associated with the changed appearance of Leonid Arkadyevich - he has lost a lot of weight, which, according to many, certainly indicates the presence of a serious illness.

Yakubovich commented on the false information, saying that his health was fine, and his thinness was the result of sports training and diet. According to the TV presenter, excess weight was a source of problems - the showman weighed about 100 kilograms. It was difficult to walk with such a burden, and the artist suffered from shortness of breath.

Journalists from one of the reputable sources conducted an official investigation to find out where the provocative news came from on the Internet. We managed to discover a site that lures people with shocking content onto pages full of advertisements and articles of dubious content. According to experts in contextual advertising and promotion, it is big names that help attract interest in advertising pages in the Internet.

Accident results

The information that Yakubovich was injured in an accident also turned out to be false. The artist himself confirmed that he had an accident in 2011, but then everything worked out, only the car bumper was slightly dented.

However, later it became known about a much more serious accident involving the presenter. In 2017, returning to Moscow from the suburbs where it was being built country cottage, Leonid Arkadyevich stopped in front of a traffic light. After the light turned green and the cars started moving, a drunk man ran out from behind a nearby car, fell and hit his head on the mirror of Yakubovich’s car. Ambulance took the man to intensive care, where he died.

The presenter commented on this situation in the program “New Russian Sensations: Frank Yakubovich,” where he expressed regret about what happened and admitted that, despite his innocence, the feeling of responsibility for the death of a person does not allow him to sleep peacefully - the artist is tormented by his conscience. After the accident, Leonid Arkadyevich could not drive a car for some time.

Rumors about Yakubovich's death in 2018

In the summer of last year, news about the death of the TV presenter again spread across the network. According to some sources, the artist died from the consequences of severe alcohol addiction, and according to others, the cause of death was again a heart attack caused by family drama. Many “yellow” newspapers are disseminating information about a quarrel in the artist’s family: supposedly the spouses have not lived together for a long time and, moreover, Yakubovich has a misunderstanding in his relationship with his daughter. In fact, the reliability of this information is questionable.

In addition to information about marital status presenter, interest in his person was fueled by the cancellation of some planned filming.

“I'm having a heart attack. This is the fourth time,” Yakubovich grinned sadly in response to the gossip. This time too, the artist had to explain to fans why he could not attend public events - he was filming in Omsk for the program “Starry Noon”. It is worth noting that the man looks energetic and healthy, and he is 73 years old.

Soon after the story about the star’s death was refuted, one of the news portals published a conversation with an unknown psychic, allegedly close to the Yakubovich family. The seer reported that the speculation this time frightened Leonid Arkadyevich, and he considered the provocation a bad sign.

short biography

Leonid Yakubovich's date of birth was July 31, 1945. He was born in Moscow into a young Jewish family.

Arkady Solomonovich and Rimma Semenovna met by chance. The girl worked at the post office, where she put a variety of homemade warm clothes into parcels for the military. Arkady got woolen mittens. He decided to thank the donor and wrote her a letter. So the young people first began an epistolary romance, which later grew into a real family.

Childhood and youth

The parents tried to raise the boy to be a real man, so they did not take too much care of him: control over educational process lay completely on the child. Little Leonid mostly paid attention humanities– loved literature and history.

Despite his love of learning, already in the 8th grade Yakubovich was expelled for being too independent: instead of sitting at his desk, the boy went to Siberia to work part-time.

The act was crazy: the boy and his friend, passing by a tourist club, saw an advertisement looking for students for one of the expeditions. That same day at five o'clock in the evening, the young people had already packed their things and were ready to travel. However, the result of the trip was sad: the expedition was not considered good reason to skip lessons, so the adventurers caught up on their curriculum at night school.

One of best schools Yakubovich’s life was considered to be the hard work of a turner at a factory and the work of an electrician, which he combined with training in the “evening”.

Already in early age the boy showed interest in theatrical art. Therefore, after brilliantly finishing evening school, I planned to enroll in a theater university. However, for Leonid’s father, who went through the war and had a technical education, such a profession did not seem serious. It was he who insisted that the young man enter the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, which Yakubovich later changed to civil engineering. The TV presenter himself admitted in his interviews that, despite the coercion, he really loved his specialty and had a good command of the material.

But even during his student days, Leonid did not forget about his dream: he played in an amateur theater, and then joined the KVN team. The team with his participation went on tour to different cities, where they staged small performances. Yakubovich himself remembers this time as the best in his life. To this day you can see the TV presenter in the jury chair at KVN.

The beginning of a creative career

In the second half of the 70s, the future showman got a job at ZIL in his specialty: he worked as an engineer in the commissioning department. In his free time from work, Yakubovich wrote humorous stories and sketches. The monologues he wrote were even used by such famous comedians as Vladimir Vinokur and Evgeny Petrosyan at the beginning of their careers. Humoresque creative activity was not limited to: Leonid Arkadyevich wrote scripts for television programs and even plays. The works he created were highly appreciated by his colleagues, and in 1980 the screenwriter was included in the committee of Moscow playwrights.

In addition to working on scripts, Yakubovich starred in episodic roles in films and worked as a TV presenter at beauty contests and as an auction organizer.

"Field of Dreams"

National fame came to the artist after successfully passing the casting for the TV show “Field of Miracles,” the author and first presenter of which was the famous journalist Vladislav Listyev.

It is a known fact that Listyev, after deciding to leave the show, immediately turned to Yakubovich with a request to replace him. However, Leonid Arkadyevich refused, believing that he was not qualified enough for such work. Then the journalist arranged a casting, which showed that no one could cope with this role better than Yakubovich.

It was the new TV presenter who came up with the concept of the show, where the action unfolds not so much around the game itself, but around the personal stories of the participants. This format turned out to be to the liking of the common viewer, so the federal channel determined the most rated time for showing the capital show - the evening before the day off.

The image of the TV presenter has become recognizable. According to the agreement between the show's producers and the TV presenter, he is even forbidden to shave his mustache.

The celebrity’s track record includes many television projects:

  • talk show “Star on Star”;
  • “Last 24 hours” programs;
  • “Wash for a Million” and many others.

However, in terms of success, none can compare with the country's main capital show.

In 1997, a group consisting of Stas Namin, Leonid Yakubovich, Andrei Makarevich, Yuri Yarmolnik and Mark Gerber, accompanied by Thor Heyerdahl, performed trip around the world through Easter Island, recently discovered by experienced traveler Heyerdall. Several documentaries were made along the way.

Personal life

The TV presenter was married three times. Almost nothing is known about the first wife, except that the marriage was short-lived. His second wife, Galina, whom the artist married in his last year at university, gave birth to Leonid Arkadyevich’s first child, a son whom the couple named Artem. After living together for about 20 years, the couple decided to divorce. According to Galina herself, one of the reasons for the breakup was the emergence of a new love for the artist.

Marina Yakubovich became the showman's third legal wife. Such an alliance can be called a misalliance - after all, Marina is 18 years younger than Leonid Arkadyevich. Despite the age difference, the Yakubovich couple have been together since the mid-90s and rumors of their breakup seem only implausible nonsense. A daughter, Varvara, was born into the family.

Video interview with Leonid Yakubovich:

In the section on the question now, a friend called and said that Leonid Yakubovich died, is this true or not? given by the author Simple the best answer is Alive, smoking room!

Answer from User deleted[guru]
no, I think...

Answer from I-beam[guru]
Truth. half an hour ago from a heart attack

Answer from Special[guru]
Here's the problem: (

Answer from Deminov Anatoly[guru]
You are the second person on the Internet from whom I saw this information

Answer from 20090114 [guru]
not true!

Answer from Yonny de Rechard[guru]
you will just need to watch the news or "TIME"

Answer from Catherine[guru]
Popular TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich became ill right on the set of the “Field of Miracles” program. Leonid Arkadyevich suddenly turned pale and asked to pause filming. “I feel very bad and very dizzy,” said the TV presenter. “Call the doctors, please.” Holding his heart, Yakubovich sank into a chair, and the television center employees rushed to look for doctors. Unfortunately, none of the staff doctors at the Ostankino television studio were at work on the day off, and an ambulance had to be called. When two paramedics with a stretcher entered the studio, the TV presenter became upset. “Did you call an ambulance?” he shouted. “I told you, call the Ostankino doctors. I’m not going anywhere, I’m filming!” However, the recording of the program was still suspended, and the doctors carried out everything necessary procedures, writes the newspaper "Life". It turned out that Yakubovich had a hypertensive crisis. However, he refused to rest. The doctors gave Leonid Arkadyevich a blood pressure-lowering injection, and filming continued.

Answer from Milady[guru]
I can’t even believe if this is true, several people are already asking about this....

By choosing fame and glory, many celebrities doom themselves to ridiculous rumors and gossip. Today, Leonid Yakubovich is at the center of events - since August 2017, loyal fans have been wondering whether the man is alive or not.

  • Victim of evil tongues
  • What is the truth?

Victim of evil tongues

The Russian TV presenter has been appearing on TV screens for decades, participating in all kinds of shows and even acting as a judge in KVN. Perhaps this is why Leonid Arkadyevich became a victim of evil jokers who are not lazy to inform the public about his death.
At first, numerous reports appeared saying that Yakubovich’s health had deteriorated - almost all free time the man spends his time in hospitals and hopes only for a miracle.

Judging by the facts presented, the doctors themselves do not hope to save the TV presenter, but only extract money from him and advise friends and relatives to gradually collect money for the funeral.

Many fans believed the information presented, since 71 years is no joke and anything could happen. Especially considering Leonid Yakubovich’s difficult schedule, constant flights, concerts and all kinds of official receptions. Even a young body may not be able to withstand such a rhythm of life, let alone a person of respectable age.

After some period of time, sad news began to appear, accompanied by mourning photographs - the host of the famous television program “Field of Miracles” died in Germany after a severe stroke. Close people are grieving and are very worried about such a loss.

How many times has a famous TV presenter died?

IN in social networks and news began to appear in the press not only about the famous artist’s stroke, but also about the fact that his soul had gone to another world due to a severe heart attack.

And if these two versions are at least somehow similar to each other, then it is not clear where the third one came from - it assures that Yakubovich was seriously injured in a car accident. Doctors who arrived at the scene stated that the man received injuries incompatible with life. And, if he had survived the accident, he would have remained disabled for the rest of his days.

It is unclear who to believe in such a situation. Probably, everyone had to choose a version to their liking and are preparing to say goodbye to Leonid Arkadyevich, who, after all these rumors appeared, really did not get in touch with the people for a long time. But soon everything changed.

What event made the artist speak

To begin with, it is worth noting that the press was already strewn with similar “tragic” headlines several years ago. Then Yakubovich remained silent and did not react in any way to the news of his death - he continued to do what he loved and appear on television screens.

But in 2017, things went so far that sad memories of the TV presenter, conversations about who he bequeathed his fortune and “obituaries” began to appear on social networks.
It was this fact that forced Leonid Arkadyevich to openly tell all his friends and foes reliable information about his state of health.

What is the truth?

According to the TV presenter himself, his health does not cause any concern and there is absolutely no reason for concern. Leonid Yakubovich claims that he had no heart attacks or strokes and, in principle, never had to complain about his heart in his entire life.

As for the car accident, it really happened, but a lot of time has passed since that moment, and the artist himself, one might say, escaped with only a slight fright. None negative consequences in the body after this incident did not follow.

The man also denied rumors about being treated in Germany, although he assured everyone that he undergoes periodic medical examinations and all the results show excellent results.

After everything that happened, Yakubovich asks his fans to trust the media less, since he is definitely not going to die in the near future. And, apparently, as proof, the artist performed on one of the theater stages in Moscow - everyone was able to make sure that their idols were really all right.

By the way, Leonid Arkadyevich is a little amused by the fact that in most cases he dies due to a weak heart and sincerely does not understand where this opinion came from.

Also, the hosts of “Field of Miracles” often began to joke that in the event of a real death, probably no one would pay attention to this news. But let’s hope that this will never happen, and dear Leonid Yakubovich will delight us for many, many years to come.


Every now and then news of death flashes on the Internet. Russian celebrities who are actually alive. We figured out how such ducks appear and who benefits from it. It turns out that dishonest people can make a lot of money from such news.

Yakubovich and a fatal accident

news peninsula

In 2016, low-quality media circulated the news that Leonid Yakubovich was in fatal accident. Some websites even reported that the famous TV presenter either crashed his car or died of a heart attack. Where did this “news” come from and what does the permanent presenter of “Field of Miracles” have to do with it?

The media failed attentiveness: in fact, the host of the “Field of Miracles” program did have an accident, but this happened about four years ago. It is noteworthy that many years later Yakubovich allegedly repeated word for word the very words that appeared in media materials after the actual incident.

Nothing bad happened, they caught the bumper, scratched it a little, and that’s all,” Yakubovich assured journalists then, and four years later a number of publications reprinted the same phrase. They all referred to a suspicious source. The resource, which looks like a regular blogging platform, contains three texts at once, directing the reader to news about accidents and heart attacks, which are attributed to Yakubovich. The posts were posted on April 15, 2016, and these posts even have an author.

A user under the pseudonym vedeoo, on whose behalf the posts were posted, turned out to be very prolific in the sensation. On his behalf, “intimate photographs of Natasha Koroleva”, “photos and videos of Larisa Guzeeva’s son” and other bright headlines were also published, promising to plunge the country into shock.

All posts are peppered with a huge number of hashtags and keywords. Within the framework of contextual advertising, if a curious Internet user nevertheless clicks on a provocative headline, he ends up on resources literally full of similar materials and advertising.

So, on the way to the news about the fate of Yakubovich, the user may encounter miraculous methods of losing weight using kefir, ginger and an unknown third ingredient, magical ways to cure psoriasis and other garbage information that can never be reached, since it does not exist: task one is to artificially increase traffic.

Such fake news feeds take a very long time to prepare and are unlikely to be directed against (or in support of) a specific person. Probably, the people who spread the news relied on the experience of search engines four years ago in order to more effectively promote the resource and increase the desire of an inexperienced user to click on the banner and thereby earn precious traffic.

Analysis of media materials led to the fact that, in addition to a source in the form of a blog of an unknown person, the publications could not find official confirmation of the information. At the same time, data about the fictitious accident spread to social networks - in addition to numerous reposts from unknown portals, users began to actively discuss the non-existent tragedy. At the time of writing, no refutations regarding the “accident with Yakubovich” were found, and false information continues to remain on the publications’ websites.

Rastorguev and the tragedy at the ski resort

The vocalist of the Lyube group is constantly being buried by low-quality media. Most often they write that the tragedy happened at a ski resort. IN last time these rumors coincided with the death of the bass player of the same group. By the way, one of the reasons for the rumors is that several years ago the singer really became ill at a ski resort. Then he and his wife went to Finnish ski resort. It was cold, pepper got very cold. Doctors diagnosed pneumonia, which caused complications to the kidneys.

As a result, the singer’s condition was quite critical, but not fatal. Even Wikipedia writes about this. At that time, the group’s tour was in jeopardy, and as a result, Rastorguev only went to cities where there was necessary equipment for hemodialysis. The procedure then had to be carried out almost every day.

In 2009, Nikolai had a kidney transplant, but still, in his condition, he has to be examined frequently in hospitals. Most likely, it is all these facts that allow journalists to declare him dead at every opportunity. The singer himself regards this with irony. In one interview, he even said that this means he will live a long time.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky and the fatal accident


To promote obscure sites and make money, Zhvanetsky was also buried. The famous comedian allegedly died in terrible accident. Interestingly, the incident turned out to be partly true, because the star’s namesake actually died. This is, apparently, how they came up with this false news story. Many media outlets believed this news only because it was published on a Twitter account called gazetaru_news. But in the end, the myth about the death of the legendary comedian was quickly dispelled.

Valeria, anorexia and traffic accidents


Valeria was “killed” on the Internet in two ways. News periodically appears that the singer died of anorexia, and this is understandable. “Valeria died of anorexia” popular search in search engines, but its reason is not our singer Valeria, but Valeria Levitina. At 39 years old, she weighed only 25 kilograms, although her height was 171 centimeters. This Russian girl worked as a model in the USA.

For the second time on the Internet, Valeria died in a terrible accident near Smolensk. Many resources referred to a website registered in Hong Kong, which was called “Ukrainian News Portal.” When the news appeared, the singer and her husband were on tour in London. They immediately refuted the fake information.

It turned out that calling this resource “Ukrainian” can be very conditional. As Gazeta.Ru found out, this site was registered at the end of 2013, when the political situation in Ukraine sharply worsened. The owner is the company Domain ID Shield Service CO., Limited, which specializes in providing intermediary services, thanks to which real owners of information resources have the opportunity to hide their name and location. The company acts as the owner of a number of resources with domains.com and others.

Thus, to say that this resource is somehow connected with Ukraine is, to say the least, incorrect. The name of the site and its subject matter in this case rather indicate its anti-Ukrainian orientation: deliberately fake and inadequate news in the information space is perceived by the average Russian reader as coming not from a specific resource, but from the “Ukrainian media.” This is exactly how Valeria and Joseph Prigogine perceived it. Such absurd falsehoods, which can be found on other supposedly Ukrainian sites, can significantly reduce the level of trust among Internet users in any information coming from Ukraine with an anti-Russian overtones, including those that have a basis in reality. It is noteworthy that a number of large Ukrainian online publications reported on the falsity of the information about the singer’s death on Wednesday.

Johnny Depp


By the way, not only Russian publications, but also their Western colleagues are guilty of using black methods of site promotion. Either Lady Gaga died in a hotel room, or Justin Bieber was found dead. One of the constant heroes of the ducks was the famous Johnny Depp.

Once even a very influential American news source talked about it. In 2010, there was news about tragic death Hollywood actor Johnny Depp in a car accident.

Journalists said that the accident occurred near the French city of Bordeaux. Police officers who arrived at the scene pulled the body of popular actor Johnny Depp out of the car. The article indicated possible reason tragedy - alcohol intoxication driver. It turned out that the article pointed to another site - angelfire.com, and the note itself was dated March 25, 2004.

Internet scammers posted news about the death of the Pirates star Caribbean Sea" on behalf of the American information portal. But in reality, the site turned out to be just a fake duplicate of the popular CNN channel. Upon learning of his “death,” Johnny Depp wrote to his friend: “Not dead, in France.”